When Cypress felt the alarming sensation of spirits fleeing his homeland, he immediately knew the culprit and prayed that he was mistaken.
But when he arrived at his city's main road, he realized all of his prayers were in vain.
Abaddon and a young girl were climbing down from two of the most horrifying beasts he'd ever seen and chatting amongst themselves.
The casual nature in which they acted in his presence was downright infuriating.
But as mad as Cypress was, he did not ignore the drastic changes Abaddon had undergone since their last meeting.
The demon god appeared to have grown weaker physically, but in truth he was more powerful than ever.
'He's evolved in such a short time...?'
It frightened the elven king to think of just how high this creature could soar.
Now that he was here, he had to cut down his ascent while he still possessed an opportunity to do so.
College football is BACK now if we can finally get some 70-60 degree weather around this mf I will no longer be suicidal. :)
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