/ Fantasy / Fantasy System

Fantasy System Orisinil

Fantasy System

Fantasy 299 Bab 7.6M Dilihat
Penulis: Shigun

4.16 (176 peringkat)

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Edward died after trying to act cool and is then transported to a world where he kept his name but everything else changed.
Fortunately (or unfortunately) he got a system of his own ... a fantasy system.

**This is my first attempt at writing so it may get stale at times, and in such cases, I ask for your patience and forgiveness, English isn't my first language so please excuse my mistakes. I hope you enjoy what I will write in the future**

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    REY_DE_LOS_BOTS Berpartisipasi 23

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Hello everyone, your author here. My humble self couldn't help but give myself a perfect score on the novel hahahhaha. I hope you enjoy my novel and i welcome your feedback on how it should be improved!

Lihat 50 balasan

I really want to give this a higher review but i can't, simply because aside from the system everything the mc has was copied from other anime. Hence those guy's deserve that credit not our author. Now dont get me wrong i really enjoyed reading this book sadly i really recommend the author to start a real original book, why you might ask. Simple copyright infringement, you can't or ever will be able to publish this work unless you can secure permission from all those anime. Mr. Author you have a lot of potential so allow me to help you out. Read the following works of the author David Eddings: Belgariad Series Mallorean Series Belgarath the sorcerer Polgara the sorcerers The Rivan Codex Read those and it'll help you make a real original novel one you can publish and make some money on. I wish you luck bro but seriously make a real original you have skill don't waste it.

Lihat 64 balasan

I can't... The story is not so bad but it still has many flaws. However my biggest problems here are that the MC is retarded and that there are too many inconsistencies. MC is retarded : - MC keep wasting tickets (a form of unique currency that can be used to buy and upgrade skills) on weapons and armors when he's the first born prince of a great nation. - MC doesn't try to scan any of the weapons won in the gatcha to know their quality/rarity. - MC doesn't try to recycle any of the useless weapons/armors he got - MC forgot he was supposed to be crippled and blows is cover, but that's fine because no one question it - MC's stats increases when his level increases and the MC doesn't try to understand the logic behind it. By how much does the intelligence stat increases when the MC level up ? What changes when it does ? What does defense really do ? How much is +1 in strength ? We don't know, and the MC doesn't care. - Soul contracts between a monster and a contractor means that if one dies the other dies as well. Is it the same with monsters won in the gatcha ? We don't know, and the MC doesn't care and doesn't ask before drawing for a monster. Imagine the MC being saddled with a useless bunny and forced to waste tickets on it to avoid dying because his bunny was killed by a common fox or simply died from old age. Inconsistencies : - MC can use Kunai and Shuriken without having used them before and without any skill related to them. - Upgrading a one-sword fighting style gives you a two-swords fighting style instead of a more powerful one-sword style. Which means that fighting with two-swords is considered better than fighting with one when we know it's not true at all. I guess upgrading a shield+sword fighting style would give you a two-shields + two-swords fighting style then. - The system makes the distinction between abilities (active) and skills (passive) but only offers a gatcha for skills without any explanation from the system or question from the MC. - This world has Qi/Mana but the MC has no stat related to it, he can however still use skills that need Qi/Mana - Haggling "successfully reduce the price of items by 2%". What does that means ?! We are in a real world not gouverned by any system here ! So if the MC start haggling for a sword worth 6 gold, the shopkeeper will automatically sell it for exactly 2% less ? What ?! - Haggling (used by everyone everyday) is rarer than Etiquette (used by nobles) and as rare as Sharingan and Spectral Shadow Steps. Next : Kamehameha is uncommon and handshake is rare ! - Levels don't means sh*t ! I could continue (I really could and I only read the first 16 chapters !) but I can't be bothered.

Lihat 3 balasan

HURRY UP AND GIVE THIS WB ALL YOUR POWER STONES.. our fellow reader has done an awesome job, we gotta show him our support.... to TL: the academy part is getting a little dull pls fix it, GODSPEED.

Lihat 0 balasan

Story is interesting but overall it's quality isn't good. Word arrangement is not good. It feels like written by fifth grade student who's English is not good. Lines are broken. There's no rhythm in story lines.

Lihat 4 balasan

Good novel like to read more but ch2 and 1 are same so change that , you gave him sharigan will you give rinnegan also if so that will be awesome ,if possible get him a lover or a wife and give her the subsystem so they can get stronger together and make him op all of a sudden before getting a wife for him .Man I have a ton of ideas and also have high expectations from this novel and a small request that it to increase the rate of release and NO MATTERS WHAT DO NOT KILL OR SEPARATE HIM AND HIS WIFE.

Lihat 14 balasan

This review is posted as of Ch.120 Firstly allow to reveal how my stars were allocated for this review Writing Quality- 4 stars For the most part the chapters are clean and proper not a whole lot to pick at other than some misspelling and incorrect pronunciation like there, their, and they’re for example Stability of Updates- 4 stars (with a grain of salt) As I have just complete caught up to the novel I’m not sure if chapters are dropped daily or every other day or even if there is an upload schedule so I’m giving 4 stars for now Story Development- 3.5 stars (basically 4 since I can’t put 3.5) I give a 3.5 because the story really seems rushed at times. And sometimes a sitiuation just seems forced to the point it’s unappealing. But it has its merit when it comes the fight scenes, as they are detailed and interesting. Character Design- 4 stars Not much to say here other than the characters are pretty fleshed out so as there is not much to complain about other than to provide some small details to characters and improve upon them such as providing an interesting background and more detailed in the way they look so as the readers to better visualize some characters. Also like 90% of the lives and weapons MC use is derived from other works (Ex. Naruto, Tenichi, Bleach to name a few) World Background- 2.5 stars (round to 3 I guess) Yea you can probably guess it the world is almost non existent (not very detailed) there really is not much effort put on to describing the land as a whole I’m PERSONALLY very picky about this as I enjoy a detailed world such as what’s there to know about the surrounding kingdoms or the far off kingdoms country’s and continents when you meet a new character from somewhere the author just tells you what kingdom they’re from and leaves it at that we don’t get anymore details about that kingdom or it’s standing unless the MC goes there or has been there I like novels that stress the details on the surrounding nations and such (Ex. Night Ranger, The Great Thief, and Momster paradise to name a few) Finals Verdict - 3.5 stars Ultimately this is a good read so far it’s the MC and the story that keep me reading this while I would like more detail I’m not gonna stop reading because of my high standards and also I would like it if the author could be more creative and bring in more of his own ideas instead of deriving them from other works while it’s ok if they are inspired by outside sources don’t just blatantly copy them (I don’t really mind if the author does this I just wish he would add in more of his own touch) this ends my review give the a book a read if you don’t like it by say ch. 30 maybe drop it or stay until ch.50 to make your choice personally I’m going to keep reading and see where the author takes this story I might update my review another time.

Lihat 2 balasan
LV 14 Badge

Story development I've just read first 20 chapters, i have no idea whats going on. Only system and no story at all (i want to be stronger) and 2 chapters plot. Its just dont make sense. Character- have no idea i know that he is handsome. Wooden character. I dont know anything about the world- 1 sect 1 city 1 country. Chapters are like " Today lets do that" and nothing else, characters are stupid or blind ( from criple to fighting with king in 4 days!) Noboty finds that weird. One of the worst that ive read but yeah idea is nice. Just poor writing.

Lihat 2 balasan

I am now at Chapter 70 hear my advice unless you're stupid and the missing a lot of brain cells don't read the story I literally mean it otherwise you'll start losing your brain cells.

Lihat 1 balasan

The story is good, but how did not his family surprise the Charingen and increase its strength? ***************************************************************

Lihat 2 balasan

cant find any fault with it, keep up the good work dear author........... please brighten up the academy life pls.... And pls make it different than the ususal,'rival-tries-to-kill-MC-in-the-forest-mission' kinda thing.... THNX

Lihat 1 balasan

It's a good story, keep it up. .

Lihat 0 balasan

Hey, I like this story. I really want to translate this story to another website. of course in different languages. that's if you allow it @Shigun

Lihat 0 balasan

For some reason, I can't seem to read the chapters (any of them). It comes up as the chapter is deleted and I go back to the page of the novel or home page. Is it a problem? Does anyone else get this as well or is just me?

Lihat 2 balasan

Thanks. i able to open the chapters again. I hope Ed get more ability from other fantasy universe. Well at least magic like fairy tail or Equipment like Sacred Gear from High School DXD. hehehe

Lihat 0 balasan

Author if you are reading this in which case I really hope you do read the comments that are posted beside the fact that there are a lot of explanations missing and the fact about if the monster die then the owner will die to which you have to correct and how he got stronger and his family didn't even ask or try to know more about the subject or even the excuse that the main character of the story should prepare to explain his sudden growth and gain of strengthyou should watch Monster Paradise which will give you more ideas of outlines and Angels to better improve the story end some moral of the story should be explained more talking and plot explaining I am a chapter 14 right now so I still don't know more about the story and I was considering not reading anymore because of the lack of these things so please do some improvement with that your story will be very enjoyable thanks for reading.

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 15 Badge

I truly like this story. The only thing I hate. Is his three sword upgrade. I sword in the mouth. Come on. It would be better to use the swords controlled by using his spirit. But other than that it is a good read with good plot and storyline

Lihat 2 balasan

The cover is badass but the MC is trash Specially when he told a little boy “ become stronge to protect me and my family and how is valuable to you “ if I remember right Is that something OP MC should say ? OP MC shouldn’t have friends because he will lift them and go to higher realms and worlds This is my opinion

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 13 Badge

Positive: nice story, good writing. It doesn't seem like is your first novel 👍 Negative: it's a friking mashup between adventure/ immortal/ japanese fiction. I mean, adventurer style of lvl up with a system, in a immortal world, with skills from japanese fiction! Wdf... If that setting of immortal world was absent, it would be a great +. Is pretty confusing, you know. I'm not a native english speaker , so excuse my poor grammar. Keep up the good work.

Lihat 0 balasan

Really love the novel keep up the good work <3 ^^ Really love the novel keep up the good work <3 ^^ Really love the novel keep up the good work <3 ^^ Really love the novel keep up the good work <3 ^^ Really love the novel keep up the good work <3 ^^

Lihat 0 balasan

Penulis Shigun