(Note: I am no longer continuing this version, Its been forever since I wrote anything similar to a novel, so I have been inspired to take a different approach to the backrooms.)
The monotone hum buzz of the flickering, the squelch of the moist carpet underneath my feet, the yellow moldy wallpaper. All are enough to make one go crazy if exposed to them for too long.
Inciting fear in the hearts of people that are unwillingly thrown into this hell, a mind game.
This is the backrooms, how I got here? No fucking clue. All I know is that I have to get out of here, at all costs.
But how? Where am I? Why do I still have wifi on my phone? If I was kidnapped by someone, surely they would take away my phone, right?
Damn, Nearly all rooms are the same, with some inconsistencies, such as one having a balloon floating through the doorway, I watched the movie IT, so I immediately knew that it was fucking fishy as hell.
One also had a counter with a microwave on it, and one had a chair in the corner.
The damn lights, so annoying. I begin feeling dizzy if I look at them for too long, so imma avoid that.
I have nothing but my phone, a charger, a water bottle, and the clothes on my back, and this building doesn't seem to want to end anytime soon. This place must be as big as a freaking Ikea, but where in the hell would someone build a building like this?
The GPS on my phone freaks out every time I open it, so I can't use that. The compass doesn't seem to like this place either, I still haven't seen an outlet, so I should preserve my battery.
I walk around for a bit, listening to the squelching of the carpet and the humbuzz of the lights.
I hear a screech in the distance, it slightly startles me as I wasn't expecting it. "What the hell is that?" I ask myself, unsure of whether to progress towards it or head back.
I decide to progress towards the sound, unsure if it was the creaking of the building or what.
ooooh spooky backrooms oooooh
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