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28.57% Crimson Eyes in a Quirked World / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: First Day in School

Bab 4: Chapter 4: First Day in School

Itachi stepped into the sleek, black car, and the driver silently began the journey to the nursery school. The hum of the engine was the only sound that filled the air, while Itachi gazed out of the window, his thoughts already racing ahead. This is the first day, he thought. Another beginning, but this time, everything's different.

As they arrived, the car stopped in front of the brightly colored school building. The playground outside was filled with children running and laughing, carefree in their joy. Itachi stepped out, his sharp eyes scanning the scene. They're so carefree… but they're just children, he mused, watching them chase after one another. Just like me now, I suppose…

The realization struck him oddly, like an echo from a life long past. He was physically four years old, yes, but mentally, the weight of his previous life—his experiences, his decisions—still bore heavily on him. He watched the children with a quiet detachment, feeling both a part of them and completely alienated at the same time. How strange... to be among them and yet feel so far away.

He made his way inside, where a warm-faced teacher greeted him. "Good morning! You must be Itachi Yaoyorozu," she said with a smile.

"Good morning," Itachi replied, his voice polite, calm, and measured beyond his years. He offered a respectful bow, which earned him a slightly puzzled look from the teacher, but she quickly masked it with another smile.

As he entered the classroom, the vibrant atmosphere washed over him. The walls were covered with colorful posters, drawings from students, and alphabet charts. Children were scattered around, chatting happily with one another, sharing toys, giggling, and whispering. They all seemed so lost in their world, so blissfully unaware of anything beyond the present moment.

Itachi stood at the entrance, observing them. This innocence… It reminded him of a distant time, a life that felt like it belonged to someone else now. His mind drifted back to his days in the Academy—those fleeting moments with Izumi and Shisui.

He remembered Izumi's soft laughter, the way her eyes would brighten whenever they trained together. And Shisui—his brother in spirit, his mentor, his friend. The thought of Shisui brought a pang of pain, a deep ache in his chest. They were both gone now, lost to a world of violence and sacrifice. If only things had been different…

He could still see their faces, clear as day. Izumi's kind smile, the one she always wore just for him. Shisui's strong, reassuring presence, the way he always stood by Itachi's side no matter how hard things got. We were children once, too, he realized. But we never had the chance to be this carefree. Our world never allowed it.

As the voices of the children swirled around him, a strange sense of nostalgia mixed with sorrow welled up inside him. He knew what lay ahead for all of them—the loss, the pain, the weight of decisions too heavy for someone their age. He had lived through it once and now, here he was, starting again.

But this time, he was determined. I won't let this world break me like the last one did. I won't let it break them.

A small voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Hey, are you new here?" A young boy stood in front of him, looking up at him with curious eyes.

Itachi blinked as he brought himself back to the present. "Yes," he replied, offering the boy a small smile. As he observed him, Itachi noticed something unusual—a pair of wings sprouting from the boy's back.

"Wings?" Itachi commented, raising an eyebrow.

The boy grinned widely, proud of his quirk. "Yeah! That's my quirk—Fierce Wings!" He extended his hand enthusiastically. "Hello, I'm Keigo Takami! And you?"

Itachi took the boy's hand and shook it politely. "I'm Itachi Yaoyorozu. It's nice to meet you."

Keigo's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "So, what's your quirk?"

Itachi paused for a moment, then replied, "It's an ocular quirk."

Keigo tilted his head in confusion. "Ocu-what?"

Itachi sighed softly. "An eye quirk."

Keigo stared at Itachi's eyes with excitement. "Whoa, that's so cool! So you can, like, grow eyes anywhere?"

Itachi sweatdropped at the misunderstanding. "No, not like that… Let me finish."

Keigo, nodding eagerly, stayed quiet, his wings fluttering slightly in anticipation.

Itachi activated his Sharingan, and Keigo gazed at his eyes, saying, "Wow, your eyes look so cool."

"I have an eye quirk that allows me to see everything in slow motion. I can predict movements before they happen," Itachi explained calmly.

Keigo's eyes went wide in amazement. "Whoa, that's so awesome! That means you can see every move people make, right?"

Itachi nodded, watching Keigo's infectious enthusiasm.

Without warning, Keigo thrust his hand out again, gripping Itachi's hand with a firm shake. "So, let's be friends!" he declared with a huge grin.

Itachi stood still for a moment, processing the boy's boundless energy. But then, a small, genuine smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

"Friends," Itachi said softly, allowing the warmth of the moment to seep into him.

Keigo, beaming, flapped his wings lightly in excitement. "Great! We're gonna be the best team, I just know it!"

As the day started, Itachi and Keigo sat together in the nursery classroom. The teacher called for everyone to gather, and Keigo quickly pulled a chair beside Itachi, his excitement radiating from every word.

"You'll see, this place isn't too bad. We get to play a lot!" Keigo grinned, his wings fluttering slightly. Itachi, however, nodded quietly, feeling indifferent. While the other children eagerly embraced the idea of playing, Itachi was less than enthusiastic. To him, it felt like a waste of time—meaningless, childish games that had no purpose beyond distraction.

The day progressed with various activities: coloring, playing with blocks, and outdoor games. Keigo, full of energy, clung to Itachi the entire time, urging him to participate. "Come on, Itachi! Let's build the biggest tower!" Keigo called out, practically dragging Itachi to the block area.

Itachi sighed internally. He would have much preferred to sit quietly and observe, but Keigo's persistence left him with little choice. Begrudgingly, he stacked a few blocks, his mind elsewhere. I don't belong here, Itachi thought, his patience wearing thin. He had no interest in playing or pretending. His past life, filled with duty and sacrifice, made these activities feel trivial.

During snack time, Keigo leaned over, whispering excitedly, "We're gonna be the coolest in this place! You've got the eye quirk, and I can fly!" His wings fluttered proudly, drawing the attention of their classmates.

Itachi, sipping his juice in silence, kept his thoughts to himself. Cool? The concept seemed pointless to him. But Keigo, oblivious to Itachi's disinterest, continued to chatter on. Keigo's optimism was almost overwhelming, and although Itachi didn't share the same excitement, he remained composed.

When outdoor play began, Keigo grabbed Itachi's hand, pulling him along toward the playground. "Come on! Let's race!" Keigo urged, his enthusiasm showing no signs of slowing down.

Itachi signed slightly but followed, knowing resistance would only lead to more pushing. He half-heartedly joined in, running just fast enough to keep pace but never fully engaging. To Itachi, the day dragged on, each activity a reminder of how much he'd rather be doing something else—something meaningful.

When the final bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Keigo waved dramatically, his wings fluttering in excitement. "See you tomorrow, Itachi! We'll have even more fun!"

Itachi stood at the school gate, watching Keigo wave goodbye, his energy as unrelenting as ever. Itachi nodded, his expression neutral, and raised a hand in a polite but detached gesture.

"Sure," he said quietly, his tone devoid of the warmth Keigo seemed to radiate.

As Itachi made his way to the waiting car, the door closed behind him, and the vehicle started moving toward home. The chatter and chaos of the day faded away, leaving Itachi with his thoughts. It's only temporary, he reminded himself, staring out the window. I'll endure it.

As Itachi stepped into the mansion, he immediately noticed his mother, Yana, sitting on the sofa, her face lighting up with a warm smile the moment she saw him. She stood up and gently walked over to him, her eyes full of curiosity.

"Itachi, welcome home," she greeted softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "How was school today?"

Itachi, keeping his usual calm demeanor, responded with a short, "Normal."

Yana raised an eyebrow, not entirely satisfied with his brief answer but knowing her son well enough not to press too hard. Before she could ask more, Erika came into the room, a light-hearted smile on her face.

"Itachi! How was your day?" she asked, leaning in slightly, her expression eager.

Itachi looked between his mother and Erika, his calmness unwavering. "As I said, normal."

Yana, still smiling, decided to push just a little. "Did you make any friends, dear?"

Itachi paused, thinking about Keigo's energetic face and the boy's insistence on being friends. A small sigh escaped his lips as he considered how to phrase it. "Not exactly a friend," he began, his tone carrying a hint of amusement, "but there's someone who will probably annoy me in the future."

Yana couldn't help but chuckle at the way he phrased it. "Oh? And who might this future annoyance be?"

"His name is Keigo Takami," Itachi replied, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "He's... persistent, to say the least."

Erika grinned at this, her curiosity piqued. "Persistent, huh? Sounds like someone who wants to be your friend, Itachi."

Itachi shrugged slightly. "Perhaps."

Yana, noticing the rare smile on her son's face, couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and warmth. Erika also saw it and she said with a playful wink "Well, it's good to see you're connecting with someone, even if you find him a little… persistent."

"Just remember, having someone around, even if they seem like an annoyance, can sometimes turn out to be a blessing," Yana added, her voice soft but meaningful.

Itachi considered his mother's words for a moment, his expression growing more thoughtful. Keigo's energy was different… almost refreshing. Maybe she's right.

He nodded, not saying anything more, but Yana and Erika could tell that the day had affected him in ways he wasn't quite ready to express yet.

Itachi went to his room, changed into more comfortable clothes, and made his way back downstairs to the dining room. As he sat at the table, his mind was still on the day he spent with Keigo and how it felt to experience the normality of a child's life, something he rarely allowed himself to dwell on.

Moments later, his mother, Yana, walked in with a soft smile. "Tonight's dinner is quite special," she said warmly, placing a dish in front of him. "I made it just for you."

Itachi raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What is it?"

Yana moved her hand away, revealing a plate of dango, perfectly arranged. Itachi's eyes widened slightly, a rare reaction from him. "Dango?" he asked, surprised. He hadn't expected something so thoughtful. She knows this is my favorite.

"I know you like sweets, Itachi," Yana said with a smile, "and dango has always been your favorite."

A small, genuine smile tugged at Itachi's lips, and he nodded. "Thank you, Mother."

He picked up two pieces, savoring the familiar sweetness, but as he reached for another, he paused. I need to watch my intake... especially with the training I started today.

"It's delicious," he said, putting down his chopsticks, "but that's enough for me."

Yana raised an eyebrow, her expression playful yet firm. "Itachi, boys your age should eat plenty. You need the energy."

Itachi was about to explain his reasoning when she interrupted, her voice carrying an authoritative tone. "I'm ordering you to finish your meal. Are you really going to argue with your mother?"

He sighed softly, recognizing that familiar motherly insistence that wasn't worth arguing against. "No, Mother," he replied, resigned but amused.

Without further protest, Itachi continued eating, finishing the dango quickly. Yana watched him with a smile, knowing he still had that serious streak even in such simple moments.

"See? That wasn't so bad," she teased gently, clearly pleased.

Itachi wiped his mouth with a napkin and looked at her with a rare but genuine warmth in his eyes. "Thank you, Mother. It was... nice."

Yana's smile deepened. "I'm glad, Itachi. I just want to make sure you're happy."

After dinner, Itachi and Erika made their way to the backyard. The evening air was cool, and the quiet surroundings made it the perfect time to train. Activating his Sharingan, the familiar red glow flickered in his eyes, and he glanced at Erika.

"Erika," Itachi said calmly, "could you bring me some knives?"

Erika looked at him in shock, her eyes widening. "Why do you need knives?" she asked, her voice a mixture of concern and suspicion.

Itachi sighed softly, knowing she'd misinterpret his request. "Not to kill you, if that's what you're thinking."

"Not funny," Erika shot back, frowning. "Just tell me why you need them."

"For target practice," Itachi replied in a matter-of-fact tone, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Erika hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded. "Fine," she muttered. "How many?"

"Six," Itachi responded.

Although Erika didn't fully understand why he wanted to practice with knives, she trusted him enough to comply. She went to the kitchen, while Itachi returned to his room to gather some targets. When Erika came back, she saw Itachi positioning wooden targets around the yard, some above him, suspended with sticks, and others at various angles.

"I brought six knives," Erika said, handing them over, still skeptical about what she was about to witness.

"Thank you," Itachi said calmly, inspecting the knives before stepping into the center of the targets. He assessed the distances with his Sharingan, gauging the angles and the best trajectory for each throw.

With a swift, graceful leap, Itachi hurled the knives into the air. The blades spun rapidly, and each one struck its target dead center. The sound of metal hitting wood echoed in the backyard. Erika's eyes widened in disbelief, her mouth slightly agape. She knew Itachi was skilled, but seeing it in action was another thing entirely.

Standing at the edge of the yard, someone else had been watching as well—Yana, their mother, who had slipped out to see what her son was up to.

"Itachi…" Erika whispered, still in shock.

Itachi landed softly on the ground, exhaling as if what he had just done was nothing out of the ordinary. He stood up, dusting off his hands, and then spoke without turning around.

"Mother," he said, his tone neutral but knowing. "I saw you standing there."

Erika turned, startled, and saw Yana stepping out from behind a corner. She looked as composed as always, but her eyes held a certain mix of surprise and pride.

After Yana had observed Itachi's flawless knife-throwing practice, her smile faded slightly as her curiosity deepened. There was something about his skills, something beyond what a normal quirk should grant. She walked toward him, her expression more serious now.

"Itachi," she said in a calm but firm voice, "you mentioned your quirk allows you to see in slow motion and predict movement. Is that how you managed such accuracy just now?"

Itachi, sensing the gravity in her tone, maintained his usual composure. He quickly formulated a believable explanation, knowing he had to be careful with how much he revealed.

"Actually, Mother," he began, his voice even and steady, "I was with Keigo earlier. We were just playing around, tossing stones. He challenged me to hit a distant target, so I threw the rock with the help of my eyes, just like I mentioned. After I hit the target accurately, I figured I could apply the same skill to this practice. I wanted to see if my aim would still be as good."

Yana's eyes softened, though there was still a trace of concern. She stepped closer, standing in front of him and gently placed her hand on his cheek. "Knives are sharp, dear," she said with a motherly tone. "If you must practice, use something dull. I don't want you to hurt yourself."

Itachi met her gaze, his expression calm but appreciative of her concern. "I understand, Mother. I'll be more careful next time." He nodded respectfully, knowing that she wouldn't let the matter go otherwise.

Yana smiled at his response, though a lingering curiosity remained. She was proud of Itachi but also cautious. "Good. Just... promise me, nothing too dangerous. You're still a child, after all."

Itachi, taking her words in stride, nodded once more. "I promise."

Yana seemed satisfied but then raised an eyebrow as if sensing that he had more to say. "Is there something else you wanted to ask, Itachi?"

Itachi hesitated for a brief second but then decided to voice his request. "Mother, there's something I would like to have... if it's possible."

Yana smiled warmly, clearly willing to indulge her son. "Like I've told you before, Itachi. Whatever you need, just ask."

Itachi paused, carefully choosing his words. "I would like to have some kunai... and shurikens."

Yana's eyebrows lifted slightly, a questioning look crossing her face. "Kunai and shurikens? Like the ones ninjas use?"

Itachi sweatdropped a little, realizing how strange it might sound for a child to request such items. But he nodded, staying composed. "Yes... I want to practice with them. They're not much different from throwing knives, but they're more balanced."

Yana chuckled lightly, not entirely surprised by his unusual request but finding it amusing nonetheless. "Ninja tools, huh? You're quite serious about your training, aren't you?"

Itachi gave a small, respectful nod. "Yes, Mother. I want to be prepared."

She smiled at him, her love and pride for him clear in her expression. "Alright, dear. I'll get them for you. But remember, no overdoing it. You're still young."

Itachi smiled softly, grateful for her understanding. "Thank you, Mother. I'll be careful."

With that, Yana kissed his forehead once again, her serious demeanor giving way to her warm and nurturing side. "Now go rest, Itachi. You've trained enough for today."

As Itachi nodded and turned to leave, he felt a quiet sense of satisfaction, not just from his training, but from knowing that his mother trusted him. Still, a small part of him couldn't help but feel the weight of keeping his true abilities hidden. For now, he thought to himself, it's best this way.

Timeskip :

Itachi, now eight years old, sat on the hospital bench, his long black hair framing his slim but toned physique. He wore a black shirt and white pants, his expression calm but his eyes betraying his inner worry. Beside him, Erika, dressed in her usual maid outfit, placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"You don't need to worry, Itachi," Erika said softly, her voice calm and reassuring. "Your mother will be fine. She's strong."

Itachi nodded, though his gaze remained fixed on the hospital door. "I know, Erika. But still... I can't help being concerned."

Just then, the door to the delivery room opened, and the doctor stepped out. Itachi immediately stood up and hurried over. "How is she?" he asked, his usually composed voice filled with rare urgency.

The doctor smiled warmly. "Congratulations, young man. The delivery was successful, and you have a baby sister."

Itachi's eyes widened with happiness. "Can I see my mother?" he asked quickly.

The doctor nodded. "Yes, you can. Both your mother and sister are doing well."

Itachi bowed respectfully. "Thank you, doctor." As he headed inside the room, Erika followed, a quiet smile on her face. The doctor watched them go, remarking quietly, "Such a polite young man."

Inside, Itachi saw his mother lying in bed, looking tired but peaceful, with a small cradle beside her. His gaze softened as he approached. Yana looked up at him with a warm smile.

"Itachi," she greeted him softly, "are you feeling alright? You look worried."

Itachi moved closer to her bed. "I'm fine, Mother. Are you feeling tired?"

Yana chuckled softly. "A little. But I'm okay, just a bit worn out from all the excitement." Her eyes drifted to the cradle where the newborn lay. "Itachi, come meet your sister."

Itachi stepped closer to the cradle and peered inside, seeing the tiny baby wrapped in soft blankets. His usually stoic expression softened as he looked at his sister for the first time. He smiled faintly, and Yana noticed.

"You're going to be a big brother now, Itachi," she said with a proud, loving smile.

Itachi felt something stir in his heart—a sense of responsibility, of care. As he saw her, she reminded him of Sasuke when he was just born. Yana watched him, her eyes full of warmth, before Takashi entered the room.

Takashi, Itachi's father, walked in with his usual stern demeanor. He approached the cradle and looked at his newborn daughter, his face softening slightly. Itachi stepped aside to give him room.

"What should we name her?" Takashi asked, his tone serious but contemplative.

Yana smiled softly, her voice gentle. "How about... Momo?"

Itachi whispered the name to himself, "Momo…" He smiled again, and Erika, standing in the background, noticed the rare glint of happiness in his eyes.

Takashi repeated, "Momo. It has a good ring to it." He looked down at the baby. "She will be called Momo Yaoyorozu."

Yana smiled as Takashi leaned down to kiss her forehead gently. "Rest now," he said quietly.

As Takashi turned to leave, Itachi observed his father with his usual stoic expression. Just as Takashi reached the door, Yana called out, "Takashi… Itachi is here too."

Takashi paused for a moment, his back still turned to them. "I don't like failure," he said bluntly, before walking out.

Itachi didn't react outwardly, but inside, he sighed. He was used to it by now. After a moment of silence, Yana smiled at Itachi and Momo. "She seems to like her big brother already."

Momo giggled softly in her cradle, her tiny hands reaching out. Itachi's heart softened, and he turned to his mother. "May I hold her?"

Yana's smile widened. "Of course, dear."

Erika, standing nearby, carefully helped Itachi lift Momo from the cradle. Itachi held her gently, looking down at her small, innocent face. Momo giggled again, staring up at her big brother with bright, curious eyes.

As he cradled her, Itachi smiled down at Momo and whispered softly, "I will be a good big brother."

Yana watched them with pride, while Erika stood silently by, her expression softening as she saw how much Itachi cared for his newborn sister. "She's in good hands, Lady Yana," Erika said quietly.

Yana nodded, her eyes never leaving her children. "Yes, she is."

next chapter
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