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35.71% Crimson Eyes in a Quirked World / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Simple day!

Bab 5: Chapter 5: Simple day!

The next day was Sunday, and Itachi found himself at the dojo, deep in training as always. His movements were fluid, calculated, and far beyond the level expected of someone his age. Dressed in a simple black gi, his Sharingan activated, spinning with three tomoe, he sparred with his trainer, who was a seasoned martial artist but still struggled to keep up with the young prodigy.

The trainer, visibly impressed yet challenged, moved in with a fast punch aimed at Itachi's chest. Itachi, without hesitation, dodged the strike effortlessly, weaving around his opponent's attacks as though he could predict every movement—because he could. His Sharingan gave him an edge no one else in the dojo had.

As the fight progressed, the trainer's mind raced. This kid… he joined the dojo when he was just five. Now look at him, only eight, and he's not just my equal—he's better. He can fight in every form… even with swords and daggers. This level of skill is insane. The trainer barely had time to process another thought as Itachi performed a swift leg sweep, forcing him to jump to avoid it.

But Itachi was faster. In the blink of an eye, he leaped upward and delivered a sharp kick to the trainer's torso, sending him stumbling backward with a gasp of surprise. The other students watching around the mat were left speechless, their eyes wide with awe and, for some, jealousy.

The trainer fell back, catching himself with his hands, but Itachi had already landed gracefully, his eyes still glowing red with his Sharingan. The dojo was silent, every eye on Itachi as he extended a hand to his trainer.

The trainer, breathing heavily, stood up and wiped sweat from his brow, but there was no resentment in his expression—only pride. He took Itachi's hand, standing up fully. "You're truly something else, Itachi," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "A prodigy, without a doubt. The best student I will ever have."

The trainer placed a proud hand on Itachi's shoulder. "Mark my words—you're going to become a great hero."

Itachi, ever stoic, bowed with respect. "Thank you, Sensei."

The trainer sweatdropped, seeing how unflappable Itachi was, despite all the praise. "Still as serious as ever…" he muttered under his breath, before turning to the other students, who were whispering among themselves.

"He's just a kid, and yet…"

"Did you see that kick?"

"How can anyone be that good at eight years old?"

Jealousy and murmurs of awe filled the air as the students muttered amongst themselves, unable to believe what they had just witnessed. Some of them had been training longer than Itachi, but none had reached even a fraction of his skill level.

The trainer raised a hand, silencing the room. "Remember, everyone," he said, his tone firm. "Itachi has earned every bit of this through hard work and discipline. Let his progress inspire you to do better, not tear you down."

Itachi, as usual, paid little mind to the whispers. He turned away from the crowd and resumed his stance, ready for whatever came next.

Itachi's trainer watched him carefully as their session came to an end. "Well, Itachi," the trainer said with a hint of pride in his voice, "there's not much more I can teach you."

Itachi, as respectful as ever, bowed deeply. "Thank you for teaching me everything, Sensei."

The trainer smiled warmly, seeing the seriousness in Itachi's demeanor, as always. "You don't have to be so serious all the time, Itachi. I get that discipline is important in a fight, but… try to enjoy yourself too."

Itachi gave a rare, small smile in return. "I'll keep that in mind, Sensei. Thank you."

The trainer nodded, pleased. "You've got a great future ahead of you, kid. Don't forget that."

With that, Itachi picked up his bag and bowed one last time. "Thank you for everything, Sensei," he said again before turning to leave.

As he walked to the car waiting for him outside, Itachi glanced out the window with a faint sense of satisfaction. Now that his dojo training was complete, he could spend more time with his sister, Momo, and that thought filled him with warmth. The road ahead seemed clear, and he was eager to get home.

Once he arrived, he spotted Erika waiting for him at the entrance, dressed in her usual maid attire, a welcoming smile on her face. "Welcome back, Itachi."

"Hello, Erika," he replied calmly, returning her smile with a slight nod as he stepped inside.

"So, today was your last day at the dojo, right?" Erika asked as she walked beside him.

Itachi nodded. "Yeah, it was. Sensei said he's taught me everything he could."

Erika smiled softly. "That's wonderful. You've worked hard."

"Where's Momo?" Itachi asked.

"She's with your mother," Erika replied, still smiling as she gestured toward the hallway.

After freshening up in his room, Itachi made his way to his mother's room. As he stepped inside, he saw his mother, Yana, sitting on the bed with baby Momo in her arms, a bright smile lighting up her face. Momo, noticing Itachi's presence, giggled and kicked her tiny feet in delight.

Yana looked up at him, her expression softening even more. "You're back, dear."

Itachi nodded, smiling gently as he approached them. "Yes, I'm back."

Yana looked at her son's lean, strong figure, and she couldn't hide her pride. "Look at you… you've become so strong, Itachi."

Itachi smiled modestly, moving closer to Momo, who continued to giggle as she saw her big brother. "She's so happy."

Yana chuckled, her eyes filled with warmth. "Of course she is. Her big brother is here now."

Itachi leaned in, letting Momo's tiny fingers reach for him as she gurgled in joy. He smiled softly before turning his attention back to his mother.

"So, Itachi," Yana began, "how's elementary school?"

"It's fine," Itachi replied, his tone flat but honest. "But studies are boring, and the persistence is still there."

Yana laughed softly, clearly understanding his complaint. "You mean your friend?"

Itachi sighed, nodding. "Yeah. Keigo. He's persistent, annoying… but he's a nice guy."

Yana smiled softly. "It's good that you've made a friend."

Itachi sighed again. "I suppose."

After a moment, Yana teased, "So, Itachi, my handsome boy… I've heard that all the girls are fond of you."

Itachi immediately knew who had spilled that information. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Erika told you, didn't she? She always spills the beans…"

Yana laughed gently, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, it was pretty obvious. My baby is very handsome."

Itachi sighed again, shaking his head. "It's trouble, Mother. I like my personal space. But the girls keep trying to talk to me, and I politely decline. I don't understand why Keigo got so angry."

Yana sweatdropped, chuckling softly as she thought to herself, Oh my…

"Keigo's probably just protective of you," Yana offered, amused by the situation.

Itachi, however, remained stoic, already resigned to the fact that dealing with his excitable friend—and the attention he received—was part of his life now. "He'll calm down eventually," Itachi muttered.

Yana smiled, feeling grateful for this peaceful moment with her son and newborn daughter. It was rare to see Itachi at ease, and she cherished it.

"Itachi," she said softly, "you're growing into a wonderful young man. Just remember to take a breath and enjoy these moments, too."

Itachi nodded, quietly taking in her words, as little Momo continued to giggle in his arms.

As Itachi sat with his mother, Momo still giggling in his arms, his phone buzzed. He glanced at it, sighed, and Yana raised an eyebrow.

"Let me guess… Keigo?" she asked with a smile.

Itachi nodded and picked up the call. No sooner had he put the phone to his ear than a loud shout erupted from the speaker.

"Itachi!" Keigo's excited voice boomed through the phone, so loud that Itachi had to pull the phone away from his ear slightly.

"What happened now?" Itachi asked, his tone as calm as ever, though he already sensed Keigo's usual chaotic energy.

"Itachi, I just heard that in four days there's a parent-teacher meeting!" Keigo shouted, sounding both anxious and hyper at the same time.

Itachi sighed, slightly exasperated. "So, that's the problem?"

Keigo groaned on the other end of the line. "It's easy for you! Good grades, perfect scores, always calm and collected. But what about me?!"

"You'd be fine if you actually studied like I told you," Itachi replied evenly. "Your scores are decent, but your behavior… that's another issue."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Keigo grumbled. "You don't have to remind me."

There was a brief pause before Keigo perked up again. "Anyway! I wanted to tell you that I'm going to the cyber games zone later. I'm going to play some games, so... you wanna come with me?"

Itachi opened his mouth to decline when Keigo immediately continued, "Great! You're coming, then. I'll wait for you!"

Before Itachi could protest, Keigo hung up the phone. Itachi and Yana both sweatdropped at Keigo's sheer persistence.

Yana laughed softly. "I feel bad for you sometimes, Itachi."

Itachi sighed, shaking his head as he pocketed his phone. "He doesn't really give me a choice."

After a moment, Itachi turned to his mother, remembering the other part of the conversation. "By the way, Mother, there's a parent-teacher meeting in four days."

Yana nodded, already used to these updates. "I'll be there," she said with a smile.

Itachi nodded in return and stood up, preparing to leave for the game zone. "I'll head out now."

Yana smiled warmly at her son. "Enjoy yourself."

As Itachi moved toward the door, he hesitated for a moment and then turned back toward his mother. "Mother, try to come to the meeting alone, okay?" His voice was gentle but carried an undertone of concern.

Yana looked at him with a sad smile. "Itachi, it's been almost four years now... You and your father haven't spoken to each other."

Itachi's expression remained stoic, though there was a flicker of something in his eyes. "He should apologize first. Then I'll forgive him. It's that simple."

Yana sighed softly, but she didn't press the matter further. "Alright, dear. Take care."

Itachi gave her a small nod. "Goodbye, Mother," he said, and with that, he left the room, heading out to meet Keigo, his mind still lingering on his family's unresolved tension.

Itachi arrived at the game zone, spotting Keigo standing outside, waiting impatiently. Keigo's eyes lit up when he saw him, a mischievous smirk already forming on his face.

"Itachi!" Keigo called out, his voice full of energy. "I knew you'd show up. And this time, I'm going to take you down!"

Itachi sighed softly, his expression calm as usual. "I didn't come to compete with you, Keigo."

Keigo grinned, undeterred by Itachi's response. "That's what you said last time, but you still wiped the floor with me in the game. You beat me with a huge margin!"

Itachi's lips twitched into a small grin. "You're not good at that game. That's not my fault."

Keigo narrowed his eyes, still smirking. "Today's a different day. This time, I'm gonna win. Just watch."

Itachi raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "The sun never rises from the west, Keigo."

"We'll see about that," Keigo said with a determined look as they walked into the game zone.

They chose a 1v1 VR MMO game and geared up, stepping into the virtual world. The match began, and Itachi, with his usual calm precision, swiftly outmaneuvered Keigo. Despite Keigo's spirited attempts, Itachi easily defeated him once again.

Keigo groaned, slumping back in his chair. "How are you so good at this?"

Itachi removed his VR headset, his expression still relaxed. "Because I know how to fight."

Keigo shook his head in disbelief, but then a new glint appeared in his eyes. "Alright, let's fight with swords this time. A real duel."

Itachi glanced at him, then nodded. "Okay."

They geared up again for the sword duel. This time, the match was far more intense. Keigo fought fiercely, pushing himself harder than before. His attacks were fast and aggressive, and for a moment, Itachi felt a slight thrill in the challenge. But even as the battle grew closer, Itachi still managed to beat him, though this time he only had 25% health left.

Keigo slumped in his seat again, panting. "I was so close! I almost had you!"

Itachi gave a small nod. "You've improved. You're good with swords."

Keigo's face lit up with a smile at the compliment. "Yeah, but not as good as you."

"If you keep practicing, you'll get there," Itachi replied calmly.

Keigo smiled wider, looking genuinely grateful. "Thanks, Itachi. That means a lot coming from you."

As they left the game zone, Keigo glanced over at Itachi with a gleam in his eye. "So… are you going to join UA High?"

Itachi nodded. "Yes."

Keigo's face broke into a wide grin. "I'm going too! I'm going to be a hero, just like you."

Itachi looked at him, his usual stoic expression softening slightly. "You'll make a good hero."

Keigo beamed, then his playful side kicked in. "And when I do, I'll get all the ladies!" he said with a wink, trying to tease Itachi.

Itachi sweatdropped, shaking his head. "Sure, Keigo…"

Keigo laughed, slapping him on the back as they continued down the street. Despite the banter, Itachi couldn't help but appreciate Keigo's unshakable spirit.

Itachi returned to the mansion after his time at the game zone, and as soon as he reached the backyard, he began training again. His Sharingan activated, swirling with its three tomoe, and he skillfully performed his kunai trick. Each kunai hit multiple targets in succession, with pinpoint accuracy. Erika watched him from a distance, a proud smile on her face.

"You did great, Itachi," she complimented, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

Itachi simply nodded, his expression calm as always. But an idea sparked in his mind, something he wanted to test. Without saying another word, he turned and headed inside, making his way to his mother's room.

Reaching the door, he knocked softly.

"Come in," Yana's gentle voice called from inside.

Itachi opened the door and stepped into the room, finding his mother sitting with Momo, who was happily giggling in her arms. Yana smiled at him, her usual warmth showing through. "What is it, dear?"

Itachi hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Mother, I need your help."

Yana raised an eyebrow, curious. "Of course, name it," she replied, smiling warmly at him.

"I want you to make a gun for me," Itachi said plainly.

Yana's smile vanished, replaced by a look of shock. "What?! A gun?!" she nearly shouted, her voice rising in disbelief. "What could you possibly need a gun for, Itachi?"

"Yes, a gun," Itachi repeated, his tone steady.

Yana's eyes widened in a mix of confusion and concern. "What will you do with a gun? Why would you need something so dangerous?"

Itachi sighed, realizing his mother had misunderstood. "I want you to fire it at me."

Her expression immediately shifted to one of anger. "No!" she exclaimed, standing up from her seat with Momo still in her arms. "I will not do that, Itachi. What kind of request is that?"

Seeing her reaction, Itachi quickly tried to explain. "No, no, Mother. Not what you're thinking."

Yana stared at him, still angry, but now confused. "Then what is it, Itachi? Do you think this is a joke? Do you understand how dangerous guns are? What if the bullet hits you? You could be seriously hurt, or worse!"

"Mother, please hear me out," Itachi pleaded. His voice remained calm but respectful. "I don't mean a real bullet. I want you to fire a gun with dummy bullets."

Yana blinked, her anger softening slightly as she tried to understand. "Dummy bullets…?"

Itachi nodded. "Yes. I've been testing my reflexes and using everything I can—baseball throwing machines, anything that simulates speed. But everything is too slow. My Sharingan lets me see things so clearly, and I need something faster. Something that could push me."

Yana's face softened, but her concern was still evident. "But…a gun, Itachi? Even with dummy bullets, it's dangerous."

"I'll be fine, Mother. I wouldn't ask this if I wasn't sure," Itachi assured her, his tone firm but gentle. "I need to push my limits."

Yana looked into her son's eyes, seeing the determination there, but also the care. He wasn't asking recklessly. He was calculated and calm, like always. She let out a deep sigh, holding Momo close as she considered his request.

"Let me think about it, Itachi," Yana finally said, her voice more composed. "I understand what you're trying to do, but I'm still your mother. I don't want to put you at risk."

Itachi nodded in understanding. "Thank you, Mother. That's all I ask."

With that, he bowed respectfully and left the room, leaving Yana deep in thought. She glanced down at Momo, who giggled up at her, blissfully unaware of the conversation that had just taken place.

Yana, still processing the weight of Itachi's request, placed Momo gently in her cradle. She couldn't help but worry, but deep down, she understood her son's determination. Using her quirk, she crafted a Glock 34 and some rubber bullets, perfect for simulating real gunfire but without the fatal danger.

She walked outside, where Itachi and Erika were standing in the backyard, training as usual. The sight of her son, so young yet already so disciplined and focused, made her heart swell with both pride and concern. Taking a deep breath, she called out, "Itachi!"

Itachi turned at the sound of his mother's voice and saw her approaching, holding the gun and a box of rubber bullets. A small smile appeared on his usually stoic face. "Thank you, Mother," he said calmly.

Yana, still unsure about what they were about to do, glanced at Erika. "Erika, go inside and watch over Momo. She's alone right now."

Erika nodded, sensing the seriousness in Yana's tone. Without argument, she headed inside, leaving just Yana and Itachi in the backyard.

Yana walked toward the center of the yard, her grip on the gun firm but hesitant. "Itachi…this isn't a good idea," she said, her voice laced with worry. "Even with rubber bullets, this could be dangerous."

Itachi met his mother's gaze, his Sharingan activated, red eyes spinning with purpose. "Don't worry, Mother. That's why I asked for the rubber bullets. I need to push myself to become faster. To react quicker."

Yana looked at him for a moment, seeing not just her son but the warrior he was becoming. She let out a small sigh, still conflicted, but she nodded. "Alright, Itachi. But I'm not comfortable with this."

Itachi stood in the middle of the backyard, taking a deep breath. "I'll be fine. Just shoot every round, non-stop."

Yana swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest. She raised the gun, her hands trembling slightly. Her motherly instinct screamed against what she was about to do, but she knew Itachi wouldn't have asked if he didn't believe in his abilities.

"Are you ready?" Yana asked, her voice a little shaky.

Itachi's Sharingan spun, focusing intently on her movements. He gave a firm nod. "Yes. I'm ready."

Yana hesitated for just a second longer before squeezing the trigger. The first shot rang out, the rubber bullet speeding toward Itachi. But before Yana could even register it, Itachi had already dodged, his movements swift and precise.

She fired again. And again. Rapidly, in succession, just as Itachi had asked. Her eyes widened in astonishment as she watched her son dodge every single bullet, moving fluidly as if he could see each one coming a split second before it was fired.

Itachi's Sharingan was fully engaged, every motion of Yana's hands, every trigger pull, and every bullet's path was visible to him in slow motion. He moved with an almost supernatural grace, weaving and dodging each shot as if it were second nature.

Yana's astonishment grew with every round. She had known Itachi was special, but seeing him like this—his agility, his precision—it was breathtaking. The gun clicked, signaling the final round had been fired. Itachi stood there, completely unscathed, his breathing steady and calm.

Yana lowered the gun, her hands still trembling slightly, her heart racing in disbelief. "You…dodged every single one…" she whispered, her voice filled with awe.

Itachi deactivated his Sharingan, his usual calm demeanor returning. He walked over to his mother, bowing slightly in gratitude. "Thank you, Mother. This was exactly what I needed."

Yana looked at him, still trying to process what she had just witnessed. She felt a surge of pride, but also a deep sense of realization. Her son wasn't just a child anymore. He was growing into something extraordinary—something she could barely comprehend.

Itachi nodded, thinking to himself, That was too easy. Any shinobi I've faced has matched this speed. But his focus shifted back to his mother. "I'm sorry for making you worry, Mother."

Yana's expression softened, but there was a hint of frustration in her voice. "Don't do something like that again, Itachi."

He smiled lightly. "I promise, I won't."

Without warning, Yana playfully pinched his cheeks. "You'll still get a punishment for scaring me like that."

Itachi blinked in surprise, then nodded with a small smile. "Yes, I deserve it."

Yana's gaze softened as she cupped his face in her hands. "For your punishment, you won't see Momo for five days."

Itachi's eyes widened in disbelief, his heart sinking. He didn't say anything, but the sadness in his expression was unmistakable. Seeing the sorrow on his face, Yana couldn't help but smile gently.

"Okay," she said, relenting. "I've changed my mind. Just two days."

Itachi's face relaxed, though the sadness still lingered. "Thank you, Mother," he whispered, his tone full of sincerity.

Yana pulled him into a warm hug, resting her chin on his shoulder. "Oh, my heart," she murmured, her love for him evident in her voice.

With a small smile, Itachi replied, "This won't happen again."

Yana, still holding him close, whispered, "It better not. Keep that in mind."

Just then, Erika entered the backyard, carrying Momo in her arms. "I heard firing," she said, her eyes scanning the scene.

Yana and Itachi exchanged glances before Yana calmly replied, "Yes, it was just part of his training."

Erika's eyes widened in shock when she noticed the gun in Yana's hand. "Lady Yana..." she began, concerned.

Yana waved it off with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Erika. Everything's fine."

Still a bit uncertain, Erika shifted her attention to Momo, who was playing with strands of her blonde hair. She smiled at the little girl's playful gestures.

"It looks like she likes your hair," Yana remarked, her voice soft and full of affection.

Erika beamed down at Momo, her smile full of warmth. Itachi watched them, a gentle smile forming on his own face. In that moment, a thought crossed his mind: This place... it's not so bad after all.

next chapter
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