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33.75% I Am the Mentor of Spider-Man / Chapter 103: Chapter 86- New York War (9)

Bab 103: Chapter 86- New York War (9)

Timeline: New York; April 22, 1952


As Princess Lysandra's enjoyment faded, she felt a sudden rush of urgency. She realized she only had ten minutes left before the sun came up, making her weak and vulnerable. Despite her great power, she couldn't escape the weakness of Vampires.


She couldn't afford to waste any more time dealing with her enemies. With a quick movement, she grabbed Emily once again, pulling her along as she prepared to make her escape.

But as she turned to leave, Mark's voice echoed behind her, filled with determination and rage. "I will kill you," he declared, his words sending a shiver down her spine. Despite her confidence, Mark's determination was so strong that it scared her.

Princess Lysandra knew she had to act quickly. With the sun threatening to rise, she couldn't afford to linger any longer. Ignoring Mark's threat, she focused on her goal of escaping with Emily before it was too late.

As Mark hurried towards the exit, determined to confront Princess Lysandra, his heart filled with a burning desire for vengeance.

But before he could reach her, a sudden cry of pain pierced the air. Mark turned just in time to see Princess Lysandra sink her fangs into Emily's neck, her voice filled with malice as she uttered her sinister words.

"I will make you a vampire," she declared, her words echoing ominously in the chaos of the moment. Mark's blood ran cold as he watched in horror, his mind racing with disbelief at the shocking turn of events.


"Emily!!!" Mark screamed in terror as he saw Princess Lysandra's vicious attack. Without hesitation, he drew the silver knife from his belt, his hands trembling with a mixture of fear and determination. With a quick move, he charged at the vampire, driven by an intense need to save Emily.

The silver knife flashed in the bright light as Mark swung it again and again, trying to push the vampire away and save Emily. Even though things looked bad for him, he kept fighting with all his strength. He only cared about getting Emily out of danger and away from the vampire.

Princess Lysandra felt sharp pain as the silver blade cut her, like fire against her vampire skin. But she kept fighting, her red eyes furious, hitting back hard against Mark.

With a fast kick, Mark managed to create some distance between himself and the vampire princess, allowing him to focus on protecting Emily. He then moved forward, slashing at Princess Lysandra with the silver knife. causing her to stagger backward from the impact. The silver, a known weakness of vampires, was proving to be an effective thing against the ancient creature.


Turning his attention to Emily, Mark reached into his pocket and retrieved a health potion that Michael had given him just a week ago. Despite the chaos and danger surrounding Mark, he hadn't had the chance to use it until now. 


His eyes filled with concern and determination. "Emily, catch!" he exclaimed, throwing the health potion to her with all the strength he could muster. As Emily stumbled backward, she managed to snatch the potion from the air, her hands trembling with both fear and anticipation.


Mark didn't have a moment to spare as he continued to battle the vampire, his focus split between defending himself and ensuring Emily's safety. With every move, he fought with the determination of a warrior on the brink of exhaustion, his resolve unwavering despite the overwhelming odds against him.


"This is the health potion that Michael gave me. Drink this," he urged, his tone pleading as he desperately hoped it would help.


"Perhaps it will stop you from turning into a vampire," Mark added uncertainly, his words tinged with anxiety. He knew they were facing an uncertain outcome, but he refused to give in to despair. With Emily's life hanging in the balance, he clung to the slim hope that the potion would be enough to save her from the darkness that threatened to consume her.



Meanwhile Princess lysandra side


Princess Lysandra felt terrible pain from the silver knife cutting into her. Each time it stabbed her, it hurt a lot. But even though she was in a lot of pain, she was still thinking clearly.

As she watched Mark fiercely battling against her, a spark of recognition flickered in Lysandra's eyes. She realized that he was Spider-Man's sidekick, Nightwing. She got even angrier knowing this, and she promised herself she'd beat him before the time goes out. She refuse to let this humiliation go unpunished.

With a grim resolve, Lysandra turned her attention to Emily, her mind swirling with dark thoughts of power and dominance. She saw potential in the girl, an opportunity to strengthen herself by turning Emily into a vampire and absorbing her abilities.


In her mind, she calculated the possibilities, envisioning a scenario where she would ask Atlas to transfer Emily's powers to her, further enhancing her own strength. The prospect of becoming even more formidable fueled her desire for power, driving her to pursue Emily with unwavering determination.


But just as Lysandra plotted her next move, her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a surprising sight. Emily, trembling but resolute, raised the potion to her lips and drank from it. Shock and disbelief flashed across Lysandra's face as she watched in astonishment.

"What are you doing?!" Lysandra exclaimed, her voice full of surprise as she struggled to comprehend Emily's actions. This sudden twist in the situation completely threw her off track, messing up her plans.


As Emily drank the potion, Lysandra started to panic. She realized that her window of opportunity was rapidly closing, and she needed to act quickly if she was to achieve her goals.

With a renewed sense of urgency, Lysandra prepared to unleash her full power, determined to overcome any obstacles that stood in her way.


[3rd Pov]

As Emily drank the last drops of the potion, she immediately felt a searing pain shoot through her body, causing her to cry out in agony. She collapsed to the ground, her hands clutching her chest as if trying to contain the turmoil raging within. It felt as though her blood and organs were at war, each fighting for dominance within her.


Mark's heart clenched with fear and concern as he witnessed Emily's distress. He shouted her name, his voice filled with desperation and worry. But before he could reach her, Princess Lysandra moved towards Emily with menacing intent, forcing Mark to divert his attention back to the vampire princess. He knew he had to protect Emily, even if it meant facing the powerful vampire head-on.


Princess Lysandra's voice broke through the noise, full of hatred for her enemies. She jumped at them with her sharp claws, ready to attack. Mark knew he wasn't strong enough to fight her, but He was determined to stop her. 


As Princess Lysandra moved closer to Emily, Mark felt a wave of panic. He couldn't allow anything to happen to Emily, not while he could still do something about it. Gathering all his remaining strength, he threw himself at the vampire princess, trying to give Emily a chance to get away.


Then Princess Lysandra's sharp claws found their mark, piercing through Mark's chest with devastating force. Emily watched in horror. All she could see was the gaping hole in his back where Princess Lysandra's claw had pierced through, and her heart twisted with anguish.


"Mark!" Emily cried out, her voice filled with anguish and despair. She tried to move, to help him, but the agony in her body held her back. Tears streamed down her face as she watched Mark's sacrifice, feeling completely powerless against the situations.


Princess Lysandra grinned with satisfaction as she looked down at Mark, enjoying his suffering. She took pleasure in seeing him in pain, thinking she had won. But little did she know, Mark had a plan of his own."

Despite the excruciating pain wracking his body, Mark summoned all his remaining strength and reached for his silver knife. With fierce determination, he aimed the blade directly at Princess Lysandra's head, his eyes burning with resolve.


Princess Lysandra's eyes widened in realization as she saw Mark's intentions. She tried to pull her arms free from his chest, desperation evident in her movements. but Mark gripped her tightly, not letting her get away. She was desperate to escape, but Mark wouldn't budge, keeping her trapped.

"Let me go, you bastard!" Princess Lysandra snarled, her voice filled with fury and frustration. But Mark remained resolute, his grip unyielding as he prepared to deliver the final blow.

A smirk tugged at the corners of Mark's lips as he stared into the vampire princess's eyes. "Let's both go down!" he declared defiantly, his voice ringing out with conviction.

Princess Lysandra felt a surge of fear as she realized the sunlight would soon kill her. Despite her dislike for Mark, her main instinct was to save herself. Panic gripped her as she desperately looked for a hiding spot, knowing she had only seconds before the sunlight hit her. "I'm not scared of this Nightwing," she muttered, her voice shaking. "But the sunlight... I have to hide, now!" Fear and urgency filled her thoughts as she struggled with the looming danger. "I only have a few seconds left, no, no, no!" She was terrified of dying and still hoped to capture Emily for her own power, but time ran out. As the sunlight broke through, Princess Lysandra knew her fate was sealed. With horror, she felt herself turning into ashes.


With a horrified scream, Princess Lysandra disintegrated into ash, her body consumed by the sunlight. In an instant, she was gone, Princess Lysandra had died.

As the vampire princess turned to dust, Mark fell to the ground, exhausted from the fight. Emily, still feeling the potion's effects, crawled to him, her heart filled with fear that he might die.

But as Emily reached Mark's side, her heart sank at the sight of his pale form. She knew he had sacrificed himself to defeat Princess Lysandra and save her from a fate worse than death.



Grief washed over Emily as she cradled Mark's weakend body in her arms, her tears falling freely as she whispered his name over and over again. She couldn't bear the thought of a world without him, couldn't imagine facing the future alone.


As Mark's life slipped away, he mustered the last of his strength to convey his deepest feelings to Emily. With his voice strained and weak, he uttered his final words, each syllable laden with love and sincerity. Emily listened, her heart breaking with each passing moment.


"Emily, I always love you, no matter what," Mark whispered, his breathing getting harder. "If I am reborn again, I will still choose you. I love you in every universe."

Then Emily's heart shattered into a million pieces. When she heard those words, unable to understand how life could go on without him. She cried loudly, her tears filling the streets of New york with sadness. a haunting melody of grief and despair that filled the air.

"Nononono, Mark!" Emily cried out, her voice choked with emotion. Her eyes, glowing red like a vampire, due to her emotions within her. "I can't live without you, Mark! Mark!"

As Tears poured down her cheeks and she reached out to him, her hand shaking, then she touched his face gently. All she wanted was more time, just one more moment with him.


"I can't do this without you, Mark," Emily whispered, her voice barely above a whisper as she pressed her forehead against his. "Please come back to me. I need you."


Emily held Mark in her arms, but he didn't move or say anything. Then Emily realized that Mark was gone forever. She felt like something heavy was pressing down on her, making it hard to breathe. It was really hard for her to accept that Mark was dead.


As Chris watching Emily crying, his body trembling with grief and pain, he held Mary Fletcher tightly in his arms. it felt like everything was crashing down on him, making it hard to even breathe. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks, mixing with the blood and sweat that adorned his battered form.


Then Chris walked closer to Emily, he felt sadder and sadder. It was like his heart was getting heavier with each step, making him feel like he might break down. Losing both Mark and Mary felt like too much to handle. It was like a huge weight pushing him down, making it hard to even move. He worried it might crush him completely.

As Chris reached Emily's side, he carefully laid Mary's lifeless form beside Mark, his heart breaking anew at the sight of the siblings together in death. It made Chris felt really helpless. 

Their bond, which used to be so strong, was now broken because of fate's cruelty, and Chris couldn't do anything about it.


Then Overwhelmed by grief, Chris couldn't hold back his emotions any longer. With a loud cry, he collapsed to his knees, tears streaming down his face uncontrollably. "Why? Why? Why?" he sobbed, his voice filled with anguish and despair. Unable to make sense of the tragedy that had befallen them, he pounded his fists against the ground in frustration, each blow echoing his pain and confusion. The weight of loss was too much for him to bear, and he felt as if his world was crumbling around him.


In the middle of all the sadness and confusion, a voice broke through the noise, sounding like a light in the darkness. "What's going on?!" The unexpected question snapped Chris and Emily out of their sadness, making them look towards the person talking.


It was Michael Wilson, their close friend, dressed in his familiar black Spider-Man suit. His eyes looked worried, and the blue spider symbol on his chest stood out against the dark fabric.


[Mc pov]

As I finally reached the spot where Emily and Chris were, I noticed Chris's injuries and saw that they were both kneeling. Surrounding us were numerous other people, but I couldn't divert my attention away from Chris and Emily as I focused on them.

When I looked at Emily's chi, which now had both light and dark parts, I felt really worried and confused. So, I asked the system in my mind what was going on.


The system's response echoed in my mind, its words sending a chill down my spine. "Host, it seems like Emily has become a half-vampire and half-human hybrid due to the health potion fighting the vampire infection. She has become a half-breed," it explained, shedding light on the inexplicable changes in Emily's chi.


Then as I rushed towards them, my heart pounded in my chest with a mix of disbelief and dread. It felt like time had slowed down, each step heavier than the last as I approached the scene before me. Mark and Mary, lying motionless on the ground, their forms is not moving and breathing its like they were dead, Suddenly It sent a shockwave of despair through my entire being.


My voice shook with emotion as I asked, "What's going on?" My heart raced with fear of what their answer might be.


Then Emily and Chris looked at me, tears streaming down their faces, reflecting the pain I felt. Their voices trembled as they struggled to speak, their words barely audible through their sobs. "Michael, Mary and Mark... they're dead," they said softly, their voices barely above a whisper amidst their tears.


"NO, NO, NO, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" I said shaking my head, my voice raw with anguish, my hands trembling is i process this situation. It couldn't be true, it just couldn't. But the silence that followed, interrupted only by their crying, said it all.


Then I fell to my knees beside them, my hands trembling as I reached out, desperately hoping for some sign of life. But there was nothing, just the cold, unyielding touch of death. Tears streamed down my cheeks, mingling with the blood and dirt on my hands as I cradled Mark and Mary's lifeless bodies.


"Mark, Mary, nononononononono, please," I choked out between sobs, my voice breaking with grief. It felt like my world was collapsing around me, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing him, of losing them both. Mary, my girlfriend, with her beautiful laughter and kind heart, and Mark, my closest friend, my confidant.



I held Mary and Mark in my arms, tears streaming down my face as I cried out in agony. "Nonono, please come back, please come back," I sobbed, my voice choked with emotion. "Please!!!"


As the weight of grief and desperation bore down on me, I turned to the Spider-Man System within my mind, clinging to the faint hope that there might be something, anything, that could bring Mark and Mary back from the dead.

"Is there something that can save them, please, system, any abilities?" I pleaded in my mind, my voice trembling with desperation.

The response from the system echoed in my mind, its words both a glimmer of hope and a warning of potential consequences. "Sorry, host, even though there is a resurrection power, you can't afford it, and it also has side effects," The system said.

My resolve hardened, my determination fueled by the overwhelming need to bring back those I had lost. "I don't care about that," I declared, my voice resolute. "Please, find me something similar in cost to what I have in my shop points."

The system acknowledged my request, its mechanical voice conveying its compliance. "Affirmative, host... processing, searching... ding," it responded, indicating that it had found something.

But then the system reminded me of an important fact: the reminder of the harsh reality that even miracles come with a price. "There is one, host, but there are consequences," the system cautioned.


Not letting the dangers stop me, I kept going, really wanting to help my love ones no matter what. "Okay, tell me what it is," I demanded, my voice tinged with urgency and desperation."

"Affirmative, host," the system responded mechanically, acknowledging my request. Then, it displayed the ability for me to see.


Soul Freeze (10 Million Points): This extraordinary ability allows you to reincarnate the souls of the deceased, preserving their memories intact. However, there's a catch - you won't know when or where they will be reincarnated. Additionally, using this power comes with a significant risk - you will be completely sealed in a frozen state, You won't know how long you'll be stuck like that. It's a big gamble, so think hard before using it.


To be continued


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