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67.74% Unique Gamers Travels / Chapter 76: Chapter 76

Bab 76: Chapter 76

Huge thanks to Joao and Alana for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[Location: New York Institute] [3rd POV]

It was the next morning, and Talia was already up and ready. Her plans that she had made yesterday, were swirling around in her mind, ready to be completed. Hope was sipping on some coffee while reading a grimoire that Talia had written up for her, on some of the spells in the Shadowhunters universe.

The rest of the group was still mourning over the losses, and of the betrayal of Jace. Which, Talia cared very little about, as you'd expect from someone who was killed by said betrayer.

"How's the spells, love?" Talia asked, looking over Hope's shoulder with a small smile on her face. The current spell she was reading on, was a detection spell made specially to find and track Shadowhunters. 

"Most of them are weak, compared to the ones in our universe. But, some of these have use, especially the ones that can track demonic signatures. That could be real helpful in future worlds" Hope replied with a smile, leaning against Talia's hand that was on her shoulder.

"Yeah I thought the same. I've got knowledge on all the spells of this universe, and almost all of them are useless, compared to the ones that I know,  at least" Talia said with a sigh, rather disappointed with the spells of this world, for the most part at least.

"What if we combined some of these spells? The incantations for some of these could be combined with some of the spells from our world making it stronger" Hope pointed out, before flipping to another page.

"Like this spell, it's a spell that mimics explosions, or "bombs" with the incantation "Bomba" what if we combine that with a spell like incendio, therefore creating a fire bomb?" Hope said, looking to Talia, someone who was much more skilled in spell creation than her.

Talia listened to her girlfriend intently, before smiling "That would work. You'd have to mess around  with the incantation speed and be careful with your magic, but it should work. Maybe we can test it later? I'm sure there's a place we can safely do so"

"Oh, and good job, my little genius" Talia said, causing Hope to smile at the praise.

"Thanks. But, I'm sure you could have done this a lot quicker than me" Hope replied with a small sigh.

Talia just smiled in response, inwardly knowing that she had long since been combining the spells, improving the incantations. But, the look of pride on Hope's face was enough for her not to say anything.

"You sell yourself short love. I might be a genius in my own magic and creating magic, but you seem to be quite good at combining spells together. Not to mention, you have more experience in our worlds magic than me" Talia responded with a small smile, trying to show Hope just how genius she actually was.

While Hope probably didn't realize it, she was a genuine genius. Talia was only able to do all of these things with the system, and the gifts it ahd given her. Sure, she had gotten her own powers separate from the system, and was trying her best to get more power that was independent of it, but Hope was completely self made. She was a genuine geniu  who figured something like this out without any sort of outside influence, besides her Mikaelson blood.

"Whatever you say" Hope said with sigh, knowing that she wasn't even remotely on Talia's level.

"Love, you'll see just how genius you are, when we get to the next world. I promise you that" Talia said with a soft sigh escaping her lips, hating how her girlfriend was underestimating herself so much.

The next world was perfect for Hope to realize just how much of a genius she was, and for her to get even more power. The same could be said for Clary and Isabelle, the two of them had a lot of potential that they didn't even realize they had. She was sure the three of them would gain a massive boost in power by the time they leave the next world.

"And if I'm wrong, I'll wear whatever you want me to, for an entire day" Talia added, a small smirk forming as she noticed the way Hope's head snapped to her.

Hope's imagination began to run wild,  as a bright blush fluttered onto her cheeks. "You better keep that promise" She whispered, imagining Talia in all sorts of...uniforms.

"Pervert" Talia said with a chuckle, causing Hope to glare at her slightly.

"Says the one who put a collar on me"

"Oh? I thought you liked being collared by me~" Talia purred in her ear, causing Hope to blush.

Chuckling at her girlfriends look, she pecked her on the cheek, before standing straight again. "I've gotta go love, I have a certain demon to deal with. You remember, right?"

Hope hearing this shook off her blush "I do, are you sure you don't need help? She's strong, you know"

"Not as strong as me love, not even close" Talia smirked, knowing that the demonic entity she was about to go and slaughter, wasn't even remotely close to her in terms of pure power.

"Okay, but if you get hurt, I swear to god-" "I'll be fine, I swear" Talia cut her off, softly pecking her on the lips.

"...Fine" Hope replied with a small sigh, knowing she wouldn't change Talia's mind.

Talia hearing this grinned in victory, before pecking Hope on the cheek one more time, after that, she teleported out of the room.

'Time to go hunt a certain Mother of Demons'


[Location - ??????????] [3rd POV]

Reappearing after her teleportation, Talia looked up at a large cathedral. 'So this is the Church of Talto? Kinda underwhelming, but I guess Lilith hasn't really done much yet, has she'

Lilith was Talia's target. The mother of demons, greater demon, and one of the strongest characters to appear in Shadowhunters, the show. She was also basically the mother of Jonathan, and was rather...protective of him, to say the least.

Talia could sense the malevolent power within the cathedral. It was strong, sure, but it was nothing compared to the angels power, nor her own. After the massive boost of power she had received thanks to the Blessing of Mother Magic, her magic was massively stronger than before, making Lilith a bug in front of her.

She wasn't sure how strong she was in comparison to the next world, but she was sure even that world had only a select type of people that were stronger than her. Ones that couldn't actually use their power.

Walking through the front door of the rather eerie Cathedral, she walked through the halls, into the main area. She raised an eyebrow at the sight of an admittedly attractive woman, over some sort of ritual sight.

'Why do the evil ones always have to be so fine?' Talia thought with a sigh, knowing villains were hotter than the heroes half the time.

"So, you're Lilith? A bit weaker than I was expecting out a greater demon, to be honest" Talia spoke out, causing Lilith's head to snap to her.

"And who are you?" Lilith asked, noticing the eerily calm face of Talia. 

"The one who killed that demonic little son of yours, Jonathan, right? He was pretty weak, for a spawn of the Mother of Demons" Talia replied, a small grin forming on her face. She could sense Lilith's anger was heightening.

"You are incredibly foolish to come here alone" Lilith all but snarled out, as demonic power began to glow off of her. 

"Nah, I'm just taking care of an annoying bug before it spreads it's wings and infests it's surroundings" Talia said with an eye smile. 

"I'm going to make sure you suffer before your death, as will everyone you love" Lilith replied with a scowl.

Talia rolled her eyes "Yeah yeah yeah, save the cliche villain speech, I've heard it before, and I honestly don't care. Any last words? Since, you know, your souls about to get obliterated from existence"

Lilith in response just held her hand out, causing energy to slam towards Talia, only for it to get blocked effortlessly by Talia, who rolled her eyes. "Okay then, goodbye Lilith. I'd say this was fun, but that would be a lie. Avada Kedavra" Talia said, a bored sigh escaping her lips as a green energy flowed out of her hand, slamming against Lilith.

She made sure to imbue it with The goal of all life is death, killing her for good. The greater demon couldn't even screech, as her body and soul was obliterated from existence, for good.

"That was incredibly underwhelming" Talia said with a sigh, but not really surprised.

[Hidden Quest Complete]

Kill Lilith, the Mother of Demons, and a Greater Demon.

Reward - 5 Levels (Claim?)

Kill the Final villain of the Shadowhunters universe (the show)

Reward - 5 Levels, a random trait/ability from the RWBYverse. (Claim?)

Talia blinked as she felt her power rapidly begin to rise by a massive amount, more and more power continued to flood her being. 'Why is thi-oh...I absorb the age of those I kill' Talia thought, realization hitting her. Talia also made sure to claim the levels.


- | Talia Morningstar | -

- | Master of Death | - | Advanced Creator of Magic | - | Host of the Celestial Dragon Flame | - | First of her Kind | -

[Class - Huntress | RWBY]

[Level - 84/100]

[Subclass - Assassin | Assassins Creed]

[Assassins Knowledge - Altair, Ezio]

[Level - 78/100]

[Species - Supreme Witch, Fairy, Kitsune, Upgraded Enhanced Original?]

[Energies - Magic/Mana, Aura]

[Items - Deluminator, Wand, Sword of Gryffindor, Salt, Japanese Steel Katana, Super Soldier Serum (consumed), Mechashift Weapon, Small Vial of each type of dust, Assassin Robes, Hidden Blade]

[Equipped Items - The One Ring, Resurrection Stone, Cloak of Invisibility, Haste Boots, Boots of Hermes, Gauntlets of Atlas, Crown of the Goblin Emperor, Earrings of the Goblin Empress, The Darkhold, Odin's Lost Eye, Book of Vishanti, Blessing of Mother Magic, Mind Stone]

[Vehicles/?????????] - Tardis

[Blank Cards] - 1

[Wealth - 75 Billion USD]

[Books Consumed - 44]

[Spells Learnt - 25,000+ | Tiers 0-11 learnt]

[Cemented Mate - Hope Mikaelson]

[Non-Cemented Mates - Clary Fairchild, Isabelle Lightwood, ???????]

[Remaining Mates - 3]

[Age Absorbed - 1,515,501]

[Status - Fully Fed]

[Maxed Classes - Wizard, Tier Mage, TVD Witch | Fairy ~ Light, Mind, Air, Water, Fire, Technology]

[Maxed Subclasses - Kitsune (Thunder, Ocean, Music, Void, Forest, Time), Upgraded Enhanced Original]

[Maxed Racial Classes - Overlord]

[Other/Absorbed Species/Classes - Wizard, Witch, Overlord]

[Current Universe - Shadowhunters]

[Dungeons - Vampire]

[Multiverse Travel - Available]


'I...completely forgot about age absorption' Talia thought, as she gazed at her now 1,515,501 years absorbed. Her power had increased because of this, her physical power increasing by a good amount, as in over 3x, while her magic had increased by 2-3x. Probably this little due to her power already being so massive.

'The increases from the age is probably going to become a lot less now, after that' Talia thought with a sigh, before blinking as another notification showed up onto her vision.

[Petal Burst - Allows the user to dash at inhuman speeds in whatever direction you choose, leaving a trail of rose petals in your wake. If the user gains enough momentum, they can create tailwinds, turbulence, and can lift objects off the ground with this. This semblance is effectively a form of teleportation in a sense, due to it disassembling the user at a molecular level, and reassemble at the users chosen location. This allows the user to go around obstacles or through paths that the user would normally not fit through. If there is an obstacle blocking the user in mid flight, the semblance will be disrupted. This semblance also has a passive nature to it, doubling the users current speed. When this semblance is actively used, it multiplies the users speed by 5x, and when the disassembling aspect is used, it is even faster]

[Assassin - Connor Kenway/Rotonhnhake:ton]

'The semblance isn't bad...could have been better though. The assassin is good though, Connor was pretty skilled at what he did. System, go ahead and assimilate' Talia thought.

The assimilation was quick and pretty easy all things considered, it only took a minute or so, and gave her some decent knowledge, but nothing truly amazing.

Seeing as that was done, Talia decided to claim that other reward 'System, go ahead and claim the trait/ability' Talia thought.

It was the first time she had gotten something like that, so she was hoping for something good. There was one ability in particular that she wanted, one that would work VERY well with her different powers.

[Random Ability/Trait]

Silver Eyes - Eyes gifted upon those chosen by the Light God of the Rwby universe. Passively increases the power of all light powers, magic, skills, etc by 3x. When actively used and awoken, this increase is 10x instead of 3. Allows the user to slay dark creatures with a single look, only works on massively weaker creatures, and does not work against certain immortal creatures, like Vampires. But, it will harm them, and will be incredibly painful. Through the usage of these eyes, the user can create light constructs, in the form of wings, weapons, etc.

Due to having the silver eyes, the users aura has a passive effect against all dark creatures, even more so than before. Increasing the damage against dark creatures, via aura. This also applies to the users magic. All magic used by the user is imbued with light energy (albeit only a little), increasing the damage against dark creatures. The users aura is doubled.

These eyes have the potential to grow stronger, and evolve in the future.

[Beginning fusion of Silver eyes and Odin's lost eye!]




[Fusion Complete!]

Odin's Silver Eyes - The silvery eyes of Odin, created through the combination of Odin's lost eye, and the Silver Eyes. This fusion has massively improved the power of both.

Odin's Lost Eye's abilities all remain, and can now be used in both eyes.

Passively increases the users magical power by 2x.

Passively increases the power of all light skills, abilities, powers, etc by 5x.

When actively used, this increase is 15x instead of 5x.

Allows the user to still slay dark creatures with a single look, but now also works against weaker vampires that are 200 years or younger. Does not work against the Tribrid and special cases.

The users aura is quadrupled.

The users magic has even more light energy inside of it, massively increasing it's damage against dark creatures.

Can now imbue light magic into runic magic, improving the effects of the runes.

Improves talent and comprehension speeds in all forms of light magic by 2x.

Light creatures like the user more.

Absolute Calculation is easier to use, and can now be used on light magic.

Users resistance to light and dark magic, has massively increased.

These eyes can further evolve under the right circumstances.

Talia read through the new "ability/trait" and couldn't help but smile, even with the slight burning sensation she felt in her eyes. The pain was gone pretty quickly, as her eyes began to glow a silver color, before that glow also disappeared, revealing her now permanently silver eyes.

Summoning a mirror, she looked at her new eyes.

'Not bad...it actually looks pretty cool' Talia thought, looking into her new silver eyes. They were rather beautiful, now that she looked at them closer.

'...Hope's gonna be either pissed, or like them' Talia thought with a sweatdrop, not excited about her girls reaction to her new and rather noticeable change in eye color.

Looking around at her surroundings, she noticed the markings around the place, a ritual that Lilith was attempting to use to bring Jonathan back. It wouldn't work, obviously, as his soul didn't exist anymore, bringing him back was quite literally impossible, unless she had the ability to create souls, which she most certainly did not.

Seeing as the area was covered in markings of all sorts, she decided this place was better off gone.

Walking out of the cathedral, she brought her hand out, and cast a wordless incendio, a large one at that. It wouldn't take long for the cathedral to burn down completely. Lilith's body was already completely obliterated, so there wouldn't be any sort of evidence of her existence.

She just hoped the rest of the Greater Demons weren't a problem, thankfully, she doubted they'd come up, not after hearing of Lilith's complete and utter obliteration. They'd more than likely fear their own deaths, so they'd stay down in Hell, where they'd be a hell of a lot safer.

Seeing that the cathedral was burning, she looked around, before silently teleporting away, ready to return back to the Institute, wanting to cuddle with Hope.

Reappearing in her room, she looked to the side and saw Hope, softly snoring in her chair, the book sitting on her chest.

Smiling softly at the sight, Talia moved closer and quietly lifted Hope into a princess carry, before laying her into their bed. Watching her snuggle into the nearby pillow, Talia gave her a single peck on the forehead, before exiting the room, deciding to leave her to sleep.


Walking into the main room of the institute, she noticed Isabelle, Clary, Magnus, and Alec.

"What's up?" Talia asked, looking to the four of them.

"We've found signs of a greater demon" Alec said with a sigh, knowing how troublesome the things are.

"Oh, you mean Lilith? I just killed her, so you don't need to worry about her" Talia said with a hum, sipping on the coffee that appeared out of nowhere into her hands.

The rest of the team looked at her flabbergasted, with Alec facepalming "Why am I not surprised?" Alec said with a small groan.

"You killed Lilith? As in the Mother of all Demons?!" Magnus exclaimed in shock. He knew she was strong, but Lilith was at an entirely different level of power in comparison to someone like Valentine. She was one of the strongest demons there was, and one of the strongest beings in the entire world.

"Yep, she was trying to bring Jonathan back. I guess she saw him as a son or something. Sadly, she can't do that when said persons soul is no longer in existence. Speaking of, her's is also gone" Talia said with a small shrug, not really caring to hide this fact.

She hid her power before, but now, she didn't really see the point. She knew for a fact, that the only beings in the Shadowhunters universe that could actually pose a real threat to her, was the Angels, and MAYBE Lucifer himself. Besides them? There wasn't a single being in this world that was strong enough to fight her.

"What do you mean gone? And you killed Jonathan?" Clary blinked in surprise.

"I destroyed her soul. Meaning, there is absolutely no possibility of her coming back, she's as dead as you possibly can be. As for Jonathan, yes. He wouldn't have died from that wound, not permanently. Lilith would have brought him back, and he would have been a serious problem, again" Talia said, sending Clary a small apologetic look, feeling bad for hiding that little fact.

"So you killed a Greater demon, permanently? Has that ever happened before?" Isabelle asked her brother, who instantly shook his head.

"Everytime they "die" they just return to Edom. I'm pretty sure this is the first documented case of a Greater Demon completely dying" Alec muttered, trying to remember if there was such a case before, and he couldn't think of any.

"We have to keep this a secret then. Just imagine what the Clave will try to make Talia do, if they knew she could permanently kill Greater Demons, and demons as a whole" Clary said, a worried glint appeared in her eyes.

"Agreed. If they knew, they'd stop at nothing to control Talia" Isabelle instantly nodded in agreeance, worry flashing in her eyes as well.

Talia couldn't help but smile at their worry, even Magnus and Alec had worried looks on their faces. 'I really gotta socialize with them more. I've been severely neglecting my social life in this world' Talia thought, knowing that she hadn't exactly socialized with them, even if they were all basically friends at this point. She had some friends in the Salvatore school, in the form of MG, Kaleb, and Josie. But in this life? Her social life was pretty much nonexistent, even when Magnus, Alec, Maia, and even Luke considered her a friend.

"It's fine. They can't force me to do shit, if they did, I'd just threaten to rain hell on them. Or reveal their dirty little secrets I know about" Talia said with a shrug, not even remotely afraid of them.

"Talia..." Clary muttered, sighing at Talia's attitude.

"You guys may not realize it, but I could quite literally obliterate the entirety of Idris with a single spell. I'm not arrogant, I'm confident. I know when to pick my battles, like the Angels, even I'm not arrogant enough to fight them. But a bunch of snobbish Shadowhunters who barely know how to fight, and are basically power hungry politicians? Yeah, I think I can take them"

The entire group went silent at this, looking to Talia, before Magnus couldn't help but ask "Do you really have a spell that can destroy Idris with a single blow?"

"Several. That spell that summoned the angel is nothing compared to some of my stronger ones. I've never, not once, ever went all out in a fight before. So even I don't know how strong I actually am. But I'm confident that I am stronger than a bunch of politicians" Talia replied with a smile.

The group went silent again, before Alec sighed "Fine, but could you please not start a conflict with the Clave? It'd give me a lot of paperwork"

Talia chuckled and nodded, before remembering something and looking to Isabelle.

"Hey Isabelle, still wanna go on that date?"


The entire groups jaws promptly dropped, while a brightly blushing Isabelle covered her face in embarrassment.

'...I'm definitely getting an earful for this'

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That's the end of the chapter!

Next chapter will be the date with Isabelle and Talia, and will be shorter. There's probably a maximum of 5-8 chapters left in this world, before they return back to TVD for a little while, and then the next world!

I'm also officially on Summer Break (except something on Thursday), meaning, the upload schedule will be a lot more stable now. Some other things might be happening soon too.

The Silver eyes were randomly chosen from a variety of special traits of the RWBY universe, including stuff like grimm creation, the powers of a maiden, and more.

Give me some ideas for future classes, the subclass will be chosen by me, out of a random wheel (it'll pick 4-5 classes, and then I'll pick from them). I've got some ideas for classes, here's a few. Not all of these will be chosen, and are just ideas for classes in the future, as some of these are a bit too much for her right now.

Siren (Borderlands)

Jedi/Sith/Force Wielder (Star Wars)

Metahuman (Arrowverse)

Mutant (Marvel)

Dark One (Once Upon a Time)

These are just some of the ideas that have been swirling in my mind. A lot of these are pretty strong, but these are just a few ones that I'd be okay with using. Several of these would need to be leveled even higher than level 100, due to the sheer amount of power they have (Jedi, Mutant, Metahuman, and even Dark One to an extent).

Anyways, have a good day, see you later!

ArtoriaPendragon_ ArtoriaPendragon_

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses (like more than 15 exclusive stories) on my patreon for three dollars a month! Or 30 dollars for an entire year!


(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

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