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Admiral fight? Just kidding.

At the moment Orochimaru appeared, bringing along with him Kabuto atop his head, Kaito had already attacked Hiroshi, ending his life right there.

Orochimaru looked directly into Kaito's cold eyes and licked his lips, causing a sensation of disgust in Kaito.

"Well, well, if it isn't Haruki's son, the man who thwarted my plans. You'll make an excellent subject for my experiments," Orochimaru said, placing his hand on his waist as he awaited some reaction from Kaito.

However, the moment Kaito noticed Orochimaru, he was already prepared to retreat. He didn't have the confidence to fight one of the legendary Sannin, especially the most peculiar one who gave off the impression that all he wanted was to violate someone's body.

Kaito turned and began to run swiftly, hoping to escape without a fight.

Upon seeing this, Orochimaru ordered Manda to pursue him. Despite being surprised by Kaito's reaction, Orochimaru became even more interested, choosing to retreat upon encountering a strong, intelligent, and cautious opponent rather than advancing recklessly.

Manda, in turn, chased Kaito quickly, his speed several times faster, making Kaito exert more effort to escape. However, he soon realized his attempt was futile.

But just as he thought to attack, he noticed Manda had already lunged in his direction, attempting to swallow him whole. Kaito, in turn, used a large amount of wind-style chakra on his feet and exploded forward at high speed, successfully dodging the attack.

Upon seeing this, Manda increased its speed and once again caught up to Kaito. However, Kaito repeated the same move, always keeping a certain distance, while Orochimaru wore a sadistic smile on his face.

"Run, run, but sooner or later, the snake will catch you," his expression was pure ecstasy, thinking about the experiments he could perform on Kaito's body.

Kabuto, by his side, wore a neutral expression on his face, as if none of it had anything to do with him.

Manda continued its attacks for some time, where Kaito managed to dodge all with some effort. But when Manda attacked again and Kaito prepared to dodge, he realized that Orochimaru had appeared in front of him from within a tree, attacking him with his snake hands jutsu, forcing Kaito to defend against both attacks.

Upon realizing this, Kaito spat out a large amount of water, forming a large water barrier around him that quickly froze, protecting him.

The impact came from both sides, completely cracking the barrier, but Manda didn't stop there and attacked again, successfully breaking the ice barrier. Upon realizing this, Kaito had already prepared his jutsu, and at that moment, an ice dragon emerged from within the broken barrier, colliding with Manda and forcing it backwards.

But at that moment, Orochimaru appeared behind Kaito, attacking with a bite. His head and neck had stretched like a snake, and the bite hit Kaito's neck squarely. However, upon biting, Orochimaru didn't feel like he was biting a person, but rather a block of ice.

Indeed, Kaito had protected the area the moment he felt the attack coming. Not missing the opportunity, Kaito unleashed his ice power, directly freezing Orochimaru's head.

Upon realizing it worked, Kaito didn't celebrate and simply jumped out of the barriers, using his ability to freeze the ground and skated away on his ice, greatly increasing his movement speed.

Orochimaru's frozen head completely shattered while his neck returned to his body, but as soon as that happened, his head was back in place.

"This boy is making me more and more interested," his eyes gleamed with desire as he slid back into the ground.

Manda had managed to defend against the ice dragon attack, but as a consequence, its body was full of wounds and some parts were frozen. Kabuto, who had jumped at the moment of the jutsu, returned to Manda's head without any intention of getting involved, while it resumed its pursuit.

It didn't take long before Kabuto spotted Kaito and the trail of ice he left behind while skating.

But it was a considerable distance, and it seemed Manda wouldn't catch up anytime soon. However, when Kaito least expected it, a lava ball appeared in the sky heading towards him, forcing Kaito to dodge hastily.

This attack not only surprised Kaito but also left Kabuto and Orochimaru confused, not knowing who had attacked him.

Not far away, a figure emerged wearing a black robe with chains on his arms, looking mysterious.

"Hihishi, I finally found you," the man said, looking at Kaito with a creepy smile.

"What the hell is this?" Kaito shouted, not understanding anything, as he had never seen this man before.

"Hihishi, you should have come with my subordinates earlier. Now I'll have to break some of your bones, or better yet, burn them," the man said, forming another lava ball in his hand and throwing it towards Kaito.

Kaito dodged hastily, but soon two more lava balls came towards him, forcing him to defend himself by creating an ice barrier. Upon contact with the lava, the ice began to melt rapidly, but managed to contain the attack for a few seconds while Kaito retreated.

'Now I understand, he must be from that organization. But damn, this is going to be a tough fight. His kekkei genkai is lava style, capable of melting my ice in seconds, and on top of that, there's Orochimaru and Kabuto.' Kaito's mind raced as he pondered his situation.

The man was about to attack again when Orochimaru appeared behind him, attacking with his snake hands jutsu. However, the man easily dodged and faced Orochimaru.

"I thought you wanted to kill that boy there. Why attack me?" the man asked curiously, as he had seen Orochimaru attacking Kaito earlier.

"You are mistaken. He is an interesting specimen, and I would love to study his body thoroughly. But you are also interesting. I can see that your lava attacks consume a lot of your chakra, and your body seems to suffer every time you use them. You are nothing more than an experiment, and I would love to know how they achieved that," Orochimaru licked his lips and attacked again, his head extending from his body.

The man was surprised to realize that they had discovered everything so easily, but soon a feeling of fury arose within him.

"I am not an experiment. I am evolution," the man concentrated his chakra, and an explosion of lava erupted from the ground, transforming everything around into magma. Orochimaru used a substitution jutsu and easily escaped the attack, but Kaito was within his reach, and to avoid being killed, he used his ice attack again, freezing a large area around him.

The lava quickly melted the ice upon contact, but it was soon halted, protecting Kaito. Upon seeing this, he sighed, but not for long, as Manda was already attacking him, leaving no time to evade. Kaito seemed about to be swallowed when suddenly a large toad fell from the sky, holding Manda's mouth shut.

Seeing this, Kaito breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, he could relax a bit; his life wasn't in constant danger now. Standing atop the toad's head were a person with white hair and another with blond hair. They were none other than Jiraiya and Naruto.

At the same moment, a giant slug appeared in the same manner, accompanied by a blonde woman with a striking presence and another with short black hair, no less remarkable. They were Tsunade Senju and Shizune.

Now all three legendary Sannin were gathered in one place, facing each other down, as Orochimaru was surprised by their arrival.

The only one who was still puzzled was the man with the lava kekkei genkai, but his confusion soon passed, and he attacked Kaito in an attempt to capture him and leave the area, as nothing good would happen there.

Streams of lava bullets advanced towards Kaito's barrier, melting the ice quickly and revealing a gap, which the man seized to appear next to Kaito, reaching out to capture him.

Kaito didn't stay still; now feeling unconcerned, with Jiraiya and Tsunade present, nothing too bad would happen. He decided to attack his opponent with full force.

Four ice arms had emerged from his back, attacking the man. With no time to react, he was punched by six arms at once, crashing into the ice barrier that had been broken before.

The man hurriedly attacked by swinging his hand, throwing lava towards Kaito, who was already advancing towards him with his new kenjutsu style.

Kaito didn't bother to stop as a lava barrier appeared in front of him, blocking the attack, while ice arms emerged from the barrier where the man had hit it and restrained him. The man, in turn, used his jutsu to free himself by quickly melting the hands, but Kaito was already in front of him, slashing with all his blades, like a rain of blows from which there was no escape.

The ninja, in turn, tried to defend himself with a lava barrier, but it was quickly sliced by the blades, which, despite melting in the process, quickly reformed and continued towards him.

He found himself with no option but to try to dodge the onslaught of attacks, but he didn't expect that the entire barrier around him had turned into attacks, raining ice needles.

The man found himself unsure how to dodge both attacks, especially since his abilities consumed much of his chakra, and his reserves were now not the best. However, he decided it was better to defend against the blades, letting the needles hit his back. The attacks not only wounded him slightly, but the ice chakra was spreading through his body, wanting to freeze him from the inside. However, being a jounin-level person, and with his kekkei genkai, he could be considered elite to some extent. So he used his chakra to expel this temperature, while forcing a large lava barrier to appear around him, protecting him inside.

These were what remained of his chakra reserves, but fortunately, he was safe now, as there was no way to penetrate that amount of lava. So he took some pills from his pocket and tossed them into his mouth to replenish his reserves.

Kaito, upon realizing this, withdrew while observing. He felt that even if he attacked with all the power he had, his attacks would be melted before reaching that man. The only chance was if he used his temporary sage mode, but the disadvantages of that were too severe for this moment.

Jiraiya and Tsunade, who had arrived, observed with surprise the fight between two Kekkei Genkai users, especially upon realizing how strong Kaito was, the target they came to protect.

"Hahahaha, good boy. Now I understand why Hiruzen was so concerned about your well-being," Jiraiya shouted to Kaito, while Naruto, beside him, looked surprised and excited to see how strong Kaito was.

Jiraiya turned to Orochimaru, who was also staring at him, while Tsunade also seemed ready to advance in his direction.

However, a smile appeared on Orochimaru's face as he suddenly vanished. Seeing this, Jiraiya also disappeared at the same time, appearing right in front of Kaito, just in time to stop a surprise attack on him, using his hair as protection.

"Orochimaru, you won't hurt anyone anymore. Your path ends here. Hiruzen has always been too lenient with you," Jiraiya said as he defended against the attack.

The smile on Orochimaru's face hadn't disappeared even after his attack was defended. Seeing this, Jiraiya knew something was wrong. And his premonition was correct, as in a quick movement, he crawled on the ground with his body as flexible as a snake towards Kaito, who was about to attack. But a beautiful lady fell from the sky, kicking Orochimaru, and the ground around her opened in several parts. Kaito could tell that this attack had tremendous force behind it. If it had been directed at him, he doubted whether he could defend against it or not.

However, for Orochimaru, it was nothing out of the ordinary, and he escaped with ease.

"Hiss! Well, well, an incapacitated person who can't even stand the sight of blood is attacking me. I thought you no longer had this courage, Tsunade-sama. Hiss!"

Tsunade, upon hearing this, didn't care much and continued attacking Orochimaru, who found himself forced to retreat as Jiraiya was already attacking him.

As the fight unfolded, Kaito, Kabuto, Naruto, and Shizune were just watching as mere spectators. After all, this fight was not something they could intervene in. But the same wasn't true for the three summons, who were attacking each other as equally as their masters.

Manda, in turn, was already injured by Kaito's attacks and now had to face two opponents at the same time, leading to a quick defeat. But Kabuto, seeing this, dismissed the summoning, saving Manda.

The fight continued, and Orochimaru seemed to be at a disadvantage, but it wasn't too bad because even though Jiraiya and Tsunade still couldn't attack to kill, unlike him, who showed no mercy when attacking.

Kaito was keeping an eye on them when he felt movements coming from the lava ball, knowing that the enemy was about to attack him, but this was the moment he had been waiting for.

He turned towards the lava, and the seals that sealed his left hand fell slowly, exposing a frozen arm. The temperature around him dropped to a degree where even he began to feel cold. The natural energy was still uncontrollable in his left arm, almost rendering it useless, but now it was what he needed the most. So as soon as the seals fell, Kaito punched towards the lava ball.

His punch hit the man directly in the chest as he was still emerging from the barrier, catching him by surprise as he didn't expect Kaito to be crazy enough to do this. The man was thrown out of the defense, dragged by the impact until he hit a tree, breaking it in half. At the point of impact, a huge crust of ice had formed, and the ninja felt his chakra being consumed every second, and his skin frozen, and no matter how hard he tried to stop it, he couldn't.

Desperate, he tried to use his Kekkei Genkai to melt the ice, but it seemed impossible, leaving him even more nervous and about to flee.

"Remember my name, I am Ivan, I will return again, and I hope you are prepared to be killed by me," Ivan said, grinding his teeth in anger and hatred towards Kaito, blaming him for putting him in this situation, even though he had sought it out.

As he finished, he was about to flee with his tail between his legs, but Kaito wouldn't give him that chance, so using his ability to ski like the Ice Man from the X-Men, he quickly caught up to him.

Ivan felt as if the whole world around him had frozen as he watched Kaito stretch his hand over him, but he wasn't one to give up his life so easily and attacked with his own Kekkei Genkai. However, Kaito held off the attack with his left hand, which continued to descend towards him, landing directly on his face. Ivan didn't give up and seized the opportunity to attack again, but Kaito had already anticipated this and was using an ice armor, which managed to stop his attacks but only for a few seconds, as Kaito had already frozen him to death.

Everyone witnessed the scene and could see how ruthless Kaito was, but this only made Jiraiya and Tsunade have a lower opinion of him, while Orochimaru became more interested in Kaito's personality.

"Hahaha, this kid fits my taste much more than I imagined," Orochimaru smiled as he quickly disappeared from in front of his two friends, leaving a bad feeling about them.

Orochimaru appeared again in front of Kaito, who was very alert to his surroundings and noticed his arrival, attacking him with everything he had, wanting to freeze him in the same way. But what Kaito didn't realize was that Kabuto had disappeared a long time ago and now had appeared behind him, using his chakra scalpel technique to pierce the location of his heart, the hand had completely pierced his body.

Everyone except Orochimaru was shocked by what had happened, their eyes filled with disbelief. They didn't expect Kaito to end up like this.

"Damn it, why does everyone like to do this," Kaito complained as if he were feeling nothing but indignation, shocking everyone again because there was no blood.

Kabuto tried to retract his hand, but it was stuck, his arm was already completely frozen, and the ice was spreading, wanting to freeze his body completely.

"Now that you've attacked me, you must leave something in return." Not willing to let this go easily, the arms of Asura emerged from his back and slashed directly towards Kabuto, who had no choice but to tear his arm off.

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