"What is that?" Ruith asked as I pulled three old packets of noodles from the cabinet in the small kitchen.
"Ramen," I answered with a smile. "Well, not the authentic stuff, but it's close enough." I dropped the blocks into a pot of boiling water. The pot had been with me a while, the bottom seared and the red paint chipped, but it had remained useful over the years.
While I stirred, I chanced a glance at Ruith, who fidgeted with his hands. A habit for when he was worried or nervous, so I wondered now if he would confide in me what events transpired last night to leave him in such a shaken state. Of course I wouldn't ask about it. I didn't want Ruith to panic and close off. My heart would cripple if I saw him like that again.
"There might be a can of corn in the bottom cabinet. Can you check for me?" I asked, hoping to settle Ruith's hands.
What consequences do you predict Simon & Ruith will recieve for avoiding their responsibilities? Would it have been worth it to spend time together?