[ September ]
It'd been a month since Taegen's departure, and with him fled any companionship I had in this world. I'd never had any friends outside my family, and my family had always been small. Loneliness followed me through the quiet halls of my home, ironic with its resolve to keep me company.
When I had no one to talk to, I sighed or hummed so my voice would be here when Taegen returned.
I had long recovered from my fight with Verena. If I can even call it that. After receiving an examination from my doctor, it was confirmed that I hadn't caused any significant damage to myself. I'd only strained my core from releasing such a powerful surge of magic for the first time. It was as though I'd just learned how to bend my knees, and instead of a careful hop, I'd performed a full leap.
Oh no, things are getting scary, aren't they :(? Do you guys think you can predict what happens in the next chapter? Hint: expect tears and blood.