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21.55% Pokemon: A life worth living / Chapter 21: C021 - Another find in the forest at night

Bab 21: C021 - Another find in the forest at night

In the end, Herbert naturally agreed to lend Exeggutor to Pete. It was just like the twins said. The pokemon would prefer to roam around nature compared to staying in the house for too long.

However, Herbert did make Pete promise he would take the twins to Goldenrod City at the very least. Sophie cheered at the opportunity to get out of the house and go shopping in the biggest port city of the Johto region.

Jasmine, on the other hand, calmly planned the whole trip in her mind beforehand and decided to go stock up on potions and other necessities in Violet City tomorrow before the trip.

Since Pete still wanted to at least visit the city before going, he invited himself to her trip, which made Sophie want to come as well. Pete didn't mind either way. He could probably use a guide.

In the game, the city only had a flying-type gym, a pokemart, a pokecenter, a pokemon school, the Sprout Tower, and two regular houses.

Naturally, the actual city was much bigger. The crossroads housing the gym and the school still had an entire shopping district extending from it toward the Sprout Tower in the north of the city, according to Sophie.

Before going to bed, Pete once again led his pokemon into the forest to collect some more moss. He kept open his psychic link with Solosis the entire time, though a much wider link than usual to train his psychic affinity.

It was tiresome, but not as much as extending his ground sense the first time around. Since humans were naturally more attuned to psychic energy, that made sense.

This time around, Pete and his pokemon found a few wild pokemon, but none of them attacked him this time. He was fighting his urge to catch most of these pokemon because there were a lot of wild grass and odd bug pokemon here.

From Bellsprout and its evolutions to Pineco and the occasional Exeggcute. Even a Sudowoodo was busy practicing its moves in the form of shadow boxing. It was a weird sight, but one that Pete didn't want to interrupt. Before he settled down, Pete would need to calm his urges to catch all of them.

However, as the night progressed and he had an entire bag once more filled with moss, Pete heard hurt wimpering on the way back to his camp at Herbert's mansion.

Pete looked to Rapidash with a nod. The giant flaming unicorn stepped forward as a vanguard while the rest fell back with Golett outside his ball guarding their backs.

Once they passed another tree, they found a clearing that looked like a warzone. Trees were charred and smoldering on every side. Rocks were smashed, and jagged pieces were strewn about everywhere. The ground was overturned and messy.

'This is barely half an hour away from the mansion. How have we not heard such a fight? A three-way fight no less,' Pete thought as he looked at the badly damaged corpses all over.

The most impressive corpse was no doubt that of a giant Arcanine, even bigger than Rapidash. It had blackened gashes all over its body and looked hurt all over. Then there were a dead Nidoqueen and a few dead Nidorina and Nidorino that had scratches and bite marks all over their bodies.

And who could forget the four human corpses among some Ekans, Rattatas, two Ratticates, a completely scorched Golbat, and the lumpy mess of two Wheezings?

"Team Rocket? What was their goal here? Why would they fight two smaller pokemon tribes with an Arcanine and a Nidoqueen?"

Pete looked around to see what their fight could have been about until he found what looked like a Moon Stone, which he had several off. But this stone somehow looked more impressive. A regular moon stone should be as dark as the sky. But this one, while still black, also shone like it held several little stars inside. It was dark though, and it could just be a mirage. Angled reflections on the jagged surface of the stone.

Seeing as he had nobody to stop him from picking it up, Pete did just that. The stone was almost as big as his head and weighed quite a bit. Once inside his bag, Pete concentrated on the wimpering. Rapidash seemed to have already found the source, so he stepped over.

A still breathing Growlithe was lying next to the giant Arcanine. It was the smallest among the three otherwise dead Growlithe here in the clearing, and its body had the least amount of visible injuries. However, one attack to its hindleg had poisoned it if the blackened blood in the fur was any indication.

But then Pete heard more wimpering and looked around because the whimper didn't come from Growlithe.

One of the Nidorino was lying in its blood and barely breathing. But its eyes still held a fierce glimmer in his eyes. It didn't want to die here. Pete stepped closer to it.

"Hey, Nidorino. I'm guessing these humans over there came here to steal the stone, right? While I wouldn't take the stone if it belonged to someone else, I took it now. I'll tell you this so there won't be any hard feelings when I'll heal you now. You look like a fighter, but please don't attack me in some last ditch effort," Pete said as he opened the bag with the pokegear and some emergency berries he brought for the excursion.

He applied some spray-on potion on the pokemon's body and covered the wounds in mushed up Oran berry. He fed the pokemon a bit of the mush but kept the Oran juice.

Once done with the minimum he felt he needed to do, Pete walked over to the Growlithe. Rapidash's gaze filled with pity for the clearly newborn pokemon meant he couldn't ignore it, even if he wanted.

Pete sat down the next to the hurt Growlithe and the dead Arcanine and was once again humbled by the giant corpse of the giant dog.

He placed the bowl with the Oran juice next to him and took out a knife and a Pecha berry for the poison. According to the book he had found in the cabin at route 27, Pecha berries were an allrounder in poison cures. You could ingest it, apply it to the wound. It works with the flesh of the fruit and the juice.

"Hey, Growlithe. I'm sorry about all of this. All I can do for you is tend to your wounds so that you can live on. I'm sure Arcanine and your siblings defended you to the last with that wish in mind. This might sting, I don't know, but please bear with it," Pete softly spoke to the mourning and exhausted little Growlithe.

The fiery dog only looked up with teary, empty eyes but didn't really react to Pete's words.

As delicately as he could, Pete cleaned Growlithe's poisoned wound and put a mix or Oran and Pecha berry mush on it. Then he put the bowl with the mixed juices in front of the pokemon.

"Go on, it'll help you recover. Don't want any scars marring this beautiful fur, no?"

Growlithe didn't react once more but still drank the juice slowly.

Pete slowly stood up to give the wounded pokemon some space.

"Look out for her, will you?" Pete softly asked Rapidash, who gave him a concerned nod.

Pete walked to the dead trainers he suspected to be Team Rocket members. They were covered in blackened burns all over, likely a last indiscriminate effort by Arcanine to take their attackers with them to their deaths.

He steeled his mind to see if he could anything in their pockets, but the smell and the visuals were too much for him. He was getting more and more nauseous the longer he stayed closer

'Solosis, sorry to ask this of you. Would you mind if they have anything in their pockets and get it out from there?'

The psychic cell pokemon readily complied, not understanding why Pete even apologized for the order.

What Pete got were blackened phones and wallets with their contents almost entirely destroyed. It left enough evidence to see their allegiance to Team Rocket, however. Only one of the four bags from the four trainers held contents that could still be used. Though, it was a regular backpack, not a bag of holding.

Pete would have suspected many things to be in there, but he did not expect there to be three greatly startled and battered Farfetch'd inside.

He opened the bag as wide as he could and slowly placed the backpack on the ground so that the bird pokemon could come out on their own. When they did, they lined up in a row and looked at Pete with tilted heads. Something looked odd about these brown duck pokemon with the V-shaped black 'eyebrow'.

"Ah! Your leeks are missing!" Pete suddenly shouted.

"Sorry you three, I didn't bring any emergency food with me, but I think I've seen fresh spring onions in Herbert's fridge. If you want you three can follow us?"

"Far!" One of the three ducks shouted and all the three ducks used one wing to salute Pete with a resounding quack from all three.


Bab 22: C022 - Violet City early morning shopping

Under the urging of Rapidash, Pete decided to take Growlithe with him. At least for the night, he didn't want to ask the pokemon to join him after she had just lost her family.

The three Farfetch'd followed Pete silently at the heel in an orderly row without any prompting. It was kind of endearing to see, though Pete wondered where their military-esque mindset came from.

Nidorino followed along too, which came as a surprise. It didn't want to get into a pokeball, so their return trip took a little longer with the wounded poisonous rabbit following along.

Pete wasn't yet sure if he wanted to keep him, or if maybe the pokemon only wanted to stay until its recovered a little. But Solosis assured him that Nidorino didn't follow with bad intentions and would not attack them.

Back at the site of the fight, Pete had cut a piece of Arcanine's tail fur to keep as a memento for Growlithe and buried the corpses of the fight with Golett's help including the Team Rocket grunts.

Once they all returned, Pete once more tended to the wounds of the new addition to their camp and then walked inside the quiet mansion of Herbert's family.

Isabelle, who was in the living room reading, looked at Pete with a raised eyebrow as he came inside only to 'steal' a bowl of spring onions. But she decided to ask tomorrow.

The three Farfetch'd looked at Pete with worshipping gazes as he placed the bowl down so they could choose their 'weapon'. Each of them picked one and they started a three-way-sword fight with their new spring onion. They looked weirdly agile and professional, but it was still a very derpy sight.

He then brought the remaining vegetables inside and went to the bathroom to get ready for the night. Sleep came easy to most this night, except for Growlithe and Rapidash, who had forced the pup into her warm embrace for comfort.

When Pete woke up, Rapidash, for the first time in a long time, was not awake before him. He looked at the fiery unicorn, and his heart broke at the sight of Growlithe curled up with wet fur near her eyes next to Rapidash's head.

Golett was still up and greeted Pete with a silent, robotic wave to which Pete responded with a warm smile and a nod. Nidorino was up, too.

The pokemon was covered in bandages on its purple fur and had a determined look in his eyes. It looked like he wanted to talk to Pete, so he guided him toward the mansion a little away from all his still sleeping pokemon.

Since unlocking his psychic affinity and concentrating on the changes, Pete noticed he could more accurately tell a pokemon's mood and meaning. That would come in handy for the upcoming discussion.

"Alright, tell me then. What can I do for you?"


"You want to become strong?"


"Okay, yeah, I guess I could probably help with that, but strength for my pokemon and I isn't my goal. It's to be safe and live comfortably."


"Really? The fire in your eyes tells me you want to gain strength for strength's sake."


"You sure? You don't want strength to take revenge on the group those people came from?"


"Yeah, I thought as much. Well, I could help you get stronger, but there are better trainers out there to help with that. And while I could potentially help you evolve, I don't see any benefit to me if you're just going to leave to fight Team Rocket."


"Yeah, sure, I could use a fighter in the short term..."


"I... I guess. Let me be clear, though. I can help, but it's at my pace, not yours. Don't start fighting wild pokemon to train your moves and drag the others and me into it when you bit off more than you can chew."


"Haaa. Okay, I'll browse some common training guides for your species on my tablet once we're done with breakfast. Welcome to the team, Nidorino," Pete said with a sigh.

His plan was not to catch any more pokemon in the short term, yet he already had four new pokemon since the three Farfetch'd already looked like they wanted to worship the ground Pete walked on. Especially when he said he would open a farm where plants like leeks and green onion would grow.

And there was still Growlithe, who Pete was sure would stay one way or another by the way Rapidash was behaving.

When Pete was done cooking breakfast, the twins joined him at the table at his camp site with incredibly tired eyes. They only really lost their sleepiness when they saw the pitiful Growlithe all wounded and curled up next to Rapidash eying everyone warily.

"Aw, poor puppy! Who hurt you like this? Did Pete bully you?" Sophie asked as she squatted down next to Growlithe to try and comfort her.

"The wounds look properly cared for," Jasmine analyzed as she squatted down next to Sophie. The Corsola on her arms looked distressed at the pitiful state of Growlithe as well.

The Corsola even went as far as using rock type energy to break off one of its horns on the back and gift it to Growlithe. It was one of the bigger ones and even taller than her head, but thin enough that Growlith could carry it in her maw of she so chooses.

Under the urging of so many pokemon and people who wanted her to get better, Growlithe eventually ate a big portion of Pete's food. For a short moment, she even growled in pleasure because the food was so delicious. But when she heard it herself, she grew disheartened and stopped with a sad look. She did, however, accept the horn and gnawed on it slowly and with care. Kind of like with a chew-toy or bone.

Pete looked up a few guides on how to train the Nidoran lines and didn't find anything too crazy outside of having them eat the corpses of other poison type pokemon to increase the power of their poison.

Which could be accomplished if he sicked the Nidorino on the Ariadnos at Evergreen Meadow later on, but he couldn't do it right at this moment.

Nidorino needed to get healed first anyway. So when the twins were ready to go into Violet City, Pete took Solosis and Zorua with him while keeping Nidorino balled.

He planned to get Nidorino healed at a pokemon center because it took much more physical damage than Growlithe, who would recover shortly with just the berries and the potion spray Pete used.

Zorua didn't want to leave Pete's side this morning and Solosis was asked to come along so she could potentially get a glimpse of the move Heal Pulse from the Chansey or Blissey likely working at the pokemon center.

Pete asked the rest of his pokemon to keep a look out for his belongings and to enjoy some time off, but he knew the Minccino, Ponyta, and Blitzle were up to some shenanigans. Sunkern was once again hanging out with Isabelle's three Sunflora.

The three Sunflora were asked to mend quite a few more grafted berry trees now that they learned of the great success of the first try and Pete hoped Sunkern would learn a thing or two from them on this sunny day.

"Where'd you wanna go first, Pete?" Sophie asked as the three made their way down from the mansion into the city.

Both girls were wearing fluttering sundresses and large, white hats. The dresses were the same cut, but Jasmine's was a warm earthen beige, while Sophie's dress was skyblue.

"Hmm, I think the pokecenter to get Nidorino checked if you don't mind," Pete responded as he palmed the ball the pokemon was in.

"Sure, we can do that," Sophie agreed with a cheerful smile.

"Maybe we should have insisted Growlithe come too," Jasmine muttered as she looked at the pokeball with the wounded pokemon inside.

"She looked fine to me. The wound on her hindleg was almost closed this morning. Just exhausted, tired, and very, very sad. I don't think the pokecenter would help more than Rapidash mothering her all day as best she can," Pete interjected.

Showing up to the pokecenter with an ID that said "assistant professor to Professor Elm" turned out to be a VIP card that meant the Nurse Joy of the pokemon center would more or less agree to his every reasonable demand.

The check-up for Nidorino would take some time, so Pete left him there together with Solosis. Pete had asked if he could let the pokemon stay so that it might learn Heal Pulse. He had asked Professor Elm before if that would be considered impolite, but the professor assured him that the Nurse Joys would welcome pokemon trying to learn the noble art of healing.

With Zorua on his shoulder and the twins at his side, Pete started taking in the sights of Violet City now that his biggest worry was taken care of.

They browsed a few shops here and there, and Pete was dragged into a few clothing stores, too. Sophie seemed to have a knack for fashion as she decided how the twins would dress for the day Pete learned today. Jasmine was more focused on pokemon and gladly trusted her sister's fashion sense.

Pete, in turn, was made to buy a bunch of outfits that matched his overall look. He didn't say anything to shirts and hoodies, but he did ask for the pants and jackets to also be functional and not just a fashion statement. Sophie already knew Pete was going to say something like that, so she chose the stores well in advance.

At a large convenience store Pete stocked up on pokemon treats he couldn't make just yet, bought a bunch of spices and cooking utensils like whisks he didn't get in New Bark Town and found a few gardening tools.

Lunch was getting closer, so Pete wanted to get Solosis and Nidorino from the pokemon center and get back to the mansion. The day had already cost him P$8.520 - that was enough for Pete.

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