Shao Hui followed Mo Qiang, the happier he was when coming to this pub, the more aggrieved he was now. He wanted to come to the pub and enjoy it with his friends but his so-called friends gave him quite a nice surprise tonight.
As he followed after Mo Qiang, he softly sniffled causing Mo Qiang's head to throb. She looked at the crying mer and then shook her head before she continued to walk, seeing her walk away from Shao Hui so heartlessly, Xiao Jiao couldn't help but say, " Why are you not coaxing him? Shouldn't you be hugging and kissing him while telling him that you will always stay by his side?"
For the sake of teaching this dumb woman how to romance her husbands, Xiao Jiao had been watching a lot of romantic shows and this scene of a woman hugging a mer and telling her that she was going to protect him no matter what was something that she saw in the Romantic drama series that Wen Gui was watching these days.
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