I pushed open the door of my bedroom as Kiran and Ivan dragged Ivan inside. They laid him down on the bed and when I saw him groan, it was all I could do not to panic. I stared at Ivan whose breathing seemed as if it was weak. I don't understand what was happening to him, he was fine yesterday! I sleep with him every night so he was fine! He is supposed to be fine, not like this!
"Arianne?" Kiran called me.
I turned to look at him then back at Harald who was staring at me with a look of sympathy on his face.
"Can someone please tell me what happened to my husband?"
Harald sighed before he turned to Kiran. "I think its best if we just showed her."
"Show me what?"
Kiran shook his head. "No, Ivan wouldn't like it " I stared at the both of them. "Wouldn't like what?"
"Well it's not like he is awake now to stop it." Harald countered. "So just show her, she's got a right to know.
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