Vincent's eyes shone in mirth as if the blood seal barely bothered him, and he replied to her curious gaze, "There are reasons why some of the pureblooded vampires don't show all their cards to the public, as you never know when it will come into use. Some abilities are convenient during situations you will least expect."
"Like flying without anyone's knowledge?" Eve asked him, still trying to figure out what it had to do with the blood seal he had made in the Council's registry regarding the deal with the Hookes.
"I think it would be more interesting if I show it to you, than I explain," Vincent took a step backwards, and said, "Come with me." Holding her hand firmly in his, they started to walk.
"Where are we going?" Eve inquired because the last time when they had stepped out of the mansion, they had been lucky enough to return before Lady Aurora had barged into the piano room upon her maid's word.
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