Eve's eyes widened, as everything had happened in slow motion and she heard the clatter of the bucket against the ground, while the used water spread on the floor. She heard distant, yet quick footsteps approaching and when she leaned over the railing to see, who it was. She noticed Lady Aurora's maid.
During that time, Rosetta stared at the dirty water spread on the floor, and her lips quivered. How could this happen….and she sniffled.
Eugene's eyes widened on hearing the sniffling sound, and noticed tears ready to fall from the vampiress's eyes, "Please don't cry, miss!" He hurried, "I should have moved the bucket to the side. Are you hurt?" Not only did he have to clean the dirty water from the floor now, but the vampiress appeared to have hurt herself.
"I will clean this!" Rosetta tried to hold back her disappointment. She then noticed Eve appear at the end of the corridor and signalled her something. Blythe was on her way here! Oh, no.
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