"Anamoly number 114750. Danger level 0." A voice rumbled from Primos's, and his eyes flashed blue as he started floating. "Cluster 4523 move to point Z at 36548, permission black." BAM!
In a flash of light, thousands of portals emerged everywhere, and the golem army of Mechanus blotted the sky. BOOM! Primos's body exploded, transforming into a flying ship as he sat on the deck as a mere upper body of electric light. The divine magic oozing from him was on a whole other level than when he fought Alice.
"What is this?" Alice gasped, glaring at the sky.
"The cosmic guards, the ones who capture and judge rogue beings." Primos replied as the whole army glared down at Lilia, "Depending on your actions, this might be the place to end you,"
ZON! GAIA appeared before Lilia and glared at Primos in the sky, "Your winning chance is still less than 1%, is risking the whole force of the cosmic guard worth it?" She shouted.
"Primos, GAIA is right," Amaterasu shouted, "It isn't worth the risk!"
Who would win? An angry mom or an angry dragon?