Satan stepped out of the bullet's way and coated his right arm with hellfire. Luna's own special magic allowed her to use ''hellfire'', but it was a much inferior version to the real hellfire, which was wielded by Satan.
It was like comparing a candle flame to a flamethrower.
''Hellfire!'' Satan shouted and swung his arm like he was throwing a ball. The hellfire covered the sky in golden/red flames and flew straight to the enormous mountain in the distance.
Then, a bullet tore through the air, went straight through the hellfire, and exploded. The hellfire vanished suddenly, like it was blown away by a strong wind.
''Hellfire!'' As Satan smashed his palm on the ground, the hellfire flung out of his palm and started covering the entire ground in flames. The grass and soil started burning like they were being cooked, and the faraway trees were charred black.
The hellfire surrounded the enormous mountain; its flames were at a height of fifty meters.
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