/ Video Games / Advent of the Archmage

Advent of the Archmage

Advent of the Archmage

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Penulis: Mo XiangPenerjemah: Vicky_Editor: Vicky_
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Link was the top Archmage in the entire server. He had just defeated the strongest boss, the Lord of The Deep, Nozama with his party. However, instead of going back to town, he was transported to a secret location with pixelated CG.

It sort of felt like a vacuum, and within it came a glorious and commanding voice that calls himself the God of Light.

"Link, would you be willing to be the saviour who will pull the World of Firuman out from the churning abyss?"

What a huge mission! If it was in the real world, Link would have rejected it immediately. However, he was bent on being the hero in game.

"Bring it on!" Link answered confidently.

"Then, best of luck."

And so begin Link's journey of magic, friendship, betrayal, love and despair in the ever changing World of Firuman.


  1. Nick8D
    Nick8D Berpartisipasi 11892
  2. Dragoneye18_00
    Dragoneye18_00 Berpartisipasi 11732
  3. Branden_Dehner
    Branden_Dehner Berpartisipasi 11670


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    Rank -- Peringkat Power
    Stone -- Power stone

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    Tulis ulasan

    Alternatively known as “Descent of God of Magic”, this novel is shorter relative to others (less than 800 chapters), but it is a good read (although the ending feels a liitle rushed). MC travels to a game world and has a level system that gives him missions and lets him upgrade his level of magic. Armed with his knowledge from the game, MC is OP, but has a very likeable personality. He is intelligent and excels in strategies, but he is also willing to help others and go the extra mile. Romance is well developed with one key love interest (a plus for those who don’t like MC picking up girls everywhere. MC does have other women attracted to him). Overall, a recommended read.

    Lihat 212 balasan

    Website : qidian china Views : 680thousand Rating : 8.4(69) Chapters : 747 Status : completed Word count : 2.4million author level : lv5 No of works : 5 Year : 2016 If you are interested, my reviews are in almost every novel with atleast 3 likes.

    Lihat 85 balasan
    LV 4 Badge

    Before I say anything, I know when you write English words in Chinese they sound more than a little odd. But in an obviously western themed story, if the main characters name comes out as f@ck1ng RINC YOU SHOULD KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG. I usually hate writing a review before release, the main reason being that a "review" has to review some actual content. Half of the so called, "reviews" on qidian are just asshats who read the blurb, and ONLY the blurb and go "wow this story is great/bad/rubbish/amazing" It just drives up the wall as THAT IS NOT WHAT A REVIEW IS. Godamn, good books are coming out with 3 stars because of dumb stuff like that. Fix your sh1t qi. *end of rant Anyways, I've read the tl of this book on another site and it was great. I've really enjoyed it and the translation was good and you could see the translater actively improving their skills. That's why I've rated most of this highly (giving the benefit of the doubt on release rate). As for translation quality... I've got some hopes, but not many. The synopsis is already showing how green the translator is. And it makes my heart pound with worry. Too many stories on qi have just been utterly mauled and ravaged by inept translators and editors that don't even improve over the course of SEVERAL HUNDRED Chapters. I truly hope this one will be alright. Here is the synopsis from the previous site and you can compare it yourself: The number one magician in the game, Link, led his group to defeat the final boss: Ruler of the Abyss, Nosamax. Then, a cinematic appeared. It was a very ****** one. There was an endless void, and within the emptiness there was a self-proclaimed Ruler of Light — a dim globe of light. “Link, are you willing to save the continent of Feiloma from the envelopment of darkness?” asked the Ruler of Light. Of course, in reality, he wouldn’t dream of agreeing to such a laden mission. However, couldn’t he give it a shot in the game? “I am willing!” Link replied in deadly earnest. “Then go ahead.” And thus, Link was thrown into the miserable continent of Feiloma.

    Lihat 40 balasan

    I was the previous translator for this novel, and it's a great read to those of you guys who like OP mcs and the Litrpg genre in general. Translation quality: 3/5. Subpar, but definitely decent. Although there are many things I disagree on such as the various character names as well as the arbitrary switch from 'free points' to 'omni points', the translator doesn't fall short of other Qidian translators. I rewrote some entire parts to intensify the story as well as fight scenes to make the story better on my own discretion, but if the translator doesn't want to it's his decision. The editing is horrible though, if there's one thing Qidian needs it's better editors. Multiple typos, spelling mistakes and one out of every two sentences was badly phrased. Translation would've been 3.5/5 if it weren't for editor. So tempted to join Qidian as an editor. Stability of Updates: 5/5, since it's Qidian. I mean, duh. Story Development: 5/5. One of the best Litrpg/Magic novels, and the plot certainly isn't cliche. Character Design: Uh this is a CN novel so you obviously don't have character development. But the personalities of the various characters do remain consistent so a solid 3/5. World Background: 4/5. It does well on world-building too though it doesn't focus on that aspect. This novel has a good author.

    Lihat 19 balasan

    READ OR RUN?? TRANSLATION QUALITY: Between glaring grammatical errors, names being interchanged and the structure of the novel as a whole, it creates a difficult read. The grammar is ****** which, in theory, should make for an easy and quick read, instead weakeneds the story. The simplistic style highlights all the grammatical mistakes either the author or the translators have made. To be utterly cynical, it makes no sense for there to be as many mistakes as there are due to this being written in a language that is comfortably within the compass of a 10-year-old. They either need to put in more effort, have a new team pick this up or , heck, at this point I will take a freaking editor. All the pLinKesses are making me cringe. I cry bitter hot tears every time I read certain sentences. STABILITY OF UPDATES: Personally, I do not have much of a preference on this. 10 chapters a week is neither a large amount nor a small amount. BUT, there are translators whom push out more chapters a week at a better quality then what we are reading here. If the translation was better I would be more forgiving, but due to simply mistakes I have to give them a poor rating. I am a fan of quality over quantity. STORY DEVELOPMENT: The author needs to learn how to show NOT tell. The entire plot must have been carefully outlined, which makes for an excellent foundation, but fell flat in terms execution. The only details you will get is the author waxing a poetic paragraph over certain beautiful characters' appearance. And the story so far plays out like a paint by numbers or an adventure quide: After reading to chapter 50, I found my attention slipping. I knew that A, B and C would happen and then we would see X result. Then, three chapters later, A, B and C would happen again and then X would, yet again (shocker, I know) be the result. Little to no variation. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT: And then there is the narration. Because the writing is not enjoyable, the narration, in consequence, is not either. Plus, I feel extremely disconnected from the characters, especially the MC. I find myself not caring about the circumstances he finds himself in because there is no suspense. No chance of failure. Each step in Link's character progression is transparent and, worse yet, dull. But not all is a complete waste, the author appears to have written himself into a corner with the MC's ability, making him too OP early on. To counteract this, he creates a system of magic where just because the MC gains the ability to cast spells does not mean he understands the logic and process behind his magic, placing a decent damper on MC's ability. Unfortunately, this is short lived. The MC gains knowledge and understanding at an alarming rate. If you thought the game system, in which, he could purchase spells (Including Legendary, Hidden, ect.)was an OP ability, you are sorely mistaken. The MC's genius level intellect is in fact his largest cheat skill; gifting him the ability to process, plan and react to situations (some life and death), understand knowledge from the modern world he had difficulty understanding in his previous life and recall all information he so much had glanced at in his previous life (such as the forums). . . Relatable, right. Whatever. Part of what makes s successful fantasy is the reader being able to suspend disbelief. If the MC either possessed the genius level intellect OR the gaming system, not both. Both skills balance each other out and compliment each other TOO well. He has no weakness. No faults. Nothing terribly interesting. WORLD BACKGROUND: I find myself more interested in the world, the MC has been transported to the MC himself. Similar to the MC, the reader is drooped into the middle of the story, unlike the MC though we do not possess years of knowledge from gaming. Very little is explained unless the plot calls for it, then we are treated to an information dump on every single thing they hope will distract you long enough till MC's plot armour activates and Houdinis his way out of whatever situation of the week he has landed himself in. I still have little idea how powerful a level 1 is compared to a level 2 or even to a level 3 or 4. Levels are thrown out like yesterday's underwear and I am left with no proper explanation on how powerful someone really us, not just because they possessed a higher number. FINAL ANALYSIS: Run. I would walk across the desert while eating charcoal briquettes soaked in Tabasco for forty days and forty nights than have to read this novel again.

    Lihat 26 balasan
    LV 10 Badge

    @qidian change the translator for this novel, just the translated synopsis and you already know the translator is meh NU SYNOPSIS : The number one magician in the game, Link, led his group to defeat the final boss: Ruler of the Abyss, Nosamax. Then, a cinematic appeared. It was a very ****** one. There was an endless void, and within the emptiness there was a self-proclaimed Ruler of Light — a dim globe of light. “Link, are you willing to save the continent of Feiloma from the envelopment of darkness?” asked the Ruler of Light. Of course, in reality, he wouldn’t dream of agreeing to such a laden mission. However, couldn’t he give it a shot in the game? “I am willing!” Link replied in deadly earnest. “Then go ahead.” And thus, Link was thrown into the miserable continent of Feiloma. NYOI-BO STUDIO SYNOPSIS TOO BAD CANT COPY THEIR SYNOPSIS DIFFERENCE IN TRANSLATION: NU QIDIAN LINK - RINK NOSAMAX - NOZAMA CINEMATIC - PIXELATED CG ENDLESS VOID - VACUUM RULER OF LIGHT- GOD OF LIGHT FEILOMA - FIRUMAN ENVELOPMENT OF DARKNESS - CHURNING ABBYS

    Lihat 30 balasan

    y mass release without letting us know, and so y make that premium, u fucking asshole of all the things you could have done is to tell us that you were going to go premium, and we would know to drop this book, before and not make us want to read any of your 12 SS chapters

    Lihat 6 balasan

    Gets you hooked for awhile then decides to pull a super gene BS stunt, now you can only read the new chapters using SS >:( But it’s even worse than super gene, because the ss required to unlock chapters are doubled or does not go below 12 ss If I were you, move on and start reading another book

    Lihat 3 balasan
    LV 12 Badge

    I hope you get less greedy . I hope you get less greedy . I hope you get less greedy . I hope you get less greedy . I hope you get less greedy . I hope you get less greedy . I hope you get less greedy . I hope you get less greedy . I hope you get less greedy . I hope you get less greedy . I hope you get less greedy . I hope you get less greedy .

    Lihat 1 balasan

    Read on your own risk~~ . . . . . Another novel with an interesting story. But, sigh, BLOODY HELL~! It's broadlight ROBBERY~! Spirit Stone SUCKER~! Decided to drop it for years then come back when done. <3

    Membuka SPOILER
    Lihat 3 balasan

    I had binge read this novel used mtl and yeah it's got me hooked.. Can't wait it got translated and quick release please......🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    Lihat 8 balasan
    LV 11 Badge

    At https://***.novelupdates.com/series/descent-of-the-god-of-magic/ 55 chapters have already been translated. You can read the basics of the story there.

    Lihat 11 balasan

    The MC helps everyone except the kitchen sink. I read until chapter 50 and could not take anymore of the bull****. No care about his own safety, like some guy on drugs, just can not say no to anyone.

    Lihat 6 balasan

    Mthr fckin author i am really tired of authors who make mc ugly and everone around him just beautiful /handsome i am done. The one thing i hate in gaming novel is that the limitations are worst than the power itself I'll rather read something normal.

    Lihat 2 balasan
    LV 4 Badge

    I recommend you stop reading this crap of novel, made absurdly, the author or is trolling everyone or is drugged or is a complete incompetent who can not even give a decent sequence to the facts .buff and debuff the mc in the face of the stick , with lapses of amnesia that for a reincarnated person who remembers everything is more like a dung.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    pretty good novel with decent character development and storyline. Shame translators god greedy and decided to go premium and stopped releasing free chapters after ch 266. Not worth the 12 spirit stones per chapter

    Lihat 1 balasan

    From synopsis -The god of light want to summon mc for the sake saving the world from churning abbys, why? Maybe he failed to protect firuman world so he summon mc(mortal?)? Or juat being lazy as$?? -The answer is god of light must know our MC have godly cheat that have properties Defying destiny the so called PLOT ARMOR!!!

    Lihat 6 balasan

    The world is interesting. However, the MC acts like some righteous person saying that black magic is evil and light is good even though all magic is neutral in my opinion. If black magic is evil then why is Fire magic not? Fire magic is much more destructive then black but they both can be used to help people. The Harem members are complete retards as like the MC due to weird, cheesy dialog that makes no sense and feels forced like their love to the MC. Thus this story makes me feel like I'm reading a kids novel. The author clearly is still an ******* when writing a detailed novel about emotions, perception and the elements.

    Lihat 11 balasan

    Spoiler alert : Dont read this due to this sites money grabbing antics. You cant read this without spirit stones and chapters dont unlock without spending.

    Membuka SPOILER
    Lihat 0 balasan

    Hello, This is my review after reading 185 chapters. So, if I were to describe this story using one word, then it would be the word "magic". The story uses a pace that I think is perfect. In real life, we usually spend months preparing for something that ends after a few minutes. That aspect is respected in this story. Wouldn't that be boring? You might ask. No, would be my answer. The way Link does research and plans everything before hand reminds me of a certain warlock. *wink* The other characters aren't just dumb NPCs waiting for the MC to save them. They think and behave in ways that feel real. Link faces hardships, and not everything goes as planned. This allows the story to be a delight to read. We can see that the MC does not know everything. He can not do everything as well. He, however, does his homework and work hard. That, plus a boost from a certain system allows him to be OP. But not too much. The characters have distinct personalities, and the mc's personality is very likeable. The world building is not shoved down our throats and it flows naturally. The dialogues feel very natural and not forced. Something that is rarely found in Chinese novels. Finally, there's no repetition and no filler chapters. The translation quality is very good and stable. Overall, I highly recommend this novel. I also wish to thank everyone involved in bringing this novel to us. Much love from Algeria!

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Jilid 2

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      My Brother (Part 3) 6 years ago
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      Hefty Rewards 6 years ago
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    Jilid 3

    1. 145
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    2. 146
      Glyph of Soul (Part 2)  6 years ago
    3. 147
      The Flaming Hand (Part 1) 6 years ago
    4. 148
      The Flaming Hand (Part 2) 6 years ago
    5. 149
      The Flaming Hand (Part 3) 6 years ago
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      The Flaming Hand (Part 5) 6 years ago
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      The Flaming Hand (Part 6) 6 years ago
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    11. 155
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      Link’s Worldview 6 years ago
    13. 157
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    14. 158
      Monetary Incentive 6 years ago
    15. 159
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    16. 160
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    19. 163
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    Jilid 4

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    3. 188
      The Chosen Path of Two Genius 6 years ago
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      The Story of an Upright Tiger (Part I) 6 years ago
    5. 190
      The Story of an Upright Tiger(Part II) 6 years ago
    6. 191
      The Story of an Upright Tiger (Part 3) 6 years ago
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      The Mighty Festival of Endless Slaughter 6 years ago
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      Dark Undercurrents in the Opal City 6 years ago
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      Help from an Outrageously Powerful Being  6 years ago
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    41. 226
      A Truly Extraordinary Man 6 years ago
    42. 227
      Arduous Progression 6 years ago
    43. 228
      Mortal, You’re Not Qualified to Know My Real Name 6 years ago
    44. 229
      Your True Identity 6 years ago
    45. 230
      Pinched to Death 6 years ago
    46. 231
      Listen to the Cackling of Fireworks 6 years ago
    47. 232
      The Showdown Between the Master Magicians (Part 1) 6 years ago
    48. 233
      A Duel Between Master Magicians (Part 2) 6 years ago
    49. 234
      If You Can’t Fight, Flee! 6 years ago
    50. 235
      Soul Realm 6 years ago
    51. 236
      The Alternate Black Forest 6 years ago
    52. 237
      May The People Who Love Me Suffer No Despair 6 years ago
    53. 238
      You’ve All Been Very Naughty 6 years ago
    54. 239
      What is This Thing? 6 years ago
    55. 240
      The Threat Has Been Eliminated 6 years ago
    56. 241
      The Divine Gear Is Finally Defeated 6 years ago
    57. 242
      The Emerald Circle 6 years ago
    58. 243
      A Stunning Beauty 6 years ago
    59. 244
      Can’t Do it in Three Years 6 years ago
    60. 245
      The Divine Skill is Impossible to Defend Against 6 years ago
    61. 246
      Spatial Magicians Are All Monsters 6 years ago
    62. 247
      A Corruption Scheme 6 years ago
    63. 248
      Celine’s Nightmare 6 years ago
    64. 249
      There Is More Than One High Elf Princess 6 years ago
    65. 250
      Human Ghouls? 6 years ago
    66. 251
      Heartless and Cold-Blooded Lord 6 years ago
    67. 252
      Confrontation in the Wilderness 6 years ago
    68. 253
      Humiliated 6 years ago
    69. 254
      Thin Line Between Life and Death 6 years ago
    70. 255
      I Am Truly a Fool 6 years ago
    71. 256
      And Then, a Demon King Will Appear 6 years ago
    72. 257
      It’s a Shame You Are Not a High Elf 6 years ago
    73. 258
      Potentially an Unbeatable Monster 6 years ago
    74. 259
      A Huge Fire Gun for The Beloved 6 years ago
    75. 260
      Disorder in the South 6 years ago
    76. 261
      Someone Has Completed the Reward 6 years ago
    77. 262
      Time to Resurrect Nana (1) 6 years ago
    78. 263
      It is Time to Resurrect Nana (Part 2) 6 years ago
    79. 264
      Secret Plans 6 years ago
    80. 265
      Nana Is Alive! 6 years ago
    81. 266
      The North Has the Divine Gear, the South Has the Undead Army 6 years ago
    82. 267
      The Infiltration of the Undead Knights 6 years ago
    83. 268
      The Real Undead Race? 6 years ago
    84. 269
      Enemy of Our Enemy 6 years ago
    85. 270
      Pursuit in the Forest 6 years ago
    86. 271
      It Sure is Crowded Today 6 years ago
    87. 272
      You All Have the Intelligence of Mortals 6 years ago
    88. 273
      A Gift from the Maiden of Truth 6 years ago
    89. 274
      I Blocked It! 6 years ago
    90. 275
      Nana, Keep Them Alive! 6 years ago
    91. 276
      Two “Madmen” 6 years ago
    92. 277
      Wavier Must Die! 6 years ago
    93. 278
      Link is No Longer My Threat 6 years ago
    94. 279
      Saving His Mentor 6 years ago
    95. 280
      Fuse Divine Gear? Sure 6 years ago
    96. 281
      Honestly, I Do Not Like These Wretched People 6 years ago
    97. 282
      Necropolis (1) 6 years ago
    98. 283
      Necropolis (2) 6 years ago
    99. 284
      Necropolis (3) 6 years ago
    100. 285
      Necropolis (Part 4) 6 years ago
    101. 286
      Necropolis (5) 6 years ago
    102. 287
      Blessings of the Red Dragon Queen? That’s Hardly Enough! 6 years ago
    103. 288
      Smash You Until You Kneel 6 years ago
    104. 289
      Three Magic Books of Fire 6 years ago
    105. 290
      Problem in the Dragon Valley Too 6 years ago
    106. 291
      A Familiar Presence 6 years ago
    107. 292
      High Elf Tomb Quest 6 years ago
    108. 293
      A Qualified Trap Clearer 6 years ago
    109. 294
      Insect, Don’t Run! 6 years ago
    110. 295
      All for a Good Cause 6 years ago
    111. 296
      Stopped by Nothing 6 years ago
    112. 297
      Sinister Dragon Valley 6 years ago
    113. 298
      Tipped Balance, Equilibrium Gone 6 years ago
    114. 299
      The “Small Rodents” Strikes! 6 years ago
    115. 300
      Traces 6 years ago
    116. 301
      Shadow of the Night 6 years ago
    117. 302
      How to Block this Whip? 6 years ago
    118. 303
      The Blooming Lilac and the Duke 6 years ago
    119. 304
      Suicidal Infiltration 6 years ago
    120. 305
      Against the Clock!  6 years ago
    121. 306
      Getaway (1) 6 years ago
    122. 307
      The Great Escape (Part 2) 6 years ago
    123. 308
      Getaway (3) 6 years ago
    124. 309
      A Shameful Life Over a Glorious Death 6 years ago
    125. 310
      Will the Queen Fall to Darkness? 6 years ago
    126. 311
      I Did Not Expect This 6 years ago
    127. 312
      I Just Look at You and You Worship Me 6 years ago
    128. 313
      Simply Too Wicked! 6 years ago
    129. 314
      The Yabba Race Joins 6 years ago
    130. 315
      Not the Queen’s Opponent 6 years ago
    131. 316
      Pretty Much Deduced to the Max 6 years ago
    132. 317
      The Red Dragon That Revives 6 years ago
    133. 318
      Is He Crazy? 6 years ago
    134. 319
      Simply Unimaginable! 6 years ago
    135. 320
      Another Force Destroying the Equilibrium? 6 years ago
    136. 321
      Severing all Objects! 6 years ago
    137. 322
      The Hunter and the Hunted 6 years ago
    138. 323
      Keep Quiet! 6 years ago
    139. 324
      The Beastman City with Public Sex 6 years ago
    140. 325
      Alas, a Legendary Dragon is Not Invincible 6 years ago
    141. 326
      Straightforward Warlord 6 years ago
    142. 327
      A Peculiar Way of Plastering Medication   6 years ago
    143. 328
      Pillar Figure of the Humans 6 years ago
    144. 329
      The Black Cat Is a God? 6 years ago
    145. 330
      You’re Demons, Not Mortals! 6 years ago
    146. 331
      There Is No Stopping the Disintegration of the World 6 years ago
    147. 332
      Let’s Die Together 6 years ago
    148. 333
      A Black Cat with No Integrity 6 years ago
    149. 334
      A Legendary Conflict 6 years ago
    150. 335
      Letter from the North 6 years ago
    151. 336
      The Grounded Yabba Airship 6 years ago
    152. 337
      The Yabba Race Currently Being Massacred 6 years ago
    153. 338
      An Impenetrable Defense Zone 6 years ago
    154. 339
      The Demons are the First to Benefit 6 years ago
    155. 340
      But I’m Right Behind You 6 years ago
    156. 341
      The Night King’s Sadness 6 years ago
    157. 342
      Mind-boggled to the Point of Desperation 6 years ago
    158. 343
      Unbelievably Strange 6 years ago
    159. 344
      “My Love, Did You Return?” 6 years ago
    160. 345
      Always a Reason to Hate the Pitiful 6 years ago
    161. 346
      The Magician Who Stole Away the Princess 6 years ago
    162. 347
      Mortal, You Lack Patience 6 years ago
    163. 348
      Link, Is This Really It? 6 years ago
    164. 349
      Abstruse Meaning—The Thunder God’s Descent 6 years ago
    165. 350
      The Cost of Recklessness 6 years ago
    166. 351
      I Will Go Save Him! 6 years ago
    167. 352
      A Vague Calling 6 years ago
    168. 353
      Let’s Die Together! 6 years ago
    169. 354
      Great Fortune 6 years ago
    170. 355
      Not a Personal Problem Between Us 6 years ago
    171. 356
      Eve of the Final Battle (1/3) 6 years ago
    172. 357
      Eve of the Final Battle 6 years ago
    173. 358
      Eve of the Final Battle (3/3) 6 years ago
    174. 359
      Too Much Energy, Need a Way to Let It Out 6 years ago
    175. 360
      Too Simple 6 years ago
    176. 361
      Master, You Cheat Every Time! 6 years ago
    177. 362
      We SHALL be Victorious 6 years ago
    178. 363
      Then Don’t Use Me in the Future! 6 years ago
    179. 364
      The Battle Begins (1) 6 years ago
    180. 365
      The Battle Begins (2) 6 years ago
    181. 366
      The Wolf Enters the Tiger’s Den 6 years ago
    182. 367
      The Sacrifice of My Soul was Meaningless 6 years ago
    183. 368
      Millions of People 6 years ago
    184. 369
      The “Stubborn” Demon Princess 6 years ago
    185. 370
      Hehe, I’ve Seen Through His Strength 6 years ago
    186. 371
      Really Can’t Beat Her 6 years ago
    187. 372
      Searching for Reinforcements 6 years ago
    188. 373
      The Derpy Dwarf 6 years ago
    189. 374
      Mysterious Realm 6 years ago
    190. 375
      Aragu Empire 6 years ago
    191. 376
      This Place Was Really Shitty 6 years ago
    192. 377
      The First Legendary Magician 6 years ago
    193. 378
      Hourglass Plane 6 years ago
    194. 379
      Hourglass Realm 6 years ago
    195. 380
      Average Foundation but Incredible Vision 6 years ago
    196. 381
      Take All Opportunities! 6 years ago
    197. 382
      A Simple Matter 6 years ago
    198. 383
      A Way Back to Firuman 6 years ago
    199. 384
      Advent of the Bloody Butcher 6 years ago
    200. 385
      This Guy is Ruthless 6 years ago
    201. 386
      Supreme Magic Skill: Instant Flash 6 years ago
    202. 387
      Unavoidable Blood-Eyed Robbers 6 years ago
    203. 388
      The Possibility of Removing the Slave Collar 6 years ago
    204. 389
      Someone Wants to be a God 6 years ago
    205. 390
      I Will Conquer This World 6 years ago
    206. 391
      Prepare to Go Home 6 years ago
    207. 392
      Someone Needs to Restrain Her 6 years ago
    208. 393
      Weird Equipment Reward 6 years ago
    209. 394
      The Yabbas are Bi-gender! 6 years ago
    210. 395
      The Suspicious Little Thing 6 years ago
    211. 396
      Unbelievable Strength 6 years ago
    212. 397
      Big Terrifying Demon 6 years ago
    213. 398
      Completely Convinced 6 years ago
    214. 399
      Let Me Borrow Your Mana 6 years ago
    215. 400
      The Strange Fluctuations in the Magic Net 6 years ago
    216. 401
      Just Curious 6 years ago
    217. 402
      Mysterious-travel Magician 6 years ago
    218. 403
      A Piece of cake 6 years ago
    219. 404
      Mid-air Battle! 6 years ago
    220. 405
      Disaster for the Yabbas 6 years ago
    221. 406
      The Yabba’s Attachment 6 years ago
    222. 407
      Nagas Ready to Do Something Big 6 years ago
    223. 408
      Cruel to Themselves Too? 6 years ago
    224. 409
      God’s Treasure 6 years ago
    225. 410
      Stop Them! 6 years ago
    226. 411
      That’s Strange 6 years ago
    227. 412
      I’m Doing This Alone 6 years ago
    228. 413
      To Be Honest, You’re All Corpses 6 years ago
    229. 414
      The Death Scythe of the South 6 years ago
    230. 415
      Big Change in the Territory 6 years ago
    231. 416
      Link’s Era 6 years ago
    232. 417
      You’ve Angered Me! 6 years ago
    233. 418
      Incredible Strength, a Legendary Expert! 6 years ago
    234. 419
      The Duke’s Nightmare 6 years ago
    235. 420
      New Spell: Despair (1) 6 years ago
    236. 421
      A New Spell: Despair (2) 6 years ago
    237. 422
      All Experts in Love 6 years ago
    238. 423
      Someone Behind the Scenes? 6 years ago
    239. 424
      A Book Thief as Expected 6 years ago
    240. 425
      The High Elves Get Involved 6 years ago
    241. 426
      Former Traitor 6 years ago
    242. 427
      Extremely Terrifying Way of Dying 6 years ago
    243. 428
      Bryant, You’re Pathetic 6 years ago
    244. 429
      You Flatter Me 6 years ago
    245. 430
      Greed of the High Elves 6 years ago
    246. 431
      Eye of the Realm 6 years ago
    247. 432
      The Girl Calling for Help in The Woods 6 years ago
    248. 433
      A Mysterious Black Shadow 6 years ago
    249. 434
      How Do We Get Rid of It? 6 years ago
    250. 435
      A Confusing Case 6 years ago
    251. 436
      A Fourth Person Appeared 6 years ago
    252. 437
      This is a Dragon King! 6 years ago
    253. 438
      As Tenacious as a Cockroach 6 years ago
    254. 439
      Void Tyrant and Astral Magician 6 years ago
    255. 440
      The Red Dragon Queen’s Punishment 6 years ago
    256. 441
      Breakthrough in Five Steps! 6 years ago
    257. 442
      Balance is but an Illusion 6 years ago
    258. 443
      The Source of the Dragon Race: The Ferry 6 years ago
    259. 444
      Despair of the Astral Magician 6 years ago
    260. 445
      This is the Void Ferry I Want 6 years ago
    261. 446
      Impossible! 6 years ago
    262. 447
      The Tyrant Reappears 6 years ago
    263. 448
      The Winds of Change 6 years ago
    264. 449
      In the End, One Can Only Rely on Oneself 6 years ago
    265. 450
      Was it an Illusion? 6 years ago
    266. 451
      Following the Guidance of the Soul 6 years ago
    267. 452
      It's Trapped 6 years ago
    268. 453
      Void Hunter 6 years ago
    269. 454
      The Secret Duke 6 years ago
    270. 455
      Use It Now, But Don’t Wear It 6 years ago
    271. 456
      There’s Something Wrong with the Iron Duke 6 years ago
    272. 457
      Cannot Give Up This Island! 6 years ago
    273. 458
      The Shepherd of the Storm 6 years ago
    274. 459
      No Chance at All 6 years ago
    275. 460
      Unacceptable! 6 years ago
    276. 461
      Make a Fortune Without a Sound 6 years ago
    277. 462
      The Incurable Illness 6 years ago
    278. 463
      The Dean is Angry 6 years ago
    279. 464
      The Demon Abel 5 years ago
    280. 465
      Give You a Gold Coin for Compensation 5 years ago
    281. 466
      An Underwater Ambush 5 years ago
    282. 467
      Why Did You Save Me? 5 years ago

    Jilid 5

    1. 468
      The Shadow of Destruction 5 years ago
    2. 469
      Time to Repay an Old Friend 5 years ago
    3. 470
      The Northern Duke 5 years ago
    4. 471
      Are We at a Dead End Already? 5 years ago
    5. 472
      Trouble Ahead 5 years ago
    6. 473
      Destiny Cannot Be Defied 5 years ago
    7. 474
      Who's Ambushing Whom? 5 years ago
    8. 475
      Katyusha in the Ruins 5 years ago
    9. 476
      The Naga's Spear and Celine's Guns 5 years ago
    10. 477
      Power of Time 5 years ago
    11. 478
      The First Clue: The Cemetery, South of the City 5 years ago
    12. 479
      The Gravekeeper and Blood Runes 5 years ago
    13. 480
      Power Beyond Comprehension 5 years ago
    14. 481
      You’re Surrounded! 5 years ago
    15. 482
      A Lapse in Judgement 5 years ago
    16. 483
      Let the Hero Fall in the North 5 years ago
    17. 484
      The Melting of the Snow 5 years ago
    18. 485
      Legendary Battle 5 years ago
    19. 486
      Legendary Battle (2) 5 years ago
    20. 487
      Legendary Battle (3) 5 years ago
    21. 488
      Legendary Battle (4) 5 years ago
    22. 489
      Three Pillars of the Realm: Time 5 years ago
    23. 490
      We Need More Power 5 years ago
    24. 491
      Thin Pieces of Time 5 years ago
    25. 492
      The Boatman's Bamboo Raft 5 years ago
    26. 493
      From an Ant to a Dragon! 5 years ago
    27. 494
      The Construction of the Golden Rune 5 years ago
    28. 495
      Obstacle of Dragon Biases 5 years ago
    29. 496
      You're All Dismissed! 5 years ago
    30. 497
      Cook a Pot of Mixed Stew 5 years ago
    31. 498
      The Centipede in the Sea of Void 5 years ago
    32. 499
      Queen’s Crisis, a Close Call 5 years ago
    33. 500
      The Mysterious Island 5 years ago
    34. 501
      Worshipped as a Saint 5 years ago
    35. 502
      The Legend of the One-Eyed King (1) 5 years ago
    36. 503
      Legend of the One-eyed Giant (2) 5 years ago
    37. 504
      The Legend of the One-Eyed Giants (3) 5 years ago
    38. 505
      Mighty Man or Liar? 5 years ago
    39. 506
      The Arrival of the Actual God's Messenger 5 years ago
    40. 507
      Time Sword Technique 5 years ago
    41. 508
      Thoreau the Soul Devourer 5 years ago
    42. 509
      Not Even 10,000 Tricks Can Stop the Pass of Time 5 years ago
    43. 510
      A Piece of Water Meteorite (1/3) 5 years ago
    44. 511
      Link’s Enduring Wisdom(2/3) 5 years ago
    45. 512
      Let Time Decide (3/3) 5 years ago
    46. 513
      No Longer a Weakling 5 years ago
    47. 514
      Magic Points and the Divine Punishment Protocol 5 years ago
    48. 515
      Amazingly Effective! 5 years ago
    49. 516
      We Are Magicians 5 years ago
    50. 517
      Seed of Sunlight 5 years ago
    51. 518
      Birth of the Sunlight Warriors 5 years ago
    52. 519
      Ferde’s Sunlight Army 5 years ago
    53. 520
      I Leave This Matter to You, Eliard 5 years ago
    54. 521
      I’ll Discipline Him for You! 5 years ago
    55. 522
      Legs Turned to Jelly 5 years ago
    56. 523
      Who’s Lying? 5 years ago
    57. 524
      Danger Everywhere 5 years ago
    58. 525
      Time to Do Something Big 5 years ago
    59. 526
      An Ethereal's Use 5 years ago
    60. 527
      Ethereal Time Crystal 5 years ago
    61. 528
      The Prodigy That Rivaled Eliard 5 years ago
    62. 529
      You Two Have Fun 5 years ago
    63. 530
      The woods 5 years ago
    64. 531
      Demi-Elves Are Lost Souls 5 years ago
    65. 532
      She's an Incredible Woman 5 years ago
    66. 533
      A True Strong Figure 5 years ago
    67. 534
      Is He Trying to Kill Himself? 5 years ago
    68. 535
      Too Embarrassing 5 years ago
    69. 536
      Profit beyond One's Imagination 5 years ago
    70. 537
      Bluff (1) 5 years ago
    71. 538
      The Bluff (2) 5 years ago
    72. 539
      Bluff (3) 5 years ago
    73. 540
      The Bluff (4) 5 years ago
    74. 541
      Maintain Balance of Power 5 years ago
    75. 542
      Capturing the Ethereal Prince 5 years ago
    76. 543
      The Fire of War Has Been Lit 5 years ago
    77. 544
      Ariel Newmoon 5 years ago
    78. 545
      A Big Sewing Needle 5 years ago
    79. 546
      It Was Just Impossible 5 years ago
    80. 547
      Battle Invitation at the Cliff 5 years ago
    81. 548
      Only One Rule in This World 5 years ago
    82. 549
      More Importantly, It’s Growing 5 years ago
    83. 550
      The Moonstone and the Realm's Elite (1) 5 years ago
    84. 551
      Moon Stone and Realm Essence (2) 5 years ago
    85. 552
      A Sword's Symphony under a Moonlit Sky 5 years ago
    86. 553
      Strange Beastmen on the Plains 5 years ago
    87. 554
      An Incurable Poison! 5 years ago
    88. 555
      Pearls Should Be Treasured 5 years ago
    89. 556
      Things Were Becoming Complicated 5 years ago
    90. 557
      Plague of Mara City 5 years ago
    91. 558
      Glorious Warlord Avatar 5 years ago
    92. 559
      Cicada, Praying Mantis, Oriole 5 years ago
    93. 560
      The Beastmen's Combat Form (1/3) 5 years ago
    94. 561
      Perfect Dawn of Magic(2/3) 5 years ago
    95. 562
      The Nine O'Clock God of Moonlight (3/3) 5 years ago
    96. 563
      Is it Really God’s Punishment? 5 years ago
    97. 564
      A Complete Defeat (2/3) 5 years ago
    98. 565
      Direct Breakdown from Torment 5 years ago
    99. 566
      Do You Think It’s Safe? 5 years ago
    100. 567
      Conquer Some, Destroy Some 5 years ago
    101. 568
      Ferde Lord, Prepare to Pay 5 years ago
    102. 569
      There’s Somewhere This Magical in the World 5 years ago
    103. 570
      We Need Power (1/2) 5 years ago
    104. 571
      The Foundation of Cooperation 5 years ago
    105. 572
      Time Veil (1/2) 5 years ago
    106. 573
      The Prophecy’s Reminder 5 years ago
    107. 574
      Rescuing the Naga (1) 5 years ago
    108. 575
      Rescuing the Naga (2) 5 years ago
    109. 576
      Rescuing the Naga (3) 5 years ago
    110. 577
      Rescuing the Naga (4) 5 years ago
    111. 578
      Rescuing the Naga (5) (2/4) 5 years ago
    112. 579
      Rescuing the Naga (6) (3/4) 5 years ago
    113. 580
      A Wretched End to a Glorious Life 5 years ago
    114. 581
      The High Elves Are Crazy! 5 years ago
    115. 582
      The World Tree's Administrator (2/2) 5 years ago
    116. 583
      Book of Creation’s Pieces 5 years ago
    117. 584
      Winds of War from All Sides(1/3) 5 years ago
    118. 585
      A Strange Person 5 years ago
    119. 586
      It Really Was Her (3/3) 5 years ago
    120. 587
      Time Passes, Magic Puppet Heart 5 years ago
    121. 588
      Creation of Life (2/2) 5 years ago
    122. 589
      Water of Miracles 5 years ago
    123. 590
      Visitors from Another Realm (2/3) 5 years ago
    124. 591
      First Challenge in the Tundra 5 years ago
    125. 592
      A Fragment Has Been Found! (1/2) 5 years ago
    126. 593
      Moment of Testing One’s Heart 5 years ago
    127. 594
      I Don't Know What You're Thinking 5 years ago
    128. 595
      The True Ruthlessness Begins 5 years ago
    129. 596
      An Unjust Treatment 5 years ago
    130. 597
      Instant Battle of Life or Death 5 years ago
    131. 598
      Only One will Walk Out of Here Alive 5 years ago
    132. 599
      Young Man, Wish You a Beautiful Life 5 years ago
    133. 600
      Book of Revelation: Rosso's Book of Spirits (1/2) 5 years ago
    134. 601
      Can I Still Call You Duke? 5 years ago
    135. 602
      The Dark Magician's Rebirth 5 years ago
    136. 603
      Dark Elves’ Starlight Rose (1) 5 years ago
    137. 604
      Dark Elves' Starlight Rose (2) 5 years ago
    138. 605
      Dark Elves’ Starlight Rose (3) 5 years ago
    139. 606
      Time to Take On Ferde! 5 years ago
    140. 607
      Dragon Allies 5 years ago
    141. 608
      Is There a New Person in Charge? 5 years ago
    142. 609
      Dragon Race Divides 5 years ago
    143. 610
      The Army of Destruction's Scheme 5 years ago
    144. 611
      Will We Succeed? 5 years ago
    145. 612
      Legendary Magic and Divine Retribution 5 years ago
    146. 613
      Judgement from a True God! 5 years ago
    147. 614
      In the Name of the Realm, I Sentence You to Death! 5 years ago
    148. 615
      Don’t Worry, I Still Have Strength! 5 years ago
    149. 616
      Mortal, You Will Be Judged Soon! 5 years ago
    150. 617
      Each with Their Own Plans 5 years ago
    151. 618
      Take Care, Kid 5 years ago
    152. 619
      Celine’s Bloodline Talent 5 years ago
    153. 620
      A Blue-Skinned Intruder 5 years ago
    154. 621
      Visitor from the Void 5 years ago
    155. 622
      A Completely New Magical System! 5 years ago
    156. 623
      Deceiver 5 years ago
    157. 624
      The Mysterious Gear in the Void (2/3) 5 years ago
    158. 625
      A Powerful Magician from Ancient Times 5 years ago
    159. 626
      Savior of the Realm 5 years ago
    160. 627
      Your Majesty, What are You Doing? 5 years ago
    161. 628
      The Past Shapes Us All 5 years ago
    162. 629
      Dragon King of Light 5 years ago
    163. 630
      Is It Real? Or Is It an Illusion? (1/2) 5 years ago
    164. 631
      No Choice 5 years ago
    165. 632
      Entering the Sea of Void (1/2) 5 years ago
    166. 633
      He’s Looking for Death 5 years ago
    167. 634
      A Brush with Death 5 years ago
    168. 635
      This Time, I’ll Fight Personally! 5 years ago
    169. 636
      Mortal, Are You the One Who Summoned Me? 5 years ago
    170. 637
      Starting Today, You Must Serve Me 5 years ago
    171. 638
      Realm Protector 5 years ago
    172. 639
      Magician, I Can Smell the Fear in Your Heart 5 years ago
    173. 640
      Have I Summoned a God? 5 years ago
    174. 641
      Sovereign of Light? 5 years ago
    175. 642
      God of Destruction (2/2) 5 years ago
    176. 643
      Turn and Run 5 years ago
    177. 644
      Have a Taste of My Abyssal Dish! (1/4) 5 years ago
    178. 645
      Is It Really Over Now? 5 years ago
    179. 646
      I Will Give You a Most Honorable Defeat (3/4) 5 years ago
    180. 647
      You’re Great, but You Talk Too Much 5 years ago
    181. 648
      Creator’s Temple (1) 5 years ago
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      Creator’s Temple (2) 5 years ago
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      Creator's Temple (3) 5 years ago
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      Creator’s Temple (4) 5 years ago
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      It's Just Survival of the Fittest 5 years ago
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      Haha, He’s Dead Now! 5 years ago
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      No Pain, No Gain 5 years ago
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      The Second Siege of Orida Fortress (1) 5 years ago
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      The Second Siege of Orida Fortress (2) 5 years ago
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      Second Siege of Orida Fortress (3) 5 years ago
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      The Second Siege of Orida Fortress (4) 5 years ago
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      Second Siege of Orida Fortress (5) 5 years ago
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      The Second Siege of Orida Fortress (6) 5 years ago
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      Second Siege of Orida Fortress (7) 5 years ago
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      What Is He Up to? (2/3) 5 years ago
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      The Prophecy Becomes True 5 years ago
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      An Unexpected Visitor 5 years ago
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      Target: Shadow Divine Fragment 5 years ago
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      Lava Knight (1/2) 5 years ago
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      Temptation of the Celestial Stone 5 years ago
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      There’s Been a Change in Plans (1/2) 5 years ago
    202. 669
      Time to Risk Lives! 5 years ago
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      Kill the God (1) 5 years ago
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      Kill the God (2) 5 years ago
    205. 672
      The First Curse of the Divine Fragment 5 years ago
    206. 673
      The Aggressive Power of Lava 5 years ago
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      The Enemy's Too Powerful, Let's Run While We Still Can (2/2) 5 years ago
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      Link, You’ve Gone on the Road of No Return 5 years ago
    209. 676
      A Warrior's Realm against A Magician's Wit (1/3) 5 years ago
    210. 677
      Endless Curse 5 years ago
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      Moving in from All Directions (3/3) 5 years ago
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      Archmage Tutor (1) 5 years ago
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      Archmage Tutor (2) 5 years ago
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      Archmage Tutor (3) 5 years ago
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      The Final Battle Dragged on for a Century (1) 5 years ago
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      The Final Battle Dragged On for a Century (2) 5 years ago
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      The Final Battle Dragged On for a Century (3) 5 years ago
    218. 685
      Ferde’s Calamity 5 years ago
    219. 686
      A Peerless Swordswoman 5 years ago
    220. 687
      Crushed! 5 years ago
    221. 688
      The Lonely Dragon Queen 5 years ago
    222. 689
      Lead the Hero to Bow 5 years ago
    223. 690
      A Memory That Stood the Test of Time 5 years ago
    224. 691
      The Dark Omen that Destroys the Sun and Stars 5 years ago
    225. 692
      An Unwavering Spirit 5 years ago
    226. 693
      Unwilling to be a Slave 5 years ago
    227. 694
      I Now Proclaim You Ruler Over All! 5 years ago
    228. 695
      Darkness Does Not Rule, I Rule Darkness 5 years ago
    229. 696
      You're My Only Hope 5 years ago
    230. 697
      Nemesis After Hundred Years 5 years ago
    231. 698
      What A Shame 5 years ago
    232. 699
      Endless Bloodshed 5 years ago
    233. 700
      Fall of an Archmage 5 years ago
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      Realm Fusion (1) 5 years ago
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      Realm Fusion (2) 5 years ago
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      Realm Fusion (3) 5 years ago
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      Realm Fusion (4) 5 years ago
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      Realm Fusion (5) 5 years ago
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      Realm Fusion (6) 5 years ago
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      Realm Fusion (7) 5 years ago
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      Realm Fusion (8) 5 years ago
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      Realm Fusion (9) 5 years ago
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      Realm Fusion (10) 5 years ago
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      Realm Fusion (11) 5 years ago
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      Realm Fusion (12) 5 years ago
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      Realm Fusion (13) 5 years ago
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      Realm Fusion (14) 5 years ago
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      The Last Enemy (1) 5 years ago
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      The Last Enemy (2) 5 years ago
    250. 717
      The Critical Step to Lighting the Divine Fire 5 years ago
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      Magician Old Blindie (1) 5 years ago
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      Magician Old Blindie (2) 5 years ago
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      Magician Old Blindie (3) 5 years ago
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      Searching for Celine (1) 5 years ago
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      Searching for Celine (2) 5 years ago
    256. 723
      The Last Trial! 5 years ago
    257. 724
      There's No Such Thing as a God in this World 5 years ago
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      Ultimate True God, the Pioneer of the Era of Gods (1) 5 years ago
    259. 726
      Ultimate True God, the Pioneer of the Era of Gods (Ending) 5 years ago

    Penulis Mo Xiang

    Penerjemah Vicky_

    Editor Vicky_