The Swordsman on the screen was overwhelmed by the endless wave of puppets. The screen became red, and hallow text covered half of it.
The standing man flinched and fluttered his eyes open. He needed a second to recover his composure before taking off the VR Helmet.
After taking it off, his glorious blond hair fluttered behind him, and coupled with his handsome face, not many could stop admiring.
''Yeah!'' He lifted his arm and let out a shout of celebration. The leaderboard changed, and the name of LoneSamurai appeared on the top.
[1. LoneSamurai - 82000]
Clap! Clap!
The crowd started clapping, their palms soon turning red. The man who went by the name of LoneSamurai appreciated the claps and lowered his body to do a bow.
At the corner of the building, a bushy-browed youth carried a camera. He adjusted the angle until the camera captured both LoneSamurai and the cheering crowd.
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