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91.8% Crimson Destiny (Fantastic Beasts Fanfic) [Temp Hiatus] / Chapter 54: The Start of Second Volley (I)

Bab 54: The Start of Second Volley (I)

The rest of the dinner passed quite normally as everyone simply talked about mundane stuff. The food wasn't anything luxurious, but it was still more than enough… The Bone Family has tried their best, so Destiny was fine with it…

"So, you want me to teach you the Blood Magic of your Family, right?" Destiny asked curiously as she twirled the glass of firewhiskey in her hand.

"Yes" Imogen answered with a nod of her head. She didn't even hesitate for a second. Destiny glanced toward the rest of the members of the Bone Family and none of them seemed to be bothered by the notion.

"I see… So, what's the catch? I mean there is no way a Pureblood Family will share their Family Magic with an outsider… Isn't that right, Claiborne?" Destiny asked, looking quite amused as she glanced toward Claiborne.

The man has been ignoring the conversation until now, but it was pretty clear that he couldn't ignore it anymore. Claiborne released a tired sigh as he looked straight into Destiny's eyes… "You are right. There is no way a Pureblood Family would share their Family Magic with an outsider, but desperate times call for desperate measures" Claiborne shrugged.

"Milady, you have to understand our circumstances… Even though we have created our own Family, we are no longer Purebloods. With the House of Black sponsoring us, our situation isn't that bad, buit it is not that good… There is no one in our Family except for Imogen who can learn our Family Magic, but there is no one to teach her" Claiborne explained with a tired look on his face.

"We have already given up on our Family name, we don't want to give up on our Family legacy, especially when you have created such a nice opportunity for our Family" Claiborne revealed gratefully and Destiny simply inclined her head in acknowledgment.

"I see…" Destiny muttered. Destiny finally turned toward Imogen and stared into her eyes. "Very well, we will be starting from tomorrow" Destiny said with a smile, and Imogen couldn't help but smile brightly.

"Rax!" Claiborne called out and the said house elf appeared beside Claiborne with a soft pop. "Bring the books I have kept on the right side of my study desk" Claiborne ordered and Rax disappeared with a pop after bowing his head in understanding.

After a couple of seconds, Rax popped up with a stack of books levitated beside him. "Milady, these are the books" Imogen said as she pointed Rax toward Destiny. Rax gently placed the books beside Destiny before leaving with a pop.

"So, Claiborne, I heard you have been spending too much time with the Unspeakables… Have you made any significant progress?" Destiny asked curiously as she started to check out the books.

Claiborne coughed in his hands sheepishly as Dorothy gave him an unimpressed glare. "Milady, we have already created a Ward, but it can only last for 3 seconds at most before breaking… We need to work a lot before we can finally stabilize the Ward" Claiborne revealed and Destiny simply hummed with a contemplative look on her face.

"Good… Keep working on it" Destiny said as she slowly got up from her seat. Everyone else also followed her example and stood up from their seats. "If that's all, then I will be leaving… There are still so many things that needs to be done" Destiny said and all the members of the Bone Family nodded their heads in understanding.

Before leaving, Destiny called Bibly and asked her to take the books back to her study. "Be there at 10" Destiny called out to Imogen as she stepped into the Floo and disappeared into green flames…

<Line Break>

After returning to Cassiopeia's house, the first thing Destiny decided to do was to take a shower… Coincidentally, Cassiopeia was also planning to take a bath, so it wasn't a surprise that the two of them decided to explore each other in the shower instead of simply enjoying a shower or a bath.

So, when the two of them finally came out of the shower, Cassiopeia was practically glowing even though her knees were slightly trembling and Destiny had a proud and satisfied grin marring her face.

"Will you be joining me or do you have something to do?" Cassiopeia asked as she made her way toward the bed.

Destiny shook her head as she summoned a night robe from the wardrobe. "Sorry, Cassi, I still have some stuff to do and I am also planning to visit Ambika. It has been some time since I have spent a night with her" Destiny answered as she wrapped the night robe around her body, but she didn't bother to tie the knot.

Cassiopeia's mood slightly soured as soon as she heard that Destiny was planning to spend the night with Ambika, but she had long agreed with the Coven plan, so she could only blame herself. After all, Destiny had been quite upfront from the beginning. "I see…" Cassiopeia muttered as she climbed into her bed.

Meanwhile, Destiny arrived in front of the study table and plopped down on the seat after grabbing the topmost book from the stack. "Destiny, there was something I wanted to talk about" After a few minutes of silence, all of a sudden Cassiopeia spoke up.

Destiny hummed as she turned around to look at Cassiopeia… "What is it?" Destiny asked softly.

"As you already know, I wasn't planning to hire tutors for my Masteries, but I have been invited to Switzerland by Enchanter Valeed. Apparently, Uncle Arcturus sent him a letter after he heard that I was planning to become an Enchanter, and surprisingly, he agreed to teach me if my papers could impress him" Cassiopeia revealed excitedly, but at the same time, she was slightly nervous too… Destiny could easily feel it.

"That's great!! I have heard about him… He is probably the best Enchanter in Europe" Destiny muttered thoughtfully.

"You wouldn't mind if I decided to go, right?" Cassiopeia asked worriedly and Destiny finally understood why Cassiopeia was looking so worried.

"Cassi, I will never stop you from achieving your dreams… I would be a hypocrite if I did. In fact, I am really happy for you and you might be leaving, but you wouldn't be gone forever!" Destiny pointed out with a grin as she placed the book on the table after placing a bookmark.

"Thanks… I have been really worried, thinking that you wouldn't agree" Cassiopeia looked quite relieved.

"This calls for a celebration" Destiny hummed with a sly grin as she slowly stood up and shrugged off her night robe. Cassiopeia's breath hitched as she continued to stare at Destiny in all her glory… Destiny slowly climbed onto the bed and with a yank, she removed the covers, exposing Cassiopeia's naked body.

Cassiopeia broke out of her musings when Destiny finally removed the covers… "Wait! I am really tired!" Cassiopeia protested trying to stop Destiny, but the crimson-haired beauty simply gave her a smirk before binding her with a wave of her hand…

"Don't worry, Cassi… I will take good care of you and I am sure, you won't be complaining after a few minutes" Destiny said with a grin before she turned around and summoned her Wand from the table. Destiny flicked the Elder Wand in the air and an astral tiger leaped out of the tip of her Wand… Destiny couldn't help but stare at the Wand in her hand in complete shock.

Destiny was pretty sure that she never said the incantation… It was simply impossible to cast the Patronus Charm silently, but here she was. 'It must be due to the Wand' Destiny deduced as there was no other explanation… While Destiny really wanted to try out her new Wand, she had to suppress her urge to test it out right now. Right now, she had a hot woman waiting for her on the bed… World Conquest could wait for a bit…

"Go tell Ambika that I won't be joining her tonight, something came up" Destiny said aloud as she didn't get to add the message while casting the Spell. The astral tiger disappeared into the wall and after that, Destiny finally turned toward Cassiopeia, who was staring back at Destiny in complete lust.

Destiny licked her lips hungrily as she parted Cassiopeia's legs to reveal her trimmed crotch… "Thanks for the meal!!" Destiny exclaimed cheerfully as she buried her head into Cassiopeia's crotch without wasting any time… Cassiopeia groaned in pleasure as Destiny's tongue slipped into her wet snatch…

<Line Break>

"Milady, I think we might have a problem" Quinton said, looking quite grave. Destiny simply stared at the man and gestured him to continue. Right now, Destiny was seated at the dining table along with Gellert, Cassiopeia, and the rest of her Lieutenants. Gellert had a sling wrapped around his left arm as the Healers had to regrow his shoulder bones with Skele-Gro.

"There aren't enough believers of God in the Foreign Office" Quinton revealed after shifting uncomfortably on his feet. Destiny raised her brows curiously.

"Really? I thought most of the Muggles believed in God" Destiny muttered disbelievingly.

"Yes, that is the case in most places, but there are some Muggles who don't believe in God. They believe there is nothing superior to them in this world" Gellert explained helpfully and Destiny simply hummed thoughtfully.

"Yes, milady. Apparently, the Muggle higher-ups decided not to hire any believers of God to avoid any incidents" Quinton added hurriedly.

"Is that so? Did you interrogate anyone?" Destiny asked and after getting a nod from Quinton, Destiny simply inclined her head with a thoughtful look on her face. "You said there aren't enough believers of God in the Foreign Office, how many are there?" Destiny asked after a few seconds of silence.

"There are only four and two of them are simple janitors…" Quinton trailed off before releasing a tired sigh.

Destiny placed her hand on her cheek for support as she closed her eyes so that she could think… Destiny started to wonder if the Order of the Light knew about her plot to kill Torquil Travers and frame the Muggles or not… There is a good chance that they already knew about her plans and she had no idea when they arrived in the past. So, they could have years to prepare…

That is why Destiny decided to change her plans… Previously, she had no plans to ask Gellert to start taking over Europe, but after encountering the Order of Light, she realized that it would be best if she changed her plans. There was no way of knowing if she did this in the original timeline or not, but this is the best she could come up with on the go.

If the Order of Light already knew about her plans regarding Torquil Travers, then they would show up within the week and try to interfere… Destiny didn't know if they would succeed or not, but it didn't mean that she was going to back out… It would also make the Order of Light think that she is going to follow the events of the old timeline. They will realize that something else is going on when the news of Belgium's and Greece's fall breaks out, but she couldn't keep fooling them forever…

When she finally opened her eyes, it has been already a minute… "What about the rest of the Family members?" Destiny asked curiously. Even if the people working at the Foreign Office aren't believers of God… They are bound to have someone in their house who probably believes in God.

"Yes, almost everyone working at the Foreign Office has someone in their family who believes in God" Quinton answered thoughtfully as he quickly understood what Destiny was trying to suggest.

"Hmm… Then we use them. A person can always learn to believe in God, especially when they have someone in the house who already believes in God" Destiny pointed out in an amused tone.

Quinton rubbed his chin with a thoughtful look on his face… "Milady, if we do use your plan then there is no way we would be able to finish our task in two weeks… Fucking hell, we won't be able to finish the task even in a month!!" Quinton exclaimed, making Destiny shrug dismissively.

"Doesn't matter… Take as much time as you need. I do want to kill Torquil Travers but at the same time, I want everything to be perfect" Destiny hummed as she gestured Quinton to take a seat. "As you already know, the Order of Light came from the future, so there is a high chance they are already aware of my plans regarding Travers. Quinton, I need you to be careful" Destiny warned and Quinton nodded his head in understanding.

"Milady, if they are already aware of your plans, then wouldn't be better if we give up the plan altogether?" Donovan asked, looking somewhat uncomfortable.

"It depends… I want to keep them occupied if they do know about my plans regarding Travers… I don't want them thinking that I might try something else until it is too late" Destiny explained and while Donovan felt like some context was missing, he was still able to understand what Destiny was trying to say.

"I see…" Donovan muttered as he nodded his head in understanding.

"Good! Now, does anyone of you have anything else to report?" Destiny asked as she glanced toward the rest of her Lieutenants. "Then, let's start our breakfast" Destiny said when she noticed that none of her Lieutenants were going to say anything…

<Line Break>

~~Timeskip (One Week)~~

"Imogen, you need to calm down… Getting frustrated isn't going to help you. In fact, it would be counter-productive" Destiny explained calmly. It has been already a week since Destiny started teaching Imogen Blood Magic and to be honest, Imogen sucked at Blood Magic, but she was comparing herself with Imogen which was kind of unfair to Imogen.

After all, not even Gellert could compare to her when it came to Blood Magic or Elemental Magic… "It is easy for you to say! Everything comes naturally to you!!" Imogen growled in anger, but as soon as she finished speaking, she started to regret her decision when Destiny's eyes narrowed at her.

"You won't be taking that tone with me" Destiny said coldly, making Imogen wince. Destiny had been quite patient with her, and Imogen felt bad for snapping at Destiny who wasn't at fault here. "Despite your beliefs, I am not good at everything. I am completely useless when it comes to Healing. I am also useless when it comes to Magical Creatures, Herbology, Divination, and anything related to crafting" Destiny pointed out as she paced in front of Imogen.

"Nobody could be perfect and to be honest, I believe it is better to be imperfect rather than perfect" Destiny chided and when she noticed the confused look on Imogen's face, Destiny decided to elaborate. "If someone is perfect then they do not have any room for improvement, they could no longer improve themselves as they are already perfect, but if someone is imperfect, then they can always improve, they could keep reaching new heights" Destiny explained passionately and Imogen could only stare at Destiny in complete awe…

Imogen had long realized that while she was older than Destiny, she wasn't anywhere close to the crimson-haired Witch's wisdom. There are some things you could never learn without experiencing them firsthand. Imogen might be older, but unlike Destiny, she never got to experience the world… She never got to travel outside Britain. She didn't even get to meet anyone from a different culture so that she could learn different things. Imogen realized how awfully sheltered she was compared to someone like Destiny.

"So, nobody is asking you to be perfect… While you don't have my talent in Blood Magic, it could be said the same for me in regard to Black Magic… While I am not completely useless when it comes to Black Magic, I do not have your prodigious talent. Not everyone is made equal when it comes to Magic…" Destiny pointed with a soft smile.

"As I said, getting frustrated won't help you… You need to calm down and think rationally. You need to visualize the Spell in your head, you need to have a clear intent and for that, you need to have a calm mind… Intent is the most important element needed to cast a Spell and the second is visualization… If you can't visualize a Spell then you can never have the desired effects" Destiny explained sharply, and Imogen looked like she was lost in a trance, but she was paying rapt attention to everything Destiny was saying.

"How good is your Occlumency?" All of a sudden, Destiny stopped pacing and turned toward Imogen in a sharp motion.

Imogen was taken aback by the sudden question… "N-not that good" She stuttered out and Destiny simply hummed as her eyes bored into Imogen's.

Imogen winced in pain as Destiny's Legilimency probe ripped through her Shields and as soon as Destiny broke through Imogen's Occlumency Shields, she retreated from Imogen's mind… "While your Occlumency could have been better, it is more than enough for the time being" Destiny said dismissively while Imogen couldn't help but rub her forehead to alleviate her pain.

"But you broke through my Shields like they weren't even there" Imogen muttered petulantly.

"True, but most people don't even know Occlumency and Legilimens are even rarer…" Destiny pointed out in an amused tone. "Anyway, your Occlumency Shield is strong enough for what I am planning… Your Occlumency is more than strong enough to visualize and it is also enough for you to keep visualizing your Spell until it has been cast completely" Destiny explained and Imogen nodded her head with a grimace.

"Good! Start casting then!" Destiny barked and Imogen immediately started trying to cast the Spell without wasting any more time. Destiny decided to watch Imogen from the side as she needed to stay here in case something untoward happened. After all, Blood Magic is extremely dangerous…

A couple of hours passed in the blink of an eye and it was almost time for Imogen to leave… "That's it for today, Imogen… You have progressed a lot and honestly, I am quite impressed" Destiny complimented Imogen with an impressed look on her face. "You still need to practice the Spell… You might have learned to cast the Spell, but you are yet to use the Spell in some real-life situation" Destiny added thoughtfully.

"I would need some subjects… I can't test something like this in front of other Unspeakables" Imogen pointed out in a low tone. Destiny was about to open her mouth to give Imogen an answer, but she stopped when she noticed an astral Raven approaching her.

The astral raven stopped in front of her. "When you are done with your student, meet me at our usual place" Gellert's voice was heard from the raven, and the raven started to dissipate as soon as the message was delivered…

"Fine, I will get you some test subjects tomorrow or should I send them to your manor?" Destiny asked, looking completely unfazed by the message. Imogen had met Gellert only once and she was terrified of the man for whatever reason… Destiny was stronger than Gellert, so Imogen should have been terrified of Destiny too, but she was only terrified of Gellert.

"K-keep them here" Imogen stuttered out after she finally regained her bearings… "I will be leaving then" Imogen blurted out hurriedly as she walked away from Destiny. The crimson-haired Witch simply inclined her head with a confused look on her face… She had no idea why Imogen was so afraid of Gellert… The man didn't even flare his Magic when he met her, so there should be no reason for her to be afraid of him…

Destiny shook her head after releasing a sigh… Moments later, she Disapparated with a soft pop. Destiny arrived at the edge of Wardline only to find that Gellert was already waiting for her… "Did something happen?" Destiny asked as she made her way toward Gellert who staring at the ocean… It was highly unusual for Gellert to call her in such a manner.

"How is the Wand treating you?" Gellert asked without turning around.

Destiny pulled out the Elder Wand and stared at it… "Great! It has been great!" Throughout the week, Destiny had been testing the Wand and she wasn't disappointed. The Wand has started reacting according to her wishes… She no longer needed to cast a Spell, she only needed to think about casting the Spell and that would be it…

Destiny did not know how to explain the feeling… The Wand was working according to her intent, that was the best she was able to come up with. She also no longer needed to speak out any incantation… Yes, with the Elder Wand, she could even silently cast the Unforgivables just like the Patronus Charm… She also knew every single Spell ever cast with the Elder Wand and she could cast them too… She also knew how most of the notable wielders of the Elder Wand fought and she could use them whenever she felt necessary.

Destiny was yet to discover what Lady Death meant by a bit of her Authority, but whatever it was, it was going to be something really overpowered… Not that Destiny was complaining. She remembered that Lady Death mentioned something about the Power of Rot, Destiny had tried to use it, but it was yet to bear her any fruits… Well, Destiny was fine with the slow progress. Sometimes, it was better to take things slowly…

"Do you want the details?" Destiny asked and Gellert started to chuckle as he shook his head.

"No, I don't want to feel jealous if I am being honest" Gellert finally turned around to look at Destiny. "I informed Vinda about the death of her parents. She was quite pleased… Don't be surprised if she ends up thanking you" Gellert revealed in an amused tone.

"She is welcome…" Destiny muttered as she finally arrived beside Gellert.

Gellert took a deep breath. "I have sent the word. Everyone will be gathering in Bulgaria three days from now" Gellert revealed in a neutral tone.

"Good! I will gather my own forces… I want to be there with you when Bulgaria and Greece falls" Destiny said firmly, leaving no room for arguments. "Gellert, I also need you to keep a tight leash on your forces… I don't want the people to grow discontent. Any sort of rebellion will lose its momentum if the public is completely fine under your rule" Destiny explained and Gellert nodded his head in understanding.

"That is exactly what I was thinking… I was not planning to abuse the people in the first place, but you do know that some of the countries will resist us, right?" Gellert asked as he glanced at Destiny from the corner of his eyes.

"Yes, I am aware of that and we will deal with them when the time comes… If we need to make an example out of them then we will, but for now, they aren't important" Destiny waved her hand dismissively.

"What about Turkey? Turkey shares its border with both Greece and Bulgaria" Gellert questioned curiously.

"We won't be attacking them directly for the time being… Turkey is a huge country and while their Magical Society is quite big, they won't be making a move. The Turkish Minister is a coward and a bootlicker… He will stick his head in the sand until it is too late and we will take advantage of that" Destiny explained and Gellert perked up after hearing her words.

"As soon as our hold over Bulgaria and Greece becomes stable, we will start infiltrating Turkey with our men… The Turkish Minister will fold under the pressure" Destiny said while nodding her head.

"I do not think it would be that simple… Even if the Turkish Minister agrees to surrender, I don't think that everyone will agree with his decision. It might lead to a civil war" Gellert pointed out and Destiny simply huffed.

"It won't come to that… There is something about Turkey a very few people know about. The Turkish Magical Community is not that powerful, neither Magically nor financially… Most of the powerful Wixen leave that country as soon as they can due to the lack of opportunities. Secondly, they aren't very rich as they lack political connections… Turkey is surrounded by Syria, Iraq, Persia, Armenia, and Georgia on the other side"

"Syria, Armenia, and Georgia don't have a Magical Community, and Iraq and Persia have their own problems. So, Turkey has to import everything through Bulgaria and Greece as importing resources through the Black Sea would increase the costs and they don't have that extra money. They will have to keep depending on Bulgaria and Greece for continued sustenance… Do you understand?" Destiny asked with a grin.

Gellert could only stare at Destiny in complete surprise… "I never went to Turkey so I didn't know, but Persia and Iraq could extend a helping hand to Turkey, can't they? I mean Turkey would be ripe for taking if what you are saying is right" Gellert wondered aloud and Destiny nodded her head with a hum.

"Yes, you are right, but they won't… As I said, they have their own problems. Both of the countries are going through their own cold civil war, so they won't have time to pay attention to Turkey and if they do, they won't be able to do anything about it" Destiny explained, and Gellert couldn't help but raise his eyebrows at Destiny.

"Are you sure, a civil war? Both of them? Why didn't I hear anything about this?" Gellert asked with a frown and Destiny couldn't help but give him a bland look.

"A cold civil war… They aren't fighting openly, but they are fighting. Apparently, both Magical Persia and Magical Iran are trying to resist a revolution… The citizens of both countries are tired of the fact that the women in their societies have close to no rights while the Government is trying to resist the change and maintain their original standing" Destiny explained in an amused tone and Gellert didn't know what to say.

"I haven't decided anything yet, but I do want to support the rebels. If I give them my support, then the number of my forces will surge and as a woman, I support their cause" Destiny added with a grin, and Gellert couldn't help but smile at that.

"That would be helpful in the long run and it would also remove the variables from the board… If we support them now, then they will be somewhat sympathetic to our cause" Gellert hummed thoughtfully.

"Yes, but I am somewhat reluctant to make my move as I don't know if I did this in the original timeline or not… I was not planning to involve with anything outside Britain before the Order of Light was revealed, but…" Destiny was about to continue to she stopped when Gellert started to pat her head.

"You are being foolish Destiny… What if they know? You can't keep thinking like this. If they do interfere, then you will simply need to crush them with your might. You have to remember, not everyone will roll over and allow us to take over the Magical world. We have to take it ourselves!" Gellert declared and Destiny cursed herself for being so stupid.

Gellert was right… She was being stupid. "You are right. What if they know what I am going to do? I will simply outsmart them or crush them with pure might. I will be also casting the Fidelius Charm to hide my identity, so it would stop them making a move" Destiny mumbled to herself and Gellert smiled proudly after hearing her words.

"That's right… So, when are you gouging to cast the Spell?" Gellert asked.

"Tomorrow… I have already invited everyone who needs to know my identity as soon as possible" Destiny revealed and Gellert nodded his head in understanding.

"Good… There was something else I wanted to talk about" Gellert said with a hint of worry in his voice and Destiny immediately raised her brows in question.

"I am planning to hunt a Chimera to perform the Ritual you performed" Gellert revealed, and Destiny's eyes grew wide in surprise. Moments later, she beamed at Gellert with a bright smile on her face.

"That's great!! When do you want to do it?" Destiny asked excitedly.

"After I finish gathering my forces in Bulgaria" Gellert answered after thinking for a bit. "I would have gone for a Dragon, but I don't think I can slay a Dragon on my own without using the Killing Curse or some of the Curse which might destroy or contaminate the Magic in its body" Gellert explained with a frown and Destiny simply slapped his shoulder with a huff.

"Killing a Dragon isn't that hard, you know?" Destiny pointed out and Gellert gave her a dirty look.

"That's easy for you to say… I am not good at Transfiguration or Elemental Magic like you… My speciality lies in Curses" Gellert scowled at Destiny, who rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

"I could see the problem…" Destiny conceded. "What about a Nundu?" She asked after a few moments.

Gellert gave Destiny a blank stare… "Unlike you, I do not have a death wish. A Nundu is not unkillable, but once again I do not think I can kill one without destroying or contaminating its Magic" Gellert growled and Destiny simply shrugged with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Well, I guess… Whatever makes you sleep at night. Though, I think it is your age… You are out of your depth old man!!" Destiny exclaimed mischievously and moments later, she had to bat away several Stinging Hexes courtesy of an irate Gellert.

"I will have you know, I am still in my prime. It seems that I need to teach you a lesson" Gellert growled, but he couldn't hide the amusement in his voice. Gellert continued to attack Destiny with Stinging Hexes, who continued to bat them away while cackling in glee…


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