Unduh Aplikasi

Bab 10: Reunion

The men started laughing boisterously. A few of the prostitutes looked at Destiny and Ambika with pity in their eyes. "I was asking you nicely but it looks like it didn't work… it's fine though, me and my men like breaking strong women" the man finished with a sneer. "Get them!!" The man ordered his men. 

But before any of the men could react, Destiny side-along Apparated with Ambika. It wasn't a problem as Destiny already had her arm wrapped around Ambika's waist and Ambika was also snuggled into Destiny's arm. Destiny also wanted to get out of the disadvantageous position as she and Ambika were surrounded. 

The ringleader gawked at the display but it was too late. Destiny and Ambika were already a few feet away from the group of men, Destiny retracted her hand from Ambika's waist and jabbed it towards the group of men, the few of them were pushed a couple of meters back by an invisible force. 

All of them groaned in pain as they landed on each other. All the bystanders were quite shocked by the display as for the most of them this was probably the first time they saw someone perform Wandless Magic. The leader was the first to recover and get up as he whipped out a Wand to attack Destiny. 

Destiny has already expected this, so she decided to deal with him before he could even point his Wand in her direction. 'Diffindo' Destiny thought mentally as she cast a Severing Charm Wandlessly which took off the man's Wand arm as soon as the man pulled out his Wand. For a few moments, the man wasn't even able to comprehend what had happened. 

"Arghhh!!!" The pain finally registered in the man's mind as several bystanders gasped. Though, Destiny wasn't satisfied with just that. They had dared to desire something which belonged to her and now they are going to pay for that. 

"a-VAH-dah ke-DAH-vra" Destiny muttered and with a green flash a lackey who was finally able to get up, dropped to the ground. All the bystanders shrieked in fear and scurried away. Destiny cast an Anti-Apparition jinx to stop the attackers from running away. 

"I will kill anyone who dares to pull out his Wand" Destiny said in a serious tone and the group of men froze in fear. Now, the whole group finally knew that they had picked the wrong targets to mess with. Someone willing to use the Killing Curse in an open place like this isn't anyone you should mess with. 

Yes, there were a lot of people in this place who knew the Killing Curse but only a few would dare to use it out in the open. This place might be lawless but people are still afraid of dying and the majority of the Magical Population deeply feared the Killing Curse. It was declared Unforgivable for a reason. 

"Sorry!! Please forgive us…" the men started to beg and bow. They didn't even dare to draw their Wands as all of them were too afraid to die. The leader of the group was still moaning in pain while gripping his stump. 

"Ambika, be a dear and kill him" Destiny said and Ambika gasped in surprise. She already knew that Destiny had killed people but this was the first time Destiny had killed someone in front of her. Ambika was still reeling in shock when Destiny called out her name. 

The leader and his men gasped and his men scurried away from him, none of them wanted to get killed, even if accidentally. He wanted to beg but with a wave of her hand, Destiny silenced the man. 

"...Okay" Ambika said weakly as she stepped forward. Ambika slowly raised her hand, as she noticed that her hand was shaking but there wasn't anything she could do to stop it. She had killed before… but that was an accident, she didn't mean for it to happen. This was the first time she was going to take someone's life willingly. 

She could have rejected Destiny but she doesn't want to disappoint her mentor, her best friend, and finally her lover. Destiny was everything to her, Ambika already knew that she probably would never be someone like Destiny but she always wanted to stand proudly behind the woman… she was afraid that Destiny was going to toss her aside. 

Ambika took a deep breath and her hand finally stopped shaking. "Diffindo" Ambika said in a determined tone and a gash appeared on the man's neck. The man grabbed his neck with his remaining hand, trying to close the wound but his efforts were useless as the man started to choke on his own blood and moments later, the man died. 

"You did good" Destiny said in a soft tone and used an areawide stunner to knock out the remaining goons. Destiny wanted to kill them all but she decided to spare them on a whim but that didn't mean that Destiny forgave them. She had already casted Dire Misfortune Curse on all of them. 

As soon as she was done, once again, she snaked her arm around Ambika and pulled her closer. Ambika was still feeling restless and slightly uncomfortable but she somewhat relaxed when Destiny's arm was wrapped around her waist. For now, Destiny didn't say anything else and silently led Ambika towards the deeper parts of the slave market. 

The duo finally arrived and entered the end of the slave market and they could see several naked men and women stuffed inside cages, all of them had collars wrapped around their necks. Destiny knew that those collars weren't just for the show… they were charmed with some sort of Magic. As she kept going she finally found a store where House-Elves were sold. 

The duo entered the store and a bell chimed to notify the shopkeeper of the arrival of new customers. A regal-looking middle-aged woman came out from the back of the shop to attend the country. The woman smiled politely at the duo. "How may I help you?" The woman questioned. 

"I want a house-elf" Destiny went straight to the point. The woman nodded her head. 

"Are you looking for any specific gender?" The woman questioned but Destiny simply shrugged. 

"As long as the house-elf is healthy, I don't care," Destiny said and the woman nodded her head in understanding. "Weebly" the woman called and a house-elf appeared beside the woman with a soft pop. Ambika's eyes grew wide in shock at the strange creature's appearance. 

"Bring Bibly" the woman ordered and the house-elf popped away. Moments later, the house-elf appeared with another house-elf in the tow. It was a female house-elf, not that it mattered to Destiny. 

"Her name is Bibly, are you satisfied with the health of the house-elf?" The woman asked and Destiny simply nodded her head. 

"She is okay, how much do I need to pay for her?" Destiny asked curiously. She already knew how to form a bond with a house-elf so she didn't bother to ask the woman. Bibly simply kept staring at Destiny and Ambika with her round eyes which held a slight hint of wariness. And Ambika was still trying to wrap her head around the creature's appearance. 

"60 Galleons" the woman said and Destiny felt a loud thunderbolt drop on top of her head. 

"50 Galleons" Destiny retorted and the woman frowned. 

"55 Galleons and that is the best offer you will get. The house-elf is in perfect condition" The woman said, her smile returned to her face. It was easy to deduce that the woman was trained to attend this shop, particularly. 

Destiny simply closed her eyes and she felt the pain. Destiny quickly paid the money with a heavy heart… This was the most expensive transaction she had done. "Bibly, accept the bond" Destiny said as she reached out to Bibly with her Magic. The house-elf nodded her head and accepted the bond. "Follow us" Destiny said and started to leave the store with Ambika. 

"Thank you for your patronage," the woman said. As Destiny simply walked out of the store with Ambika while being followed by her newly bought house-elf. The house-elf obediently followed Destiny and Ambika without saying anything as her master was yet to speak anything. 

Destiny wasn't cruel or dismissive of the creature… She simply wanted to avoid a conversation in this part of the market. They could always talk to their heart's content after they left the market. The duo along with their house-elf left the slave market without any issues… the two dead bodies and the knocked out bodies were still lying on the street. 

All of a sudden, Destiny froze in front of a store. There was a magical banner on top of a shelf. The exact words written were 'Imagine Hookah' and a man could be seen creating images from the hookah's smoke, a very eccentric name but if it could do what was being advertised then Destiny wanted to get a couple for herself. 

'This would be a nice gift for Gellert' Destiny mused as she entered the store. Ambika was also curious and Bibly simply followed her mistress without saying anything. A middle-aged man was sitting behind the counter, he stood up as soon as Destiny entered the store. 

"Tell me about the 'Imagine Hookah'" Destiny went straight to the point without beating around the bush. She was intrigued by the product. 

The man sputtered for a second as he was about to greet his customers. The man took a deep breath to compose himself. "It works just like in the advertisement. You can use the smoke to create a projection of your imagination, vision, or your memories" the man explained. The 'Imagine Hookah' was the best selling product of his shop. 

"I see… What are the differences between a Pensieve and this?" Destiny asked with a curious glint in her eyes. 

The man surely wasn't expecting this question. So he had to think for a moment before answering. "Firstly, this is a projection device and Pensieve is an immersion device… Yes, there are Pensieves with the projection function but they are very costly compared to these. Pensieves can be only used to view memories" the man explained with a smile. 

'Hmm… he isn't telling me something' Destiny concluded. "What is the maximum length of a memory projection?" Destiny questioned and the shopkeeper's lips thinned. 

"...Depends on the user" The shopkeeper answered vaguely. 

'Aha!! That's it! So the memory playback time is lesser than a Pensieve' Destiny thought. "You keep Pensieves?" Destiny questioned and the man shook his head. Even though the memory playback time wasn't long, she couldn't deny the fact that the device was insanely useful. 

Destiny decided to buy two of them, one of herself and she will give the other one to Gellert. Destiny was pretty sure that Gellert would love the gift. Destiny immediately started to inspect the various designs. A certain normal-looking Brass Hookah caught her attention. Destiny was completely fine with an unimpressive design. 

(Image Here) 

Destiny knew that Gellert was kind of obsessed with the Deathly Hallows, so he would probably appreciate something representing Death. Destiny's gaze finally landed on a Skull Hookah. 'Yes, that would be perfect' Destiny mused as she asked the shopkeeper to bring the Brass Hookah and the Skull Hookah. 

(Image Here) 

"I want to see if they are working properly or not before I buy them" Destiny said and the shopkeeper simply shrugged and started to prepare the Hookahs. After a few minutes, both Hookahs were prepared, Destiny subtly casted detection Spells to see if anything was poisoned or not. After getting clean results from the Spell's, Destiny decided to give it a go. 

Destiny grabbed the pipe of the Brass Hookah and took a deep breath to inhale the smoke. After a few moments, Destiny released the smoke creating the huge projection of the snowy mountains that Destiny and Ambika flew over today. The smoke of the Hookah was completely harmless as it didn't have any nicotine or harmful chemicals and anybody with the right ingredients could create the required mixture in a matter of minutes. 

"Beautiful" Ambika mumbled in an awed tone and Destiny couldn't stop herself from nodding her head. Destiny grabbed the pipe of the Skull Hookah and took a deep breath as she filled her lungs with the smoke. After a few moments, Destiny finally removed the pipe from her lips and released the smoke creating the image of Sakura Blossom. 

This time Ambika didn't say anything as she simply kept staring at the scenery with stars in her eyes. Destiny released a satisfied smirk and turned towards the shopkeeper who was also watching the Sakura Blossom. For the second projection, Destiny didn't use a memory, she simply used her imagination. She simply imagined the image of Sakura Blossom and she had the result. 

"This is an actual Human Skull, right?" Destiny questioned and the shopkeeper shrugged. Destiny decided to drop the matter but she was pretty sure that it was a Human Skull. Ambika was still watching Sakura Blossom and she completely ignored Destiny's question. 

"Pack them, how much for the two of them?" Destiny asked, outwardly she looked completely calm but internally she was sulking.

"50 Galleons" the shopkeeper said and once again a lightning bolt cracked over Destiny's head. 

'This sucks!' Destiny mentally screamed. "40 Galleons" Destiny offered and the shopkeeper shook his head. 

"50 Galleons along with 5 Galleons worth of ingredients" the shopkeeper said and Destiny reluctantly nodded her head. Once again, she paid the Galleons with a bleeding heart. Bibly happily picked up the packages and the trio walked out of the store. 

"Are you okay?" Ambika asked worriedly. 

"I spent so much money today…" Destiny started to sulk comically and Ambika wanted to giggle but the situation wasn't right. "Let's get out of here… I want some cuddles" Destiny said in a sullen tone and turned towards Bibly. 

"You can follow me, right?" Destiny asked and the house-elf eagerly nodded her head. 

Moments later, Destiny and Ambika Disapparated from the market and appeared in the same spot where they had been this morning. Ambika immediately understood why Destiny brought them here, she quickly took out her trunk so she could get the tent ready. 

Only after a minute, the two Witches and one house-elf found themselves inside the tent. "Bibly, my name is Destiny Grindelwald and this is my lover Ambika Rajat" Destiny finally introduced herself to the house-elf she bought from the Slave Market. Destiny wasn't worried about getting betrayed since she had created the bond. 

Before the house-elf could say anything, Destiny decided to continue. "Now, under no circumstances, you are to reveal any of my secrets to anyone other than Ambika. Just like me, Ambika is also your Mistress, you will listen to all of her orders and you will treat her like your Mistress" Destiny said in a firm tone and Bibly eagerly nodded her head with a little bit of fear in her eyes. 

"Aren't you being too hard on her?" Ambika questioned and Destiny simply shook her head. 

"No, I am simply setting down the ground rules. Bibly, under no circumstances you are to betray me in any manner and you will only listen to my and Ambika's orders. Scrap all the previous orders, commands, and suggestions not given by me. Do you understand?" Destiny asked in a serious tone. 

Once again, Bibly nodded her head with a fearful look on her face. After seeing the display, Destiny nodded her head. "I hope you can be a part of my family in the future" Destiny said and the look on her face softened. A gentle smile as she patted Bibly's head. 

"Bibly won't disappoint, Mistress Destiny!" Bibly said in a determined tone even though there was a glint of fear in her eyes. Destiny was finally satisfied with the orders but she still cast an Alert Ward which would immediately alert her of someone's arrival or if it is nullified. Destiny was pretty confident that she covered all the bases but dealing with House-Elves could be tricky. 

"You see Ambika, the shop lady might have looked pretty gentle and polite but she or the original shop owner could have used Bibly to get our details to capture us… this isn't anything new and being careful never hurt anyone" Destiny said and Ambika finally nodded her head in understanding. 

Ambika understood where Destiny was coming from and she did have a point. "I see… it is almost noon, I should start making food" Ambika said and Destiny grinned and grabbed Ambika's hand. 

"No… I want cuddles, let's take a bath and Bibly can prepare the food for both of us" Destiny almost whined and even though Ambika wanted to cook food for Destiny, she finally relented and gave in to Destiny's demands. 

Ambika quickly gave Bibly some recipe details and told her to prepare the food. Bibly eagerly nodded her head wanting to prepare food for her new Mistresses while Destiny started to drag Ambika towards the bath. Destiny pecked Ambika on her lips and started to caress Ambika's body over her clothes. 

"Ahn~ It seems you can't keep your hands off me~" Ambika said in between her moans and Destiny simply trailing kisses on Ambika's jaw. 

"I could never get enough of you" Destiny said but reluctantly let go of Ambika so the older girl could get out of her robes and join her in the tub. Destiny quickly got out of her clothes and used Magic to fill the tub with hot water. Destiny entered the tub and leaned her back on the tub. 

Ambika quickly stripped out of her clothes and entered from the back… she wanted to lean down on the opposite side but Destiny used her Magic to pull Ambika to sit between her legs while Ambika's back was resting on her chest. Ambika slightly blushed as she felt Destiny's breasts on her back. Destiny slowly wrapped her hands around Ambika's waist and released a content sigh. 

"Are you alright?" Destiny questioned and Ambika slightly turned her head in confusion. She didn't know what Destiny was talking about. 

"For the first time, you took someone's life today on your own accord. So, are you feeling okay?" Destiny noticed the look of confusion on Ambika's face and decided to elaborate. 

Ambika started to stare towards the water as she fiddled with her fingers. "...To be honest, I am somewhat uncomfortable but I will be fine… you shouldn't worry. I know what would have happened to us if you were weak…" Ambika said in a low tone and Destiny gently placed a kiss on Ambika's nape. 

"I am glad that you understand… I love you" Destiny said as her arms around Ambika's waist tightened and she pulled Ambika even closer to her. 

"I love you too, Destiny…" Ambika said softly as she relaxed in Destiny's embrace… 

<Line Break>

~~March, 1922 (Calcutta-Bombay Train)~~

"I am so sore…" Destiny moaned with a grim look on her face as she rubbed her shoulders. 

"Yeah… My whole body is aching" Ambika grumbled as she rolled her shoulders. Destiny simply nodded her head. 

"I always wanted to travel on a train… I am not impressed" Destiny grumbled as she got up from her cushioned seat. 'Thankfully I decided to travel in the luxury class, I even shudder to think what would have happened if I had decided to travel in the commoner class' Destiny shuddered as she paced around the small room. 

Since Destiny and Ambika were travelling in the luxury class, both of them had a small room of their own. Destiny had used the money they got after selling Ambika's jewellery to buy the tickets. It was a lot of money and that is why Destiny had decided against converting the Muggle money in Galleons. Muggle money was definitely useful in their travels. 

Bibly was also travelling with them, Destiny had charmed Bibly's clothes with Muggle Repelling Charm. If you give your house-elf a cloth then you would break the bond with your house-elf but Destiny has found a way around that. Destiny wasn't okay with Bibly wearing rags. 

If Bibly got the clothes on her own then it wouldn't break the bond, so that is what Destiny used and Ambika was the one to hand over clothes to Bibly. Even though Destiny had ordered Bibly to treat Ambika as her Mistress, ultimately, there wasn't a bond between Ambika and Bibly so there was no risk of breaking any bonds. 

"You know… when I was young, I sometimes wondered about trains. I have only heard about trains but I never got a chance to see them until now" Ambika said with a melancholic smile on her face. "Now, I really want to see and ride the Magical Train in Britain" Ambika said with a dazed look on her face

Destiny giggled in amusement. "It won't be anything out of the world. Ultimately, It is a normal Muggle Train" Destiny said and Ambika simply scoffed. 

"You can't say for sure… you haven't seen it yet" Ambika defended and Destiny started to snicker. 

"Sure… sure… whatever you say my love" Destiny said with a grin and plopped down on Ambika's lap. Destiny slowly wrapped her hands around Ambika's neck as she stared into the older girl's eyes. 

"What are you reading?" Destiny questioned curiously. Destiny knew the book's name as it was a book from her own collection but she didn't know what part Ambika was reading. 

"Did you know that the students of Uagadou only use Wandless Magic?" Ambika answered Destiny with her own question and Destiny simply snorted. 

"That's simply an advertisement… I agree that the students from Uagadou mostly use Wandless Magic. They say that a Magical Focus is unnecessary while mocking the rest of the Magical Schools but that is not the complete truth" Destiny said and tucked a Strand of snow-white hair behind Ambika's ear. 

"They also use various types of Magical Foci but can cast most of the Spells Wandlessly. I can do that too… Anyone can achieve that with enough hard work and practice. No matter what they say, there are some Spells which couldn't be cast with a Magical Focus" 

"For example, the Patronus Charm, then you have the Unforgivables, Fiendfyre… etc. There are a lot of Spells like that" Destiny said with a shrug and Ambika simply nodded her head in understanding.

"It is better if you learn Spells using a Magical Focus… that way, you will understand the mechanics of a Spell. After that, you could always achieve the same effect without a Magical Focus because you already know what is going to happen and how" Destiny explained with a small smile on her face. 

"So, what do I need to do to learn intent-based Magic?" Ambika questioned, she was completely entranced by Destiny's words. 

"Nothing much… you need to master nonverbal casting. I have been using nonverbal casting since I started learning Magic, so I had a huge head start" Destiny said with a teasing grin and placed her lips on Ambika's. The white-haired girl simply melted into the kiss and happily returned the kiss. 

"Don't worry babe, I will teach you everything I know. How are you progressing in potions? That is your favourite subject after all" Destiny said as she caressed Ambika's cheek lovingly. 

"I haven't made any groundbreaking progress but it is coming along better than I had expected" Ambika said with a proud smile on her face. Destiny slowly climbed down Ambika's lap. 

"Good" Destiny said with a stiff nod of her head. 

"When are we leaving India?" All of a sudden Ambika asked. Her voice was filled with an undertone of excitement. 

Destiny cocked her sideways. "In a month. We will catch a ferry from the port of Bombay and we will be heading towards Spain" Destiny said while looking outside the window. 

Ambika's eyes grew slightly wide in surprise. "Aren't we going to visit Gellert?" Ambika asked as she knew that Destiny missed the man and she was planning to visit Bulgaria. 

"I plan to… I will ask him to visit Spain" Destiny said with a curt nod of her head. Ambika could only nod her head after hearing Destiny's words. 

"Then I will travel back to Bulgaria with him. I plan to participate in a raid" Destiny said as she stared at the hilt of Neptune. 

"Then I will also participate" Ambika proclaimed but Destiny simply smiled softly. 

"You don't need to force yourself, Ambika. It is something I want to do… I want to show how much I have progressed since we have parted" Destiny said with a grin but Ambika still had a determined look on her face. 

"But I will still participate" Ambika said and Destiny didn't try to dissuade the older girl for the second time. If Ambika wanted to participate in a raid then she won't stop Ambika from participating. 

"Fine… but how long till we get off this Deathtrap?" Destiny questioned curiously and Ambika snickered after hearing Destiny's words. 

Ambika cast a Tempus. "You have to be patient my dear, we are already 6 hours behind the schedule" Ambika said and started to snicker. Destiny's face soured and she started to curse like a sailor after hearing Ambika's answer. 

Ambika kept snickering in amusement as she shook her head. Ambika was also sore but she was used to this sort of soreness. She had been working hard in the orphanage since she was a small child. 

"Well, whatever… I am going to avoid trains for a couple of months" Destiny grumbled with a sour look on her face. 

"Mistress Destiny, Mistress Ambika, the food is ready" Bibly chirped in an excited tone. 

"Hah… at least the food is good" Destiny sighed with a grateful look on her face and Ambika immediately agreed with the younger girl. 'I also need to practise my Blood Magic after lunch' Destiny mused in excitement… 

<Line Break>

~~June, 1922 (Bulgaria)~~

Gellert Grindelwald was standing in front of a window while staring down at people down at the streets. A glint of pity could be seen shimmering in his eyes. He pitied all of them. All of them going on with their lives, completely ignorant of the threat looming over their world. 

'Maybe it is good that they are ignorant' Gellert mused as he kept fiddling with the Wand of Destiny. Gellert wanted to avoid meaningless deaths but he would kill anyone who dared to interfere. 

Gellert was brought out of his musings when someone knocked on his door. "Enter" Gellert already knew who it was. Moments later, the door clicked open and Annabell Ismail entered the room with a stuffed toy clutched in her hands. 

"Good morning, Gellert~" the woman cheerfully greeted Gellert. A soft smile appeared on Gellert's face. 

"Good morning to you too. Are you ready?" Gellert asked and the woman eagerly nodded her head like a little girl. 

"Let's go! Let's go!!" The woman cheered with a goofy grin on her face and Gellert simply nodded her head. 

It has been a few months since Annabell had been staying with Gellert. Annabell had become intensely loyal to Gellert and she would literally Curse anyone if they dared to badmouth or insult the man. Kaloyan Ismail was mainly responsible for this development as he married another woman so that he could continue his progeny. 

The Georgieva family wasn't happy with this development, in fact, they were downright furious but there wasn't anything they could do as what Kaloyan Ismail did was completely legal. Annabell Ismail was no longer fit to produce an heir and Kaloyan Ismail used that clause to marry another woman even after their marriage contract didn't allow polygamy. 

Obviously, Annabell was livid as soon as she found out and attacked Kaloyan Ismail and his new wife, both of them were able to barely escape with their lives. Kaloyan Ismail's new wife forced the man to press charges on Annabell Ismail. This further soured the relationship between the Georgieva family and the Ismail family. 

Kaloyan Ismail also broke his contact with Gellert Grindelwald. Obviously, Gellert wasn't happy with this development but he wouldn't pursue the man or his family but that didn't mean he would stop his most loyal follower from enacting vengeance when the time was right. Destiny would have been the most loyal but she wasn't his follower… 

After that whole fiasco, Annabell Ismail had nowhere to go. The Georgieva were ready to welcome the woman back even though internally they were very unhappy with the woman. Due to Annabell, the name of their family was shamed but she was still someone from their family so we're ready to open their home for her and welcome her. 

Even though Annabell had gone off the deep end, her head could still function perfectly. It only took her a few moments to deduce what her family was actually thinking so she decided to reject their offer. She finally arrived at Gellert's doorstep and the man happily welcomed her. Gellert knew that the woman was certifiably insane but he wasn't worried about that. 

"Let me prepare the Portkey," Gellert said and picked up a small chalice from his table. Only after a few seconds was he done. 

Gellert extended his hand towards the woman. The woman giddily accepted Gellert's hand and after only a second, both of them were whisked away as Gellert activated the Portkey… 

<Line Break>

It has been a week since Gellert and Annabell had arrived in Spain. Since Annabell was a polite and well-educated woman, she only decided to kill a couple of Muggles painlessly to acquire their house. Annabell was about to kill their child too but Gellert stopped her. 

Since it was Gellert, Annabell didn't argue and agreed with Gellert's decision in an instant. They sent away the child after modifying the child's memories. After that, Gellert had resumed the woman's training. Gellert had been training the woman since she had started living with him. 

Even now, Gellert was training Annabell but he stopped when a blue astral tiger entered the room… both Gellert and Annabell were awed by the brilliant looking feline. The tigress was massive and there was a lining of blue fur on the tigress's legs and back. The tiger looked pretty imposing… 

(Image Here) 

"I am waiting for you at the port" A feminine voice was heard from the blue astral tigress. The voice was extremely familiar to Gellert and he immediately recognized the voice. Subconsciously, a smile appeared on Gellert's face after he heard the voice and moments later, the Corporeal Patronus dispersed into thin air. 

Even though it didn't seem like it, Gellert has been really worried about Destiny, especially after hearing that she killed 7 Aurors. Gellert Grindelwald immediately wanted to head towards India to get Destiny out of that country but ultimately he decided against that. Destiny needed to travel and learn on her own, he couldn't keep coddling her. 

"Annabell, we are leaving!" Gellert said in a slightly excited tone and Annabell seemed to cheer after hearing Gellert's words. 

"Destiny~! Destiny~!" The unhinged woman started to happily sing Destiny's name. Gellert chuckled in amusement. 

Moments later, both of them Disapparated from the house with soft cracks. Both of them knew where the port was so they didn't need to Side-Along Apparate. Gellert and Annabell appeared inside an empty alley. Gellert activated the Muggle Repelling Charm on his pendent and walked out of the alley followed by Annabell. 

Annabell was sticking quite close to Gellert due to the Muggle Repelling Charm, Gellert had no idea how Destiny had Charmed his pendant and he knew charming something like this was pretty dangerous so he decided not to experiment. Gellert and Annabell finally entered the port and both of them started to look around. 

After only a couple of seconds, Gellert's gaze landed on a bright crimson-haired girl standing alongside a white-haired girl. A smile appeared on Gellert's face as she started to approach the girl, Annabell noticed that as she immediately decided to follow Gellert… 

<Line Break>

"I like the air" Destiny took a deep breath as their ship docked in the port. Unfortunately, Ambika didn't find any difference in the air so she simply shrugged. Though she was really grateful that they finally arrived on land. 

Ambika didn't hate the sea or the trip but at the same time, she also didn't like it. She found that she was more comfortable if her feet were on the land. 'At least, it was a lot better than Portkey or Apparition' Ambika mused. 

Destiny quickly cast a Revealing Charm to see if anyone from the Magical World was lurking around or not. She had learned from her mistake. A smile appeared on Destiny's face as the result came back negative. There was no one from the Magical World lurking around. 

With a small twitch of Neptune, Destiny cast a Patronus Charm to summon Gellert. The blue astral tigress leapt into the air, a few Muggles around Destiny noticed the Corporeal Patronus but all of them simply waved it off thinking that the heat must be getting to their heads. 

"I really want to learn Corporeal Patronus" Ambika gushed out in an excited tone and Destiny simply grinned. 

"I have already taught you…" Destiny said with a teasing grin on her face and Ambika simply gave her a stink eye. 

"Excuse me if my Magical Core isn't strong like yours" Ambika said in an annoyed tone but Destiny simply started to snicker after hearing Ambika's words. 

"You are excused" Destiny stopped snickering and said with a straight face. Ambika simply rolled her eyes. 

"You are incorrigible!" Ambika huffed but Destiny wrapped her arm around Ambika's waist and pulled her closer. 

"But you still love me" Destiny said with a smug grin on her face and gently placed her lips on Ambika's, the white-haired girl enthusiastically returned the kiss. 

Both of them finally separated after a few minutes had passed. "That I do" Ambika said softly as both of them decided to climb down the ship. Destiny quickly found a good spot to wait. The spot was easily visible from all the entrances so Gellert could easily notice her. 

After 15 minutes of waiting, Destiny finally felt someone approaching her. Her eyes scanned the crowd of Muggles and it landed on a tall pale-skinned blonde man with heterochromatic eyes. Destiny beamed as a bright smile appeared on her face. Destiny noticed a black-haired woman following Gellert but wasn't bothered by it. 

Gellert finally arrived in front of Destiny. Destiny immediately wrapped her hands around the man and pulled him into a hug. Gellert happily returned the hug with a smile on his face. "You have grown up," Gellert said with a grin when the two of them finally separated. 

"As expected, you look slightly older," Destiny said with a cheeky grin on her face. Gellert started to chuckle after hearing her words. 

"Hello!! I am Annabell! Nice to finally meet you!!" Annabell skipped beside Gellert and introduced herself. She looked like a small child on her sugar rush. Her eyes were sparkling with excitement. 

Destiny knew about Annabell, Gellert had told her most of the things and Destiny felt really bad for the woman. "Hello, it is nice to meet you too… you can call me Destiny" Destiny said politely and the unhinged woman immediately pulled Destiny into a tight hug while squealing in joy. Destiny hugged the woman with a smile on her face. 

After a minute, Annabell finally allowed Destiny to leave her embrace. While this was going on, Ambika was patiently waiting with a calm look on her face but internally she was a nervous wreck. "Will you play with me?" Annabell asked with an innocent look on her face. 

"Of course, I will. But before anything else, let me introduce both of you to my lover Ambika Rajat" Destiny introduced Ambika with a proud look on her face. 

Ambika was completely taken aback by Destiny's boldness. She never expected Destiny to reveal it just like that. Ambika was completely gobsmacked but she lit up like a Christmas Tree when she felt Gellert's and Annabell's gaze inspecting her. 

For a moment, Gellert was taken aback by the statement… he wasn't angry or anything, he was simply surprised. Destiny had never mentioned this in her letters so he was taken by surprise. Of course, he didn't care that Destiny loved a girl, after all, he had also fallen in love with a man. Regardless of his own history, he would have still allowed Destiny to love whoever she wanted to. 

As for Annabell, she didn't know what to think about that. She wasn't against the idea and even though she was from a Pureblood family. She knew her family was shit… they were heartbroken after the death of her son but after that bastard of her husband married another woman, they scorned her for disgracing the name of their family. 

In other words, the name of the family was much more important than the happiness of your own child. Even though Annabell wasn't sane any longer, she could easily deduce these simple things. After all she was a brilliant woman before she was married off to Kaloyan Ismail but she had no way to show her brilliance as a housewife. 

Now that she was free from all those shirty customs and her sanity, she was kind of rediscovering herself. "Aww… so cute!!! You must tell me about your travels!" Annabell exclaimed giddily. "This is the first time I am out of Bulgaria…" Annabell sulked sadly as she clutched the stuffed toy in her hands tightly. 

"It is nice to meet you, Ms Rajat. I would like to hear more about you but this isn't the right place to chat. Why don't we head back to our temporary residence?" Gellert offered as he grabbed the hand of Ambika surprising the white-haired girl and he softly placed a kiss on the back of her hand. 

"Yes! Yes! All these filthy Muggles are making me nauseous!" Annabell said and started to malevolently glare at the Muggles who didn't even notice the four of them. Gellert extended his hand towards Destiny while Annabell did the same to Ambika. Destiny and Ambika grabbed the offered limbs and the next moment, all four of them Disapparated with a small crack. 

The four of them appeared inside a big house with a soft crack. Destiny looked around but she quickly lost her interest as it wasn't anything special while Ambika kept looking around with an awed look in her eyes. She had never seen such sturdy wooden houses. 

"Have the two of you eaten anything?" Gellert questioned but Destiny didn't answer him and pulled out her trunk. With a swift wave of her hand, she enlarged her trunk and popped the hood of her trunk. Destiny shoved her head inside the trunk. 

"Bibly, prepare lunch for 4 people!!" Destiny exclaimed loudly. 

"Of course, Mistress!" A chirpy voice answered Destiny. The crimson-haired girl pulled out her head with a pleased look on her face. She noticed that she was getting questioning looks from Gellert and Annabell who was curiously watching the trunk. 

"This is a trunk I have Charmed all on my own. I was able to build an entire house inside the trunk… I will show you later" Destiny explained with a grin and Gellert nodded his head with a proud look on his face. Annabell heard the explanation and squealed like a small girl. 

After getting on the ferry, Destiny found that she was quite bored as she couldn't practice Magic on the Muggles or they would notice the disappearances. So, she decided to experiment with something else and it took her almost a month to perfectly create the house inside the trunk. 

The process took a lot of time as Destiny was extremely careful throughout the project. She didn't want the house collapsing on itself while anyone was inside due to some negligent Spell work. After about a month, she was quite pleased with the finished product. She was also pretty sure that nothing like this was on the market. 

"I have a house-elf from Nepal… don't need to worry about food. She will be pretty happy to cook for the four of us" Destiny explained. 

"Ah… Looks like I also need to get myself a house-elf" Gellert said and Annabell cocked her head with a giddy look on her face. 

"Gellert, do you have blank Language Potions? I need to learn German, Bulgarian, Spanish and any other languages you have learned" Destiny said and Gellert gave a stiff nod and with a wave of his Wand, he summoned his trunk. 

After a minute, Gellert handed her a vial. Destiny accepted the vial and gulped down the contents without a second thought. Memories related to the Bulgarian language started to appear in Destiny's mind. Destiny felt a sting of pain inside her head as the memories kept appearing but she didn't even flinch. 

After another minute, Destiny finally finished sorting all of the new memories inside her head. Destiny cracked her neck and a smile appeared on her face. "Ah… I missed this feeling. I will learn the rest tomorrow" Destiny said in fluent Bulgarian. While this was going on, Ambika silently stood at the side as she didn't know what to do. She was still kind of nervous. 

"So Destiny, why don't you show me what you have learned in the past year while I was gone before we sat down for lunch?" Gellert questioned and a smug grin appeared on Destiny's face. 

"Alright, then allow me to show you something that no one has achieved yet" Destiny proclaimed with a proud look on her face as she backed away. She was back to using English, so even Ambika understood what Destiny was going to do. 

Gellert raised his brows as his gaze was fixed on Destiny. He really wanted to see what Destiny has achieved… and he didn't miss what Destiny had said. According to the crimson-haired girl, no one has achieved this yet. It was a bold proclamation. Annabell was silently cheering for Destiny with an innocent look on her face. 

Destiny slowly started to rise in the air and both Gellert and Annabell gaped at the young Grindelwald as she rose up in the air without any support. "Behold, Unsupported Flight!" Destiny declared with a proud grin on her face… 


7300 words in this chapter.

Edited by- Abigail Pancakes

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