Unduh Aplikasi

Bab 6: So, It Begins

~~March, 1921 (Bulgaria)~~

Kaloyan Ismail or otherwise known as Lord Ismail sat behind his desk with a pained look in his eyes as he stared at the Magical photograph of his little son he kept on his table, in the picture his son was playing with a Magical toy while giggling. 

He knew that he wouldn't be getting back his son. Magic was capable of doing many amazing things but resurrection wasn't one of them. Time Travel was possible but he didn't have any Time-Turners on hand or he would have already tried. 

He knew that his son wasn't coming back and it was hard, very hard to accept but he was a realistic man so he had accepted the reality. The very thought of his son was making him want to cry but he had to stay strong for his wife. The death of his son had hit the woman much harder and the woman had locked herself in their son's room. 

She barely left the room… All of a sudden, the man was brought out of his thoughts by a flutter of wings. An owl had arrived and landed on the perch with a letter tied to its leg. The man got up from his chair and approached the perch. He gave the owl some treats and untied the letter. 

The owl gave a small hoot of approval and flew away. The man inspected the letter for any types of Curses or Jinxes. The letter had a very odd type of symbol on it. This was the first time he had seen a symbol like that. 

(Image Here) 

Kaloyan Ismail opened the letter and frowned. It was a request for a meeting from a man named Gellert Grindelwald. He had heard of that man before… he had won a few Dueling Championships. Right now, he was mourning his dead son, he didn't have any time to host a Dueling Champion. 

Kaloyan wanted to throw away the letter but for whatever reason, he gave it another read. He took a deep breath and decided to agree for a meeting. He had no idea what Gellert Grindelwald wanted from him but meeting him would at least take his mind off his son's death. 

He pulled out a parchment and quickly penned a letter. Kaloyan Ismail would at least see what the man had to say before deciding anything. Turning away anyone won't do him any good, he was already clashing with Desislov Krum, once again he clenched his hands in anger and gritted his teeth. 

Desislov Krum worked for the Bulgarian Ministry of Magic for Merlin's sake… he should be working for the betterment of Magical Society but he was trying to save Muggles. Just because of that man, Kaloyan wasn't able to get justice for his son.

Kaloyan and his family's allies were trying their best but Desislov Krum was blocking them everywhere. Kaloyan or the Ismail family didn't have any type of enmity with the Krum family or Desislov Krum but Desislov Krum had made it personal by trying to protect his son's murderers.

Kaloyan Ismail clenched his fists tightly. He will get justice for his son, one way or another. Even spending the rest of his life in prison won't matter… 

<Line Break>

~~March, 1921 (Japan)~~

Destiny stared at the coast of Japan as the ship sailed into the sea. It was a Muggle merchant ship so the Muggles obviously ignored the crimson-haired girl. She had decided to take the scenic route, she could have made a Portkey but she didn't want to appear inside a wall. 

This was much better and relaxing according to Destiny. The ship would be arriving at the Calcutta Port after two months. It was a long time but Destiny was in no hurry. She simply decided to kick back and enjoy the sea. She learned that she wasn't seasick so that was good. 

Destiny Conjured herself a beach chair and plopped down with a content look on her face. She took out her Advanced Charms book, after flipping pages for a couple of minutes, her eyes finally caught something interesting. 

'Hoh…' Destiny mused as she started to read about the Patronus Charm. It was the primary protection against Dementors and Lethifolds, against which there were no other defences. 'Wrong… I don't know if Dementors could be hurt by Fiendfyre or not but Lethifolds can be killed using Fiendfyre' Destiny mused internally. 

She had read about Dementors, they were Soul and Happiness Sucking Monsters. The beasts could be only found on the Island of Azkaban but sometimes they could be found hovering over Britain too, even though that was a pretty rare case. 

Yes, throughout history a lot of Dark Lords have used Dementors to do their bidding but all of those Dark Lords operated in Britain. Not even a single Dark Lord from outside Britain had ever used Dementors. It was simply out of their reach. 

She hadn't paid much attention to Dementors until now as they were never seen outside Britain or the Island of Azkaban. Destiny was only interested in the Spell due to its messaging function. 'Well, it might come in handy as someday I might have to visit Magical Britain' Destiny contemplated and decided to learn the Spell. 

Destiny was pretty sure that Gellert didn't have a Corporeal Patronus or he would have shown her or taught her. Patronus Charm was a pretty old charm and nobody knew who created the Charm but there was a lot of history related to the Spell. 

Destiny read the most important one. This revealed a secret of Patronus Charm. The said Charm could be only used for protection and good. Nothing else, if you try to use this Spell for anything else then the results won't be good. 

It was believed that the Patronus Charm could only be used by the pure of heart but that wasn't true. Anyone with enough Magical Prowess and a suitable memory could cast the Patronus Charm but you must not use the Spell for anything hideous. 

There were even records of some Dark Wizards and Witches who had used the Patronus Charm throughout history and they were even able to cast a fully Corporeal Patronus. It shows that anyone could cast the Spell as long as they are not doing it for something hideous. 

There are some Dark Wizards and Witches who had tried to use the Spell for wicked means but as soon as they finished casting they were devoured by maggots. Destiny shivered at the thought, she was glad that she wasn't going to use the Spell for anything wicked. 

(A/N: This fact isn't created by me. You can check out the wiki of the original Spell). 

'Hmm… let's give it a try and let's hope that I don't get devoured by maggots' Destiny grimaced and grabbed Neptune. "ex-PEK-toh pa-TRO-num" Destiny muttered the Spell but nothing happened. No silvery wisp of Magic or anything. 

Destiny frowned and then she scowled. Like always she had decided to forgo silly Wand movements or in her case Katana movements. She knew that Wand movements were never necessary, they were only used to make the Spell casting easier. She was pretty good at intent-based Magic so it should have been fine. 

'I won't give up' Destiny decided to continue practising even if it didn't bore her any results. She continued for an hour until she was finally able to create a silvery wisp. Since the Spell was working even without silly Wand movements, she decided to forgo the incantation too. Once again, she failed to produce anything. 

'Is this Spell similar to the Unforgivables?' Destiny wondered as you can't cast the Unforgivables without any incantation. She kept trying the Patronus Charm without incantation for another couple of hours but nothing happened so she finally gave up. She understood that the Patronus Charm must be like the Unforgivables. 

"ex-PEK-toh pa-TRO-num" Destiny muttered and this time she was able to create a bigger silvery wisp in front of her. Destiny kept working on the Spell until it was almost noon and her stomach growled. Destiny arrived at the dining space and picked up a plate and left. Nobody even bothered to notice her. 

Destiny spent the rest of the afternoon working on her Occlumency. Destiny's mental shields were quite strong and she would easily notice if anyone ever tried to enter her mind but that doesn't mean that she couldn't improve more. She also needed to work on her mindscape… She had created a mindscape only a couple of months ago and she needed to work a lot on it. 

Gellert had practically facepalmed when he saw what her mindscape was. Destiny's mindscape was a crimson abyss, Gellert should have seen that coming. Gellert was quite surprised that Destiny's earrings weren't crimson. Destiny finally decided to stop practising when it was already dark. 

Destiny Transfigured her beach chair into a bed and erected a couple of alert Wards and a Mosquito or insect Repelling Ward around her bed and decided to lay down. She had noticed that the Patronus Charm was a Magic hungry Spell so she decided to continue practising the Spell until she exhausted her Core…

<Line Break>

Kaloyan Ismail was notified of Gellert Grindelwald's arrival by the Wards around his manor. Kaloyan Ismail took a deep breath and prepared himself to entertain his guest. Gellert Grindelwald was led to the living room by a house-elf. 

"Good evening, Lord Ismail. I am sorry for your son and I will let you know that I am pretty grateful that you decided to meet me even under these circumstances" Gellert said as he extended his hand towards the owner of the manor. 

Kaloyan Ismail was pretty surprised when Gellert spoke in fluent Bulgarian. Kaloyan Ismail wasn't expecting that. He accepted the man's hand and slowly shook it. Before saying anything Kaloyan gestured Gellert towards a seat. 

"Please forgive me but I really want to know why a Dueling Champion would want to meet someone like me? Please forgive me if I am being blunt" Kaloyan Ismail said with a confused look on his face. 

Gellert smiled softly. "Since you want a blunt answer, I won't be beating around the bush. I want to help you" Gellert said and Kaloyan Ismail seemed to frown. 

"Help me? How?" Kaloyan asked, giving the man sitting in front of him a questioning look. 

"As you already might have noticed that you aren't going to get justice for your son from the Bulgarian Ministry of Magic due to Desislov Krum's interference. I could help you get justice for your son" Gellert said and once again Kaloyan frowned. 

"You mean, we should do it ourselves, aren't you?" Kaloyan accused and once again, Gellert smiled softly. 

"Yes, I could have tricked you or lied to you but that is not my intention. Lord Ismail, do you have any idea how many Magical children are killed by Muggles each year?" Gellert asked in a firm tone. 

"Probably a lot…" Kaloyan said as he clenched his fists tightly. "But why are you doing this? I understand that I am an easy target to woo because I am desperate… but why are you doing this?" Kaloyan Ismail asked curiously. 

Kaloyan Ismail knew that the man had only approached him due to his desperation. Kaloyan already knew that there was probably no chance of getting justice for his son through the Ministry with Desislov Krum interfering at every turn.

"I am doing this for the survival of our kind. Currently, we are being protected by the Statute of Secrecy but one day, our world will be revealed to the Muggles and they would band together against a common enemy, us" 

"The Statute of Secrecy is faulty, instead of protecting our kind, the Statute protects the Muggles. It is the same with the Bulgarian Ministry of Magic, instead of helping you, they are trying to protect your son's murderers. Tell me where does this end?" 

"You asked me why I am doing this… I am doing this for the Greater Good of our kind" Gellert finished and Kaloyan nodded his head. 

"Can you really help me get revenge for my son?" Before Kaloyan could even answer, a female voice asked the question. Kaloyan turned towards the door frame only to find his wife standing there while clutching their son's favourite stuffed toy.

Annabell Ismail née Georgieva looked rather pale and sick. There were dark underlines under her eyes. It was pretty clear that the woman hadn't slept for quite some time. 

"Anna… what are you doing here? You need to take some rest" Kaloyan stood up from his seat and started to approach his wife as he spoke in a concerned tone. 

"No!! I want an answer. Can you really help me get revenge for my son?" Annabell asked loudly while staring towards Gellert Grindelwald, she didn't even look towards her husband. 

"Yes, I can" Gellert said in a firm and serious tone. Annabell Ismail's eyes shone with pure malice. 

"Then tell us, what do we need to do?" Annabell knew that she was probably accepting the deal with a devil but it didn't matter to her. She would do anything to get revenge for her son. Even if it meant selling her soul to the Devil, she would happily do so, as long as she gets revenge for her son. 

Kaloyan Ismail closed his eyes and released a defeated sigh. There was no going back now, he knew that the man was using their desperation but he had no other options. The man was at least a world-renowned Dueling Champion, so he definitely had the power to help them. 

"Contact all your allies… not that I need them but I think, all of them would want to see justice being served with their own eyes" Gellert said and both Kaloyan and Annabell nodded their heads. 

"I will contact them immediately" Kaloyan said and went towards the Floo while Annabell decided to take a seat and started to caress the toy in her hands with a smitten look on her face. It was pretty clear that the woman had gone off the deep end, but could anyone blame her? 

Lord Georgieva was the first to arrive along with his wife. They were Annabell's parents and they were also out for blood. Soon, Annabell's siblings arrived with their own families. Moments later, the Floo flared and a couple of notable families arrived. 

The introductions were over in a few minutes. The Petrov, Marikov, Ilieva, Stoyanov family heads were here. All of them were notable families from Bulgaria. This was much better than what Gellert had imagined. He was receiving sceptical looks from everyone but it wouldn't matter as something like that could be easily solved. 

"Tell me, Mr Grindelwald, how do you plan on dealing with Krum? If we kill those Muggles, then he would send his Auror dogs after our families and won't rest until he gets to the bottom of the truth" Lady Ilieva asked curiously and almost everyone inside the room was eager to hear the answer. 

"That's easy… we go after the traitor first" Gellert said with a smile, completely unfazed by the scoffs and snorts of disbelief. 

"You mean to go after Desislov Krum, that's easier said than done. He is always accompanied by at least 20 Aurors" Lord Stoyanov pointed out in a mocking tone. 

"Only that much? I was expecting more…" Gellert muttered and almost everyone in the room frowned at the statement. 

"They are Aurors, they are trained for combat. I think you are forgetting that Mr Grindelwald" one of Annabell's siblings said softly. "I understand that we have the strength in numbers but only a few of us have the ability to subdue an Auror and Desislov Krum himself isn't something to scoff at" the man finished. 

"Understandable… that is why I will be taking care of the traitor and his guard dogs. All of you can stay back, that way even if I fail, none of your families would come to jeopardy…" Gellert said and got unbelieving looks from everyone. Everyone started to look at each other until Lord Georgieva stood up. 

"I think you are probably in over your head. If you succeed in doing what you are trying to do then the Georgieva family will swear loyalty to your cause" Lord Georgieva finished in a firm tone and everyone except Gellert and Annabell gawked at the bold statement. 

Gellert grinned and cast the Tempus Charm. "Good. The night is still long" Gellert mused as kept smiling. A few minutes later, the whole group found themselves outside the Wards of Krum manor. 

All of them saw that manor was crawling with Aurors. '20 Aurors' Gellert noted internally as with a small twitch, the Wand of Destiny appeared in his hands. "All of you can wait here…" Gellert said while looking towards the group and cast the Anti-Apparition, and Anti-Portkey Wards. 

'Can't let him get away' Gellert thought as cast a dark curse. The last curse would disable the Floo. 'Desislov could probably use a broom to get away…' Gellert contemplated and attacked the Wards. The Aurors were already alerted with the Anti-Apparition and Anti-Portkey Wards going up. 

With the Wand of Destiny, Gellert ripped open the Wards like a wet paper bag. The whole group stared in complete awe as Gellert decimated the Wards without any effort. The  Aurors had already noticed Gellert's breach and Spells rained down on Gellert, who swatted away all the Spells with barely any effort. 

Gellert jabbed his Wand towards the Aurors and knocked them back by several meters, the Aurors also started to gather and attack Gellert but he breezed through their Spells as if nothing and started to knock them out one by one. The Aurors started to drop like flies, only five Aurors were left standing when Desislov Krum decided to join the fray. 

"Gellert Grindelwald!! Who sent you?" Krum asked as he started to attack Gellert. Gellert wasn't surprised that the traitor knew his name. After all, he was a world-famous Dueling Champion. 

"I am doing this of my own volition… something a traitor like you won't understand" Gellert said and started to wave his Wand. Slowly the Aurors and Desislov Krum started to get overwhelmed and one by one the Aurors were knocked out leaving only Desislov Krum, who was barely standing. 

"For the Greater Good" Gellert muttered and knocked out Desislov Krum too. Gellert turned around to look at the group hiding outside the broken Wards of Krum manor. Except for Annabell, everyone's jaw was on the floor while their eyes were wide as saucers. 

They couldn't believe what they just saw. Gellert Grindelwald demolished everyone including Desislov Krum without even breaking a sweat… This was simply unreal and they would have scoffed at the story if they weren't present to see the whole thing with their own eyes. 

Gellert cast the Revealing Charm and found the rest of the Krum family hiding in the cellar. He didn't care about them so he decided to leave them alone. Desislov Krum was the traitor, his family had no hand in it. 

While the group was gawking at Gellert, he levitated Desislov Krum Wandlessly and started to approach the group. He finally arrived in front of the group with a smug and satisfied look on his face. Annabell was staring maliciously at Desislov Krum. 

"Let's go… we still need to deal with him" Gellert said, pointing towards the levitated man. 

"Wait!! You are going to leave those Aurors like that? They will recognize you and the Bulgarian Ministry of Magic will call a manhunt for you" Lord Petrov questioned and Gellert simply smirked. 

"Let them… I am done hiding and scuttling away like a rat" Gellert said and the whole group could only stare at each other but moments later, the whole group Apparated away towards the Muggle town where the Ismail heir had been killed. 

As soon as they arrived outside the town, Annabell Ismail pulled out her Wand ready to cast destructive Spells but Gellert grabbed her hand to stop the woman. The woman's head snapped to Gellert as she glared at the man. 

"Didn't you say that I would be able to avenge my son? Why are you stopping me now?" Annabell growled out in anger and Gellert simply clicked his tongue as he shook his head with a teasing smile on his face. 

"...This man is a traitor" Gellert said and pointed towards the knocked-out Desislov Krum. "He tried to protect your son's murderers… don't you think it would be poetic that he is killed by the people he tried to protect?" Gellert questioned the obviously unhinged woman. 

Realization dawned on the woman's face as her eyes glittered in excitement. Hums of agreement rang throughout the group. "Then let's head towards the centre of the town… it must be a spectacle" Gellert added and started to walk towards the centre of the town while dragging Desislov Krum through the road using Magic. 

"Imperio" Gellert pointed his Wand at a Muggle woman who was looking at them through the window. 

The whole group had seen how strong Gellert Grindelwald was, so they were much bolder right now. The ones who could cast the Imperius Curse started to cast the Curse on the Muggles, to draw them towards the centre of the town. When Gellert was satisfied with the number of Muggles they had gathered, his stride stopped. 

"This looks good…" Gellert muttered in a satisfied tone and Transfigured a nearby Muggle into a wooden stake. Gellert waved his hand and hung Desislov Krum on the stake. Gellert grinned at his own handiwork. 

With a wave of his hand, Gellert awakened the knocked-out man who gasped in surprise and look around. His eyes finally landed on the group behind Gellert Grindelwald and the group of Muggles gathered around them. Desislov Krum immediately recognized the town. 

"Traitor… do you recognize this place?" Gellert asked softly as he gestured towards the surroundings. 

Before Desislov could mutter a reply, Annabell's foot rammed into his groin. The man squealed like a pig as the unhinged woman scrambled his eggs. Gellert flinched and took a step back and the other men among the group also did the same. Once again Annabell's foot smashed into his groin. 

The deranged woman kept kicking him until her feet started to hurt and Desislov Krum's groin was smeared with blood. Nobody dared to stop the woman, Gellert didn't want to be at the receiving end of such treatment. He liked having his family jewels, thank you very much. Desislov Krum had long passed out due to pain. 

But that wasn't enough for the woman. She whipped out her Wand and levelled it at the man. She wanted to wake him up and she knew the perfect Spell for the current scenario. "KROO-see-oh" the woman spat out in disdain and Desislov felt his whole body lit up in pain and he couldn't stop himself from screaming out loud. 

Desislov Krum felt hot burning knives being buried into every inch of his body. He felt like his head was going to burst due to the pain, but this time the pain was keeping him awake… Annabell finally lifted the Spell and flared her nostrils as she kept glaring at the broken man menacingly. 

"Are you satisfied Anna?" Kaloyan Ismail softly asked when Gellert urged the man. Annabell shook her head but backed away from the man. 

"I want to cut him, burn him, skin him alive… I want to gouge out his eyes but I won't. Getting killed by Muggles would be a fitting end for the traitor" Annabell spat in disgust. Desislov Krum could only look around pleadingly. 

"I did… I did what I thought was good…" Desislov Krum said weakly. Gellert couldn't stop himself from laughing. 

"No, you traitor. You did what was good for Muggles!!" Gellert explained loudly and turned towards the group of Wizards and Witches. 

"Listen to me, from today, we are going to start a new age. Today, we will be marking the start of a completely new era! An era where we would no longer be hiding ourselves like rodents, an era when no Magical Child would be hurt by these monsters" 

"An era, where we won't be needing the Statute of Secrecy to protect us. An era, where we would be able to use magic openly and nobody would be there to question us… An era, where Magic will be might" Gellert said and the whole group of Wizards and Witches cheered while Annabell clapped like a little girl. 

"Desislov Krum, you are a traitor to your kind. Muggles beat him to death…" Gellert ordered and the Muggles under his control started to approach the bound man. The others also ordered their Muggles to do the same. Moments later, all the Muggles ganged up on Desislov Krum and started to beat him. 

The stake broke as he dropped to the ground. Gellert shrugged at the random Muggle's death, the Muggles started to smash him with their feet. Desislov Krum kept screaming begging for mercy but he received none. Moments later, the screams stopped but the Muggles kept smashing the dead body with their feet. 

"Now, all of you kill each other" Gellert ordered and the others also ordered the same. Soon a brawl broke out and moments later, it turned into full-blown carnage as the Muggles started to rip each other apart with their bare hands. Gellert could only smile. 

Annabell and some of the others started to attack the rest of the town. Explosions rang throughout various places. Flames erupted from several houses as blood-curdling screams of pain rang throughout the whole town. 

Gellert stood where he was standing with a satisfied grin on his face as the screams stopped and the whole town was slowly engulfed in flames… 

<Line Break>

~~April, 1921 (Scotland)~~

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, often shortened to Hogwarts, is the British wizarding school, located in the Scottish Highlands. It accepted magical students from Great Britain and Ireland for enrolment.

Hogwarts was established around the 10th century, Hogwarts is considered to be one of the finest magical institutions in the wizarding world. Just like any other Magical Schools, children with magical abilities were enrolled at birth, and acceptance was confirmed by owl post at age eleven.

A man in his thirties was sitting behind a desk with a solemn look on his face as he read the newspaper in his hands. The man's exact age couldn't be guessed as Wizards or Witches aged slowly. With a loud sigh, the man placed the newspaper on his desk and closed his eyes as a lone tear escaped his eyes. 

The man shook his head in disappointment and got up from his seat and walked upto the window so that he could stare outside… The man wasn't happy with what he had read in the newspaper. The newspaper was filled with bold headlines and pictures of his best friend and lover. 

'Gellert Grindelwald Wanted in Bulgaria' 

'Desislov Krum Murdered by Gellert Grindelwald' 

'Rise of a New Dark Lord, Gellert Grindelwald' 

'A Whole Muggle Town Burned Down by Gellert Grindelwald' 

Titles like that marred the whole newspaper. Albus Dumbledore could only shake his head in disappointment. 'So, it begins…' he thought with a pained look on his face… 

<Line Break>

~~April, 1921 (Open Sea)~~

A month had passed since the ship had departed from Japan. Destiny didn't know her exact location but she didn't mind the long journey. Thankfully the ship wasn't attacked by pirates or anything which was somewhat common in this era. 

For now, Destiny was facing a dilemma… her breasts were getting bigger and she didn't want them to sag. So, she had two options in front of her, a normal brassiere or a corselet. It was a tough choice for the young woman. 

Destiny wanted her breasts to remain firm and perky, she also didn't want to lose the softness. Destiny took a deep breath and decided to go with a corselet. Her breasts might be important but she also wanted a flat stomach and narrow midsection. 

Destiny quickly put on the corselet before putting on her robes. She frowned when she saw herself in the Conjured mirror. She didn't like robes, she wanted to wear a leather bodysuit. She quickly Transfigured her robes into a leather bodysuit with a crimson cape behind her back. 

Destiny looked at herself in the mirror and gave herself a satisfied nod. With that taken care of, Destiny left the loo… now, she had to tackle another matter. Destiny had picked the perfect memory for her Patronus while taking a bath last night. Now, she just needed to implement the memory with the Patronus Charm. 

She arrived at her usual spot on the deck and Conjured herself a beach chair. Like every other day, the Muggles completely ignored her. "ex-PEK-toh pa-TRO-num" Destiny mumbled and a silvery shield formed in front of her which started to transform into a beast but it dispersed before taking a full form. 

Destiny released an exasperated sigh and gave it another try. Once again, she received a similar result but she wasn't deterred. She had selected the strongest memory she had and since her Patronus was taking a form, she was pretty sure that her memory was fine. She just needed to practice more. 

She had selected the memory of Gellert blood-adopting her and giving her a name. That was the happiest memory she had. Destiny kept practising for hours until finally her Patronus took the form of a feline creature and pranced around everywhere on the ship's deck. 

Destiny kept watching her Corporeal Patronus with clear awe and stars in her eyes. Even though she was entranced by her Patronus, she didn't fail to notice that several Muggles had noticed her Patronus. She simply dispersed her Patronus and Obliviated all the Muggles on deck.

"ex-PEK-toh pa-TRO-num" once again Destiny cast the Patronus Charm and once again a fully Corporeal Patronus formed in front of her. This time she controlled her Patronus to stay around her… due to the area effect of her Muggle Repelling earrings, the Muggles didn't notice the Patronus this time around. 

Destiny stared at her feline Patronus with clear awe in her eyes… Her Patronus was beautiful. Moments later, she dispersed her Patronus and cast again but this time she cast the Spell while thinking about a message and she couldn't stop herself from smiling when her Corporeal Patronus started to speak in her voice. 

Destiny didn't know about the range of a messenger Patronus, it wasn't mentioned in the book but she decided to keep practising it and after arriving in India, she would send a messenger Patronus to Gellert to inform him about her arrival…

<Line Break>

~~May, 1921 (Calcutta Port)~~

Destiny took a deep breath as the ship finally docked into the Calcutta Port. It has been two months since she had laid her feet on land. She didn't mind the journey as it was a new experience for her and she loved the sea. 

Destiny pointed Neptune's hilt towards the sky. "ex-PEK-toh pa-TRO-num" Destiny cast a messenger Patronus for Gellert. Destiny had no idea if the Patronus would reach Gellert or not but she still decided to give it a try. She would ask Gellert in the letter. 

The situation in Muggle India is pretty tense right now. Not that Destiny cared, in fact, she wanted them to kill each other until no one was left. Currently, India was being colonized by Muggle Britishers. The magical side of India was left pretty much untouched. 

Destiny jumped down the ship and used the Slowing Charm Wandlessly to slow down her descent. Destiny landed gracefully on her feet as she started to make her way towards the Magical side of Calcutta. Like always the Muggles completely ignored her. 

The culture and clothes were very different in this country. Destiny grabbed an unsuspecting Muggle man and used Legilimency to rummage through the man's mind. Destiny wasn't good like Gellert but she needed all the information she could get about the country. The man started to thrash and scream but nobody heard him as Destiny had silenced their surroundings Wandlessly. 

Unfortunately, Muggle blood didn't work with the Language Potion or she would have used that. Destiny felt that learning a language through Legilimency was crude. Five minutes later, she let go of the man who was currently drooling right now. Destiny's Legilimency was way too much for the man and his mind snapped. 

'I need more practice…' Destiny contemplated sullenly as she didn't want to snap someone's mind. She wasn't feeling sorry or anything but she felt bad as she wasn't proficient with it. She wanted to use Legilimency without causing her targets any lasting harm. Well… she could always practice on Muggles, as she was already going to practice human Transfiguration on Muggles. 

Destiny finally arrived in a small village… Destiny was quite surprised by how conservative the society was. The women weren't allowed to show their faces to the outsiders and they had to use their Anchal to cover their heads to show respect to the elders. 

The clothes were pretty weird too… women were dressed in sarees while men were dressed in dhotis and kurtas. She was also disgusted to find out about the discrimination between men and women along with the caste system but she simply shrugged as it was happening with Muggles. If the Indian Magical Society was something like that then Destiny was going to throw a fit. 

Destiny finally found the nicest house in the village and she immediately decided to spend her night there. Killing Muggles wasn't something new for her… but today she decided not to kill them as she wanted to practice Legilimency and Human Transfiguration. But before she could start, she decided to pen a letter to Gellert. 

There were two kids inside the house, one boy and a girl. She would spare the kids though… before leaving tomorrow morning she would simply wipe their memories. Destiny Imperiused a woman to make something for her and Destiny was quite surprised by the food. 

This was the best food she ever had in her life. No… the Fugu Fish was still the best but this definitely took the second spot. Destiny was even more surprised to find that the food she ate was plebeian food. Destiny felt bad that she was going to kill someone useful like that but since all the women in this country could cook food like this, it was completely fine. 

After dinner, Destiny kept practising Legilimency on the Muggles. After snapping the mind of the third Muggle, Destiny finally got the hang of it. She kept practising the Spell until it was almost midnight… Now, she could use Legilimency without causing permanent damage but she still needed to learn a lot before she became proficient like Gellert. 

Destiny decided to call it a day and moments later, she fell asleep. The next morning she was awakened by the loud roosters. Destiny immediately decided that she was going to have chicken today. Destiny looked around the house for a few moments but didn't find the loo… she tilted her head in confusion and decided to ask the woman. 

"Where the hell do you pee and shit?" Destiny asked in Bengali. She had picked up the language via using Legilimency. Learning a language like this was very crude but Destiny didn't have any other options. 

"We go to the fields" the woman answered in a monotone and Destiny was completely mortified. Destiny had peed outside the village before she entered but she had no idea that these people didn't have bathrooms. 

"How do you wipe your ass after taking a dump? Please don't tell me you use leaves…" Destiny groaned. 

"We don't wipe, we wash the place after taking care of our business" the woman answered and Destiny simply rubbed her face in annoyance. While grumbling Destiny made her way to the nearby fields… She glanced around and found the place filled with various women taking care of their business. 

Once again Destiny grumbled as she pulled down her pants and knickers and Conjured herself a roll of toilet paper… 

<Line Break>

Destiny finally left the village after Obliviating the kids and killing the woman. It took her another couple of hours to arrive at the entrance of the Magical side of Calcutta. As soon as Destiny entered the place, she was quite surprised with street stalls on both sides of the streets. 

Destiny had never seen so many street stalls at one place… all of them were selling some type of food, Potions or books. Destiny immediately became the centre of attention as people started to stare at her due to her crimson hair and crimson eyes. It wasn't something new so Destiny was already kind of used to these types of looks. 

Thankfully, no one decided to bother Destiny and she immediately beelined towards the bookstore to look for a newspaper. Unfortunately, she did not find a Bulgarian newspaper. So she opened the letter for Gellert and added a few lines in there. She was really excited to know what everyone was saying about Gellert. 

After that, she started to look around the stalls to find something interesting. Destiny found a lot of healing related books, it took Destiny a few hours to completely browse through all the street stalls and she was pretty satisfied and happy with today's shopping, she was also ecstatic to read the ritual book she had found. 

Destiny also posted the letter to Gellert via Gringotts. It was almost dark when Destiny decided to leave the market and she frowned when she felt several presences following her. It was a group of three… Destiny didn't know who her pursuers were so she decided to play this game of cat and mouse until she got some clue about them. 

Only a couple of minutes later, Destiny froze in her tracks when she felt the Anti-Apparition Jinx go up. The Jinx was pretty weak and anyone with a moderate level of skill would be able to Apparate. Destiny slowly turned around to find two Wizards and a Witch approaching her. All three of them were dressed in similar types of clothes. 

'Aurors…' Destiny concluded inside her mind as she started to wonder how she attracted their attention. Destiny had been pretty careful but Destiny internally shrugged. 'That isn't important right now' Destiny thought and decided to see what they wanted… Obviously, it wasn't anything good or they wouldn't have used the Anti-Apparition Jinx. 

"Put down your sword" the witch called out in Bengali while pointing her Wand at Destiny. Destiny was pretty sure that this was going to be her first serious Magical Combat. 

"Why?" Destiny asked curiously. The Wizards also pulled out their Wands and pointed in Destiny's direction. 

"Drop the sword and we will discuss after that…" one of the Wizards called out softly and Destiny simply stared at the man blankly. The Witch turned towards the second Wizard and gave him a small nod. The man raised up his hand and released a red flare in the air. 

Destiny knew that they had called for reinforcements but she didn't know why. She immediately started to use passive Legilimency but didn't find anything as their Mental Shields were pretty impressive. Destiny conceded that she wasn't good enough to silently enter their minds. 

The Wizards started to circle around Destiny and moments later, 4 more Aurors arrived. Two Wizards and two Witches. "Well, she definitely matches the description" one of the Wizards called out loud and Destiny didn't bother to wait anymore and attacked the group with an areawide stunner. 

The Aurors easily protected themselves from the effect of the stunner. Destiny already expected that but she had used this chance to distract them so she could cast a much stronger Anti-Apparition and Anti-Portkey Jinx. The Aurors were bewildered when they felt the effects of the Jinx wash over their bodies. 

The Aurors immediately attacked Destiny with stunners and some other types of Spells. Destiny simply Conjured a group of butterflies to protect herself from the Spells approaching her. Once again the whole group was bewildered by the casual display of advanced Magic. 

Destiny started to use intent-based Magic and the Aurors were starting to get overwhelmed due to Destiny's sheer ferocity. One of the Aurors attacked Destiny with a flame whip and Destiny defended herself using a Wandless Shield, once again surprising the whole group. 

'All bets are off…' Destiny thought angrily as the flame whip was lethal. It was aimed towards her neck… Destiny immediately started to use lethal Magic and a Witch dropped to the ground and started to scream on top of her lungs as her skin started to melt off. 

"a-VAH-dah ke-DAH-vra" Destiny called out and once again she hit a bullseye as a Wizard dropped to the ground, completely lifeless. 

The rest of the Aurors also started to attack Destiny with stronger and lethal Spells. Now, it was five on one and now that the Aurors had stopped holding back, Destiny started to have difficulties due to their experience. Though Destiny didn't regret her decision. It was one of the Aurors who had started to use lethal Spells. 

Destiny finally started to use Blood Magic and Elemental Magic. Once again, Destiny gained the advantage due to her speed. Her Blood Magic and Elemental Magic was much faster than the other types of Spells and Magic she knew. 

Destiny's lightning bolt cleaved through another Wizard's shield and passed straight through his head creating a fist-sized hole on his face. Destiny created a huge water wave and attacked the remaining Aurors. The Aurors were able to freeze the water before the wave could reach them but Destiny Transfigured the ice to attack the Aurors. 

The first Witch who had tried to get Destiny to surrender dropped to the ground when an ice spear passed through her gut. The last Witch was dropped by another Killing Curse, leaving only two Wizards standing. 

The last two Wizards didn't pose any threat to Destiny as she killed one of them with a Blood Acid Curse and downed the last one with a lightning bolt through the man's gut. Destiny was about to finish the man with the Killing Curse but she was disarmed by the Witch who was injured earlier by the ice spear. 

Destiny was quite surprised to see that the woman was still awake. Destiny Wandlessly batted away the Reducto the woman had cast on her. Destiny Wandlessly disarmed the woman and pulled out her gun and shot the Wizard who was still alive. The man was about to attack her but he was too slow. 

"A Muggle gun, a nifty tool…" Destiny said while waving the gun as she approached the injured woman. She put back the gun in her holster and Wandlessly summoned Neptune. 

"You are quite strong but unfortunately… you weren't strong enough" Destiny said as she stood over the woman. "Now, would you mind telling me why you attacked me?" Destiny asked politely but the woman simply kept glaring at Destiny. 

"Thought not…" Destiny said dryly. "Legilimens" Destiny said and the woman felt a battering ram smash into her Mental Shields… 

InGlorious InGlorious

7409 words in this chapter.

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