/ Anime & Comics / HP: The Arcane Thief

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HP: The Arcane Thief

Anime & Comics 243 Bab 16.2M Dilihat
Penulis: Snollygoster

4.77 (450 peringkat)

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A skilled thief gets a system in an Alternate Wizarding World. The system seems useless in the beginning since he hasn’t unlocked any features. But…

[The very first feature of the System has been unlocked.]

[Congratulations. You’ve unlocked the class feature. Due to your existing skills and experience, you have gained the Special Class "Arcane Thief" as your starting class. There’s nothing an Arcane Thief can’t steal. The more you steal, the more your Class will progress.]

[The fields of expertise include:

— Stealth Magic
— Wards
— Traps
— Enchantment
— Pickpocketing
— Knife/Short-Sword Wielding]

Wait…this is just the first feature?


(P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) LINK:



I'm planning on keeping a stockpile of at least 10 chapters there.



*The Cover is not mine, but I got it from a site that was posting this fic without my consent and using this pic as a cover, so I guess I won't be removing it even if you ask me to, sue me.

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LV 4 Badge

This Fan-Fic destroyed all other Fan-Fics/novels/books for me; everything else just pales in comparison. Let me start with what I think are the best parts of this fanfic: 1- MC 2- Secondary Characters 3- Story Development 4- Character Development 5- Writing Quality 6- Story In General 7- Harry potter Universe 8- Logical Story Development 9- Interesting Interactions 10- No Fillers 11- Thrilling Story (I Can't Stress This ENOUGH) 12- A Well Thought of Alternate Universe(World Background) ... Actually, the list goes on and on. Now, for what I think, people think is bad in this FanFic. (some of them are part of why it's my favorite) I'll try to not spoil anything : 1- MC Starts supper edgy due to certain logical reasons 2- there's no daily upload 3- You can't help but binge read till 5am in the morning if there are a lot of chapters 4- I literally had to think for 4 min straight to bring up the previous 3 arguments... that's how good the Book is. When I'm trying to discover a book to read, I usually start by reading the lowest rating reviews. Which is why I'm giving this a 1 star. A 1 star to show my respect to this amazing masterpiece. And a word to the author: Keep making other books pale in comparison.

Lihat 30 balasan

Let's Rank this fanfic with me. Writing Quality: 5 Stars. Update Stability: 5 Stars. Story Development: 5 Stars. Character Design: 5 Stars. World Background: 5 Stars. MC Didn't Naive, Feeling of the character in the novel touch the reader, MC is developing steadily with reason not like other fanfic who MC suddenly got development without reason. I like this novel and i Rate this fanfic 5 Stars (Sempurna)

Lihat 15 balasan

I dont like it. It is giving cliche chinese novel Vibes. MC is this Savage edgy super genius Man who got tortured by Lord Greengrass and became Wizarding world's Doctor strange. He has a mysterious background which most likely is a grand prince of an ancient kingdom and his father has some history with Bellatrix Black(Minister of magic) who now wants to help the MC by any means possible. But remember, our MC is edgy so he hates her as she tried mind reading on him on her first meeting. All super powerful rich genius girls want his attention. He is super powerful in Quidditch, charms, potions, fighting, stealth and in theivery. He fixed his hands in first year and is capable of strong magic in first year with no prior training. Hogwarts is no longer just a school and slytherin is filled with Young Masters and Miss. Most Canon characters are OOC while Harry is a girl raised by Blacks so a spoiled girl who envy MC. Neville is a Pettegrew lite. There are Atleantian, Ninjas, Dark elves, Demon world, Demon summoners, etc. Basically, don't come here expecting a Harry Potter Fanfic. Its not. Consider this a HP world and that got shredded into pieces, glued together with inspiration from Naruto, DxD, Marvel, DC, and anything else you can think of. Its not copy and paste though. Author does try to integrate it with wizarding world logic. Its too many AU elements such that it stops being a HP Fanfic. Did i also mention another reincarnating girl who is potentially a harem member who is from this rich powerful mafia family and is the very loved only daughter with over protective family? Yeah.... It is not for me but it might suit your raste as it does for many of the readers here. I just wanted to write a review that doesn't just praise this as the best HP novel on the platform because IMO its not even close.

Lihat 1 balasan

The story as a whole is good, but the MC is annoing and a lot of scenarios feel forced so the mc becomes more of an edge lord. I know he still has character growth to go through, and maybe that's why he's character is so... annoying. Maybe author wants a flawed character but he's way too flawed that it becomes annoying. Also he's written way too much like an adult, which I think is why people are annoyed at his slow character development. Overall it's a good novel just needs a better MC.

Lihat 5 balasan

A masterpiece yet again, well that was expected from you anyway. ____________________________________________________________________________________

Lihat 5 balasan

Hey there! So, at the time of my posting I have read up to chapter 18 and what I can say is that the story is progressing really well! The events aren't rushed and they are given their own space in the story by giving suspense on certain things and other characters POV. The world background is so far pretty complex, this fanfic has an AU where many things have been changed in one way or another. The chapters a well polished, there aren't grammar error at all, if you notice any it is more of a isolated case and the update schedule is being followed as closely as possible expect if there is some problems or the author need to restock patr.o. Lastly the MC is a "normal" 11 years old: no reincarnato as far as he is concerned. He is just smart and cold calculative because of the life he has lived up until Hogwarts. His character has a huge margine for improvement and with how things are going it seems that the author has every intention to capitalise on this by using both old characters and the system to help MC grow. So yeah, read it. It really is worth it the time.

Lihat 7 balasan

Honest Review time. If you want, you can skip the detailed criteria and just read the general evaluation and conclusion. I usually go easy on fanfic and give it 4 or 5 stars unless there's some major or annoying problem that I can't let go, but that's not the case with this fic. I'm giving it a 2,4 because I'm evaluating it mainly on the criteria I use for an original novel and not for a fic. As an original novel, I would give it 3.5 but this fic lost stars for failing in some points as a fanfic. The reason for this is that in addition to being a top-ranked fic, the author actually earns more than a thousand dollars from it on Patreon, charging much more per advanced chapter than an original novel charges per chapter. General Rating:It's an interesting story that's worth reading, but nothing very special., but it's heavily AU to the point where a simple change of name of some locations, spells and characters would make this a generic original novel that begins in an academy and system setting. I don't highly recommend it for those who hope to read a good fic about Harry Potter because they love the original work. I recommend readers start this fic thinking of it as an original novel rather than a fanfic. As an original novel this is an average story, but when placed among fanfics this becomes a top work in the webnovel where chapter releases need to be frequent and this is a great challenge for amateur authors who write for pleasure or as a hobby. Webnovel criteria: 1- Writing Quality - 3 stars: The writing quality is good, at the level of a good author, but there are some problems that anyone who read the entire fic at once notices and that's why I'm giving 3 stars in this category. It is worth mentioning that the author does not even correct errors such as a wrong name even when readers point it out. Examples are like when the MC was undercover and introduced himself to a character using a fake name, but that character called him by his real name, a skill that suddenly changed its name, another skill that should have been the next one to be unlocked in the class progression but it seems like it was simply forgotten as the MC didn't even mention the reason for never picking it up, and finally but most importantly the system became more and more irrelevant as the fic progressed. The system is still there, but it never gets screen time other than giving missions and rewards, and although it still helps the MC progress in some ways, this progression is rarely shown, the system status screen simply no longer appears in the fic. 2- Stability of Updates - 2 stars: It's not very stable, the fic has already gone through long hiatus, the chapters are currently released every two or three days and although it's very good for a fanfic, it's not the case for what it is almost an original novel where the author profits from it. 3- Story Development - 3 stars: It's average, the MC being a thief in a world where everyone is a wizard was interesting, but then ninjas and warriors were added and suddenly the MC is no longer special, just better than the rest, that added some more interesting fights but it took away what was special about MC as the author didn't do a good job of differentiating the Arcane Thief class from a Thief in a generic fantasy setting. As it is a completely AU scenario, there is no way to evaluate how well the author portrayed the events in relation to the original work since nothing more than names, some basic mechanics and some locations follow the original HP so I am once again evaluating it as an original novel and disregarding it. how well the author used the source material to write his fic. 4- Character Design - 1 star: To be honest, in an original novel I would give something like 3 stars since all the heroines are interesting and well written, but the rest of the characters are not developed and totally forgettable. I'm giving this one star because not even striking and easy-to-use characters like Snape, McGonagall and Dumbledore were relegated to characters with no presence who barely appear, so in addition to taking off 2 stars because only the MC and Heroines have presence, I'm taking more two for failing as a fanfic to use even something basic from the original material. 5- World Background - 3 stars: It is a generic fantasy setting where we have the world of darkness, the world of light and the weaker human world in between. In the human world we have Atlantis, an advanced and reclusive magical civilization that lost much of its past heritage due to disaster. Nothing bad, but nothing original here. Conclusion: This is less of a fic and more of a generic original novel that is interesting and worth reading, but would never top the rankings when competing with other original novels. When compared to other fics instead of original novels, this one ends up standing out.

Lihat 1 balasan

I liked the author's last fanfic a lot, but this one has a much better concept and writing quality so far. Looking forward to further updates!

Lihat 5 balasan

really good story it has good grammar, plot development and as they say punctuation marks save lives: let's eat kids. let's eat, kids

Lihat 0 balasan

Alright! As I promised, since I've now reach chap 57, I think I'm somewhat qualified to revuiew. Writing quality: Very good, I saw little to no error. Good phrasing, sentencing and nice layout of the paragraphs. 5🌟 Story development: Lets talk about this. 1st: Relationship status: Harem ( This does not mean anything lemme tell ya, the development of each characters can be considered near realistic and mc is not the best in this domain so don't worry about this) 2nd: The pace is very good and I didn't see any plot holes. 3rd: I'm worried about the potential of the story. Like I'm not talking about it going bad, no. I'm talking about the premises you set it upon. (lemme talk about this below in WB) Ngl, its very well made. As it progress, its becoming more and more interesting, however, I'm worried about the potential. Mc rose to power after hardship but a bit too quick since he already want to get in touch with that organistation and foreshadowing, theres's a big fight towards the end of vol2. I highly doubt that it'll reach 500 chapters +. Lets hope I'm wrong and may ladyluck and the literature goddess smile at you. 4🌟 Character design: Amongst the best I've read. 5🌟 Updating stability: Its one chapter every 2~3 days. For it has a lot of words in every chapters, 4🌟 World background: To continue the above, spoiler alert for whoever is reading this. We can expect the organisation to come for the mc in vol 2 but it is connected to Atlantis now so vol 2~3 will surely be based on this war. we can conclude that they will take ~100 chapters. By then mc is going to be strong enough, maybe opening a path to the arcane plane or lily succeed in her plan so vol 4 will be based on that? After that maybe some slice of life and then voldy attack. vol 5. But whats after those. That's what I'm interested in, otherwise this fanfic wouldn't even reach 500 chap. I'm thinking way too ahead maybe but please humour me. Iac 4🌟 Overall: Its a very good HP fanfiction which is heavily changed compared to the rest. I recommend for whoever is reading this to go read if you have not and support the author.

Lihat 10 balasan

Although it's impossible to to create something perfect, I believe this is the closest we'll get to a perfect fanfic. The story is incredible and the character doesn't feel like he was just added into the story but genuinely feels like a part of the world. Your attention to detail regarding the world that already existed but injecting enough originality to make it feel like an actual harry potter spin-off instead of just another wish-fulfillment story. The character design and progression is refreshing and the way you imbue the story and character relationships with just the right amount of emotion that it never comes across as overbearing or lacking in depth. The main character is relatable to so many with his struggles and outlook on life due to hardship but also his emotional development when interacting people he cares about and who care about him is *chef's kiss* amazing. I struggle with consistency of character when writing but after 49 chapters and 3000+ word count each, you still stayed true to his beliefs while giving him an open mind to slowly accept new ideals is incredible. This is the first fanfic I've reviewed and I will add this to my top 5, which of whom, only one place is taken. CORNBRINGER's Game of Thrones: The Prideful One at number one. If your writing never falters, it might threaten that position My closing remarks are: It feels illegal that I did not pay to read this because of how good it is. 10/10 You have created a masterpiece and I wish you continued success in the future. Good luck and Godspeed

Lihat 0 balasan

I absolutely adore this novel for the simple fact that the MC is an OC with personality, not a reincarnated person who is the embodiment of white bread, who receives the help from something above him in power. Good work author.

Lihat 0 balasan

So far this is one of the best Harry Potter fanfiction I've read. The hero doesn't know anything about the world of Harry Potter, the system is light (and I really hope this system isn't an op thing like in Chinese novels), the entire timeline is fully edited with characters that have a another destiny than in the books... and then the mc is not a manipulator, but he knows that this world is rotten and full of politics... I LOVE it!

Lihat 2 balasan

Great story Very well written with surprises around every corner.Please come back

Lihat 0 balasan

Bro it's Snollygoster what more do you expect other than a top-tier fic? Just go and read it and if it is like the other fic it will get you hooked.

Lihat 0 balasan

seems pretty good and interesting. just dont drop it.************###**##**#**##**#**#**#****************#######################################

Lihat 2 balasan

It is well written with no major plot holes, or atleast I haven’t noticed them. It is worth a try atleast. Keep up the good work Author!

Lihat 3 balasan
LV 11 Badge

This story is very realistic. Little to none mistakes, not very stable in updates right now, but I know the reason. Development is steady not too fast not too slow. Axel is a very well written character. I like how he handles annoying people and how always gets his revenge. I also like how the world is modern and the detailed background makes it so realistic and is probably the best part of the story. I also love how he gets famous for being skilled, despite not showing how powerful he truly is. I also like how he is forced to do the things that normal people do to build up his character and it makes him more down to Earth. The thing I want to see next is Axel giving an interview. Make it savage,

Lihat 3 balasan

Where are the new chapter man????????????????. Where are the new chapter man????????????????. Where are the new chapter man????????????????. Where are the new chapter man????????????????. Where are the new chapter man????????????????. Where are the new chapter man????????????????. Where are the new chapter man????????????????. Where are the new chapter man????????????????. Where are the new chapter man????????????????. Where are the new chapter man????????????????. Where are the new chapter man????????????????. Where are the new chapter man????????????????. Where are the new chapter man????????????????.

Lihat 0 balasan

can I ask when the story will get updated? . It has been more than 17 days till the last update

Lihat 0 balasan
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Chapter 242: Chapter 240:The Third Overseer 1 months ago

Jilid 1 : The Heist

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  2. 2
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  3. 3
    Chapter 3: The Changes 2 years ago
  4. 4
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  5. 5
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  17. 17
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  32. 32
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  33. 33
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  34. 34
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  35. 35
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  36. 36
    Chapter 36: Revenge and New Magic 1 years ago
  37. 37
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  38. 38
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  39. 39
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  40. 40
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  41. 41
    Chapter 41: Special Quest and System Shop 1 years ago
  42. 42
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  43. 43
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  44. 44
    Chapter 44: The Final Day 1 years ago
  45. 45
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  46. 46
    Chapter 46: The Revelation 1 years ago
  47. 47
    Chapter 47: HEALED!!!! 1 years ago

Jilid 2 : The Rise

  1. 48
    Chapter 48: It's not the end, but a new beginning 1 years ago
  2. 49
    Chapter 49: He returned everything? 1 years ago
  3. 50
    Chapter 50: Like Father, like Son 1 years ago
  4. 51
    Chapter 51: New Term, New Surprises 1 years ago
  5. 52
    Chapter 52: The Exchange Program 1 years ago
  6. 53
    Chapter 53: Savage Axel 1 years ago
  7. 54
    Chapter 54: Savage Axel Strikes again 1 years ago
  8. 55
    Chapter 55: Is it that time of the month for her? 1 years ago
  9. 56
    Chapter 56: Hogwarts vs Mahoutokoro 1 years ago
  10. 57
    Chapter 57: Arrival 1 years ago
  11. 58
    Chapter 58: Elemental Affinity 1 years ago
  12. 59
    Chapter 59: Jutsu Class, Axel's Affinity 1 years ago
  13. 60
    Chapter 60: "Stay back after the Class" 1 years ago
  14. 61
    Chapter 61: Duels, A chance encounter 1 years ago
  15. 62
    Chapter 62: Axel vs Akiko 1 years ago
  16. 63
    Chapter 63: The Organization 1 years ago
  17. 64
    Chapter 64: Combat and Stealth 1 years ago
  18. 65
    Chapter 65: New Skills, Mysterious Martina 1 years ago
  19. 66
    Chapter 66: The Chamber Secrets 1 years ago
  20. 67
    Chapter 67: Snake Hunting 1 years ago
  21. 68
    Chapter 68: Flustered Martina and Training with Akiko 1 years ago
  22. 69
    Chapter 69: Sparring with Akiko, a Stalker? 1 years ago
  23. 70
    Chapter 70: Encounter with a Metamorphmagus, And news about Atlantis 1 years ago
  24. 71
    Chapter 71: One wish 1 years ago
  25. 72
    Chapter 72: Common Ground 1 years ago
  26. 73
    Chapter 73: A bet 1 years ago
  27. 74
    Chapter 74: Incoming Danger and Akiko's Proposal 1 years ago
  28. 75
    Chapter 75: Jealous Daphne 1 years ago
  29. 76
    Chapter 76: Halloween and Raising a Flag 1 years ago
  30. 77
    Chapter 77: Special Mission: School in Danger 1 years ago
  31. 78
    Chapter 78: Creature above XXXXX 1 years ago
  32. 79
    Chapter 79: Limit Break 1 years ago
  33. 80
    Chapter 80: One vs All: The beginning 1 years ago
  34. 81
    Chapter 81: Axel vs Gryffindor 1 years ago
  35. 82
    Chapter 82: R.I.P Gryffindor 1 years ago
  36. 83
    Chapter 83: The Return of Savage Axel 1 years ago
  37. 84
    Chapter 84: *Snap* of Axel and Daphne 1 years ago
  38. 85
    Chapter 85: He's is not Messi, he's Zlatan 1 years ago
  39. 86
    Chapter 86: Pitiful Daphne 1 years ago
  40. 87
    Chapter 87: Axel Hunt: The most powerful Rizzard 1 years ago
  41. 88
    Chapter 88: Daphne Fainted 1 years ago
  42. 89
    Chapter 89: The Russian Mafia, Martina Flashed again 1 years ago
  43. 90
    Chapter 90: Avoid Sleeping with our daughter from now on 1 years ago
  44. 91
    Chapter 91: Christmas Party 1 years ago
  45. 92
    Chapter 92: A challenge 1 years ago
  46. 93
    Chapter 93: Axel Hunt: Super Savage Mode 1 years ago
  47. 94
    Chapter 94: Martina in Danger 1 years ago
  48. 95
    Chapter 95: Axel on a HUNT 1 years ago
  49. 96
    Chapter 96: The Massacre 1 years ago
  50. 97
    Chapter 97: Ideal Son-in-law but no medicine for regret 1 years ago
  51. 98
    Chapter 98: Past Revealed 1 years ago
  52. 99
    Chapter 99: Breaking News: Axel Hunt Exposed! 1 years ago
  53. 100
    Chapter 100: New Wand, Surprised Francesca 1 years ago
  54. 101
    Chapter 101: Daphne 1 years ago
  55. 102
    Chapter 102: For the record, I'm single 1 years ago
  56. 103
    Chapter 103: The way of the Water: Unlocked 1 years ago
  57. 104
    Chapter 104: Back to Hogwarts 1 years ago
  58. 105
    Chapter 105: Everyone: YAYYYY!!! Axel: Fuck... 1 years ago
  59. 106
    Chapter 106: Sorry Hufflepuff 1 years ago
  60. 107
    Chapter 107: Playing for Daphne 1 years ago
  61. 108
    Chapter 108: Axel Hunt... I think he broke Quidditch 1 years ago
  62. 109
    Chapter 109: A Reunion 1 years ago
  63. 110
    Chapter 110: New Wand 1 years ago
  64. 111
    Chapter 111: Meeting with Dumbledore 1 years ago
  65. 112
    Chapter 112: Axel vs Ravenclaw 1 years ago
  66. 113
    Chapter 113: Would Axel Hunt Apologise? 1 years ago
  67. 114
    Chapter 114: Savage Yet Again 1 years ago
  68. 115
    Chapter 115: Quidditch needs Axel Hunt not the other way around 1 years ago
  69. 116
    Chapter 116: I'm back 1 years ago
  70. 117
    Chapter 117: One last match 1 years ago
  71. 118
    Chapter 118: Decision 1 years ago
  72. 119
    Chapter 119 1 years ago
  73. 120
    Chapter 120: Axel Hunt, the seeker of Hogwarts 1 years ago
  74. 121
    Chapter 121: Chaos at the Interview 1 years ago
  75. 122
    Chapter 122: Axel Hunt: The unsung Hero 1 years ago
  76. 123
    Chapter 123 1 years ago
  77. 124
    Chapter 124 1 years ago
  78. 125
    Chapter 125: Match Begins 1 years ago
  79. 126
    Chapter 126: High Mobility Duel 1 years ago
  80. 127
    Chapter 127: A sudden twist 1 years ago
  81. 128
    Chapter 128: Interference 1 years ago
  82. 129
    Chapter 129: A Savage Reawakens 1 years ago
  83. 130
    Chapter 130: Kraken Arrives 1 years ago
  84. 131
    Chapter 131: Injured Axel 1 years ago
  85. 132
    Chapter 132: Celebration 1 years ago
  86. 133
    Chapter 133: Rose Redemption 1 years ago
  87. 134
    Chapter 134 1 years ago
  88. 135
    Chapter 135: Hogwarts under Attack 1 years ago
  89. 136
    Chapter 136: Guardian Angel 1 years ago
  90. 137
    Chapter 137: Attack on Hogwarts ll 1 years ago
  91. 138
    Chapter 138: Axel Hunt: Missing 1 years ago
  92. 139
    Chapter 139: Axel vs Voldemort 1 years ago
  93. 140
    Chapter 140: You're From Kraken 1 years ago
  94. 141
    Chapter 141: Who is the Monster? 1 years ago
  95. 142
    Chapter 142: Axel Vs Kraken (1st fight) 1 years ago
  96. 143
    Chapter 143: Interrogation 1 years ago
  97. 144
    Chapter 144: Search for Axel 1 years ago
  98. 145
    Chapter 145: Kracking Axel 1 years ago
  99. 146
    Chapter 146: The Weakness 1 years ago
  100. 147
    Chapter 147: Revenge of a Savage: The Beginning 1 years ago
  101. 148
    Chapter 148: Unbreakable Armour? Doesn't matter  1 years ago
  102. 149
    Chapter 149: Revenge of A Savage: The End 1 years ago
  103. 150
    Chapter 150: Return of Daphne's Memories 1 years ago
  104. 151
    Chapter 151: Finally Safe 1 years ago
  105. 152
    Chapter 152: Axel Flexes "Unconsciously" 12 months ago
  106. 153
    Chapter 153: She finally Knows 12 months ago
  107. 154
    Chapter 154: Atlantis It is 11 months ago
  108. 155
    Chapter 155: Daphne's Guilt 11 months ago
  109. 156
    Chapter 156: Axel Kisses Daphne 11 months ago
  110. 157
    Chapter 157: The Curse's Cure 11 months ago
  111. 158
    Chapter 158: Bellatrix's Retribution 11 months ago
  112. 159
    Chapter 159: Sleeping Together 11 months ago
  113. 160
    Chapter 160: Magic Limit and Recovery 11 months ago
  114. 161
    Chapter 161: Departure I 11 months ago
  115. 162
    Chapter 162: Departure II: Farewell 11 months ago

Jilid 3 : Vol 3: The Return

  1. 163
    Chapter 163: A King's Return 11 months ago
  2. 164
    Chapter 164: Meeting the Aunt 11 months ago
  3. 165
    Chapter 165: War: Entry 10 months ago
  4. 166
    Chapter 166: Trial 10 months ago
  5. 167
    Chapter 167: Trial II 10 months ago
  6. 168
    Chapter 168: Showing Off 10 months ago
  7. 169
    Chapter 169: Aerial Combat 10 months ago
  8. 170
    Chapter 170: Beginning of A Slaughter 10 months ago
  9. 171
    Chapter 171: Castle Under Emergency 10 months ago
  10. 172
    Chapter 172: Seeing A Familiar Face 10 months ago
  11. 173
    Chapter 173: Identity Partially Revealed 10 months ago
  12. 174
    Chapter 174: The Black Ops Division 10 months ago
  13. 175
    Chapter 175: Axel in High Demand 9 months ago
  14. 176
    Chapter 176: Meeting the Boss 9 months ago
  15. 177
    Chapter 177: Axel Vs Kyrin Tenebrous 9 months ago
  16. 178
    Chapter 178: The Secret to Kraken's Power 9 months ago
  17. 179
    Chapter 179: Touring Atlantis 9 months ago
  18. 180
    Chapter 180: Another Attack 9 months ago
  19. 181
    Chapter 181: Trapped 9 months ago
  20. 182
    Chapter 182: Dire Situation 9 months ago
  21. 183
    Chapter 183: Axel vs Monster Army 9 months ago
  22. 184
    Chapter 184: Fighting Dragons and Rewards 9 months ago
  23. 185
    Chapter 185: Emergency Meeting 9 months ago
  24. 186
    Chapter 186: Surprising All Bigwits 9 months ago
  25. 187
    Chapter 187: Fighting for Axel 8 months ago
  26. 188
    Chapter 188: Reward 8 months ago
  27. 189
    Chapter 189: Training 8 months ago
  28. 190
    Chapter 190: Axel vs Kyrin, serious fight 8 months ago
  29. 191
    Chapter 191: Third Hit 8 months ago
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    Chapter 192: Identity Revealed 8 months ago
  31. 193
    Chapter 193: Nephew 8 months ago
  32. 194
    Chapter 194: Axel Hunt, the Crown Prince of Atlantis 8 months ago
  33. 195
    Chapter 195: The Prince Grew up in an Orphanage 8 months ago
  34. 196
    Chapter 196: Situation in Britain 7 months ago
  35. 197
    Chapter 197: The Princess's Fury 7 months ago
  36. 198
    Chapter 198: Busted? 7 months ago
  37. 199
    Chapter 199: Pitiful Princess 7 months ago
  38. 200
    Chapter 200: Axel is in the Trench?! 7 months ago
  39. 201
    Chapter 201: You Killed Theron And Nerio?! 7 months ago
  40. 202
    Chapter 202: Strength of Kraken's 5th 7 months ago
  41. 203
    Chapter 203: Search 7 months ago
  42. 204
    Chapter 204: Fine, I'll do It Myself 6 months ago
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    Chapter 205: The Gravitational Zone 6 months ago
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    Chapter 206: A Fight Between Monsters 6 months ago
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    Chapter 207: Ruler of Water 6 months ago
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    Chapter 208: Rita Skeeter Found, End of Fight 6 months ago
  47. 209
    Back Again! + Quick Summary 3 months ago
  48. 210
    Chapter 209: Meeting the Royal Relic Wielder 3 months ago
  49. 211
    Chapter 210: Clash of Royals 3 months ago
  50. 212
    Chapter 211: Fight For Royal Relic part 1 3 months ago
  51. 213
    Chapter 212: Panicked Princess 3 months ago
  52. 214
    Chapter 213: Shockin Revelation 2 months ago
  53. 215
    Chapter 214: Return of the Arcane Thief 2 months ago
  54. 216
    Chapter 215: Through Sheer Fucking Will 2 months ago
  55. 217
    Chapter 216: New Bloodline 2 months ago
  56. 218
    Chapter 217: Unlocked 2 months ago
  57. 219
    Chapter 218: That brat... is actually the Crown Prince? 2 months ago
  58. 220
    Chapter 219: Arrival On the Battlefield 2 months ago
  59. 221
    Chapter 220: Waking up to Reality 2 months ago
  60. 222
    Chapter 221: The Will To Live 2 months ago
  61. 223
    Chapter 222: Akiko's Awakening 2 months ago
  62. 224
    Chapter 223:Eyes of Death 2 months ago
  63. 225
    Chapter 224: Potential Revealed 2 months ago
  64. 226
    Chapter 225: Revenge for Axel 2 months ago
  65. 227
    Chapter 226: Still Alive! 2 months ago
  66. 228
    Chapter 227: Axel, the Wielder of Royal Trident 1 months ago
  67. 229
    Chapter 228: A New Opponent 1 months ago
  68. 230
    Chapter 229: Someone from the Aetherworld 1 months ago
  69. 231
    Chapter 230: Bitch-Slapping 1 months ago
  70. 232
    Chapter 231: Battle of Giants 1 months ago
  71. 233
    Chapter 232: Nature Destroyer 1 months ago
  72. 234
    Chapter 233: Crisis At Atlantis 1 months ago
  73. 235
    Chapter 234: Reunion 1 months ago
  74. 236
    Chapter 235: Soul Combat 1 months ago
  75. 237
    Chapter 236: Battle of Atlantis l 1 months ago
  76. 238
    Chapter 237: Baltte of Atlantis II: A Hero's Return 1 months ago
  77. 239
    Chapter 238: King Axel Regius Arhunt l 1 months ago
  78. 240
    Chapter 239: All Hail, King Axel 1 months ago
  79. 241
    Offer 1 months ago
  80. 242
    Chapter 240:The Third Overseer 1 months ago

Penulis Snollygoster