Reviews of Modern Weapon Summoning System by MaxwellKHA - Webnovel



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After reading the synopsis, I instantly wonder how the story would go. If Den would be able to survive in the new world especially with his low status, or if he wouldn’t make it and will just die helplessly. The first chapters were written well, there were no doubts about that. The story develops at a comfortable speed with good insight on motivations and goals that keeps the whole book entertaining to read. Overall, I would say that the writing quality, update frequency, story development, characters were excellent. The world-building was also done very well, and I really enjoy how the story evolves. I truly hope that this book will do well. Good luck to you, Author.

Lihat 6 balasan

At some point the MC becomes a puppet of the intelligence agency and other than accepting that there's no other emotion. Takes getting bent over way too calmly.

Lihat 0 balasan

Frequent misuse of "I meant" and other grammatical error.

Lihat 0 balasan

It's been a while(2 years and a few months) since you've updated any of your stories, so I decided to try updating my review in an attempt to ask you a question, sir author are you planning to ever continue your stories or are you not planning to write anymore because of personal reasons, webnovel's infamous pyramid scheme like writer's contracts and/or some of the more toxic comments I've seen posted on your most recent chapters? Because honestly, while I wouldn't blame you for not continuing your stories due to some of the things I mentioned above, I know that I personally would love to see you continue or even potentially do a rewrite of your current incomplete works. Also, I hope that whatever you may have going on, you're doing well the last few years have been hard on everyone worldwide, both personally and economically.

Lihat 0 balasan

Really? Did I have to say anything more about this piece of trash?

Lihat 0 balasan

The story is bloody without conviction no development of characters boring screenplay.

Lihat 0 balasan

No wonder it's dropped, MC character is so suck.. .plot is so forced and goes nowhere, hahahaha suck author

Lihat 0 balasan

The story started out fine, but then about halfway in they leave the medieval setting and travel to WW2, which was a radical difference from the beginning. Eventually most of the chapters are just repeats. And then some weird stuff about their parents and dying and the story goes silent, and all the chapters named [updated later] and not updated. Also during that halfway plot the whole revenge against his team who betrayed him just dissapears. I don't find it makes sense to go with a WW2 setting halfway through.

Lihat 1 balasan

The MC is too dumb, he lived in Earth who had a lot of technology and dont know anything about them. I would prefer a MC with knowledge about Engineering, Science and Computation.

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 15 Badge

Is the Autor taking us for fools ? I made the mistake to unlock all chapters in batch, and so far .. after the chapter 130, almost every chapter are in double. So i paid for more than 80 chapter where half are not even true .. How about a refund ? It's sad, because the story was good.

Lihat 0 balasan

While the story is good, when I watch maybe more than 100-130 chapters, I kinda felt bored when they are in a WW2 situation which I felt I'm loosing my interest in the book and also author you really need to name your latest chapters, it is one of the reason why I'm starting to loose my interest

Lihat 0 balasan

I like the story a bit although there are inconsistencies in the story the characters aren't bad but they could use some the only real big issue that I have with the story are the repeating of chapter later on that's the only big issue I have come across. Minor issue being that it doesn't feel like the MC is really having developed as a character in the story. Still I would come back to read this story at a later date and hope these issues get fixed.

Lihat 1 balasan
LV 15 Badge

After 180 chapters, I'm dropping this novel. I made the mistake of buying a 100 chapter unlock, because 30 of those chapters were duplicates. The authors method of frequent updates is to simply release older chapters randomly, scamming money from people. If you decide to read, only unlock single chapters.

Lihat 2 balasan

not a fun of beta MC stupid and even though the tags is not enough to cought my Interest and felt bored just looking at it since I'm harem and romance fan, I grit my teeth just so I can see something new since the title is a bit interesting but the MC's stupid personality turn me off . just nahhhh🤮🤮🤮🤮🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Lihat 0 balasan

Very good concept. characters are ok. horrible writing. grammer is really bad. really bad use of pronouns. sentence structure is so bad it makes you cringe. if the story wasn't good enough it would be dropped

Lihat 0 balasan

i don't quite understand how modern weapons which pack a punch more than swords cannot kill your average bandit (he was shot in the eye mind you) while a dull cheap sword can do so and i'd have liked to see MC growing personality wise and his system is more like a merchant business rather than a system which will allow the Host to grow stronger and face challenges its not rewarding

Lihat 1 balasan


Lihat 0 balasan

This book is pretty solid compared to its genre. World building and plot is pretty decent. Something about teading this is mind numbing to be honest though, Del never shows any ambition even having this pretty decent system. Ive read up until premium though, maybe thats the issue? The dialogue seems rather mundane, though is done well in terms of grammar and the like. The MC does also questionable things, like letting a girl get cryo freezed and never commenting on motives, letting the MC be used as a window to purely describe the event, not injecting his own thoughts and ideas into his surroundings. It feels like i'm reading a documentary rather than a novel.

Lihat 0 balasan

This should be called War-Crime summoning System sis finds he can summon nukes and instantly wants to drop a small sun on a country just to kill just two guys and their underlings

Lihat 0 balasan

So I read until it was no longer free for a reference point. Didnt see any kingdom building up to that point and Del as a character didnt really grow just got money to buy gear. I would imagine going through enough trauma would change his character in some way. Grammar needs improvements. Like saying she when talking about cassander and other minor errors. Also have not seen why stat points matter when he just uses a firearm. Wish you luck with your story

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 4 Badge


Lihat 0 balasan

It’s average. The dialogue is probably the stories weakest point, as it feels very unnatural and forced. And of course, the story is paid. Is it worth paying for? No Just go to another website and read from that instead. Webnovel is a greedy company anyways.

Lihat 0 balasan

Haasaaiyxitxoyxoyzogzog ph puxphxphxpuxpuxphxphcpucpucohxiyxog oh oh oh oh oh oucgicohcou ig igxoh ohxoh it og gogo kh ho ho lhxphcig vj gi yozeu

Lihat 0 balasan

4 stars for me. Just read 10 chapters, I wish to read a little bit more but I find a point in the novel where I'm sure many people would drop it. Let's go to the facts; - MC characters is... awful, it's clear that he was a childish and incapable person previously. He has no ambition whatsoever and is very impulsive in his behavior. He doesn't reflect upon his actions nor think about his future. All in all, is quite distateful as a main character, for me he seemed like a random character in a book who died later on. -World building: In this aspect I can say that is well written, although there's nothing crazy, it fits quite well and you don't have a hard time imagining it. Pretty solid. -Interactions: This is a point where I think that while it's not bad, it can improve much more. It's okay but seemed somewhat lacking. There's also little monologues or other tools that could tell us what the MC and other characters think about their situations. All in all, it could clearly improve. -System?: Yes, there's a question mark there, because I keep wondering myself in these 10 chapters, is that really a system? It feels more like a shop. Story wise, i see a clear problem with the novel, which is, the main character. There's no signs or whatsoever that he could improve, there's no goals and anything like that in these chapters that could give you the hope to keep reading it. There's also another point I wish to say this early, is quite simple to see how the author didn't wished to point out in the development of some business or something for the MC, I'm aware this isn't a kingdom building novel, whoever, knowing how his system function, is clearly somewhat a cheat if he could gain quite amount of money, which would ease out his problems. But since this would eliminate the drama and plot for the author, since there would be little to no struggle for the MC, there's no words nor indication from the MC in that aspect. Like a said, 4 stars novel, which is quite good in web novel standard. Just hope for the Main character personality to improve since it makes harder for me to keep reading it. Wish you good luck and success author.

Lihat 3 balasan


Lihat 0 balasan
LV 10 Badge


Lihat 0 balasan

It's pretty good, but it's not "Modern Weapon Summoning System" but "Modern Weapon Shop System"

Lihat 0 balasan

make him vampire or demon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee i love non human MC[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

Lihat 0 balasan

Decent things and decent time Thank for your hard work, I will always waiting for the next update and I hope you take care of your self in in this pandemic (Sorry for my bad English)

Lihat 0 balasan

Forgot to do this before, but 5 stars from me. Del and Cole both are inteesting characters, the system is jot overpowered which would be cool, but this makes for a better story. Del is not a helpless weaklimg anymore and as usual the hero always sucks.

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 5 Badge

as I said before this is the updated review. good book for some people but not for me, Mc is a little beta (forgot the word I have in my mind) and didn't like NPCs character, if you don't mind Mc having weak personality (didn't find the right words for the description of Mc, this is the nearest description I could write) this book is good for u. liked author's previous work (portable something) and liked this novel's idea. good work author 👍

Lihat 0 balasan

After reading the synopsis, I instantly wonder how the story would go. If Den would be able to survive in the new world especially with his low status, or if he wouldn’t make it and will just die helplessly. The first chapters were written well, there were no doubts about that. The story develops at a comfortable speed with good insight on motivations and goals that keeps the whole book entertaining to read. Overall, I would say that the writing quality, update frequency, story development, characters were excellent. The world-building was also done very well, and I really enjoy how the story evolves. I truly hope that this book will do well. Good luck to you, Author.

Lihat 6 balasan

At some point the MC becomes a puppet of the intelligence agency and other than accepting that there's no other emotion. Takes getting bent over way too calmly.

Lihat 0 balasan

Frequent misuse of "I meant" and other grammatical error.

Lihat 0 balasan

It's been a while(2 years and a few months) since you've updated any of your stories, so I decided to try updating my review in an attempt to ask you a question, sir author are you planning to ever continue your stories or are you not planning to write anymore because of personal reasons, webnovel's infamous pyramid scheme like writer's contracts and/or some of the more toxic comments I've seen posted on your most recent chapters? Because honestly, while I wouldn't blame you for not continuing your stories due to some of the things I mentioned above, I know that I personally would love to see you continue or even potentially do a rewrite of your current incomplete works. Also, I hope that whatever you may have going on, you're doing well the last few years have been hard on everyone worldwide, both personally and economically.

Lihat 0 balasan

Really? Did I have to say anything more about this piece of trash?

Lihat 0 balasan

The story is bloody without conviction no development of characters boring screenplay.

Lihat 0 balasan

No wonder it's dropped, MC character is so suck.. .plot is so forced and goes nowhere, hahahaha suck author

Lihat 0 balasan

The story started out fine, but then about halfway in they leave the medieval setting and travel to WW2, which was a radical difference from the beginning. Eventually most of the chapters are just repeats. And then some weird stuff about their parents and dying and the story goes silent, and all the chapters named [updated later] and not updated. Also during that halfway plot the whole revenge against his team who betrayed him just dissapears. I don't find it makes sense to go with a WW2 setting halfway through.

Lihat 1 balasan

The MC is too dumb, he lived in Earth who had a lot of technology and dont know anything about them. I would prefer a MC with knowledge about Engineering, Science and Computation.

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 15 Badge

Is the Autor taking us for fools ? I made the mistake to unlock all chapters in batch, and so far .. after the chapter 130, almost every chapter are in double. So i paid for more than 80 chapter where half are not even true .. How about a refund ? It's sad, because the story was good.

Lihat 0 balasan

While the story is good, when I watch maybe more than 100-130 chapters, I kinda felt bored when they are in a WW2 situation which I felt I'm loosing my interest in the book and also author you really need to name your latest chapters, it is one of the reason why I'm starting to loose my interest

Lihat 0 balasan

I like the story a bit although there are inconsistencies in the story the characters aren't bad but they could use some the only real big issue that I have with the story are the repeating of chapter later on that's the only big issue I have come across. Minor issue being that it doesn't feel like the MC is really having developed as a character in the story. Still I would come back to read this story at a later date and hope these issues get fixed.

Lihat 1 balasan
LV 15 Badge

After 180 chapters, I'm dropping this novel. I made the mistake of buying a 100 chapter unlock, because 30 of those chapters were duplicates. The authors method of frequent updates is to simply release older chapters randomly, scamming money from people. If you decide to read, only unlock single chapters.

Lihat 2 balasan

not a fun of beta MC stupid and even though the tags is not enough to cought my Interest and felt bored just looking at it since I'm harem and romance fan, I grit my teeth just so I can see something new since the title is a bit interesting but the MC's stupid personality turn me off . just nahhhh🤮🤮🤮🤮🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Lihat 0 balasan

Very good concept. characters are ok. horrible writing. grammer is really bad. really bad use of pronouns. sentence structure is so bad it makes you cringe. if the story wasn't good enough it would be dropped

Lihat 0 balasan

i don't quite understand how modern weapons which pack a punch more than swords cannot kill your average bandit (he was shot in the eye mind you) while a dull cheap sword can do so and i'd have liked to see MC growing personality wise and his system is more like a merchant business rather than a system which will allow the Host to grow stronger and face challenges its not rewarding

Lihat 1 balasan


Lihat 0 balasan

This book is pretty solid compared to its genre. World building and plot is pretty decent. Something about teading this is mind numbing to be honest though, Del never shows any ambition even having this pretty decent system. Ive read up until premium though, maybe thats the issue? The dialogue seems rather mundane, though is done well in terms of grammar and the like. The MC does also questionable things, like letting a girl get cryo freezed and never commenting on motives, letting the MC be used as a window to purely describe the event, not injecting his own thoughts and ideas into his surroundings. It feels like i'm reading a documentary rather than a novel.

Lihat 0 balasan

This should be called War-Crime summoning System sis finds he can summon nukes and instantly wants to drop a small sun on a country just to kill just two guys and their underlings

Lihat 0 balasan

So I read until it was no longer free for a reference point. Didnt see any kingdom building up to that point and Del as a character didnt really grow just got money to buy gear. I would imagine going through enough trauma would change his character in some way. Grammar needs improvements. Like saying she when talking about cassander and other minor errors. Also have not seen why stat points matter when he just uses a firearm. Wish you luck with your story

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 4 Badge


Lihat 0 balasan

It’s average. The dialogue is probably the stories weakest point, as it feels very unnatural and forced. And of course, the story is paid. Is it worth paying for? No Just go to another website and read from that instead. Webnovel is a greedy company anyways.

Lihat 0 balasan

Haasaaiyxitxoyxoyzogzog ph puxphxphxpuxpuxphxphcpucpucohxiyxog oh oh oh oh oh oucgicohcou ig igxoh ohxoh it og gogo kh ho ho lhxphcig vj gi yozeu

Lihat 0 balasan

4 stars for me. Just read 10 chapters, I wish to read a little bit more but I find a point in the novel where I'm sure many people would drop it. Let's go to the facts; - MC characters is... awful, it's clear that he was a childish and incapable person previously. He has no ambition whatsoever and is very impulsive in his behavior. He doesn't reflect upon his actions nor think about his future. All in all, is quite distateful as a main character, for me he seemed like a random character in a book who died later on. -World building: In this aspect I can say that is well written, although there's nothing crazy, it fits quite well and you don't have a hard time imagining it. Pretty solid. -Interactions: This is a point where I think that while it's not bad, it can improve much more. It's okay but seemed somewhat lacking. There's also little monologues or other tools that could tell us what the MC and other characters think about their situations. All in all, it could clearly improve. -System?: Yes, there's a question mark there, because I keep wondering myself in these 10 chapters, is that really a system? It feels more like a shop. Story wise, i see a clear problem with the novel, which is, the main character. There's no signs or whatsoever that he could improve, there's no goals and anything like that in these chapters that could give you the hope to keep reading it. There's also another point I wish to say this early, is quite simple to see how the author didn't wished to point out in the development of some business or something for the MC, I'm aware this isn't a kingdom building novel, whoever, knowing how his system function, is clearly somewhat a cheat if he could gain quite amount of money, which would ease out his problems. But since this would eliminate the drama and plot for the author, since there would be little to no struggle for the MC, there's no words nor indication from the MC in that aspect. Like a said, 4 stars novel, which is quite good in web novel standard. Just hope for the Main character personality to improve since it makes harder for me to keep reading it. Wish you good luck and success author.

Lihat 3 balasan


Lihat 0 balasan
LV 10 Badge


Lihat 0 balasan

It's pretty good, but it's not "Modern Weapon Summoning System" but "Modern Weapon Shop System"

Lihat 0 balasan

make him vampire or demon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee i love non human MC[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

Lihat 0 balasan

Decent things and decent time Thank for your hard work, I will always waiting for the next update and I hope you take care of your self in in this pandemic (Sorry for my bad English)

Lihat 0 balasan

Forgot to do this before, but 5 stars from me. Del and Cole both are inteesting characters, the system is jot overpowered which would be cool, but this makes for a better story. Del is not a helpless weaklimg anymore and as usual the hero always sucks.

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 5 Badge

as I said before this is the updated review. good book for some people but not for me, Mc is a little beta (forgot the word I have in my mind) and didn't like NPCs character, if you don't mind Mc having weak personality (didn't find the right words for the description of Mc, this is the nearest description I could write) this book is good for u. liked author's previous work (portable something) and liked this novel's idea. good work author 👍

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