Unduh Aplikasi
100% To Be A Hero (My Hero Academia Fanfic) / Chapter 80: The Meaning of Justice

Bab 80: The Meaning of Justice

-A Few Moments Earlier; Nearby-

Soon after Michiko gave them the opportunity to escape the Dolls, Izuku, Floyd, Violet and Victor quickly ran through the streets; Izuku lead the way as they were looking around to find a certain girl and a classmate of theirs, with the help of some certain info on his phone.

Though as far as they noticed, they couldn't find them anywhere.

"Damn it!" Violet exclaimed, "With all this chaos going around, we won't be able to find Nouki-san or Bakugou-san anywhere!"

"We have to keep looking, their lives are on the line!" Victor shouted.

"I still can't believe they sent Reina-chan into a trap!" Izuku said, "Then again with the Nomus appearing, the Dolls wanting her and controlling them, and forcing her to meet with Stain, they all might be connected to the League of Villains somehow!"

Floyd added as he tried his best to keep up, "Yeah because I'm sure as hell this ain't no damn coincidence!"

"Where do we even start looking!?" Violet exclaimed as they soon turned into the alleyway, "This city is huge, they could be anywhere!"

"Since Reina-chan and Kaa-chan went to look for Iida-san and Shoichi-san, they won't be with the company they're interning with!" Izuku said, "If we find either one of them, than we'll find Reina-chan and Kaa-chan!"

Floyd nodded and said with a smile, "yeah! And beat that Stain guy to the ground"

The group had soon been drawn to a familiar voice.

"--I want to be the Hero that surpasses All Might! But you know what… She's not there to see me achieve that goal when that day comes… Than it's pointless for me to even try!"

The four of them recognized who it belonged to.

"Hey isn't that--" Violet said.

"Kaa-chan!" Izuku exclaimed.

The moment they turned the corner, they saw Reina, along with Tenya, Katsuki, Chouko and what looked to be a Pro Hero. Katsuki had been standing in front of Reina, while before their very eyes, they saw the familiar man in red… The Hero Killer Stain.

"There they are!" Victor exclaimed.

"Come on!" Izuku shouted to Floyd, as he started to activate his Quirk.

"LEROY… JENKINS!!" Floyd yelled as he activated his Quirk again.

With that, the two of them acted. Izuku bounced off the walls while Floyd made a mad dash towards the Hero Killer; both of them launching their attacks before Violet and Victor could react.

"SMASH!!" Izuku shouted as he threw a punch at Stain.

"INK CLAW 3RD FORM!" Floyd shouted.

Both attacks managed to successfully hit Stain as he sent him flying back into the alleyway. Tenya and Chouko looked shocked to see them, while Reina had a smile and Katsuki looked a bit annoyed.

"Bingo!" Izuku said with a smile.

Floyd said as he did a peace sign while landing on the ground, "JACKPOT!"

"Izuku-kun! Floyd-kun!" Reina said tearfully, "You're both okay!"

"You two are slow!" Katsuki shouted, "What the hell took you so damn long!?"

Floyd shouted at Katsuki while flipping him off, "EXCUSE YOU, WE JUST SAVED YA!"

"F*** YOU HALFBREED!" Katsuki shouted as he flipped him off back.



Violet and Victor soon came into view, as they managed to catch up. "Seriously!?" Victor exclaimed, "You two are picking a fight now!?"

"Did the life or death situation just magically escape your heads!?" Violet said.

"SHUT UP TWIN NERDS!" Katsuki yelled, causing Floyd to slap him on the head.

"Violet-chan! Victor-san!" Reina said, "I'm so glad to see you!"

"Of course!" Violet said with a smile.

"We weren't gonna let you two have all the fun!" Victor said.

"Midoriya-kun, and Aihara-kun!?" Tenya exclaimed.

"You're here too!?" Chouko said.

"Don't worry, Iida-san, Shoichi-san!" Izuku said, "We're here to save you!"

Stain managed to sustain the attacks as he spat blood out of his mouth. He looked onto Izuku and Floyd, as he recognized them.

"These two…" He thought, "... They're both from the Sports Festival. Shigaraki mentioned them before." He looked over to Floyd, "And if I'm not mistaken, he must be that Old Samurai's grandson. What a small world…"

"Why?" Tenya said, "... First Reina-kun and Bakugou-kun, and now you two…? Why?"

"Because we were worried about you, that's why!" Reina told him as she wiped away her tears, "Chou-chan called me earlier, that you were going after him because of what he did to Tensei-san! I wasn't about to let you die!"

"Shoichi-kun!?" Tenya exclaimed, "You knew!?"

"It wasn't that hard to figure out." Chouko said as she groaned, "Reina-chan told me to keep an eye on you, and she was right in asking me to do so." She soon looked to Izuku and Floyd, "But more to the point, how did you find us here?"

"I heard the news about Stain beforehand." Izuku explained, "Sixty percent of the Hero Killers victims were found in a place without many people. That's why I searched away from the center of the commotion, in the alleyways near the Normal Agency. After Violet-san and Victor-kun debugged my phone, I searched them all one by one."

"Who?!" Tenya and Chouko exclaimed.

"They mean us!" Violet and Victor said, pointing to themselves with a smile, before they suddenly struck a pose, "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Everyone, even Stain, had been silent as they saw the pose the twins gave, as no one knew what to say. All except for Floyd, as his eyes sparkled at the sight of what kind of pose they were doing.

He shouted gleefully, "Is that-"

"Yup it is!" The Twins said.

"ARE YOU SERIOUSLY DOING THAT STUPID POSE AGAIN!?" Katsuki shouted to the twins.

"It's not the same pose from earlier first of all." Victor said.

"And secondly it's another favorite part of ours!" Violet added.

"Golden Wind and Stone Ocean!" Floyd said with a smile.


"SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU DIO BRANDO LOOKIN HEADASS!" Floyd shouted, "a pose is required for an entrance."

"THAT'S WHAT YOUR CONCERNED ABOUT!?" Reina and Izuku exclaimed.


Floyd yelled back at him, "MAYBE IF YOU READ THE MANGA YOU'VE KNOWN!"



"Dude…" Violet said to Floyd, "... When this night is over, we gotta show you our collection."

"We have the first volume all the way to the current one!" Victor added.

Floyd said gleefully, "Yes, please!"


"We'll explain later!" Izuku said to Tenya and Chouko, "We gotta get to a bigger street, so we can have an advantage and get Pros to help out! Can any of you move?!"

"No…" Tenya groaned, "... I can't move my body. Ever since he cut the both of us"

"He did something to us!" Chouko said, "We're not sure what, but it might be from his Quirk."

"It's just like the news commentators guessed!" Violet said.

"That must mean cutting must activate his Quirk!" Izuku said.

Floyd added with a smile, "So avoid it then? No problem!"

"I don't think that's the case…" Reina said as she soon stood up picking up her sword; she showed her wound on her shoulder causing Izuku and Floyd's eyes to widen in shock, "... He got a hit on me earlier, and I'm still moving."

"Then, even if you get injured, his Quirk won't activate." Izuku said.

"Looks that way, Shitty Nerd." Katsuki said, "Though I still don't like the fact that he's carrying that many swords."

"If it's not a cut that does it, than what could it be?" Victor wondered aloud.

"You all shouldn't get involved!" Tenya yelled, "This doesn't have anything to do with you!"

"Of course it has everything to do with us!" Reina couldn't help but shout, "Quit being a stubborn ass, you idiot class president!"

Nearly everyone had been taken back by her tone of voice, though it hadn't been long before Stain had gotten their attention.

"Your friend came to save you…" Stain said, "... That's a great line isn't it? But, before Reina showed up, I had a duty to kill him. If we clash, of course… The weaker will be culled."

At this, the group couldn't help but shudder; they didn't know why, but they felt fear rise in their hearts at his sudden change in his tone of voice. They felt the chill crawl up their spines as if a spider had been there.

"I have no intention of hurting those two…" Stain said looking to Reina and Katsuki which had surprised the both of them, before he looked to Izuku, Floyd, Violet and Victor, "... But what will you four do, I wonder?"

"He's different than the Villains from USJ and the Dolls that's for sure." Izuku said as his body shook, "His eyes… Are that of a killer."

Floyd added as he gulped, "yeah.."

Reina soon noticed that behind Izuku's back, he had his phone; she saw him press the button to send their location. She was quick to put together that Violet and Victor had something to do with it, though she hoped that anyone outside of Hosu, coming to help would get the location.

As Reina looked to Stain, she still couldn't help but feel uneasy about what he had told her earlier. The fact that he knows her mother, and for that matter, about the people she had always considered family… Could be keeping all of what she wanted to know from her.

She couldn't believe it… Or rather she didn't want to believe it. She had these thoughts going through her head, though right now, right in front of her, was the situation she had to focus on. And a problem she would unfortunately have to face later.

She soon spoke softly, "Listen to me, all of you… We're gonna have to stall for time. I think we might have a better chance if we all rush him at once. Katsuki-kun and I were having trouble before but since they're more of us, it might be more difficult for him."

"That might work." Violet said, putting on a set of gauntlets, "It's risky, but still it could work."

"Meaning if we all charge one of us might get lucky." Victor said as he put on the same type of gauntlets Violet had.

"You sure you can handle it?" Katsuki asked her.

"Don't worry." Reina replied, "I still have time left, and this wound won't stop me from fighting."

"How about you Floyd-san?" Izuku asked, "Can you still fight? You took a pretty hard hit with Vivazo earlier."

Floyd replied as he drew up a new weapon, "Don't worry, I'll live."

"Stop it!" Tenya yelled, "I already told you before, this has nothing to do with any of you!"

"Iida-san, be reasonable!" Chouoko said, groaning a little from her wounds, "We can't move right now! They maybe our only hope!"

"But--" He said, before Izuku cut him off.

"If you say that, than Heroes can't do anything!" Izuku said to him, "There… There are a lot of things I'd like to say, but I'll say it later when we get you out of here!"

Floyd added, "Yeah! All of us in one piece!"

Izuku soon looked forward, as he activated he got ready to fight with the others, "It's just like All Might said: Meddling when you don't need to… Is the essence of being a Hero!"

Stain's eyes widened as he saw the look in Izuku's eyes before he smiled and drew his blade.

"Izuku-kun!" Reina said, "Let's go!"

"Right!" Izuku said as he nodded.

The two of them went first; With Izuku now fully in control of his Quirk and Reina using her own went flying towards Stain, and Floyd and Katsuki followed soon after along with Violet and Victor. Stain went to counter Izuku and Reina as he went to attack with one but drew another.

Reina had been quick to block while Izuku went under him as he had gotten behind him. Reina kicked Stain back towards Izuku, making him grunt.

"One For All… FULL COWLING!"

Izuku threw a punch at him, though Stain had been quick to dodge. He was quick to draw another blade when Floyd came rushing at him.

Floyd said turning to Katsuki, "Do it Explosion Boy!"

"Shut up, I got it!" Katsuki yelled.

To Stain's surprise, he saw Katsuki's hands spark; the moment he touched the weapon in Floyd's hand had been set on fire, though the flame looked to be in control.

"Improvised move, Sword Fire Whip!" Floyd yelled as he went to swing the blade at Stain. The blade extended, and sent out what looked to be a wave of flames, making Stain jump over it.

"You ain't getting away!" Floyd shouted as he moved it upward.

Stain was quick to block it but just barely; Violet and Victor quickly got above him as they turned on their gauntlets, which had been powered by electricity.

"EAT THIS!!" Violet and Victor shouted.

The two of them threw a punch at Stain, but ended up just missing him as they had been kicked out of the air. The twins had been knocked into Katsuki and Floyd as they went to attack again.

"Guys!" Reina exclaimed.

"WATCH IT!" Katsuki yelled.

Floyd yelled, "Yeah!"

"Sorry, he got us by surprise…" Violet groaned.

"Give us a break, we just got out of the hospital for God's sake." Victor said.

"LIKE THAT'S AN EXCUSE!" Katsuki shouted at the twins.

Floyd yelled at Katsuki as he pinched his ear, "Hey! They're trying their best okay! Lay off!"

"LOOK OUT!" Reina exclaimed as Stain went to attack again.

The four of them quickly moved out of the way as Stain went to thrust his blade towards them. Reina and Izuku soon went to attack, though just as she went to swing her sword, he managed to trip her and kick her off to the side, making her cough.

This didn't stop Izuku from charging at him; Stain swung his blade however the moment he blinked, he seemed to have vanished before his very eyes.

"He disappeared?!" He exclaimed in his thoughts, "No…!"

He looked above his head, as he saw Izuku sparking with green lighting.

"Five percent…!" Izuku said, "... Detroit Smash!"

He threw a punch at Stain which he had been able to dodge with eyes. Though the way he moved, couldn't help but take Reina back; Even Floyd, Chouko Tenya seemed to recognize the way he displayed his movements.

Katsuki on the other hand looked irritated.

"No way…!" Reina said in her thoughts, "... Those moves…!"

"It can't be!" Chouko said in her head.

"His moves look like--!" Tenya said.

Floyd thought as his jaw dropped slightly, "--Just like the Pisshead's!"

Katsuki clicked his tongue as he glared, "That shitty little bastard!"

Izuku soon landed on the ground next to Reina, as he caught his breath. "Reina-chan!" He exclaimed as he helped her to sit up, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She replied, before smiling at him, "Glad to see you finally controlled that Quirk of yours."

Izuku couldn't help but smile, "Me too."

"Save the compliments for after!" Violet said, before pointing to Stain as he looked to be recovering from his attack, "We still have to take care of this guy!"

Izuku and Reina stood up from the ground as they both readied themselves again. "We can win this, if we do this together!" Reina said to Izuku.

Izuku nodded, "You're right! We just gotta--"

Izuku had been cut off suddenly as he felt his body get paralyzed; the group jumped when Izuku let out a groan.

"Izuku-kun!?" Reina exclaimed.

"Deku, what the hell's wrong with you!?" Katsuki said.

"I--" Izuku groaned, "--I can't move!"

"But how!?" Victor said, "You don't have a cut on you!"

Violet soon examined his body, and noticed a tiny tear on his costume. "He managed to graze you!?" Violet exclaimed, "Even a wound this small!?"

"A graze!?" Izuku exclaimed in his thoughts before he saw blood on Stains blade; His eyes widened slightly in realization.

They turned to Stain as they saw him pull the blade away from his mouth. Floyd shouted at him, "HEY! I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU DID IT BUT YOU GONNA GET IT NOW!" He swung his fire whip at Stain only for him dodge again, "Wha-"

Stain soon managed to get a cut on Floyd's cheek, as he just managed to move out of the way of the attack.

"Tch! Shit!" Floyd exclaimed. He charged Stain as he shouted, "I'M NOT GONNA LET YOU TRY THAT AGA--"

Stain soon licked the blade that contained Floyd's blood, and his body froze; he fell onto the ground as he cried out.

"Floyd!" Reina and Izuku exclaimed.

Floyd tried to move his body, but couldn't. He said as he groaned, "What the hell?! Why can't I move?"

"You too!?" Violet exclaimed.

"What in the world is going on!?" Victor shouted, "How is he doing that!?"

Reina looked over to Stain, "What have you done to them!?"

Stain only gave a chuckle to Reina, which only seemed to irritate Floyd. He shouted angrily, "SHE WAS ASKING YOU A QUESTION, NO NOSE!"

"Don't worry, Aihara!" Violet said, readying her weapons again, "We'll take him out!"

"This time we'll catch him by surprise!" Victor yelled.

"Violet-chan! Victor-san!" Reina yelled, as they soon charged, "Wait!"

Though it had been too late, as Victor and Violet went in for the attack. Stain was quick to dodge them and counter. He quickly hit them both on the legs, making them cry out and fall to the floor.

"No!" Reina cried out, as she had been about to run to Victor and Violet, only to be stopped by Katsuki.

"Damn it..." Violet groaned, "... Well that could've gone better."

"Tis but a scratch, am I right?" Victor said as he tried to laugh, "Ow, it even hurts to laugh."

Stain looked at Reina and Katsuki, "And then there were two."

"Damn it all…" Katsuki said, "... He's just playing with us!"

Reina's body shook as she readied her sword again, "We can still do this. We can still beat him…!"

Stain drew his blade once more, "Come and try Reina. Show me if you have your mother's spirit."

Reina flinched at this before she charged at Stain, taking Katsuki by surprise, and even Stain as she charged. Right when she was about to swing her vision started to worsen; the world around her seemed to change as her head let out a piercing ring. She let out a scream, as she found herself falling to the floor, dropping her sword as she hit the ground hard.

"Reina!" Katsuki shouted as he ran over to her.

"Reina-chan!" Chouko yelled.

"Oh no!" Native said in realization.

Floyd shouted, "Not good!"

"Reina-kun!?" Tenya shouted, "What's happening to her!?"

"Reina-chan!" Izuku yelled with worry.

Katsuki took her in his arms as Reina clutched her head, "Reina, are you okay?!"

"My--" Reina groaned, "--My head--I--"

She screamed again as she felt the ring intensify as her nose started to bleed.


The world around her started to turn red, as her friends around her disappeared. She found herself alone in front of a familiar shrine. Crows stood all around, as their eyes shined in the blood red twilight of the sun.

"Wha--What? Why am I--?"

She looked around the area, as she had been on the verge of hyperventilating.

"Izuku-kun! Floyd-kun! Katsuki-kun! Where are you!?"

Just then, she heard a sound that made her freeze; it had been the sounds of booming footsteps coming from the shrine. The doors slowly opened, as she saw drops of blood come to the hardwood floor. Her face turned pale at the sight of a nine foot tall creature, as it had been a different beast from the one she had seen before. The creature appeared to be covered in blood as even its eyes looked to be crying blood.

It growled and hissed, as it bared its fangs to her, and looked to be hunched over as it even had claws.

"L… i… T… T… l… e a… L… I… c… E…" It spoke with its voice sounding distorted, "...w… O… n'T… Y… o… U… C… o… m… E… P… l… A… Y…?"

"N-No!" Reina exclaimed as she started to back up, "Not you! You can't be here…!"

"C… O… m… e… p… l… A… Y… L… i… T… t… l… e… A… l… I… c… E…" The beast said.

All she could do was let out a shriek.


To Reina, it had been the most terrifying thing imaginable; one she didn't expect to see again, until now and all she could do was scream.

However… In reality when she screamed the people around her didn't know she looked so terrified. She shoved Katsuki away from her, as she started to back up.

"Reina?!" Katsuki said, "Hey, what's wrong with you!?"

Her back soon hit Izuku, and she let out another scream as her eyes began to fill with tears. "Reina-chan?" Izuku said, before he noticed the familiar look on her face, "Oh no…"

Floyd soon called out to her, "YO! SNAP OUT OF IT!!"

Reina finally backed up into a wall as she started to cry as she brought her legs close to her body. Finally she started to speak, as she put her arms around her, "Zo… Zorn… Zo… Zorn…"

The group looked shocked, all except Katsuki who's eyes widened in realization. "Zorn?" Izuku said, "Why is she saying Zorn?"

Floyd couldn't help but ask, "Question is Who the heck is Zorn?"

"Not a who, it's from a book!" Violet said.

Floyd did a double take, "What book!?"

"I think she means Watership Down." Chouko said.

"That doesn't make sense!" Victor said, "Why is she saying something from a book!?"

"The code red…" Katsuki said softly, as Reina repeated the word over and over again, "...What she told me about… Why is it--"

"So they taught her to say that if something like this were to happen?" Stain said as he looked to Reina, seeing how much pain she had been in her nose and even the bandages where her third eye had been hidden bled, "She used to go through this kind of pain too when she was young. It's really a damn shame..a girl her age shouldn't have to deal with this sort of thing… All this is why she shouldn't have been left in the Pro heroes care.."

Katsuki immediately stepped in front of Reina when Stain went to approach her. "Don't you dare come near her!" Katsuki threatened as his hands sparked, "You try so much to touch her, I'll blow your damn face off!"

Katsuki jumped when he felt the blade go by his cheek making a cut. His body trembled slightly, though he still held his look.

"You really are stubborn, aren't you?" Stain said.

Before Katsuki could attack, Stain licked the sword containing his blood, and he suddenly felt himself freeze making him groan.

"Kaa-chan!" Izuku shouted.

Floyd yelled, "YOU BASTARD!"

"I--I can't move!" Katsuki said as he tried to at least move his legs, but he couldn't, "What did you--Do to me bastard!?"

"I'll help her before I deal with the others…" Stain said before he turned to Tenya and Native, "... After I take care of this first."

"No!" Izuku said as he tried to move, "Stop!"

"Don't hurt them!" Violet cried out.

"Please don't kill them!" Victor yelled.

"Please I beg of you!" Chouko shouted tearfully.

Floyd exclaimed "Touch a single hair on them and you're gonna get the beatdown from yours truly! GUARTENNED!"

Stain stopped for a moment before he turned over to Izuku. "... From earlier--" He said, "--Your attack wasn't powerful enough. It's not that you saw through my movements. You left my field of vision and maneuvered so that you would definitely be able to bring me down… That's what your movements were like." He started to step forward towards them again, "People who are all talk are a dime a dozen, but like her child and that boy… You're worth letting live. You're different from these guys."

Izuku looked shocked at this, as he looked over to Reina who had been in pain. "Her… Child?" Izuku repeated softly as he looked to be in shock.

"And you…" Stain added as he looked to Floyd "... Though you are the spitting image of your mother and father… Somehow… I feel a different vibe from you..as if you're not them...but your own person..and those sword skills are different than those old samurai's.."

Floyd's eyebrow twitched at this as he said, "Gee, Thanks..Nice to see even Villains compliment me.."

This time Stain had said nothing as he turned back to Tenya; he held the blade in his hand.

"N--No, wait!" Izuku exclaimed, "Stop it!"

"Iida-san!" Chouko exclaimed as tears ran down her cheeks

"You bastard, don't!" Katsuki shouted.

"No!" The twins yelled.

Floyd yelled, "Don't you dare!"

Just as Stain was about to put an end to Tenya's life, the group, excluding Reina, had been taken back when a set of flames came through the alley. Stain jumped over them, and the group looked to be in shock.

"Flames!?" Violet exclaimed.

"Is it Endeavor!?" Victor said.

"Grumpy Flame dad?" Floyd asked.

Izuku and Katsuki soon looked to where the flames came from; their eyes widened in shock as they saw who it had been. Stain landed on the ground as he clicked his tongue.

"It's just one after the other…" He said in annoyance, "... There are a lot of people in my way today."

The person down the alleyway spoke, as he held up his phone, "Midoriya. You need to give more details in times like this. You made us late."

Izuku, Katsuki, Floyd, Chouko and Tenya were shocked to realize that the person standing at the other end of the alleyway had been their classmate. The Todoroki Twins, Shoto and Fubuki; though Fubuki looked a little tense as his left side had been lit a flame.

"Todoroki-kun!" Izuku exclaimed.

"And Fubuki-chan!" Chouko yelled as she sounded relieved, "Oh thank God!"

Floyd said with a smile, "Just in time too!"

"Shut the front door…" Violet said, before she yelled, "... ENDEAVOR, THE SCARY PRO HERO HAS KIDS!?"

"SINCE WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN!?" Victor exclaimed out of confusion, before he groaned, "Ow, work through the pain…!"

Floyd yelled at the twins as he had been in shock, "You mean y'all never knew!?"

"The Half and Half bastard!?" Katsuki yelled, "And the Icey girl is here too!? What are you guys doing here!?"

Izuku looked at Shoto in shock, "And--You're using your left side…!"

"That's my line." Shoto said to Izuku, as he deactivated his flames, "It took Fubuki and I a few seconds to figure out what you meant after we got Shoichi's text message. Though it was pretty difficult since you just sent your location info. You're not really one to send that for no reason."

"You were able to send our location?" Chouko said to Izuku, shocked, "But all of our phones crashed, didn't it?"

"The Twin Nerds…" Katsuki said, "... They managed to get rid of the bug on your phone, didn't they Deku!?"

"Ye--yeah." Izuku replied, "Sorry I didn't mention that to you before."

"But the bug made all of our phones crash!" Floyd said, "It should've happened to them too!"

"Wait…" Violet said putting it together, as she pulled herself to the wall, along with Victor so that they were sitting up, "The only way for them to avoid the bug is… If they were never there when it happened! That means, they must've been outside of the radius when the bug hit our phones!"

Her brother gave a laugh, as he mimicked an explosion from his head, "Wow, seems like lady luck was on our side after all!"

"Are ya sure you two aren't NEETs?" Floyd asked.


Shoto soon made his move, as he used his right side to freeze the floor, causing Stain to jump from the floor again. Fubuki soon used her Quirk as she made a slope of ice so that they were inches up off the ground.

"You meant that you were in trouble and called for help, right?" Shoto said, before he charged at Stain, "Don't worry, the Pros will be here in a few minutes!" He activated his Quirk as he used his fire towards Stain as he jumped off the wall; the fire caused the ice to melt, making everyone slide. Fubuki slid down the ice along with them, but she kept herself standing, while everyone else fell to the floor.

"Hot Belgian Waffles that's hot!" Violet and Victor shouted.

Floyd, despite his condition tried to move away from the fire, "Fire bad! Fire bad!"

"Fubuki!" Shoto said, "Keep them safe, I'll handle them!"

Fubuki nodded as Shoto went to attack Stain again. She quickly checked on the group, and looked over what sort of injuries they had, before going over to Katsuki.

"Are you okay?" She signed to him quickly, "Can any of you move?"

"No!" Katsuki told her, "The bastard did something to us! We can't move no matter how hard we try!"

"You can understand sign!?" Floyd exclaimed.

"NOT THE TIME HALF BREED!" Katsuki shouted.

Floyd yelled back aggressively, "HEY IT'S A QUESTION!"

"Look, that's not important!" Katsuki soon said to Fubuki, "Worry about her!"

Fubuki wondered what he meant before she soon heard a cry, as she noticed Reina on the ground, bleeding not from her wounds, but from her nose and the bandages around her head.

"What's wrong with her?" She signed to Katsuki.

"She's going through an episode right now!" He said.

"An episode, what do you mean?" She said.

"I'll explain later!" Katsuki told her, "We just have to help her, before she bleeds to death!"

Though she looked uneasy, Fubuki nodded her head, before she went over to Reina's side as she had still been screaming.

As Shoto had been able to push Stain back, he looked at the people currently frozen as he looked a bit uneasy though didn't show it to the people before him.

"Someone's time will be up, huh?" Stain thought in his head, "If I don't finish this quick--"

"This is just like the information implies." Shoto said, "I won't let you kill any of them Hero Killer."

"Todoroki-kun!" Izuku yelled to him, "You can't let this guy see your blood!"

"Huh?" Everyone exclaimed.

"What do you mean!?" Floyd said.

"His Quirk!" Izuku explained, "I think he controls his opponents actions by ingesting them orally. That's how he got us before! He sucks blood to keep them from moving."

"Are you serious!?" Violet said.

"Then--!" Katsuki said, "--That's why he has so many blades under his belt! That's how he can get someone's blood!"

Floyd added as he clicked his tongue, "Damn! We should have known! How are we gonna stop a guy with a Quirk like his?!"

"Uh… You can't move, remember?" Victor reminded.

Floyd shouted back at the twin, "I KNEW THAT!" He soon turned to Katsuki as she asked "Also when did you learn sign language?"

"Like I told you--Not the damn time!" Katsuki yelled.

Floyd shouted back, "I JUST WANT TO KNOW AN ANSWER DAMN IT!"

"So that's how it is…" Shoto said, "... Then if I can keep my distance--"

Stain caught him by surprise when he threw a blade at Shoto; he moved slightly but he had gotten a cut on his cheek.

"Shoot!" He exclaimed in his thoughts before Stain jumped towards him and attacked Shoto.

"You have good friends, Ingenium!" Stain said as he went to swing his blade at Shoto.

He quickly acted as he put a wall of ice between him and Stain. Just as he did, his eyes felt a sudden sting in his eyes and noticed something above him.

"A sword!?" Shoto shouted in his head, "He must've thrown it at the same time as that bla--"

He soon felt a tug on his collar, and Stain had been about to lick the blood off of his cheek. Shoto quickly used his flames, pushing Stain back.

"That was close!" He said before he quickly used his ice, making Stain jump back. He grabbed his sword before slicing up the ice before him. Everytime he tried to get close to Shoto, in the end only ended up pushing him back.

As Shoto kept on attacking, Fubuki had been quick to make a wall of ice in front of each of them as to protect them from the flames; though for Reina, she held onto her as she had passed out from the bloodloss she endured, though she still appeared to be in pain as she groaned.

Tenya looked to Reina, before he looked to others as they were still struggling to move.

"Why…" Tenya said, "... Why are all of you guys..?"

He watched Shoto continue to push Stain back, though he looked to be struggling to do so.

"Please, just stop!" He exclaimed, "I'm the one that inherited my brother's name! I have to be the one to do it! That guy's mine…!"

Shoto soon activated his flames again, just as Fubuki shut her eyes, as to not look at the very fires she had been so desperately afraid of, and held Reina closer to her.

"You inherited it?" Shoto said before using his ice, "That's strange! The Ingenium I saw before didn't have that look on his face!"

Tenya had been taken aback by this as Shoto continued on with his attack, "You've got a lot going on behind the scenes of your family's back don't you?"

Izuku let out another groan as he tried to tell his body to move. "Gotta help Todoroki-kun…!" He exclaimed. Soon enough Izuku had been taken back when he noticed something peculiar… He had started moving again.

Stain soon sliced the ice in his path, they had shattered into a thousand pieces, "To block your own view against an opponent faster than you… What a foolish plan."

"We'll see about that!" Shoto said, before he started to use his flames again.

Shoto let out a sudden cry when a total of three blades had suddenly been shoved into his arm, thus ceasing his flames. Stain had soon been above him as he held his blade towards him, "You're pretty good too." They soon realized that Stain wasn't heading for Shoto at all, instead, he was heading towards the downed Pro Hero beside him.

"Native!" Chouko exclaimed.

"Shit!" Katsuki shouted.

"No!" Violet and Victor cried out.

Just than a streak of green lighting went past the group and leaped high into the air. Izuku grabbed Stain by the scarf and dragged him across the wall; though his body looked to be limping a little.

"Midoriya!?" Shoto, Chouko, Violet, Victor and Tenya exclaimed out of confusion.

"Deku!?" Katsuki shouted.

"I can move normally for some reason now!" Izuku shouted.

"How did he-" Floyd started to say. It wasn't before he noticed that his fingers started to twitch again, although it was no time to celebrate he got his sketchbook as he drew another weapon which was in the form of a bat as he once again shouted "Leroy Jenkins!"

With his body slightly limped, he jumped towards Stain to help out Izuku, surprising the group once more.

"Aihara!?" Shoto, Chouko, Violet, Victor, Katsuki and Tenya yelled.

"Wait…" Shoto said, "... Could it be a time limit?"

"Wait, that can't be!" Native said, "If it was, than we would all be moving by now!"

"Damn it all!" Katsuki couldn't help but curse.

Floyd couldn't help but cheer, "AW YEAH! TIME FOR A FULL SWING!"

As Floyd swung his bat at Stain's ribs giving it a direct hit.

"Damn it!" Stain said in his thoughts, "Don't tell me these two are type O's!"

Izuku and Floyd's attack caused Stain to fly and hit the ground hard, though had been quick to recover. Izuku and Floyd would've met the same fate, were it not for Fubuki, who had acted fast as to activate her Quirk creating a slope of ice allowing them to slide across.

"Thanks Fubuki-chan!" Floyd said as he gave a thumbs up, while he and Izuku recovered.

"Get back you two!" Shoto yelled.

Izuku and Floyd quickly moved out of the way, as Shoto had been quick to create a wall of ice towards Stain, causing him to dodge again. Izuku and Floyd managed to crawl back towards Shoto and others. Floyd said with a smile, "feels good to be up and running again!"

"He takes a person's blood to keep them from moving…" Izuku started to say, "... Since Floyd-san and I got free first… I can think of three possible reasons. It could be less effective with more people. The amount ingested could affect how long it works, or there could be a difference in effectiveness based on a person's blood type!"

"Blood type you say?" Victor said, "Wait--Everyone, quick, what are your blood types!?"

Everyone looked confused but had been compelled to answer.

"Mi--Mine is B." Native replied.

"I'm AB." Chouko said.

"I'm a type A…" Tenya answered.

"Same with me!" Katsuki added.

Stain smiled at this, as he couldn't help but give a laugh, "Blood types… Well, you hit the nail on that one."




Just by tasting someone's blood, he can stop there movements for up to eight minutes. Type O, A, AB, and B, the amount of time he can stop them goes in that order from least to most.


The group looked shocked at this, mostly at the fact that he just openly admitted what his Quirk had been. "… That's how he did it!" Violet exclaimed, "That's how he killed all those Pro-Heroes! If it really is based on blood types than he could freeze them like that!"

"Though…" Izuku said, "... We can't really do anything just by knowing his Quirk."

"I wanted to hurry up, and carry the others out of here, and get Reina somewhere safe--" Shoto said, "--But he can react so fast he can avoid my ice and fire. Even if I tell Fubuki to get them out, she wouldn't be able to protect them with her Quirk if he decides to go after them."

Floyd said as he had been irritated at this point, "Yeah and looks like Stain ain't calling it quits either!"

"Right now our best option is to hold on until the pros get here." Shoto told them.

"Todoroki-kun, you've already lost too much blood." Izuku told him, as he started to activate his Quirk again, "I'll distract him, you and Floyd-san support me from behind!"

Floyd said to Izuku, "Roger!"

"It is a pretty huge risk." Shoto said, "But… I guess it's the only thing we can do."

"Then… The three of us will protect them!" Izuku said determined.

"I don't need protection damn it!" Katsuki shouted.

Floyd yelled at him, "SHUT IT, EXPLOSION BOY! You're in no position to fight at the moment. Just leave it to us. Well kick his ass six ways to Sunday!"

"Three against one?" Stain said, "It won't be an easy task."

Thus, Izuku started to move, as he charged head first, with Floyd and Shoto waiting for an opportunity to attack. Tenya watched as they fought, as he had been driven to tears at this point. He recounted everything that happened till that point and looked at what he had become.

"Save that guy first."

"What am I doing!? You're the one that's bleeding on the floor!"

"Of course it has everything to do with us! Quit being stubborn, you idiot class president!"

"We're here to save you Iida!"

"That's strange! The Ingenium I saw before didn't have that look on his face!"

"Then… The three of us will protect them!"

"I'll kill you!!"

Looking back on it now… He hated what he had become.

He just couldn't believe that he sunk this low. He wanted to become a Hero, more than anything in the world, and yet… The only thing he thought about was killing the person responsible. Why did he stoop so low? How could've it gotten so far?

Right now, he just wanted it all to stop, and yet at the moment, he was powerless to do anything at this point.

As Izuku kept him busy, he felt the blade cut through his costume and onto his leg; the minute he hit the wall, Stain licked the blade, ceasing his movements once more. Izuku saw him charge at him, this time with more ferocity.

"This guy's movements, they're completely different from before!" He thought in his head.

Stain went in for the attack, though was soon prevented by Shoto and Floyd.

Floyd charged at Stain as he drew up another weapon, which had been that of a blade this time. He yelled as he charged at the Killer, "NICE TRY! YOU AIN'T GETTING ANYONE'S BLOOD TODAY!"

Shoto kept him covered with the help of his flames, making sure that the flames didn't hit Floyd or his ink weapon. Tenya looked to his comrades again; his eyes wandered to Reina, as Fubuki held her close, keeping her eyes shut as her body trembled.

"Please stop…" Tenya pleaded, as he cried, "... I'm… I'm already…"

"IF YOU WANT US TO STOP, THEN STAND UP AND FIGHT!" Shoto shouted before using his ice to Stain, only for him to dodge and slice up the ice again, "THE ONLY WORDS I CAN SAY TO YOU ARE, LOOK PROPERLY AT YOU WANT TO BECOME!"

Tenya's eyes widened at this, the tears seemed to have disappeared as finally… He too began to move.

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