Unduh Aplikasi
87.5% To Be A Hero (My Hero Academia Fanfic) / Chapter 70: Pitch Black

Bab 70: Pitch Black

What stood before the young teen was that of a man; a banker by the look of it. He looked injured, his hair stained with blood, and his clothes had been torn up. He held a terrified expression and looked to be crying and struggling in the confines of the ropes that binded him.

"You get to take the first hit!" Crock said, not noticing the expression Reina had made, "Isn't that just grand?"

Vivazo added with a smile, "Go on now! Take a swing!"

Reina looked to the man before her as her hands shook. She saw the look in his eyes as they looked to be pleading to her.

At this, in that exact moment… She knew what she had to do.

"Come now, don't be shy love." Crock soon said, "Take the hit!"

"No…" Reina said softly.

Crock and Vivazo looked at each other as they didn't quite hear her. "What was that?" Vivazo said, rubbing her ear a little. Reina gripped the handle of the bat; taking a deep breath as she did.

"I said--NO!"

Katsuki and the rest of the group were shocked when Reina turned and went to swing the bat at Crock and Vivazo. Though before it could hit either of them, the man that had brought her to the stage had been quick to restrain her.

"Hey now! No need for violence!" The man said, still holding his creepy grin.

"Let go of me!" Reina exclaimed as she thrashed and kicked.

"Go easy on the grip there, Sterling." Crock told the man.

Vivazo soon picked up a strange scent in the air, coming from the young teen.

"Wait a minute…" Vivazo said as she approached her.

She grabbed her by the hair roughly as she pulled it back looking like she was wearing a ponytail. The whole crowd gasped as the group looked in horror .

"Uh-oh!" Violet and Victor said.

"Crap!" Akane said.

"Not good!" Kazuho and Futsuno said.

"Uhh, this is bad!" Koichi said.

Michiko added, "She's exposed the miss!"

Vivazo started to let out a laugh as she let go of her hair, while Crock stood there shocked. Vivazo soon said with a smile as she slapped herself in the head, "I knew that smell was all too familiar!"

"Well, piss on my own grave!" Crock said with a laugh of her own, "You're the girl who's supposed to be dead!" She soon took a bow, "It's a pleasure to meet you in person!"

"I don't know who the hell you are, but you need to let that man go!" Reina said.

Crock merely chuckled as she stood up, "You weren't kidding Viv. She really does have fire in her, doesn't she?"

Vivazo added, "Yeah! I hate that about her."

"Don't know, I fancy it myself." Crock said.

Reina struggled on and on until Sterling kicked her in the back causing her to fall onto her knees as she cried out. Her group flinched out of terror, while Katsuki gave a rageful look along with Michiko.

"We gotta do something!" Kazuho said.

"Yeah, but what?!" Koichi said, "Even as Vigilantes we can't risk blowing our cover!"

"But we can't just leave her here!" Violet exclaimed, "There has to be something we can do!"

Michiko groaned as she said, "We have to find some way to save the Miss!"

Crock stepped forward to Reina, as she grasped her chin, forcing her to look at her. "You know, something…" She started to say, "... When I saw you in that photo, I couldn't believe my own eyes. It was like I was looking at the same person. I didn't want to believe it, but seeing you face to face… I swear, it's almost as if you were cloned by her! Don't see why Viv don't like you that much." She looked over to Vivazo, "No offense."

Vivazo said with a shrug, "None taken."

Reina managed to get herself out of Crock's grip, "What the hell are you talking about!?"

Crock looked surprised at this, but only for a brief moment as she started to laugh again, "You don't have any clue, do you!?" She said as she laughed, "Now that is a fun little twist!"

Vivazo said with a smile, "Indeed, that's twisty"

Crock looked over to the bartender, "You there! Go inform the Lady of who showed up to the party!"

"Yes ma'am!" The Bartender before she left her post.

At this point Reina's group began to panic. "We gotta think of something and fast!" Victor said.

"Akane-chan and I will keep them busy for as long as we can!" Futsuno said, "You guys find a way to get to Ki-chan!"

"Just don't screw it up!" Akane said as she followed.

"Futsuno, Suzuki, wait!" Violet exclaimed, but Futsuno and Akane had already made their way through the crowd.

"Michiko, we've got a plan, don't we!?" Koichi asked, "What do we do!?"

Michiko wanted to say something but what could she do? Luckily someone was quick to provide an answer.

"Screw this!" Katsuki soon said as he threw off his shades.

The group had been taken back when Katsuki used his Quirk, drawing the attention of everyone in the club. Katsuki kicked Sterling right in the face, forcing him to let go of Reina, before he used his Quirk on Crock and Vivazo, as they were both flying off the stage.

"Katsuki-kun!" Reina exclaimed.

"Get up! Now!" He told her as he took her arm, getting her to stand.

They went to run off the stage but more of the staff blocked their path. "You're not going anywhere!" One of them said.

It wasn't long still one of them was stopped by a bright yellow blade made of light. Michiko came jumping onto the stage as she looked ready to fight.

"You want the Miss? You'll have to get through me!" She said before she retracted her blade and went at them head on. They had been taken by surprise as Michiko had been able to knock them off their feet; the crowd had already started to flee the scene as they screamed.





"Michiko-san!" Reina exclaimed.

Michiko soon said, "It's like I said to you and the bossman, my job is to make sure you're safe!"

Other attacks came up from behind, but were soon thwarted when Koichi and Kazuho stepped in. Koichi slid on the floor as he was able to trip them all, while Kazuho jumped into the air, giving them a kick; Violet and Victor grabbed the other two from behind as they punched them right in the neck.

Koichi added with a smile, "And she's not the only one!"

"We're here to watch your back!" Kazuho said.

"No man left behind!" Violet and Victor said with a smile.

Reina laughed softly at this, as she smiled at herself. Though this had been short lived when Crock and Vivazo basically kicked the debris off of them. They both got themselves back up on their feet before they brushed themselves off.

"GET THEM!" Crock shouted to their comrades, "KILL THE VIGILANTES!"

Their comrades charged at them, prompting Reina's group to engage the enemy.

Vivazo soon noticed that Michiko had been among the group, before she issued a command of her own, "except that one...leave her...to me.." With a discomforting grin, her nails began to emit paint thinner, till they hardened.

Vivazo soon gave a laugh as she jumped towards Michiko, giving her little time to react. She only barely blocked the attack as Vivazo managed to push her back.

"MICHIKO-SAN!" Reina shouted, before she blocked a punch from one of the attackers, and countered it. Another went to attack her from behind though Katsuki was quick to act as he blasted three of them away with only his Quirk. The two of them stood back to back with each other.

"Keep your guard up, and don't slip into a daze!" Katsuki told her, "You hear me Lollipop Head?"

"Yeah, I got it!" She said, as she drew her sword, "You just have to be careful, alright?"

Katsuki only gave a smirk as he said, "Same to you!"

Thus the two sprang into action as they both gave all they had as they attacked.

Michiko guarded with her blades only to find a scratch on her face when Vivazo charged at her.

"Hello Michi-chan~! Long time no see!" Vivazo said with a chuckle as she licked her lips.

"Can't say the feelings' mutual, Vivazo.." Michiko said as she got into a fighting position.

"Now, now, is that anyway to treat your family, my darling sister~?" Vivazo said with a creepy smile

"You're not my family! After what you and mom did.." Michiko said with a glare, "... I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!"

Michiko's blade changed to red as she began to charge at Vivazo, letting out a fierce war cry. This time, Vivazo barely managed to dodge it as she managed to get a cut on her arm, causing the wound to bleed profoundly.

"Ooo.." Vivazo said in awe as she placed her hand on her arm seeing the blood come out. "You're getting better at this.. it's no wonder you chose to be my darling Floydie's bodyguard.."

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY HIS NAME IN SUCH A CASUAL TONE!" Michiko shouted as she charged at her again, this time more aggressively than before. Vivazo merely laughed as she dodged each and every one of her attacks before countering it, knocking the blade out of her hand.

Vivazo soon said tauntingly, "Temper temper.." She licked her hardened nails as she soon said, "That's gonna get ya killed one day."

Michiko materialized another blade in her hand, this time in the color of neon blue,

"Oooo. Going all out huh?" Vivazo said as more thinner began to leak on her hardened nails. "Then so will I! Winner gets to keep Floydie forever!"

Michiko said as she tightened her grip, "That will NEVER happen!"

Thus the two of them charged once more.

Reina and Katsuki both kept on exchanging blows one after another, as they nearly dodged one attack after another; though they ended up getting a few scratches here and there, they still managed to push onward. They were able to help each other out in the fight, as at one point they grabbed each other's hand before they pulled onto one another; kicking their enemies in the stomach.

At one point in the fight they had been surrounded by their enemies, as once more they were back to back. They both looked to one another as they soon had the same idea. They hooked their arms with one another, before they nodded to each other, each bearing a smile.

Using her Quirk, Reina was able to lift Katsuki off the ground as she spun him around, while he activated his own Quirk, blowing each of the attackers away. They both stood up straight as they couldn't help but bask at this.

"GOT 'EM!' Reina shouted as she went for a high-five.

"SLAMMIN'!" Katsuki exclaimed as he gladly responded to this gesture.

Of course it had been short lived when they were attacked from behind. It was quickly thwarted by Koichi as he tripped them all with the help of his Quirk as he slid across the floor.

"Thank me later!" Koichi said, before he managed to get a hit on the others that tried to take advantage of the situation.

Violet and Victor had been using equipment they had brought with them prior to assisting them in battle. With each and every punch they threw, they released an air pressure causing most to fly back.

"This feels really good!" Violet said with a smile.

"Yeah, it really is a nice change from the office!" Victor added, before they continued on.

Kazuho leaped high into the air, kicking each of them in the head knocking them out instantly as she landed beside them. "Pop-Step!" Reina said to Kazuho, calling her by her Vigilante name, pointing to the man still tied up, "Can you get him out of here?!"

Kazuho nodded as she replied, "Yeah, just leave it to me!" Kazuho jumped to the stage as she helped the man out of his restraints; Reina soon turned to Violet, Victor and Koichi.

"Crawler! Alchemy Twins!" Reina said, "Clear a path for them! Make sure no one gets near them!"

"Gotcha!" Koichi said with his thumbs up.

"No problem!" Victor and Violet said.

The three of them proceeded to clear a path as they used their gifts to keep them all back. "GO!" Reina yelled to Kazuho. Kazuho nodded, and leaped high before landing on the ground. She supported the man as she managed to reach the exit just in time.

One of them tried to follow them outside, though Reina had been quick to stop them with her Quirk and toss them back in the room. The person she had thrown landed just at Crock's feet.

"Well, you were worth every cent." Crock said sarcastically; stepping over the man, blades soon emerged from her hands as she sharpened them; she stepped towards Reina as she readied herself "Alright then Sheila… MY TURN TO PLAY!"

Thus Crock charged at her, with Reina nearly dodging her attack as she managed to graze her cheek. She began to engage Crock with her blade in hand.

"REINA!" Katsuki exclaimed as he witnessed Crock attacking her.

He was about to go and help her, but had been prevented from doing so when Michiko came flying right into him, knocking him off his feet.

"GET OFF OF ME YAKUZA WEIRDO!" Katsuki yelled as he shoved her off of him.

"I CAN SAY THE SAME FOR YOU DOG!" Michiko shouted.



The two of them quickly moved when Vivazo fired from her gun. Katsuki glared over in Vivazo's direction when she stopped firing.

"You…" Katsuki said as his glare intensified.

"Well well… If it isn't the explosion brat who did this to me…" Vivazo said as she glared at him, "Thanks to you...my love Floydie doesn't recognize me" She soon exposed her stomach as she shouted "..Especially with this scar you gave me!"

"Wait, you fought her before?"" Michiko said surprised.

Katsuki ignored Michiko's question as his hands sparked, "... You're the one responsible for Inkhead's condition in our match…" Katsuki said, a vein practically popping on his forehead, "... It's because of you he wasn't himself when we fought… And it's because of you… Reina was traumatized after you hurt her..."

He soon flew towards her taking Michiko by surprise; as he did this he shouted, "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY YOU THINNER BITCH!!"

Vivazo was quick to block his attack, before she countered with a punch across his face. Vivazo told him with a sinister smile, "So you do know my sweetheart… But judging by that nickname, I say you pick on him alot huh? Well… That makes you my enemy and those who hurt my Floydie… WILL DIE!!"

Vivazo began to pump her gun again this time at super fast pace while she began to cackle. Katsuki charged at her once more, and started to engage in close before she could have a chance to fire.


Vivazo only laughed at this remark, while blocking a kick from him. She said in a teasing tone as she kicked him in the stomach, "YOU WERE SAYING, EXPLOSION BRAT?!" Just as she pointed the gun point blank at his face. At this Michiko quickly acted.

"CRAWLER!" Michiko shouted.

"RIGHT!" Koichi yelled as he skidded across the floor, hooking an arm around Michiko's waist. He slid across fast, causing him to accidentally trip, though he was able to throw Michiko in time, just as he went crashing.

"REFRACTED TOP BLADE!" Michiko shouted as she started to spin like a tornado while she held out her color blades which became red and cyan blue as she came hurling at her sister. Vivazo saw the blade coming towards her, and she let out a surprise scream; just as she moved the blade managed to cut up a part of her hair, and her shirt.

Katsuki, though surprised, soon yelled, "I DIDN'T ASK FOR YOUR HELP YAKUZA WEIRDO!"

Michiko shouted back at him, "Oh, would you rather me let her shoot you?!"

"I WOULD'VE DODGED IT!" Katsuki shouted as he was in her face.

Vivazo soon growled as she recovered before she noticed a part of her clothes had been partly torn, "You ruined my outfit! I got it as a gift from my darling Pitch!" She growled as she pumped her gun, "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!!"

As she pointed it towards Michiko, Vivazo said "Say good night dear sister, Hi-speed Thinner Shot -Heavy Machine Gu-"

Vivazo was taken by surprise when Michiko sucker punched her in the face, cracking her nose and making her teeth fall out causing more blood to come out. The next second Michiko cut Vivazo on the arm, leg and then rib as she screamed.

"It's over, Sister.." Michiko said with fury as the blade became a Neon Blue with smoke emitting from it and her eyes dead set on revenge. "Now..Accept your fate.."

Right before Michiko was ready to impale her sister, but--

"REFLECTED BLADE NO!" Koichi shouted, as he slid towards her, hooking his arm around hers, "WE CAN'T KILL ANYONE, YOU KNOW THAT!"

Michiko shouted as she struggled, "LET ME GO, CRAWLER! She has to pay! Pay for what she did back in New York! What her mother did to Penelope! YOU KNOW THAT!"

"I know but still--!" Kochi told her.

Vivazo rolled her eyes as she readied her gun again, "Seriously, this cliche crap again? You know this is why I hate those types of people. They're always in the way when it comes to the character delivering the final blow." When her gun was loaded, she soon prepared to fire with a smile on her face, "Now then… Might as well kill two birds with one stone.."

While she was distracted, Katsuki quickly armed himself with the Thunderstorms that he had gotten from his bag. Setting up the scope he activated his Quirk allowing it to fire a net of carbon fiber onto Vivazo making her scream and drop her weapon. She fell on her back hard as she started to thrash about.


Katsuki soon stood up, as he handed off a strand of carbon fiber connected to Vivazo over to a shocked Koichi and Michiko, "Keep her here, I've got a Lollipop Head to save."

Michiko stammered as she said, "Wait b-b-but--"

"It's like Spider Guy said, you shouldn't kill her. I know that Inkhead wouldn't like it if his bodyguard killed someone for his sake… Let alone his family." Katsuki told Michiko as he still had his usual look.

Before Michiko could say anything more, he went to where Reina and Crock had been, as Reina herself had been struggling to keep up with her opponents' attacks.

"Wait, Spider Guy?" Koichi said, snapping out of it.

Vivazo gagged as she said, "You… YOU'RE DEAD EXPLOSION BRAT! DO YOU HEAR ME!?"

Katsuki ignored Vivazo completely as he focused on what was in front of him right now.

Reina had been struggling to block and counter Crock's attacks as she had proved too fast even for her. By the time she managed to get herself away from Crock, she saw she had gotten scratches along her arms as she caught her breath. "Damn it…" She said.

Crock only chuckled, "I gotta say, you're better at fighting than I thought you'd be. Guess that comes with attending UA High don't it? Usually when I fight, my prey's down on the ground bleeding to death already. But color me impressed."

Reina glared at her, "Don't you dare mock me!"

"Oooh, cute!" Crock said, "You got fire in your spirit and a temper! You sure your not a clone?"

Reina couldn't help but let out a rageful cry as she charged at her again, with her blade. Crock blocked her attack before she disarmed her with a swift kick. As the teen went to grab her sword, Crock prevented her from doing so. She gave her a punch in the stomach just as she retracted her blade, making Reina cough.

Crock soon kicked her, causing her to slide on the floor.

"Oh, I bet you have the most interesting voice for your final song!" Crock said as she sharpened her nails, "Be a real treat for me, to take the life of a prodigy. Bring down her spirit." She soon sighed, "Though as much as I'd love to, I'll resist the temptation. Someone very much wants to see you, preferably breathing."

She soon picked her up by the neck of her shirt as Reina grabbed her wrist, trying to pry her fingers from her. She froze when Crock made a cut on her cheek with her sharp nails.

"Ah well…" Crock said licking her lips, "... I'll just get by with your agonizing screams. After all… Just because your wanted to be alive… Doesn't mean I can't hurt you."

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Katsuki yelled as he rocketed over to Crock.

"You gotta be kidding me..." She said with a groan.

Crock had been quick to catch him before he could attack, as her hand latched around his neck, making him gag.

"Katsuki-kun!" Reina exclaimed.

Crock flinched at this as she looked back to Reina, "You know this boy?" She said, as she sunk her nails into his neck, making him freeze before he could use his Quirk again. After taking another glance at her and Katsuki she drew her own conclusion.

"I really like your taste in men, Sheila." Crock commented, "Never taken you to go for the jockey type. Then again--"

Crock soon tossed Reina aside, making her tumble and roll on the floor. Katsuki recovered and went to attack, though Crock grabbed him by the arm before he could.

"Oh, I got a fun little idea." She said as she looked over to Reina, "Since I don't have the pleasure to hear your final song… I want to see you make a face of despair for me." She soon looked at Katsuki as her smile seemed to have grown wider, "... And as for you..."

Katsuki let out a grunt as Crock slammed him onto the floor roughly, gripping his neck even tighter, "... I want to hear you sing for me, love."

Katsuki cried out with agony as Crock shoved her blade into his shoulder and Reina's eyes widened in horror. "Katsuki-kun!" She exclaimed as she was about to run over to him.

"DON'T!" Katsuki yelled, making her stop, "JUST STAY BACK!"

"But—" Reina started to say before she was cut off when Katsuki screamed again; turns out Crock shoved another blade, this time in his arm.

"Trying to be the brave one?" Crock said amusingly, twisting the blade in his shoulder and arm, "That really is adorable."

"Stop it!" Reina exclaimed as she was on the verge of crying; she tried to use her Quirk to push her off him, but strangely enough… It wasn't working.

"Stop hurting him!!" She pleaded as she tried desperately to activate her Quirk.

Crock saw the look on Reina's face as she laughed, "Now that's a pretty face! That's what I want from you Sheila! The true face of despair is something that really gets my blood pumping! I wonder what other sorts of faces you'll make when I cut off a limb or two."

Reina's eyes widened in horror, "N-No!" She said, "You wouldn't—!"

"Would I…?" Crock said as she slowly moved her blade in his flesh, making him squirm and cry out, "It's as easy as one…"

"Why!?" Reina exclaimed in her head as she tried to get her Quirk to work.

"Two~" Crock said.

"Out of all the times, why!?"


"Why won't IT work!?"

Crock gave a laugh as she readied herself; Reina's eyes widened in horror as her eyes soon changed to gold as she looked as though she had been about to cry.



Katsuki breathed a sigh of relief when the blades had been removed from his arm and shoulder; Crock on the other hand let out a surprised yelp when she felt something hit her hard. Turns out Violet and Victor fired from their weapons; they both fired carbon fiber as it managed to make Crock stumble as she fell onto the ground with a grunt.

"Ha! Got 'em!" Violet cheered as she high fived her brother.

"Yahtzee!" Victor cheered as he pumped his fist.

Katsuki sat himself up from the floor as he went to stop the bleeding from his wounds. Reina got up and ran over to him, her eyes still in the color of gold.

"Katsuki-kun!" She exclaimed as she slid next to him, "Are you okay!?"

"I'm alright!" He told her, before he flinched, "Shit, this hurts!"

"I--I'm sorry!" Reina soon said, as she grasped her head due to the agony she felt at the moment, "I--I was trying to get her off you, but my Quirk--It just wouldn't--" She took a sharp inhale, before she said looking to him, "--I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

Katsuki soon took notice of the gold in her eyes before he placed his hand on her shoulder, making her freeze. "Hey…" He said as calmly as possible; he placed his hand on her cheek as he wiped away her tears, "... It's okay… Don't cry. I'm still here."

Reina only nodded as she took his hand into her own; She started to calm down though her eyes had stayed gold as Katsuki remained calm as if nothing about her had changed.

They both soon jumped when Crock had surprisingly managed to cut through the carbon fiber with her blades surprising Violet and Victor.

"That was carbon fiber…" Violet said shocked, "... That was carbon fiber! No Villain is supposed to break through that!"

"How did you manage to cut it!?" Victor exclaimed.

Crock got herself up on her feet as she cracked her neck, "The only thing strong enough to cut through diamond, is that of a diamond, or so they say." She told them, as she licked her blade, "The Miss was kind enough to give me this, when she picked me up off the streets, and took me to the Dolls."

Crock sharpened her blades once more as they created sparks, "Used to be plain old metal before she gave me an upgrade. Had a friend of hers perform this little task. Not many were capable of surviving the procedure, though I'm different from their previous subjects. Rather like her sort, and that's rare for me to say."

"Liquid carbon fiber!?" Violet, Victor, Reina and Katsuki exclaimed.

"But that's impossible!" Victor said, "No one has been capable of liquifying metal, let alone carbon fiber!"

"Well, hate to tell you love…" Crock said, "... Someone did!"

Crock dashed towards the twins, attempting to slice both of their heads off. Luckily they both were able to dodge her attacks though not before their weapons had been sliced and diced through their weaponry. "Scrap!" Violet and Victor exclaimed before they dodge another attack from Crock.

"Victor! We gotta step up our game!" Violet said.

"Yeah! Let's break out the other big guns!" Victor told her.

Reina and Katsuki saw them pull out what looked to be metal claws that sparked with electricity at the very tips; they both attached it to their arms.

"Alright!" Victor said to Crock, "Now you're really screwed!"

Crock rolled her eyes, "Really? That's your comeback?" She scoffed, "Feels like I'm in ametuar hour right now."

"You'll be eating those words when we give you one hell of a shock treatment!" Violet said as she and Victor activated their weapons.

Just when they were about to fire their weapons but were taken back when they suddenly heard various noises coming from their weapons, taking them back.

"What the--!?" Violet exclaimed.

Violet started to scream as she felt a sudden shock come over her as she screamed, before she fell over on her back.

"What the hell!?" Katsuki exclaimed.

"What happened!?" Reina shouted.

Victor looked at his weapon and saw a symbol appeared on the display screen, the biohazard symbol, and his eyes widened at this.

"Oh God--!" Victor said, "--WE'VE BEEN HACKED!"

Victor let out a scream as he started to feel the shocks too before he fell over on his back, making Reina and Katsuki jump at this. Crock laughed again, "The Virus really knows to hit where it hurts I'll tell ya!" She soon looked over to Reina and Katsuki, "Now it's just me and the kiddies~"

Reina couldn't help but shrink, as her body shook a little. Katsuki took notice of this and before he stood up.

"Katsuki-kun…" She said.

He said to her, "We'll be okay. If we play our cards right we'll kick her ass. I'll watch your back." He soon held his hand out to her, as she looked shocked, "But I need you to watch mine. You with me… Bright Shadow?"

Reina just looked even more shocked at the fact that he called her by her hero name. Suddenly her fear, her anxiety seemed to have disappeared as she felt more at ease; and though she didn't know it, the gold in her eyes disappeared he saw that familiar odd eye combination. She took his hand and she stood up with a smile on her face.

"You got it, Mr. Number One." She said as she gave a wink.

The two of them soon got ready to fight as Crock readied herself, "That was cute, really." She said, "Now I can see why you two belong together."

Reina used her Quirk to retrieve her sword, as she caught it in her hand. "I think I have an idea." She told him softly, "Will you follow my lead?"

"If it means I can beat this bitch's face… Then yeah." Katsuki said.

Reina only huffed, "I figured you'd say that."

The three of them stood silent as the room had been quiet; Michiko and Koichi watched this as they couldn't help but feel the intensity of the atmosphere. Michiko gulped as she said, "hey..is it me or has things gotten pretty intense for a second… For the miss and the Dog…"

"... Honestly… Now I'm worried." Koichi said, "We should call the boss and your parents!"

"What?! No!" Michiko screeched, "We can't let them know we're here!"

"You saw what that woman did to Bakugou!" Koichi said, "What if she puts Nouki-chan through that too?! We're supposed to protect her, and that's our job right now! What if she and Bakugou end up getting themselves killed!?"

Michiko thought about this for a moment before she had come to realize that he had been right. Sbe sighed as she said, while getting out her phone, "Alright fine.."

She quickly went through the list of contacts, and hit the number for Malcolm on her phone. Though when she did, her screen suddenly turned to black, making her jump.

Michiko shouted out of confusion, "Huh!? What the--!?"

A skull suddenly appeared in the middle of the screen, giving a laugh, before a logo of a biohazard appeared with what looked to be a box that had been gift wrapped; a card attached to the box read, "From the Virus". When it opened an eight bit bomb appeared, glitching out the phone. "Evans! Your phone--!" Koichi exclaimed as it soon crashed.

Michiko struggled to turn her phone back on, but couldn't as she yelled, "No-No-No-No-No! This can't be--!"

Michiko and Koichi jumped when they saw Reina and Katsuki charge at Crock and engage, throwing all they got at her. Katsuki set off his explosion but proved to be too quick while Reina used her sword to attack again, though Crock had been quick to counter.

When they noticed the blades coming towards them, they both thought quick and used their Quirks to move.

"HEY SNAKEY!" Katsuki shouted, putting his hands together, "GET A TASTE OF THIS!"



Crock was suddenly blinded by a bright flashing light, making her screech. Reina soon got herself behind the bar that had been nearby as she spotted what looked to be a tank of nitroglycerin. At this she had an idea as she turned the knob provided.

"If carbon fiber won't work against her--"

Using her Quirk, she had gotten together the cold air that laid within making it into a ball.

"--Let's put the meaning in cold blooded."

Katsuki jumped back as he caught his breath; he stumbled a little as he felt the blood from his wounds drip. "You oughta quit while your ahead love." Crock said, "Something tells me you won't last much longer and I'd rather much hear your final song Than have you go out quietly."

"Like I'd give you the satisfaction, you damn snake!" Katsuki said still with a smirk.

"Not a snake! I'm a bloody--" Crock let out an annoyed groan, "--It's in my bloody name, you uncultured prick!"

"Well someones got a slight case of egomania." He mocked, making Crock's eyebrow twitch.

"... I'LL HAVE YOUR TONGUE FOR THAT!!" Crock yelled as she charged at him with her blades.

Katsuki managed to get above her with the help of his Quirk as he blasted her back making her stumble forward, and burn a part of her shirt, making a fresh mark on her lower back. "YOU LITTLE BRAT!!" She shouted as she thrusted her blade towards him.

Katsuki ducked and gave her an uppercut, pushing her back; he soon fired his thunderstorms, shooting carbon fiber which she had been able to slice through with ease. Michiko and Koichi watched in mere awe at this.

"She really can slice through carbon fiber…" Koichi said, shocked.

Michiko said as her jaw had been dropped, "Yeah no kidding."

Finally Katsuki managed to push her back with a strong kick, making her grunt and stumble; she practically did a summer salt on the floor as she recovered. Reina soon jumped from behind the bar as she shouted, "KATSUKI-KUN!"

"GOT IT!" Katsuki shouted as jumped to her. Crock looked at them confused until she noticed the ball of what looked to be mist.

"Special Improvised Move--!" Reina soon said, before Katsuki went to activate his Quirk and she released her own Quirk, "--FROST BOMB!!"

"Frost wha--!?"


Crock suddenly found herself surrounded by an ice mist; due to the blast she instantly felt her scales freeze and even her blood. Before she could try to get herself out of the mist, Reina and Katsuki came towards her, delivering a swift kick in the chest knocking her over on her back.

Crock coughed and shivered as she still felt her body go cold, as if she had been floating in deep space. Reina and Katsuki both stepped towards her towering over her; her nose had been bleeding as she had been catching her breath.

"We--Well… Aren't y--you a clever one…?" Crock said as she still shievered.

Katsuki pressed his foot onto Crock's arm, making her cringe. "Now you'll think twice before you go messing with us you damn snake!"

"Katsuki-kun." Reina said, placing her hand on his shoulder, "She can't do anything now." She looked over to Crock before her gaze turned over to Vivazo who was still struggling in her restraints, "Let's get them outside, and get the twins to a doctor."

"Miss?" Michiko said, "What about what we came here for?"

"Don't worry." Reina said, allowing the journal she found earlier to peek out of her jacket, "We have what we need." She soon looked at Koichi, "Crawler? Can you call the police to let them know about the Dolls?"

"Uh yeah about that…" Koichi said before showing his phone, "... We can't get a signal through here."

"Wait, wha--?"

The lights in place had suddenly gone out leaving them in total darkness, leaving the group shocked and perplexed. It wasn't long before Reina heard Michiko and Koichi let out a scream, as something seemed to have felt the wind go by.

As she quickly hid the journal back in her jacket, she felt a sudden gust of wind go by.

"Guys?" Reina said as she looked around, hearing something break, "You guys, where are you?"

Just as the lights turned back, Reina suddenly found her arms, yanked back; causing her to drop her sword again. She screamed as she found herself flying practically flying across the room, before stopping abruptly. She froze out of fear when she found herself face to face with a person, wearing a doll mask with the number seven on its forehead; she tilted her head to the side, as Reina saw her gray pigtails. It was then she soon noticed, her whole body, had been wrapped in what looked to be ash.

Behind her, she was dragging two people; Futsuno and Akane. They both looked to be worse for wear.


Reina found herself yanked back again, before stopping again. She noticed Katsuki had been by her side, as his legs had been binded, with his arms and hands covered with the very same ash she had been binded in; he struggled to break free, as he aggressively thrashed against them, trying to at least move his legs. The Thunderstorms has been on the floor as they were both cut in half by the look of it.

She saw Koichi, Michiko, Violet and Victor had been tied back to back, by the man named Sterling from earlier as he looked to have a bruise on his face; no doubt from Katsukis previous attack. He soon held a gun to them, as he possessed that same unsettling smile from before.

As Reina was trying to process the situation they had been in right now, she noticed the girl with the Doll mask drop Futsuno and Akane before stepping over to Crock, who had still been shivering. Moving her hand slightly, a blanket of ash seemed to have covered her entire body.

Flexing her fingers, the ash seemed to have produced an orange color, for only a moment before it disappeared. The ash dispersed as Crock breathed a sigh of relief; the ice on her arms now having turned to water.

"Oh, that feels better." Crock said as she stretched again.

The doll mask girl only motioned Crock to Vivazo who was still tied up, and she was quick to comply, as the blade drew from her hand, before going over to where her partner had been. In only a matter of seconds she was able to cut through, allowing Vivazo to get back on her feet and crack her bones.

Vivazo's smile soon returned as she looked in Katsuki's direction. She said while licking her lips and her nails rehardening itself when the paint thinner dripped, "Naughty naughty… You should know better than to mess with me!"

She went to charge at Katsuki, though, to Reina's shock, the girl with the Doll mask created a rope made of ash as she used it to wrap it around her wrist holding her back. Vivazo looked at the girl with a glare as she shouted, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?"

"Calm yourself." The girl told her calmly.


Another rope of ash lashed around Vivazo's neck as she started to choke, making Reina's group jump at this. "He who thinks death, is of great punishment… Does not know what it truly means to suffer." The girl said, "Did you forget that already, Vivazo?"

Surprisingly enough, Vivazo's face had been red as she shook her head, prompting the girl to release her from her confines as Vivazo deactivated her Quirk. She said to the girl as she drooled as soon as she caught her breath, " No… Miss Pitch."

"Pi--Pitch?" Michiko said surprised, "That's Pitch?"

"She's… A kid?" Koichi said, shocked.

The girl… Pitch soon removed her mask from her face just as she turned back to Reina and Katsuki, revealing a set of bandages wrapped around her eye that hung loosely. She brushed her hair that partly covered her face, before stepping towards Reina and Katsuki.

"So…" Pitch said, looking to Reina, "... We finally meet. The photograph does you no justice." She soon took note of the wounds she possessed, "... I apologize for the roughness my dear. Fighting is an unpleasant experience I know, but it is a necessity for survival."

Her attention had soon drawn over to Katsuki, "And if I'm not mistaken… You must be Katsuki Bakugou…" She placed a hand on his head, making him growl as she roughly ruffled his hair, undoing it's combs and allowing it to return to its natural state. She pulled back as he glared daggers at her, though she remained unphased by this.

"I was a bit skeptical, and wondering as to why he had taken an interest in someone… As violent as that of a wild tiger…" Pitch said, "... But seeing you in person, I can see why he made that choice. Your different from your other classmates… Aren't you little boy?"

Katsuki's eyebrow twitched at this, "Don't… Call me… BOY!!"

He went to use his Quirk, only to find that his explosions had been muffled, surprising him and Reina. He tried again, but it was met with the same result as well as an intense pain in his arms, and not just from his wounds.

"Katsuki-kun!" Reina cried out with worry.

"My Quirk--" Katsuki said as he had been quick to put it together, "--This damn ash--It's stopping me!?"

Pitch chuckled softly, "... You are as smart as the records show. You are right. My ashes can absorb any source of heat you see, like that of fire, or your explosions. Though if I were you, I'd resist the temptation of using it further little boy…" She leaned over, closer to Katsuki's ear, "... That is… If you want to properly use Quirk ever again."

Katsuki clicked his tongue as he still held his look as she pulled back. She looked back to Reina as she stepped towards her, "... I have to say… You really surprised me, Miss Reina… Your talents really perceive you, given what I've researched. It's hard to believe that up until now… I believed you to be dead."

Reina looked shocked by this, as she heard this sort of phrase before. "De--Dead? What do you mean by dead?"

"Hmmm…" Pitch said, "... You really don't know much about anything. That would explain a great many things. But I can't help but wonder… As to why…?"

"Wh--What do you want with me?" Reina asked her, still terrified.

"How curious..." She said, "... By now you've realized your current predicament, and yet you still demand answers? You certainly are a strange one…"

"... Are you…" She started to say, as she gulped, "... Going to kill me?"

Pitch shook her head, "... Even though you could be a potential threat that is not my intention. After all… No one can actually replace someone as fascinating and powerful as you."

"Then, what are you going to do to me?" She said as her body shook when Pitch brushed her hand against her cheek.

Pitch stayed silent as she put a hand behind her back, as she used the other to play with her hair. After a moment she responded, "....That… Is for someone else to decide." She soon turned over to Crock, and Vivazo, "Prep an escort. We're taking her and Bakugou to Shigaraki."

At this Reina and Katsuki's eyes widened in horror at this, as did Michiko and Koichi's.

"Even the boy Miss?" Crock said, astonished.

Vivazo said shocked, "What?! Boo! Boo! Boo!"

"Something tells me he'll be interested in this little boy." Pitch said, before she looked over to Futsuno, Akane, and the Vigilantes, "Sterling… Leave Reflected Blade for Vivazo. But execute her comrades… Make her watch."

"Understood ma'am." Sterling said with a smile, as he took Michiko by the neck of her shirt as well as Koichi's

"Michiko-san!" Reina shouted, with worry, "Koichi-kun!"

Michiko shouted as she thrashed "LET ME GO!"

"HEY! WATCH THE HOOD!!" Koichi shouted.


Reina had been cut off when Crock and Vivazo threw a bag over her and Katsuki's heads causing them to fight against their grip.

Pitch soon took out a set of familiar circular devices, from behind her back, before she placed the cold metal on their necks. It had extended into collars as they both flinched from the needles that sunk into their veins.

As the light shined on the collars Crock and Vivazo proceeded to drag them both outside, after Pitch deactivated her Quirk, releasing them from there binds.

Michiko shouted once more before a bag had been stuffed over her head, "MISS!"



Izuku and Floyd arrived on the scene wearing their Hero costumes as they hid behind a van nearby. They both looked to the entrance as they noticed how quiet it had been. Along with them had been Excelsior and the second was a man wearing a monochrome suit along with a yellow cape and looked too short and had spiky hair and a beard.

"Excelsior-san." Izuku said, "... Are you sure Kaa-chan and Reina-chan are in there?"

Excelsior replied with a nod, "Yeah, one of my scouts spotted them earlier."

"You better be right about this." The man with the yellow cape said, "You interrupted my supper!"

Excelsior argued with the man, "You can go to supper after we deal with this!"

Floyd shushed them as he said, "quiet! You'll get us caught!"

The man hit Floyd with his cane, "Don't tell me what to do! Respect your elders!"

"Gran Torino, stop!" Izuku exclaimed.

Excelsior quickly held him back as he said, "You're the one that'll get us in trouble!"

They soon stopped when they heard the sound of muffled screaming; they peeked from behind and saw two teenagers about their age, getting shoved roughly into a van that had been parked out front, with no windows. Crock, Vivazo and Pitch stepped into the van.

Though despite their faces being covered, Izuku and Floyd knew who they had been.

"Reina-chan! Kaa-chan!" Izuku exclaimed softly.

Floyd said as he looked terrified seeing Vivazo in new cuts and burns, "It's that girl again!"

They soon noticed a couple more people getting dragged outside, and they recognized who it had been. "Floyd-san, that's Evans-san! And the other Vigilantes!" Izuku said.

Floyd said as he smacked himself in the face, "M-Michiko?!

Gran Torino noticed Pitch had been the last one to get in the van, just as she put her mask back on. "That mask… Belongs to the Dolls." He said, "This isn't good."

Excelsior said, "This became dangerous.."

"We have to go and save them!" Izuku said.

Floyd had added as well, "Before they do God knows what!"

"Calm down, both of you." Gran Torino said, "You follow that van and find out where it's going. Excelsior and I will help the Vigilantes, and catch up."

"Roger!" Floyd shouted as he drew up a weapon, "I'll kick their asses!"

Excelsior gave him a smack on the head as he reasoned, "NOT LIKE THAT! you have to be sneaky and non conspicuous! If you let them know your near, you'll give away the element of surprise!"

Floyd couldn't help but pout as he said, "Okay fine!"

They noticed the van had started to leave, with two more cars following close behind. "Floyd-san, let's go!" Izuku said.

Floyd nodded his head, as he said with a smile, "Let's do this thing!"

Thus the two of them went to follow them, with the help of their Quirks, while Excelsior, and Gran Torino went towards where Sterling had taken the Vigilantes. Though not before Excelsior looked back to a certain spot of the area; an alleyway in particular as he gave a nod, before leaving.

Whoever had been standing there, seemed to have disappeared leaving behind only a couple of butterflies in the person's wake.

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