Unduh Aplikasi
73.75% To Be A Hero (My Hero Academia Fanfic) / Chapter 59: An East Wind Is Coming

Bab 59: An East Wind Is Coming

-Warehouse 13, New Moon Harbor; District ???-

Pitch never did like to do deals when it had been raining.

She had to admit she did like the sound the rain made when it hit the surface of something metal or concrete, though she hated the idea of getting wet. Not only was it troublesome for her Quirk, but it was troublesome for the mess she had made too.

Currently herself and her lieutenants, Crock and Vivazo had arrived via car, to Warehouse 13, as they had been there to pick up… Merchandise for her customers that had been into that sort of thing. She bought the Warehouse herself, as it had been very remote, rarely any Pros had been seen for miles.

Crock stepped out of the driver's seat and went to open the door for Pitch after retrieving a suitcase from the trunk; she stepped out of the car wearing a black poncho that had been waterproof. Vivazo followed after her, wearing a raincoat over her outfit and holding an umbrella over Pitch's head.

Pitch couldn't help but look to the clouds, "... This weather really is bothersome isn't it…?"

Vivazo said to Pitch with a smile, as she handed her the doll mask that she had gotten from the back seat, "Back in America, they called this love making weather!"

"Is that so?" Pitch said, tilting her head a little before she went to put on her mask.

"I'm sure the rain will clear up by the time we're done, Miss." Crock said as she lit up her cigarette as she and Vivazo helped her attach what looked to be vials and wires around her arm, "Besides look on the bright side, we'll be doing this inside."

Pitch adjusted the mask on her face, before she looked at a watch she had around her neck.

"Let's get this done quick. I don't like to keep customers waiting." She said to the two of them, before the three of them proceeded inside.

Opening the door that had been provided, they stepped inside the leaking warehouse, with Vivazo putting away the umbrella. They stepped towards the center where a couple of men in suits waited.

"Ah, here she is!" The man in the middle with piercings said, "The lady of the hour, Miss Pitch!" His expression hardened a little, "We were wondering when you were going to show."

"I apologize." Pitch said, fixing up her hair a bit, "Myself and my lieutenants were busy taking care of another mess, and we lost track of time."

"Sure, that's what they all say!" The second said.

Crock couldn't help but groan as she rolled her eyes, "What is it with men and being punctual?" She said looking over to Vivazo, "Can you believe these assholes love?"

Vivazo said with a giggle, "Yeah! Talk about a bunch of pu—!"

Pitch only snapped her fingers and the two of them had stopped their side chatter; she turned to the men before them, "... Do you have what I requested?"

"Course we do babe!" The middle man said, before he motioned to the other beside him. The third man held a suitcase. He opened and inside revealed to be packets in the color of white.

Though PItch wore a mask, she looked pleased.

"Crock." She said, turning to her, "Give the man his payment."

Crock only nodded before she sauntered over, handing the man the briefcase before taking the open one; closing it in her hands.

"Now than…" Pitch said as she stretched, "... Unless you have other business with me, I'd like to go--"


The three of them flinched at the sound of a gun; with Crock activating her Quirk, she sliced a bullet that had been heading towards her boss. The three of them soon took notice of a dozen men surrounding them; some of them had also blocked the entrance as they had been armed with guns and knives.

The middle man laughed, "I can't believe you were dumb enough to actually make this deal sweetheart!"

Crock and Vivazo couldn't help but laugh.

"Aw, he actually bought a backup..." Crock said as she sharpened her nail with her metal blade, "... That's adorable."

"May I ask what this is about?" Pitch asked as she tilted her head again.

"This is payback for getting rid of one of my business partners!" The middle man said, "Word is you and a bunch of your friends, 'punished' him and his group recently!"

At first, Pitch appeared to be confused as she didn't quite understand, but after a few brief moments, it came back to her. "Ah… You mean Mister Anderson." Pitch said, "Word got around fast about it, huh? I didn't realize he had friends."

"Oh don't give me the innocent act sweetheart!" The middle man said pulling out a gun as well, "You cost me a customer, and now since he ain't here to pay, you and your bitches gonna pay up with your lives!"

Pitch only shook her head, "Crock… Vivazo… Go and play."

Crock only laughed as Vivazo's smile grew wider; Before anyone could react Crock made the first move. She had been quick on her feet as she charged at one of the men, stabbing him in the head, and killing him instantly.

"SHIT! OPEN FIRE!" One of them yelled.

Three more started to fire rapidly, though Crock either sliced the bullets or dodged with ease before diving up the gunman. A few more had fallen on their backs, with fresh gunmarks on their heads, courtesy of Vivazo and her paintball gun. Using her Quirk, she pumped the gun before firing onto the others in front of her and the ones at the entrance as they fell to the ground hard.

Eventually only five had been left standing, including the man in charge.

Crock groaned pleasantly, "That felt… Invigorating!"

Vivazo said as her face had been red, "Oh how I love my new paintball gun!"

Pitch soon looked to the boss, "Are we done here? I'd like to go home now and sleep."

The middle man glared as he said, "You damn bitch!" The three of them had been taken back when he yelled, "TAKE THE SHOT!!"

Crock and Vivazo jumped when a bullet suddenly hit Pitch in the head causing her to stumble; or at least, they thought they hit her in the head. The middle man shook when he saw that Pitch didn't fall to the ground, she instead stood.

She picked up her head, with her mask now breaking with every movement she took; she moved like that of a marionette doll as her hands twitched.

"... Well…" She said as she flipped a switch on the devices on her hands as it had lit up blue, "... I was going to let you live your pathetic life, while taking the lives of your men as a warning… But now… You've gone and made me mad..."

"Wa-Wai-Wait!" The Middle Man said as he dropped the gun, "Hold on a second babe! Can't we just talk this ou--!"

Pitch thrusted her fist forward as if she was throwing a punch; in one fail swoop, the device produced ash that had hardened instantly and it hit him on the base of the neck. She held his head with the help of her Quirk, but his body fell to the floor.

"... Sorry… But we're done talking…"

The other men went to leave the warehouse, however with just a movement from her hand, their bodys fell over and her hardened ash blades had been covered with blood. The mask broke completely from her face, revealing the bandage around her eye.

Pitch unclenched her fist and the ash fell to the ground in a pile.

"... What a bunch of fools…"

"I CouLdN'T aGRee mORe. iF yOU asK mE, He ShOUld'VE doNE hIS hOMeWOrk BeFOre cOMiNG heRE."

Pitch, Crock and Vivazo flinched when a computer distorted voice came over them, as it seemed to have echoed through the warehouse; though they had been quick to determine that the voice had been above them. What jumped down from the ceiling was a beast that didn't look to be that of a man, with it's brain showing at the top of its head, and wearing nothing but brown shredded khaki's. It looked as though on it's chest there had been a computer embedded into it.

On the computer, there only looked to be a logo that looked like it had belonged to that of a hazardous logo with the screen red and black.

"I dO aPOloGIZe fOR eAVesDrOPPIng… BuT You'RE a HArd GiRL tO fINd." The creature appeared to have said; though Pitch took notice of a speaker in it's mouth.

"... How peculiar…" Pitch commented.

Crock said, "Okay… I've seen plenty of things when I'm high as a kite, but THAT takes the cake."

Vivazo said, "yeah spooky.."

"May I ask who you are…?" Pitch asked the creature, though she knew she had been talking to someone different.

The person chuckled, "oF COurSE, whERe arE My mANners? thOUgh i'M suRE yoU kNOw mY naME By nOW."

The creature soon bowed.

"i AM knOWn… aS tHE ViRUS… aND i'Ve cOMe heRE tO oFFer a JoB."


-UA High School-

The class had settled down, after Shota had woken up he had something more to announce. "Now that everyone's name is decided on their hero names we'll go back to talking about the internships." Shota had announced, "They will last a week. As where you'll have those who had offers from Pros. will be given your own lists, so you can choose those yourself. Those of you that didn't get offers will choose from among the forty agencies around the country that will be accepting interns. They all work in different places and have different specialities."

"For example--" Nemuri started to add, "--Thirteen would be focused on rescues, accidents and disasters more than fighting Villains."

"Think carefully before you choose." Shota said.

Lena soon added with a smile, "Remember to do your best!"

Aaron had said, "And choose wisely!"

The classmates agreed to this, as they were soon handed the papers.

"I want to fight crime in urban areas!" Eijirou said.

"I hope I can intern at a place with floods." Tsuyu said, "I wonder if there are any?"

Floyd said excitedly, "Oh man! They're so many choices!"

"Are your folks really gonna allow you to go for it?" Gio asked.

Just like that a cloud appeared over Floyd's head again, as he slumped in his chair, "Oh… I forgot about that..."

Mina gave Gio a slap on the head, "Look what you did to Aihara-kun, Terebi-san!"

"I didn't mean too!" Gio exclaimed.

"Turn your choices in before the weekend." Shota said as he went to leave the room along with Nemuri.

"WE'VE ONLY GOT TWO DAYS!?" Most of the class exclaimed.

"Make your decision efficiently." Shota soon added, "Dismissed."

Just as the bell rang signaling that Homeroom was over, Reina looked over the offers that she had gotten from other agencies; she went over the list at least twice as she still couldn't believe the many names she saw.

"... I still can't believe it…" She thought to herself, "... So many people want to intern me. If it's like this now, I'd hate to think how many agencies want to scout me when I graduate. But…"

She soon noticed a folded up piece of paper on the desk, just as the next teacher came for the next subject. She set aside the list as she read what had been on it.

"Talk during lunch

-Mr. Number One."

As the next lesson started, Reina let out a sigh.

"Guess he had the same idea…"


-That Afternoon-

The whole class had been at a stump at what to pick. Many of them had gotten several offers or none, but they were at a fork in the road when it came down to it.

"Hey, have you guys decided on what pro-agency you're going to yet?" Mina asked as she had been slumped over on her desk.

"No." Chouko answered, "Deciding on where to go is a bit more difficult than I thought it was going to be."

"You said it." Tsuyu said.

"Well I decided where I'm going to go!" Mineta said, "I'm going to go to Mt. Lady's!"

"Mineta-chan, you're not thinking about doing something perverted are you--ribbit?" Tsuyu asked him.

"NO! I'M NOT!!" Mineta shouted.

Floyd said to him with a glare as he remained unconvinced, "Uh huh..says the dude that tried to get with my sister only for him to be a stepping stool?"

"COME ON AIHARA! DON'T BRING THAT UP!" Mineta shouted embarrassed.

"Ashido-san, you made it pretty far in the tournament." Oijiro said, "I thought for sure you would get offers."

"Right?" Mina said, "It's a total bummer!"

"Hey Deku, how about you?" Ochaco said as she turned to him, "Have you decided on--"

She stopped herself, when most of the group had been taken back when they saw Izuku mumbling as usual.

"Thereareonlyfortyheroeswho'lltakeussolookinguptheirspecialtiesandsplittingthemintogroups…" Izuku said mumbling aloud

"Oh crap, there he goes again.." Floyd said with a sigh.

"It's practically an art!" Most of the class had said.

Izuku soon jumped when everyone had looked at him. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Izuku said, "I was lost in thought--"

Floyd gave him a reassuring pat "It's okay man. We're used to it by now."

"You're really thinking about this carefully huh?" Tsuyu asked.

"What about you Uraraka-chan?" Fubuki asked through her phone, "Did you decide already?"

"Actually yes!" Ochaco said, surprising them.

"Really?" Mina asked.

"Where to?" Oijiro added.

"Battle Hero: Gunhead's Agency!" Ochaco soon replied.

At this their jaws practically dropped. Floyd said surprised, "For real?!"

"But Gunheads are a huge battle type!" Izuku said, "You're really going there Uraraka-san?"

"Yup!" She said, "I got an offer from them!"

"Huh, funny." Chouko said, "Knowing you, I'd thought you were going for more of the rescue type like Thirteen-sensei."

"Well ultimately yes." She said, "But--After fighting Bakugou-kun and talking to Reina-chan at the sports festival made me think--The stronger I get, the more possibilities I'll have! If I only do what I want, I'll have a narrower perspective."

"I see." Izuku said impressed.

Floyd added with a smile, "That's a total kickass idea!"

"By the way, Deku, I've been meaning to ask…" Ochaco said, before she took note of Izuku's body shaking, "... This has been bothering me for a while, but… Are you trembling?"

"Yeah, are you nervous about the internships?" Fubuki asked, using her phone again.

"Oh no, it's not that…" Izuku said, with his classmates just now noticing that he was only centimeters off of his chair, "... It's the air chair exercise."

"AIR CHAIR!?" Ochaco, Chouko and Mina exclaimed.


"You mean to say he's been like this the whole time in class!?" Ochaco said.

"No way!" Mina said in awe.

"That's such an old fashioned exercise though." Mineta said.

"What are you saying?" Ojiro said, "The isometric muscle contraction of the air chair means it's an easy way to train without moving!"

"I know!" Floyd said, "I showed him that trick!"

"Really!?" Mina said, "You do this exercise too?!"

"Yep, my uncle taught me this when I was six and a half!" He said.

"WHEN YOU WERE SIX!?" She practically yelled.

"Now that is surprising." Chouko started to say, "Can't you believe that Rei--Huh?"

When she looked over to the front desk, Reina's seat had been empty. It hadn't been long before the others noticed too before they saw that Katsuki's chair had been empty too. "Huh?" Mina said, "Where's Rei-Rei?"

"Bakugou-kun's not here either?" Ochaco asked.

Izuku and Floyd couldn't help but look at one another, as they both had concerned looks on their faces.

"Floyd-san… You don't think…" Izuku said.

Floyd soon replied, "Yeah...She's probably hanging with him."

"... Are you jealous Aihara-chan?" Tsuyu asked

"NO!" He yelled with his face turning red.

"J-jealous?!" Mina thought to herself as she pouted, "Oh man, I was hoping Rei-Rei wouldn't be my rival.."



Reina and Katsuki managed to slip away from their classmates without any of them noticing; it was surprisingly easy, considering how clingy most of them could get. Though it was a good thing that they didn't follow either of them since they had an important manner to discuss; and thankfully the rain had cleared up.

The two of them compared each other's list of offers that they had gotten, as they sat against the fence that had blocked the edge of the roof.

"You and I must be thinking the same thing, right Lollipop Head?" Katsuki asked Reina.

"I guess great minds do think alike." Reina said to him, "... The internships will be the perfect cover when we start looking for Shigaraki and this Wonderland Agency. As long as we keep it on the down low, no one will suspect anything."

Katsuki leaned back, "Yeah… But that brings us to our main point…"

Reina only nodded before they both said in unison, "... Who do we choose?"

"I know some of the Pro Heroes on this list personally from when I was kid…" Reina said, "... And I know how they work, so it should be easy to slip past them. But some of the ones I know are either too far away from Hosu or… Let's just say paranoid when it comes to me. We could choose ones stationed in Hosu and--"

"No." Katsuki said cutting her off, which surprised her, "If we're going to do this, it's best that we avoid going to Hosu directly."

"But, wouldn't it be easier if we're right where the Wonderland Agency is?" She asked.

Katsuki only flicked her on the head, making her cry out and pout. "I can't believe how much of an idiot you are, even though you're smart." He said.

"Eh!?" She exclaimed, "What does that mean!?"

"Look--" He told her, "--It's bad enough you opened your big mouth to Aizawa-sensei about you almost surviving an attack from the Thinner Bitch, and he's already on your ass practically everyday. Not to mention he's already seen you suffer an episode and he's perspective since--Let's face it, he raised you! What's he gonna think if you just so happen to choose an internship that is located in Hosu? He no doubt knows about the Wonderland agency and that you just quote and quote coincidentally chose an agency in that specific location?"

Reina had been about to retort, but basically froze up when she thought about it a second time. She slumped over, "... You're right, I'm dumb…"

Katsuki gave her a slap, making her flinch, "STOP BEING MORBID DAMN IT!"

"You didn't have to hit me!!" She said as she weeped a little, "Besides you're right I'm dumb!"





He soon let out a sigh, "... Look, I'm just saying that we have to be careful how we deal with this. If we make one wrong move, Aizawa-sensei is gonna be the least of our worries."

Reina sighed as well, "... I know that… I knew that when I made this decision… I just want to be able to find out where Shigaraki is soon."

"Yeah, yeah…" Katsuki said nonchalantly, "... You just can't go rushing into these things. Instead of just dropping us into Hosu, let's choose a place that is close to a train ride." He raised his eyebrow, "Got any ideas on who we should go for?"

Reina immediately turned red, "Wa-Wait, you mean, we'll choose the same internship!? To-To-Together!?"

"Duh." He said with a scoff, "That's not a problem is it?"

She started to play with her ponytail and stammer, "It's just that--Whe-When we go on the internship, they'll be providing us with an apartment to stay in--and--and--and--if our classmates happen to choose the same place, tha--tha--tha--than--We'll--We'll--We'll be sta--staying in th-th-the same place—" She looked to the floor, hiding her face with the help of her red hat, "--Alone…"

At this Katsuki's face heated up as he started to steam up with his Quirk before he nearly let out a scream, causing small explosions.

"Tho--Tho--Though it's cool!" Reina immediately said, "It's--It's no big deal!!"

"Ye-Yeah!" Katsuki said as he stammered too, "Don't go scaring me like that!!"

"Yo-Yo-Your right! It's stupid of me!!" She exclaimed as she fidgeted a little.

Katsuki cleared his throat as he said, "Ju-Just give your suggestions Lollipop Head!"

"Kay, sounds good!" Reina exclaimed as she started to get the papers. Though the wind picked up, causing the papers to fly in the wind.

"CRAP!" She yelled as she went to catch them.

She did succeed but lost her balance as she had stood up, and she ended up falling in his lap, causing freeze up, and look down. Reina found herself looking up to him as her face heated up. She laughed a little, "Go--Got them…"

After a moment, Katsuki soon stifled a laugh, trying to contain himself only to fail as he started to laugh loudly. Reina found herself laughing along with him after a few seconds of processing.

"What the hell was that!?" He said as he laughed, "You looked like one of those fainting goats!"

"Yeah!" She said as she wiped away her tears from her laughs, "I did look pretty silly huh?"

"God, I wish I had a camera! I would've posted that shit online!" He said, "Top student at UA! Doing a goat challenge!"

"Hey now! Don't go embarrassing me on the internet!" She said with a playful smile, "I'll just do that back to ya!"

Finally their laughter died down as they found themselves fixated with each other's eyes. The next thing Reina knew, Katsuki leaned forward and captured her lips with his. Her body instantly relaxed as he took her in his arms to bring her closer.

Ultimately she did the same as she put her hands around his neck while still holding onto the papers. When they finally broke for air, they couldn't help but feel embarrassed in the position they were in, as Reina had found herself sitting in his lap, and his hands just around her waist.

Immediately their hands retracted though Reina didn't find herself moving from her spot. "... So--Sorry." Katsuki said, looking away as his face was red, "I wasn't thinking."

Reina only shook her head, as she looked embarrassed as well, "I--It's okay…"

Katsuki soon cleared his throat as he gently pushed her off, "... About the internships, do you have any ideas?"

Reina did the same as she looked over their lists again, "Well… There is one that comes to mind, but... "

"But?" Katsuki said with a raised eyebrow.

Reina sort of did an awkward groan as she did some sort of motion with her hands, "I noticed that on your list, you got an offer from Tsunagu-san."

"Tsunagu?" He asked.

"... He's one of the top Pro-Heroes I know, like I told you before." She said, "He's in the number four Hero on the top ten list."

Katsuki had been taken back by this, "You mean to say, he's the Hero known as Best Jeanist?"

Reina only nodded her head, "So what's the big deal? Why do you look so nervous about it?" He asked.

"It's not that I'm nervous, it's just--!" She said as she groaned, "--Well, how do I put this…?" She twiddled her thumbs a little, "... He's a little more, well… He's really strict when it comes to appearances of future Heroes. Take it from someone who's had to spend a whole summer at his agency… He's put an offer for you for the same reason he had been put in charge of me, after that whole Black Knight incident. It's not bad, but I don't think you'll be able to handle someone like him."

Katsuki couldn't help but feel insulted by this sort of thing "Lollipop Head, I've dealt with Villains, and nearly escaped death from the Black Knights and a certain Inkhead. I think I can deal with someone like Best Jeanist."

Reina couldn't help but give a worried look, before she gulped, "Okay if you're sure, than I guess we can fill out the application for Tsunagu-san. I mean, between his agency and Hosu, all we need to do is take one train."

"Exactly!" He said before a thought came over him, "Wait a minute… Is your bed-head of a Guardian going to allow something like this? Given what happened, is he even gonna let you leave?"

Reina froze at this as she turned pale as she realized that he made a good point. It's bad enough he doesn't let her out of her sight though to actually restrain her from going out learning from the best of the best was another story altogether. One way or another she had to confront him about this, and it might as well be sooner rather than later.

She regained her composure as she gave him a reassuring smile, "Just leave Shota to me Katsuki-kun! I'll talk to him about it."

They soon heard the sound of the bell, telling them that the break had been over.

"You better Lollipop Head, otherwise it's going to be a problem." Katsuki said as he stood.

"Don't worry!" She told him, as she had gotten her bag, "It's not like he can keep an eye on me forever right?"


-Later that Day-

Before anyone knew it the school day came to an end, and as per the usual it had ended the same way as it always did. With most of their classmates leaving and chatting as they did. Reina had gotten her stuff together as she made sure she had everything she came with.

"Hey Reina-chan!" Ochaco said as she approached her along with Izuku and Floyd, "You want to walk with us back home?"

"You know I would, but I don't think that's possible right now…" Reina said, "... I promised Shota I would meet him in the office so that we can get home."

"How long do you think he's gonna keep on doing this kind of thing?" Izuku asked.

"Till he thinks I'm safe I guess." She replied with a shrug.

Floyd said as he groaned a little, "same on my end.."

"It sucks that you can't walk home with us like you normally do." Chouko said.

"What happened that made Aizawa-sensei and your family get overprotective anyway?" Fumikage asked Reina and Floyd.

Reina, Izuku and Floyd looked at one another before they proceeded to whistle awkwardly. Though it hadn't been long before Izuku came up with a suggestion, "H-hey guys! How about after the internships, you can come to the Hero Museum with Reina-chan, Floyd-san and I?"

"Oooh! I'm down!" Gio said with a smile.

"That sounds wonderful Midoriya-san!" Chouko said.

"Yeah, great idea Deku!" Ochaco said, "Hey Iida-kun, do you want to come wi--?"

The group soon noticed that Tenya wasn't in his seat, instead he was gone. "Hey, where did the Class President go?"

"He probably decided on where he wants to intern and went to turn his slip to the staff room." Izuku said, "That reminds me Reina-chan, did you decide on where you're going to intern?"

"Yup!" She replied, "I decided on it, during lunch. I just gotta talk to Shota and I'm all set."

Floyd soon eyed her suspiciously, causing her to flinch at his stare, "I see..anything else you like to share?"

"Geez Floyd-kun what is up with the third degree?" Reina asked.

Floyd soon said as he glared, "Oh you ask me Miss Nouki."

"Yeah, you were with Bakugou during lunch weren't you?" Gio said as he had been suddenly dressed as a detective.

"WHY ARE YOU GETTING ON THIS TOO!?" Reina exclaimed.

Floyd had been suddenly dressed as an officer as he said, "I ask the questions around here!"

The next thing she knew, she was dragged to a table and was suddenly in the spotlight, with Floyd and Gio had been playing good cop and bad cop. Floyd said "Where were you when you were talking with piss head during lunch?"

"Wha--What!?" Reina exclaimed, "Why do you assume I'd do something like that!?"

"What were you two talking about? What were you two doing?" Gio asked, "Was it something pervy?"


Floyd slammed his hands on the table as he was suddenly seen eating a pocky stick as he said, "DON'T YOU DENY IT MISSY!"

"Seriously, you guys are starting to freak me out." Reina said.

"We can do this all day missy!" Gio said.

Floyd added, "all night if we have too!"

Chouko soon gave them a good smack with the help of her wing, which caused them to fall over. "You two really should lay off on the cop drama shows."

"Ow… My head…" Gio groaned.

"Seriously Floyd-san, why are you being so paranoid?" Izuku asked him as he went to the door, "I know Reina-chan is important to you, but you gotta stop being protective all the time."

Floyd said as he recovered, "Fine.."

Reina soon went to open the door, "Actually, I have something I want to tell you and Izuku-ku--"


Reina and the others jumped when All Might suddenly appeared as he had been bowing. "All Might!?" Izuku exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"

"And why are you in such a rush?" Reina asked him.

"Could you, Young Nouki and Aihara come with me?" All Might asked.

The three of them looked to one another as they couldn't help but be confused at this; though they did end up complying. They followed him down the hall eventually turning the corner. They couldn't help but wonder what it was he wanted to tell them.

"I actually have a couple of things I want to address." All Might told them, "First off, Young Midoriya--I'm happy to say that you got an offer from a Hero!"

Their eyes brightened at this. "Wait, really?!" Izuku exclaimed.

Floyd exclaimed, "Congrats my guy!"

"Who's the one that gave him the offer?!" Reina asked.

"The hero's name is Gran Torino." All Might told them as he started to sweat nervously, "He was a teacher at UA for only one year. He also used to be my homeroom teacher."

While Izuku and Floyd's eyes brightened at this name, Reina had been taken back by it. "Gran… Torino…?" She said, as she could've sworn she heard a faint ring go off in her head.

Floyd couldn't help but ask All Might, "You mean THE Gran Torino?!"

"You know about him?" Izuku asked Floyd before he turned back to All Might, "Ho-Hold on! Why would someone like that ask me?"

All Might said, "It's because he knows about the One for All Quirk. In fact he probably asked you because of that."

"So-Someone that amazing!?" Izuku exclaimed, before he had realized something, "Wait a minute… Someone outside of UA, well other than Kenko-san and whoever Alcina-san is knows about the Quirk?"

"Gran Torino was a sworn friend of my predecessor." All Might said, "He retired a long time ago so I forgot to count him…" It wasn't long before Izuku and Floyd noticed that All Might started to shake again, "Was it because I wrote to you when I sent him that letter? Or because he couldn't just stand by and watch my inadequate teaching… If he went as far as to use his old name to make an offer, it's too scary… Too scary!!"

He gave his legs a good smack, "Damn it, legs stop shaking!"

"Why is All Might shaking!?" Izuku exclaimed nervously.

Floyd said as his own body started to shake too, "Question is why am I shaking?"

"A-A-A-Anyway--" All Might as he handed him a piece of paper, "---I-It's my duty to train you, but since you got an offer, you should go work to your heart's c-c-c-content-t-t--"

"Just how scary is this guy?!" Izuku shouted as he couldn't help but hug Floyd.

Floyd said his body shook violently now, and started to sweat ink, "Beats me!"

"Gran… Torino…" Reina said softly before groaning a little. An image seemed to have passed her by in her head, though it was unclear; all she could make out was that of a man with a yellow cape, standing by a young woman in what looked to be a frame of a picture.

"...That name…" She thought, placing her hand on her forehead "... I've heard it somewhere before…"

Izuku and Floyd soon noticed that Reina looked a little different. In fact they could've sworn she was in pain. "Reina-chan?" Izuku asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, you don't look so good." Floyd said.

Reina soon regained her composure, "Huh? Oh sorry!" She said, "What were we talking about?"

At this, Floyd immediately gave her a smack on the head, "Pay attention, fool!"

"DON'T SMACK ME INKY DINKY BENDY RIP OFF!!" Reina shouted as she kicked him.

Floyd yelled back as he started to hit her, "SAY THAT AGAIN VAPORWAVE!"

"This feels familiar…" Izuku and All Might thought in unison.

All Might soon lifted them both by the shirt as they continued to try and hit each other. All Might told them, "Now now you two. There's something else I want to talk about."

"Huh?" Both of them said.

"It's about that Villain you two encountered...Harumi or known by her villain name Liquid Eraser's daughter..Vivazo Evans.."

The two of them froze at this as did Izuku as they had remembered their own encounter with her. All Might put Reina and Floyd to the ground.

"Wha--" Reina said with a gulp, "--What about her?"

All Might soon sighed, "First of all, I regret not being there when she attacked you and Young Aihara… Your Father and I along with a couple of pro heroes had our encounters with her mother back in the day..."

Floyd tilted his head a little, "Hmm? You used to come to New York? You could have at least visited."

"I would've done it...But I was busy dealing with another problem here. By the time I heard about Bell Boulevard, we lost three Pro Heroes that day..Your Aunt, Penelope Jones aka the Ballpoint Ink hero, PenPen was one it's victims, and two pro heroes, who knew your family fairly well. They were both from the Carter-Takeuchi family…"

"Oh...so that's what happened to Aunt Penny.." Floyd said with a sigh.

Reina softened at the name as she looked to the floor, "Wan-san…" She said softly, which nearly caught the attention of Izuku, yet Floyd took note of the name.

"Wan…?" He thought to himself before All Might continued on.

"Though we were able to put her mother in prison, Vivazo somehow managed to slip through the authorities fingers." All Might said, "Though this isn't confirmed, Oda and Malcolm suspect Vivazo might be working with someone. They found her along with an unidentified partner. They unfortunately managed to get away."

"A partner?" Reina said surprised.

Floyd soon added, "You mean someone was sane enough to team up with her?"

All Might nodded his head, "I'm afraid so. Though it's still unconfirmed, we're still on the lookout."

Reina couldn't help but have a thought, "... Than she wasn't alone… Was I right? Is she really working for Shigaraki?"

"Wait!" Izuku said, "What does this have to do with Reina-chan and Floyd-san?"

Floyd soon asked, "yeah what's that have to do with us?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure myself, but…" All Might said, "... Young Nouki, Aihara… When you're on the internships… Take care of how you use your Quirks. The last thing any of us want is for you and others to get hurt."

Reina and Floyd both looked to one another as they had been confused; both gave a quizzical look as they noticed despite his smile, he looked and sounded off.

"All Might-senpai?" Reina soon said, "Is everything okay?"

Floyd soon added, "Yeah you don't sound like..well You."

"Just promise me, you'll both be careful. Alright?" All Might said to them more sternly.

"Y-yeah.." Floyd said hesitantly.

"... Sure." Reina said as she looked skeptical.


All Might had soon allowed them to leave, as the three of them couldn't help but feel uneasy after their conversation.

"What do you think he meant by taking care of your Quirks?" Izuku soon asked Floyd.

Floyd only replied with a shrug, "no clue man."

"Reina-chan?" Izuku soon said, "How about you? What do you think?"

Reina looked to be in her own thoughts; something had been on her mind from what Izuku and Floyd could tell. Izuku gave Reina a tap on the shoulder, seemingly snapping her out of her head. "Reina-chan?" Izuku said, "Did you hear me?"

"Yeah, what do you think about what All Might said?" Floyd asked.

Reina soon gave her answer hesitantly, "... Sorry… I can't exactly say. It's just… Seemed like he was hiding something, you know. Like he knew something about Floyd-kun and my Quirk.."

"Come to think of it.." Floyd replied. "It was like he was hiding something from us.."

"Even if that's the case, what would All Might be keeping?" Izuku asked.

Reina let out a sigh, "I… Don't know."

"Speaking of secrets…" Floyd suddenly said, making Reina flinch a little; he soon gave her a skeptical look as he got up close and personal, "... Mind telling me what you and Angry McGee were doing during lunch break?"

"Actually, now that I think about it…" Izuku said, "... You did mention you wanted to tell Floyd-san and I something before All Might showed up."

"O-Oh yeah!" Reina said nervously, "I did say that didn't I?"

Floyd soon got on a detective hat as he said, "Don't try to weasel your way out of this one, Nouki!" He soon broke out a pen and notepad from his bag, "Now spill the beans!!"

Reina hissed as she inhaled, as she sweated nervously, "... Um… Oof… Okay…" She said as she rubbed her neck, "... Just letting you guys know… I'm telling you this now… So Floyd-kun won't get super angry and murder me in the worst way possible later…"

"Huh?" Izuku said, confused.

Floyd had been taken back by this as well, "Murder you? Why would I do that?"

Reina took another deep breath, "… Because you two are my best friends… You have a right to know this…" She said as she twiddled her thumbs.

"Reina-chan are you okay?" Izuku asked awkwardly as he noticed her body shaking, "Why are you shaking!?"

"Yeah you're redder than a strawberry!" Floyd added.

Reina clapped her hands as she jumped in place, "Okay! Here it goes! Floyd-kun, if you murder me, I'll kill you!"


"... This is it!" She told them, "After the Sports Festival, you know I paid Katsuki-kun a visit at his house! I was there to celebrate the fact that we both won! But he wanted to give me his gold medal because he thought he didn't earn it, after what happened to me in the semi-finals, but I basically told him he should keep it and--" At this point they saw Reina's face completely red as she gulped, "--We--Sort of--Maybe--Kind of…" She soon looked at her feet before she said softly, "... Kissed?"

Reina noticed that Floyd and Izuku had been silent; when she picked up her head, she noticed that Izuku's face had been red as hers, and Floyd's face had been pale.

"Uh…" She said, waving a hand in front of them, "Guys…?"

"Y-Y-Y-Y-You and Kaa-chan--!" Izuku stammered, "--Actually---!?"

Reina didn't give a direct answer as she answered, "... Surprise…?" She looked at Izuku a little worried. "You're not mad… Right?"

Izuku shook his head, "No, I'm just surprised, but--" He soon gave an awkward, yet genuine smile, "--But I appreciate you telling us about it."

"It's no problem." Reina said, relieved.


At first Floyd was speechless, then he nodded his head while mouthing okay and alright.

Reina sighed, "Oh thank Goodness, Floyd-kun you're not mad at---"

Floyd put his finger in her face telling her to hold on, He got his sketchbook out and started drawing what appears to be a cap with a propeller on top along with a arm cannon and 1000 ton hammer.

Reina and Izuku looked at him with eyes wide.

"---Oh." Was the only thing Reina and Izuku said as they had both been in shock

"You're right on one thing Reina-chan...I won't kill you.." He said.

"Huh?" Was the only thing that came out of Reina's mouth.


He took them all out as he gave a deep breath while shouting, "REINA NOUKI, I'LL MAKE YOU SUPER DEAD, YOU VAPORWAVE LOOKING MOB PSYCHO HEADASS MORON!!"

"MEEP! MEEP!" She exclaimed before making a mad dash down the hall, while Floyd gave chase.


"FLOYD-SAN WAIT!" Izuku exclaimed as he ran after them.

Reina quickly activated her Quirk as she made tremendous leaps trying to get far from Floyd. "FLOYD-KUN!" Reina yelled, "THIS IS EXACTLY THE KIND OF THING I WAS WORRIED ABOUT!!"

"YOU AIN'T ESCAPING THE FLOYDSTER!" Floyd shouted as he practically shoved other students onto the ground while he kicked some like some of the General Studies group he didn't like out of the way.

"Sorry everybody, sorry!" Izuku said as he ran past them, "He doesn't mean any harm I promise!"


As soon as Reina landed on the ground she didn't realize that the floor had been slippery, causing her to slide down the hall. She eventually hit someone that had been in front of her; actually two people. That had been Floyd's older siblings as they landed on the ground hard.

"Woah! Careful there!" Aaron groaned. "You shouldn't be running in the hall, Reina-chan."

"Oh thank God! Reasonable people!" Reina said as she was about to burst into sparkling tears.

"Oh no…" Lena said, "... What's the shrimp doing now?"

"I FINALLY GOT YOU!" Floyd shouted "SUBURUWA-Oh no.."


Floyd then froze in mid-air as he saw that his sister was in the way as Reina hid behind her just as Izuku caught up. The moment he saw his sister, he leaped out of a nearby window making Aaron Reina and Izuku, and the rest of the crowd of students jumped.

"HE JUST WENT STRAIGHT TO THE WINDOW?!" Izuku and Reina thought to themselves.


A student by the name of Shinso couldn't help but give a sigh, "Seriously… Why is he here?"

"JESUS CHRIST! WAS HE A STUNTMAN IN HIS PAST LIFE?!" A student named Mahi exclaimed.

"OH MY GOD! AIHARA-KUN'S BLEEDING!" a student named Pony shouted.

"OH NO AIHARA-KUN!" Mina shierked.

"IS HE DEAD?!" Toru shouted.


"THAT'S YOUR CONCERN RIGHT NOW?!" Momo exclaimed as she smacked his head. "AIHARA-SAN IS ON THE VERGE OF DEATH!"

"At least I can get with his sister." Mineta said before getting hit by Gio.


"Well that's the end of him." Monoma said before he got stabbed in the neck with another quill courtesy of Mahi.

"It's gonna be the end of you in a few seconds." Mahi grumbled.

Lena rolled her eyes before she yelled, "I told you to knock it off with that Tom Cruise and Jackie Chan crap! We already had to go to the hospital numerous times to get those stitches!"

Floyd suddenly reappeared at the top of the steps making everyone jump at the sight of his appearance, as he looked like something out of a horror flick.

"Didi Aihara-chan turn into a zombie?" Tsuyu asked.


"Jesus! That's terrifying!" Reina and Izuku exclaimed.


"I-i...i..I'm willing to pay $20 bucks for you to say sike, Reina" Floyd told her in his normal deadpan tone.

"YOU'RE BRIBING NOW?!" Reina and Izuku shouted again.


"Okay, I'll bite." Aaron said, before turning to Izuku and Reina, "What got him to act like this?"

Reina laughed awkwardly, "Well…"

"Her and Kaa-chan kissed recently." Izuku soon finished awkwardly.

Aaron stayed silent at this while Lena turned pale like her brother. "... Oh." Was the only thing Aaron could say.


Everyone jumped at the sound of glass breaking; when they turned they saw Lena gone, and a fresh part of the glass had been broken.

"SHE WAS SO SHOCKED SHE JUMPED OUT TOO!" Izuku and Reina yelled.

Aaron soon yelled angrily, "HEY HEY! WHY DID YOU JUMP OUT TOO?!"

"OH MY GOD! ISN'T THAT CLASS 1A'S ASSISTANT TEACHER?!" A student named Tetsutetsu shouted.






"At least she'll be with mother earth now.." a student named Shiozaki said as she prayed.

"THAT'S A BIT TOO MORBIED!" Pony shouted.


"So that's the end of the demon huh-" Monoma said before more quills began to stab his neck.

"It's also gonna be the end of you, asshat!" Mahi said


Reina twiddled her thumbs, "Well… This is awkward." She said to Aaron.

Aaron merely smiled as he gave her a pat on the shoulder, "That it is."


Floyd soon gave her a tap on the shoulder as he was holding a box that made Reina and Izuku turn pale this time, even his own brother. "Floyd-kun…?" Reina said in complete and utter shock, "... Please tell me that's not what I think it is…"

"Well since it reached that point…" Floyd said with a smile, "All I can say is that Piss Head is to not be a fool. He should take this package, and wrap it around his--"

"WHOA! OKAY! TMI!" She said covering his face with her hands, as her face had been red again, "I definitely didn't need to hear that today!"

"Where did you even get those!?" Izuku exclaimed as his face had been red too.

Floyd replied with a sly smile as he pried Reina's hands away from his face, "Oh it's just a couple of Aaron's back when he used to date."

Aaron's face soon heated up with embarrassment, before he gave himself a slap on the face, "Alright, that's the last time I let you clean my room!"

"Seriously Floyd-kun!" Reina said awkwardly, "I appreciate your concern and what you're saying but I don't think I'll be ne--WHAT IS THAT!?"

Floyd held up another box as it had been in the color purple, making Reina heat up even more when she realized what it had been, and Izuku as he went to shut his eyes at what it was.

"Well if he's gonna be the fool, that doesn't mean you have to be." He explained, "I mean kissing him was the first moronic thing you did but if you gonna go all the way, at least wear some safety gear--Kay?"

Reina started to slap his face rapidly as steam started to emit from her ears, "YOU INKY DINKY WINKY MINKY KINKY GINKY MORONIC PERVERT!! WHERE DID YOU EVEN FIND SOMETHING LIKE THIS ANYWAY?!"

Floyd replied, once more with a sly smile, despite his bruised up face, "Since Lena is most likely dead, I figured you get her stuff to remember her by."

"YOU TOOK THAT FROM LENA-SAN?!" Izuku exclaimed.

They suddenly heard a loud stomping noise just from down the hall. They all looked and saw Lena looking like a raging bull as her eyes had been lit up with rage but her appearance is even scarier than Floyd's .

Floyd started to get nervous as he handed the box over to his brother as he said, "He found it."

"Oh my God… The Demon Lives!" Sero shouted.


"THAT'S NO HUMAN-RIBBIT!" Tsuyu added as she shook.



Floyd laughed before he said while waving the white flag, "Mercy?"

"GET OVER HERE!!" Lena yelled as she drew up a chain whip.


Lena shouted as she chased him, her voice echoing through the halls, "GET BACK HERE, NOBITA!"

Reina, Izuku, and Aaron just looked dumbfounded at this.

".... Did he just start singing Doraemon?" Reina asked.

"... I… Think he did…" Izuku said surprised.

Aaron merely slapped himself in the face as he said, "Oh man… The Principal, Boss, Ma and Pa are DEFINITELY not gonna like this…"

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