Unduh Aplikasi
13.75% To Be A Hero (My Hero Academia Fanfic) / Chapter 11: Class 1A's Representative

Bab 11: Class 1A's Representative

Night had been lively for some in the city. Many had gone out drinking, going on dates, or just going somewhere to have fun. Many lights from buildings or the streets shined brightly blocking out the stars above. Though it seemed that one building in particular had no lights and was completely closed down and looked abandoned.

At least to some.

A man with dark brown hair with a couple of gray steaks, wearing what looked to be a gas mask, stepped into a door that opened to a stairway. As he descended the lights had dimmed like a candlelight, just before he approached another door after walking down a tunnel.

He opened it to a bar that had been dimly lit as well. There, who had been a bartender, was a person entirely made of mist with gold eyes and wearing a suit vest with black dress pants and white collared shirt and what looked to be a silver neck brace.

A strange creature sat in the corner of the room; it had been still as that of a statue. There had been one person; it was a man in his twenties wearing nothing but black with his skin pale and looked to be skinny.

What really stood out about him was the gray hands grasping his shoulders to his arms, neck and there was even one that covered his face. His hair was of light blue that was short and looked to be a mess; in between the fingers on his face a pair of red eyes were seen.

He appeared to be looking at whatever had been on some old yellowish paper with a couple of corners missing. He held it in his hand while a drink sat at his side.

The man with the gas mask approached the one with light blue hair.

"Shigaraki. I found this in today's paper." He said as he took a seat at one of the many stools, his voice sounding raspy and distorted yet clear as uneven breaths were heard, "He was right about what he said."

He placed the newspaper on the table and slid it over to him. The man called Shigaraki places the yellow paper down before taking the newspaper in one hand while picking up his drink; he kept one finger elevated for each hand. He read the headline on the front page, which had said in bold letters "THE SYMBOL OF PEACE TEACHES AT UA"

"It is true after all." The Black Mist said, "All Might really did become a teacher at that school."

Shigaraki placed down his drink just beside what was revealed to be an old and somewhat burned children's drawing that had been in crayon. With his other hand he put the finger he kept elevated on the newspaper. The paper turned to dust within mere moments.

"I wonder…" Shigaraki said as the dust in his hand slipped between his fingers when he held it in his hand, "What would happen… If the Villains killed the Symbol of Peace?"


"... Rei-chan… Rei-chan… Rei-chan… REI-CHAN!!"

Reina let out a gasp as her eyes shot open at the sound of people's screams in what she thought was an explosion. She gulped as she grabbed onto the window sill that she saw and sat herself up. She took deep breaths as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

"That was…" She said to herself, "... That dream… It was different from the others… Why…?"

She looked into the reflection of the window and jumped at the sight of her eyes. They appeared to be in the color of gold instead of the usual odd eyes she always saw when looking in a mirror. She rubbed her eyes for a moment before she saw the familiar odd color again.

"Was it my imagination?"

It hadn't been long before she realized she was in an unfamiliar place and that she was on a bed. Even the neighborhood seemed different, which of course confused her.

"This is not my room."

The door suddenly swung open, making Reina scream a bit but only calmed down when she saw that it had been Katsuki. "What the hell are you freaking out for?" He asked in his usual tone of voice.

"Bakugou-kun?" Reina said, "Wait… Why are you here?"

"Huh?" Katsuki said, "It's my house. Don't tell me you forgot already Nouki?"

"Eh?" Reina said, making Katsuki click his tongue.

"Just get dressed." He told her, "Your uniform's on the dresser. I'll meet you downstairs, and unless you want something to eat before we head out, you better hurry it up."

"Uh… O--okay." She stammered.

Katsuki shut the door to give her some privacy and sure enough the events returned to her head from yesterday.

"That's right… I spent the night at Bakugou-kun's."

It hadn't been long before realized she had been sleeping on his bed instead of on the futon which took her back even more as she pondered a certain thought. It hadn't been long before she changed into her UA uniform, her morning routine and descended down the stairs towards the dining area to have some breakfast. Although she didn't expect to find--


Reina's eyes widened slightly when she saw that Floyd had been sitting at the table eating whatever Mitsuki put on the table and Izuku had been sitting across from him. Floyd yelled with his mouth filled with eggs, "Gee Mrs. Bakugou! This is the best damn eggs I've eaten!"

"Ah, Floyd, you flatter me." Mitsuki said as she smiled at him.

"DON'T IGNORE ME INKHEAD!" Katsuki yelled angrily.

Mitsuki yelled to her son, "SHUT THE HELL UP, IDIOT SON OF MINE!"

"YEAH PISS HEAD! GO TO HELL!" Floyd added, making Katsuki growl at him.

"Would you like some maple syrup with your pancakes, Floyd dear?" Mitsuki asked.

"Yes please!" Floyd said with a smile.

Izuku soon took notice of Reina's presence as he smiled and waved, "Reina-chan, good morning! Are you feeling better?" He asked as he swallowed his food.

Reina merely nodded before saying, "What are you two even doing here? I thought I was the only one that wanted to stay the night at Bakugou-kun's."

"Trust me I'm surprised as you are." Mitsuki said, "But they showed up just about an hour after you and my son fell asleep."

"THEY WHAT!?" Katsuki and Reina exclaimed at the same time.

Floyd added as he ate a couple of bacon from his plate, "Yeah! Mrs. Bakugou was generous enough to let us stay. She even let me eat your dinner last night, Bakugou."

"Okay, Floyd-kun I actually kind of expected but even you Izuku-kun?" Reina said surprised.

Izuku laughed nervously before he said, "... Well Floyd-san insisted that I come with him to stay at Kaa-chan's since he didn't want to come here by himself. It is a bit of a conundrum I know…"

"YOU JUST LET THEM SLEEP HERE YOU OLD HAG!?" Katsuki yelled at his mother.



"DON'T JUDGE MY LIFE, YOU INKHEAD LOSER!" Katsuki yelled as he sat down at the table.

"Speaking of mom's…" Reina said looking at Floyd before she sat beside Izuku, "... Was Josephine-san really okay with you coming here?"

Floyd replied as he started to sweat, "Yeah...You can say that.."

Reina raised an eyebrow before giving a playful look, scaring Floyd a little. "Floyd-kun? Did you just come here to avoid your mom and Lena-senpai's punishment because of yesterday now did you?" She asked amusingly.

Floyd immediately said, "NO! What are you talking about?!"

"You did look like you were in a hurry to get here though Floyd-san." Izuku said, "Are you sure that's not what it was?"

"No, no it was nothing like that." Floyd replied as he started to sweat a storm.

"You okay Floyd dear?" Mitsuki asked. "You're turning pale."

"It's okay Mrs. Bakugou." Floyd replied "I'm fine really.."

"Maybe he's just scared because his half-breed demon sister and his Inkheaded mom are going to kill him." Katsuki added as he ate from his plate. "Less work for me at least."

Floyd tried to rebuttal but couldn't as he soon found himself drenched in sweat.

"You're starting to sweat Ink." Mitsuki said as she got Katsuki's towel. "Here, use this to dry yourself."

"Oh thanks." Floyd replied as he took the towel and started to wipe himself off from the ink.

"HEY! DON'T GIVE HIM MY STUFF!" Katsuki yelled, slamming the table so hard it actually made a crack.



Floyd yelled as he used his towel, "OI, IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOUR MOM LOVES ME MORE THAN YOU!"

"WHAT WAS THAT, YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!" Katsuki yelled as he was about to use his quirk."

"Guys come on…" Izuku said nervously, "... Don't start a fight."

"SHUT UP YOU DAMN NERD!" Katsuki yelled, making Izuku shrink in his seat.

Floyd yelled as he activated his Quirk, "HEY! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT BULLYING IZUKU, PISS FOR BRAINS?!"

Floyd let out a grunt when he felt Reina kick him right in the knee as she casually ate her breakfast. Floyd prevented himself from screaming before he said to Reina, "Hey, he started it."

"Don't care." Reina said casually and calmly, "Now eat your breakfast before I stuff it down your throat."

Floyd groaned before he said, "Okay ma'am."

Mitsuki chuckled before she could say "You know… You two look cute together sometimes you know."

"WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!" Reina and Floyd yelled.

"DROP IT OLD HAG!" Katsuki yelled.


Izuku laughed softly before he said, "Glad to see that everything's back to normal."

After a few short moments they were full on their food and ready to get on with the day.

"Thanks for breakfast, Mrs. Bakugou!" Floyd said with a smile.

"Anytime Floyd dear!" Mitsuki replied "Here's a Premium Bento Box I made just for you!"

"OH SWEET!" Floyd said as he happily took

Katsuki couldn't help but growl at this before saying, "Hey, you forget who's family this is?"

"SHUT UP, IDIOT! AT LEAST FLOYD HERE SHOWS RESPECT! LEARN A THING OR TWO WILL YA?!" Mitsuki yelled before turning over to Reina, handing her a bento box too, "Here you are Reina-chan, to show my appreciation for always keeping my son company."

Reina stammered a little, "Mitsuki-san, I can't accept something like this."

"It's alright Reina-chan." Mitsuki said as she gently pushed it into her hands, "Come back anytime, alright?" Reina said nothing but she couldn't help but nod a little as her face turned red.

"Here you are Izuku-kun, you get one too." Mitsuki said with a smile as she gave him a bento box. "Oh, thank you Mitsuki!" Izuku said as his face turned red as well, before he took the box from her.

She turned to her son before saying with a smile yet her tone was different, "Here, this is your lunch for today." Katsuki had been ticked off at the fact that the bento box looked more ordinary than Floyd's.

Katsuki growled as he took the bento before saying to the group, "Come on assholes! Unless you want to be late." He soon stomped away.

"Well, at least Kaa-chan's back to the way he was." Izuku said awkwardly.

"That's a relief." Reina added before she followed behind.

Thus the four of them had started to walk towards another day at their school, forgetting all about the events that had transpired yesterday. Katsuki mostly kept to himself while Reina chatted with Izuku and Floyd.

Just as they were nearing the school, Reina caught up with Katsuki to talk to him. "Thanks again for letting me stay with you." Reina said with a smile.

"Whatever." Katsuki said before his face turned a little red, "... I… Should be the one thanking you. For what you did."

She gave a warm smile to him which made him turn red all the more, "We're friends. You would've done the same for me after all, despite the tough guy act you put on."

"It's not an act." He mumbled.

Reina couldn't help but let out a giggle. "By the way…" She said, "... You didn't have to do that for me. It must've been uncomfortable with me taking the bed."

"WHAT!?" Floyd exclaimed while Izuku's jaw dropped open. Katsuki and Reina turned back as they were both confused by why he had yelled.

"Not so loud, you'll wake up Bakugou-kun's neighbors." Reina said, giving Floyd a look.

Floyd couldn't help but yell as his face was red, "NEIGHBORS SHEIGBORS! WHAT DID PISS FOR BRAINS DO TO YOU!?"

"What the hell do you mean what did I do to her, Half-Breed?" Katsuki said with his usual look.


Reina turned red at this while Katsuki had a pissed off look on his face, "YOU JUMP THE GUN TOO EASILY, YOU HALF BREED IDIOT!"







Izuku noticed that Reina's body started to shake, though he could tell it was out of anger. "Re--Reina-chan?" Izuku stammered.

"Flo...yd...kun." Reina started to say, making Floyd turn to her before she yelled, "...YOU'RE AN IDIOT!!"

In the very next second Floyd had been buried in the ground with an abnormally large bump on his head as Reina herself stomped away despite the fact she had been using rollerblades to move, leaving Katsuki speechless and Izuku's jaw hanging wide open.

Floyd said as he groaned, "... I can't feel… My anything…"

"Reina-chan's punch is amazing." Izuku said as his body shook a little.


Floyd moaned in agony before saying, "Bite....me...."

"Let's just go." Katsuki said as he started to drag Floyd on the road.

Floyd groaned as he said while he dragged, "Oi, why the hell are you dragging me for?"

"Shut it, ya mutt." Katsuki said clearly enjoying this.

"Yup, pretty much the same as it always has been." Izuku said as he trailed behind them.

They soon reached UA High, with as little conversations as possible considering what had transpired earlier. Though all of them were equally surprised to see a crowd of people with cameras and microphones surrounding the school and the students that tried to walk in through the gate.

"Ah crap." Katsuki said clearly annoyed by this.

"Is… That the press?" Reina asked.

"I think it is." Floyd replied.

"And I think they noticed us." Izuku soon added.

Before any of them could react, they found themselves surrounded by at least a dozen cameras and microphones practically pressed against their cheeks. "Excuse me!" A reporter said, "Can you tell us about All Might? What are his classes like?"

"Too close!" Reina exclaimed.

"Uh--Um--!" Izuku stammered, "I have to uh--Get to the nurses office!

Floyd had said to the reporter as he tried to squeeze through the crowd along with Izuku, "Yeah, if you wanna speak to me you have to go through my parents!"

Katsuki merely clicked his tongue before he started to make his way through the crowd. "Come on." He said to Reina.

Reina simply nodded her head before she followed Katsuki through it, trying her best to ignore the press that had stood in their way. At one point Reina clinged onto Katsuki as the crowd became more and more fierce in a way.

"Excuse me, can you tell us about--" The reporter said, "--Hold on, aren't the two of you the ones caught by that Sludge villain?"

Katsuki growled a little while Reina froze slightly. "Shut it. Just walk away."

"Please, we need to get to class." Reina pleaded. It hadn't been long before she felt someone grab her arm a bit more roughly than intended. "Hey!" Katsuki exclaimed before he had been cut off by the crowd.

"Just tell us about All Might and we can go." A reporter told her.

"Let me go!" Reina said as she tried to loosen herself from him.

"What's it like having the Symbol of Peace as a teacher?"

"What do you think of him as a teacher?"

"What is your opinion of him?"

"Please, let me go." Reina said as she struggled.

"I found ourselves a little rat!"

Reina's eyes widened slightly when she heard a different voice ring through her ears. She looked up and saw the scenery had changed around her, and even the people. She had a look of fear as she saw smoke and fire around her.

The people in front of her were covered with blood and had a look of a killer on their faces; most of the others had a look that didn't sit right with her which made her all the more uncomfortable. Reina felt her body shake as her heart started to race.

"Skin the brat!"

"Eat it's flesh!"

"I want her teeth, and her eyes!"

"Give me her fingers!"

"Let's see if she'll float like the others!"

"N--no." Reina said as her voice started to quiver, "I don't want to die. I don't want to die."

She felt her body slowly start to move on it's own. She didn't realize that her eyes started to turn to gold, though no one else seemed to have noticed since her head was on the floor.

Reina started to lift her hand to attack them as she turned to look at them, though right before she could, she felt someone cover her eyes, and pull her away from the crowd of reporters.

"Hey, you look a bit scruffy…" She heard one of the reporters say, "... What's your deal?"

From this, Reina knew whose hand it had been as she placed her hands on his fingers. "Shota…?" Reina started to say as she tried to get his hand off of her eyes, "I can't see anything."

Shota ignored her before he said to the crowd, "All Might's not on duty today. You're disturbing my students so please vacate the area."

Shota started to move Reina as he still had his hands over her eyes. Katsuki noticed this though, followed behind them, along with Floyd and Izuku. They soon heard the gate slam just behind them due to the security. As soon as they entered the building, Shota removed his hand from her eyes, finally letting her stand on her own.

"What was that for?" Reina asked, as Shota saw her eyes were back to normal.

"Nothing particular." Shota replied casually putting his hands in his pockets, "Just making sure you don't trip yourself."

"You don't have to be rude, Scruffy." She said with a pout.

"Reina-chan, are you okay?" Izuku asked, "Back there, you looked pale, like before."

Floyd soon added, "Yeah man you don't look so hot."

Reina gave them a reassured smile, before she replied, "I'm fine. Really. You don't have to worry about me."

"Are you sure?" Izuku asked, still with concern.

"You're breathing really hard there, Reina." Floyd said to her.

"Like I said I'm fine." She said, "You don't have to worry about--Ow!"

Reina had been cut off abruptly when she felt someone hit her on the head. Turns out it had been Katsuki who had already changed his shoes before he walked past them, leaving the three of them speechless as they couldn't help but wonder why Katsuki did what he did. It hadn't been long before Shota told them, "Get to class. I'll be there as soon as I pick up a few things from the office."

"Oh, alright." Reina said.

"Okay, Aizawa-sensei." Izuku added.

Floyd said as he saluted, "Yes sir!"

With that being said they went their separate ways, for the time being.


-Class 1A Room-

All of the students were gathered within their own classroom chatting amongst themselves, mostly about the press. They mostly talked about how tough of a time they had getting into the building in general, though they soon came to the conclusion that they found out about All Might teaching at UA.

They had to say words traveled fast. Many of them hoped that they wouldn't be there when the school day was over.

Though Reina was making conversation with Fumikage and Chouko, she couldn't help but notice Katsuki looking mad about something; Reina couldn't really tell what he was mad about this time, though she couldn't help but worry again. How many times is he gonna make me worry, she couldn't help but think.

It wasn't long until the teachers, Shota and Lena stepped into the room and the students immediately quieted down and sat down in their seats before class began officially.

"Good work on yesterday's combat training." Shota said, "I saw the video and reviewed the results with Aihara-sensei."

He soon turned to Katsuki, "Bakugou-san. You're talented, so next time don't act like a little kid."

Lena had added as she gave a look over in his direction, "Yeah Piss head! Try that shit again and you're dead meat!"

Katsuki growled before he looked away, "I know."

"Aihara." Shota said getting mad, as he turned to Floyd, "I appreciate your effort to stop Bakugou-san, but please don't go too far as to actually hurt him okay? I'll go easy on you only because your sister said so, however the next time it happens, I won't be so nice."

Floyd gulped before he replied, "Yes sir."

Lena said with an evil smile, "Shrimp. I appreciate you trying to murd-err Stop Piss head but remember this was a training exercise, the next time you do that, Piss Head won't be the only one getting the hell treatment!"

"Did she almost say murder Bakugou?" Mineta said, shaking in his boots.

"The demon's showing her fangs already and it's the second day." Momo added.

"I should have stayed home today." Eijirou said as he was scared.

"Easy Aihara-sensei." Shota said as he calmed her down. "You don't wanna get fired now do you?"

"Hmph!" Lena grunted as she turned her head.

"Lastly Midoriya." Shota said, making Izuku flinch, "You settled the fight by breaking your arm again? You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your Quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over again. As long as you're able to fix the issue you'll be able to achieve a lot with it." Izuku's expression brightened at this, "Feel a sense of urgency."

"Yes sir!" Izuku said.

"Moving on with today's agenda!" Lena said, "This is sort of late notice but today you all have to--"

"--Take another special test!?" All the students thought in unison.

"--Decide on a class representative!" Lena soon said with a smile.

"It's actually a normal school activity!" The class thought.

"Don't scare us like that!" Reina thought as she gave her Guardian a look.

It hadn't been long before that all of the students started to shout at once as they saw this as a great opportunity.

"HEY PICK ME!" Eijirou yelled, "I'LL BE A GREAT CLASS REP!"

"ME TOO!" Denki shouted.

"I want to do it." Kyoka said as she raised her hands.

"It's a job suited for--" Yuga said before getting cut off by Mina.

"I'LL BE THE LEADER!" Mina yelled.

"MY MANIFESTO IS FOR ALL THE GIRLS SKIRTS TO BE 30 CENTIMETERS!" Mineta shouted as his nose started to bleed.

"I'LL BE THE RED RANGER IF YOU WANT!" Floyd shouted as he raised his hand.



"NOT YOU TOO!" She exclaimed.

"HEY I WANNA BE A PINK RANGER!" Mina yelled, joining in.

"WHERE DID THAT COME FROM!?" Reina yelled.

"LET ME DO IT!" Katsuki soon yelled, "ME!!"





"YOU'RE NO KENSHIRO EITHER!" Reina and Gio shouted.

"Well Aihara and Bakugou are gonna fight again." Tsuyu said.

Lena soon got between them as she held her own mallet made from ink, as she soon said getting in between Floyd and Katsuki making them freeze up, "You two… Didn't learn at all from yesterday? Do I have to beat it into ya clowns?"

"No ma'am!" Floyd and Katsuki had said immediately.

"Silence please!" Tenya yelled, getting everyone's attention, "This is a serious job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you. If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one."

Everyone nearly fell out of their seats when they saw how high Tenya's hand was raised.

"Your hand is raised the highest!" Is what all the students exclaimed.

"Though more importantly, why would you suggest that?" Denki soon asked.

"Well, it would sort of backfire on the whole thing." Chouko said, "I mean most of us hadn't known each other for very long, so we can't really trust anyone."

"Yeah, wouldn't people just vote for themselves otherwise?" Eijiro asked.

"Don't you think that is precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here can be truly considered the most suitable person?" Tenya said, before looking at Shota who had already started to put himself in his sleeping bag, "What do you think Aizawa-sensei?"

"I don't care, as long as you decide before homeroom is over." Shota said before he slumped over onto the floor.

"Damn it Shota…" Reina said as she shook her head.

"Him and his sleeping bag…" Lena said, before telling the students, "... Let's commence the voting shall we!?"

After awhile the students were done with the voting, and all were surprised by who got in the top. It was not one but three people that got to the top of the list. Not only was it Momo, who had gotten a total of three votes, but Izuku and Reina tied at the top of the charts.

"I GOT FOUR VOTES!?" Izuku and Reina shouted at the same time.

Katsuki stood up from his seat, in rage at the results, "WHY DEKU!? WHO VOTED FOR HIM!?" He yelled.

Floyd raised his hand before Katsuki activated his Quirk right in his face. Floyd yelled at him, "OI, YOU WANNA DIE?!"


Both of Katsuki and Floyd's heads touched each other as they yelled at the same time, "HEY! THAT'S MY LINE! I'LL F***ING KILL YOU!"

"Hey, it's better than voting for you." Hanta said.

"WHAT WAS THAT!? SAY THAT AGAIN!" Katsuki yelled.

Floyd added, "Yeah it's like having another President Richard N***n"

"ENOUGH WITH THAT ALREADY!!" Lena shouted before she hit him with a book, "NO ONES GONNA BE PRESIDENT N****N!"



"It would be scary if Bakugou-kun found out I voted for Deku." Ochaco whispered to herself.

Tenya sat in his seat as he shook at the results, "Zero votes…" He said, "I knew that would happen… That is only expected of a person's calling…"

"Wait, so you voted for someone else?" Chouko questioned.

"But you wanted to do it too, didn't you?" Rikido said.

Fubuki who had sat next to her twin just laughed as she signed something over to her brother, making him shake his head. It wasn't long before Lena lead Izuku and Reina to the front of the classroom, as they both stood there nervously. While Izuku's body shook, Reina's face was flushed with red and sweated a little.

"Right then! The class's rep and deputy will be Izuku Midoriya and Reina Nouki!" Lena said with a smile, as she patted their shoulders.

"S-s-s-seriously?" Izuku stammered.

"Oh w--w--wow, this is--f--f--or real!" Reina stammered as well, but she turned her face to the floor.

Momo let out a sigh as she shook her head slightly, "How vexing…"

"You know what, this might not be so bad." Tsuyu said.

"After all is said and done Midoriya can get pretty fired up." Eijirou said.

"That and Nouki was really cool during the combat training yesterday." Denki said, making Reina turn even more red.


-Later that Day; Lunch Rush Eatery-

Reina, Izuku, and Floyd sat with Ochaco, Tenya, Gio, Chouko and Fumikage, though they almost couldn't find any seats to fit the eight of them as today had been packed. As they finally found seats and with their new friends eating the lunch they had gotten from the cafeteria, Reina, Izuku and Floyd opened the bento box that Mitsuki gave them.

The three of them looked at the food with awe at how it had been set up.

"Wow." Chouko said as she looked over Reina's shoulder, "That looks delicious. Did you make it yourself Nouki-chan?"

"I wish." Reina replied, "It's from Bakugou-kun's mom. Her way of saying thank you."

Floyd added with a smile, as he ate from his premium bento box, "She's the best!"

"Man that box is shiny!" Gio commented, "Lucky!"

Floyd said to him, "I know!"

Izuku let out a sigh before he said, "Even though I've been chosen as a class rep, I don't know if I'm qualified for it."

"I know what you mean." Reina said, as she ate from the box, "I find it to be too much pressure even with me being the deputy. I've never tried to do this kind of thing back in middle school. I don't think I'm suited for it."

"Sure you guys are!" Ochaco said with a smile, "Don't be so modest!"

"She's right, you know." Tenya soon said, "Midoriya-kun, your courage and judgement at critical moments make you worth following. That's why I voted for you."


"Okay, Izuku-kun, I actually get it, but as for me well…" Reina said, "It doesn't really fit me."

"Not necessarily." Fumikage said, "Especially when it comes to dangerous situations, you're always quick to know what's best for the safety of others. Chouko and I voted for you for that reason."

Reina doubletaked at this, "Wait, you both did!?"

"Of course, Nouki-chan." Chouko said with a smile.

"Wait, than who gave me that other vote?" She couldn't help but ask.

"I thought it was Aihara-san, but he voted for Deku like I did." Ochaco said.

Floyd added with his mouth full of food, "Yeah dude, he seems like a good fit for class rep!"

"That was me." Gio said with a smile, "You're cool Nouki-san. Plus I thought it would be fun to see you as either one or the other."

Reina turned red from embarrassment before she said, "... Thanks, I guess."

A certain thought soon came to Ochaco as she said, turning to Tenya, "Hold on Iida-kun, I thought you wanted to be class rep too right? I mean you got the glasses and everything."

Everyone's jaws except Tenya's dropped by Ochaco's words. "She just talks without thinking." They all thought in unison.

"Wanting to do it and being suitable for it are different issues." Tenya said, "I merely did what I judged would be correct."

"Merely?" The whole group said in unison again.

"You don't usually use that word." Izuku pointed out.

"Yeah, that's like a fancy word that rich people use." Gio added.

Floyd had also added, "Yeah...like the ones on TV."

Tenya was taken back a bit, "Well, that's uh…"

"Actually a certain thing has been on my mind." Chouko said, with her wings twitching a bit.

"Mine too." Ochaco said, before she said, "... Admit it Iida-kun… You're filthy stinking' rich aren't you?"

Tenya gasped at this as his eyes widened, as if he had been caught in some kind of a crime. He turned his way from the group before he said, "I tried to change how I talk because I didn't want other people to think of me differently."

The whole group couldn't but stare intensely as they all had the same question about what kind of background Tenya came from. After what felt like hours, Tenya let out a sigh, before he started to explain himself, "You see, to answer your questions, my family has been Heroes for generations. I'm the second son."

"Seriously!?" Reina said with disbelief.

"That's amazing!" Chouko added.

"Are you all familiar with the Turbo Hero Ingenium?" Tenya asked them.

"I am!" Izuku, Floyd and Gio said at the same time.

"He's a really popular hero who has sixty-five sidekicks working at his Tokyo Agency!" Izuku said.

Gio added, "Not to mention he saved all those people from that fire in Hosu!"

Floyd soon said as he gave a look to Tenya "Say, you trying to say that you're related to him?"

"Yes I am!" Tenya said before he stood proudly, "Ingenium is my older brother!" This of course surprised everyone at this newfound fact.

"He told us straight out." Fumikage said.

"That's so cool!" Ochaco exclaimed.

"Amazing…" Chouko said as she was speechless as well.

"Holy hell, I was kidding before!" Gio said.

"First we have a guy whose parents are pro-heroes and now this?" Reina said, "Talk about fate and what-not."

Floyd couldn't help but comment, "Yeah, almost like something from a manga or something."

As Tenya fixed his glasses, he continued, "He is a likeable Hero who honors the rules and leads people. I set my sights on being a Hero because I want to be like my brother someday. However I think it's still too soon for me to lead others. Unlike me, Midoriya-kun was able to realize that there was more to the practical partial in the Entrance Exam, so he's more suitable for the job. And as for Nouki-kun… Well it is as Tokiyama-kun said, you know exactly what to do in situations when it comes to the people around you. You're more than capable of handling the job as deputy."

Reina looked over to the side with what looked to be a sad expression on her face while the others noticed that Tenya had a smile on his face. "That might be the first time I've seen you smile, Iida-kun." Ochaco said.

"You should do that more often." Chouko said.

"Huh, what are you talking about?" Tenya said, "I smile all the time."

Floyd laughed before adding, "Nice joke man!"

Only Fumikage seemed to have taken notice of Reina's expression as she seemed to be in a trance. "Nouki-san?" He said, getting her attention, "Is something wrong?"

Reina took notice of Fumikage's concern before she shook her head in reply as she gave a reassured smile, "Oh no it's nothing I'm alright. I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what exactly?" Fumikage asked.

Reina responded, turning her gaze away from him, "... That's a secret."

Izuku soon said to Tenya, "Hey, Iida-kun, about the Entrance Exams--"

Before he could say anything more the alarms started to go off, making everyone in the cafeteria jump at this. It hadn't been long before a robotic voice spoke through the speakers.

"There has been a level 3 security breach. All students please proceed to evacuate outdoors promptly." It said before repeating it's words.

"Level 3 what now!?" Reina exclaimed.

"What's level 3 security?" Tenya asked a student that had been next to the group.

"It means someone's trespassing on school grounds!" He replied, "I've never seen anything like this in the three years I've been here! You should hurry if I were you!"

He soon got up out of his seat and ran with the group. The group looked to one another before they started to make their way to the halls. When they did however, they found themselves being pushed and shoved by what felt like a whole mob and even found themselves trying to move as best as they could but they couldn't even move an arm.

"Oof! Someone's elbow just hit me in the stomach!" Gio shouted.

"Ow! I can't move!" Chouko exclaimed, "It's too crowded! I can't even fly above!"

"This is happening so suddenly! What's going on!?" Ochaco yelled.

"As expected of the best of the best!" Tenya said as he tried his best to move, "Everyone's quickly in a crisis!"

"But they're too quick, it's causing a panic!" Izuku said.

"Someone's gotta go and calm these people down!" Floyd suggested before his face got smashed by a couple of people.

"We gotta try and stay together!" Fumikage said.

"I can't breathe!" Reina said, before she felt herself getting shoved forward. "REINA-CHAN!" Izuku and Floyd exclaimed before they shoved through the crowd too.

Before Reina knew it, she found herself further from the group. She tried her best to get back to them but was forced to press on, because of the panicking crowd. Despite this she kept on trying and trying.

"Izuku-kun! Floyd-kun! Gio-kun! Uraraka-chan!" Reina called out, "Shoichi-san! Tokiyama-san! Iida-san! One of you guys! Please say something!"

The crowd soon became more intense as she had gotten towards the stairs. Faintly she heard Eijiro and Denki trying to tell the crowd to calm down, but it was no use as they were drowned in the sea of students. She felt like she was suffocating at that point, as if she was in the ocean stranded. She felt herself starting to hyperventilate like she did that morning, though no one seemed to pay no mind.

"Someone!" She started to say without thinking, "Anyone please! Help me! I can't breathe! Save me! Please!"

"Rei-chan! Rei-chan!"

Reina let out gasp as the scenery once again began to change around her. The people around seemed to grow taller while she shrank. The air around her smelled of smoke and iron, and just over her head was a blood red sky. People were screaming, fleeing in terror of something, not even realizing Reina had been under them as she was just as scared as they were. Desperately she tried to find a way out, but found herself trapped like a mouse.

The voice soon called out to her again.

"Rei-chan! Where are you!?"

Reina looked into the direction of the voice before she caught a glimpse of the red baseball hat. For some reason Reina called out to whoever it had been. "Here! I'm right here!" She yelled.

That seemed to have drawn the person's attention as whoever it had been, reached out to her.

"Rei-chan! Take my hand!"

Reina merely did what she had been told before she reached out. It was a decision she soon came to regret when she suddenly felt agony in her wrist, before she had been kicked in the face due to the crowd. She fell on her side, and due to her wound from yesterday she let out a cry; she soon felt agony in her ankle as well. She tried her best to get back up though found herself getting shoved back down due to the oncoming students.

"Oh, God, I can't get out…" Reina said with her voice trembling; unknowingly her eyes started to change to gold again, "... Someone… Please… Save me…"

She soon felt herself getting pulled up off the floor before she was dragged through the crowd, eventually leading her to an empty hall. It was soon revealed that her savior was--

"Bakugou-kun!?" She exclaimed, her eyes changing back in a blink of an eye.

"You okay?" He asked as he held on to her.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine." Reina said as she stammered a little.

Katsuki soon noticed that she was holding onto her hand like it was about to fall off. "Nouki! You're hurt!"

"Bakugou-kun I'm alright, I just--" Reina said before she had been cut off. Katsuki and her saw Tenya in the air spinning out of control before he landed on the green sign just above the doorway. Tenya grabbed onto the pipe just above before he did a pose, like the emergency exit icon.

He soon yelled, "EVERYONE! EVERYTHING'S FINE!" All of the students stopped panicking and looked to Tenya. All the students were silent though Floyd was the only one heard laughing out loud at the way Tenya looked as he continued to yell, "IT'S JUST THE MEDIA OUTSIDE! THERE IS NOTHING TO PANIC ABOUT! THIS IS U.A! LET'S ACT IN A WAY BEFITTING THE BEST OF THE BEST!"


All the students couldn't help but sigh with relief at this, and Reina was especially relieved at this. "Thank God, for a moment there I was a little worried." She said. Reina went to stand on her own, though as soon as she put pressure on it, she let out a small cry, which Katsuki quickly took notice of as he went to support her.

"Damn it Nouki! What the hell did you do to yourself!?" Katsuki exclaimed.

"Bakugou-kun, I'm okay, I think I just sprained an ankle." Reina said, "Let's just get back to--"

Reina had been cut off suddenly when she was suddenly lifted up off the ground. The very next thing she knew, she had been in Katsuki's arms carried as if she had been a bride.

"Hey wait! What are you doing!?" Reina said as she stammered.

"Taking your sorry ass to the nurses." Katsuki replied, as he started to walk down the hall not caring who stared.

"Hold on, you don't have to do that!" She quickly said, "I'm fi--"

"Stop." He said with his tone suddenly changing, "Finish that sentence and I'll kill you."

Reina's eyes widened slightly as she heard how his voice sounded. True, she heard anger in his voice as well as… Worry? That's rare, is what she thought to herself. Eventually she nodded and allowed Katsuki to carry her the rest of the way to the nurses office.

Though Floyd spotted this from a distance as he couldn't help but yell, "That little turdwad!"


-Recovery Girl's Office-

Luckily the sprained ankle and broken wrist were both an easy fix. Thanks to Recovery Girl's Quirk, the wounds she had gotten were recovered in a matter of seconds. That didn't stop her from getting a scolding from Chiyo though, since that was her second time coming into the nurses office. Reina had now been laying down on the bed as she was feeling a little tired due to the effect of her Quirk, with Katsuki sitting at her bedside.

"You don't have to stay with me you know?" Reina said to him as she turned her head a little, "I already told you I'm fine."

Katsuki didn't say anything this time, though at the corner of her eye, she saw that he rolled his eyes at this. "I saw that you know." Reina said, "That's a bit rude don't you think?"

"Who's the rude one here?" Katsuki said, sounding a bit harsh which took Reina back a bit more.

"Okay…" Reina said, "What's bothering you?"

Katsuki once again didn't say anything, which only made Reina more concerned. "You're obviously mad about something, and it's bugging me." She said, "So what is it this time?"

"You know exactly what it is."

"Not really since you're being awfully vague about it."

Katsuki finally turned to her, "Than let me spell it out for you." He said, "You keep saying your fine. You keep telling people not to worry, but that's a damn lie and you know that it's a lie yourself."

Reina was taken back by this but as she finally sat up, she turned her head to the side to avoid looking at him.

"You told me that I could rely on you, but who are you going to rely on if you keep people in the dark?" Katsuki said, "You're not telling Deku, you're not telling that halfbreed, and you don't tell me jack shit. I bet you don't tell your Scruffy guardian about this too, right?"

"Why should it matter?" Reina finally said, turning to him, "Even if I told you Izuku-kun, or Floyd-kun, would you understand? Could you help me with what I have to go through? You don't have a mental type Quirk. No one has it but me. And it's hard to live with it. You don't understand the life I've been through. How could you? Your life was normal compared to mine."

"But I do understand what you've been through, idiot." Katsuki said in his head, before he said aloud, "Even if I didn't, even if our lives weren't the same, I would still want to know what's wrong. I would still listen, because you're sure as hell not going to get anywhere if you don't say anything. It's good to let stuff off your chest, the old hag says shit like that."

Reina once more was taken back, but this time, it was the wording he used. For a moment her head felt fuzzy, though she shook off the feeling as she heard Katsuki say, "Look, if you don't want to say anything to Deku or the Half-Breed, than that's fine. But don't decide to hide what you go through from me. Rely on me like I do for you. I'll listen to whatever you have to say."

Reina looked Katsuki in the eyes, and saw that he was serious about what he was saying. She had never seen this side of him before, in fact no one has, probably not even Izuku. No one in her life was ever devoted to helping someone like her before. She was fine with others saying, "Okay." After telling them not to worry, she was fine with two of her best friends saying it. Not Katsuki however, he was as stubborn as he was proud at least by what she's seen from him. For most, they would find this to be annoying and tell them not to pry.

But with her, surprisingly, she felt okay with it.

Reina finally said, "... I keep… Seeing things… Things that don't make any sense to me. First it was me as a child scared of something… Now it's… Something else. This morning, I saw the press turn into monsters, and just now I saw the sky lit with fire. Everyone was running from something, though I'm not sure what it was…"

Katsuki heaved a deep sigh, "... See? Did that feel better?"

Reina gave a smile before she replied, "Yeah… It did a little. Just promise you won't tell anyone?"

Katsuki soon held out his pinky to her, and motioned her to take it. Sure enough, Reina held out her own pinky before allowing to intertwine with his. "There." Katsuki said, "Now I can't take back my words."

Reina couldn't help but smile at him, making him turn red. Though a certain thought seemed to wander in her head. The phrase he used, the wording he used grabbed her attention.

"That's odd." She thought, "... Why does this scene seem familiar?"


It hadn't been long before classes had resumed again, and everything seemed pretty normal for the most part, other than the fact Floyd and Katsuki glared at one another again since well despite it only being a short time in UA, it was starting to become a daily thing.

Both Izuku and Reina stood at the front of the classroom, both looking nervous again.

"R-r-right now!" Reina stammered, "Ti-t-t-time to get down to business!"

"Ye--Ye--yeah!" Izuku added, "We--We need to decide on the class officers! But first… There's something I'd like to say." Reina looked to Izuku, almost surprised, the rest of the students however were curious to what he had to say.

"I think…" Izuku said, "I think that Tenya Iida-kun should be our rep after all!" All the students looked to Tenya who was just as surprised as he was to hear such a thing from Izuku.

Izuku soon continued as he had a smile on his face, "He was able to get everyone's attention in such a cool way. And well… I think Iida-kun would be best suited for the job."

Tenya still sat there shocked, though all the students started to agree with him.

"I'm good with that too." Eijirou said, "If Midoriya's saying it, and it's true that Iida was a big help in the cafeteria."

"Yeah, he kind of looked like that person on the emergency signs didn't he?" Denki added.

"Hell's yeah, if everyone's cool for it, then I'm cool for it too." Gio said.

Floyd added, "Well I might not be the next Barack Obama but I bet Iida here will be a great class rep (Better than Katsuki anyway)."

"I HEARD THAT YA BASTARD!" Katsuki yelled.

Floyd yelled back, "Bite my shiny metal ass!"

"You don't have one, so it doesn't count!" Gio said, before he was given a noogie by Floyd.

Floyd said as he did, "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!"

Lena yelled before slapping Floyd, with what looked to be a fan made from ink, "KNOCK IT OFF, SHRIMP!"

Izuku smiled over to Tenya who gave a simple nod which couldn't help but warm Reina's heart. Though none could expect that Reina soon spoke up too. "I have something I'd like to say too." She said, making the students turn to her, "Well… I don't think I'm suited for deputy class rep after all."

Once more they were surprised to hear this kind of thing, Izuku, Floyd and Katsuki especially. Reina had continued, "Most of you think that I'm this cool badass person, with a sound sense of logic, but the truth is… I'm not perfect. I'm imperfect and I'm okay with being that way. I'm not good with stuff like this, but I know someone who is. Which is why…" She pointed over to Momo which took her back a bit, "... I nominate Yaoyorozu-san to take my place as Deputy Rep."

"Nouki-san?" Momo said surprised.

"What made you decide that?" Lena asked as she continued to slap Floyd in the face.

Floyd yelled at his sister, "HEY! This is abuse right here!"

His classmates ignored this, since they didn't want to suffer his older sister's wrath, before Reina had started to explain herself.

"It's simple why I choose Yaoyorozu-san really." She said, "It's because she's actually done her homework, and she knows stuff better than I ever could. Back in combat training yesterday, she knew the answer to All Might's question as to what our strengths were during that time. I can now see why she was one of the few people to get in with recommendation. She's more suited for the role than I could ever be. And it helps that she doesn't have a nervous breakdown like I do."

At that, most of the students laughed along with Reina who smiled. Izuku, Floyd, and Katsuki were the only few people who sat there in shock by her decision. Momo stood up and walked over to Reina who still had a shocked look on her face.

"Are you sure about this, Nouki-san?" Momo asked, a little worried.

"Of course." Reina replied, "... And please, call me Reina-chan."

Momo's eyes brightened at this as she couldn't help but hug Reina, which made her freeze up a bit. Their classmates couldn't help but cheer, the girls especially. "THREE CHEERS FOR REI-REI EVERYBODY!" Mina yelled. Everyone gave Reina three cheers at that moment, making Reina turn red with embarrassment.

The whole crowd of students cheered, minus Izuku, Floyd and Katsuki. Izuku and Floyd smiled and even Katsuki had a small smile on his face.

"You're wasting your time." Shota said, still in his sleeping bag, making Izuku jump, "I don't care what you decide, just hurry up and do it." With that he slumped over again.

"You know, you're not really doing your job right now Scruffy!!" Reina said though Shota had been fast asleep already.

Floyd couldn't help but add, "Is he really your Guardian?"

"Alrighty!" Lena said as she raised her hand, "What do Iida and Yaoyorozu have to say about this?"

Tenya stood up before saying, "If the class rep has nominated me than it can't be helped." He raised his hand in the air, "From this day forth, I, Tenya Iida, promise to do my best to carry out the duties of class representative!"

"And I'll do my best as deputy representative!" Momo had said with a smile, "I promise I won't let you all down."

"We're counting on you Yaoyorozu, and Emergency Exit!" Eijiro said with his thumb up.

"Emergency Exit Iida!" Hanta cheered.

"Go Yaoyorozu!" Chouko cheered.

"We're gonna be relying on you guys!!" Ochaco added.

The students continued to cheer, putting a smile on Reina's face at the fact that everyone liked Izuku and her decision in the end. Just as Reina was about to follow Izuku's lead and head back to her seat as the students cheered--


Reina stopped, as only one voice stood out from the rest of the crowd of students. Just over at the entrance of the classroom she saw the young boy in her red hat again, just peeking his head out from the corner of the door. This time she saw only a little bit of his appearance. She saw that his eyes were of a piercing color of red, that seemed to shine with the reflection of the lights. The boy seemed to laugh before he started to run.

Reina didn't know why but she had been compelled to follow as she went unnoticed by her classmates and teacher. She ran out into the hall, spotting the boy just around the corner and she started to run after him making twists and turns throughout the building. Eventually she followed him down the stairs towards the front entrance where she had lost sight of him.

She cursed under her breath when she realized when she had just been seeing things again, but had soon discovered something else as she looked ahead of her.

"The Gate--!?"

There that stood a few feet in front of her, she had soon come to realize as to why the press had managed to get onto the school grounds in the first place as she watched the Principal and a couple of the teachers examine the damage.

The security gate had been completely turned to dust.

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