Unduh Aplikasi
6.25% To Be A Hero (My Hero Academia Fanfic) / Chapter 5: First Day at U.A

Bab 5: First Day at U.A

The day at middle school had been pretty regular though that was a lot to say considering it had been the last day for the seniors attending the middle school. Four students were seen in the teachers office meeting with their homeroom teacher and the four students had been Reina, Izuku, Katsuki and Floyd themselves. The teacher had been giving them high praise on the recent entrance exams.

"I still can't believe it! That four of our students are going to UA." He said to the four of them, "And to think that you two, Midoriya-san and Aihara-san are one of the four. I swear it's a miracle!"

Izuku couldn't help but turn red as Floyd himself said filled with pride, "What can I say? I am the son of the infamous pro hero tag team in America!!"

"Aren't you being a little egotistical?" Reina asked with a raised eyebrow.

Floyd merely laughed before replying, "You're cute… I'm egotistical. Nice joke, Reina." As he said this he eyed Katsuki in particular who gave him a glare.

The teacher soon said to Reina, "Nouki-san, you've especially impressed me. Not only are you one of the top students here at this school, but you were able to pass the entrance exam along with Bakugou-san. Your Guardian must be proud."

"Thank you sir." Reina said bowing slightly, "I wouldn't have made it as far as I did without a few helping hands." She smiled at Izuku and Floyd while giving a wink over in Katsuki's direction who couldn't help but turn red as he avoided making eye contact.

Before anyone knew it the school day was done and over with and everyone had either gone to hang out with friends or went straight home. Reina, Izuku and Floyd were walking together as they usually did everyday when Floyd had suggested what they should do.

"Hey, what do you say we head over to the karaoke bar? I saved enough on my allowance just for the occasion!" Floyd said with determination.

"I didn't know you could sing." Izuku said to the young artist.

Floyd said to Izuku while patting him on the shoulder, "They're a lot of things you don't know about me bro."

"Sorry guys I'm gonna have to skip out." Reina said as she skated on her rollerblades, "I've got a couple of errands to run for Scruffy."

"Your guardian?" Floyd said.

"Yeah, he told me to get a couple of things from the grocery store, make a trip over to the post office, than the bookstore and clean up the house before dinner." She said, "It's gonna take up my afternoon."

"Than, next time we can go do karaoke?" Izuku suggested.

Floyd had added, "I promise you won't regret it!"

Soon enough a familiar voice came over them; a voice that they knew all too well. "Hey!" He said.

They all turned and saw that it was Katsuki and it looked as though he had been waiting for them. "Kaa-chan?" Izuku said surprised.

Floyd said as he got into his stance, "WELL, WELL! IF IT ISN'T KATSUKI!"

Reina looked at her phone for a moment before she started to go on ahead, "Welp I better get going, see you guys later." She started to make her way out of the school yard.

Before she did, however , she stopped just beside Katsuki. "By the way, before I forget, thanks for that hoodie you made for me." She said with a smile, "I would've thanked you on the spot but you left before I could."

Katsuki avoided making eye contact as his face went a little red for the second time today before he mumbled, "You're welcome."

With a pat on his shoulder which made him jump a little she continued to make her way towards the block ahead. "Let's hang out sometime Bakugou-kun!" Reina said before she had disappeared from their line of vision. Katsuki turned back over to Izuku and Floyd who had a look to kill on his face after hearing what Reina had said about a present, while Izuku had his hands over his mouth.

"You gave her that hoodie!?" Izuku said as his eyes sparkled, "That was really sweet of you Kaa-chan!"

Floyd yelled to Katsuki with fire in his eyes, "OI! YOU TRYING TO STEAL REINA FROM US?!"

"WHO SAID I WAS, INKHEAD?!" Katsuki barked back.

"Guys! There's no need to fight!" Izuku said, trying to break the two of them up.

"Gah! Forget it! That's not what I'm here about!" Katsuki yelled before he stomped over to them. Both Izuku and Floyd felt their arms being grabbed roughly before they were dragged over behind the school.

"KA-KAA-CHAN!?" Izuku exclaimed.

Floyd yelled as he struggled against Katsuki's hold, "OI! WHAT THE HELL?! LET GO YOU MORON!"

Katsuki stayed silent in response to what Floyd had been saying. It wasn't long before he threw them against the wall where no one could see; using both of his hands he grabbed a hold of their collars and held them a few inches up off the ground.

"Tell me, what dirty tricks did you two use to get in!" Katsuki yelled in their faces.

Floyd yelled back as he struggled. "What dirty trick?! We just used our quirks! That's all! It's not like we used cheats or something!"

"Bullshit!" Katsuki yelled, "Your Quirk isn't Hero material and Deku is Quirkless!"

Floyd had argued as he finally got himself out of Katsuki's grip, "YOU ARE SO FULL OF SHIT! QUIT HAVING YOUR HEAD SO FAR UP YOUR ASS!"

"WHAT WAS THAT YOU DAMN HALF BREED?!" Katsuki snapped back.



"BITE ME!" Floyd shouted.

Izuku suddenly grabbed a hold of Katsuki's hand which took him back a little and Floyd's eyes widened in surprise.

"Kaa-chan…" Izuku had started to say, "Someone once told me… You can become a hero… That it was because of my own effort…. Th--that's why…" When Izuku finally picked his head up Katsuki had been taken back a little, as he had said with a determined look with his eyes watering a little, "... I'm going!"

While Katsuki had been left speechless, Floyd had said in awe of Izuku's words, "Woah… Izuku...That was....TOTALLY KICKASS!"

"SHUT UP!" Katsuki yelled as he let go of Izuku and blew Floyd up in the face. He clenched his hand before saying, "I don't understand how the hell Nouki is friends with the two of you."

Floyd yelled at Katsuki as he drew up a weapon, "OH THAT'S IT! YOU'RE DEAD, BAKUGOU!"

"BRING IT ON!" Katsuki shouted as his hands started to smoke.

"GUYS! NO DON'T FIGHT!" Izuku quickly yelled as he proceeded to break it up again.


-A Few Months Later; April-


Today had been the first day of high school for young Reina, though she didn't really start out her day great. For starters the alarm on her phone didn't go off, and her Guardian didn't even wake her up. By the time she did, it had only been 10 minutes till orientation. She just fixed her hair the best she could threw on her UA uniform along with her new hoodie and bolted out the door with toast and butter in her mouth.

A couple of times she had almost gotten lost but after only a few moments she managed to find her way again. Just as she ran down the block towards UA she spotted two of her friends, Izuku and Floyd running as well.

"Hey guys!" She shouted, getting their attention, "You're running late too?!"

"Yeah! I had a lot of trouble getting my stuff together!" Izuku said.

"And my siblings kept drawing in my notebook!" Floyd shouted.

"Well so much for making a good first impression!" Reina said, "Hopefully whoever our teacher is won't scold us for life!"

"Yeah! Hopefully!" Floyd said as he ran with the two of them.

They finally managed to reach the school yard and they weren't surprised to see that they're weren't any other students within the front yard of the school. They quickly ran inside and up the stairs before dashing down the hall to find their classroom.

"Let me see, Class 1-A, where is it, where is it?" Reina said as she looked at a small piece of paper.

"Oh hey! I see it!" Izuku said.

They slowly came to a halt when they got a good look at the size of the door before them. It had been as tall as a billboard by the look of it, which made them in awe at its size.

"Damn…" Reina said, "... It's so tall…"

"With that kind of size it'd fit a whole house in that classroom." Floyd had commented.

Izuku couldn't help but gulp as he said, "The elite are chosen from a huge number from the exam…"

"Oh yeah, that's right…" Reina said as she thought to herself, "... I wonder who will be in this class. Maybe the people that we met from the exam?"

"As long as I don't see McExplodey, I'm good." Floyd said

"You're being dramatic again aren't you?" Reina said with a bit of sarcasm.

"Bite my shiny metal ass." Floyd said with a disdainful look on his face.

"You ain't Bender bro." Reina said to him as she pinched his cheek.

"Hey don't talk like that Floyd-san." Izuku said with his voice trembling, "Maybe--Yeah maybe we're in different classes!"

"Couldn't hurt to find out now could it?" Reina said before opening the door. The moment she did, Izuku's face went pale and Floyd had a face that only his mother would describe. There towards the back room, they saw the last people that they would expect to see. It had been Katsuki who had his feet up on the table, and the one who had been scolding them during the exams was the young man with glasses, who moved his hands in a strange way as he spoke to Katsuki.

"Don't put your feet on the desk!" The young man said, before Katsuki gave him an amused smirk.

The young man said once more, "Don't you think that's rude to the upperclassmen and the people who made this desk?"

"Nope!" Katsuki replied, "What junior high did you go to, you side character?"

Izuku and Floyd remained speechless while Reina's expression brightened slightly at the sight of Katsuki.

"The top two?" Izuku said with a deadpan expression.

Floyd had said under his breath at the sight of Katsuki, "God kill me now."

They overheard the young man talking to Katsuki once more; again he moved his hands in a strange way, "I attended the private academy Somei. My name is Tenya Iida."

"You're from Somei?" Katsuki said, still amused, "That makes you a damn elite! I'm gonna have fun crushing you!"

The young man named Tenya was taken back a bit, "Crushing!? That's cruel! Are you sure you're in the right place!?"

Katsuki looked to the side as he let out a small growl to himself. It wasn't long before Reina had decided to get his attention. "Hey! Bakugou-kun!" She yelled, making Katsuki look at her. Immediately he avoided eye contact when he saw that it had been Reina who got his attention.

Tenya soon noticed them too when he saw the way Katsuki acted, "It's you three."

Soon enough every student in the room looked at the three of them which made them a little nervous. "Oh h-hi!" Izuku stammered.

"Hello there!" Reina said in a nervous tone.

Floyd had also added, "Sup?!"

"Good morning!" Tenya said approaching them, "I am from the Somei Private Academy Te--"

"We heard!" The three of them exclaimed, making him stop in his tracks.

"It's um—nice to meet you." Reina stammered, "I'm Reina Nouki."

"My name is Izuku Midoriya." Izuku said as he was nervous.

"And I'm Floyd Aihara!" Floyd said with a smile.

Tenya looked over to Izuku before saying, "Midoriya-kun, you realized that there was more to the exams did you?" The three of them looked to Tenya a bit confused as they didn't know what he had been speaking of, "I had no idea. I misjudged you! I hate to admit it but you're better than me!"

"What's he talking about?" Reina asked.

"I think I can guess…" Izuku said awkwardly.

"More importantly, what's with your hands?" Floyd pointed out.

"Hey it's you!" A voice of a girl had said. The three of them turned around and saw that it was the young girl they had encountered in the exam who had stopped Izuku from falling flat on his face. Izuku's face turned red while Reina and Floyd stood there casually surprised to see her.

"You're that gravity girl." Reina pointed out.

Floyd had added, "Yeah! The one we also met at the entrance exams!"

"Oh hey you two!" She said before she started to do punches, "You guys got in! Thank goodness! I'm glad to see that your friend got in too, like Present Mic said! Well, I should've expected as much, that punch he did was amazing!"

Izuku started to stammer as his face turned red again, "Oh--Well--Um--I should really be thanking you, with spe--speaking to Present Mic!"

"Huh? How did you know about that?"

"Agh! Well--That's--Um--!"

Floyd, though he didn't know what Izuku meant, quickly made up an excuse for him, "Hehe, don't mind him. It's his first day."

While they continued to converse, Reina quietly went over to Katsuki who had appeared to be in his own world, and seemed to have forgotten about her, Izuku and Floyd. That quickly changed when she caught him by surprise. She threw her arms around his neck, making him go red as an apple.

"Attack hug!" Reina yelled as she did this.

"He--hey! Get the hell off of me!" Katsuki yelled as he stammered a little.

Reina laughed as she did what he told her. "Okay, it's only a joke! I didn't mean any harm!" She reassured him before saying, "I can't believe we're in the same class together. I could almost swear we never left middle school."

"Yeah…" He said, eyeing Floyd and Izuku in particular, giving them a cold hard stare, "... Right."

"Oi, don't stare at me bub." Floyd sneered, "I don't like this either…"

"You two know each other?" Tenya asked.

"Unfortunately..." Floyd replied.

"Oh pay him no mind Bakugou-kun." Reina said waving her hand a little, "Floyd-kun is just being a--"

Reina cut herself off when she noticed something in the color of red and peculiar around Katsuki's neck. "Hey…" She said, "... That's the charm I gave you."

Katsuki quickly took notice of what she was talking about and took it in his hand. "Ye—Yeah." He stammered, "Why did you have a problem with it?!"

Reina shook her head in reply, "I'm happy actually. I'm glad at the fact you're still holding onto it and the fact that you converted it to a necklace. You do know how to make a girl smile for a complex guy."

Katsuki felt his whole face heat up with embarrassment before he stuffed his face into his desk; he had moved so fast that a loud banging sound was heard. "Are you okay!?" Reina exclaimed out of worry.

"I'm fine!" Katsuki replied with his voice being muffled.

Reina panicked a little as she didn't know what to do since she didn't know the problem. The train of thought seemed to have left them both when Reina heard a familiar voice.

"Nouki-chan?" It said. Reina turned to where she heard the voice and soon had come to realize that it been the girl she had met during the entrance exam; the girl with wings, the girl name Chouko.

"It's you!" Reina said as she snapped her fingers a little, "... Shoichi-san right?"

"That's correct!" Chouko said with a smile on her face, "I'm glad to see that you're doing better. After I saw you the way when the exams ended I was worried."

Reina was wondering what she had been talking about until she recalled what had happened. "Oh that!" She said, "That's just the aftereffects of my Quirk. Don't worry about it!"

"That didn't seem like aftereffects, are you sure that's all it was?"

"Yeah no worries! It happens all the time!"

It wasn't long before Chouko took notice of her friends, Katsuki, Floyd, and Izuku who had joined her along with Tenya and the Gravity Girl who were trying to break in between Katsuki and Floyd. She felt a sweat drop from her head when she noticed that Katsuki (Who had recovered quick) and Floyd were having an intense staring competition. "Oh… Are these people friends of yours?" Chouko asked.

"Yes, they are." Reina said, "We went to the same middle school together."

"The same middle school?" She said astonished, "Talk about coincidence. It must've been nice."

"It was." Reina said before looking at Floyd, "For most of us."

"Yeah, most of us." Floyd said with a snarl.

"Bite me Half-Breed." Katsuki said, giving him a growl.

"Aren't you guys wondering who our teacher is gonna be?" The Gravity Girl said, "Maybe he'll be cool looking!"

"I bet he's a scary dude." Floyd said.

"Actually, I heard we're gonna get two teachers." Chouko said, "One of them I believe was scruffy, at least that's what I was told."

Reina did a double take at this as she realized why the term was familiar, "Wait what!?" She exclaimed.

"Where did you hear that?" Izuku asked as he didn't notice the expression on Reina's face.

"I heard it from my uncle." Chouko replied, "I also heard that he has, well, a bored expression on his face like all the time."

Reina started to sweat at this as she realized who she was talking about. The whole group noticed that she started to back up slowly towards the exit. "Huh? Nouki?" Katsuki said as he was the first to notice, "The hell are you doing?"

"I just remembered I left something at my house!" Reina said as she stammered and quickened her pace, "I'm just gonna be gone for a couple of hours, maybe the entire day, come up with an excuse for me okay Floyd-kun!?"

"Why the hell would I do that?" Floyd asked "It's not like someone you know is gonna teach class or something."

"I heard the other teacher is a smoking hot babe from New York!" One of the students said

"Rumor has it that she's Half-Japanese, Half-American too!" Another student added. "TALK ABOUT A DOUBLE BONUS!"

"GOODBYE! I'M LEAVING!" Reina said over dramatically, while opening the door, "I'M OUT THE DOOR!"

Floyd soon joined her as he said with sweat coming down his brow, "YEAH I JUST REMEMBERED MY SIBLINGS DREW ON MY UNIFORM I'M GONNA HAVE TO TAKE IT TO THE DRY CLEANERS!!"

"But your uniform is fine…" Chouko, Izuku and the Gravity Girl said in unison.

"Now wait just a minute!" Tenya exclaimed quickly, stopping them, "You two can't just leave, the day hasn't even started yet!"

"No, no, no, it's fine, just fine!" Reina said, "The teachers won't mind it much!"

"Yeah!" Floyd replied "This is cool!"

"Are you sure you two are okay?" Izuku asked.

"Never better!" The two said in unison.

"Personally I think you guys are being paranoid!" The Gravity Girl said with enthusiasm, "I bet our teacher is gonna be one of the sweetest teachers in the world!"

"Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends."

The whole group jumped at the sound of a voice while Reina herself just froze up. Izuku seemed to scream a little when he noticed something behind Reina and the Gravity Girl. The Gravity Girl turned and saw that it had been a man in a yellow sleeping bag, who talked with a tired voice.

"This is the hero course." He said as he drank from a juicy beverage.

"Farewell life as I know it…" Reina said with her voice quivering as she had a horrified look on her face.

"SO--SOMETHING'S HERE!" The rest of the group thought in unison.

The man stood up within the sleeping bag and unzipped revealing that he was of average height with messy black hair and wearing nothing but black with his eyes being droopy and his facial hair looking unkempt. Around his neck he appeared to have what looked to be a rather large scarf.

"Okay…" He said tired as he removed himself from the sleeping bag, "It took you all eight seconds before you were quiet. Time is limited. You kids aren't rational enough." He soon turned over to Reina which she couldn't help but flinch, "By the way… If I see you trying to sneak out again I will expel you. Don't think I won't, understand?"

"Ye--" Reina said as she stammered, "Yes sir."

"YOU KNOW HIM!?" Floyd and Izuku exclaimed.

All Reina did was nod her head in reply. Floyd soon asked, "Wait… Don't tell me… This is your father?"

"What!? No!" Reina yelled.

"Oh good." He said as he sighed with relief.

"He's my Guardian." She soon said with a deadpan expression.

Izuku and Floyd's jaws dropped at that point as they couldn't believe what they had just heard from her mouth.

"YOUR GUARDIAN?!" Izuku exclaimed, "HE'S YOUR GUARDIAN?!"

"HE'S YOUR WHAT NOW?!" Floyd yelled.

Reina's Guardian turned his attention over to Floyd, as Floyd himself couldn't help but shrink at his gaze.

"This must be that noisy friend of yours that keeps banging on my door every morning." The Teacher said before drinking from the juice carton again, "Reminds me of someone else I know."

Just as this was said a voice of a woman came ringing through everyone's ears after a laugh was heard, "Oh man! That Present Mic is something with those jokes!"

From around the corner it had been revealed to be Floyd's older sister, Lena, whom Reina and Izuku were especially shocked to see

She looked over to the scruffy guy as she said with a casual tone, "Oh hey Bedhead."

"LENA-SENPAI!?" Reina exclaimed.

"LENA-SAN?!" Izuku yelled after.

"YOU KNOW HER TOO!?" The rest of the group yelled.

Floyd soon yelled at his sister, "W-WAIT W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"

"Remember that last job I had?" Lena asked. Floyd nodded his head in reply before she started to explain herself, "Yeah, I quit that one a few weeks during your entrance exams, due to some sleazeball touching my ass so here I am."


"Yup! On the plus side I get to monitor you in case you get into any funny business!" Lena said with a smile.

Katsuki couldn't help but snicker at the way Floyd had been acting when she had said this.

"Same goes for you, piss head!" Lena shouted making Katsuki jump a little; Floyd snickered at this earning a glare from him.

"Now that we've taken care of that…" Reina's Guardian had said, as he got something out of his ear, "... My name is Shota Aizawa, and this is my associate, Lena Aihara. I'm gonna be your homeroom teacher, while Aihara-sensei here will be keeping an eye on you throughout each class you take."

The whole classroom we're almost speechless at this newfound information. "TWO TEACHERS?!" They had all exclaimed.

"OH GOD IT'S A NIGHTMARE MADE REAL!!" Reina exclaimed at the thought of having her own Guardian be the homeroom teacher throughout the entire year.

Floyd had yelled at the thought of his own sister being a teacher assistant, "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!"

Lena said to the students of Class 1-A as she put her fists together making most of them quiver, "Oh, we're gonna have so much fun together, you little turds!"

"There are two things that I want to say, that are last minute…" Shota said to the students, "First off… We have a last minute transfer. Seems that they made a mistake and put him in General instead of the Hero Course."

Just as this was said, a student had walked into the classroom. It had been the young boy that they had met at the exams; Gio as Reina had been told.


"WAIT?! WHAT?!" Katsuki yelled angrily.

Gio looked a bit more tired than he did when she had first met her. Reina could clearly see that he had bags under his eyes and looked as though he had seen better days, and just like a horse he appeared to be sleeping as he stood. "Uh…" Reina said as she tilted her head a little, "... Is he alive right now?"

"... As far as I am told from his parents…" Shota said as he yawned a little, "... He had been working on his Quirk, that's why he is the way he is."

"Don't worry I'll get him up." Lena said before she snapped her fingers in front of his face. They saw Gio flinch slightly before opening his eyes a little and letting out a yawn of his own. Though as soon as his eyes had opened, his eyes laid upon the girls within the room. He started to make the high pitch like he had done when he had first met Reina and her two friends as his own face started to turn red.

"He's doing it again." Reina and Izuku said in unison.

Floyd said with his jaw dropped, "It's as I thought… He is the Black Canary…."

He kept making the sound as his eyes laid upon every girl in the classroom. His head soon started to steam as he laughed awkwardly. He couldn't help but think to himself, "Thank you God." He soon noticed Reina and his face turned even redder from embarrassment as he stood next to her which surprised her; Katsuki and Floyd on the other hand gave looks to kill in Gio's direction, which he didn't seem to notice.

"Ni--Nice to see you again." Reina said as she felt sweat drop at the back of her head.

"LIKEWISE!" Gio shouted, surprising her again.

Floyd and Katsuki yelled at the young man named Gio, "DON'T STAND NEXT TO HER YOU BASTARD!" As their sentence was said, Floyd and Katsuki glared at one another.

Floyd said to Katsuki as he put his forehead against his, "HEY! THAT'S MY LINE, PISS HEAD!"

Katsuki said with his usual smirk on his face as his hand started to spark a little, "YOU WANNA FIGHT YOU DAMN HALF-BREED!?"

"The atmosphere seems different…" The Gravity Girl said with an awkward look.

"The rivalry between Kaa-chan and Floyd-san is scary…" Izuku said as he shook a little.

"What is wrong with those two?" Reina asked as she tilted her head a little.

Lena stopped the stare down between the two of them by hitting them on the head with a pair of books. "NO FIGHTING ON SCHOOL GROUNDS YOU TURDS!" She yelled as the two young teens rubbed their heads.

Shota cleared his throat and the attention had been back to him, "The second thing I wanted to say…" He started to rummage through his sleeping bag and got out what looked to be a uniform in blue and white, "... Put these on and head to the field outside."

All the students looked at Shota with a confused expression on their faces, all except Reina who couldn't help but sweat.

"My life is totally over…" Reina thought to herself.


Within a few moments all the students within class 1-A had gotten into their field uniforms and followed the teachers out to the school field. There they were told exactly what they were going to do out there; Needles to say they were all taken by surprise.

"A QUIRK ASSESSMENT TEST!?" All of the students exclaimed.

"But shouldn't we be more worried about the orientation today?" Chouko asked.

"That's right!" The Gravity Girl added, "And the entrance ceremony too!"

Shota had replied, "If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for leisurely events."

Lena added with a smile, "That's right! Time waits for no one afterall!"

Their homeroom teacher soon continued, "UA's selling point is how unrestricted school traditions are. That's how their teachers run the classes."

"As I expected he's not going to go easy on us." Reina said in her thoughts, "Now I know how the other students felt when they got him as a teacher."

"You kids have been doing these kind of things since junior high correct?" He said before holding up his phone showing someone's record, "Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your Quirks. The country still uses averages taken from results of students not using their Quirks, it's not rational."

"I say that the Ministry of Education is just being assessed about it." Lena said before pointing over to Katsuki, "Anyway, you! Piss for brains! You were one of the top students to finish the practical exams correctly? What was your result in the junior high soft ball throw?"

"67 meters." Katsuki replied in his casual tone.

"Alright then, do this test again, but using your Quirk this time!" Lena said to him.

Katsuki nodded and walked over to the white circle that had been nearby. "You can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle." Shota said, "Hurry up, give it all you got."

Katsuki looked to both of his teachers before his eyes laid upon Reina who smiled out of encouragement. He stretched his arms and did a couple of squats to warm himself up. "Alright, you asked for it." He said as he did this; He had soon mumbled to himself, "I'll add a little heat to my pitch."

With a deep breath he pulled his arm back and went to throw the ball. Before it left his hand he had activated his Quirk allowing it to fly with an explosion.

"DIE!" He yelled as the ball flew.

"Die?" Reina, Izuku and Floyd said in unison as they couldn't help but have a stunned look on their face.

"DAMN!" Gio exclaimed impressed as he watched the ball fly across the sky.

"Know your own maximum first." Shota said as they watched the ball land in the distance; his phone let out a beep as he turned back to the crowd, "That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero." He showed them the results that Katsuki had gotten and needless to say the students were left impressed by it as they gasped in awe. They had started to chat amongst themselves.

"750 meters? Seriously?"

"Oooh! This looks like fun!"

"This is awesome! We can use our Quirks as much as we want!"

"As expected from the Hero Course of the UA!"

They heard Shota scoff at this which had surprised them. "It looks fun?" He repeated, "You all have three years to become a hero. Are you really gonna have an attitude like that the whole time? Why don't make this more interesting?"

"What do you mean… Interesting?" Reina asked with a raised eyebrow.

Lena said after she chuckled a little, "Oh you kids are in for it now… Because whoever comes in last in all of the eight tests we've provided, will be expelled!"

"EEEEEHHHHH!?" The students exclaimed.

Floyd yelled out to his fellow classmates, "I'M SORRY MY COMRADES THAT MY SISTER IS A DEMON!"

"Another reminder that you also will be punished severely if you fail, Floyd." Lena said in a sadistic and evil tone.

Floyd couldn't help but argue with his sibling, "YOU WOULDN'T DARE!"

"Is it weird that I'm scared but attracted to her at the same time?" A young boy with what looked to be purple balls on his head asked.

Floyd glared at the boy before yelling with a death glare on his face, "Oi, are you asking if you wanna die?"

The boy replied as his voice quivered, "No sir..."

"Now hold on just a minute!" Gio exclaimed, "It's already the first day and your punishing us with expulsion!? Doesn't that seem a little unfair to us!?"

"Do you think the world is fair to everyone else?" Shota said, making the students gasp a little at this before he continued, "Natural disasters, accidents, even selfish villains are something that will always come your way. Heroes are the ones who reserve those situations. If you want to play at being friends after school, too bad. For the next three years the UA will do all it can to give you one hardship after another."

"Go beyond! Plus Ultra!" Lena shouted with enthusiasm, "Give it everything you got! Overcome the possibilities with what you have!"

Reina let out a sigh as she slumped over slightly, before she thought to herself, "Incredible, he used the exact same speech he did with me when I was kid minus the UA part. He wasn't kidding about what he said about not giving me a handicap, than again I should've seen it coming. He was always one to keep his promise."

Reina soon looked over to Izuku and she had a worried look on her face when she saw him sweat from nervousness. She and Floyd had been told about what had happened in the exams; though they were happy at the fact that he passed, but they had grown concerned when they were told what exactly happened when he used the One For All Quirk for the first time. His bones had broken upon impact and when he leaped from where he stood. It was something hard to believe but needless to say they were still worried.

She looked over to Floyd and motioned him to follow to which he did. They both stood next to Izuku and they had gotten his attention. "Are you doing alright?" Reina asked.

"Guys, if I mess this up, I'm gonna get expelled!" Izuku whispered, "What am I going to do!? I can't even control the One For All yet!"

Floyd reassured him by saying, "Easy Izu! You're worrying too much, trust me when I say, you got this!!"

"He's right." Reina said, "Just remember what All Might-senpai said. Think of the egg not exploding in the microwave."

The young artist had soon added, "Yeah! Just focus on not exploding!"

Izuku looked at Reina and Floyd for a moment before having a look of determination in his eyes. He nodded his head to them giving the two a smile.

"Right then." Shota said, "The demonstration is over. The real thing starts now. Show us what you got."


-First Test: The 50 Meter Dash-

All the students had crowded around the track. Lena had been calling two students at random, the first pair being Tenya Iida and a girl who moved like a frog Tsuyu Asui, who had gotten the best record and the second pair was of the gravity girl named Ochako Uraraka and Mashirao Ojiro who had gotten a good record as well.

The next pair had been up next.

"Alright!" Lena said as she read the clipboard, "Can I get Reina Nouki to the starting line?"

Reina stepped forward and took deep breaths as she went over to the start line. All of thoughts were racing through her head and even her heart started to speed up at the thought of her Quirk going out of control. "Stay calm, stay calm." Reina said to herself, "Only the second ability, only the second…"

She stood at the starting line as she looked up and she gasped a little by what she saw. It was her as a child standing just in the middle of the track with her back towards, leaving Reina frozen from where she stood. The child turned to her and saw that her face had been covered in blood and mud, even her hair had looked like it had seen better days. Her eyes still looked like a corpse as she looked upon them; her mouth moved, forming the familiar phrase she had had heard before.

"...Please… Save me…"

Reina was just on the verge of hyperventilating, but before that had happened, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Her heart beat steady as she looked to who the hand belonged to, it had been her Guardian Shota who noticed her in distress.

"Are you doing alright?" He asked her.

Reina stammered a little as she looked forward to seeing that girl had no longer there. Just tell him, she said to herself before she turned to him.

"I'm alright, just a bit nervous about this." Reina lied; She mentally slapped herself in the face for that.

Shota raised his eyebrow a little, looking suspicious about the answer she had just given him. "Right… Nervous…" Shota said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Reina and him soon heard Floyd yell from the sidelines, "Come on, Reina! You got this!"

"He's even louder in person." Shota said before telling Reina, "Stay focused and remember not to hurt yourself."

"Gotcha." Reina said as she watched Shota return to Lena's side.

"Can I get Fubuki Todoroki to the starting line?" Lena said.

Reina's eyes widened slightly at the last name as there had been chatter amongst the students.

"Hang on, that name Todoroki sounds familiar?"

"I've heard it before, doesn't that Hero named Endeavor have that name?"

"No way! I didn't even know he had a kid!"

The whispers soon came to a halt when a young girl stepped forward from the crowd and to the starting line. She had been a beautiful girl with short hair with the left side of it being white and red on her right. On the back of her head she had on a purple ribbon with a small ponytail and she had a pair gray eyes. New chatter amongst the students were heard, mostly among the boy's.

"Wow she's super cute!"

"Who's related to Endevor!? She looks nothing like him!"

"Her chest isn't as big though."

"Eyes off you perv!"

The young girl named Fubuki looked to Reina, who had jumped a little at the sight of her. Though Fubuki smiled a little before she bowed a little to her; Reina bowed back but was a bit hesitant in doing so. That was when she noticed something around her neck as Fubuki stood up straight.

"A scar?" She thought to herself.

"Ready on my mark?" The robot said getting Reina back into reality. Both her and Fubuki readied themselves at the starting area as they kneeled and placed their feet behind them. Reina started to focus as she shut her eyes and gave slow deep breaths. She focused her energy at the bottom of her feet and legs to help her move a bit faster than before. She didn't move until the robot recording their speed imitated a gun fire.

At the sound both Reina and Fubuki started to move with Reina's eyes shooting open. As Reina ran however she looked as though she had been floating momentarily before her toes touched the ground again. Fubuki on the other hand had a different method; instead of running she had been sliding on a path of ice she made with her feet which amazed most of the students.

They soon both crossed the finish line as the robot let out a beep noise.

"4.76 seconds." The Robot said as he had recorded for the both of them.

The students' jaws dropped at this seeing as how Reina and Fubuki both crossed at the same time and even got the same record.

"WOO!" Floyd cheered, "NICE ONE!"

"WAY TO GO REINA-CHAN!" Izuku shouted after.


Reina merely gave a thumbs up towards them but soon had an awkward look on her face when she saw Floyd shoot a glare at Gio who remained oblivious. She turned over to Fubuki as she wanted to say something to her but saw that she had already rejoined the crowd of students. She noticed that she was next to a young boy who possessed the same hair color but on the opposite side and he even possessed two different eye colors of gray and blue. He had a scar like she did but it was on his face. Reina couldn't help but chuckle a little at this.

"Twins…" She said to herself, "They're twins of Endeavor… Who knew…?"

"Next up is Floyd Aihara and Gioco Terebi!" Lena yelled.

Floyd and Gio both stepped forward to the starting line and Floyd got himself ready. Floyd turned to Gio and said, "Watch and learn, Terebi!"

"Oh you're in for a surprise!" Gio said as he cracked his fingers, "Also call me Gio."

"Ready on my mark?" The robot said and the two of them got ready.

Floyd quickly started to draw something up with his fingers. He drew up a pair of roller blades around his feet in a matter of seconds "Alley-oop!" He said at the start of the gunfire.

He jumped up and put on the roller blades as he zipped. Most of the students were impressed by his speed and agility.

"Wow! He did that with his quirk?" One asked.

"Hey, that's not bad!" Another said.

Floyd smiled at the praise he got from the students; though it hadn't been long before Gio yelled—


Gio zipped by Floyd before he could blink and he had crossed the finish line before he did.

"2.05 seconds." The robot said.

Floyd crossed the finish line and got a record of 4.56 seconds; though impressive Floyd still couldn't help but have his jaw dropped. "That… Was… Amazing!" Floyd exclaimed, "How did you do that!?"

Gio smiled as he replied returning to the crowd, "It's all in the Quirk bro."

Floyd looked at him with a confused look on his face as he yelled, "THAT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING!"

"Wow… Now he's starting to like him?" Reina asked with a deadpan look, "I'll never get that guy sometimes."


-Test Three: Standing Long Jump-

Once more Reina had been called on to do another test, this time it had been the long jump. She took deep breaths and did a couple of squats before she started to run within the white lines. She focused her energy into her feet once more before she leaped into the air. Momentarily she had hovered, making her go farther than those that were before her.

In the next second she landed on the ground tripping on herself, but had gotten an outstanding record leaving most of the students impressed.

"Damn this girl is amazing!" One of the students said.

"Seriously, she beat the record twice!?" Another had been added.

Reina took deep breaths and grasped her head a bit, feeling a faint ringing sound.

"I gotta be careful how I use it from here on…" Reina thought to herself.

Soon enough someone came over to lend a hand to help her up. She looked up and saw that it was Katsuki giving her a helping hand. She gladly took it and she was able to stand up on her two feet with his help. "Thanks." Reina said to him with a wink.

"No problem." Katsuki replied, doing his best to hide the blush on his face.

"I never knew Kaa-chan could be so nice!" Izuku said with a smile.

Floyd said with a growl, "He really is trying to steal her!"

"Oi Floyd!" His sister yelled, "You're up, shrimp!"

"Yeah, yeah." Floyd replied as he stretched his legs.

He went over to the start line and got himself ready. Under his feet he drew a pair of springs and started to run.

"Woah! He did it again!" One of the students shouted.

"It's just like Sai's Ninja Art from Naruto!" Another added.

Floyd took a leap in the air, but just when his foot touched the ground he fell flat on his face in the sand, making all of the students jump except Katsuki who had started to laugh out loud. Floyd yelled at Katsuki with his mouth full of sand, "OI! DO YOU WANNA DIE,TRIGGER HAPPY PISS HEADED MCEXPLODEY PANTS?!"

"HEY! THAT'S MY LINE!" Katsuki yelled as he charged at Floyd.

"SQUARE UP, BR--!" Floyd had been cut off immediately when he felt Katsuki hit right in the gut. A puff of smoke suddenly appeared as they started to go at it with each other.

Lena yelled at the two of them as she went to break them up, "HEY WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT FIGHTING ON SCHOOL GROUNDS?!"

They didn't hear her as they were still going at it as the crowd of students looked at them awkwardly.

"Oh, that's it!" Lena shouted as her nails turned into ballpoint calligraphy points from a pen. Ink started to come out of it as she said "YOU BRATS JUST PISSED ME OFF!" She jumped from her position and started to beat them up, scaring all the students except for Izuku and Reina.

"Is that really Aihara-san's older sister?" Chouko asked as she shook a little.

"That's wrong, she's clearly not human." The girl named Ochako replied.

"She really is a demon, ribbit!" A girl with green hair said, trembling.

"Woah… American babes are hot but scary." The boy with purple balls on his head said.

A boy with red hair and shark teeth also added, "Yeah… I'm lucky she's not my sister. Can't imagine living under the same roof as her."

Tenya said as he moved his hands, "Is that even allowed?"

"I didn't know Floyd's arm could bend that way." Gio pointed out.

The bombardment of Lena continued as she still beat up her younger brother along with Katsuki as they kept going at it with each other.

"Uh… Shouldn't we do something?" Izuku asked Reina.

"If you want to, be my guest." Reina replied, as she drew in a small sketchbook.


-Test Five: Ball Throw-

Each student took a turn at throwing the ball as far as they could, with the help of their Quirks of course. Just like before they were impressed how well they were using their powers to their advantage. What really impressed them was when Ochako's turn came up. She pulled arm back and threw the ball, though instead of landing on the ground, it just kept flying and flying until it disappeared into the clouds. All the students looked to Shota, and he showed them her results. They were all shocked when they realized that she had gotten--

"INFINITY!?" All of the students exclaimed.


Floyd had yelled who was seen in a bunch of bandages, "WOAH! THAT'S SO COOL!"

"Aren't you still in pain?" Izuku asked.

Floyd replied with a smile, "Nah! This is nothing!"

"Uhh, I think you reopened your wound." Reina said as she noticed his head had been squirting.

"Don't worry, that's my strawberry soda." Floyd said "Must have leaked during my test!"

"... Don't look like strawberry soda to me." Gio said.

"Why isn't he in the hospital yet?" A boy with red hair said.

Chouko soon got Reina's attention, "Nouki-chan, you're next."

"I am?" Reina said before taking notice of Shota and Lena waiting impatiently, "Oh, I am!"

Floyd said as he pushed slightly making her yelp a little, "Go for it!"

Reina rubbed herself a little before she went into the circle and she had been handed the ball. She threw the ball up in the air a couple of times as she got herself ready. She took deep breaths as she went to throw the ball she stopped.

It had been the little girl standing in front of her. Slowly she reached out to her making Reina backed up a little.

"Save me…" The child said walking to her, "... Please… Save me…"

Reina suddenly had a fearful look on her face as she backed up from the child. The other students seemed to have noticed her demeanor change but didn't know why she looked so scared; The teachers noticed this too.

Lena said to Reina as to try to get her to snap out of it, "Hey Reina! You okay?"

"... Get away…" Reina suddenly said as she backed up, "... Get away from me…"

Shota's eyes widened slightly as he had an idea of what was happening. Lena on the other hand just approached Reina as she reached out to her, "Hey kid! What's going on?!"

The very minute Lena's hand touched upon her shoulder, Reina suddenly freaked before yelling, "I SAID GO AWAY!" Reina threw the ball as if she had been throwing it to someone. Unknowingly she had used her Quirk to send it towards the fence on the other side of the field leaving behind a thick trail, making everyone jump at Reina's sudden outburst.

Chatter had been heard amongst the students at what had just happened. Reina seemed to pick it up as her eyes were still widened with horror.

"Holy hell, what just happened?"

"She looks a little pale."

"Yeah, she almost looked like she was seeing a ghost…"

"... That is so hot…"

Reina ignored what most of them had been saying as she looked ahead, surprised to see the damage she made. She looked at her own hands still in shock by what she just did.

"Did I…" Reina said as she slowly started to put together what she did, "Did I just…"

Reina suddenly stumbled almost falling to the ground, though Shota was quick to catch her before she could hit the ground. She seemed to get calmer as Shota patted her back comfortingly. "You were a good kid…" Shota whispered, "You did good…"

Chouko soon stepped forward as she had been concerned for her new friend, "Aizawa-sensei, is Nouki-chan alright?"

"She'll be alright. It's just one of her unfortunate side effects." Shota replied before handing Reina over to Chouko, "Keep an eye on her Shoichi."

Chouko nodded before taking Reina from Shota. He turned to the rest of the students, "Right… Let's continue with the tests then." Shota said, turning over to Lena.

Lena was a bit hesitant before she looked on her clipboard to see who was up next, "Okay then! Can I have, Lil Izu--I mean Izuku Midoriya please?"

Izuku started to take deep breaths as he stepped forward, and was handed a ball thanks to Lena. He looked at the ball as he started to think to himself, "Everyone is leaving at least one amazing result… Right now it's now or never… If I don't do this now, than I'll be last."

Reina tiredly looked to Izuku concerned for him, since not once through the test had he used the One For All Quirk. "It doesn't look good for Midoriya if he continues like this." Tenya said to Reina, Floyd and Chouko. "Yeah…" Reina said, "... It's safe to say that I'm worried."

"Me too." Chouko said, "Midoriya-san seems to be a good person, and I don't want him to fail."

"Guys, you're being paranoid!" Floyd said with a smile, "He's gonna be okay! Believe it or not he's got a trick up his sleeve!"

"If you say so!" Gio said, "I haven't been disappointed yet!"

"The hell are you talking about!?" Katsuki said to Floyd, Gio and Tenya annoyed, "Are you two that are dead in the brain? He's a Quirkless small fry!"

"Quirkless?" Chouko said questiongly.

Gio merely laughed at this as he waved his hand, "You're hilarious man!"

"I think you're the one that might be dead in the brain." Tenya said to the blonde-haired teen, "Are you not aware of what he did in the entrance exam?"

"The hell are you talking about!?" Katsuki exclaimed, annoyed.

Floyd said to him as he put his finger to his face, "I can't see the look on your face when you're proven wrong!"


"OI!" Lena yelled making the boys jump, "YOU BOYS BETTER NOT BE STARTING ANOTHER FIGHT!"

"No sis we're not!" Floyd said as he shook.

"Whatever." Katsuki said as he clicked his tongue.

Reina's attention had been back to Izuku as she saw him in distress. For a moment Izuku looked over in her and Floyd's direction as if to ask them what he should do. Floyd merely smiled and gave him a thumbs up before Reina had said with a whisper, "You can do it."

Izuku gulped and nodded his head, before he pulled his arm back. He activated his Quirk just as he went through the ball. However, just as he went to throw the ball, he didn't realize that Shota's eyes glowed a red color. The ball flew only a short distance as if he were taking a regular test at junior high, which put him into shock as did the rest of the students. Only Reina seemed to get the idea of what had happened.

"Wha… What just happened?" Floyd said.

"My Quirk…" Izuku said looking at his hand, "I was using it just now…"

"Shota!" Reina exclaimed looking at her Guardian while Chouko still kept her close, "Don't tell me that he--!"

The scarf around his neck started to float and even his hair as his eyes glowed. "I erased your Quirk." He said to Izuku, which made him jump a little at how intimidating he looked. "The entrance exam was definitely not rational enough. Even a kid like you was accepted."

The students looked at him surprised as Izuku was still in shock by what he just did. "Hold on, you erased my--" Izuku said before he noticed a pair of goggles around his neck. His eyes widened in shock, "Hold on… Those goggles! I've seen them before!"

"Wait, I've seen them too!" Gio said as he pointed towards the goggles.

"Yeah…" Chouko said letting go of Reina after she made sure she could stand, "... Hold on isn't he--?"

Floyd soon asked Reina, "Reina-chan? Who in the world is this guy?"

Reina sighed before replying, "Well, you might find this hard to believe but… He's one of the best of the best pro heroes. The only man I know who can erase people's Quirks by looking at them. He's the Erasure Hero: Eraserhead."

Floyd's jaw dropped at this while most of the students were left confused as they chatted once more.


"Huh, that's funny I don't think I heard that name before."

"I have, I heard he's one of the underground heroes."

Floyd said as he stammered, "H-hold on! You don't mean that your guardian is actually..."

Reina nodded her head in reply instead of answer, and Floyd couldn't help but geek out as he started to say, "YOOOOO! DUDE THATS AMAZING!"

"Bruh, aren't your parents the popular Pro Hero duo from America?" Reina asked

"Yeah but this dude is AMAZING!"

"I KNOW RIGHT!" Gio yelled, "THIS GUY IS SO COOL!" "

"Hey, you kids are damn loud", Shota said, making them shrink as he kept his attention on Izuku.

"From what I can tell you can't control your Quirk, can't you?" He said, "Do you intend to become incapacitated again and have someone save you?"

"Wait, that's not what I--!" Izuku said before he had gotten cut off when suddenly his scarf wrapped around his body and pulled him towards him. "I don't care what your intentions are…" He said, "... I'm saying that those around you are forced to do, like what happened to Reina."

Reina's eyes widened a little as she realized what he was saying before she stepped forward, "Now hang on a minute Shota! I already told you it was my fault, he didn't have any--!"

"Reina." He said sternly, not allowing her to finish her sentence, "Don't butt in."

Reina wanted to say more but didn't as she stepped back into the crowd. Shota continued to speak to Izuku, "In the past, there was an oppressively passionate hero who saved over a thousand people making himself a legend. Even if you have that same reckless valor you'll just turn into the same person after you saved one person." Izuku looked at him as he looked down to the floor, even the students were a bit taken back by what he said. Shota's hair went down and his scarf went back around his neck releasing Izuku after he blinked.

"I've returned your Quirk." Shota said walking back over to Lena's side, "Hurry up and get it over with."

"From the looks of it, he received some advice." Tenya said, scratching underneath his chin.

"Probably because he's gonna be expelled." Katsuki retorted.

"Oh you're in for a huge slap in the face!" Floyd said as he snickered.

"You're really asking for a death wish aren't you?" The red eyed teen said as he glared.

Izuku mumbled a little as he couldn't help but wonder what he should do in this situation. His hand shook a little as he thought of ways he could succeed in the ball throw. "I still can't control my power." He started to think to himself, "Should I let everything I can do hang on this one throw? Even All Might said it couldn't happen in one night. This isn't good! What should I do? What should I--"


Izuku's thoughts were interrupted when he heard Reina shout at him. He looked over in her direction as she yelled, "YOU CAN DO THIS! I KNOW YOU CAN!"

Izuku's eyes widened a bit, before he nodded and bit his bottom lip and clenched the ball that he held. He pulled his arm back and prepared to throw the ball; as he did the world seemed to go slower around him.

"It's just as Mr. Aizawa said!" He said in his thoughts, "At this rate, there's no way I'll become a hero! I have to work a lot harder than other people! That's why, with all my strength, I'll do what I can right now!"

He started to activate his Quirk into his finger.


The ball skyrocketed towards the sky creating a gust of wind, making everyone's jaw drop at the sight of this. Reina and Floyd were especially in awe as they finally saw the One For All Quirk in action. Shota looked over the results on his phone and needless to say that he was impressed as well.

"Aizawa-sensei…" Izuku said with a smile, clenching his hand despite his finger being broken, "I can still move!"

Shota smiled at this and Lena gave a whistle, "Way to go Lill' Izuku!" She said,

"Seriously!? He got over 700 meters!?" One of the students exclaimed.

"That's insane!" Gio said, before he yelled with excitement, "This school is amazing!!!"

"Hooray! He did it!" Uraraka said, "He got a hero like record!"

"I know he could!" Reina added.

"Excellent job Midoriya-san!" Chouko cheered.

"Aw man, I wish those jerks back in Junior High could see this!" Floyd said.

Tenya soon noticed the state of his finger, "It's swollen, like back in the exams. He has a very strange Quirk."

"It's not very stylish." A student with bright hair said.

Reina soon turned over to Katsuki, "Hey, Bakugou-kun, you gotta admit that's pretty impre--"

Once more Reina's sentence had been cut off, when she saw Katsuki's jaw hanging wide open, at a loss for words. Though she knew it wasn't in awe, it was in disbelief.

"Wha--" He said in his thoughts, "What's with that power!? Everyone's Quirk manifests when they turn four. This--This is unthinkable!" Reina noticed Katsuki's hands started to spark a little and even his expression change, as she realized what he was going to do.

"What is the meaning of this?" He said aloud. Everyone was taken by surprise when he started to run towards Izuku. "BAKUGOU-KUN! WAIT!" Reina yelled.

"OI! GET BACK HERE!" Floyd shouted after Reina.

Katsuki ignored the two of them as Izuku took notice of him. "DEKU!" Katsuki yelled, as he was prepared to attack him, "TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON YOU BASTARD!"

Izuku started to panic as he screamed, and Floyd tried to stop it as he ran after him and yelled, "OI! ASSFART! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GONNA DO TO IZUKU?!" He got his hands out as he activated his quirk. Floyd drew up a lasso and managed to get a hold of Katsuki, though it didn't make him happy about it.

"YOU DAMN HALF BREED!" Katsuki yelled before he broke the ink lasso, "STOP PISSING ME OFF!"

Floyd yelled back, "STOP TRYING ATTACK IZUKU, YA PISS HEAD!" He drew up a 5 ton mallet as he shouted "TAKE THIS!"

"GUYS DON'T!" Reina yelled.

He swung the mallet over to Katsuki though he was able to dodge with ease before he went at Floyd; Floyd himself prepared for the worst case scenario as he drew up a shield. Though before they could even duke it out, Shota's scarf wrapped Katsuki restricting his movements and Lena activated her Quirk as well to draw up a cage to stop Floyd from moving as well by drawing herself a lasso of her own to wrap around her little brother. Both of them tried desperately to move but found themselves unable to.

"Wha--What is this!?" Katsuki groaned, "These clothes are hard--!"

"That's because this is a capture weapon made from carbon fiber." Shota said as his eyes shined red again.

Floyd said, trying to loosen himself up from the ink lasso, "UGH! NOT THIS AGAIN!"

"Yeah! Brings back pleasant memories back in America! huh, shrimp?!" Lena said followed by a cackle.

"OH MAN! SHE EVEN DID THAT TO HIM BACK IN AMERICA?!" One of the students shouted as he was shaking.

"Scary.." Gio said in fear.

"Does she do that to the other siblings?" Tenya asked..

"That's pretty hot though..." The boy with the purple hair said before getting slapped by the green haired girl's tongue.

"Jeez…" Shota said, making Izuku and Reina flinch a little, "Stop making me use my Quirk over and over again… I have dry eyes, you know!?"

"It's such a waste since his Quirk is amazing!" All of the students excluding Reina said at the same time.

Lena had soon added, "Yeah yeah. Bedhead's quirk is cool and all, can't help but admit that."

He soon blinked and his scarf retracted allowing his hair to go down and Katsuki to be free from the confines of his scarf. "We're wasting time here. Whoever's next, get ready." Shota said.

Lena released Floyd from the lasso before she kicked him over to the circle as she said, "As for you, Go over there and think about what ya done.."


"Forget the Demon. She might as well be a dictator at this rate.." One female student with pink hair said as she trembled.

"Are we sure UA picked her to be a teacher assistant? She looks like more of a villain. Ribbit." The Green hair girl said again.

"What was that, you eyesores?" Lena asked as she gave a death stare.

"N-NOTHING! WE'RE SORRY! PLEASE DON'T KILL US!" The Rest of the student body with the exception of Izuku,Reina shouted

Izuku went back to where Reina had been standing, though was a bit hesitant when he had to go around Katsuki himself. Katsuki glared over in Izuku's direction as Reina, Uraraka and Chouko looked over the wound Izuku had gotten from his Quirk.

"Until awhile ago…" He started to think, "... He was just another pebble on the side of the road…"

His body shook as he sneered, his rage building up in his veins.

"Another pebble… On the side of the road!"

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