Unduh Aplikasi
5% To Be A Hero (My Hero Academia Fanfic) / Chapter 4: A Dream Made Real

Bab 4: A Dream Made Real

When I was little, I had only one dream that sounds ridiculous to some, but it's special to me. Once or twice I've seen other children celebrate with their loved ones the day of which they were born. I have to admit, I was a little jealous with what they had.

The reason for this is simple…

I had forgotten my own birthday.

I didn't mind it at first, but… I had a thought come over my head.

To know that one of the days, in the many months that had passed may have been the day I was born. It killed me not knowing, but it killed me even more when no one had celebrated it with me.

I wanted what the other children had.

I wanted to be able to celebrate the day I was born, with the people I cared about.

But… I'm not sure why… I was always scared to ask such a thing to the man who raised me.


-Three Hours Later; UA Entrance-

The three of them had gone separately to their homes so they could wash up and eat up before the start of the exams. They had gotten there through their own separate ways and individually they had gotten ready before they had headed out. Luckily they had saved time with All Might driving them all home instead of them rushing to the train like they usually would. Surprisingly when Reina returned home she didn't find her Guardian, not even in his room where he usually slept.

She stood at the front of the entrance as she had been on the phone with someone, which had been her guardian.

"I didn't find you at the house, did you leave early?" Reina asked over the phone before getting a reply, "Is that it? So than you're watching with the others? For your class in April, right?"

Reina heard a response from the man before she yelled, "No, I'm not asking because I'm planning on cheating! Who do you think I am?" She lost her expression a little bit, leaving silence between her and her Guardian on the phone. It wasn't long before he asked her something.

"Oh uh--" Reina said, turning a little red, "--No--nothing! I'm fine! I just wanted you to know this… I'm gonna do my best today. I won't let you down! Be sure to let the others know too?"

She nodded her head a little as she smiled, "Yeah, I know. I promise."

Reina soon noticed Floyd and Izuku running towards the entrance in a hurry, "I gotta go! See you after the exams!" She hung up the phone just as the two of them approached.

"Hey you two!" Reina said, "You made it just in time!"

Floyd had said as he caught his breath, "Yes! Thankfully! I practically stuffed all I had in my stomach!"

Reina smiled before turning to Izuku, "So, have you tested out the One For All yet?" She asked with a whisper.

"No…" Izuku replied, "... I didn't have time since I had been busy getting ready."

"Oh… Well, do you feel any different since eating that hair?"

"No… To be perfectly honest I don't even know if I even got it."

Floyd had soon reassured him, "Hey as long as you don't explode, your good!"

Just than they jumped a little when they heard a familiar voice come over them.

"Out of my way!" It said.

The three of them turned around fast and saw that it had been Katsuki who had been wearing a scarf and a coat over his junior high uniform. "Kaa-chan!" Izuku said.

"Bakugou-kun!" Reina said with a smile.

Floyd had said with a glare, "Katsuki..."

"Don't stand in front of me." Katsuki said specifically to Izuku and Floyd, "I'll kill you."

"HEY! THAT'S MY LINE!" Floyd shouted back as the two glared at each other.

Izuku started to stammer as he moved his arms in a weird way, "G-G-G-Good morning Kaa-chan! Le-le-le-let's do our best today!"

Katsuki walked past Izuku saying nothing to him which honestly surprised Izuku, though Floyd on the other hand, he purposely hit his shoulder as he said, "I said move it, Inkboy!"

"OH THAT'S IT!" Floyd shouted as he tossed some ink at his face. "HA, I WIN!"

From this Reina kicked him right in the face causing him to fly to a tree; Izuku and Katsuki couldn't help but jump at this, "I'm sorry about that!" She said with a reassured smile to Katsuki, "You know how Floyd-kun is!"

Floyd said as he groaned "Oi, that was uncalled for.."


"Whatever…" Katsuki said as he wiped off the ink, before he started to make his way to the entrance.

"Hey, wait a second!" Reina said stopping him, "I just wanted to say thank you for helping me train over the past few months, and I actually got you a little something."

Floyd soon shouted after hearing this while Reina started to rummage through her bag, "WAIT, YOU DID WHAT NOW?!"

Reina ignored him as she showed Katsuki what appeared to be a good luck charm; This of course surprised him as well Izuku while Floyd was raging in his thoughts about this, "WHAT THE HELL?!"

"Uh, what the hell am I supposed to do with this?" He asked her as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's a good luck charm, silly, what do you think it's supposed to do?" Reina replied with a smile making him blush, "I know you probably don't need this but I thought it would be my way of saying thank you."

Katsuki's face turned redder at this since no one had ever had the courtesy to get him a gift like this before. Without saying a word he took the charm from her hand before mumbling a thanks as he started to walk to the entrance. "Whoa that was really nice of you, Reina-chan!" Izuku said with a smile.

"I figured he could use a thank you gift after all he did for me." Reina said while winking.

Floyd came stomping over as he said to Reina angrily, "OI! WHY HIM?!"

"Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean I have to not like him." Reina replied as she stuck out her tongue.

He still yelled as he pinched her cheeks, "THAT'S NOT THE POINT, DUMMY! WHY GIVE HIM A GOOD LUCK CHARM AND NOT ME!"

"That's what you're upset about!?" Izuku yelled with confusion.

"QUIT PINCHING MY CHEEKS, YOU INKY DINKY DINGUS!" Reina yelled as she punched him so hard he was sent flying into another person.

"OH GOD! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Someone asked the person Floyd had hit.

"HEY, HE'S BLEEDING INK FROM HIS HAIR! IS THAT NORMAL?!" Another exclaimed seeing Floyd's Hair

Reina and Izuku's jaws dropped when they realized someone had actually gotten hit. They ran towards where Floyd had flown and saw that he hit a young man, with huge unkempt burgundy red hair, wearing a middle school uniform that they did not recognize. He had swirly eyes as he groaned from dizziness.

"Holy crap! You actually hit someone!" Izuku exclaimed out of panic.

"Oh geez, I'm so sorry!" Reina said as she helped him up, "I didn't mean to hit you I swear! My friend was just being an idiot and I got a little mad so I didn't mean to, honest!"

Floyd groaned as he said, "Nice going, Wonder Woman.."

The young man brushed himself off before saying, "Eh, don't worry it's fi--" He stopped himself when his yellow golden eyes laid upon Reina. He started to make a high pitch noise as his mouth was wide open making the situation a bit awkward.

"Oi oi! What is he? Black Canary?!" Floyd shouted.

"Black what?" Izuku asked with confusion.

Reina waved her hand in front of his face as he continued, "Uh… Are you okay?" She asked as she snapped her fingers a little, "You're still with us right?"

All of a sudden he scared the three teens as he suddenly yelled, "HI THERE LADY! WHAT'S YOUR USERNAME!?"

"HU--HUH!?" Reina exclaimed.

"Username?" Izuku said as he tilted his head.

"What?" Floyd asked even more confused.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" He said, "I meant your number!"

"NUMBER!?" Izuku and Floyd exclaimed while Reina was left even more confused.

Floyd yelled as his rage was starting to get back, "OI! YOU TRYING TO FLIRT WITH HER OR SOMETHING?! I'LL BEAT YOU TO A BLOODY PULP!"

"Are you sure you didn't hit your head or something?" Reina asked him.

"No!" He said, "YOU hit MY head!"

"Huh?" The three of them said Floyd losing his rage. The teen started to stammer as he started looking at them, before stopping to Reina. "I'm gonna leave you forever now. Kay bye." With that he bolted towards the entrance before the three teens knew what happened.

"Uhh…" Reina said, turning to her friends, "... What just happened?"

Floyd replied, "Beats me.."

"That really was…" Izuku said, "Random…"

"No kidding…" Reina couldn't help but add.

Izuku soon looked over to where Katsuki had been before thinking to himself out loud, "Still… I can't help but think about Kaa-chan. He hasn't picked on me since we had that run in with the Sludge Villain."

Floyd had added as he got up and brushed himself off, "Yeah everytime, I ask for a rematch a certain someone will pull me away with her Quirk or he brushes me off with his Quirk or just ignores me."

"Maybe that's his own way of saying thank you." Reina said with a smile as she put her hands behind her head.

"You… Really think so?" Izuku asked.

"Don't ask me, Izuku-kun, you've known him longer than I have." She replied.

Floyd had immediately denied as he turned red from embarrassment, "NO WAY! LIKE THAT WAS A THANK YOU!"

"Think what you want, it's just my opinion." Reina said with a shrug, "Anyway we should really get a move on."

"Right!" Izuku said, "We're prepared for this! Remember these past ten months! This is our first step to becoming a hero!"

Just as Izuku said this, he tripped on himself and he found himself hurdling to the ground.

"IZUKU-KUN!" Reina exclaimed.

Floyd yelled, "Oh Real Smooth, Izu!"

Before Izuku could land on the ground he had surprisingly stopped in mid air. It was courtesy of a young girl with short brown hair wearing a uniform different from their own.

"Are you okay?" The girl asked Izuku as he started to freak out.

"He's floating!?" Reina exclaimed.

Floyd had added, "Woah that's new!"

The girl simply laughed as she helped him to stand, "Sorry!" She said with a smile, "I suppose it was rude to use my Quirk without asking, I should've given you a little warning."

Izuku was left speechless at the girl before him and stuttered at his words when he tried to speak, but couldn't form them. Reina and Floyd on the other hand were left impressed by what she had done.

Floyd commented to the girl, "That is a pretty cool Quirk you got there!"

The girl merely laughed before saying, "Thanks! Besides, it would've been bad luck if your friend fell right?"

"It would, thanks for that." Reina said to her with a smile.

Izuku once again tried to say something but couldn't as he babbled something incoherent. The girl sighed before saying, "Aren't you guys a bit nervous about today?"

Izuku couldn't find an answer to reply as Floyd happily responded to her question, "Not at all!"

"Me on the other hand I am a little nervous." Reina said honestly, "I've got a lot of people depending on me today."

"Whoa, talk about pressure!" The girl said as she laughed a little, "Well best of luck to you guys, see ya!"

With that the girl went inside the building while Reina and Floyd waved to her. Izuku stood there frozen in place with his jaw practically on the floor. Reina and Floyd took notice of this as they looked to see Izuku freaked out by the way he had looked. "Are you okay?" Reina asked curiously.

"I… I…" Izuku said, stammering before he yelled, "I TALKED TO A GIRL!"

Reina felt a stab through the heart while Floyd himself couldn't help but exclaim, "YOU DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING!"

"I feel hurt by that comment Izuku-kun…" Reina said as she started to cry sparkling tears.


Floyd slapped himself in the face before he had said, "Nice one dude."


It wasn't long before all the students had gathered into one room and the three of them couldn't believe how many students were in one spot. Reina especially couldn't believe her eyes as she had seen how many of the students from different schools were all together in one place. The three of them had found a seat to where they were assigned from their own school, and they had just happened to be right next to Katsuki, much to Floyd's and Izuku dismay.

Reina on the other hand didn't mind at all as she didn't hesitate to sit right by him. All the students sat quietly as the announcer came to the front of the room and Izuku and Floyd's eyes brightened when he saw it was while Reina herself smiled.

"For you examinee listeners tuning in, welcome to my show today!" A tall slender man with spiky blonde hair and a small mustache and circular glasses said, "EVERYBODY SAY HEY!"

The man put a hand to his ear and waited, though all he had received was silence as to be expected. "What a refined response!" The man said as his arm shook, "Then I'll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam! Are you ready?! YEAH!" Once more the whole room stayed silent as the students sat forward.

Reina couldn't help but chuckle a little as she watched the man before them. "Nice to see that Hizashi-san still has his enthusiasm." She couldn't help but think to herself, "Still the same man I met when I was a kid."

"Oh my God!" Izuku couldn't help but whisper, "It's actually him! It's the Voice Hero himself, Present Mic! Wow! I listen to him every week on the radio!"

Floyd had added as he shook Izuku slightly, "He was my go to guy for beats! My dad always gave me early access to his tracks before they came out!"

"Shut up." Katsuki said to the two of them.

Floyd had whispered back to Katsuki, "Make me!"

"Don't tempt me, half breed!" Katsuki said back as he shot back his own glare.

Reina immediately had shushed them before Present Mic had continued with the orientation, "As it says in the application requirements you listeners will be conducting a ten-minute mock urban battles; You can bring whatever you want with you! After the presentation you'll head to the specified battle center to engage in the mock battles, okay!?"

All of the students looked at the cards that they were given before they had entered the room. Reina looked at her own before looking towards Katsuki and she saw that it was different. "So… They won't let us work with any of our friends?" Reina said as she started to put it together, "That's a downer."

"I was kind of hoping they would put us in the same group." Floyd said.

"Yeah, but every one of ours is different." Izuku said as he looked over Katsuki's shoulder to see his card.

"Look and I'll kill you." Katsuki had threatened making Izuku shrink in his seat. He had soon mumbled to himself, "Damn it, I can't crush you or the Half-Breed."

Floyd said while sticking his tongue, "Sucks to be you."

"Hey! Shut up over there!" One of the students said, clearly annoyed.

Soon Present Mic had continued with his presentation and showed what the students would be fighting against during the exams, "Now they're three different types of faux villains stationed at each battle center. You earn points for each of them, based on their level of difficulty. Your goal dear listeners is to use your Quirks to earn the points! Of course attacking other examinees and any other unheroic actions are prohibited!"

It wasn't long before a student stood up from his seat and raised his hand, "May I ask a question?"

"Okay!" Present Mic said pointing to the student who stood; a single spotlight shined on him and it was revealed to be a young muscular man with short black hair and wearing glasses over his eyes. His uniform looked to be something that of an elite when he stood from his seat. He pointed to what looked to be a fourth logo enemy on the paper that had been different from the other faux enemies that was presented.

"On the printout there are four types of villains!" He said, "If that is a misprint then U.A… The most prominent school in Japan should be ashamed of that foolish mistake. We the examinees are here in this place because we wish to be modeled into exemplary heroes. In addition…" He pointed over to where Reina, and her friends had been sitting, mainly towards Izuku and Floyd, "You two! The ones with the curly hair and the hair like a paint brush! You two have been chatting this whole time. It's distracting! If you're here for a pleasure trip then you should leave immediately!"

The students snickered at the way Izuku acted when he covered his mouth, "Sorry…"

Floyd on the other hand stood up and yelled at the young man, "HEY BLAME HIM! He started it!" He points to Katsuki before getting his mouth covered by Reina.

"Do you want to get kicked out of here!?" Reina exclaimed as she got Floyd to sit back down.

Floyd had said, "Not really..."

"Then shut your mouth up before you get in real trouble!" She said but not before she started to pinch his own cheeks.

"Okay okay settle down." Present Mic said, "Examinee Number 7111, thanks for the great message." The television just behind showed the faux villain the student had been talking about earlier to show the students the answer to his question, "The fourth type of Villain is worth zero points. That guy's an obstacle so to speak. There's one in every battle center; it's an obstacle that will go crazy in narrow spaces. It's not impossible to defeat it, but there's no reason to defeat it either. I recommend that you listeners try to avoid it."

The young man bowed before saying, "Thank you very much, please excuse the interruption!" Thus he sat back down as the spotlight disappeared.

"That's all for me folks!" Present Mic had said, "With that I give you our school's motto! The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said: A true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes. Go beyond." The screen soon brightened and words appeared in bold and bright letters just across which had read--

"PLUS ULTRA!" Present Mic had yelled before saying, "Now everyone! Good luck suffering!"


-Battle Center A; Entrance Exam-

As said from Present Mic all of the students that had either come from the same school had gone to separate battle centers according to where they had been assigned. After giving her regards to her friends she had gotten on an appropriate attire before heading off to where she had been assigned. As to be expected there had been a large group and the center of it all where the battle would take place had been huge leaving Reina herself in awe by it. She wore an outfit that was of a long black sleeved shirt showing her slightly muscle toned stomach and having a Nike's logo in the middle of it; over it she had on a short sleeved gray hoodie.

She had on dark red sweatpants that stopped at her knees and a pair of purple sneakers and she wore her red baseball cap. Along her back she had what looked to be a katana since they permitted weapons for some of the young heros that would be participating in the Exams.

She went up to the door and saw how large it had been compared to her own size.

"Sometimes I wonder how much is in their budget to even have something like this." Reina said as she started to stretch a little while the other students chatted amongst themselves. As she started to jog in place she couldn't help but think to herself about this whole situation she had been in right now. If she had to be honest with herself, she never thought she would make this far. Considering all that she's been through in her life and what she believed to be right in her mind, she didn't think she would be here, period.

She would be lying if she said to herself that she was still afraid to use her own Quirk for this exam. Though she had to suck it up for now; no matter what she had to pass these exams, not just for the people that were watching her, but for herself too.

She patted the sword on her back a little before cracking her neck a little, "The moment of truth… Let's see if the training has paid off."

As she started to jog in place she didn't realize that someone had been standing right behind. Just as she lost her footing she fell into that person only registering when she heard a grunt. "Oh! I'm sorry!" Reina said, turning to the person. She was taken back slightly when she saw the person in front of her was a young girl with shoulder length silver hair that had been curled at the ends; she wore a dark green and brown sleeved hoodie wearing dark green sweatpants and a pair of black combat boots. On her back she had a pair of wings that were as white as snow. Most of her hair covered her left eye though from what she could tell her eye was violet.

"That's alright." She said, "You don't need to apologize. I guess I didn't see you."

Reina straightened herself up a little as she found herself staring at the wings on her back as if she had been in a trance. She soon snapped herself out of it when she shook her head a little.

"No really, I am sorry." Reina said as she averted her eyes, "I didn't see where I was going."

The girl before her smiled and gave a laugh, "I know you're staring at them but it's alright, I don't mind."

Reina turned a little red from embarrassment making the girl laugh a little more. "I'm very sorry really." Reina said as she bowed her head a little, "It's just that your wings, they're beautiful."

"Thank you." She said blushing a little at her comment, "I think your the first person to say that to me, instead of just making fun of them."

"Why would they do that? They're lovely."

"Yes well… My wings are a part of my Quirk after all so it can't be helped."

Reina couldn't help but give a look of sympathy as the smile from the girl's face fell; from this she decided to change the subject while they waited for the gate to open. "I take it you hope to take the Hero Course here right?"

The girl nodded in reply, "My cousin and I hope to get in actually, you as well?"

"Yes." Reina replied, "But as for my reasoning it might be different from yours."

"Well if it's for a good reason than I won't judge." She said before holding her hand out to Reina, "My name is Chouko by the way. Chouko Shoichi. And you?"

Reina looked to her hand before smiling and taking the girl named Chouko's, "Reina Nouki. I hope you and your cousin do well today."

"I hope the same for you Nouki-Chan." Chouko said with a smile.

Soon enough doors before them had started to open up getting the students attention. They turned in the direction of the voice to find that the person speaking to them had been once again Present Mic. "Hey! What's the matter!?" They heard him yell, "There's no such thing as a countdown in a real battle! So you all had better start--RUNNING!!"

Just as this was said, the whole group started to make a break for it.

"THE HELL!? IT STARTED THAT FAST?!" Reina exclaimed as she saw the crowd run; she turned to Chouko before yelling, "COME ON! WE GOTTA MOVE!"

"R-RIGHT!" Chouko yelled before taking flight, "Be careful!"

Thus they both ran into the mock city before going their separate ways. As Reina ran she started to look around to see if she could spot any enemies to gain points in order to pass the exam. She looked through every corner until a couple robots appeared through each of the buildings around her. Six being three pointers, and five of them were two pointers, making her stop in her tracks.

"TARGET ACQUIRED." A robot voice said before charging at Reina, "PREPARE TO DIE!"

Reina smirked at this before cracking her knuckles, "Alright now... Time to show them what I'm made of!"

Thus the robots charged at the young girl before Reina went head on against them.

One of the robots that was right in front of her went to hit her in the face but Reina acted quick and managed to tuck and roll before it could land a hit on her. One went to attack her from behind, but Reina was quick to pull out her katana, slicing the arm in two just when it was about to hit her body.

Then two of the robots charged at her and that's when she put two of her fingers to her head. Pulling her fingers away from her head she lifted the arm she cut off up from the ground and used it to hit the two robots on the ground, destroying them due to the impact.

"Yes! Five points!" Reina said in triumph before she had nearly been taken by surprise from another that went to attack her from behind. She dodged swiftly and used her sword again to cut off both of its arms. She then used her Quirk to smash the robot up as if she was crumpling a piece of paper before she sent it flying to the other robots that were going to charge at her earning herself more points.

The robots continued to go after her and this time Reina saw fit to attack from above. She ran on top of one of the other robots she had crushed before she leaped high into the air and the robots started to fire to shoot her down. With a wave of her hand the bullets stopped before she had them all fly back at her enemies, dismantling them instantly. She landed on one of the many other robots that had been there.

She started to move on as time was of the essence and had soon gotten to the center of the city where she saw many of the other students had taken out most of the robots. She spotted Chouko amongst them doing well on her own. She was left impressed when her wings flapped blade like feathers would come soaring out before dismantling the robots before her.

"SIX MINUTES AND TWO SECONDS LEFT!" She heard Present Mic yell over the speaker.

"Crap!" Reina exclaimed before she started to move.

Once more Reina was caught by surprise as a robot came to attack from behind, though she was one to think ahead. She tossed her sword in the air before flipping over its arm before catching it again. She then made her move as she cracked a small smile.

She landed just on top of the robot and whistled, getting the attention of the other enemy that had been close by. It attacked with full force and Reina jumped off just at the last second. She floated in the air for a brief period thanks to her Quirk before she tossed her sword at her enemies blinding them. Another robot went to hit her, but using her Quirk she was able to retrieve her sword and cut off the leg before crushing it with her Quirk again.

Reina landed on the ground before catching her breath again. She felt her head throb slightly though it didn't hurt as before. She shook her head slightly before standing up.

"I still need more points!" Reina said to herself before she started to run through the streets again, "I hope the others are doing well!"


-Battle Center D-

Floyd found himself staring down on ten robots that had surrounded him on all sides. He saw that there had been no way out as he readied his stance. He said to himself with a smile, "Time to see if those brain teasers pay off!" He slides under one of the robots as he proceeds to jump on one of its arms. He took out his sketchbook as he quickly drew what looked like an ink bazooka.

With the pull of a trigger he fired it onto his enemies; they were all destroyed in an instant. Floyd kicked his legs up and cheered, "Whoop! Whoop! That's 20 points!

It wasn't long before another enemy had nearly caught him by surprise. With the pens on his fingertips he quickly drew in his sketchbook; this time he pulled out of the pages, a sword made from ink.

"Let's get this party started!" He shouted before charging at the robots.

He charged at them with full speed as the robots did the same. Floyd started to cut his way through the robots laughing maniacally as he did "NOW I'M TWICE AS BETTER AS KATSUKI!"

Just as one of them were about to hit him on both sides, Floyd jumped high in the air, "Hey dudes! Here's some ink in ya eye!"

Instead of it hitting the robot it had it a young girl with green hair

"Hey! Cut that out." She let out a squeak as the ink hit her face. Floyd's jaw dropped at this as he exclaimed, "oh! I'm sorry! I didn't want it to hit ya!"

"Ribbit?" The girl said, turning to him with a pissed off look on her face.

Floyd started to stammer, "Uh, hold on!" Hey takes out a handkerchief from his pocket as he gave it to her. "Here! Take this!"

She shook as she soon yelled, "NO THANKS YOU INK-HEADED DOOFUS!" She kicked him so hard that he was sent flying into the other students and robots. The robot saw this as an opportunity to attack but Floyd had acted fast.

With his pen and pencil he quickly drew what looked to be a blanket. The robot seemed to get a hit on him, only to see that he disappeared but as it had turned out Floyd had the upper hand in the battlefield. Floyd yelled at his enemy, "SURPRISE SUCKA!"

He tossed ink at its eyes as it started to hit blindly, eventually hitting the other robot.

Floyd quickly pulled out another weapon from his sketchbook and used what looked to be a hammer before he smashed the robot to pieces. The next robot came to attack and he swung his hammer so that it would smash the mainframe. He had said as he jumped up and down. "AW YEAH! THIS IS HAPPENING!"


Floyd soon felt the whole ground shake which made the people there loose their footing. His eyes soon laid upon what had caused the explosion.

"Holy crap…" Was the only thing he could say.


-Battle Center A-

The whole ground shook when an explosion was heard throughout the fake city. Reina almost fell on the floor but managed to stand. Her eyes soon fell upon what had been the source of the explosion. She saw that it had been a giant robot at the size of the many buildings that had surrounded them.

"The--The---" Reina started to say, before she yelled, "THE HELL!?"

The robot had crushed a building with its hands making the people scream and started to run for it. "The hell kind of an enemy is that?!" She soon noticed that there had been an insignia on it's shoulder that seemed to be a number. It was the number zero and immediately her jaw dropped.

"THAT'S THE ZERO POINTER!?" Reina couldn't help but shout as she noticed the other people started to head for the hills, "WHY IS IT SO HUGE!?"

She quickly lost the thought when she fell on her back after a person ran into her accidentally, and allowed the sword she had been holding to fall to the side. "Crap!" She said before grabbing her sword and she had started to run with the others, "I better get out of here!"

"Save me…"

Reina turned a familiar voice as she ran with the crowd. She saw that it was herself as the child once more, this time sitting against what looked to be a tree that had been burned with only a single leaf hanging on the branch. The child version of herself looked up to her, staring at her for what had felt like an eternity. "Save me… Someone… Please..." She said in a whisper.

"Someone help me!"

Reina immediately stopped in her tracks and turned to the source of the voice. She saw it was Chouko from earlier, with her wing stuck under a pile of rocks. She was struggling to get out as the robot drew ever so closer to where she was. "Please! Someone!" Chouko cried out as she struggled to get free. Reina was a bit hesitant about what to do as she was just frozen in place. She looked to the robot approaching her and looked to where the students had been running too.

She wondered what to do exactly until she thought back to when her and Katsuki were trapped by the Sludge Villain. She thought about Izuku in that moment, and how he rushed to save her and him, despite him being the way he was. She knew that in this situation there had been only one thing to do for the girl before her. She bit her bottom lip before she started to run towards her.

"Hang on! I'm coming!" Reina yelled to Chouko.

She slid on the ground and grabbed onto the rock; she did her best to pull it off of her wing. The robot drew ever closer as Reina continued, though she soon slapped herself in the face.

"What the hell am I doing!?" She said, before she started to concentrated.

The rock that was just on top of her. As the rock started to move she started to feel a loud ringing in her head. She groaned as she felt her nose start to bleed.

"No! No!" Reina exclaimed as she struggled to keep the rock a float, "Not now! Not now!"

Her eyes widened slightly when a shadow loomed over her and Chouko. She saw that it had been the giant foot of the robot about to crush them. With a determined look she held her hand out to the foot and it seemed to have topped in mid-air due to her Quirk.

Though she had been struggling under its hold as the ringing sound in her head had gotten louder and louder seemingly. More blood had rushed through her nose and even the eye hidden under her bandages seemed to be affected as she felt blood drip down her head.

"I can't hold it for long!" Reina shouted to Chouko, "Go while you still can!"

"But what about you!?" Chouko yelled worryingly.

"You're in worse shape than I am aren't you!?" Reina said as she fell onto her knee, "Don't worry about me and just go!"

Chouko was hesitant but had soon stood up and ran to safety. Once she saw that she was out of the way, she dropped the rocks that had been trapping Chouko and focused on the giant foot the robot had been trying to move. Reina groaned and started to feel dizzy as she was now down on both knees.

She heard the robot move above her as she bled profoundly. "I can't get out of this… I'm gonna fail…" She said to herself as she groaned, "... Everyone… I'm sorry…"

Just as she shut her eyes she felt herself move at an unnatural speed before she was placed onto the ground. "Man you're crazy if you think you would hold that kind of weight!" A familiar voice had said. Reina looked up to her savoir as she saw it had been the boy she had her friends ran into that very same morning.

"The number guy!?" Reina exclaimed, making him flinch.

"I have a name you know!" He said, "Oh wait but I guess you wouldn't know it since I didn't tell ya, that's kind of my fault!"

"Kind of!?" She shouted out surprise before the whole ground shook again.

"Oop! No time to argue!" He said before he swiped the sword, "I gotta go take that thing down!"

"My sword!?" She yelled, as she felt that her sword had been missing, "Why are--!?"

"Well I gotta borrow your weapon in order for my Quirk to work! Otherwise, me playing that video game last night would've been a waste of time!"

"What do you mean your Qu--Wait did you just say you were playing a video game?"

He didn't answer his question as he seemingly vanished before Reina's very eyes. She soon saw him jumping on top of the robot and running along its leg, every now and then though she could tell that it was just him moving at light speed. She and the other people watched as he made his way up, creating multiple gashes along the way to slow it down. She had noticed the way he moved and the way he attacked.

"He's moving like the character in DMC…" Reina thought to herself as she struggled to stand, "... Does that have to do with his Quirk? Just who is this guy?"

The robot started to move to get the young teen off, making him stumble; it wasn't long before he lost his footing when he slipped and started to fall over. "OH CRAP!!" He exclaimed as he found himself hurdling to the ground.

Reina quickly acted, despite the pain she felt she used her ability that managed to stop him just as he was centimeters from the ground. At first the young boy was confused until he looked over in Reina's direction; All she did was nod to him and as if reading her thoughts he smiled and nodded back.

"GO TAKE IT DOWN!" Reina yelled as she used her Quirk to send him flying up towards the top of the robot's head.

"YEAH BABY!" He yelled as he landed on top of the robot's head. With the sword in hand he worked quick cutting the head open revealing the wires. He started to cut them up and the robot started to take it apart from the inside making it wobble from where it had stood. Seeing how it was going to collapse, Reina quickly staggered and started to run towards where the crowd of students were.

The young teenager started to move as the robot began to fall apart. He ran along the head and limbs as he quickly made his way towards the ground. He had quickly noticed the debris that were coming towards him and he was quick to act. Using his speed he had just managed to dodge several of the debris falling towards him before he had landed on the ground safely, like a cat he was able to land on his feet.

"TIMES UP!" They heard Present Mic say over the speakers, "THAT'S THE END OF THE EXAMS!"

All of the participants took a breather as many of them sat on what had once been there mock enemies. Reina herself was the only one in awe by what she had seen the teen do before her. He took a deep breath as he approached Reina handing her back her sword. "Thanks for letting me borrow this." He said with a wink of an eye.

"No problem…" Reina had said as she took the sword from him, "... I didn't get your name from this morning…"

"Oh right! I'll gladly give you my userna--I mean name, just my name!" He said before he held his hand to her, "Howdy doo ma'am! The name is Gioco Terebi, but my pals call me Gio! And you are?"

Reina went to take his hand, "My name is Rei--" Her words began to trail off as she felt exhausted all of a sudden. The world turned black and gray as she hit the ground hard. The last thing she heard was the young man named Gio panicking.


-One Week Later-

"Someone… Please… Save me…"

"Get a doctor, hurry!"

"Are you serious? She was the only survivor?"

"Everyone else... They're gone..."

"The Quirk is dangerous! She should be locked away!"

"... She's only a child!"

"Like hell I'll even consider it! Just give her to the government!"

"He'll take good care of her, I know he will."

"... Starting today, I'll look after you…"

"Thank you…"

Reina let out a gasp as she shot her eyes open suddenly. She was surprised that she found herself back in her room in the house where she had stayed. She sat herself up as she tried to process what had happened prior, though it wasn't long before she had recalled. She was at the entrance exam to get into the UA and she had overdone it, at least that's what she had remembered.

At the thought of this she was just nervous, as she didn't know how well she did, more importantly she didn't know how long she had been out cold. She stood up from her bed and went towards the living room to find her Guardian. When she couldn't find him there she went to search within his room, though he was nowhere in sight.

"I wonder where he could be…" She said to herself before going into the kitchen.

That's when she saw on the counter what looked to be a bento box and a letter written in familiar handwriting. She opened the letter as she started to read what was written before eating from the bento box.


I know by the time you've woken up I won't be home since there's a lot to do regarding the new students that will be coming to UA the coming year. As I told you, I watched with the other staff to see who would pass and who wouldn't be able to get in. I watched how you fought and rest assured I wasn't one of the judges. Like I told you before, I won't be holding your hand the whole time even when it came to the Exams."

Reina couldn't help but sigh at this since she didn't want to feel like she cheated her way through the Entrance Exams; Especially since her Guardian just happened to be working at UA as a teacher. She soon continued to read what was in the letter and she was surprised to see what was written next.

"--Yourself and your classmates worked hard. Whatever All Might did to train you worked, but try not to over do it the next time something like this happens. I would've told you in person, but you were still recovering, so I'll write your result in the Entrance Exam as a close second. You passed with flying colors."

Reina nearly spit out what she ate when she read those words. She even read the sentence twice just to make sure that her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. "I… I passed?" Reina said in complete and utter shock after swallowing what she was eating, "I actually did it?" She realized that there had been more written and she had been taken back even more by this.

"Starting in April… You'll be attending the Hero Course in the UA?" She read, "Seriously?"

Soon enough she heard a knock at the door and a voice came soon after. She heard the familiar voice yelling, "Hello!? Anybody home!?"


She stood up from where she sat and went to the front door. She opened it to reveal that it was indeed Floyd along with Izuku, holding a bunch of stuff in their hands. "Reina-chan!" Izuku said, "You're awake! How do you feel?"

"Okay I guess…" Reina said as she was curious to what was in the bags that they were holding, "... Should I even ask what this is about?"

Floyd replied with a smile as he stepped into the house along with Izuku, "We just came to wish you something!"

Reina had been confused by what they were saying as she shut the door behind her before she followed them into the kitchen. "What are you talking about?" Reina asked, "Wish me what?" They put the bags down on the counter, and they took out what looked to be a cake in two of her favorite flavors; Chocolate and strawberry.

"Um… What's with the cake?" She asked, "Is it someone's birthday or something?"

Reina noticed that Izuku and Floyd smiled at one another before they both said in unison, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY REINA-CHAN!"

Reina's jaw dropped at this but she was even more confused than before as she had just tried to process what they had just said. After awhile she shook her head vigorously to rid herself of the many thoughts in her head before saying to the two of them, "Why did you two decide to do all this? You know that I can't remember my own birthday. Even if I could, I doubt that it would be today…"

Izuku soon started to explain, "We know that you can't remember it, but… That shouldn't stop you from celebrating with your friends. So, Floyd-san and I thought that instead of you waiting to remember, we'll give you one instead!"

Floyd added with a smile, "Yeah, so quit trying to be the party pooper and let's get this started!"

Reina merely smiled at them before she said, "You guys, you didn't have to do this…"

"Of course we did." Izuku said, "Because Reina-chan, you're the first friend that I ever had in middle school, so I wanted to repay you by doing this."

Floyd had added with a smile, "And you're the first person to ever say that my Quirk is hero material instead of the other way around! Think of this as a way of me saying thank you."

Reina was about to say something more but had been cut off when Floyd had put his arm around his shoulder, "Now let's set up these candles so that you can make a wish!"

Just when they were about to do just that, they heard the doorbell ring, which made them freeze up a little. "Hmm, that's odd." Floyd said, "I don't remember inviting anyone else. Unless it was my big sister."

"Maybe it's a delivery?" Izuku suggested.

Reina soon went to the door as she said, "I'll go check, you can go ahead and set up the cake."

As they started to set everything up, Reina approached the front door and opened it as she was surprised to see that no one was there. She stepped out onto the front porch steps, shutting the door behind her as she looked around.

"Hello?" She called out, "Is anyone here?"

She was about to take another step forward before she felt something hit her foot. She looked down and saw that it was a purple bag with white tissue paper and a card attached to the strap.

"Where did this come from?"

She kneeled down to inspect it more closely; she untied the card from the strap and read what was written. "Happy Birthday" was what it read. She couldn't help but laugh a little as she had recognized who the handwriting had belonged to; she picked up her head again to look around though she couldn't see him anywhere.

"He really is complicated…" She couldn't help but say amusingly. She removed the tissue paper from the bag to see what exactly had been in the bag. Her eyes widened when she took out what was in the bag.

It was a hoodie in the colors of the Cheshire Cat from her favorite animated film, even having a pair of cat ears on the hood to go with it. She hugged it giggling to herself a little before she put it on. Though it had been a little large in size she didn't mind it as the material was comfy; She could almost swear she was wearing a blanket.

She spun around laughing to herself as she loved the hoodie she had on. By far it had been one of the best things that she had ever received, she had only wished she could thank him in person.

"Reina-chan!" Izuku had been heard yelling from inside, "Everything's set up now! You can come back in!"

"Hurry back in so we can do a creature feature film and open up your gifts!" Floyd had added.

"Alright I'm coming!" She said taking the bag and stuffing the tissue paper in before she headed back inside still wearing the hoodie.

She didn't seem to notice that Katsuki had been standing hiding behind a tree nearby, watching as she disappeared from his sight. He looked to his hand as he still had the good luck charm that Reina had given to him prior to the exam. He smiled a little before he started to make his way home.

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