Can Undead Godhood be cultivated? That's a question for the Undead God himself, but there are only two Undead Gods in the world. The Monarch has disappeared, so now it all depends on Ange. If he says it can be done, then it can be done.
Little Angel stuck out her little tongue: "Lalalala~" The Mist of Breath of Death was drawn into her body, and then she started coughing.
It seemed she was not suited for this type of training, but she quickly thought of another method. She spat out her soul and breathed in the breath of death surrounding her.
Compared to her, Little Zombie made much more noise. His body ballooned like a bag, inhaling rapidly, the breath of death around him vanished in one breath, and exhaling, a small whirlwind kicked up around him.
Feiti was even more twisted, he only inhaled, without exhaling.
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