The pillar of light slammed into a carriage, melting it on impact.
The pillar of light served as more of a demonstration. After its release, a team of Paladins rushed in, some holding their heads, others their feet. They hurriedly wrapped the holy spirit, who had just released Holy Light and was in a state of stagnation, in a shroud and quickly carried it to the back of the formation.
A large group of Silver Knights gradually stopped and began to form a battle line.
At the rear of the formation, Terek, the God's Knight of the Silver Knights, was already roaring in anger: "Fools! Fools! Fools! Why did let the Holy Spirit run to the front? You know he's single-minded, what if the fight starts?"
The subordinate knight reluctantly replied, "We couldn't catch up, sir. When the Holy Spirit starts running, he doesn't pay attention to anything else. We couldn't stop him."
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