/ Eastern Fantasy / Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough Orisinil

Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Eastern Fantasy 1,420 Bab 8.5M Dilihat
Penulis: PurpleSpring

4.45 (204 peringkat)

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Inside a quiet pavilion located inside one of the Heavenly Sky Kingdom’s four largest cultivation sects, a young man slowly opened his eyes with a helpless expression as he gazed down towards the fog located at the base of the mountain that the pavilion was located on top of.

Not only was he the youngest Core Elder in the history of a large cultivation sect, but he was also someone who had transmigrated over with a system!

The system in question wanted him to train up disciples and in turn help him get stronger!

But there was one major problem in all of this… He didn’t have any disciples!


Talk about great timing...
Release Schedule:
7-14 chapters a week
If you are interested in LitRPG, I'm writting another novel called [Reincarned as a Lizard]. A side novel, I write on it when I need something other than Xianxia.

General Audiences


  1. Khonsu_2
    Khonsu_2 Berpartisipasi 28933
  2. Nick1324
    Nick1324 Berpartisipasi 25960
  3. GreatDaoofspace
    GreatDaoofspace Berpartisipasi 25726


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    Lihat 1 balasan

    If you like laid back cultivation stories where MC already had a high start and just teaching some disciples then this is for you. It's something I would read if I want to relax and chill. Hope this gets more attention keep it up author!

    Lihat 19 balasan

    It's entertaining enough to keep my attention. That's all the matters to me. I like these types, where the MC has to accept disciples. There isn't enough to really criticize, the grammar and spelling is fine. Maybe someone could argue you should've expanded on when and how the actual MC took over the body of his predecessor? It just jumped straight into the action, but I actually prefer this over some long info dump at the beginning. Anyways, I look forward to the more.

    Lihat 26 balasan

    Heyo crazy cronie here, review on 29/03/2021 @chap27 (released chap till date: 27) review divided in: Short review Long review IMO Ratings Conclusion Warning (includes spoilers) short review: Gives you 'Accept disciples and become stronger' and 'History's no one founder' vibes. AND LET ME SAY IT ONCE AGAIN, THE REVIEW IS BASED ON JUST 30 CHAPS! long review: pros: 1) Even though the story isn't original, this is still a fresh read since this ain't the type of plotline WN authors generally pick coz it's a lot more difficult. 2) A light hearted novel with almost zero tension. (This can both be a pro or a con depending on readers. To me a pro.) 3) MC is smart unlike other novels where the main trait of the mc is idiocy. No plot armour saving MC's ass, mc knows to hide, to run.... Atleast for now that's the casd 4) I love the pacing of this novel. Literally the events are not postponed forever and takes place when you need them. 5) Side chara gets the deserved attention. Even though still less than 30 chaps I know the author is giving them the screen time required. 6) Author interacts with the readers... Listens to their ideas, opinions and advices and uses them, a big plus compared to those who just take many criticisms and advices comments as malice.... 7) Maybe because it is new but the updates are stable.. and it is even 10 chaps a week!! Something which I love!! cons: 1) [NOT REALLY A CONS] Too much info? Author sometimes give more than info dump required. (I cut my entertainment points coz of that.) 2) A light hearted novel with almost zero tension as said above. (This can both be a pro or a con depending on readers. To me a pro since I was searching something like this.) 3) [NOT REALLY A CONS] Nothing can be said clearly about world. We don't exactly know where the plot is heading... But then again WE ARE JUST 30 CHAPS IN!! 4) MC doesn't have really have any ambition. Like *SPOILER* he just gets a disciple coz the system said so... The system didn't threaten him and neither it was shown that mc wanted to become really strong!! That maybe coz it's just 30 chaps and maybe revealed in the future. 5) [NOT REALLY A CONS] Easy to understand writing with little bit of typo errors and some grammatical mistakes which are negligible. IMO: - A little less info dump would be better... - A little ambitious MC would be a big plus for this novel, like creating your own clan/group/organisation... Just a lil bit of hint would be fine ... Even something like wanting to live a carefree life that's why making your disciples strong is also okay As long as my opinions doesn't spoil the plot RATINGS: writing: 8/10 (con-5) update: 9/10 (pro-7) plot: 8/10 (pro-1&2, con-1&3) characters: 8.5/10 (pro-3&5, con-4) pacing: 8.5/10 (pro-4) dialogues: 8/10 (pro-5) entertainment: 8.5/10 OVERALL: 4.2/5 Conclusion: This novel has excellent potential! I am just worried like many other WN authors, he doesn't stop updating... I am seriously waiting for more updates:). Thanks for the chapters! If possible pin this review @PurpleSpring bruh! Next review after chap 100 WARNING: *SPOILER (not exactly)* - MC till now seems to be neutral. Neither hero, nor villain... Should have been anti hero but even that isn't mentioned... -

    Lihat 19 balasan

    40+ chapters plot- MC awakens system, accepts disciple with awakened physique, gets a flower to awaken it. THATS IT filler chapters of maid tea contest and a whole chapter of a single conversation or the same thing repeated in 10 different ways

    Lihat 4 balasan

    Interesting concept, with a mediocre execution. The core concept of a master that has to pick and raise his disciples is fairly good. Nothing too original, but fun nonetheless. The excessive exposition and focus on banality make this novel hard to read though. So while the core concept remains fairly is interesting and fun, you'll have to keep skimming and skipping through the text to get to the actually interesting bits. Characters also aren't very interesting. As said above, the story is told mostly through introspection and exposition. Leaving very little room for actually interesting character interactions. There are some good/fun this here and there, but there is just too little of it. Characters all remain very flat and interactions often times don't feel quite natural. I wouldn't recommend reading this, unless you really love stories with a lot of exposition, a very slow pace and with excessive amounts of detail. If you're into that, go for it. Otherwise skip this one.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    heyo crazy cronie here, review on 01/09/2021 @chap 211 (released chap till date: 219) review divided in: Short review Long review with ratings CC rants. Conclusion SHORT REVIEW: A slow paced SOLish where mc accepts disciples with some action & comedy. LONG REVIEW: writing: 9/10 Lil typo mistakes but not to the point where it hinders your reading experience... at least I didn't have any prob. update: 10+2/10 Yeah, deserves more than the max rating... For me 7 ch/week is must for full rating for any original novels and this one releases more than 7 plot: 7/10 ^ Don't get me wrong for the low ratings... There is nothing wrong with the story... The world is being slowly introduced to us which is something I really enjoy ^ the story is well connected and till now there is no plothole (nothing caught my eyes atleast.) ^ But the low rating of this section is because author-chan it seems you forgot the title~ I mean *spoiler* it has been almost 150 chaps he din get any Disciple. *spoiler end* ^ the system hasn't been really explained... Tho it might be done in the future.. for now i dont have any idea I mean till now I thought it's only related to disciples but suddenly we get different side missions *spoiler* about finding the core of the secret realm and then a survival quest. *spoiler end* ... characters: 8.5/10 Nothing bad... Most characters have their own quirk, but still characters could have been given a little more depth. Till now tho it's good. pacing: 9/10 ^ This is a slow paced novel. And it's really enjoyable reading this... ^ -1 maybe because i feel a little increase in pace would do good? Just my opinion dialogues: 9.5/10 Author did a good job here. People conversing here is one of the things most likeable about this novel. entertainment: 9/10 Welp this is a biased rating since it totally depends upon how much I enjoyed... Overall: 4.5/5 CC rants:- ^ Well, first of all I should correct my previous review. This isn't similar to History's no. 1 founder in anyway..... This one leans more towards SOL compared to HN1F which is action packed. ^ Secondly this is for ya author-chan~ It's high time we have a disciple xD... ^ Also high time MC breakthrough next realm.... ^ This is for the readers... MC is little intelligent compared to other novels so you won't get irritated by his dumbness.. ^ And well... nothing else keep updating 🌚 CONCLUSION: This is one of my weekly pastime... I just stack chaps to read it every weekend... And a must read if you're into SOL type novels... I'll say it once again; there is no romance, harem so to all suckers for this genre stay away... (I'm a sucker for harem and this is one of the few novels I'm reading which doesn't have harem)

    Lihat 23 balasan
    LV 13 Badge

    Pro's You can see the writing quality improving as the story continues MC can cultivate outside of the system Con's I noticed many inconsistencies in the story The story is in desperate need of more world development The system is an almost a non-existent part of the story Certain story points that are added for plot are illogical Qing Yi is a bully and seems completely ungrateful to her master - The story had great potential yet delivered an average story, however the writing has shown vast improvements as the story progresses. I still don't completely understand the reasoning behind Qing Yi having a complete personality change into the most annoying and hated character (by readers) in the story, but it is too late to change after the fact. Hopefully, she jumps ship to the other alchemist, as it would be congruent with her current personality. Overall, I look forward to the next story by the Author, as with their rate of improvement, it will likely be an exceptional work.

    Lihat 4 balasan
    LV 11 Badge

    I like the story, but the action is too slow. A typical case is a one-day test in the novel, but the author describes it in more than 40 chapters. Slow character development, unnecessary reflection and repetition.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    Im sorry but this story is just way to slow. Literally nothing happens and the pacing is off by a lot. It's not really filler but a lot of the chapters a filled with pointless stuff. I may sound harsh but I was expecting it to be slow but not this slow. I've read up to chapter 80 something and he has taught his disciple twice. I guess this is meant to be a chill novel but this is just boring. The writing quality is good tho and the world building is also good but slow.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    It was great, though not enough chapters yet to thoroughly tell if it would be even better in the future. So yah~ Keep up it up! Don't mind this ---v (Anyway....seriously can't even post or write a review without enough Letters/Words...) <---don't mind this.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    To be honest I like the story background but the inner writing I don't like it. Reading the first volume I think that the first disciple has no respect and gratitude for MC as her master, it's more like a casual respect not like a nascent soul stage cultivator master should have.

    Lihat 5 balasan

    I like this kind of novel. I can't wait for another chapter. Keep the good work author. Hope this novel can get more attention and good rankings from the readers. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

    Lihat 1 balasan

    I enjoyed the novel... .

    Lihat 1 balasan

    After 550 chapters:There are some unrealistic scenarios and a little too much stories with not Mc's POV, but overall u would enjoy reading this novel

    Lihat 1 balasan

    Suggest reading it .Unique plot .Breathe of fresh air amidst the cliche novels on this website[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

    Lihat 1 balasan

    Nice chill novel.. nice concept.. plot is also fine so far I just hope the mc can have more character in him rather than being a block of wood.. more of his emotions.. more of his thought process.. than just him being totally rational to the point that it seems like there's nothing wrong with it.. but nothing awesome about it.. just normal I hope the story can make me feel more involved rather than making me feel detached to it and feel like watching a perfect side story going on.

    Lihat 2 balasan

    Read till Chapter 85 Words cant express the greatness of this novel (i dont know how to write reviews) MC is an nascent soul stage expert and is one of the powerhouses in his kingdom His system lets him advance in his cultivation as his apprentices reach higher realm OH IMPORTANT POINT the mc still cultivates normally even though he has a system Our MC also has a mysterious background as his memories area hazy Yea yea i know my review is bad just give this novel a shot and i am sure you i will love it

    Lihat 1 balasan

    i seemed to have read the first few chapters in another work. ignoring the originality of the premise, this one seems to develope better and with better writing style as well.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    This is one of the few novels i still read, i like it because MC doesn't become OP within a 10-50 chapters. Yes it's slow paced and has few fillers in it (slice of life) but main thing for me is his golden finger isn't doing everything and at current chapter isn't used as plot armor.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    I read until chapter 44 and decided to stop. I'll explain why based on the rating. The pros: 1. I love the world background. The idea of the sect is small within a not so great kingdom within a great (?) empire. Outside of the continent, there might be more things to be discovered as hinted through MC's blur memories of the past. 2. Updates are 10 chapters/week. Amazing! 3. There's a clear direction. Find disciples, unlock their potentials, solve their problems yada yada. I'm satisfied, at least. The cons: 1. The pacing is slow and there's too much fillers. Why is a servant brewing black tea and green tea important to the story? Did MC and her disciple got addicted to them? Nope. In fact, the servant competition could be compress into a few paragragh (or none at all) and be done with. If the servant is special, the focus should be on her instead of the whole competition. And the upper echelons attending the new disciples examination from the get go is strange too. If they only attend during the final, I understand, but from the very beginning? Even watching when they are checking their bone age? Strange. They have too much time in their hands. 2. Character design is too common. TBH if it was not stated that MC was from another world, I wouldn't even know. There's no uniqueness from the way he talk or behave, even when he's alone. The only time I notice is when he used the word 'broadcast' while he tried to activate his disciple's physique. Aside from that, there's no hint of slang or casualness from him. Aside from the rating, I really love the idea of MC collecting disciples which is why I read the novel.

    Lihat 2 balasan
    Terbaru dirilis:
    Chapter 1417: Happy Rabbit 14 hours ago

    Jilid 1 : The First Disciple

    1. 1
      Xuan Hao 3 years ago
    2. 2
      Qing Yi 3 years ago
    3. 3
      Qing Family 3 years ago
    4. 4
      Examination Starts! 3 years ago
    5. 5
      Finding a Future Disciple 3 years ago
    6. 6
      Dwindling Hope of the Qing Family 3 years ago
    7. 7
      Start of the Second Test 3 years ago
    8. 8
      The Demon Beast Forest 3 years ago
    9. 9
      Rankings for the Second Test 3 years ago
    10. 10
      New Disciples of the Flying Sword Sect 3 years ago
    11. 11
      First Disciple 3 years ago
    12. 12
      True Sword Intent 3 years ago
    13. 13
      End of the Day 3 years ago
    14. 14
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    15. 15
      Autumn Wind Sword 3 years ago
    16. 16
      Pagoda of Enlightenment 3 years ago
    17. 17
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    18. 18
      Zhi Ruo 3 years ago
    19. 19
      Tea Brewing Contest 3 years ago
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      Flame Mountain City 3 years ago
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    26. 26
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    27. 27
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    28. 28
      Leaving the Raging Flame Sects Territory 3 years ago
    29. 29
      Returning to the Flying Sword Sect 3 years ago
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    56. 56
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    58. 58
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    Jilid 2 : The Second Disciple

    1. 59
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    2. 60
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    3. 61
      Chu Yang 3 years ago
    4. 62
      Catching a New Disciple in The Wild 3 years ago
    5. 63
      Return to the Flying Sword Sect 3 years ago
    6. 64
      Plotting the Downfall of the Beast Tamers 3 years ago
    7. 65
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    8. 66
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    9. 67
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    13. 71
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    14. 72
      Senior Brother Yu~ 3 years ago
    15. 73
      Chu Yang's Decision 3 years ago
    16. 74
      Difference Between Real Alchemists and Fake Alchemists! 3 years ago
    17. 75
      Trying to Act Like a Mysterious Bigshot 3 years ago
    18. 76
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    20. 78
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    21. 79
      Chu Yang is still Trying to Escape and Unrest at the Border 3 years ago
    22. 80
      The Heavenly Sky Kingdom and Four Great Sects 3 years ago
    23. 81
      The Path Towards Improving One's Sense of Direction 3 years ago
    24. 82
      Qing Yi's Scheme for Chu Yang's Future 3 years ago
    25. 83
      Imparting a Cultivation Mantra and a Movement Technique 3 years ago
    26. 84
      Heavenly Sky Kingdom Refuses to Help 3 years ago
    27. 85
      The Plague Spreads in the Heavenly Sky Kingdom 3 years ago
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    30. 88
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    31. 89
      The Group of Refugees 3 years ago
    32. 90
      Lord Kubera's Notebook 3 years ago
    33. 91
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    34. 92
      The Elders of the Black Rose Sect 3 years ago
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    36. 94
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      Danger Approaching 3 years ago
    41. 99
      Future Alchemy Competition 3 years ago
    42. 100
      Fur Ball Demon Beast Appears! 3 years ago
    43. 101
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    44. 102
      Dark Red Whirlpool 3 years ago
    45. 103
      Sword Shadow! 3 years ago
    46. 104
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    47. 105
      Future Plans! 3 years ago
    48. 106
      War Begins 3 years ago
    49. 107
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    51. 109
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    52. 110
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    53. 111
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    54. 112
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    57. 115
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    59. 117
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    60. 118
      Return to the Flying Sword Sect 3 years ago
    61. 119
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    63. 121
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    77. 135
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      Zu Fei's Past 3 years ago
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    92. 150
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    93. 151
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    95. 153
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    96. 154
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    97. 155
      Fifth and Seventh Flower Appear! 3 years ago
    98. 156
      Nascent Soul! Attack! 3 years ago
    99. 157
      Heavenly Sky Kingdom Retreats! 3 years ago
    100. 158
      Ascendant Frost Hall 3 years ago
    101. 159
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    102. 160
      Stalemate... 3 years ago
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    104. 162
      Secret Realm? 3 years ago
    105. 163
      The Secret Realm Opens 3 years ago
    106. 164
      Entering the Secret Realm 3 years ago
    107. 165
      The Giant Pagoda 3 years ago
    108. 166
      Supreme Flower Breaking Mantra 3 years ago
    109. 167
      Sky Empire Arrives! 3 years ago
    110. 168
      Formation Pillar 3 years ago
    111. 169
      Chi Hu's Breakthrough! 3 years ago
    112. 170
      The Temple Hidden in the Ancient Forest 3 years ago
    113. 171
      Underground Hall 3 years ago
    114. 172
      Interspatial Ring and Surprise from the System 3 years ago
    115. 173
      First Encounter with Treasure Hunter 3 years ago
    116. 174
      Hammer Treasure Hunter 3 years ago
    117. 175
      Potion + Potion = Boom! 3 years ago
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      Escape of the Treasure Hunter, Cave Edition 3 years ago
    119. 177
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    120. 178
      Wolves vs Barrier 3 years ago
    121. 179
      Interrogating the Alchemist Treasure Hunter 3 years ago
    122. 180
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    123. 181
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    125. 183
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    126. 184
      Towards the border of the Nascent Soul Realm Area! 3 years ago
    127. 185
      Pseudo Sword Domain Showing it's Might! 3 years ago
    128. 186
      Chi Hu and the Treasure Hunter leaves the Secret Realm 3 years ago
    129. 187
      Underground Palace 3 years ago
    130. 188
      Wooden Box and Demon Ape~ 3 years ago
    131. 189
      Demon Ape vs Xuan Hao! 3 years ago
    132. 190
      Heading back towards the Secret Realm Entrance~ 3 years ago
    133. 191
      Sky Empire Blocks the Entrance of the Secret Realm 3 years ago
    134. 192
      Fire Blood Gang and Flowing Cloud Sect 3 years ago
    135. 193
      All Out Attack! Kill the Bandit Leader! 3 years ago
    136. 194
      Xuan Hao Appears! 3 years ago
    137. 195
      Demonic Cultivator Attack~ 3 years ago
    138. 196
      Demonic Artifact 3 years ago
    139. 197
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    140. 198
      Side Quest Complete, Artisan Alchemist? 3 years ago
    141. 199
      Sweet Cloud Pill 3 years ago
    142. 200
      Suspicious Tree, Attack! 3 years ago
    143. 201
      Underground Formation Pillars~ 3 years ago
    144. 202
      Hidden Scroll 3 years ago
    145. 203
      Sky Empire and Onyx Empire 3 years ago
    146. 204
      To the Edge of the Secret Realm! 3 years ago
    147. 205
      Giant Underground Lizard 3 years ago
    148. 206
      Pure Qi Fish 3 years ago
    149. 207
      Entering The Main Palace 3 years ago
    150. 208
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    151. 209
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    152. 210
      Ancient Realm City 3 years ago
    153. 211
      General Liu and Zhang, Towards the Storage Room! 3 years ago
    154. 212
      Soul Enhancing Flower 3 years ago
    155. 213
      Battle for the Soul Enhancing Flowers! 3 years ago
    156. 214
      Collapse of the Secret Realm! 3 years ago
    157. 215
      Second Blue Feather 3 years ago

    Jilid 3 : The Third Disciple

    1. 216
      The Young Blacksmith 3 years ago
    2. 217
      Helping the Young Boy and Escaping? 3 years ago
    3. 218
      Escaping From the Serpent Demon Beast 3 years ago
    4. 219
      Recruiting The Boy for the Sect 3 years ago
    5. 220
      Naming the Young Boy 3 years ago
    6. 221
      Spring Flower Sect Arrives! 3 years ago
    7. 222
      Blue Crystals 3 years ago
    8. 223
      Xuefeng and Elder Meng vs Saber Lord! 3 years ago
    9. 224
      Source Crystal and Snake~ 3 years ago
    10. 225
      Stealing the Source Crystal 3 years ago
    11. 226
      Xuan Hao vs Guardian of the Source Crystal! 3 years ago
    12. 227
      Feng Chen's Breakthrough! 3 years ago
    13. 228
      Alchemy Hall's Plan to Increase their Numbers! 3 years ago
    14. 229
      Hidden Danger Approaching the Heavenly Sky Kingdom and Seven Fates Sect 3 years ago
    15. 230
      Returning to the Flying Sword Sect 3 years ago
    16. 231
      Entering Closed Door Meditation 3 years ago
    17. 232
      Breakthrough! Reaching the Peak of the Nascent Soul Realm! 3 years ago
    18. 233
      Bai Ning Meeting Qing Yi and Chu Yang 3 years ago
    19. 234
      Blacksmithing Hall 3 years ago
    20. 235
      Lizard Demon Beast's Sudden Increase in Strength! 3 years ago
    21. 236
      Talking about Elder Xuan and Angry Senior Sister 3 years ago
    22. 237
      Leaving Closed Door Meditation 3 years ago
    23. 238
      Reuniting with Chi Hu 3 years ago
    24. 239
      Talk with Shu Yao 3 years ago
    25. 240
      Peng Yun Entering the Alchemy Hall 3 years ago
    26. 241
      Peng Yun Meeting the Core Elders of the Alchemy Hall 3 years ago
    27. 242
      Reuniting with Qing Yi and Chu Yang 3 years ago
    28. 243
      Unrest in The Azure Sky Kingdom 3 years ago
    29. 244
      Third Disciple, Bai Ning! 3 years ago
    30. 245
      Sudden Crisis 3 years ago
    31. 246
      Breakthrough! Reaching the Domain Lord Realm! 3 years ago
    32. 247
      Feng Chen's Shock! 3 years ago
    33. 248
      Future Merger Between the Flying Sword Sect and the Spring Flower Sect 3 years ago
    34. 249
      Hidden Observation Post 3 years ago
    35. 250
      Back at the Flying Sword Sect 3 years ago
    36. 251
      Teaching Bai Ning 3 years ago
    37. 252
      Devil Immortal Jade Entering the Dantian! 3 years ago
    38. 253
      Lu Wen, Talent Increase! 3 years ago
    39. 254
      Elder Song Seeking Help! 3 years ago
    40. 255
      Excited Wang Hu and Elder Song 3 years ago
    41. 256
      Doubt of an Old Elder 3 years ago
    42. 257
      Cloud Tribulation Descends! 3 years ago
    43. 258
      Elder Song Reaches the Nascent Soul Realm! 3 years ago
    44. 259
      Delivering the News to Feng Chen... 2 years ago
    45. 260
      Creating an Interspatial Ring! 2 years ago
    46. 261
      Secret Observers Leaving 2 years ago
    47. 262
      Showing up late... 2 years ago
    48. 263
      Waiting for Elder Xuan~ 2 years ago
    49. 264
      Towards the Raging Flame Sect! 2 years ago
    50. 265
      Arriving at the Raging Flame Sect... 2 years ago
    51. 266
      Vice Sect Master of the Raging Flame Sect and his Disciple~ 2 years ago
    52. 267
      Attack the Raging Flame Sect! 2 years ago
    53. 268
      Feng Chen vs Grand Elder! 2 years ago
    54. 269
      Terrifying Inferno of the Grand Elder! 2 years ago
    55. 270
      End of the Raging Flame Sect! 2 years ago
    56. 271
      Decaying Palace 2 years ago
    57. 272
      Black Miasma and Divine Runes 2 years ago
    58. 273
      The Raging Flame Sect's Treasury 2 years ago
    59. 274
      Heading back to the Flying Sword Sect 2 years ago
    60. 275
      Ancestor of the Heavenly Sky Kingdom 2 years ago
    61. 276
      Stalemate between the two Kingdoms 2 years ago
    62. 277
      First Time in the Mission Hall 2 years ago
    63. 278
      Mission Hall 2 years ago
    64. 279
      Finding a Suitable Mission 2 years ago
    65. 280
      Searching the Burning Mountain Range 2 years ago
    66. 281
      Ancient Maze 2 years ago
    67. 282
      Bullying an Oversized Rat and Stealing its Spring Water 2 years ago
    68. 283
      Leaving the Ancient Maze 2 years ago
    69. 284
      Finding the Sect Master of the Raging Flame Sect 2 years ago
    70. 285
      Dong He vs Feng Chen 2 years ago
    71. 286
      Eruption! Escape of Feng Chen and Zu Fei 2 years ago
    72. 287
      Arriving at the Territory of the River Sect 2 years ago
    73. 288
      Qing Yi's First... 2 years ago
    74. 289
      Qing Yi Wakes up 2 years ago
    75. 290
      Guide From the River Sect 2 years ago
    76. 291
      Hidden Danger behind the Bandit Group 2 years ago
    77. 292
      Veposs Flowers and Red Flower Ridge 2 years ago
    78. 293
      Attack the Bandits! 2 years ago
    79. 294
      Bandit Leader vs Chu Yang! 2 years ago
    80. 295
      Qing Yi's Change 2 years ago
    81. 296
      System back in action! 2 years ago
    82. 297
      Learning about other Continents 2 years ago
    83. 298
      End of the Heavenly Sky Kingdom Approaching! 2 years ago
    84. 299
      Shu Yao's Suspicion 2 years ago
    85. 300
      Reappearance of the Flower Breaking Mantra! 2 years ago
    86. 301
      Su Wuhan, King of the Azure Sky Kingdom! 2 years ago
    87. 302
      End of the Heavenly Sky Kingdom! 2 years ago

    Jilid 4 : Planning for the Future and The Iron Sky Kingdom

    1. 303
      Spending the rest of the Day Reading Peacefully~ 2 years ago
    2. 304
      Xuan Hao's First Visit to the Alchemy Hall 2 years ago
    3. 305
      First Potion and Alchemy Elders Outside 2 years ago
    4. 306
      Chaos Breaks Out 2 years ago
    5. 307
      Quest Progress Limit! 2 years ago
    6. 308
      Formation Hall 2 years ago
    7. 309
      Sect Quest 2 years ago
    8. 310
      Feng Chen and Zu Fei's Return 2 years ago
    9. 311
      Bright Red and Unlucky Border Guards... 2 years ago
    10. 312
      Unexpected Danger 2 years ago
    11. 313
      A Way Out! 2 years ago
    12. 314
      Escape from the Red Fruit! 2 years ago
    13. 315
      Fang Yu's Difficulty... 2 years ago
    14. 316
      Fluffy Cloud Café 2 years ago
    15. 317
      Anxious Fang Yu 2 years ago
    16. 318
      Arriving at Dawn 2 years ago
    17. 319
      Fire Burning Formation 2 years ago
    18. 320
      Source of Fang Yu's Problem 2 years ago
    19. 321
      Qi Sapping Worm 2 years ago
    20. 322
      Will it Explode? 2 years ago
    21. 323
      The Formation Hall's Entrance Test! 2 years ago
    22. 324
      Qi Gathering Formation 2 years ago
    23. 325
      Third Stage of the Domain Lord Realm! 2 years ago
    24. 326
      Future Sect Location! 2 years ago
    25. 327
      Finding an Old Friend of Chi Hu 2 years ago
    26. 328
      Helping Chi Hu's Old Friend 2 years ago
    27. 329
      Zhu Lian 2 years ago
    28. 330
      Second Star Peak... 2 years ago
    29. 331
      Fourth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm! 2 years ago
    30. 332
      New Domain...? 2 years ago
    31. 333
      Main Peak of the Shattered Star Peaks 2 years ago
    32. 334
      Blue Deer 2 years ago
    33. 335
      Unkown Struggles of a Young Master 2 years ago
    34. 336
      Young Master Chu Yang! 2 years ago
    35. 337
      Following the Blue Deer 2 years ago
    36. 338
      Finding a Way Out! 2 years ago
    37. 339
      Sleeping Demon Beast 2 years ago
    38. 340
      Third Blue Feather 2 years ago
    39. 341
      Xuan Hao vs Winged Lion Demon Beast! 2 years ago
    40. 342
      Fate of the Winged Lion Demon Beast! 2 years ago
    41. 343
      Pure Heart Island 2 years ago
    42. 344
      Never Pretend to be a Young Master! 2 years ago
    43. 345
      Searching for Pure Heart Spirit Grass 2 years ago
    44. 346
      Huang Yongyu's Escape... 2 years ago
    45. 347
      Young Master of the Ghost Howl Sect! 2 years ago
    46. 348
      Winged Lion Demon Beast's Special Ability 2 years ago
    47. 349
      Sect Mission Complete! Pure Heart Spiritual Grass Found! 2 years ago
    48. 350
      Demon Beasts of the Pure Heart Lake 2 years ago
    49. 351
      Leaving Pure Heart Island! 2 years ago
    50. 352
      Elder Song's Plan for the other Elders... 2 years ago
    51. 353
      Sect Master of the Ghost Howl Sect! 2 years ago
    52. 354
      Fate of the Ghost Howl Sect's Sect Master! 2 years ago
    53. 355
      Back to the Pure Heart Island! 2 years ago
    54. 356
      Huang Yongyu's Suffering... 2 years ago
    55. 357
      Huang Yongyu's Escape... Again! 2 years ago
    56. 358
      The Centre of the Pure Heart Lake 2 years ago
    57. 359
      Four Paths 2 years ago
    58. 360
      Mysterious Place Beyond the Mist~ 2 years ago
    59. 361
      Sneak Attack! 2 years ago
    60. 362
      Pure Heart Spiritual Water 2 years ago
    61. 363
      Leaving the Pure Heart Lake 2 years ago
    62. 364
      Feng Chen's Request 2 years ago
    63. 365
      New Sect Quest and Bai Ning 2 years ago
    64. 366
      Causing Chaos with a few words 2 years ago
    65. 367
      Outer Sect 2 years ago
    66. 368
      Curious Disciples and Elders~ 2 years ago
    67. 369
      Qing Chenyi 2 years ago
    68. 370
      End of the First Lecture 2 years ago
    69. 371
      Neighbouring Kingdoms 2 years ago
    70. 372
      Elder Song begins Stabilizing the Territory of the Flying Sword Sect 2 years ago
    71. 373
      Reward for Completing the Sect Quest... 2 years ago
    72. 374
      Winged Lion's new life~! 2 years ago
    73. 375
      Blood Punisher, Creator of the Heaven Splitting Sword Art! 2 years ago
    74. 376
      Fire Explosion Potion! 2 years ago
    75. 377
      Bai Ning's Growth 2 years ago
    76. 378
      Weird Young Girl 2 years ago
    77. 379
      Spiritual Herb Magnet? 2 years ago
    78. 380
      Meeting Elder Gong Bo and Preparing to Leave 2 years ago
    79. 381
      State of Mind 2 years ago
    80. 382
      Departure 2 years ago
    81. 383
      Iron Sky Kingdom 2 years ago
    82. 384
      Talking with Chi Hu 2 years ago
    83. 385
      Rebellion in the Azure Sky Kingdom 2 years ago
    84. 386
      Entering the Iron Sky Kingdom! 2 years ago
    85. 387
      First Town 2 years ago
    86. 388
      Scaring Everyone~ 2 years ago
    87. 389
      Entering the Capital 2 years ago
    88. 390
      Iron Sky Market 2 years ago
    89. 391
      Manor 2 years ago
    90. 392
      Eastern Part of the Capital 2 years ago
    91. 393
      Storage Box! 2 years ago
    92. 394
      Thieves! 2 years ago
    93. 395
      Creepy Cave 2 years ago
    94. 396
      A lot of Tentacles 2 years ago
    95. 397
      Tentacle Cocoon's Special Ability! 2 years ago
    96. 398
      Scaring the Thieves~ 2 years ago
    97. 399
      Caught red-handed 2 years ago
    98. 400
      Sneaking In~ 2 years ago
    99. 401
      Breaking in Through the Front Door 2 years ago
    100. 402
      Stealing Documents 2 years ago
    101. 403
      Back to the Manor 2 years ago
    102. 404
      Start of Alchemy Practice and Nervous Yi Min 2 years ago
    103. 405
      Cloud Cover Potion 2 years ago
    104. 406
      Poisonous Herbs 2 years ago
    105. 407
      Qing Yi's Cloud Cover Potion and Winged Lion 2 years ago
    106. 408
      Domain Lord Shu Yao 2 years ago
    107. 409
      Core Region of the Ewaria Continent 2 years ago
    108. 410
      Future Sect Location Decided! 2 years ago
    109. 411
      Day of the Alchemy Competition! 2 years ago
    110. 412
      People from the Core Region of the Sky Empire! 2 years ago
    111. 413
      Entering the Competition Ground 2 years ago
    112. 414
      Alchemy Competition, Begin! 2 years ago
    113. 415
      Trouble Brewing~ 2 years ago
    114. 416
      Brawl for the last few Spiritual Herbs! 2 years ago
    115. 417
      Yi Min 2 years ago
    116. 418
      End of the First Stage... 2 years ago
    117. 419
      Old Artisan Alchemist's Inspection, Failure and Success 2 years ago
    118. 420
      The True Master...? And a short break 2 years ago
    119. 421
      Start of the Second Stage 2 years ago
    120. 422
      Chase! 2 years ago
    121. 423
      Mystic Realm 2 years ago
    122. 424
      Qing Yi's Gamble~ 2 years ago
    123. 425
      Enemies of Yi Min Arrive... 2 years ago
    124. 426
      General Guan 2 years ago
    125. 427
      Qing Yi becomes an Expert Alchemist! 2 years ago
    126. 428
      End of the Second Stage 2 years ago
    127. 429
      Skin Strengthening Potion...? 2 years ago
    128. 430
      Skin Strengthening Potion's... Side Effects... 2 years ago
    129. 431
      Searching for The Demonic Cultivator 2 years ago
    130. 432
      Third Transformation Realm Demonic Cultivator 2 years ago
    131. 433
      Beginning of Chaos! 2 years ago
    132. 434
      Reaching the Surface! 2 years ago
    133. 435
      Start of the Third Stage and General Guan's Fight... 2 years ago
    134. 436
      Help Arrives! 2 years ago
    135. 437
      Third Stage of the Alchemy Competition! 2 years ago
    136. 438
      Alchemy Trial 2 years ago
    137. 439
      First Test of the Alchemy Trial 2 years ago
    138. 440
      Zi Hui's Plan... 2 years ago
    139. 441
      Running Away... 2 years ago
    140. 442
      The Terror of a Master Blacksmith! 2 years ago
    141. 443
      Yi Min's Arrival, End of the Demonic Rat! 2 years ago
    142. 444
      Birth of a Mental Demon 2 years ago
    143. 445
      Second Test of the Alchemy Trial 2 years ago
    144. 446
      Drifting Cloud Steps 2 years ago
    145. 447
      A Dark Horse Appears! 2 years ago
    146. 448
      End of Second Test 2 years ago
    147. 449
      Coral Jellyfish and Endless Sea of Mist... 2 years ago
    148. 450
      Maze of Challenges 2 years ago
    149. 451
      Last Challenge 2 years ago
    150. 452
      End of the Third Test! 2 years ago
    151. 453
      Only one person left in the Alchemy Trial! 2 years ago
    152. 454
      Nameless Alchemy Technique 2 years ago
    153. 455
      Qing Yi's Rank is... 2 years ago
    154. 456
      Fang Shi Taking in Two Disciples? 2 years ago
    155. 457
      Qing Yi's Master Appears! 2 years ago
    156. 458
      Alchemy Challenge! Fang Shi vs Xuan Hao! 2 years ago
    157. 459
      Return of the 'Missing' Elder... 2 years ago
    158. 460
      Elder Tian's ill-fated Encounter... 2 years ago
    159. 461
      Female Demonic Cultivator~ 2 years ago
    160. 462
      Meeting with Yi Min... Again! 2 years ago
    161. 463
      Factions of the Sky Empire 2 years ago
    162. 464
      General Guan's Backer and the Frost Devil Sect 2 years ago
    163. 465
      Encountering Li Yao 2 years ago
    164. 466
      Fang Shi!? 2 years ago
    165. 467
      Not Allowing Fang Shi to Show Off~ 2 years ago
    166. 468
      Thousand-Mile Talisman~ 2 years ago
    167. 469
      Extorting Fang Shi~ 2 years ago

    Jilid 5 : Rise of The Flying Sword Sect and Birth of a New Sect

    1. 470
      Hollow Mountain 2 years ago
    2. 471
      Blood Pond 2 years ago
    3. 472
      Dangerous Breakthrough! 2 years ago
    4. 473
      Finally... Main Quest Completed! 2 years ago
    5. 474
      Sixth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm! 2 years ago
    6. 475
      Unkown Change 2 years ago
    7. 476
      Seventh Stage of the Domain Lord Realm and Return of the Blue Feather~ 2 years ago
    8. 477
      Escaping the Mystic Realm 2 years ago
    9. 478
      Cloud Sky Kingdom 2 years ago
    10. 479
      The Sect That Rules Over the Swamp... 2 years ago
    11. 480
      A Burning Sensation 2 years ago
    12. 481
      Feather Imprint! Absorb! 2 years ago
    13. 482
      Returning to the Sect 2 years ago
    14. 483
      Chubby lion~ 2 years ago
    15. 484
      Feng Chen's Breakthrough! 2 years ago
    16. 485
      Talk with Feng Chen 2 years ago
    17. 486
      Annoying Young Disciple 2 years ago
    18. 487
      Song Jia 2 years ago
    19. 488
      Forging a Defensive Artifact 2 years ago
    20. 489
      Sacrificial Defensive Artifact 2 years ago
    21. 490
      Training with Bai Ning! 2 years ago
    22. 491
      Rebellion 2 years ago
    23. 492
      Changes to The Small Town at the Shattered Star Peaks 2 years ago
    24. 493
      Work! Feather Imprint! 2 years ago
    25. 494
      Meridians Change 2 years ago
    26. 495
      Mountains of the Shattered Star Peaks 2 years ago
    27. 496
      Unkown Race 2 years ago
    28. 497
      Discovered! 2 years ago
    29. 498
      Half Spirit Race 2 years ago
    30. 499
      Ancient Record Hall 2 years ago
    31. 500
      Ancient Scrolls 2 years ago
    32. 501
      Blue- Phoenix Feather!? 2 years ago
    33. 502
      Information about the Soul Ascension Realm! 2 years ago
    34. 503
      Fate of the 'other' races 2 years ago
    35. 504
      Underground Cave Network and... 2 years ago
    36. 505
      Primeval Jungle 2 years ago
    37. 506
      Spiders? 2 years ago
    38. 507
      Desperate Escape 2 years ago
    39. 508
      Return of the Worm 2 years ago
    40. 509
      Primeval Fire Ants vs Emerald Demon Spiders! 2 years ago
    41. 510
      Back Again... 2 years ago
    42. 511
      Eerie Underground Jungle 2 years ago
    43. 512
      Flying~ 2 years ago
    44. 513
      Easy Escape 2 years ago
    45. 514
      Ancient Teleportation Formation! 2 years ago
    46. 515
      Chu Yang's Journey... On the Right Path... 2 years ago
    47. 516
      Finely Decorated Dinner Plate! 2 years ago
    48. 517
      Fancy Dinner Plate's one use Ability~ 2 years ago
    49. 518
      Chen Yang and Gui Hu 2 years ago
    50. 519
      Youngest Disciple talks too much... 2 years ago
    51. 520
      Fog Stalker and Lava Eaters~ 2 years ago
    52. 521
      Young Priest and Su Wuhan's Worries 2 years ago
    53. 522
      Broke 2 years ago
    54. 523
      Mysterious Young Master~ 2 years ago
    55. 524
      Becoming a Beggar~ 2 years ago
    56. 525
      Archbishop Soft Breeze and Su Wuhan 2 years ago
    57. 526
      Hidden Beneath the Azure Sky Kingdom 2 years ago
    58. 527
      Escort Mission 2 years ago
    59. 528
      Entering the Mountain Range~ 2 years ago
    60. 529
      Trap! Massive Formation! 2 years ago
    61. 530
      Su Wuhan's Betrayal! 2 years ago
    62. 531
      Chaotic Battle! 2 years ago
    63. 532
      Chaotic Battlefield 2 years ago
    64. 533
      Massive Spirit Stone 2 years ago
    65. 534
      Ancient Scroll and Excited Bandits~ 2 years ago
    66. 535
      Bandit Betrayal! 2 years ago
    67. 536
      Master Pu's Sacrifice... 2 years ago
    68. 537
      End of the Battle 2 years ago
    69. 538
      Beast Tamers New Way to Waste Spirit Stones... 2 years ago
    70. 539
      News Reaches the Cardinal 2 years ago
    71. 540
      Qing Yi Reaches the Core Formation Realm! 2 years ago
    72. 541
      New Sect Quests! 2 years ago
    73. 542
      Zhu Lian in Danger? 2 years ago
    74. 543
      Disappearance of Archbishop Soft Breeze and the Holy Artifact! 2 years ago
    75. 544
      Unlucky Zhu Lian 2 years ago
    76. 545
      The Mysterious Crack in the Ground~ 2 years ago
    77. 546
      Time Reduced! 2 years ago
    78. 547
      Befriending Demonic Cultivators 2 years ago
    79. 548
      Centipedes~ 2 years ago
    80. 549
      Rescue...? 2 years ago
    81. 550
      Seals Inside the Abyss 2 years ago
    82. 551
      Rabbit Thief! 2 years ago
    83. 552
      The Higher Level of the Drifting Cloud Steps 2 years ago
    84. 553
      Frost Devil Sect 2 years ago
    85. 554
      Location of the Transcendent Grade Spiritual Herb 2 years ago
    86. 555
      The Young Master 2 years ago
    87. 556
      Explorer Union... Gambling Den!? 2 years ago
    88. 557
      Origin of the Gambling Den~! 2 years ago
    89. 558
      Ancient Ruins Upstream 2 years ago
    90. 559
      Demonic Cultivators... Are Scary... 2 years ago
    91. 560
      Guardian Demon Beast 2 years ago
    92. 561
      Robbing the Rabbit Demon Beast~ 2 years ago
    93. 562
      Chased across the Frozen Wasteland! 2 years ago
    94. 563
      Throw the Frost Devil Sect into the Fire and Run Away~ 2 years ago
    95. 564
      The Chase Continues... 2 years ago
    96. 565
      Crossing the Border 2 years ago
    97. 566
      Back to the Iron Sky Kingdom 2 years ago
    98. 567
      Yi Min's Arrival! 2 years ago
    99. 568
      Trickery~ 2 years ago
    100. 569
      Yi Min's Formation! 2 years ago
    101. 570
      The Strength of Yi Min's Formation! 2 years ago
    102. 571
      Head of the Hollow Thunder Family 2 years ago
    103. 572
      Returning to the Sect 2 years ago
    104. 573
      Reaching the Outer Walls of the Ancient City Ruins 2 years ago
    105. 574
      Weird Translucent Stone 2 years ago
    106. 575
      Chu Yang In Trouble~ 2 years ago
    107. 576
      Elder Song's Hidden Trouble 2 years ago
    108. 577
      Demonic Alchemy 2 years ago
    109. 578
      Black Spots 2 years ago
    110. 579
      Absorbing the Transparent Stones, Soaring Strength! 2 years ago
    111. 580
      The Dumb Three Headed Horse and the Worried Bull Demon Beast! 2 years ago
    112. 581
      The Leader of the Ancient City Ruins Core Formation Realm Demon Beasts! 2 years ago
    113. 582
      Searching for a way to Suppress the Black Spot Disease 2 years ago
    114. 583
      Feng Chen's Bad Decision... 2 years ago
    115. 584
      Entering the Core of the Ancient City Ruins 2 years ago
    116. 585
      The Badly Damaged Pagoda 2 years ago
    117. 586
      Finding a new way to Suppress Song Jia's Disease 2 years ago
    118. 587
      Suppressing the Black Spots 2 years ago
    119. 588
      Stupid Sect Master~ 2 years ago
    120. 589
      Seventh Floor of the Pagoda 2 years ago
    121. 590
      Exotic Energy 2 years ago
    122. 591
      Attempting to Breakthrough 2 years ago
    123. 592
      Chu Yang's Breakthrough, Badly Damaged Pagoda vs Demon Beasts 2 years ago
    124. 593
      Escape from the Ancient City Ruins 2 years ago
    125. 594
      Journey Back 2 years ago
    126. 595
      Information Board...? 2 years ago
    127. 596
      Elder Xuan is going to hold a lecture!? 2 years ago
    128. 597
      Xuan Hao's Test for the Younger Disciples~ 2 years ago
    129. 598
      Shu Yao and Zu Fei... Working Together? 2 years ago
    130. 599
      Start of the Lecture~ 2 years ago
    131. 600
      End of Lecture, Reward 2 years ago
    132. 601
      Two Breakthoughs in a day!? 2 years ago
    133. 602
      Helping Zhu Lian Recover 2 years ago
    134. 603
      Upgraded Explorer Union Branch? 2 years ago
    135. 604
      Future Sect Location, Throwing People Out~ 2 years ago
    136. 605
      Building the Qi Gathering Formation 2 years ago
    137. 606
      Unexpected Reward, War of the Three "Factions" 2 years ago
    138. 607
      Chaotic Qi Formation 2 years ago
    139. 608
      Preparing to Start Construction~ 2 years ago
    140. 609
      Zu Fei happened to accidently beat up a few people~ 2 years ago
    141. 610
      The "New" Shattered Star Peaks 2 years ago
    142. 611
      Passing Time (1) 2 years ago
    143. 612
      Passing Time (2) 2 years ago
    144. 613
      Passing Time (3) 2 years ago
    145. 614
      Passing Time (4) 2 years ago
    146. 615
      Passing Time (5) 2 years ago
    147. 616
      New Sect Quest, Unique Cultivation Mantra 2 years ago
    148. 617
      Qing Yi and Chu Yang's Progress 2 years ago
    149. 618
      New Sect Hierarchy 2 years ago
    150. 619
      Qi Spring 2 years ago
    151. 620
      Qi Spring Lake 2 years ago
    152. 621
      Fooled by... 2 years ago
    153. 622
      Spirit Chess 2 years ago
    154. 623
      Blue Deer's Fate 2 years ago
    155. 624
      Ignored 2 years ago
    156. 625
      Ancient Temple 2 years ago
    157. 626
      Unknown Existence on top of the Ancient Temple 2 years ago
    158. 627
      Kidnapping the Blue Deer~ 2 years ago
    159. 628
      Deer Caretaker Shu Yao~ 2 years ago
    160. 629
      Ancient Language 2 years ago
    161. 630
      Restriction 2 years ago
    162. 631
      Weird Person from the Sky Empire 2 years ago
    163. 632
      Obedient Blue Deer 2 years ago
    164. 633
      Content of the Ancient Scroll... 2 years ago
    165. 634
      The Seventh Star Peak After 1 Year (1) 2 years ago
    166. 635
      The Seventh Star Peak After 1 Year (2) 2 years ago
    167. 636
      The Seventh Star Peak After 1 Year (3) 2 years ago
    168. 637
      Potential New Sect Members 2 years ago
    169. 638
      New Home 2 years ago
    170. 639
      Elder Song's Visit to the Half Spirit Race 2 years ago
    171. 640
      Chu Yang, Peak of the Core Formation Realm 2 years ago
    172. 641
      First Nascent Soul Realm Disciple! 2 years ago
    173. 642
      Chu Yang's Cloud Tribulation 2 years ago
    174. 643
      Divine Void Eyes 2 years ago
    175. 644
      Status Update~ 2 years ago
    176. 645
      Codex of the First Four Realms 2 years ago
    177. 646
      Flame Sky Kingdom 2 years ago
    178. 647
      Future Expansion Plans 2 years ago
    179. 648
      Potential Fourth Disciple? 2 years ago
    180. 649
      Chun Hua 2 years ago
    181. 650
      Second Part of the Combat Assessment 2 years ago
    182. 651
      Third Assessment 2 years ago
    183. 652
      End of Disciple Assessments, 1000 New Disciples! 2 years ago
    184. 653
      Cover Blown! 2 years ago
    185. 654
      Caught! 2 years ago
    186. 655
      Accepting a New Disciple Will Always Brings About New Troubles... 2 years ago
    187. 656
      Above the Domain Lord Realm? 2 years ago
    188. 657
      Simplified Codex of the First Four Mortal Realms and... 2 years ago
    189. 658
      Feng Chen Reaches the Domain Lord Realm! 2 years ago
    190. 659
      Worry of the Nearby Powers 2 years ago
    191. 660
      Star Sword Scripture 2 years ago

    Jilid 6 : Expansion of the Star Shattering Sect and The Sect Alliance Meeting

    1. 661
      The Time for the Establishment of the Sect Alliance is Approaching! 2 years ago
    2. 662
      Chaos in the Azure Sky Kingdom 2 years ago
    3. 663
      Elders From the Ascendant Frost Hall 2 years ago
    4. 664
      Nascent Soul Realm Disciple!? 2 years ago
    5. 665
      Ascendant Frost Hall's Unique Cultivation Mantra 2 years ago
    6. 666
      Danger Approaching the Ascendant Frost Hall! 2 years ago
    7. 667
      Frost Guardian Formation 2 years ago
    8. 668
      Terrifying New Enemy 2 years ago
    9. 669
      Powerful Opponent! Third Stage Demonic Transformation Realm! 2 years ago
    10. 670
      Strength of a Third Stage Demonic Transformation Realm Cultivator 2 years ago
    11. 671
      Descend of the Ice God’s Sword 2 years ago
    12. 672
      Meeting the Sect Master of the Ascendant Frost Hall 2 years ago
    13. 673
      The Ascendant Frost Scroll 2 years ago
    14. 674
      Other Side of the Frozen Hell... 2 years ago
    15. 675
      Fate of the Surviving Demonic Cultivators! 1 years ago
    16. 676
      Bai Ning's Strength is... 1 years ago
    17. 677
      Enlightenment Space 1 years ago
    18. 678
      Nascent Sword Soul, Ninth Stage of the Domain Lord Realm! 1 years ago
    19. 679
      Dao of... 1 years ago
    20. 680
      Annoying Young Girl 1 years ago
    21. 681
      Hidden Records... 1 years ago
    22. 682
      Mirage Sect's Mystic Realm 1 years ago
    23. 683
      Founder of the Flying Sword Sect and Ancient Seal 1 years ago
    24. 684
      Unfortunate Demonic Cultivator... 1 years ago
    25. 685
      Unfortunate Bai Ning... 1 years ago
    26. 686
      Checking the Ancient Seal below the Raging Flame Sect 1 years ago
    27. 687
      Three Demonic Cultivators... 1 years ago
    28. 688
      Powerful Demonic Cultivator, Strength of the Higher Demon Realm! 1 years ago
    29. 689
      Target, Demonic Formation! 1 years ago
    30. 690
      Fight for Survival 1 years ago
    31. 691
      Towards the Capital City of the Sky Empire! 1 years ago
    32. 692
      Elder from the Flame Sky Kingdom! 1 years ago
    33. 693
      Jungle Inside the Mountain 1 years ago
    34. 694
      Bai Ning and Hui Ying in Danger! 1 years ago
    35. 695
      Lost~ 1 years ago
    36. 696
      Soul Contract 1 years ago
    37. 697
      Hidden Path 1 years ago
    38. 698
      Nascent Soul Realm Demon Beast! 1 years ago
    39. 699
      Encounter 1 years ago
    40. 700
      Stuck Underground 1 years ago
    41. 701
      Returning to the Iron Sky Kingdom 1 years ago
    42. 702
      The Name of a Great Sect~ 1 years ago
    43. 703
      Tenth Floor of the Tower 1 years ago
    44. 704
      Core Region of the Sky Empire 1 years ago
    45. 705
      Thousand Wind Mountains 1 years ago
    46. 706
      Hidden Scheme 1 years ago
    47. 707
      Fight for the Windbloom Flower 1 years ago
    48. 708
      Anger of the Wind Sword Family Ancestor~ 1 years ago
    49. 709
      New Quest! 1 years ago
    50. 710
      Plains of the Thousand Wind Mountains 1 years ago
    51. 711
      First Encounter with a Soul Ascension Realm Expert! 1 years ago
    52. 712
      Records of a Thousand Winds 1 years ago
    53. 713
      Back to the Surface 1 years ago
    54. 714
      Strange Mist 1 years ago
    55. 715
      Mysterious Book 1 years ago
    56. 716
      Experts Above the Soul Ascension Realm 1 years ago
    57. 717
      Core of the World 1 years ago
    58. 718
      Power of the Condensed Ball of Mist 1 years ago
    59. 719
      Possession... 1 years ago
    60. 720
      Power of the Possessed Bulky Man! 1 years ago
    61. 721
      Death of the Possessed Bulky Man~! 1 years ago
    62. 722
      Empty Plains 1 years ago
    63. 723
      Great Poison Swamp 1 years ago
    64. 724
      Extracting Poison, Refining Poison~ 1 years ago
    65. 725
      Poisonous Devil Trees and Devil Bugs 1 years ago
    66. 726
      Cute Devil Bugs and Strange Situation~ 1 years ago
    67. 727
      Core Region of the Great Poison Swamp 1 years ago
    68. 728
      Danger Approaching! 1 years ago
    69. 729
      No Escape 1 years ago
    70. 730
      Disc of Light 1 years ago
    71. 731
      Shadowy Figure 1 years ago
    72. 732
      Snakes, Miasma and Spiritual Herbs! 1 years ago
    73. 733
      Snakes! Snakes Everywhere! 1 years ago
    74. 734
      The Terrifying Shadows 1 years ago
    75. 735
      Gate of a Thousand Eyes 1 years ago
    76. 736
      Encounter with the Dao of Corruption! 1 years ago
    77. 737
      Mountain Sized Palace! 1 years ago
    78. 738
      Ancestor of the Feather Kingdom 1 years ago
    79. 739
      Creature Born Through the Dao of Corruption 1 years ago
    80. 740
      A Path to Escaping! 1 years ago
    81. 741
      Greater Teleportation Formation 1 years ago
    82. 742
      Small Dark Vortex 1 years ago
    83. 743
      Half Dead Soul Ascension Realm Expert 1 years ago
    84. 744
      Jade Crystal Palace and Poisonous Life Lotus 1 years ago
    85. 745
      Dream Soul Flower 1 years ago
    86. 746
      Elder Dust Fairy 1 years ago
    87. 747
      Too Weak~ 1 years ago
    88. 748
      Convincing the Winged Lion to Help Out... 1 years ago
    89. 749
      Path Out of the Jungle 1 years ago
    90. 750
      Clash Between Two Demon Beasts! 1 years ago
    91. 751
      Escape from the Jungle! 1 years ago
    92. 752
      Encountering a Bottleneck 1 years ago
    93. 753
      Capital of the Sky Empire 1 years ago
    94. 754
      Self Proclaimed Dao Partner of the Sunfire Sect's Sect Master 1 years ago
    95. 755
      Remote Inn 1 years ago
    96. 756
      Plight of the Independent Sects 1 years ago
    97. 757
      Hidden Sect and... System Malfunction...? 1 years ago
    98. 758
      Noble District 1 years ago
    99. 759
      Two Careless Spies~ 1 years ago
    100. 760
      Secret Passage 1 years ago
    101. 761
      Source of Energy 1 years ago
    102. 762
      Descending Sea of Flames 1 years ago
    103. 763
      Soul Sacrifice Formation 1 years ago
    104. 764
      Terrifying Power of the Demonic Cultivator 1 years ago
    105. 765
      Looming Danger 1 years ago
    106. 766
      Terror of the Guardian Formation 1 years ago
    107. 767
      Divine Sense Technique, Divine Will 1 years ago
    108. 768
      Xu Bao 1 years ago
    109. 769
      Immortal Soul Tribulation 1 years ago
    110. 770
      Troubled Xu Bao 1 years ago
    111. 771
      Elder From the Sky Mist Kingdom 1 years ago
    112. 772
      Unfortunate Server~ 1 years ago
    113. 773
      Self-Strengthening Domain! 1 years ago
    114. 774
      Elder Meng 1 years ago
    115. 775
      Conversation with Elder Meng 1 years ago
    116. 776
      Secret Behind Elder Meng's Domain 1 years ago
    117. 777
      Demonic Cultivator's Way Inside the Capital 1 years ago
    118. 778
      Hidden Domain Lord 1 years ago
    119. 779
      Door Shaped Formation 1 years ago
    120. 780
      Desperate Escape 1 years ago
    121. 781
      Use of the Necklace 1 years ago
    122. 782
      Progress Between Disciples 1 years ago
    123. 783
      Trouble at the Border 1 years ago
    124. 784
      Terrifying Demonic Cultivator! 1 years ago
    125. 785
      Unable to Escape 1 years ago
    126. 786
      Feng Chen vs Demonic Cultivator 1 years ago
    127. 787
      Last Struggle of the Demonic Cultivator 1 years ago
    128. 788
      Shocked Imperial Guards 1 years ago
    129. 789
      Day of the Sect Alliance Meeting 1 years ago
    130. 790
      Trouble on the way to the Meeting 1 years ago
    131. 791
      Core of the Capital 1 years ago
    132. 792
      Secret Meeting 1 years ago
    133. 793
      Arrival of the Major Sects 1 years ago
    134. 794
      Before the Start of the Meeting 1 years ago
    135. 795
      Hidden Expert from the Imperial Family 1 years ago
    136. 796
      Three Religions Offer 1 years ago
    137. 797
      Two Meetings 1 years ago
    138. 798
      Bai Ning and Hui Ying 1 years ago
    139. 799
      Unfortunate Elder Golden Sparrow 1 years ago
    140. 800
      Chun Hua's Desperate Situation 1 years ago
    141. 801
      Escape! 1 years ago
    142. 802
      City States 1 years ago
    143. 803
      Power of the Soul Imprint 1 years ago
    144. 804
      Greedy Major Sects 1 years ago
    145. 805
      Vote for Leader Positions 1 years ago
    146. 806
      Final Vote 1 years ago
    147. 807
      Old Ancestor from the Stone Ridge Sect 1 years ago
    148. 808
      Asking for Protection 1 years ago
    149. 809
      Approaching Danger 1 years ago
    150. 810
      Kidnapping Disciples~ 1 years ago
    151. 811
      Sorrowful Elder from the Sparrow Sect 1 years ago
    152. 812
      Safe Escape, Back at the Inn 1 years ago
    153. 813
      No Chance to Resist 1 years ago
    154. 814
      Leaving the Capital of the Sky Empire 1 years ago
    155. 815
      Parting ways with Xu Bao and Qing Yi's Breakthrough 1 years ago
    156. 816
      Qing Yi's Tribulation, Hidden Main Quest 1 years ago
    157. 817
      Traitor Among the Independent Sects 1 years ago
    158. 818
      Cornered 1 years ago
    159. 819
      No Chance of Escape 1 years ago
    160. 820
      Rescue Xu Bao 1 years ago
    161. 821
      Terrifying Ancestor of the Imperial Family 1 years ago
    162. 822
      Proud Elder Scarlet Flame...! 1 years ago
    163. 823
      Soldier 1 years ago
    164. 824
      Resolving the Crisis 1 years ago
    165. 825
      Thoughts of the General 1 years ago
    166. 826
      Apperance of a Possible Enemy 1 years ago
    167. 827
      Caught by Suprise! 1 years ago
    168. 828
      How Strong is Master? 1 years ago

    Jilid 7 : Undercurrents in the Sky Empire

    1. 829
      Dao Domain Lord...? 1 years ago
    2. 830
      The Trial Given by the System 1 years ago
    3. 831
      Potential Disciple, Miu~ 1 years ago
    4. 832
      Myriad Water Arts 1 years ago
    5. 833
      End of the First Trial 1 years ago
    6. 834
      Second Trial, Test of Will 1 years ago
    7. 835
      The Two Domain Lords 1 years ago
    8. 836
      Death of Lord Windfall 1 years ago
    9. 837
      Anger of the Hollow Thunder Family, Third Special Area 1 years ago
    10. 838
      Last Strech Towards the Peak 1 years ago
    11. 839
      End of the Second Trial 1 years ago
    12. 840
      The Final Trial 1 years ago
    13. 841
      Hidden Mechanisms 1 years ago
    14. 842
      End of the Trial 1 years ago
    15. 843
      The Old Master of the Hollow Thunder Family's Situation 1 years ago
    16. 844
      Death of Elder Green Wing 1 years ago
    17. 845
      Chaos in the Capital City 1 years ago
    18. 846
      Visiting Yi Min~ 1 years ago
    19. 847
      Mui's Encounter 1 years ago
    20. 848
      Fourth Disciple, Mui 1 years ago
    21. 849
      Spiritual Fruits of the Ninth Star Peak 1 years ago
    22. 850
      Mui's First Time in the Star Shattering Sect 1 years ago
    23. 851
      Airhead Senior Sister 1 years ago
    24. 852
      Embarrassed Mui 1 years ago
    25. 853
      Talk with Feng Chen and Elder Song 1 years ago
    26. 854
      Divine Sense Technique 1 years ago
    27. 855
      Meeting Chu Yang for the First Time 1 years ago
    28. 856
      Improvement of the Blue Deer and Zu Fei 1 years ago
    29. 857
      The Mysterious Young Man at The Sea of a Thousand Furnaces 1 years ago
    30. 858
      Mui and Bai Ning's Blossoming Friendship 1 years ago
    31. 859
      Reunited 1 years ago
    32. 860
      Possible Dangers of a Mystic Realm 1 years ago
    33. 861
      Major Sects Meeting 1 years ago
    34. 862
      Ancestor of the Dark Sky Kingdom 1 years ago
    35. 863
      Escalation, Beginning of Chaos 1 years ago
    36. 864
      Tribulation Clouds Gathering 1 years ago
    37. 865
      Tribulation of Fire 1 years ago
    38. 866
      Spirited Sparring Session 1 years ago
    39. 867
      Unfamiliar Domain Lord 1 years ago
    40. 868
      Guest Elder 1 years ago
    41. 869
      Spiritual Metal Mine 1 years ago
    42. 870
      Lu Wen and Yi Xuan 1 years ago
    43. 871
      Strange Stone 1 years ago
    44. 872
      Floating Island 1 years ago
    45. 873
      Origin of the Spatial Abnormality 1 years ago
    46. 874
      Game of Chance 1 years ago
    47. 875
      Angry Elder Song 1 years ago
    48. 876
      Fall of a Large Kingdom~ 1 years ago
    49. 877
      New King, Suspicious Elder Song 1 years ago
    50. 878
      Passing Time, One Month Later 1 years ago
    51. 879
      Remnant Consciousness 1 years ago
    52. 880
      Magical Gem 1 years ago
    53. 881
      Mysterious Hole 1 years ago
    54. 882
      Reaching the Bottom 1 years ago
    55. 883
      Ancient Battlefield 1 years ago
    56. 884
      Remnants of Powerful Experts 1 years ago
    57. 885
      Core of the Ancient Battlefield 1 years ago
    58. 886
      Head of the Construct and Oversized Chicken 1 years ago
    59. 887
      Dangerous Chicken~ 1 years ago
    60. 888
      Entering the Body of the Construct 1 years ago
    61. 889
      Attempting to Find a Hiding Spot... 1 years ago
    62. 890
      Underground Ravine 1 years ago
    63. 891
      Possible Danger 1 years ago
    64. 892
      Stone Door 1 years ago
    65. 893
      Dao of Corruption, Small Success 1 years ago
    66. 894
      Tiny Flame 1 years ago
    67. 895
      Bottleneck 1 years ago
    68. 896
      Intermediate Stage Dao Domain Lord  1 years ago
    69. 897
      Rise, Construct! 1 years ago
    70. 898
      Collapsed Spatial Corridor...? 1 years ago
    71. 899
      Opportunity 1 years ago
    72. 900
      Through the Corridor 1 years ago
    73. 901
      Birth of a God 1 years ago
    74. 902
      Strange Tree 1 years ago
    75. 903
      Strange Mist 1 years ago
    76. 904
      Chased... Again... 1 years ago
    77. 905
      Gathering of Elders in Front of the Sect Gate 1 years ago
    78. 906
      Future Expansion Plans of Elder Song 1 years ago

    Jilid 8 : The Mystic Realm

    1. 907
      Expanding to the Major Kingdoms 1 years ago
    2. 908
      Fall of the Cloud Sky Kingdom 1 years ago
    3. 909
      Shu Yao Accidentally Damages Infrastructure... 1 years ago
    4. 910
      Anomaly at the Old Pavilion 1 years ago
    5. 911
      A Path to Entering the Mystic Realm 1 years ago
    6. 912
      Dealing with the Nascent Soul Realm Demon Beasts 1 years ago
    7. 913
      Inferno and Natural Formation 1 years ago
    8. 914
      Still Alive? 1 years ago
    9. 915
      Undying Soul 1 years ago
    10. 916
      Safe Escape~ 1 years ago
    11. 917
      Path Out of the Underground World 1 years ago
    12. 918
      Strange Mountain Range 1 years ago
    13. 919
      Mysterious Stone Tablet 1 years ago
    14. 920
      Illusion 1 years ago
    15. 921
      Strange Creature and Strange Cave 1 years ago
    16. 922
      Escaping the Mist, Part 1 1 years ago
    17. 923
      Escaping the Mist, Part 2 1 years ago
    18. 924
      A Path Out of the Underground World 1 years ago
    19. 925
      Brutal Fight Below! 1 years ago
    20. 926
      Transformation, Trapped 1 years ago
    21. 927
      Stone Pedestal 1 years ago
    22. 928
      Dao of Space, Elementary Understanding 1 years ago
    23. 929
      Demon Beasts Gathering 1 years ago
    24. 930
      Spatial Shift 1 years ago
    25. 931
      Turtle Sliding! 1 years ago
    26. 932
      Path to the Surface 1 years ago
    27. 933
      Back to the Surface 1 years ago
    28. 934
      Thunder Descends 1 years ago
    29. 935
      End of the Mole Demon Beast! 1 years ago
    30. 936
      First Celestial Gate 1 years ago
    31. 937
      Aria, Guardian of... 1 years ago
    32. 938
      End of the Trial 1 years ago
    33. 939
      Winged Lion Demon Beast's Change 1 years ago
    34. 940
      Sentient Trees? 1 years ago
    35. 941
      Change Back at the Empty Void... 1 years ago
    36. 942
      Troublesome Rabbit Appears 1 years ago
    37. 943
      Second Celestial Gate 1 years ago
    38. 944
      Emerald Serpent 1 years ago
    39. 945
      Possible Future Sect Guardian Beast 1 years ago
    40. 946
      Narrow Escape 1 years ago
    41. 947
      Chaotic Battle 1 years ago
    42. 948
      First Time Using the Dao of Corruption 1 years ago
    43. 949
      End of the Second Trial 1 years ago
    44. 950
      Recovery and Potential Problem with the Dao of Corruption 1 years ago
    45. 951
      Third Celestial Gate... Below?! 1 years ago
    46. 952
      Cloud Demon Beast 1 years ago
    47. 953
      Earth Immortal Realm Demon Beast 1 years ago
    48. 954
      A Sudden Dangerous Rise in Temperature 1 years ago
    49. 955
      Underground River and Empty Desert 1 years ago
    50. 956
      Scroll of Trials and a rather Unique Dao... 1 years ago
    51. 957
      Search For the Guardian of the Desert 1 years ago
    52. 958
      Preservation Golem 1 years ago
    53. 959
      Celestial Trials and Exchange Hall 1 years ago
    54. 960
      The Guardian of the Desert 1 years ago
    55. 961
      Weaker Than Expected? 1 years ago
    56. 962
      Attack From Beneath 1 years ago
    57. 963
      The Sandworm's Weak Spot 1 years ago
    58. 964
      The Sandworm's Dao 1 years ago
    59. 965
      Fall of the Guardian of the Desert 1 years ago
    60. 966
      Gluttonous Rabbit Demon Beast 1 years ago
    61. 967
      Fate of the Rabbit Demon Beast... 1 years ago
    62. 968
      Back to the Exchange Hall 1 years ago
    63. 969
      Buried In sand 1 years ago
    64. 970
      Tier Three Trial Participant 1 years ago
    65. 971
      Elder of the Mirage Sect...? 1 years ago
    66. 972
      Ingenious Way of Entry 1 years ago
    67. 973
      Formation Core and Origin of the Terrifying Aura 1 years ago
    68. 974
      Escape From the Celestial Trial (Part 1) 1 years ago
    69. 975
      Escape From the Celestial Trial (Part 2) 1 years ago
    70. 976
      Fall of the Southern Spring Garden (Part 1) 1 years ago
    71. 977
      Fall of the Southern Spring Garden (Part 2) 1 years ago
    72. 978
      Fall of the Southern Spring Garden (Part 3) 1 years ago
    73. 979
      Ice Phoenix, Snow bird, Frozen Sovereign 1 years ago
    74. 980
      Starlight Essence 1 years ago
    75. 981
      Absorbing the Starlight Essence, Increase in Strength 1 years ago
    76. 982
      Dangerous Water~ 1 years ago
    77. 983
      Spatial Tunnel 1 years ago
    78. 984
      Chu Yang and Qing Yi's Journey Back to the Surface 1 years ago
    79. 985
      Crystal Fish 1 years ago
    80. 986
      Strange Organ 1 years ago
    81. 987
      Hidden Below 1 years ago
    82. 988
      Brutal Rabbit~ 1 years ago
    83. 989
      Wasteland 1 years ago
    84. 990
      Terrifying Rabbit! 1 years ago
    85. 991
      Disappearance of the Strange Creatures in the Fog 1 years ago
    86. 992
      Escape From the Fog 1 years ago
    87. 993
      Fire Sea Talisman 1 years ago
    88. 994
      A Single Swift Motion 1 years ago
    89. 995
      Leaving the Mystic Realm 1 years ago
    90. 996
      Punishing the Winged Lion 1 years ago

    Jilid 9 : Strongest Sect in the Sky Empire

    1. 997
      One Month of Expansion, Major Kingdoms Alliance 1 years ago
    2. 998
      News of Lord Kubera 1 years ago
    3. 999
      Worrisome Disciple 1 years ago
    4. 1000
      Sneaking Out 1 years ago
    5. 1001
      Hidden Tunnel 1 years ago
    6. 1002
      Bandit Encounter 1 years ago
    7. 1003
      Unknown Observer 1 years ago
    8. 1004
      Injured Soul Ascension Realm Expert...? 1 years ago
    9. 1005
      Demon Beast Ambush 1 years ago
    10. 1006
      Hidden Cave 1 years ago
    11. 1007
      Bear Demon Beast and the Floating Eyeball 1 years ago
    12. 1008
      Bear Demon Beast's Hidden Bloodline! 1 years ago
    13. 1009
      Underground Treasury 1 years ago
    14. 1010
      Grand Sect Meeting 1 years ago
    15. 1011
      "Happily" Joining the Gathering 1 years ago
    16. 1012
      Grand Meeting Hall 1 years ago
    17. 1013
      Future of the Blue Deer and Speculations of the Different Powers 1 years ago
    18. 1014
      Suspicious People~ 1 years ago
    19. 1015
      Mysterious Disappearance of the Snacks~ 1 years ago
    20. 1016
      End of the Meeting 1 years ago
    21. 1017
      Fifth Star Peak...? 1 years ago
    22. 1018
      Blue Sea Empire 1 years ago
    23. 1019
      Blue Sea Empire Border Guard 1 years ago
    24. 1020
      Secret Outpost 1 years ago
    25. 1021
      Heavenly Dragon Temple 1 years ago
    26. 1022
      Interrogation 1 years ago
    27. 1023
      "Punishment" From the Blue Sea Empire 1 years ago
    28. 1024
      Blue Sea Empire's Eight Immortals 1 years ago
    29. 1025
      Leaving for the Sky Empire 1 years ago
    30. 1026
      Difference Between Earth Immortals 1 years ago
    31. 1027
      Back in the Sky Empire 1 years ago
    32. 1028
      Two Earth Immortals, Chaos In the Capital City 1 years ago
    33. 1029
      Guardian Formation on its Last Leg 1 years ago
    34. 1030
      Chaos Among the Remaing Powers of the Sky Empire 1 years ago
    35. 1031
      Slow Awakening 12 months ago
    36. 1032
      Domain Lord... Zu Fei...? 12 months ago
    37. 1033
      Strange Cave, Strange Creature, Strange... Everything... 12 months ago
    38. 1034
      Use of the Blue Energy 12 months ago
    39. 1035
      Illusions 12 months ago
    40. 1036
      Zu Fei's Two Braincells working overtime... 11 months ago
    41. 1037
      Future Trouble 11 months ago
    42. 1038
      Fighting a Soul Ascension Realm Expert in the... Nascent Soul Realm...? 11 months ago
    43. 1039
      Reunion Between Disciples 11 months ago
    44. 1040
      Xuan Hao is... A Soul Ascension Realm Expert!? 11 months ago
    45. 1041
      Growing Conflict 11 months ago
    46. 1042
      Sheng Mei's Decision 11 months ago
    47. 1043
      Sensing Danger 11 months ago
    48. 1044
      Unkown Domain Lord 11 months ago
    49. 1045
      Trap 11 months ago
    50. 1046
      Prey Walks Into the Trap 11 months ago
    51. 1047
      Display of Power! 11 months ago
    52. 1048
      Trouble Approaching the Iron Sky Kingdom 11 months ago
    53. 1049
      Yi Min's Decision 11 months ago
    54. 1050
      Did Master Starve to Death!? 11 months ago
    55. 1051
      Yi Min's Fire Tribulation 11 months ago
    56. 1052
      Siege of the Iron Sky Kingdom (Part 1) 11 months ago
    57. 1053
      Siege of the Iron Sky Kingdom (Part 2) 11 months ago
    58. 1054
      Asking For Help 11 months ago
    59. 1055
      Assassin? 11 months ago
    60. 1056
      Surprise Attack... 11 months ago
    61. 1057
      How is he that strong!? 11 months ago
    62. 1058
      Muscular Domain Lord and Waking up to a strange scene... 11 months ago
    63. 1059
      Teto... What? 11 months ago
    64. 1060
      Leaving for the Star Shattering Sect 11 months ago
    65. 1061
      Journey Back 11 months ago
    66. 1062
      Past Incident in the Blue Sea Empire... 11 months ago
    67. 1063
      Reaction From the Forces of the Sky Empire 11 months ago
    68. 1064
      Shocked Yi Min 11 months ago
    69. 1065
      Lover? 11 months ago
    70. 1066
      Unrest, Start of War... 10 months ago
    71. 1067
      Gathering of the Independent Sects 10 months ago
    72. 1068
      Decision of the Independent Sects 10 months ago
    73. 1069
      Stuck in the Capital City... 10 months ago
    74. 1070
      Unlucky Xu Bao 10 months ago
    75. 1071
      Dao of Space, Small Success Realm 10 months ago
    76. 1072
      The Forgotten Quest... 10 months ago
    77. 1073
      Reluctantly Leaving 10 months ago
    78. 1074
      Two Months... 10 months ago
    79. 1075
      Confused Yi Min~ 10 months ago
    80. 1076
      Pest Control 10 months ago
    81. 1077
      Back in the Blue Sea Empire 10 months ago
    82. 1078
      Branch of the Blue Sea Empire's Intelligence Department 10 months ago
    83. 1079
      Buying Information 10 months ago
    84. 1080
      Chun Hua, Primveal Jungle and Old Teleportation Formation 10 months ago
    85. 1081
      Wave From Upstream 10 months ago
    86. 1082
      Crazy Earth Immortal Realm Experts, a True Fight to the Death! 10 months ago
    87. 1083
      Death of An Earth Immortal 10 months ago
    88. 1084
      Search for the Special Location 10 months ago
    89. 1085
      Sea of Mist, Ephemeral Forest, Valley of Illusory Beasts 10 months ago
    90. 1086
      First Battle in the Valley of Illusory Beasts 10 months ago
    91. 1087
      Dao of Illusions, Elementary Realm 10 months ago
    92. 1088
      Fooling the Illusory Beast 10 months ago
    93. 1089
      Dao of Illusions, Peak Elementary Realm 10 months ago
    94. 1090
      Dao of Illusions, Small Success Realm 10 months ago
    95. 1091
      Possible Danger... 10 months ago
    96. 1092
      The odd Squirrel and the Talented Rabbit 10 months ago
    97. 1093
      Unfamiliar Aura In the Depths of the Valley 10 months ago
    98. 1094
      Illusory Beast vs Unknown Cultivator 10 months ago
    99. 1095
      Hidden Quest... Completed? 10 months ago
    100. 1096
      Improvements and Unfortunate Encounter 10 months ago
    101. 1097
      First Time Causing a True Spatial Collapse 9 months ago
    102. 1098
      Chu Li 9 months ago
    103. 1099
      Back to the Ephemeral Forest 9 months ago
    104. 1100
      Hunting Illusory Beasts 9 months ago
    105. 1101
      Problems and Solutions 9 months ago
    106. 1102
      Sect Recruitment! New Disciples! 9 months ago
    107. 1103
      One Year 9 months ago
    108. 1104
      Teaching a... Senior? 9 months ago
    109. 1105
      Terrifying Encounter, Confusing Encounter 9 months ago
    110. 1106
      Late Stage of the Small Success Realm 9 months ago
    111. 1107
      Chu Li On the Path Towards Comprehending the Dao of Space, Xuan Hao's identity? 9 months ago
    112. 1108
      Emergence of Earth Immortal Realm Illusory Beasts... 9 months ago
    113. 1109
      Illusory Dragon and... 9 months ago
    114. 1110
      Trapped! 9 months ago
    115. 1111
      Side Effects of Using the Nascent Sword Soul 9 months ago
    116. 1112
      Illusion and the Pitiful Rabbit Demon Beast 9 months ago
    117. 1113
      Two Years, Dao of Illusions, Large Success Realm 9 months ago
    118. 1114
      Late Stage of the Dao Domain Lord Realm 9 months ago
    119. 1115
      A Waste of Resources 9 months ago
    120. 1116
      Dao Lotus? 9 months ago
    121. 1117
      Strange Pillar 9 months ago
    122. 1118
      Following the Illusory Beasts~ 9 months ago
    123. 1119
      Path out of the Valley 9 months ago
    124. 1120
      Panicking Soul Ascension Realm Experts 9 months ago
    125. 1121
      Reunion with Rabbit Demon Beast 9 months ago
    126. 1122
      Old Man in the Sea of Mist 9 months ago
    127. 1123
      Leaving the Sea of Mist 9 months ago
    128. 1124
      The Four Armies of the Blue Sea Empire, East Sea Army 9 months ago
    129. 1125
      The Small Abandoned Temple 9 months ago
    130. 1126
      East Sea Army vs Illusory Beasts, First Clash 9 months ago
    131. 1127
      Unfortunate East Sea General 9 months ago
    132. 1128
      Escaping from the Fae Mountain Range and Chu Li's Decision 9 months ago
    133. 1129
      Half Bloom~ 9 months ago
    134. 1130
      The Realm above the Earth Immortal Realm... 9 months ago
    135. 1131
      Learning about the Earth Immortal Realm 8 months ago
    136. 1132
      Past Memories 8 months ago
    137. 1133
      New Guest Elder 8 months ago
    138. 1134
      At the same time... 8 months ago
    139. 1135
      Neutral Territory 8 months ago
    140. 1136
      Ancestor of a Small Kingdom 8 months ago
    141. 1137
      Abruptly Leaving 8 months ago
    142. 1138
      Pseudo Saint Realm Formation Master...? 8 months ago
    143. 1139
      Shocked Pei Yang 8 months ago
    144. 1140
      Reunion, Emergency Quest 8 months ago
    145. 1141
      Pseudo Domain!? 8 months ago
    146. 1142
      Hidden Requirement...? 8 months ago
    147. 1143
      Meeting Yi Min after Two Years 8 months ago
    148. 1144
      Travel Companions 8 months ago
    149. 1145
      Unfortunate Demonic Cultivators 8 months ago
    150. 1146
      New Barrier 8 months ago
    151. 1147
      Crossing the Frozen Wasteland 8 months ago
    152. 1148
      The Blue Shore Kingdom 8 months ago
    153. 1149
      Gong Cheng 8 months ago
    154. 1150
      Requirement For the Saint Realm 8 months ago
    155. 1151
      Unspoken Concerns of the Blue Shore Earth Immortals 8 months ago
    156. 1152
      Initiation into the Dao of Blacksmithing 8 months ago
    157. 1153
      Saint Realm 8 months ago
    158. 1154
      Three Earth Immortals Shock 8 months ago
    159. 1155
      Emergency Quest, Embarrassment and a newfound Dilemma 8 months ago
    160. 1156
      Departure from the Blue Shore Kingdom 8 months ago

    Jilid 10 : Fall of the Sky Empire

    1. 1157
      Gathering Storm at the Iron Sky Border 8 months ago
    2. 1158
      Cotton Ball Chaos at the Border 8 months ago
    3. 1159
      Return through the Frozen Wasteland 8 months ago
    4. 1160
      Expansion Plans 8 months ago
    5. 1161
      Back in the Iron Sky Kingdom 7 months ago
    6. 1162
      Joining the Star Shattering Sect 7 months ago
    7. 1163
      Development of the Spiritual Herb Field on the Ninth Star Peak 7 months ago
    8. 1164
      Storage Woes 7 months ago
    9. 1165
      Acting Coy 7 months ago
    10. 1166
      Teaching Bai Ning, Old Injury 7 months ago
    11. 1167
      Troubled Mui, Failing Again and Again 7 months ago
    12. 1168
      Guiding Mui 7 months ago
    13. 1169
      Talented Disciples, New Elders, Requirments to Becoming a Core Disciple 7 months ago
    14. 1170
      Tempest Domain 7 months ago
    15. 1171
      Mysterious Arrival 7 months ago
    16. 1172
      Strong or Weak Formation? Unnecessary Worry! 7 months ago
    17. 1173
      Strengthening the Formation? 7 months ago
    18. 1174
      Speed Up Expansion Plans 7 months ago
    19. 1175
      One Year (Part 1) 7 months ago
    20. 1176
      One Year (Part 2) 7 months ago
    21. 1177
      Heavenly Dragon Temple Outpost Location 7 months ago
    22. 1178
      Ambush (Part 1) 7 months ago
    23. 1179
      Ambush (Part 2) 7 months ago
    24. 1180
      Doubts 7 months ago
    25. 1181
      Back at the Seal, Strange Old Man 7 months ago
    26. 1182
      New Main Quest, Four Ancient Dao Seals 7 months ago
    27. 1183
      The Third Seal 7 months ago
    28. 1184
      Back in the Blue Sea Empire, Weakened East Sea Army 7 months ago
    29. 1185
      Entrance to the Fourth Seal 7 months ago
    30. 1186
      Divine Blood, Seal Operating at Full Power 7 months ago
    31. 1187
      You- You are from the Mirage Sect!? 7 months ago
    32. 1188
      Gods 7 months ago
    33. 1189
      Books on Formations, Bragging Old Man 7 months ago
    34. 1190
      Dao Seed, Breaking Dawn, Profound Immortal 7 months ago
    35. 1191
      Fallen Immortal Archipelago and Other Continents 6 months ago
    36. 1192
      Disturbance, Seal Relocation 6 months ago
    37. 1193
      Parting 6 months ago
    38. 1194
      Enlightenment Space, Ancient Cultivation Technique 6 months ago
    39. 1195
      Pets, Disciples and Status 6 months ago
    40. 1196
      Not Human? And the Dao of... 6 months ago
    41. 1197
      Expanding Star Shattering Sect 6 months ago
    42. 1198
      At the Gates of the Falling Star City 6 months ago
    43. 1199
      Enraged Lion and Overexcited Rabbit 6 months ago
    44. 1200
      Scheming~ 6 months ago
    45. 1201
      Rampaging Demon Beast 6 months ago
    46. 1202
      Empty Plain 6 months ago
    47. 1203
      Demon Beast Blood 6 months ago
    48. 1204
      Calm Before the Storm 6 months ago
    49. 1205
      Here to Pick up a Disciple 6 months ago
    50. 1206
      Entering the Chun Family Estate 6 months ago
    51. 1207
      Doting Grandfather 6 months ago
    52. 1208
      Calamity of the Chun Family 6 months ago
    53. 1209
      Demon Beast Stampede 6 months ago
    54. 1210
      No Path Forward 6 months ago
    55. 1211
      Catching Up 6 months ago
    56. 1212
      Creating a Perfect Opportunity 6 months ago
    57. 1213
      Trapped Among Demon Beasts... 6 months ago
    58. 1214
      Holding Back Four Dao Seed Realm Cultivators 6 months ago
    59. 1215
      Death of the Old Woman From the Noble Family... 6 months ago
    60. 1216
      It... It's just standing there... Menacingly! 6 months ago
    61. 1217
      Praise the Ancestor! Praise the Founder! 6 months ago
    62. 1218
      Demon Beast Family? 6 months ago
    63. 1219
      Demon Beast War... 6 months ago
    64. 1220
      Fighting to Hold On 6 months ago
    65. 1221
      Fall of the Sky Empire (Part 1) 5 months ago
    66. 1222
      Fall of the Sky Empire (Part 2) 5 months ago
    67. 1223
      Fall of the Sky Empire (Part 3) 5 months ago
    68. 1224
      Fall of the Sky Empire (Part 4) 5 months ago
    69. 1225
      Three Troublemakers 5 months ago
    70. 1226
      End of the Sky Empire 5 months ago
    71. 1227
      Peace Amidst Chaos 5 months ago

    Jilid 11 : Trouble at the Border, Back to the Mystic Realm

    1. 1228
      Travelling Together, Exhausted Yi Min 5 months ago
    2. 1229
      Bonding Between Master and Disciple, Rapid Improvement of Chun Hua 5 months ago
    3. 1230
      A Fluffy Savior~ 5 months ago
    4. 1231
      Suppressing Everyone! Might of the Rabbit Demon Beast! 5 months ago
    5. 1232
      Fate of the Five Soul Ascension Realm Cultivators 5 months ago
    6. 1233
      New Subordinate of the Rabbit Demon Beast, Unfortunate Escape 5 months ago
    7. 1234
      New Junior Sister! 5 months ago
    8. 1235
      Back in the Sect, Introductions to the Fifth Disciple 5 months ago
    9. 1236
      Mysterious Stone Slab, Path to Rapidly Increasing the Strength of the Sect 5 months ago
    10. 1237
      Dao Enlightenment Monument 5 months ago
    11. 1238
      The Dao Enlightenment Monument Opens, New Domain Lord! 5 months ago
    12. 1239
      Dao Seed Realm? Clearing Pei Yang's Confusion 5 months ago
    13. 1240
      Rapid Growth, First Domain Lord Realm Disciple 5 months ago
    14. 1241
      Hidden Main Quest, Source Crystal and... 5 months ago
    15. 1242
      Rabbit Demon Beast's Effect on a Kingdom... 5 months ago
    16. 1243
      Following a Certain Subordinate... 5 months ago
    17. 1244
      Perfect Disguise and Urgent Need for Cultivation Rooms 5 months ago
    18. 1245
      Cultivation Platforms 5 months ago
    19. 1246
      Influx of Troublemakers, Future Plans 5 months ago
    20. 1247
      The Seven Tribulations of the Immortal Soul Tribulation 5 months ago
    21. 1248
      Progress of the Disciples 5 months ago
    22. 1249
      Mui's First Formation... Slime Pit? 5 months ago
    23. 1250
      Visit From Mui 5 months ago
    24. 1251
      Cautious Demonic Cultivator 4 months ago
    25. 1252
      Two Months, border situation 4 months ago
    26. 1253
      The End of the Limited Time Quest...! 4 months ago
    27. 1254
      Winged Lion Demon Beast's Breakthrough and a Familiar Demonic Cultivator 4 months ago
    28. 1255
      Su Wuhan's... Senior? 4 months ago
    29. 1256
      Alerting the Winged Lion Demon Beast, Calling for Master! 4 months ago
    30. 1257
      Where Did I Go Wrong? 4 months ago
    31. 1258
      Revisiting the Barrier Between the Star Shattering Sect and the Frozen Wasteland (1) 4 months ago
    32. 1259
      Revisiting the Barrier Between the Star Shattering Sect and the Frozen Wasteland (2) 4 months ago
    33. 1260
      Revisiting the Barrier Between the Star Shattering Sect and the Frozen Wasteland (3) 4 months ago
    34. 1261
      Arrival of a Second Demonic Cultivator 4 months ago
    35. 1262
      Spirit Devouring Wanderer, Xuan Gui 4 months ago
    36. 1263
      New Friend~ 4 months ago
    37. 1264
      Expanding the Intelligence Network of the Star Shattering Sect 4 months ago
    38. 1265
      Fall of the Onyx Empire 4 months ago
    39. 1266
      Third Domain Lord Realm Disciple 4 months ago
    40. 1267
      Arrival of all Four- Three Disciples 4 months ago
    41. 1268
      Another Stange Creation of Mui 4 months ago
    42. 1269
      Why is Everyone Gathered Here? 4 months ago
    43. 1270
      Chat with Feng Chen 4 months ago
    44. 1271
      Stopping Oneself From Improving 4 months ago
    45. 1272
      Bai Ning's Breakthrough 4 months ago
    46. 1273
      Close Friends 4 months ago
    47. 1274
      Mui Getting Caught! End of the Blacksmithing Elders Despair? 4 months ago
    48. 1275
      Hidden Strength? 4 months ago
    49. 1276
      Information on the Immortal Dreamer 4 months ago
    50. 1277
      Magical Furnace 4 months ago
    51. 1278
      Leaving for the Mystic Realm 4 months ago
    52. 1279
      Snake Turtle Demon Beast vs Mui 4 months ago
    53. 1280
      Can A Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator Fly? 4 months ago
    54. 1281
      Training Mui 4 months ago
    55. 1282
      Leaving Mui on Her Own 3 months ago
    56. 1283
      Exploring the First and Second Celestial Trial Again 3 months ago
    57. 1284
      Dawn Immortal, Sea Immortal, Earth Immortal 3 months ago
    58. 1285
      Back at the Third Celestial Gate 3 months ago
    59. 1286
      Mui's Battle 3 months ago
    60. 1287
      Mui's Escape 3 months ago
    61. 1288
      Tower of Secrets 3 months ago
    62. 1289
      Too Expensive... 3 months ago
    63. 1290
      Ten Celestial Trials 3 months ago
    64. 1291
      Strange Mountain 3 months ago
    65. 1292
      First Sign of Chaos, Blue Sea Empire's Forces Appear 3 months ago
    66. 1293
      Fall of a Dao Seed Realm Cultivator... 3 months ago
    67. 1294
      Wiping Out the Demonic Cultivators 3 months ago
    68. 1295
      Trapped 3 months ago
    69. 1296
      Guarding the Border and a "Small" Mountain 3 months ago
    70. 1297
      Undamaged Celestial Gate 3 months ago
    71. 1298
      Fourth Celestial Trial, Mushroom Forest 3 months ago
    72. 1299
      Immortal Mushroom 3 months ago
    73. 1300
      More than one... 3 months ago
    74. 1301
      The Final Fragment... 3 months ago
    75. 1302
      The Goal of the Celestial Trial 3 months ago
    76. 1303
      Sealed Gate 3 months ago
    77. 1304
      Sudden Wealth 3 months ago
    78. 1305
      True Value of the Tower of Secrets 3 months ago
    79. 1306
      Center of Attention 3 months ago
    80. 1307
      Two Paths 3 months ago
    81. 1308
      Dao Domain Lord Realm Scroll 3 months ago
    82. 1309
      Looking for new Combat Techniques 3 months ago
    83. 1310
      Two New Techniques and the Saint Realm 3 months ago
    84. 1311
      Peak of the Profound Immortal Realm 3 months ago
    85. 1312
      Ancient Ruins 3 months ago
    86. 1313
      Hiding Among The Ruins 2 months ago
    87. 1314
      Reaching the Edge of the Ancient City 2 months ago
    88. 1315
      Going Back 2 months ago
    89. 1316
      Ancient Golems Gathering 2 months ago
    90. 1317
      Palace Complex at the Center of the Ancient City 2 months ago
    91. 1318
      Through the Fog 2 months ago
    92. 1319
      Becoming a Beast Tamer 2 months ago
    93. 1320
      Jumping into the Spatial Passage 2 months ago
    94. 1321
      Spatial Distortion 2 months ago
    95. 1322
      Suffering Su Wuhan 2 months ago
    96. 1323
      Reunited with Mui 2 months ago
    97. 1324
      Task of the Three Demonic Cultivators 2 months ago
    98. 1325
      Dropping Off Su Wuhan 2 months ago

    Jilid 12 : Expansion

    1. 1326
      Back in the Sect Again 2 months ago
    2. 1327
      Pre-Collapse and Post-Collapse Ancient Language 2 months ago
    3. 1328
      Chu Yang Leaves 2 months ago
    4. 1329
      Ambush (1) 2 months ago
    5. 1330
      Ambush (2) 2 months ago
    6. 1331
      Ambush (3) 2 months ago
    7. 1332
      Ambush (4) 2 months ago
    8. 1333
      Failed Ambush 2 months ago
    9. 1334
      First Steps into the Chaotic Region of the Destroyed Sky Empire 2 months ago
    10. 1335
      Dao of Space, Large Success Realm 2 months ago
    11. 1336
      Chu Yang, Edge of the Core Region 2 months ago
    12. 1337
      Eccentric Merchant 2 months ago
    13. 1338
      Expensive Entry Fee 2 months ago
    14. 1339
      Unusual Number of Nascent Soul Realm Cultivators 2 months ago
    15. 1340
      Hiding Spot 2 months ago
    16. 1341
      Eccentric Merchant Lao 2 months ago
    17. 1342
      Elder Dust Fairy's Thoughts 1 months ago
    18. 1343
      Gathering In Front of the Explorer Union Branch 1 months ago
    19. 1344
      Progress of the Disciples 1 months ago
    20. 1345
      Different Techniques 1 months ago
    21. 1346
      Buying Information 1 months ago
    22. 1347
      Struggles of a Small Power 1 months ago
    23. 1348
      A Peaceful Journey 1 months ago
    24. 1349
      A Shocking Turn of Events 1 months ago
    25. 1350
      Joining the Star Shattering Sect...? 1 months ago
    26. 1351
      Plans For New Alchemy Hall 1 months ago
    27. 1352
      Expansions and Paperwork caused by Expansion 1 months ago
    28. 1353
      Changing Structure 1 months ago
    29. 1354
      Something to Strive Towards and a New Duo 1 months ago
    30. 1355
      Returning to the Second Star Peak 1 months ago
    31. 1356
      Large Success, Dao of Ice 1 months ago
    32. 1357
      Condensing the 18th Layer around the Dao Seed 1 months ago
    33. 1358
      Increase in Strength 1 months ago
    34. 1359
      Trying to Use Long-Distance Teleportation 1 months ago
    35. 1360
      Not at the Third Heaven of the Saint Realm...? 1 months ago
    36. 1361
      Presure to Become Stronger 1 months ago
    37. 1362
      Another Distraction 1 months ago
    38. 1363
      Remnant Soul...? And Space Node Stones 1 months ago
    39. 1364
      Importance of Space Node Stones 1 months ago
    40. 1365
      Escape Path 1 months ago
    41. 1366
      Hard time Staying on the Safe Path... 1 months ago
    42. 1367
      A Secret Realm? 1 months ago
    43. 1368
      No Way Out 1 months ago
    44. 1369
      A "Larger Than Normal" Worm 1 months ago
    45. 1370
      River or Inland Sea? 1 months ago
    46. 1371
      Dead Spirit Canyon 1 months ago
    47. 1372
      Crossing Deadly Waters in a Single Step 1 months ago
    48. 1373
      Spirit Stones and Strange Black Spear 1 months ago
    49. 1374
      Chu Yang, Rapid Breakthrough 1 months ago
    50. 1375
      Erasing a Little Renmant Soul~ 1 months ago
    51. 1376
      Facing a Senior Bootlicker 1 months ago
    52. 1377
      Space Node Mine (Controlled by Demonic Cultivators) 1 months ago
    53. 1378
      Overconfident Ancestor 1 months ago
    54. 1379
      Meeting an Old... Friend? Pupil? Senior...? 1 months ago
    55. 1380
      Helping a... Half Disciple? 1 months ago
    56. 1381
      Elder Competition 1 months ago
    57. 1382
      Confirming the Presence of the Space Node Stone Mine in person 29 days ago
    58. 1383
      Planned Ambush? (1) 28 days ago
    59. 1384
      Planned Ambush! (2) 28 days ago
    60. 1385
      Confused 28 days ago
    61. 1386
      Excitement Building 27 days ago
    62. 1387
      Someone Not Suspicious 26 days ago
    63. 1388
      Someone Definitely Not Suspicious 26 days ago
    64. 1389
      Exploring the Star Shattering Sect (1) 25 days ago
    65. 1390
      Exploring the Star Shattering Sect (2) 24 days ago
    66. 1391
      Exploring the Star Shattering Sect (3) 23 days ago
    67. 1392
      Exploring the Star Shattering Sect (4) 23 days ago
    68. 1393
      Exploring the Star Shattering Sect (5) 22 days ago
    69. 1394
      Meeting Elder Song and Life of Shu Yin 21 days ago
    70. 1395
      Becoming Part of the Star Shattering Sect 20 days ago
    71. 1396
      Failed Plan 19 days ago
    72. 1397
      Negatives of Eating Dead Demonic Cultivators 19 days ago

    Bab Privilege Tambahan

    Unduh aplikasi dan menjadi pembaca istimewa hari ini! Mari kita intip bab-bab yang ada di stok penulis kami!

    Penulis PurpleSpring