Race to the
Chapter 310: Things are going bad
The envoys didn't take any rest, took things they needed, and left the capital.
Two weeks passed by and there is no sign of any envoy showing themselves, a few more days passed and finally an envoy that left for the Suzhou Kingdom came back.
But he didn't come back in normal condition, but rather in a worn-out condition.
The imperial court opens the next day and the envoy was called into the court for a talk.
"Long live your highness" The envoy said as he bowed his head and cupped his hand to the emperor of this, Tengyuan , Kingdom. Emperor Hao Jiazhi.
Hao Jiazhi waved his hand and told him to relax. Then he asked him "Now, tell the reason why you are in such a state, don't leave anything… I want to hear everything that went in the Suzhou Kingdom"
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