The Supreme Sword Sect stopped at the southern side of the stage while Bloody Moon Academy stopped at the northern side. There eight people from Bloody Moon Academy. Seven disciples and one teacher.
Among seven, five of them were women while two were male. Surprisingly, all seven of them were releasing intense a cruel murderous intent. The aura around them was intensely red. Five girls were incredibly beautiful on par with Rose.
They were wearing the same dress. A long red pants with a red shirt. As for boys, they were average and they wore the same clothes. As for the supreme sword sect, seven students that followed Rose were Jian Tian, James, Luo Qing, Takeo, Raphael, Jester, and Ouza.
Ouza and Jester were extra while the other five were regular. In the big panel, 'Supreme Sword Sect Vs Bloody Moon Academy' appeared indicating the start of the battle.
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