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3.75% Overlord: The Origin / Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Bab 1: Chapter 1

Must know:

— Slow Pace

— Not all about Lemon

— Decent Grammar

— Handsome Author

— Author has big pp

Note for my veteran readers.

— See that chapter titles? Yeah, Disgusting. I know you guys are frustrated too. I don't want to do that either but I don't have a choice in the meantime. But worry not cause after I finish rewriting everything and reach the New World Arc again, I will revert it back to its past glory. So just hold on, I promise that to you guys.😗


*Sounds of the Rustling Crowds*

In a particular street in Tokyo, one can see a boy, wearing a school uniform while carrying a box that has a lot of stuff in it.

"Ugh, this is so goddamn heavy."

His name is Unko, Unko Takahashi. 18 years old. A student in a nearby College.

His looks are pretty normal, not that handsome but definitely not ugly. His height was around 170 cm, has black hair and black eyes. He had a few pimples on his face but most of it was being covered by his hair. A typical look for a normal Japanese if you ask anybody.

He doesn't have any Noteworthy Characteristics. In short, if this is an Anime or Manga, then this boy will definitely be a mob character. The type of character that you usually see in the background of the story that anyone has watched or read.


"Oh man, I'm so tired already. *sigh*"

His classes had just ended. He was on his way back home. The books that he is carrying are the materials for their group project that they will present tomorrow. He is the one that has been assigned by his classmates to bring the materials tomorrow as they all have different things to do.

".. *Sigh* my arm is hurting already, this is so goddamn heavy. I wish I have teleportation powers so I can go back home fast." Unko continues to grumble as he walks along the streets.

He is tired already and he feels that his arms are starting to sore, so he fastened his pace since right now, he wants nothing but to reach his apartment and get his well-deserved rest.

After 5 minutes of walking, which almost look like an awkward run, he finally arrived at his apartment.

"... I'm home." Unko said as he swung open the door then enter. But as he expected, no one answered back. The only thing that welcomed him is an eerie silence. In fact, he'll be more surprised if someone answered him.

He's alone in this apartment ever since he started living here. His parents died early, a couple of months after he was born. The cause of death was a truck.

Truck-kun decided to do his parents when they are both outside for some unknown reasons. In short, it was a double kill. Yeah, pretty unfortunate.

But Unko hated both his parents. Not because he grew up without them but because he was also hated by both of them. His everyday life was so difficult because of his parents.

His parents weren't even good people in the first place, he tried asking his Uncles and Aunties about his parents but they can't tell any more than the basic ones since they are not that close in the first place.

The only thing he knew about his parents is that they hated him. Of course, he is not sure about this since he has no way of knowing, but what can he say when they literally named him "Unko", that means sh*t/poop. If it's not because they hated him so much and want to make his everyday life so miserable, then no one knows.

Whenever he was being called by his friends or classmates, sometimes even his Uncles, they can't stop themselves from giggling even though they don't mean it. Imagine that someone wants to call him from afar, but they're in a crowded area, yeah, it's pretty embarrassing both for Unko and the caller.

This causes him trauma that whenever he was being asked about his name, he is only saying his surname and never the name anymore. He's just saying it if it is really needed.


After he enters his apartment, he throws his bag to his bed and slams the box full of stuff on his table, then immediately changes clothes.

His apartment is small, that is if you compare it to the normal ones. Though small, it has all the things he needed for his everyday life so Unko couldn't ask for more.

One of his uncle on his mother's side was supporting him ever since he was a child. He was the one that took care of him after his parent's death until he reached high school. His uncle has two daughters, his wife died early too, so Unko knows that raising him while also supporting his two daughters is hard, and yet, his uncle still did it. So after reaching high school, he decided to stop being such a bother to his uncle and decided to move to a small apartment near to his new high school. Of course, his uncle didn't think that he was a bother in the first place.

Of course, someone might ask how did Unko afford to rent an apartment by himself since he rent this on his own. Well, simple, he has a good sum of money. It was his Parent's money. Supposedly, it should go to his Uncle for taking him in when he was still a child, but his uncle didn't touch the money and decided to just give it to Unko when he finally hit the right age.

A good man and worthy of respect. That's how Unko thinks of his Uncle.


After he changed his clothes, he goes towards his small kitchen area to prepare some food for himself, then proceeds to eat after that. After he finished eating, he grabs the box full of stuff and started sorting it out. He needs to study these materials since he will also present some of this in front of the class tomorrow.

Although he wants to do nothing right now but watch anime or sleep, he has no choice since he doesn't want to get scolded by his classmates, that's why even though the expression that Unko has right now is clearly stating that he doesn't like what he's doing, he still does it nonetheless.

He simply doesn't have a choice.


A few hours later...


"... I finally got it all. Good thing since my head will explode if I do any more of this. *sigh*"

After two hours of studying, he finally stopped. He stands up from his chair and goes to the bathroom to wash his face.


After drying it with a towel, he stares at his face in the mirror for a minute before grumbling in an unchanging expression.

"Look at that messed up face. Why can't I have a good-looking and handsome face just like Takamura? .... AHHH! THE WORLD IS SO UNFAIR! WHY IS MY LIFE SO BORING?!"

After a minute of shaking his head in the air, he stopped.


".. I'm so envious of all the good-looking guys in the whole damn world. My right hand was too tired already and the porn on the internet was too generic for my taste that my junior won't get up anymore, when will my future girlfriend arrive goddamit."

After a moment of big desperation, he finally got out of the bathroom with a tired expression and goes towards the bed and lazily slam himself on it.

"... Aissh~ My brain is toasted, I'm going crazy..."

He continues to mumble some things for a moment and finally, silence had enveloped the whole room as he closes his eyes and falls asleep.


Next morning. Unko wakes up early and takes a bath after eating breakfast, he changed his pajama to his exercise clothing and goes outside to do his daily morning exercises.

Even though his face was relatively normal, his body is really athletic and fit compared to others. He is really taking care of his body just to make up for his bland face. He is doing all this just so he can at least brag something about himself.

This is his routine for every single day, he never missed doing one except when he really needs to do something much more important or if he just can't.


After an hour of jog and a bunch of workouts, he finally decided to stop. He sat on a bench in a nearby park to just take a break before going back to his apartment to get ready for school.

But while he was sitting on the bench, drinking some bottled water, he suddenly heard some commotions from the people in the near block.

Curious about what is happening over there, he stands up from the bench and goes towards where the commotion is happening.

He slowly walks towards the bunch of rowdy people and tried to take a glimpse to see what is going on, but failed cause there are just too many people blocking the view. He saw a middle-aged man in the far back of the group, he is wearing a working suit and it looks like he got there before him, so he decided to approach the man and ask him what was going on.

".. E-excuse me. Sir."

He asked, but the man didn't respond or even look at him like nothing is even happening.

".. Umm, Sir?"

He tries to tap the man's back just to call his attention but when his hand touches the back of the man, his hand suddenly passes through the man's body.

"... Wha—"

He didn't even have time to be confused as the man's body started to fade like he was Thanos snapped. The man's body has shattered and turn into dust as it disappears in the wind.

".. W-what?!"

He immediately looks at the people around him, he plans to call their attention to see what is happening in front of him but when he looks in their direction, there's no one there, he is alone.

"... What the f*ck is happen—" But Unko didn't even manage to finish what he was saying as he suddenly heard some mumble noises.

".. Oy, Ge- o-y of Ther-!"

".. Wha- is tha- kid do-.."


He looks towards the direction where the noises are coming from and there, he saw a crowd of people, and from the looks of it, they were all looking anxious while shouting in his direction.

Unko can't hear what they're all saying since their voices is really distorted, like someone is pressing the mute button repeatedly inside his head.

But as seconds go by, the voices that he's hearing have started becoming louder, and as it becomes louder, the voices become more clearer, and as it becomes clearer, the more he started realizing the situation he's in as realization had started kicking him in the butt.

It was like he losed his ability to hear things and slowly get it back as the voices of the people and the different horns of the cars he is hearing are getting louder and louder as time goes by.

When he saw this, it was like waking up from a long dream and he suddenly realized where he is.

He is in the middle of a highway, alone of course, since this is not a place that ordinary people should go to.

He glances at both sides and saw all the people there, telling them to get out on the spot he's in. He also saw some of the cars that have stopped since he is blocking the way. The drivers inside of the cars are shouting for him to get his ass out of the way. But that's just "some" since there are also some cars that didn't stop and continued speeding up.

'.. How did I get here? Oh sh*t, I need to get out here first!'

He is so confused about how did he get here as he was just sitting on the bench of a park a couple of seconds ago. But he decided to not think about it for now and was about to run back on the sides of the highway, where it is safer, but as he was about to do so...



He suddenly heard a loud horn behind him. He looks in the direction of the honking sound and sees a big truck rushing in his direction. He saw the panicking driver inside the truck repeatedly honking and gesturing for him to get out of the way.

Based on the expression of the truck driver, he cannot control the truck. In his perspective, it looks like someone is controlling the truck, the driver stepped on the break repeatedly but it just won't stop.

".. OH F*CK!"

When Unko saw the truck, it was close already and was coming at him at almost full speed. He knows that he won't make it even if he tries to dodge by running in any direction.

So he has no choice but to just immediately duck and hope that he is small enough to fit under the truck...

It was all nothing but survival instincts. He didn't even think if he can really fit under it.

When the truck was about to pass above him, he heard some panic shouts and screams of the people. Some even cover their faces and choose to not look at the scene that was happening in front of them.

Unko just ducks on the concrete floor with all his might, trying to stay flat as he can. He saw the front wheels of the truck passing through his far sides. Meaning, he successfully fit under the truck and saves himself, but he didn't even have time to sigh in relief when he saw the truck, steers its wheels, and immediately change direction.


When he looks at the back wheels of the truck, he saw that it was rolling on his way, fast.

"..Ugh! ..."

He rolls his body to the right side as fast as he can so he can avoid being splat by the truck wheels. But he didn't noticed that the space between him and the bottom of the truck is not big enough, so when he rolled, his left shoulder got caught and hit the bottom of the moving truck, which caused his rolling momentum to be interrupted. He still manages to dodge the wheel of the truck but his right hand got caught up and was rolled by the wheels.

".... AAGHK!!"

He felt that his hand was crushed as it got limped and can't feel it anymore, but he didn't felt any pain as his adrenaline was rushing throughout his body like crazy. So when he saw the truck that finally overpassed him and crashes to the side of a building that is under construction, he sighed in relief. Luckily, the driver manages to jump out before it hit the building and no one other than Unko got hurt, which sucks for him.

".. Agh!... F*CK YOU TRUCK-KUN! NOT COOL! AGH! Goddammit!."

Even though he's in a miserable state, where his hand got crushed by the wheels and the other one is full of wounds, he can't help but compare himself to some Light novels that he had read where the mc was being isekai'd by some truck.

He immediately stands up and ran to the side of the building to avoid any further miracles, he was so glad that he didn't die there but his happy thoughts were suddenly interrupted by some loud noise.



".. NOW WHAT!?"

As he was running, he suddenly heard a sound coming from above, it's like a sound of a turning metal that you usually heard in big metal machines.

When he looks up, he saw a big crane above the building. That building is the same building where the truck crashed.

The crane suddenly turns its direction and the rocks below it suddenly cracked.




The Rooftop of the building where the crane was, suddenly exploded for some unknown reasons and causes the crane to fall below the streets.

The people below started to run in different directions. But, weirdly, the crane is falling exactly where Unko's direction is.

He didn't wait any further as he ran already in opposite direction. He ran as fast as he can, he looks back and saw that it was about to fall on him.


He looks everywhere for a possible chance of survival and saw a maid cafe near him, he didn't waste any more time as he ran in that direction and immediately throw his body towards the door and bash himself inside.


The impact of the moment when the crane crashes on the ground, causes the ground to shake a little. All the cars in its way were immediately destroyed and flatted, but all the drivers inside it manage to get out before it crashed towards them, and miraculously no one got killed and only a few got hurt.

"... Ugh! I'm still alive!... I'm STILL F*KING ALIVE! BWAHAHAHA! CRANE-CHAN YOU B*TCH!"

Unko immediately stands up and laughed and shouted like a madman. He looks around him and saw that the people inside the cafe were looking at him with strange gazes.

"... Oh, I-i am sorry. I didn't mean to shout."

"... N-no, it's fine. Rather, you look hurt, are you alright? You should sit here for a moment, your shoulder is bleeding and your hand..." One of the maids has stepped forward and talked to him as she saw he was hurt.

Unko realizes it and was about to sit but he suddenly remembers that for some reason, he was like getting hunted, and even though it was just his imagination, it's really bad that if these people got caught up if what was his thinking is correct.

".. U-uh, thanks for the offer but, I think I'll just go. Don't worry about this, it's not as worse as you think. I'll just head straight to some hospital later. Um, Goodbye!"

".. Uhm, you su- oh okay, be careful." The maid was about to try and talk to him as she was worried about his state but she saw that Unko immediately run outside, she couldn't say anymore and just wave him goodbye.

".. Damn! It was still the first chapter but Non-stop Actions are coming already from here and there."

When he goes outside, he immediately scans the area and saw that the whole streets are blocked by traffic of cars so no potential running trucks that are going towards him so soon, and also no cranes at the top of the buildings are to be seen.

He stepped completely outside but he was still wary of his surrounding, his feet and muscles are all tight up and were always ready to run back towards the cafe just in case something comes flying at him.

He warily walks towards the streets but he was still on the corner of the street near the open buildings where he can run to just in case he needed to.

He just passed through the traffic of cars and goes towards the open streets, but at that exact moment.


Suddenly, a sports car was rushing through him at full speed.

".. HA! I KNEW IT!"

He immediately runs back at the traffic of cars and jumps at the roofs of it to have some covers and protection from the devil that was coming for his life that is called, Lamborghini.



He almost falls from the roof of the car he was standing in from the impact of the crash.

A victorious smile appears on Unko's face and stands up with his chest up proudly.



Suddenly, a lump of metal that looks like a satellite comes rushing from the sky and immediately crashes to the position where Unko is. The whole street was destroyed, and some of the cars have been flattened completely.

"... uh, F-F*ck!"

But miraculously, Unko was still alive even after that. The lower half of his body was crushed but he is still alive since his upper body was in a direction where the gap between the satellite is positioned.

"... A S-satellite? A-are you k-kidding me?"

*WI, WO, WI, WO, WI, WO!*

Suddenly an ambulance's sirens can be heard coming in his direction.

"... I-If this was an isekai story, t-this must be the most p-painful isekai story ever, haha- *Cough-blood*... Oh f*ck!"

When the ambulance's siren was getting close, he looks up to the sky. After all these unfortunate events, there's no way that this is the end of it.

"... Alright, nhg— now what?"

Suddenly, just the moment when he asks that question, he saw a lot of liquid coming out from the crashed cars near him, and it's almost flooding the whole floor with it.




He heard some noises near him and when he looks towards it, he saw a sparking live-wire from the broken satellite. The satellite was still shaking due to its position, causing the live-sparking wire to fall on the concrete floor that is full of gas that is leading towards the cars. The exterior of the cars might have been destroyed, but the engines inside are still alive and intact. He knows because he can still hear the engine of the cars roaring as it was still running when the driver immediately leaves their cars earlier.

When the live wire drops on the floor, the gas on the ground ignited and the flames immediately spread and entered the car's gas tank. And immediately after that happened.

"... Ah, Sh*t." Unko said with an unchanging expression.


From a far distance, a loud chain of explosions can be heard. It lasted for a minute before the explosions, finally stopped.


After the end of that day, the police have finished their investigations and everything was starting to be put back to where they were supposed to. Yesterday's event was still unexplained and a lot of mystery was going on. But thankfully and surprisingly, only a few people got hurt and there's only one casualty.

The media asked to name who is the person that died in that big accident.

".. The boy who died in a mysterious accident was named. U-Unko Takahashi. May he rests in peace."

And at last, for the very first time. No one laughed when they heard his name. (A/N: Press F in the chat.)


Evrabonzz Evrabonzz

Have I also said that this is my Second Work? I have written my first Original Novel not so long time ago and it's definitely a must see, so go ahead and check it out.

And also, Power Stones! Better drop that thing and leave a review!


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