The ones that were sent out for a hunt were patiently waiting above the large crack that had been made in the planet's surface. They had called for smaller ships to come to their destination and then they would go through the crack in search of Quinn and the demon tier beast.
While waiting though, they had to make a few decisions. Only small ships could be taken, so a small team rather than the one they had brought with them, needed to go down there and they were now deciding who would go.
"We have to be honest with ourselves." Owen said. "Nearly everyone here is pretty much useless when fighting against the demon tier beast. We knew it was going to be a large one so we brought a big force, but we never knew it was going to be a defensive type. If we take more people down with us, then they will just get in the way or there is a chance they might not return."
My wrist is killing me more than ever, moving my pinky finger and ring finger is what hurts the most, to the wrist.
I will be doign one more chapter, not sure if i can complete a third today