So yeah. I know I disappeared for a week or so, but I'm back. As for why I was gone well,my birthday popped up. The very next day was my aunt's birthday. I spent the night at her place to help out. One night turned to two. Which turned into the weekend to watch the kids while she was on a little vacay. And so on. Now I just needed to let you know that I'm going out friday so don't be surprised if I don't write anything for the weekend. I'll try to post another chapter tomorrow.
I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Angels are interesting creatures. Sarada knew how powerful they were while she didn't at the same time. She never saw them use their full power and since they are the trainers of the GoD it was easy to day that they outclass their students exponentially. They were impressive. Sarada respected them like she did many who she deemed strong. It had been some time since she ran into someone who could kill her. It was terrifying and exciting at the same time. She was a saiyan and the prospect of a good battle always had her pumping. The prospect of battling someone who could defeat her with a pinky and a thumb should piss her off or something But it was the complete opposite. She would have someone stronger than her. Someone who could make her feel the joys of battle.
She sighed. She was a saiyan alright.
"He sure likes to eat, doesn't he?"
Sarada nodded with a barely contained smirk. Yes he did. He loved earth food most of all and that is something she took full advantage of. Maybe it's a terrible thing for her to do, but then again, who would pass up such a thing. By feeding him she gained his good graces and he would make sure the planet not be destroyed. He would also repay the favors when he needs to.
And of course who would not want to be an Angel's drug dealer?
"Food is life" Sarada said with a safely nod. "It truly is"
Bulma quirked a brow at that. That look in Sarada was nothing short of devious. She looked excited as well, if her tail was any indication. It twisted behind her in the same fashion a dog's would. It was pretty adorable actually, so she didnt mind. She happily watched Sarada's excited self as her eyes lingered on the feasting Whis. As she watched her she again noticed how much taller Sarada was. She was shorter than her a few years back. Something about Saiyans aging oddly. She said she'd have a sudden growth spurt. Through to her words she did. Bulma had to admit she enjoyed the feeling of looking down on Sarada to a good degree.
Now Sarada was about her length, with just one inch over her. That one inch was enough to make Sarada gloat. She just couldn't leave it alone. Of course Bulma always made sure she knew that just because she was a little taller does not mean she's all that. She was still younger after all.
"You've been staring for a while"
Bulma hummed, not taking her eyes off her form. Why should she? She could watch all she wanted to. Sarada was her wife.
"What's up? "
"You're excited"
"Yeah? "
"It's adorable how your tail displays your excitement" Bulma admitted a smile forming at the look the words pulled from Sarada. She hardly blushed and when she did it was always around Bulma. To this day Bulma still found it to be funny that Sarada did not like to be called cute or adorable, even though she is sometimes.
Sarada grumbled and folded her arms. Adorable? Her. She liked to be called many things. Adorable was not one of them. Why? Because.. Well she ddidn't know why. It just made her feel different than when she's called something else. It was enough to actually make her blush and she was not a fan
Still she didn't entirely mind. Of course if anyone other than Bulma called her adorable They would be in for a treat.
Her tail never stopped twisting around though. Something Bulma took amusement in.
Sarada sighed. "He's an idiot"
The two were reffering to Kakarot who just walked into the kitchen. He took one look at Whis and the food he was eating and did a double take. He then swivled on his feet, a look of complete hurt on his face as he pointed at the angel and the girls.
"What is this?!"
Sarada shrugged.
"Food. Why does he get all of it!?"
Another shrug and Kakarot looked as if he had just been slapped.
And he did a moment later. He was hit in the back of his head by Chichi who came to stand next to him.
"Your worried about food when you don't even know who that guy is"
Kakarot furrowed his brow as he stared at the angel. He then shrugged and pocketed his hands. "Sarada seems ok with him"
"Why can't I sense your ki? "
Whis adopted an amused smile when the youngest in the house appeared by his side. Her eyes were full of curiosity as she circled him in his seat. She couldn't sense a thing from him. That's weird. And new. And kind of exciting. She would ask if he even had ki, but she knew the answer to that. Everyone has ki. So then, why couldn't she sense it?
Her eyes travel to her older sister. Her brows creased. Sometimes she couldn't sense Sarada either. It happens during their sparing matches. Sarada was great at hiding her ki but there was always a little sliver. There was always the smallest hint of her ki. However, that sliver is none existent often times. It happened when she actually uses ki balls. The ki surrounding her hand would be resembling flames sometimes. They would be white too, flickering to pink and back. It was weird. Just like the blue guy.
"Who are you anyway?"
"Whis?" Lotus tilted her head. "Whiskey?"
"No, Whis" The angel corrected with a passive smile. His eyes didn't stay on the child for too long because another bowl of food was placed before him.
"Why is your skin blue"
"Angel" Sarada answered for him since his mouth is full.
"Oh, so what's the name of the GoD you oversee? "
Again Lotus tilted her head. She was less surprised this time around. "Beer. Whiskey and Beer"
Sounds about right.
Chichi sighed. An angel. She was told about the creatures. Surprise was not an emotion she experience when she found out that Whis was one of them. She had learned to expect the unexpected around Kakarot and his family. Especially around his sister. A lot of strange things happen around her.
"Why are you here? "Lotus placed herself next to the angel, looking at him with childish wonder.
Sarada snickered at the way Bulma cooed at the sight.
"She's so cute"
"You've said that"
"It's true" Bulma smiled. "She's adorable"
"Is that so? "
Bulma glanced at Sarada, a smirk blooming.
"Awe, are you jealous?" Bulma poked Sarada's cheek playfully, giggling at the sigh she let out. "You're still adorable"
Sarada said nothing. All she did was glance at the other. Her eyes was filled with her amusement. So was that smile tugging at her lips. Sarada tilted her head slightly. When Bulma had poked her cheek she had to lean in. Sarada only then noticed, but it made her smirk. Her eyes dipped down, seeing right down Bulma's shirt. Bulma's eyes followed. She didn't seem bothered by her display or by the fact that Sarada so boldly stared at her cleavage.
"So you're a pervert now? "Bulma jested.
"Oh please. You did that on purpose" Sarada rolled her eyes. "And I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to look"
Bulma shrugged. "You're right on both accounts, I suppose"
"I just have one question" Sarada looked back at her, her eyes dipping down again. "Why no bra, Bulma? "
"It's hot" Bulma shrugged.
Sarada stared a while longer. "Sure"
"Don't believe me? "
"Not exactly"
Bulma only smiled. A very innocent smile no less.
"Another question"
"Go right ahead"
"Are you wearing any underwear? "
"Why so curious? "
Sarada folded her arms as her tail came around her waist. That was answer enough. She clicked her tongue and looked away from Bulma. She was up to no good. She just knew it.
"Why are you pouting? "Gine came wandering into the kitchen in time to see the look on Sarada's face. The saiyan would not call it pouting, but did not voice her opinions.
Bulma giggled beside her, thoroughly enjoying herself.
"You're taking Sarada with you!? "
Sarada shuffled away from her brother when he shouted. They were present on the balcony of their home, Whis was drifting just outside with a glass of milkshake in hand. As distracted as he seemed he still managed a nod of affirmation.
"Awe" Kakarot whined like a child and kicked the air. "Sarada always goes off on mystical adventures"
"Don't be a child" Chichi said.
Hearing her voice made Kakarot suddenly pipe up. "Chichi, how about we go on our own adventure? "
"And where would this adventure lead us? "
"I don't know" Kakarot shrugged. "But it'll be fun. Just the two of us"
Chichi sighed at the fact that Kakarot didn't seem to think his idea through. However, she did not dislike what he was suggesting. She wouldn't mind at all. It would be fun. After all there is never a dull moment with Kakarot. The boy was always so lively.
Sarada looked between the two for a moment. She then appeared at her brother's side, an arm over his shoulder as she leaned towards his ear.
"Just you and Chichi, huh? "
"Yeah? "
"Tell me, how have things been between you two?"
Kakarot chuckled and scratched the back of his head in slight embarrassment.
"I see. I see. I guess you took my advice those five years ago, right? Took you long enough didn't it? "
"We're no-"
"Oh I know" Sarada grinned. "Not yet, obviously. But you're going off on your own. Just the two of you. Things will change"
Kakarot sighed. "Sarada"
"Thought you'd never as-" Sarada was stopped by Bulma pulling her by the collar.
"Sarada is most definitely not the one you need to ask advice" Bulma rolled her eyes as the pulled the saiyan away from her brother. "She was as dense as you"
"True, bu-"
"But nothing"
"That's just needlessly mean"
"Sarada" Whis stepped next to her. His milkshake was gone to his disappointment. "I do believe it's time to go"
"Alright" Sarada shrugged and earned a stern look from Bulma.
"Glad to see you so easily agree to leave"
Sarada raised both hands in a gesture of surrender. "I'm not leaving you. You're coming with"
"I am? "Bulma was not invited by the angel so she expected to remain on earth.
"Of course" Whis nodded when Sarada handed him a glass of ice cream. "Yes, of course"
"She can cook too" Sarada quiped as she poured some chocolate syrup on Whis' ice cream.
"She is welcome to join us" Whis nodded.
Sarada smiled. "There you have it"
Bulma then fully understood why Sarada insisted on feeding the Angel. She was introducing him to the delicacies of earth food so she could bribe him with it in the future.
What a criminal act.
"Did she just bribe him with food?" Lotus questioned.
"Looks like it" Bardock shrugged, not bothered by the presence of his daughter on his shoulder. She does it often enough. "I have to admit that I'm hurt "
"You were not invited, Bardock"Gine rested a hand on his shoulder.
"Neither was the rich brat"
"I heard that" Bulma glanced over her shoulder. "And this rich kid is kind enough to offer you a place to stay for free"
"Don't go picking a fight with Bulma, Bardock" Gine warned.
"The kid can't stand against me" Bardock scowled.
Bulma fully turned to face him. She stared him in the eye, unmoving. Then she smiled and turned back around.
"Dad" Sarada was suddenly next to him. A hand came to rest on his free shoulder and Bardock froze. "I'd appreciate if you don't pick a fight with my wife"
Her words were not meant to be a threat but it came of as such. She was only telling him to save his own life. Bulma was a very sadistic person and did not need to be stronger than him to torture him. She knew this from personal experience. It's best he just let her be.
"Come on" Bulma tugged on her arm, pulling her away from her parents
"When will we be back Whis?"
Whis only smiled in response as he finished his ice cream. He then turned, one hand behind his back and moved forward.
"No answer, of course" Bulma sighed.
"Whis, would you be interested in some sushi? " Sarada questioned as she pulled a plate of food out of nowhere.
"You are allowed to return whenever you are free"
"Wow, it actually works"