Porunga is the wish-granting dragon from Planet Namek. His name in Namekian language translates to "Dragon of Dreams" or "Dragon of Law". In the anime, Dende refers to Porunga as the "Dragon of Love", "God of Dreams", or even "Granter of Dreams" .
Porunga is much more brutal-looking than Shenron, with a heavily muscled upper body. Large pectoral muscles, shoulders, arms, and well defined abdominal muscles. Instead of looking snake-like in appearance, like Shenron does, Porunga appears to be more alligator-like. He has a long green slithery tail instead of legs. He also has a large fin down the center of his back, and large spikes on his shoulders and head, as well as two antennae on his forehead similar to the Namekian people.
Sarada stared up at the dragon. One thing she remembered about him is his good nature.Like Shenron, Porunga is good-hearted, but being that he is a dragon, he has a temper and sometimes comes off as impatient. He is shown to have a sense of humor, as when he was kept waiting by Krillin, Gohan, and Dende, who had summoned him on Namek, he told them if they couldn't think of what to wish for, "just wish for nothing three times so I can go". However, he is more friendly and patient than Shenron, and has demonstrated a greater eagerness to grant wishes; he restores Krillin's clothes as good as new as a special service, and is even shown to be happy for everyone after Tien and Chiaotzu are brought back to life. In the anime, he saves Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu the trouble of having to traverse the Snake Way again and returns them directly to Earth when they are wished back to life. He also shows embarrassment, when Bulma tells him he is "kinda cute."
All in all, she liked Porunga. A nice dragon with a sense of humor who doesn't mind doing someone a favor. It is one of the reasons she wanted him to be the one to wish her father back. After some thought she realized that she would need just one wish to bring her father back. Hopefully.
"Yo" Sarada greeted the dragon casually. He looked down at her. Was he smiling?
"Hello there. Speak your wish"
Bulma stood next to Sarada and wondered how the girl could be so casual around such magnificent creatures. She always casually greets them and tries to start a conversation. She had no idea what she had said to shenron but he was not in the mood. Porunga was different. He actually fell into an easy conversation with the curious Sarada.
"Seriously "
At some point the conversation came to an end and they got down to business.
"Porunga, do you think you can bring my father back to life? "
The dragon nodded. "The one named Bardock. His is an interesting situation, but I can work around it"
"What do you mean? "
"Your father is not necessarily dead"
Sarada hummed and folded her arms. He's still alive. Which meant he was most likely sent to another timeline. So things ended up that way. That meant her father had achieved the super saiyan transformation. She grinned. Interesting. Could Porunga pull him out of that timeline? He did say he could work around it.
"Do you wish for me to return your father to your side? "The dragon boomed in question.
"Yes please. Thank you in advance "
The dragon rumbled in what Sarada guessed was a chuckle. "You're welcome. You're a pleasant little saiyan"
"I'm not little. I'm fifteen well fourteen if we're looking at things technically" Sarada informed.
Fifteen? What was she talking about? Sarada's birthday isn't anywhere close. That added another question Bulma needed to ask.
"You're little. I am over five hundred years old"
"You big showoff. Just grant my wish"
The dragon chuckled again as his eyes glowed a brighter red. "Your wish shall be granted"
Bulma almost jumped when a glowing figure appeared near her. Sarada had turned her attention to said figure with interest. As the light around him faded Sarada grinned brightly and her tail twitched rapidly.
Bardock blinked. What the hell? Where was he? Was he sent through time again? Damn it. Why does that keep happening? Couldn't he have just died along with the rest of his race?
"Hey, dad"
He abruptly turned his attention towards the voice to meet an oddly familiar teenage Saiyan. He stared at her. She was smiling. Her eyes calm and calculating. Her hair an odd mix of spikes and shoulder length. Her arms folded. She was dressed in saiyan armor and met his gaze with slight amusement
There was only one person he knew that looked at him like that.
"Sarada? "
She nodded and was in front of him with a fist raised in a second. Bardock was quick to react. He evaded her fist and connected their foreheads with force. They both grinned brightly as they struggled to push each other back. Sarada sensed the spike of ki and spotted an energy ball forming in the palm of her father's hand.
"Oh it is on"
Bulma and everyone else present stood watching as the father and daughter happily fought each other. They were all smiles as they grappled with each other. They climbed into the air as the fight got more heated. Ki balls were exchanged. A barrage of fists and kicks were aimed at each other. The sound of their fists connecting could be heard all over.
"What an odd family reunion "
At some point the fighting had to come to an end when Porunga said something about keeping him waiting. The two saiyans had returned to the ground and calmed down. Bardock was still confused and had questions as to what was going on.
"Sarada, care to explain? "
"I can't explain if you don't tell me where you were"
"I was sent to another timeline, somehow"
"Well, Porunga pulled you out of it because of my wish"
"A wish granting dragon? The rumor is true"
"Most definitely "
Bardock was quiet for a moment. He had spotted Bulma standing aside and again had questions. She Has A tail. She's a saiyan, but her hair wasn't the usual mess of spikes. He disregarded that. Some saiyans do sometimes have straight hair. What they do not have is blue hair. Saiyans have black hair. Brown is known as well. Black hair. Black eyes. Brown tail.
Bulma wasn't like others.
He glanced at Sarada, silently asking the question on his mind.
"It's a long story, I'll tell you some other time"
"A friend? "
"Are you sure? "He asked as he looked from his daughter to the odd saiyan.
"Yes? "Sarada didn't know why her father asked her that.
He said nothing after that. He realized that the two may not have noticed the clear attraction they have for each other.
"Sarada, how are Gine, Kakarot and Raditz? "
"Mom is fine. So is little brother. Raditz is relatively safe, but not with us"
"He hadn't returned at that time, as you know. I have been keeping an eye on Frieza and I found out that Raditz and the prince are working under him. He told them some lie about astroids being the destroyer of our planet and people"
Sarada could see the anger in her father's eyes and sighed. He hated Frieza. Strongly. She knew he would be more than happy to put him in the ground with his bare hands.
"The bastard. We worked for him. We followed his every order"
Another sigh. "You'll get your time" she reassured and rested a hand on his own. "Mom misses you"
Bardock smiled. "I bet she does"
"Okay I'm not going to wonder what is going on in that head of yours"
Bardock chuckled.
"I'll take you to her"
"She's here? "
"No. She's on earth but I can take you there immediately "
Bardock nodded. Sarada pressed to fingers to her forehead. She glanced at Bulma, who was eyeing her with the usual curiosity. Is that girl always curious about her?
"I'll be back in less than a minute"
Gine was on the balcony overlooking the garden. She sighed. She was missing her children. She could sense Kakarot. He was getting stronger with each day. She would always smile as she thought of all the things the boy would want to tell her when e returns. Sarada had been away for six days. She didn't know how long her off world trip would take but she was hoping she returned soon. Maybe she could go get Raditz. She missed her eldest.
She jumped when Sarada was suddenly appeared in front of her. She had a happy smile on her face as she presented someone she hadn't seen in years.
She stared. In shock and happiness and so many other emotions.
Sarada grinned when her mother tackled Bardock Into A tight hug.
"I gotta go" she returned her fingers to her head. "Have fun"
Less than thirty seconds had passed and Sarada had returned without her father.
"What did you just do? "Bulma asked in utter confusion.
"I dropped dad off on earth"
"You did what? "
"I dropped him of-"
"You can teleport? " Bulma interrupted.
"Why in the world didn't you mention such an ability? "
"You never asked"
At that moment Bulma was overcome with the urge to hit Sarada, but she controlled herself and let out a breath.
"When we leave this planet you are telling me everything"
Sarada nodded with a nervous chuckle. An angry Bulma made her nervous for some reason.
"Little saiyan I can feel myself getting older"
"Very funny old dragon"
"I am not old"
"Believe what you will" Sarada looked up at the dragon. "My second wish is to make Earth a cultivating planet. As in giving it the ability to obsorb any Ki Aimed at or given to it and store it"
"I see, interesting wish. It will improve the planet overall and prevent it from being destroyed"
"Exactly "
Again the dragon's eyes glowed and he informed the girl that her wish had been successfully granted.
"Speak your last wish"
"My last wish" Sarada thought back to King Kai. "Could you restore the north kai's original planet, but sill keep the little one? "
"It is within my power. Are you sure this is your last wish? "
"Yes, thanks again"
"You're welcome"
"I love that kid" King Kai said happily when his original planet appeared some distance away from the smaller one he was on. How He missed his full sized planet. He would have more driving space. He could build a bigger house.
He should invite the kid for some food. He would need to prepare everything he had but why not? She'll eat him out of house and home, especially if she brings her friend.
"Eh, she wished my planet back"
After the dragon had left with a joke Sarada and Bulma returned the dragon balls to their guardians . She played with the kid Namekians for some time before taking a break and lying in the grass near a village.
She was content with watching the sky. She could set off in search of the tree of might in a day or two. She was happy. She had brought her father back. He was most likely a super siayan and maybe she could reach that level with his help.
Kakarot would finally experience the love and pride of a father. Mostly pride. Bardock is very proud of his kids.
Bulma had come to sit next to her in the grass. They said nothing to each other for some time. Bulma kept glancing at the very content Sarada. She was humming and staring up into the sky.
"Kakarot looks a lot like your father" Bulma finally said.
"No kidding" Sarada laughed. She wondered how the two would be introduced to each other.
"Are you finally going to tell me about everything? "
"What do you want to know"
"Why you know so much"
"Would you believe me if I told you I read a lot"
"Yes, but I doubt that's how you know so much"
Sarada sighed.
"Aren't you fourteen? Why did you tell the dragon that you're fifteen? "
"Because I am. I told you about the guardian, didn't I? "
"At his lookout he has this impressive room. One day on the outside is one year within the room. I spent a day in there"
"You're serious?"
"Yup. So I'm actually fifteen now"
"At least you're still younger than me"
"What does that have to do with anything? "
"A lot"
"I doubt it"
There was silence again. Sarada had sat up at some point and played with the grass.
"What's up? "
"I want you to tell me how you know so much "
"You're always so curious about me"
Bulma said nothing. In all honesty she didn't know why she was so curious about the younger girl. She just liked to know more and more about Sarada. She was fascinating and always had something new to introduce, teach or say. Her curiosity just came naturally.
She figured that maybe there were some things Sarada just didn't like sharing.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to".
"You're assuming I don't want to tell you something again"
"That's what it looks like"
"I have my reasons"
Bulma sighed and looked away from the girl.
Sarada sat there watching her. She cursed herself for making the girl upset. She didn't know why she always did that. It's never her intention. And when Bulma is upset her resolve weakens and she ends up giving in.
Damn it all.
"I'll tell, just cheer up. I get uneasy when you're upset"
"I'm not upset"
"That's a lie"
"How would you know? "
"I know you. Don't be a tsundere"
"You're the tsundere"
"The hell I am"
"Yes you are"
"You know what? I'm not arguing with you about this. It's childish"
Bulma laughed. It really was. She didn't know why they always got into such childish arguments.
"So, you were about to tell me about your knowledge " Bulma said as she scooted closer to the contemplating Sarada.
"It's an interesting and long story"
"We've got time "
"I suppose"
"Talk" Bulma said as she rested her head on Sarada's shoulder.
Sarada took note of the action but said nothing. Bulma is affectionate with her. That's nothing new.
"Well.. "