Gu Qianlin was a former member of the special force and was highly trained and extremely skillful. As she quickly relieved the mobster of his iron pipe and was now armed for battle. She was fearless and brave as a lioness, but her responsibilities as a police officer discouraged her from being ruthless. Her techniques were flawless, and she sought only to knock her opponents back and disarm them, but they took the blows and kept coming back at her.
The Dragon Gang members, however, were no mere street fighters. They were relentless and attacked her incessantly like a pack of jackals. Within a short time, they had gotten through her defenses several times and drew blood. Gu Qianlin has been stabbed and sustained lashes on her back and lower torso. She looked powerless in the face of the concerted attacks, like a cornered tiger fending off a wolf pack.
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