/ Magical Realism / Great Doctor Ling Ran

Great Doctor Ling Ran

Great Doctor Ling Ran

Magical Realism Lengkap 1,445 Bab 7.5M Dilihat
Penulis: Village of Ambitious Birds
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4.34 (1,236 peringkat)

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Ling Ran, a med school senior, begins to see the world like a game UI. He uses it to pave his way towards graduation, a residency, becoming the greatest doctor in the world... And finally getting a Transformer from his newbie packs? Maybe. We don't know yet.


  1. flakey0629
    flakey0629 Berpartisipasi 25621
  2. Bronze_DJ
    Bronze_DJ Berpartisipasi 24244
  3. Gothic15
    Gothic15 Berpartisipasi 22877


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    This is just average- no glaring flaws, typical tropes, nothing stands out. MC is a medical intern who suddenly gains a system, and completes tasks to earn system rewards. Coincidences pile up (like a doctor randomly calling on him, a sudden emergency, etc.) to help him accomplish the tasks. His surprising skill as a newb earns jealous glares from males and weak legs from females. All very stereotypical. The descriptions feel very off and unrealistic to me as I have worked in hospitals and social interactions do not really happen as described (for example, no doctor talks that much during a procedure and newbs are not called upon randomly like described because of both medical ethics and potential legal repercussions).

    Lihat 79 balasan

    Website : qidian china Views : 56.20million Rating : 9.0(550) Chapters : 550+approx Status : ongoing Rank : 11 Word count : 1.47million author level : great No of works : 6 Disscussion : 325655 Year started : 2018 Chinese title : 大医凌然 Currently very popular in china. Guys my current favorite novel is "Beautiful Time With You". It's one of the best romance novels I ever read! I know many of you might be hesitating cuz it's Ye Fei Ye novel! I can understand that! But I promise you it's a very cute and prolly the funniest novel with like zero heart wrenching moments! Give it a try guys! MC is very different and also super surprising thing is ML isn't a complete jerk!

    Lihat 39 balasan
    LV 4 Badge

    cant wait uwu uwu i love doctor stuff + game elements hhhhh uwu                                                                                                                                                                           

    Lihat 98 balasan

    For those who want to acquire medical knowledge please read this book!!! You will absolutely not be disappointed for the knowledge you get!! You can also applied the medical knowledge you got here in real world!! After all it medical knowledge from novel!!!!

    Lihat 42 balasan

    So many petty comments.. The novel of Pierce the heavens synopsis was misleading, I did read it afterwards & it was a really cool novel and I admit voting without reading is very irrational but at least we had a synopsis to base from. But here so many people being petty and personal over a misunderstanding, the bad comments of that novel were all deleted. And it's not like you bunch didn't judge this novel by it's cover, and not all of us will like the same thing whether a novel leaning towards Feminity or masculinity. Apparently Qidian has this much toxic people, grow up. If I encounter this toxicity this much, I will just leave QIDIAN, at that point screw novels.

    Lihat 15 balasan

    (Copy and pasted from my NU review) This novel is extremely good with what it is. The plot is really bad, but it is a really good read. Update: Raws, 255 I originally thought that this novel was a decent read. Then it got repetitive. New cookie cutter girl swoons, ofc Ling ran ignores. Repeat. Nothing new. My breaking point is Yu Yuan. How do you get such a dumb character in the novel??? They try to interject awkwardly into situations and she is brain dead in her interactions. The breaking point of that breaking point is Ling Ran and his patriotism. There is no "China is number one" kind of oneupsmanship in medicine. We are all working to a common goal, regardless of nationality. It is extremely obvious, and it feels like colonialism 2.0, at least the way that the author describes it. Ling Ran sticks with the same hospital, even though HE KNOWS HE IS LIMITED BY THE NUMBER OF BEDS. So leave for gods sake. Mayo clinic, Shanghai foot, a lot of good places would accept him. Why does he want to be a 'world class doctor', when he stays in the chinese equivalent of the backwaters of Alabama? Tian Hao too. She is a 3rd gen rich girl who just wants to win over Ling Ran. Except she has negative brain cells. B_tch please. I am trying to enjoy the novel and all you can do is interject and add random bullcr*p. I don't care if you drive a Rolls Royce today, and a Bentley tomorrow. The only good part was Meng Leyao. Jeez, a woman who is more normal than the rest, who doesn't immediately get wet after seeing Ling Ran, except she disappears for 100 chapters. The ticket system encourages high word count, which comes at the expense of quality. Thank you for listening to my ted talk. /Rant

    Lihat 3 balasan

    Looking at the title, my first impression is this novel will tell about the medical world which is a rare genre in webnovel. but after reading the synopsis, it turns to be another online game story. what a disappointing turn of event!

    Lihat 13 balasan

    I'm not going to be reading this further. I did not find this story to be enjoyable. I think the biggest reason why I did not enjoy reading this story was because it was so similar to "Rebirth: How A Loser Became A Prince Charming". I don't have much evidence to back myself up, but this story is giving me vibes very similar to that of the above mentioned book (which exists on QI and is completed for anyone interested). Both books seem to be oriented more to a female audience. I don't really enjoy stories like this.

    Lihat 19 balasan
    LV 10 Badge

    Turn off your brain for this one as anyone with a sliver of medical/legal knowledge would know that the MC wouldn't be able to pull off as much as he does in the medical practice as a medical newbie. The MC isn't memorable as he is the typical arrogant facesmacking MC with the world bending over to give him circumstances to show off to others as he has little to no personality to speak of. I'd recommend this novel printed so it can serve as a good campfire since it isn't enjoyable at all to anyone with a brain.

    Lihat 6 balasan

    Though I was bit confused in the beginning of the story... after reading the first 10 chapters, the story builds. Don't bother with all the people rating as 1 star as I guess people have a lot of free time in their hand.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    First of all, the character development is quite lacking. the author didn't explain why MC got this game like system in his mind. what kind of good deeds he had done before which granted him such cheat. Second, the way he stitches wound on Mr. Yang is too exaggerating. the wound is quite deep which affect the blood vessel. it should be stitched with different surgery thread for each type of wound. for the blood vessel, for the tendon and last for the skins. it becomes hilarious when MC did it only in one go of stitches. Third, the way he gets his first fans girl also ridiculous. Just by making stitches on the girl's brother tattoo she gives MC quite a favor. it's not even a wound that life-threatening, you know!

    Lihat 3 balasan
    LV 15 Badge

    As a medical student I can say that this novel is very good and has accurate medical terminology and elements so far. Yes, it is medicine orientated, there are many special terms (medical jargons) used all over the place. So far it it heavily surgery based but I can see that he may cover many other fields in the future. This novel is a blessing for me!😂 So interesting to read...

    Lihat 10 balasan

    An inspirational story covering how Dr. Ling helped a professional athlete recover from a car accident that left him near-crippled. Exercising intensely alongside his patient, the book concludes with them doing the Boston marathon side-by-side. That was the day that great doctor Ling ran.

    Lihat 1 balasan
    LV 12 Badge

    This novel seems to be very interesting. So far I still like the mc, I hope it does not change. I love this kind of novels. I recomend it.Probably the next 100 chapters will continue to be just as good, after that, I'm not sure.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    I really like this novel 😊😊 Give it try I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you for translating this!! 💐💐💐

    Lihat 2 balasan

    The guy is basically a drone with only surgery and food on his mind which is not realistic. He is a young guy with hormones and hot women around him and he is not oblivious yet the author basically makes him a robot for surgery with no feelings or hrmones. It is a good novel but author should make the character more like a young health guy and not an emotionless surgery robot with nothing else on his mind. Hell, even the worst nerds are not like that.

    Lihat 2 balasan

    First of all, props to the translators for working through the medical terms and all that. It must definitely not be easy. As for the novel, 'meh' is really all I can say. The author gets a thumbs up for daring to create a medical novel, that's brave and must have done some extensive research, but the execution of characters and story development leaves much to be desired. The MC is rather uninteresting and the "harem" feels like plot fillers (aka unnecessary and dull).

    Lihat 0 balasan

    ALL HUMAN PLEASE READ THIS! This is why we have the word idiot in every language. Also the premise of doctor with stupid system is so stupid, I guess only stupid people read this, oh wait the doctor is handsome, so handsome in fact many woman read the stupid story and make low score review in other novel because they want this stupid story come faster. Reason of the stupid story got 4 star: stupid woman who also crazy read this stupid story + troll. Word stupid I use in this review: 10 How stupid is this? Amazingly stupid.

    Lihat 18 balasan
    LV 12 Badge

    I must say that I've been waiting 3 full weeks before this book obtained enouth votes, si I am happy now. I'll go to the main points now, first on the wrighting qualty, wile I've been reading books in english for three years now, I can't say I'm proficient in ortograph so my point of view may not be of interest to you but so far, I didn't see notable mistakes. Second as the book just started being translated we can't be sure about the stability of updates but I'll just say that the 18th chapter was updated 20 hours ago while the 17th was 10 hours ago, not saying it is bad, but it may be bad. For the story developpement, it's fine, I mean, in other books the mc is like "I'm hearing voices and seeing floating textes, fine I'll follow their orders" while the corect thing to think is "am I crazy? Like, in my brain?" But some weirds happening, the sister of the unicorn man find the mc's house but I don't remember the mc telling them where he lives. But overall, it's okay. For the character desing, well the mc is the classical "I don't talk much and I'm cold headed and I'm beautifull" but you now what, I don't hate what is classical! but he is a bit lucky, beeing choosen out of a full room of doctors and interns to help,while he was playing on is phone, I'm okay withe the fact that a girl will mostly go to a charming guy, but when it comes to work, you won't takes the risk to bring someone who is playing on his phone at work to help just because he is dashing, your putting yourself in danger of being fired. For the world backgroud I don't know, it seems futuristic with the transformers (I don't now about others countrys but in france transformers are a bunch of giant robots who can transform in vehicles) but my lack of medical knowledge stop me from judging anithing about the hospital. All in all, It's very good for now, and I'm waiting to see what's next! (I hope the 19th chapter will be out before the 20th)

    Lihat 1 balasan

    I quite like it, its not for everybody but if you are looking for a funny low stakes slice of life novel with op mc thats is not obnoxious or fucking evil in a modern setting and without dog blood drama or revolving door of petty never ever back down cannon fodder face slapping, this its for you! For me Ling Ran at the same time its both a typical and atypical protagonist, at the core he is a young man set on his ways that knows what he wants from his life. From his birth he has what we some readers call his biggest golden finger, not the medical system but what we might as well call conceptual beauty, all people regardless of personal taste think him the most handsome, old, young, man, female, EVERYBODY and they react according to their own natural reaction to it(there is not magical love obsession or enslavement, at least not for everybody, some people are just that shallow), he has been always been the center of attention and receive preferential treatment or resentment no matter what he does or felt, his mother has been a godsend in teaching how to cope with it. The most memorable for me its how when he was a child she gave him a box and a sign of "please give me 10 yen" and parked him in a busy street(he was not made to look like a poor beggar or sick), the box overflowed in like a hour with more money that his family clinic makes in a day/week? and she give him the talk that with his looks he does not have to work to eat and live well, he could just gather money while his youth lasts and live out of it, so he should just look for what he enjoys to do and work on that, just his looks will open doors for him. Surgery its that for him, he loves and lives for it, he cares not for fame, money or status, only as much as they enable his life passion of doing surgery. Even without the system he would have been a successful surgeon, he is book smart, not untalented, hard working and his looks will have gave him opportunities, like when on the first day the nurse choose him of all interns to do stitching, his rise would not have been meteoric or anywhere near as high, but he will have done well. His personality and actions are derived of his coping mechanism for all the attention, he is germophobe that does not like to be touched(you can imagine how much he was touched without his permission since he was child), he has zero interest in romantic relationships or sex(he has been harassed and courted since kindergarden), he does not flatter people and has minimal manners when meeting new people(he knows people always excuse him or dislike him for his looks and that almost always comes first), he is aloof(people are always trying to cozy up to him and take the slightest opening) and in general he just does not get some social niceties/behaviors since he never had to, so he never bothered to learn or maybe he just couldt? it may be accidental representation, but he in general cames across like he is somewhere in the autistic spectrum, I like it. The constant thing of a gaggle of young nurses, random beautiful girls being introduced to gaga over him got old fast, but it has toned down over the course of the book, its more a background thing now. Really like two named young females in the entire book have been immune to it, the author does not know how to write females well, but at least he is not perverted or woman hating about it. Like I said he is set on his ways, he likes his routines and does not like unfamiliar places and you know he actually has alive parents he likes, so he has stayed on the same hospital over the course of so far 1000+ chapters, which I actually think its great, I am so done with the trope of mc constantly outgrowing places or burning all bridges and having to move to other place where he just win overs/face slaps the exact same type of characters over and over. He staying in the same hospital actually enables the story to have a stable cast of characters, they are not very deep but I do like them and actually remember them! They have their own unique personalities and will be sad to see them go. There are plenty of chapters where they are center stage and Ling Ran its in the background or not at all on it, its nice and often funny variety. Also he is not sabotaging himself by doing it, there are sick people everywhere, the hospital has good facilities, he can and does freelance surgery when he runs out of beds and as told in the novel, had he left for those others hospitals when given the chance he would not have gotten as much preferential treatment(he is so spoiled on his hospital) immediately as he receives on his own hospital he will had to spend time proving himself to get the same leeway, surgery volume and freedom for task he does not like doing(medical charts, social niceties, talking with patients, warding off new romantic interests since every time he moves to a new place he has to reject in a socially acceptable way offers of dates from young women, matchmaking with daughters/nieces/granddaughters for all the older people) when he could just spend that time doing surgery or at home and saving himself the distasteful task of uprooting himself out of his routines/home.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Jilid 1

    1. 1
      I am Not Mentally-Ill 5 years ago
    2. 2
      The Ones at the Top are Lonely 5 years ago
    3. 3
      Offer of Housemanship [1] 5 years ago
    4. 4
      Tail Replantation 5 years ago
    5. 5
      Skill Passed Down Through Generations in the Family 5 years ago
    6. 6
      To the Emergency Department 5 years ago
    7. 7
      Picking Someone 5 years ago
    8. 8
      The Surgical Department's Divine Physician 5 years ago
    9. 9
      Broken-Winged Angel 5 years ago
    10. 10
      I'm an Intern 5 years ago
    11. 11
      New Skill 5 years ago
    12. 12
      Lower Groove Clinic 5 years ago
    13. 13
      Suturing a Lacerated Hand 5 years ago
    14. 14
      Authorization 5 years ago
    15. 15
      Examination 5 years ago
    16. 16
      The Motorcycle Lady 5 years ago
    17. 17
      The Magic Hand That Restores Health 5 years ago
    18. 18
      I’m Free 5 years ago
    19. 19
      Technique 5 years ago
    20. 20
      Surgical Judgment 5 years ago
    21. 21
      Suture ‘Production Line’ 5 years ago
    22. 22
      I Have People 5 years ago
    23. 23
      A Golden Deer 5 years ago
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      New Achievement 5 years ago
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      Intermediate Treasure Chest 5 years ago
    26. 26
      Sincere Gratitude 5 years ago
    27. 27
      Drugs to be Administered 5 years ago
    28. 28
      An Open Wound 5 years ago
    29. 29
      Barehanded Bleeding Control 5 years ago
    30. 30
      Operating Theater 5 years ago
    31. 31
      A Performance 5 years ago
    32. 32
      Video Footage 5 years ago
    33. 33
      The Recklessness of the Young 5 years ago
    34. 34
      Determining Bleeding Sources 5 years ago
    35. 35
      Single Skill Book 5 years ago
    36. 36
      Reasonable Division 5 years ago
    37. 37
      Research Paper Ready 5 years ago
    38. 38
      Outpatient Consultation 5 years ago
    39. 39
      Face-Off 5 years ago
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      Healer Cells 5 years ago
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      Night Shift 5 years ago
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      A Gift 5 years ago
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      Huge Scar 5 years ago
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      Absorbable suture 5 years ago
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      The Second 5 years ago
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      Smooth 5 years ago
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      Drama 5 years ago
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      This Guy is Still an Intern 5 years ago
    49. 49
      Picking On Him 5 years ago
    50. 50
      Eyes Glistening with Tears 5 years ago
    51. 51
      Touchstone 5 years ago
    52. 52
      Inspection 5 years ago
    53. 53
      It Would Be a Good Thing if He Could Move His Hand 5 years ago
    54. 54
      Praise 5 years ago
    55. 55
      My Mother Cooked Delicious Food When I Was Not Home 5 years ago
    56. 56
      Breakfast 5 years ago
    57. 57
      Someone to Operate the Retractor 5 years ago
    58. 58
      Department Hunk 5 years ago
    59. 59
      Practice 5 years ago
    60. 60
      Operation 5 years ago
    61. 61
      The Needle's Glint 5 years ago
    62. 62
      Medical Records 5 years ago
    63. 63
      Signature Smile 5 years ago
    64. 64
      MRI scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) 5 years ago
    65. 65
      There is a Patient with a Lacerated Scrotum, Just Like What You Asked For 5 years ago
    66. 66
      Return Your ‘Pearl’ to Thee 5 years ago
    67. 67
      Noob 5 years ago
    68. 68
      Someday, With the Scalpel In My Hand 5 years ago
    69. 69
      Surgery Fees 5 years ago
    70. 70
      The Dignity of an Old White Rabbit 5 years ago
    71. 71
      Resident Doctors Never Rest 5 years ago
    72. 72
      Doctor Stew 5 years ago
    73. 73
      You Already Have Another Cat Outside 5 years ago
    74. 74
      Self-Inspection 5 years ago
    75. 75
      Family's Clinic 5 years ago
    76. 76
      Not a Problem 5 years ago
    77. 77
      Ward Rounds 5 years ago
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      Sweat Makes Champions 5 years ago
    79. 79
      Three Thousand Times 5 years ago
    80. 80
      Observe 5 years ago
    81. 81
      Exceptionally Gifted 5 years ago
    82. 82
      Cannot Keep Talents in the Operating Theater 5 years ago
    83. 83
      Yun Hua International Emergency Medical Forum 5 years ago
    84. 84
      There Are Not Enough Brochures 5 years ago
    85. 85
      Meh 5 years ago
    86. 86
      The Kind of Smile One Has When They Had Understood the World Thoroughly 5 years ago
    87. 87
      The Return of Department Associate Director Pan 5 years ago

    Jilid 2

    1. 88
      Hashimoto Shiro’s Speculation 5 years ago
    2. 89
      Celebrity Doctor 5 years ago
    3. 90
      Operating Theater.avi 5 years ago
    4. 91
      Little Shop of Specialties 5 years ago
    5. 92
      Live Wherever You Want 5 years ago
    6. 93
      Waiting for Missions 5 years ago
    7. 94
      Chance Encounter 5 years ago
    8. 95
      Relax 5 years ago
    9. 96
      Can He Make It? 5 years ago
    10. 97
      I have a Car 5 years ago
    11. 98
      Remember To Take the Exam 5 years ago
    12. 99
      Reward 5 years ago
    13. 100
      Metal Skewer 5 years ago
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      Strong and Resilient Boss Shao 5 years ago
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      Girls of the New Generation 5 years ago
    16. 103
      The Cry of a Crow in the Middle of the Night 5 years ago
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      Beautiful Scars 5 years ago
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      Artistic 5 years ago
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      Perineurium Anastomosis 5 years ago
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      A Prominence in Wood 5 years ago
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      The Crazies are Always Happy 5 years ago
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      Big Brother 5 years ago
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      Well Versed 5 years ago
    24. 111
      Lacking in Confidence 5 years ago
    25. 112
      An ambition of Completing Six Hundred Surgeries in Three Years 5 years ago
    26. 113
      How Could All of You Not Know This?! 5 years ago
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      Utmost Confidence 5 years ago
    28. 115
      Observing While Feeling Baffled 5 years ago
    29. 116
      Staggering 5 years ago
    30. 117
      As Soon As Possible 5 years ago
    31. 118
      Suddenly Understood 5 years ago
    32. 119
      There Should Not Be A Problem 5 years ago
    33. 120
      Regaining Consciousness 5 years ago
    34. 121
      Coincidence 5 years ago
    35. 122
      Do Not Wear and Tire Yourself Out Too Much 5 years ago
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      Centurial Mountain Sanatorium 5 years ago
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      Black Hair 5 years ago
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      Stealing Patients? 5 years ago
    39. 126
      Other People’s Doctor 5 years ago
    40. 127
      Massage by Kneading, Tapping, and Pressing 5 years ago
    41. 128
      AAAAAHHHHHH 5 years ago
    42. 129
      Poaching 5 years ago
    43. 130
      Additional Rewards 5 years ago
    44. 131
      The Hardworking and Diligent Doctor Ling 5 years ago
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      Do What I Can 5 years ago
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      Peeling Potatoes 5 years ago
    47. 134
      Brother Shanyu 5 years ago
    48. 135
      Entrance 5 years ago
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      A Great Customer 5 years ago
    50. 137
      Help Me Up 5 years ago
    51. 138
      Poke! 5 years ago
    52. 139
      Peaceful Day 5 years ago
    53. 140
      New Achievement and New Skill 5 years ago
    54. 141
      Appenticeship 5 years ago
    55. 142
      Break, Break, Break 5 years ago
    56. 143
      A Good First Assistant 5 years ago
    57. 144
      How Nice 5 years ago
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      Hand Surgery Chat Room 5 years ago
    59. 146
      The Large Ward Round in the Emergency Department 5 years ago
    60. 147
      I Have a Horror House, Too 5 years ago
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      Climbing up the Skill Tree 5 years ago
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      Searching Through XXX Surgery Cases 5 years ago
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      Brutal Competition 5 years ago
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      Ah… 5 years ago
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      Perfunctory 5 years ago
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      Diligent and Conscientious 5 years ago
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      Time To Stop Smoking 5 years ago
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      One Operation after Another 5 years ago
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      Operating Theater Banquet 5 years ago
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      A Higher Quality 5 years ago
    71. 158
      An Appraisal that Entered Their Hearts 5 years ago
    72. 159
      Rotation? 5 years ago
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      Thank you for the Banner 5 years ago
    74. 161
      Significant Meaning 5 years ago
    75. 162
      Lembert Suturing Technique 5 years ago
    76. 163
      I’m All Right 5 years ago
    77. 164
      Second Time 5 years ago
    78. 165
      Yun Hua Daily 5 years ago
    79. 166
      A Talk about Diseases 5 years ago
    80. 167
      Perform in Reverse 5 years ago
    81. 168
      Research Paper from the Department of Anesthesiology 5 years ago
    82. 169
      Three Requests 5 years ago
    83. 170
      Filled with Energy 5 years ago
    84. 171
      Please Find Another ‘B*tch Friend’ 5 years ago
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      Round 5 years ago
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      Professional 5 years ago
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      It’s Easy to Lick a Capable Person’s Boots 5 years ago
    88. 175
      Extraordinary 5 years ago
    89. 176
      Thumb Reconstruction 5 years ago
    90. 177
      Big and Small 5 years ago
    91. 178
      Showing Off Each Person’s Ability 5 years ago
    92. 179
      It’s Your Turn 5 years ago
    93. 180
      Blue Serum 5 years ago
    94. 181
      Ling Ran the Nuisance 5 years ago
    95. 182
      Leisure 5 years ago
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      Praying for Kindness, and Obtaining It 5 years ago
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      Sweet 5 years ago
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      Collect 5 years ago
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      Rotation 5 years ago
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      Panic 5 years ago
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      I Want to Operate 5 years ago
    102. 189
      Freelance Surgeon 5 years ago
    103. 190
      Fees 5 years ago
    104. 191
      Blood Vessel Laceration 5 years ago
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      Spoon-feeding Skills in the Medical World 5 years ago
    106. 193
      Ready to Take on the Challenge 5 years ago
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      Modesty 5 years ago
    108. 195
      Pressure 5 years ago
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      Off With The leg 5 years ago
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      I have an idea 5 years ago
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      Do Not Be An Annoyance 5 years ago
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      Pinch It Harder 5 years ago
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      Feel Good After Boasting for a While 5 years ago
    114. 201
      Watch a Replanted Finger 5 years ago
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      Superb Skills 5 years ago
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      Achilles Tendon Repair Technique 5 years ago
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      Hospitality 5 years ago
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      The Athletes 5 years ago
    119. 206
      I Want to Perform Surgery 5 years ago
    120. 207
      Sincere Smile 5 years ago
    121. 208
      Watch Me Spoon-Feed 5 years ago
    122. 209
      Spoon Fed So Much He Is Stuffed 5 years ago
    123. 210
      Becoming the Chief Surgeon 5 years ago
    124. 211
      The Wilful Donkey 5 years ago
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      Consultation 5 years ago
    126. 213
      This is Too Much 5 years ago
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      Follow the Feeling 5 years ago
    128. 215
      Sprightly, Nervous, Serious 5 years ago
    129. 216
      It Doesn't Really Matter to Me 5 years ago
    130. 217
      Anxiety 5 years ago
    131. 218
      The Leader Would Not Mind 5 years ago
    132. 219
      See You Later 5 years ago
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      Everything Is Under Control 5 years ago
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      Vascular Network 5 years ago
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      Weaving the Net 5 years ago
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      Alternate Vascular Channel 5 years ago
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      Judgment in the surgery 5 years ago
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      Completion of Vascular Channel 5 years ago
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      Dalang Has Awoken 5 years ago
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      Ling Ran's Comfort 5 years ago
    141. 228
      Look at the MRI Scan Together 5 years ago
    142. 229
      The Young Doctor Wants to Go Back to Yun Hua 5 years ago
    143. 230
      Not Afraid of Those Who Are Not Afraid of Being Tired 5 years ago
    144. 231
      Where Did Time Go? 5 years ago
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      Never Learn My Lessons 5 years ago
    146. 233
      Doing Ward Rounds 5 years ago
    147. 234
      Exploded 5 years ago
    148. 235
      The Discus Girl 5 years ago
    149. 236
      It Will Be Better 5 years ago
    150. 237
      Buying a Ticket to Go Home 5 years ago
    151. 238
      Slurp, Slurp 5 years ago
    152. 239
      Relatively Serious 5 years ago
    153. 240
      Salted Fish 5 years ago
    154. 241
      In Order to Look Good 5 years ago
    155. 242
      Heavy Reinforcing Suture 5 years ago
    156. 243
      The Scarless Girl 5 years ago
    157. 244
      Cosmetic Suture Techniques Handed Over On A Silver Platter 5 years ago
    158. 245
      From a Family of Doctors 5 years ago
    159. 246
      Hungry for Knowledge 5 years ago
    160. 247
      New Customer 5 years ago
    161. 248
      I Want Him 5 years ago
    162. 249
      Handsome and Dignified 5 years ago
    163. 250
      Receiving requests 5 years ago
    164. 251
      Defeated in One Strike 5 years ago
    165. 252
      Donald Duck 5 years ago
    166. 253
      Be Particular 5 years ago
    167. 254
      Serious Case 5 years ago
    168. 255
      Resuscitation 5 years ago
    169. 256
      Legendary Level 5 years ago
    170. 257
      Abdominal closure 5 years ago
    171. 258
      Success 5 years ago
    172. 259
      Ruptured Tendon 5 years ago
    173. 260
      Legendary Achilles Tendon 5 years ago
    174. 261
      Noted 5 years ago
    175. 262
      Short Video 5 years ago
    176. 263
      Spoon-Feeding Group 5 years ago
    177. 264
      Physical Examination 5 years ago
    178. 265
      Buying a House 5 years ago
    179. 266
      Take the Spotlight 5 years ago
    180. 267
      Suture It Properly 5 years ago
    181. 268
      Red Ribbon 5 years ago
    182. 269
      Rise in Ranks 5 years ago
    183. 270
      Incision Skill 5 years ago
    184. 271
      Both Humans and Dogs Have Their Own Appeal 5 years ago
    185. 272
      Gratitude 5 years ago
    186. 273
      Small Task 5 years ago
    187. 274
      Lincoln 5 years ago
    188. 275
      Recovery 5 years ago
    189. 276
      Generous 5 years ago
    190. 277
      Medal 5 years ago
    191. 278
      Chicken Broth Jelly 5 years ago
    192. 279
      Acting Cute 5 years ago
    193. 280
      Expectation 5 years ago
    194. 281
      Life is full of strange things 5 years ago
    195. 282
      Be Modest 5 years ago
    196. 283
      Cadaver's Teachings 5 years ago
    197. 284
      Touch it for a bit 5 years ago
    198. 285
      The Corner 5 years ago
    199. 286
      Livstreamed Surgery 5 years ago
    200. 287
      A Short Video 5 years ago
    201. 288
      The Great Mountain 5 years ago
    202. 289
      Opening up the Treasure Chest 5 years ago
    203. 290
      Reverse Freelance Surgery 5 years ago
    204. 291
      Get Closer 5 years ago
    205. 292
      Livestreaming 5 years ago
    206. 293
      Arrogant 5 years ago
    207. 294
      Sought After 5 years ago
    208. 295
      Traveling miles away for medical treatment 5 years ago
    209. 296
      Treatment 5 years ago
    210. 297
      How Courteous of You 5 years ago
    211. 298
      Alternate Approach In Surgery 5 years ago
    212. 299
      Blood Loss 5 years ago
    213. 300
      Holstein Friesian Cattle 5 years ago
    214. 301
      How Long Have I Slept? 5 years ago
    215. 302
      Gold Medal 5 years ago
    216. 303
      Visitation 5 years ago
    217. 304
      Toque 5 years ago
    218. 305
      Easy task 5 years ago
    219. 306
      Selling Sneakers 5 years ago
    220. 307
      Memory 5 years ago
    221. 308
      Top in the country 5 years ago
    222. 309
      Speed 5 years ago
    223. 310
      Time 5 years ago
    224. 311
      Professional 5 years ago
    225. 312
      Logic 5 years ago
    226. 313
      Asked Me to Go Back to Yun Hua 5 years ago
    227. 314
      Straightforward Huo Congjun 5 years ago
    228. 315
      Excellent 5 years ago
    229. 316
      A Focused Ling Ran 5 years ago
    230. 317
      Expansion 5 years ago
    231. 318
      Completion Rate 98% 5 years ago
    232. 319
      Filled to the Brim 5 years ago
    233. 320
      Waiting for the Rewards to Drop Into His Hands Without Doing Anything 5 years ago
    234. 321
      Tracheotomy 5 years ago
    235. 322
      Passed by The House Without Entering 5 years ago
    236. 323
      Normal 5 years ago
    237. 324
      Onlookers 5 years ago
    238. 325
      First Day 5 years ago
    239. 326
      Rotten Hand 5 years ago
    240. 327
      Examination 5 years ago
    241. 328
      A Scene That Transcends Time 5 years ago
    242. 329
      Porcupine 5 years ago
    243. 330
      Cook Before You Grill It 5 years ago
    244. 331
      China’s specialty 5 years ago
    245. 332
      The newcomer is here 5 years ago
    246. 333
      Relax a Little 5 years ago
    247. 334
      Kangaroo 5 years ago
    248. 335
      Experience Something Exotic 5 years ago
    249. 336
      I Can Hit Your Head When I Jump 5 years ago
    250. 337
      Freelance Surgery Invitation 5 years ago
    251. 338
      Chinese Perch 5 years ago
    252. 339
      Life 5 years ago
    253. 340
      Reasoning 5 years ago
    254. 341
      Red Lips 5 years ago
    255. 342
      Arthroscopy 5 years ago
    256. 343
      At Such a Young Age… 5 years ago
    257. 344
      Where Is It? 5 years ago
    258. 345
      Obsessive Shaping 5 years ago
    259. 346
      Let’s Go to Yun Hua Hospital 5 years ago
    260. 347
      Must be Valued 5 years ago
    261. 348
      Harsh 5 years ago
    262. 349
      Ordinary Patient 5 years ago
    263. 350
      Grapefruit 5 years ago
    264. 351
      Discount 5 years ago
    265. 352
      Reading Scans 5 years ago
    266. 353
      A Pure Person 5 years ago
    267. 354
      Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer 5 years ago
    268. 355
      Regulations 5 years ago
    269. 356
      Department of Infection Control 5 years ago
    270. 357
      Ceremonious 5 years ago
    271. 358
      Activity 5 years ago
    272. 359
      Flower Basket 5 years ago
    273. 360
      Distribution 5 years ago
    274. 361
      Suture Epidermis 5 years ago
    275. 362
      Dream Came True 5 years ago
    276. 363
      No Head 5 years ago
    277. 364
      Selection 5 years ago
    278. 365
      You Were Right 5 years ago
    279. 366
      Scar As Big As A Mouth 5 years ago
    280. 367
      Patient Follow-up 5 years ago
    281. 368
      A Good Patient 5 years ago
    282. 369
      Special Treatment 5 years ago
    283. 370
      Privileges 5 years ago
    284. 371
      Sugar and Ice Personality 5 years ago
    285. 372
      Infectious 5 years ago
    286. 373
      Occupational Exposure 5 years ago
    287. 374
      Protective Clothing 5 years ago
    288. 375
      Dislike 5 years ago
    289. 376
      Unprepared 5 years ago
    290. 377
      Completion 5 years ago
    291. 378
      All Hail Understanding 5 years ago
    292. 379
      Acute Appendicitis 5 years ago
    293. 380
      Couple-incision 5 years ago
    294. 381
      Can We Still Be Together 5 years ago
    295. 382
      Treasure Chest 5 years ago
    296. 383
      Infection Control Practitioner 5 years ago
    297. 384
      Observing Surgery 5 years ago
    298. 385
      Third People's Hospital 5 years ago
    299. 386
      I Will Do It 5 years ago
    300. 387
      A Doctor's Growth 5 years ago
    301. 388
      Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 5 years ago
    302. 389
      Treat You to Lunch 5 years ago
    303. 390
      Worldliness 5 years ago
    304. 391
      Guilty Conscience 5 years ago
    305. 392
      Speed Forward 5 years ago
    306. 393
      Practical Skills Examination 5 years ago
    307. 394
      Room for Negotiation 5 years ago
    308. 395
      Written Examination 5 years ago
    309. 396
      Surprise 5 years ago
    310. 397
      Invitation 5 years ago
    311. 398
      There are still many good people in the world 5 years ago
    312. 399
      Professional 5 years ago
    313. 400
      Smoothly 5 years ago
    314. 401
      Beep, Beep, Beep 5 years ago
    315. 402
      Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 5 years ago
    316. 403
      A Building Collapsed 5 years ago
    317. 404
      Polishing Skills at the Last Minute 5 years ago
    318. 405
      Have You Taken Care of a Cat Before? 5 years ago
    319. 406
      Resuscitation 5 years ago
    320. 407
      Try Your Best 5 years ago
    321. 408
      Autonomous Regulation of Cardiac Rhythm 5 years ago
    322. 409
      Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 5 years ago
    323. 410
      He’s Finished 5 years ago
    324. 411
      Group Consultation (But It’s Really an Observation) 5 years ago
    325. 412
      Penile Amputation 5 years ago
    326. 413
      Praise 5 years ago
    327. 414
      Was Not Shocked Awake While Terribly Sick 5 years ago
    328. 415
      Duck Blood in Chili Sauce 5 years ago
    329. 416
      Waited 5 years ago
    330. 417
      Alert 5 years ago
    331. 418
      Hepatectomy 5 years ago
    332. 419
      Uncoagulated Blood 5 years ago
    333. 420
      Doctor, Please Help! 5 years ago
    334. 421
      Laparotomy 5 years ago
    335. 422
      Removed 5 years ago
    336. 423
      Save Lives and Heal the Wounded 5 years ago
    337. 424
      Hemostasis by Heat 5 years ago
    338. 425
      ICU 5 years ago
    339. 426
      Afraid of Pain 5 years ago
    340. 427
      Shiny 5 years ago
    341. 428
      Polite 5 years ago
    342. 429
      Eggs 5 years ago
    343. 430
      Bomber 5 years ago
    344. 431
      Specialist of Cardiovascular Surgery 5 years ago
    345. 432
      Trying to Bring a Patient Back to Life 5 years ago
    346. 433
      Going to War 5 years ago
    347. 434
      Why Are You in Such a Hurry? 5 years ago
    348. 435
      Persistence 5 years ago
    349. 436
      Understanding 5 years ago
    350. 437
      Pretty Awesome 5 years ago
    351. 438
      The Scent of Ginseng 5 years ago
    352. 439
      Fill Up 5 years ago
    353. 440
      Extremely Confident 5 years ago
    354. 441
      Speechless 5 years ago
    355. 442
      Intussusception 5 years ago
    356. 443
      Be Careful 5 years ago
    357. 444
      Immersion 5 years ago
    358. 445
      Strength 5 years ago
    359. 446
      Serious 5 years ago
    360. 447
      Three-in-one 5 years ago
    361. 448
      Bloodless 5 years ago
    362. 449
      Pleasant 5 years ago
    363. 450
      Gallstone Formation in the Bile Duct in the Liver 5 years ago
    364. 451
      Quiet 5 years ago
    365. 452
      Drinking 4 years ago
    366. 453
      Rest 4 years ago
    367. 454
      Special Patient 4 years ago
    368. 455
      Nervous 4 years ago
    369. 456
      Old and Fat Cheetah with a Large Belly 4 years ago
    370. 457
      The Best 4 years ago
    371. 458
      Staying Awake for the Whole Night 4 years ago
    372. 459
      Working Early in the Morning 4 years ago
    373. 460
      Happy 4 years ago
    374. 461
      Simple Request 4 years ago
    375. 462
      Clean Cut 4 years ago
    376. 463
      Smoothly 4 years ago
    377. 464
      Surgeons 4 years ago
    378. 465
      Vexed 4 years ago
    379. 466
      Lonely 4 years ago
    380. 467
      The Quality of Life 4 years ago
    381. 468
      Recovery 4 years ago
    382. 469
      The Brown Notebook 4 years ago
    383. 470
      A Long-cherished Wish 4 years ago
    384. 471
      Parcel 4 years ago
    385. 472
      It Would Be Better to Return 4 years ago
    386. 473
      Return to Yun Hua 4 years ago
    387. 474
      Chatter 4 years ago
    388. 475
      Nice Weather 4 years ago
    389. 476
      Mahjong 4 years ago
    390. 477
      Fragrance Yard 4 years ago
    391. 478
      Clashed 4 years ago
    392. 479
      Liver Cancer 4 years ago
    393. 480
      Wild Goose 4 years ago
    394. 481
      Limited Hepatectomy 4 years ago
    395. 482
      Great 4 years ago
    396. 483
      Picture?! 4 years ago
    397. 484
      All Because of a Photograph 4 years ago
    398. 485
      Anti-fans 4 years ago
    399. 486
      I Want to Stay in the Operating Theater 4 years ago
    400. 487
      Mice Love Rice 4 years ago
    401. 488
      Disperse 4 years ago
    402. 489
      Exchange 4 years ago
    403. 490
      All Matters, Big and Small 4 years ago
    404. 491
      Choledochoscope 4 years ago
    405. 492
      Never Gotten a Taste of Riches 4 years ago
    406. 493
      Self Improvement 4 years ago
    407. 494
      Not In a Hurry 4 years ago
    408. 495
      See Through 4 years ago
    409. 496
      Travelling for Freelance Surgeries 4 years ago
    410. 497
      Sending a Freelance Surgeon 4 years ago
    411. 498
      Arrangement 4 years ago
    412. 499
      Professor Feng 4 years ago
    413. 500
      The Surgery Begins 4 years ago
    414. 501
      The Phone Rang 4 years ago
    415. 502
      Heal the Wounded and Rescue the Dying 4 years ago
    416. 503
      Slimy 4 years ago
    417. 504
      Bleeding Control 4 years ago
    418. 505
      A Relationship Worth Remembering 4 years ago
    419. 506
      Completed 4 years ago
    420. 507
      Renovation 4 years ago
    421. 508
      Apprentice 4 years ago
    422. 509
      Regular Clients 4 years ago
    423. 510
      Getting it Resected 4 years ago
    424. 511
      Ten Seconds 4 years ago
    425. 512
      Emergency Stabilized 4 years ago
    426. 513
      Frontline 4 years ago
    427. 514
      Simple 4 years ago
    428. 515
      Bleeding Control 4 years ago
    429. 516
      Effort 4 years ago
    430. 517
      Ordering Alcohol 4 years ago
    431. 518
      Infection 4 years ago
    432. 519
      Outbreak 4 years ago
    433. 520
      Gathering 4 years ago
    434. 521
      Redeem 4 years ago
    435. 522
      Home-Made Explosive 4 years ago
    436. 523
      Status 4 years ago
    437. 524
      Ectopic Implantation 4 years ago
    438. 525
      Conversation 4 years ago
    439. 526
      Ordinary 4 years ago
    440. 527
      Addicting 4 years ago
    441. 528
      Not Satisfied Yet 4 years ago
    442. 529
      Stable 4 years ago
    443. 530
      Competitor 4 years ago
    444. 531
      It’s a Small but Wonderful World 4 years ago
    445. 532
      Large 4 years ago
    446. 533
      Take Down 4 years ago
    447. 534
      Stuck 4 years ago
    448. 535
      Beef Tenderloin 4 years ago
    449. 536
      Large Tumor 4 years ago
    450. 537
      Arrangement 4 years ago
    451. 538
      Bazhaixiang Hospital Branch 4 years ago
    452. 539
      Future 4 years ago
    453. 540
      Upgrade 4 years ago
    454. 541
      Faction 4 years ago
    455. 542
      Waves 4 years ago
    456. 543
      Authority 4 years ago
    457. 544
      Succession 4 years ago
    458. 545
      Multiply by Two 4 years ago
    459. 546
      Plan Worked 4 years ago
    460. 547
      Refreshing 4 years ago
    461. 548
      Difficulty 4 years ago
    462. 549
      Ten Seconds Made Him a True Hero 4 years ago
    463. 550
      The Truth 4 years ago
    464. 551
      Not Tired 4 years ago
    465. 552
      Late 4 years ago
    466. 553
      Ward Rounds 4 years ago
    467. 554
      Lamb Lamb Lamb 4 years ago
    468. 555
      Gym 4 years ago
    469. 556
      Single 4 years ago
    470. 557
      Scenery 4 years ago
    471. 558
      Waiting for a Level Up 4 years ago
    472. 559
      Improvement 4 years ago
    473. 560
      Taking up Everything 4 years ago
    474. 561
      Remove 4 years ago
    475. 562
      Abdominal Bleeding 4 years ago
    476. 563
      Take-Away 4 years ago
    477. 564
      Keep it Up 4 years ago
    478. 565
      Stopped Buying One of the Drugs 4 years ago
    479. 566
      Surgical Demonstration 4 years ago
    480. 567
      Announcement 4 years ago
    481. 568
      Ordered Chaos 4 years ago
    482. 569
      Live Broadcast 4 years ago
    483. 570
      Bully 4 years ago
    484. 571
      Leave Right After The Meal 4 years ago
    485. 572
      Recognition 4 years ago
    486. 573
      Mischievous 4 years ago
    487. 574
      Things Will Eventually Sort Themselves Out 4 years ago
    488. 575
      More and More Recognition 4 years ago
    489. 576
      Ding 4 years ago
    490. 577
      Virtual Human 4 years ago
    491. 578
      Chick 4 years ago
    492. 579
      The Emergency Medicine Building 4 years ago
    493. 580
      In High Spirits 4 years ago
    494. 581
      Fight it Out 4 years ago
    495. 582
      The Day of the Volunteer Medical Consultation 4 years ago
    496. 583
      Diagnosis 4 years ago
    497. 584
      I’ll Drink to You 4 years ago
    498. 585
      The Price of Friendship 4 years ago
    499. 586
      Why? 4 years ago
    500. 587
      What the Heck? 4 years ago
    501. 588
      Treating Minor Ailments 4 years ago
    502. 589
      Serious Injury 4 years ago
    503. 590
      Special 4 years ago
    504. 591
      The Rescue 4 years ago
    505. 592
      Determination to Complete the Task 4 years ago
    506. 593
      Serious, Tense, and Lively 4 years ago
    507. 594
      Fifth 4 years ago
    508. 595
      Full-Body Modification Surgery 4 years ago
    509. 596
      It Won't Be Ruined 4 years ago
    510. 597
      A Date 4 years ago
    511. 598
      Jump for Joy 4 years ago
    512. 599
      Urgent Matter 4 years ago
    513. 600
      Saving Lives 4 years ago
    514. 601
      Diagnosis 4 years ago
    515. 602
      Suture 4 years ago
    516. 603
      High risk 4 years ago
    517. 604
      Verbal Expressions Cannot Be Trusted 4 years ago
    518. 605
      Post-operation 4 years ago
    519. 606
      Refute 4 years ago
    520. 607
      Level-headed 4 years ago
    521. 608
      Whatever’s Within Our Duties 4 years ago
    522. 609
      Being Admitted 4 years ago
    523. 610
      Sending It Up to the Doorstep 4 years ago
    524. 611
      We’re Taking This Patient 4 years ago
    525. 612
      Area 4 years ago
    526. 613
      The Biggest Advantage 4 years ago
    527. 614
      Surgery Observation 4 years ago
    528. 615
      On the Spot 4 years ago
    529. 616
      Send for Pathological Examination 4 years ago
    530. 617
      Luck? 4 years ago
    531. 618
      Give a Lecture 4 years ago
    532. 619
      Serious and Solemn 4 years ago
    533. 620
      Turning Better 4 years ago
    534. 621
      Encountering A Big Shot at the ICU 4 years ago
    535. 622
      Quickly 4 years ago
    536. 623
      Three Hundred Patients 4 years ago
    537. 624
      Colles 4 years ago
    538. 625
      Slippery 4 years ago
    539. 626
      The Lion Dance Troupe 4 years ago
    540. 627
      Choose Any One of Them 4 years ago
    541. 628
      Respect 4 years ago
    542. 629
      Arrangement 4 years ago
    543. 630
      Tough Job 4 years ago
    544. 631
      Please Come This Way 4 years ago
    545. 632
      Six o’clock 4 years ago
    546. 633
      10,000 RMB 4 years ago
    547. 634
      Envy 4 years ago
    548. 635
      Last Contribution 4 years ago
    549. 636
      Boss: Handsome 4 years ago
    550. 637
      Humor 4 years ago
    551. 638
      Conversation 4 years ago
    552. 639
      Be Wilful Once 4 years ago
    553. 640
      Mutton Lane 4 years ago
    554. 641
      Scavenging 4 years ago
    555. 642
      Fixed Price? 4 years ago
    556. 643
      Crispy 4 years ago
    557. 644
      Blood Vessel 4 years ago
    558. 645
      Cordial Surgery 4 years ago
    559. 646
      Pray 4 years ago
    560. 647
      A Bite of Walnut 4 years ago
    561. 648
      Walnut Cake-like Blood Vessels 4 years ago
    562. 649
      Round of Applause 4 years ago
    563. 650
      Cave God 4 years ago
    564. 651
      Simple 4 years ago
    565. 652
      Read Up 4 years ago
    566. 653
      Young 4 years ago
    567. 654
      Workload 4 years ago
    568. 655
      Lymphadenectomy 4 years ago
    569. 656
      Reduction 4 years ago
    570. 657
      Old Friend 4 years ago
    571. 658
      A Group of Freelance Surgeons 4 years ago
    572. 659
      Believe 4 years ago
    573. 660
      Suspect 4 years ago
    574. 661
      Cardioplegia 4 years ago
    575. 662
      Help 4 years ago
    576. 663
      Live Incision 4 years ago
    577. 664
      Exclaim in Astonishment 4 years ago
    578. 665
      Meticulous 4 years ago
    579. 666
      A Banner 4 years ago
    580. 667
      The World Belongs to the Youths Now 4 years ago
    581. 668
      Chief Surgeon Ling Ran 4 years ago
    582. 669
      Before the Rain 4 years ago
    583. 670
      Drunk 4 years ago
    584. 671
      Respect 4 years ago
    585. 672
      Fly 4 years ago
    586. 673
      Train 4 years ago
    587. 674
      Waiting 4 years ago
    588. 675
      Echo 4 years ago
    589. 676
      Giddy-up 4 years ago
    590. 677
      Willing 4 years ago
    591. 678
      Enjoy Alone 4 years ago
    592. 679
      Return to Yun Hua Hospital 4 years ago
    593. 680
      Pure 4 years ago
    594. 681
      Game 4 years ago
    595. 682
      Preemptively completed 4 years ago
    596. 683
      Come Back Home 4 years ago
    597. 684
      The Older It Is, The More Fragrant 4 years ago
    598. 685
      Smile 4 years ago
    599. 686
      Hospital Ship 4 years ago
    600. 687
      Normal Phenomenon 4 years ago
    601. 688
      Fake 4 years ago
    602. 689
      Mellow 4 years ago
    603. 690
      The Sea Was Calm 4 years ago
    604. 691
      Rescue 4 years ago
    605. 692
      Fierce Dragon Crossing the Canal 4 years ago
    606. 693
      Find that Old and Dark Doctor Zuo 4 years ago
    607. 694
      Here I Come 4 years ago
    608. 695
      Blood 4 years ago
    609. 696
      Draw Blood 4 years ago
    610. 697
      Light 4 years ago
    611. 698
      I’ll Do It! 4 years ago
    612. 699
      Rest and Regather 4 years ago
    613. 700
      Sunrise 4 years ago
    614. 701
      One Should Not Die in their Middle Ages 4 years ago
    615. 702
      Gallop 4 years ago
    616. 703
      Cool 4 years ago
    617. 704
      Happy 4 years ago
    618. 705
      Like 4 years ago
    619. 706
      Training Newcomers 4 years ago
    620. 707
      Level One Skill Book 4 years ago
    621. 708
      Thick 4 years ago
    622. 709
      I Want to Perform Surgery 4 years ago
    623. 710
      Kindness 4 years ago
    624. 711
      It Has a Name 4 years ago
    625. 712
      Glutinous Rice Dumplings 4 years ago
    626. 713
      Back from Treatment 4 years ago
    627. 714
      Not Easy 4 years ago
    628. 715
      Tissue Separation 4 years ago
    629. 716
      Want to watch 4 years ago
    630. 717
      Doctor's Films 4 years ago
    631. 718
      The Foreign Monk Knows How to Recite Chants 4 years ago
    632. 719
      Refined Skills 4 years ago
    633. 720
      An App Called Doctor’s Here 4 years ago
    634. 721
      Giving Outpatient Consultations 4 years ago
    635. 722
      Listen Humbly 4 years ago
    636. 723
      Flower Basket 4 years ago
    637. 724
      Patient and Meticulous 4 years ago
    638. 725
      Keypad 5 4 years ago
    639. 726
      Colorful 4 years ago
    640. 727
      VIP 4 years ago
    641. 728
      Doctor’s Here 4 years ago
    642. 729
      Top-Notch Doctor 4 years ago
    643. 730
      Attend to Them at Shao’s Family Restaurant 4 years ago
    644. 731
      Double Bed 4 years ago
    645. 732
      Emergency Doctor 4 years ago
    646. 733
      Playback 4 years ago
    647. 734
      Poke 4 years ago
    648. 735
      Quirk 4 years ago
    649. 736
      At Ease 4 years ago
    650. 737
      He’s the Expert Indeed 4 years ago
    651. 738
      Consultation 4 years ago
    652. 739
      Broadcast 4 years ago
    653. 740
      Pioneer 4 years ago
    654. 741
      Postoperation 4 years ago
    655. 742
      Bright 4 years ago
    656. 743
      Unique 4 years ago
    657. 744
      Amid All That 4 years ago
    658. 745
      Gigantic Mansion 4 years ago
    659. 746
      Attach Bayonets 4 years ago
    660. 747
      Palpation 4 years ago
    661. 748
      High-Quality Zebu 4 years ago
    662. 749
      Big Zebu 4 years ago
    663. 750
      Brought Onto 4 years ago
    664. 751
      Focus 4 years ago
    665. 752
      In Front of the Manor 4 years ago
    666. 753
      Conflict 4 years ago
    667. 754
      Heavy Rain 4 years ago
    668. 755
      The Collapsing Wall 4 years ago
    669. 756
      Evacuation 4 years ago
    670. 757
      Gone 4 years ago
    671. 758
      I Want Anesthesia 4 years ago
    672. 759
      The First Patient 4 years ago
    673. 760
      The Recovery Room 4 years ago
    674. 761
      Witness Hell 4 years ago
    675. 762
      Arrived at the Hospital 4 years ago
    676. 763
      Remove Your Flesh First 4 years ago
    677. 764
      Are We Done With Our Mission 4 years ago
    678. 765
      Fish 4 years ago
    679. 766
      Service Industry 4 years ago
    680. 767
      I Am Here 4 years ago
    681. 768
      Wait Until the End 4 years ago
    682. 769
      Defective Products 4 years ago
    683. 770
      The Skill Book Stands Arrogantly 4 years ago
    684. 771
      Haha 4 years ago
    685. 772
      Color Changed 4 years ago
    686. 773
      A Common Illness 4 years ago
    687. 774
      Limited Edition 4 years ago
    688. 775
      Chinese Style 4 years ago
    689. 776
      Eyeing With Greed 4 years ago
    690. 777
      Pick-up 4 years ago
    691. 778
      Ling Ran’s Celebration Party 4 years ago
    692. 779
      Thoughts 4 years ago
    693. 780
      Gallstone 4 years ago
    694. 781
      Pressed for Time, and Bothersome Task 4 years ago
    695. 782
      Quick Recovery 4 years ago
    696. 783
      The Way Forward 4 years ago
    697. 784
      Understand 4 years ago
    698. 785
      Work Done Through Experience 4 years ago
    699. 786
      Roll 4 years ago
    700. 787
      Just Get It Removed 4 years ago
    701. 788
      Scan My Face 4 years ago
    702. 789
      Improved 4 years ago
    703. 790
      Older 4 years ago
    704. 791
      Hey, Skill Book 4 years ago
    705. 792
      Brilliant 4 years ago
    706. 793
      Mock 4 years ago
    707. 794
      White Bamboo Rat 4 years ago
    708. 795
      Whip 4 years ago
    709. 796
      Reveal All the Details 4 years ago
    710. 797
      Would Like to Witness It 4 years ago
    711. 798
      Average Level 4 years ago
    712. 799
      Family Excitement 4 years ago
    713. 800
      Let’s Hope That All of Us Gets Cured 4 years ago
    714. 801
      A Chance at Life 4 years ago
    715. 802
      Associate Chief Physician Zhang 4 years ago
    716. 803
      Laugh 4 years ago
    717. 804
      Doctor Ling Said That 4 years ago
    718. 805
      The Only One 4 years ago
    719. 806
      Road to Promotion 4 years ago
    720. 807
      Drawing the Line 4 years ago
    721. 808
      Newcomer 4 years ago
    722. 809
      Cornerstone 4 years ago
    723. 810
      Cradling the Heart 4 years ago
    724. 811
      Old Xu 4 years ago
    725. 812
      Stomach Cancer 4 years ago
    726. 813
      Become Your Helper 4 years ago
    727. 814
      Chief Surgeon Ling Ran 4 years ago
    728. 815
      Using a Laparoscope 4 years ago
    729. 816
      Greeting 4 years ago
    730. 817
      Pioneer 4 years ago
    731. 818
      All Eyes on Him 4 years ago
    732. 819
      That Won’t Happen 4 years ago
    733. 820
      Worry 4 years ago
    734. 821
      Captain Chu 4 years ago
    735. 822
      Break 4 years ago
    736. 823
      Is It Still Possible? 4 years ago
    737. 824
      Serious 4 years ago
    738. 825
      Tranquility in Companionship 4 years ago
    739. 826
      Detailed Arrangement 4 years ago
    740. 827
      Pre-operation 4 years ago
    741. 828
      Corpse 4 years ago
    742. 829
      Using Large Flames to Turn Soup into Stew 4 years ago
    743. 830
      Telling Jokes 4 years ago
    744. 831
      What 4 years ago
    745. 832
      A Cheery Atmosphere 4 years ago
    746. 833
      Abdominal Closure 4 years ago
    747. 834
      You Want to Ask Me for a Favor 4 years ago
    748. 835
      Iron Body 4 years ago
    749. 836
      Tiny Waist 4 years ago
    750. 837
      Gather Together 4 years ago
    751. 838
      Small Ward Round 4 years ago
    752. 839
      The Quest for Knowledge 4 years ago
    753. 840
      Quiet Operating Theater 4 years ago
    754. 841
      Gradually Becoming Dumbfounded 4 years ago
    755. 842
      Cut On Site 4 years ago
    756. 843
      Courteous 4 years ago
    757. 844
      Torrent 4 years ago
    758. 845
      Dean Wu Senior 4 years ago
    759. 846
      Please Come 4 years ago
    760. 847
      Fire Dragon 4 years ago
    761. 848
      The Anatomy of the Liver 4 years ago
    762. 849
      Taking in Interns 4 years ago
    763. 850
      In the Middle of the Night 4 years ago
    764. 851
      Give a Hand 4 years ago
    765. 852
      Overwhelmingly Powerful 4 years ago
    766. 853
      Room-sharing 4 years ago
    767. 854
      Yellow Lump 4 years ago
    768. 855
      Catch the Worm 4 years ago
    769. 856
      Imposing Manner 4 years ago
    770. 857
      Everything is Under Control 4 years ago
    771. 858
      Touched 4 years ago
    772. 859
      Could not Do It 4 years ago
    773. 860
      We’re Just Rich 4 years ago
    774. 861
      You Managed to Tell, Right 4 years ago
    775. 862
      Choosing a Bed 4 years ago
    776. 863
      Sent Away 4 years ago
    777. 864
      Little Dark Room 4 years ago
    778. 865
      Overcome With Worry 4 years ago
    779. 866
      Too Tame 4 years ago
    780. 867
      Working on Public Health 4 years ago
    781. 868
      Holding Themselves Back 4 years ago
    782. 869
      Support 4 years ago
    783. 870
      Confident and Calm 4 years ago
    784. 871
      Exposed 4 years ago
    785. 872
      Non-Standard 4 years ago
    786. 873
      Small Incision 4 years ago
    787. 874
      Why? 4 years ago
    788. 875
      Something Does Not Feel Right 4 years ago
    789. 876
      I Have a Plan 4 years ago
    790. 877
      In High Spirits 4 years ago
    791. 878
      Enjoy A Diversion 4 years ago
    792. 879
      Sunset 4 years ago
    793. 880
      37/1 4 years ago
    794. 881
      Elevation of Skill 4 years ago
    795. 882
      Level Two Skill Book 4 years ago
    796. 883
      Carry On 4 years ago
    797. 884
      Switched on Again 4 years ago
    798. 885
      Lunchbox 4 years ago
    799. 886
      Humanism 4 years ago
    800. 887
      Department Director of the General Surgery Department 4 years ago
    801. 888
      There Should Be a Way 4 years ago
    802. 889
      The Job 4 years ago
    803. 890
      By the Side 4 years ago
    804. 891
      Switch People 4 years ago
    805. 892
      Not Necessary 4 years ago
    806. 893
      Morning 4 years ago
    807. 894
      Burnt and Scalded 4 years ago
    808. 895
      Flurry and Chaos 4 years ago
    809. 896
      Is There Any Way That I Can Be of Help? 4 years ago
    810. 897
      Top Skills 4 years ago
    811. 898
      Heart 4 years ago
    812. 899
      I Want to Go In 4 years ago
    813. 900
      Boring 4 years ago
    814. 901
      The Expected Scene 4 years ago
    815. 902
      Raised His Head 4 years ago
    816. 903
      Strategic Weapon 4 years ago
    817. 904
      Combined Radical Surgery 4 years ago
    818. 905
      Unconventional 4 years ago
    819. 906
      Preparation Before A War 4 years ago
    820. 907
      Taboo 4 years ago
    821. 908
      Next 4 years ago
    822. 909
      Surge of Emotions 4 years ago
    823. 910
      The Best 4 years ago
    824. 911
      Fresh 4 years ago
    825. 912
      How He Was Treated at Home 4 years ago
    826. 913
      Could Not Remain as Calm 4 years ago
    827. 914
      Plan 4 years ago
    828. 915
      The Bugle for Victory 4 years ago
    829. 916
      Tender 4 years ago
    830. 917
      Faithful and True 4 years ago
    831. 918
      Long Thinking Session 4 years ago
    832. 919
      Explain 4 years ago
    833. 920
      Slow 4 years ago
    834. 921
      Lukewarm 4 years ago
    835. 922
      Good Things Are Coming 4 years ago
    836. 923
      Script 4 years ago
    837. 924
      Let Him Come Over 4 years ago
    838. 925
      Star 4 years ago
    839. 926
      Health 4 years ago
    840. 927
      Drunken Master 4 years ago
    841. 928
      Positive Energy 4 years ago
    842. 929
      Imposing Aura 4 years ago
    843. 930
      Scalpel, Please 4 years ago
    844. 931
      Neanderthal 4 years ago
    845. 932
      We're Different 4 years ago
    846. 933
      Third Party 4 years ago
    847. 934
      It’s True 4 years ago
    848. 935
      Stop It! 4 years ago
    849. 936
      Magic Show 4 years ago
    850. 937
      Really Rich 4 years ago
    851. 938
      Straightforward 4 years ago
    852. 939
      Air of Arrogance 4 years ago
    853. 940
      A Special Smile To A Special You 4 years ago
    854. 941
      Cooperation 4 years ago
    855. 942
      Not at All 4 years ago
    856. 943
      Helping Out 4 years ago
    857. 944
      Cardiac Trauma 4 years ago
    858. 945
      Roller Coaster 4 years ago
    859. 946
      Inserted 4 years ago
    860. 947
      Tiger Chasing After a Rabbit 4 years ago
    861. 948
      Classical Conditioning 4 years ago
    862. 949
      Loophole 4 years ago
    863. 950
      Yogurt 4 years ago
    864. 951
      I Assumed 4 years ago
    865. 952
      Plastic 4 years ago
    866. 953
      Clinic Situation 4 years ago
    867. 954
      East Wind 4 years ago
    868. 955
      Everything is ready 4 years ago
    869. 956
      Don’t Overthink 4 years ago
    870. 957
      Atmosphere That He Likes 4 years ago
    871. 958
      Jealousy 4 years ago
    872. 959
      Small Clinic 4 years ago
    873. 960
      Fish in Water 4 years ago
    874. 961
      Friendly 4 years ago
    875. 962
      Link 4 years ago
    876. 963
      Thrown to the Ground 4 years ago
    877. 964
      Ceremoniously 4 years ago
    878. 965
      Hold On 4 years ago
    879. 966
      Attack 4 years ago
    880. 967
      Where Should We Go? 4 years ago
    881. 968
      Show Your skills 4 years ago
    882. 969
      Skill 4 years ago
    883. 970
      Engraving 4 years ago
    884. 971
      Taking Photos 4 years ago
    885. 972
      Ferocious 4 years ago
    886. 973
      Atrial Septal Defect 4 years ago
    887. 974
      On Duty 4 years ago
    888. 975
      Would They? 4 years ago
    889. 976
      Straightforward 4 years ago
    890. 977
      Supervisor 4 years ago
    891. 978
      Solemn 4 years ago
    892. 979
      A Sensation That He Never Would Have Missed 4 years ago
    893. 980
      Bleeding 4 years ago
    894. 981
      Play Around 4 years ago
    895. 982
      Romantic 4 years ago
    896. 983
      Wanted to Chase Away 4 years ago
    897. 984
      Coming? 4 years ago
    898. 985
      Abnormal Situation 4 years ago
    899. 986
      Play House 4 years ago
    900. 987
      Not Resisting 4 years ago
    901. 988
      This Pie is Too Large 4 years ago
    902. 989
      Fragrance 4 years ago
    903. 990
      Increase 4 years ago
    904. 991
      Beating Around the Bush 4 years ago
    905. 992
      Convenient 4 years ago
    906. 993
      A Doctor’s Job 4 years ago
    907. 994
      Pork Brains 4 years ago
    908. 995
      Crash 4 years ago
    909. 996
      Academic Conference 4 years ago
    910. 997
      Expert Opinions 4 years ago
    911. 998
      Explosion 4 years ago
    912. 999
      Unexpected Person 4 years ago
    913. 1000
      Got Bitten 4 years ago
    914. 1001
      Continue 4 years ago
    915. 1002
      View Ling Ran in a Civilized Way 4 years ago
    916. 1003
      Find Your Faults 4 years ago
    917. 1004
      Growling Sound 4 years ago
    918. 1005
      Arduously 4 years ago
    919. 1006
      Quiet and Peaceful 4 years ago
    920. 1007
      In-Service Training 4 years ago
    921. 1008
      I’m Not Afraid That It Will Be Tiring! 4 years ago
    922. 1009
      At Ease 4 years ago
    923. 1010
      I Hired Someone 4 years ago
    924. 1011
      Doctor Qu 4 years ago
    925. 1012
      We Believe 4 years ago
    926. 1013
      Hoist a Banner to Intimidate Others 4 years ago
    927. 1014
      The Art of Praise 4 years ago
    928. 1015
      Flattering 4 years ago
    929. 1016
      Prove 4 years ago
    930. 1017
      Are You My Subordinate? 4 years ago
    931. 1018
      Prepare a Reward 4 years ago
    932. 1019
      Shrimp Head 4 years ago
    933. 1020
      Nauseous 4 years ago
    934. 1021
      Proving Oneself 4 years ago
    935. 1022
      Stop 4 years ago
    936. 1023
      Be the Assistant 4 years ago
    937. 1024
      The Day Will Come 4 years ago
    938. 1025
      Helping Out 4 years ago
    939. 1026
      Hold It In 4 years ago
    940. 1027
      Juniors 4 years ago
    941. 1028
      Encouragement 4 years ago
    942. 1029
      Unanimous Decision 4 years ago
    943. 1030
      Orchestra 4 years ago
    944. 1031
      The World Will Not Stop for Anyone 4 years ago
    945. 1032
      Turned Black 4 years ago
    946. 1033
      I Want to Dance 4 years ago
    947. 1034
      Comfortable 4 years ago
    948. 1035
      Subtotal Gastrectomy 4 years ago
    949. 1036
      Don’t Worry 4 years ago
    950. 1037
      Arrangement 4 years ago
    951. 1038
      Chapter 1037 was not going the usual way 1 years ago
    952. 1039
      Chapter 1038 good and evil 1 years ago
    953. 1040
      Chapter 1039 heat 1 years ago
    954. 1041
      Chapter 1040 Anonymous 1 years ago
    955. 1042
      Chapter 1041 stealing people 1 years ago
    956. 1043
      Chapter 1042 1 years ago
    957. 1044
      Chapter 1043 review 1 years ago
    958. 1045
      Chapter 1044 moved at lightning speed 1 years ago
    959. 1046
      Chapter 1045, the main story 1 years ago
    960. 1047
      Chapter 1046 doing the right thing 1 years ago
    961. 1048
      Chapter 1047 was not delayed 1 years ago
    962. 1049
      Chapter 1048 Peace of mind 1 years ago
    963. 1050
      Chapter 1049 was not willful 1 years ago
    964. 1051
      Chapter 1050: Rest assured 1 years ago
    965. 1052
      Chapter 1051: no anxiety 1 years ago
    966. 1053
      There was no comparison in chapter 1052 1 years ago
    967. 1054
      Chapter 1053: Work Hard 1 years ago
    968. 1055
      Chapter 1054, My Plan 1 years ago
    969. 1056
      Chapter 1055, attack 1 years ago
    970. 1057
      Chapter 1056, Roll Call 1 years ago
    971. 1058
      Chapter 1057,50 minutes 1 years ago
    972. 1059
      Chapter 1058 looked for Ling ran 1 years ago
    973. 1060
      Chapter 1059, your taste 1 years ago
    974. 1061
      Chapter 1060 was fun 1 years ago
    975. 1062
      Chapter 1061 harmonious family 1 years ago
    976. 1063
      Chapter 1062 was a piece of cake 1 years ago
    977. 1064
      Chapter 1063: Herculean Disease 1 years ago
    978. 1065
      Chapter 1064, the second main course 1 years ago
    979. 1066
      Chapter 1065 was so beautiful that it was bubbling 1 years ago
    980. 1067
      Chapter 1066 was special 1 years ago
    981. 1068
      Chapter 1067 binding 1 years ago
    982. 1069
      Chapter 1068, large-scale surgery 1 years ago
    983. 1070
      Chapter 1069 was filled 1 years ago
    984. 1071
      Chapter 1070 long time no see 1 years ago
    985. 1072
      Chapter 1071 came to help 1 years ago
    986. 1073
      Chapter 1072: a good person 1 years ago
    987. 1074
      Chapter 1073 inspection team 1 years ago
    988. 1075
      Chapter 1074 suspected 1 years ago
    989. 1076
      There were no buts in chapter 1075 1 years ago
    990. 1077
      Chapter 1076 was waiting for him 1 years ago
    991. 1078
      Chapter 1077 was the same 1 years ago
    992. 1079
      Chapter 1078: Save Me 1 years ago
    993. 1080
      Chapter 1079 was understood 1 years ago
    994. 1081
      Chapter 1080 nephew 1 years ago
    995. 1082
      Chapter 1081 face 1 years ago
    996. 1083
      Chapter 1082 Good Men and good women 1 years ago
    997. 1084
      Chapter 1083 1 years ago
    998. 1085
      Chapter 1084 was very normal 1 years ago
    999. 1086
      Chapter 1085 confidence 1 years ago
    1000. 1087
      Chapter 1086 was released 1 years ago
    1001. 1088
      Chapter 1087 rainy days 1 years ago
    1002. 1089
      Chapter 1088, motorcade 1 years ago
    1003. 1090
      Chapter 1089 was fine 1 years ago
    1004. 1091
      Chapter 1090, what he was good at 1 years ago
    1005. 1092
      Chapter 1091, punishment 1 years ago
    1006. 1093
      Chapter 1092: As Long as your hands are good-looking 1 years ago
    1007. 1094
      Chapter 1093 was preset 1 years ago
    1008. 1095
      Chapter 1094 tenderness 1 years ago
    1009. 1096
      Chapter 1095, fragrance 1 years ago
    1010. 1097
      Chapter 1096 gratitude 1 years ago
    1011. 1098
      Chapter 1097,60% 1 years ago
    1012. 1099
      Chapter 1098, wait for me to come out 1 years ago
    1013. 1100
      Chapter 1099 war cry 1 years ago
    1014. 1101
      Chapter 1100, details 1 years ago
    1015. 1102
      Chapter 1101 luxury level surgery 1 years ago
    1016. 1103
      Chapter 1102: Be A Hero 1 years ago
    1017. 1104
      Chapter 1103 was not a loss 1 years ago
    1018. 1105
      Chapter 1104 was not friendly 1 years ago
    1019. 1106
      Chapter 1105 was mature and efficient 1 years ago
    1020. 1107
      Chapter 1106 distribution 1 years ago
    1021. 1108
      Chapter 1107 was not complicated 1 years ago
    1022. 1109
      Chapter 1108: The Lion never sleeps 1 years ago
    1023. 1110
      Chapter 1109 was busier 1 years ago
    1024. 1111
      Chapter 1110 sketch 1 years ago
    1025. 1112
      Chapter 1111, drawing hands 1 years ago
    1026. 1113
      Chapter 1112 didn’t matter 1 years ago
    1027. 1114
      Chapter 1113 was correct 1 years ago
    1028. 1115
      Chapter 1114 was not sleepy 1 years ago
    1029. 1116
      Chapter 1115 first-line dining 1 years ago
    1030. 1117
      Chapter 1116 drawing 1 years ago
    1031. 1118
      Chapter 1117 seriousness and hard work 1 years ago
    1032. 1119
      Chapter 1118 1 years ago
    1033. 1120
      Chapter 1119 valve 1 years ago
    1034. 1121
      Chapter 1120 1 years ago
    1035. 1122
      Chapter 1121 tongue protrusion 1 years ago
    1036. 1123
      Chapter 1122, five stars 1 years ago
    1037. 1124
      Chapter 1123 froze 1 years ago
    1038. 1125
      Chapter 1124 1 years ago
    1039. 1126
      [ chapter 1125: My Gardener is saved. ] 1 years ago
    1040. 1127
      Chapter 1126 visit 1 years ago
    1041. 1128
      Chapter 1127 1 years ago
    1042. 1129
      Chapter 1128 exposure to the world 1 years ago
    1043. 1130
      Chapter 1129 went extremely smoothly 1 years ago
    1044. 1131
      Chapter 1130 changed a little 1 years ago
    1045. 1132
      Chapter 1131, layer by layer 1 years ago
    1046. 1133
      He could not be bothered to understand chapter 1132 1 years ago
    1047. 1134
      Chapter 1133 Futai Harbor 1 years ago
    1048. 1135
      Chapter 1134 exceeded the standard 1 years ago
    1049. 1136
      Chapter 1135 was suitable 1 years ago
    1050. 1137
      Chapter 1136: Breaking New Ground 1 years ago
    1051. 1138
      Chapter 1137, the list of head nurses 1 years ago
    1052. 1139
      Chapter 1138 did some work ahead of time 1 years ago
    1053. 1140
      Chapter 1139 hazy 1 years ago
    1054. 1141
      Chapter 1140 must be good 1 years ago
    1055. 1142
      Chapter 1141, My Master 1 years ago
    1056. 1143
      Chapter 1142 was not excessive 1 years ago
    1057. 1144
      Chapter 1143: dragging out the strong 1 years ago
    1058. 1145
      Chapter 1144 good luck 1 years ago
    1059. 1146
      Chapter 1145 being reasonable 1 years ago
    1060. 1147
      Chapter 1146: thinking 1 years ago
    1061. 1148
      Chapter 1147, anatomy of the heart 1 years ago
    1062. 1149
      Chapter 1148 was saved 1 years ago
    1063. 1150
      Chapter 1149 -- Lian Yi 1 years ago
    1064. 1151
      Chapter 1150 getting out of Singledom 1 years ago
    1065. 1152
      Chapter 1151 -- making up for lost time with hard work 1 years ago
    1066. 1153
      Chapter 1152, Hawkeye 1 years ago
    1067. 1154
      Chapter 1153 was like facing a great enemy 1 years ago
    1068. 1155
      Chapter 1154 1 years ago
    1069. 1156
      Chapter 1155 1 years ago
    1070. 1157
      Chapter 1156, Green 1 years ago
    1071. 1158
      Chapter 1157 went first 1 years ago
    1072. 1159
      Chapter 1158, Case Study 1 years ago
    1073. 1160
      Chapter 1159, such techniques 1 years ago
    1074. 1161
      Chapter 1160 was stable 1 years ago
    1075. 1162
      Chapter 1161 yacht, no problem 1 years ago
    1076. 1163
      Chapter 1162 did not comment 1 years ago
    1077. 1164
      Chapter 1163 1 years ago
    1078. 1165
      Chapter 1164 was the best 1 years ago
    1079. 1166
      Chapter 1165 going to sea 1 years ago
    1080. 1167
      Octopus no. 1166 1 years ago
    1081. 1168
      Chapter 1167 was in a dilemma 1 years ago
    1082. 1169
      Chapter 1168-more work, more reward 1 years ago
    1083. 1170
      Chapter 1169 1 years ago
    1084. 1171
      Chapter 1170. What a pity 1 years ago
    1085. 1172
      Chapter 1171 invigorating 1 years ago
    1086. 1173
      Chapter 1172. Strike while the iron is hot 1 years ago
    1087. 1174
      Chapter 1173, the return journey 1 years ago
    1088. 1175
      Chapter 1174 confidence 1 years ago
    1089. 1176
      Chapter 1175 1 years ago
    1090. 1177
      Chapter 1176 1 years ago
    1091. 1178
      Chapter 1177, three-dimensional perception 1 years ago
    1092. 1179
      Chapter 1178 hobbies 1 years ago
    1093. 1180
      Chapter 1179 was full of questions 1 years ago
    1094. 1181
      Chapter 1180, praise 1 years ago
    1095. 1182
      Chapter 1181 1 years ago
    1096. 1183
      Chapter 1182, leisure day 1 years ago
    1097. 1184
      Chapter 1183 was fully prepared 1 years ago
    1098. 1185
      Chapter 1184, chief complaint 1 years ago
    1099. 1186
      Chapter 1185: self-reliance 1 years ago
    1100. 1187
      Chapter 1186 1 years ago
    1101. 1188
      Chapter 1187, ten minutes of opportunity 1 years ago
    1102. 1189
      Chapter 1188 was raised 1 years ago
    1103. 1190
      Chapter 1189: Creating Miracles 1 years ago
    1104. 1191
      Chapter 1190 crying 1 years ago
    1105. 1192
      Chapter 1191 was like facing a great enemy 1 years ago
    1106. 1193
      Chapter 1192 could not afford it 1 years ago
    1107. 1194
      Chapter 1193 was growing well 1 years ago
    1108. 1195
      Chapter 1194: determination 1 years ago
    1109. 1196
      Chapter 1195 coronary artery bypass grafting 1 years ago
    1110. 1197
      Chapter 1196: Kang Kang 1 years ago
    1111. 1198
      Chapter 1197: enduring humiliation 1 years ago
    1112. 1199
      Chapter 1198 stood up straight 1 years ago
    1113. 1200
      Chapter 1199, don’t panic 1 years ago
    1114. 1201
      Chapter 1200: I’ll come over and help you 1 years ago
    1115. 1202
      Chapter 1201 was not used 1 years ago
    1116. 1203
      Chapter 1202 1 years ago
    1117. 1204
      Chapter 1203: recuperation 1 years ago
    1118. 1205
      Chapter 1204 came, little brother 1 years ago
    1119. 1206
      Chapter 1205 his observations 1 years ago
    1120. 1207
      See You in chapter 1206 1 years ago
    1121. 1208
      Chapter 1207 1 years ago
    1122. 1209
      Chapter 1208: No Fuss 1 years ago
    1123. 1210
      Chapter 1209 was not a problem 1 years ago
    1124. 1211
      Chapter 1210 1 years ago
    1125. 1212
      Chapter 1211“Doctors have nothing.” 1 years ago
    1126. 1213
      Chapter 1212 acquaintances 1 years ago
    1127. 1214
      Chapter 1213: Do You Want to have a holiday? 1 years ago
    1128. 1215
      Chapter 1214 was pulled out for a walk 1 years ago
    1129. 1216
      Chapter 1215 bird watching 1 years ago
    1130. 1217
      Chapter 1216 1 years ago
    1131. 1218
      Chapter 1217 reliable week 1 years ago
    1132. 1219
      Chapter 1218: worrying 1 years ago
    1133. 1220
      Chapter 1219 was too difficult 1 years ago
    1134. 1221
      Chapter 1220, senior 1 years ago
    1135. 1222
      Chapter 1221. Not convinced 1 years ago
    1136. 1223
      Chapter 1222 clamping (book on sale) 1 years ago
    1137. 1224
      Chapter 1223 was admirable 1 years ago
    1138. 1225
      Chapter 1224 leadership 1 years ago
    1139. 1226
      Chapter 1225: Progress 1 years ago
    1140. 1227
      Chapter 1226: Happy Every Day 1 years ago
    1141. 1228
      Chapter 1227: Visit Department director Kang 1 years ago
    1142. 1229
      Chapter 1228 lying down 1 years ago
    1143. 1230
      Chapter 1229 was completely different 1 years ago
    1144. 1231
      Chapter 1230 was not bad 1 years ago
    1145. 1232
      Chapter 1231 continued to jump 1 years ago
    1146. 1233
      Chapter 1232 was worth it 1 years ago
    1147. 1234
      Chapter 1233 smelled like this 1 years ago
    1148. 1235
      Chapter 1234 kept jumping 1 years ago
    1149. 1236
      Chapter 1235 found the crux of the problem 1 years ago
    1150. 1237
      Chapter 1236: Huo Congjun 1 years ago
    1151. 1238
      Chapter 1237: Graffiti 1 years ago
    1152. 1239
      Chapter 1238 was so fast 1 years ago
    1153. 1240
      Chapter 1239 was superb 1 years ago
    1154. 1241
      The 1240th Rabbit 1 years ago
    1155. 1242
      Chapter 1241 question mark 1 years ago
    1156. 1243
      Chapter 1242 was brought back 1 years ago
    1157. 1244
      Chapter 1243 1 years ago
    1158. 1245
      There was only one truth in chapter 1244 1 years ago
    1159. 1246
      In the end, chapter 1245 was a one-man operation 1 years ago
    1160. 1247
      Chapter 1246 was gorgeous 1 years ago
    1161. 1248
      Chapter 1247, the current plan 1 years ago
    1162. 1249
      Chapter 1248, location 1 years ago
    1163. 1250
      Chapter 1249 was accurate and effective 1 years ago
    1164. 1251
      [ chapter 1250 have you seen this person before? ] 1 years ago
    1165. 1252
      Chapter 1251 next time 1 years ago
    1166. 1253
      Chapter 1252 was equivalent to an exchange 1 years ago
    1167. 1254
      Chapter 1253 the king was not well 1 years ago
    1168. 1255
      Chapter 1254 was not afraid of being kicked out 1 years ago
    1169. 1256
      Chapter 1255, Channel 3 1 years ago
    1170. 1257
      Chapter 1256 the king of verbal abuse 1 years ago
    1171. 1258
      Chapter 1257, Master of images 1 years ago
    1172. 1259
      There was nothing wrong with chapter 1258 1 years ago
    1173. 1260
      Chapter 1259 safety valve 1 years ago
    1174. 1261
      Chapter 1260, The Pinnacle 1 years ago
    1175. 1262
      Chapter 1261 treated him as if he did not exist 1 years ago
    1176. 1263
      Badge Restaurant No. 1262 1 years ago
    1177. 1264
      Chapter 1263: eating fish 1 years ago
    1178. 1265
      Chapter 1264, my saddle 1 years ago
    1179. 1266
      Chapter 1265 I’m sick, I’m right 1 years ago
    1180. 1267
      Chapter 1266 reminded him 1 years ago
    1181. 1268
      Chapter 1267: Don’t look, don’t look 1 years ago
    1182. 1269
      Chapter 1268, screen 9 1 years ago
    1183. 1270
      Chapter 1269 was adjusted 1 years ago
    1184. 1271
      Chapter 1270 the businesswoman did not know the hate of losing her country 1 years ago
    1185. 1272
      Chapter 1271 enjoying the moment 1 years ago
    1186. 1273
      Chapter 1272: extracting oil from stones 1 years ago
    1187. 1274
      Chapter 1273: the opportunity must not be missed 1 years ago
    1188. 1275
      Chapter 1274 was the reason why people respected him 1 years ago
    1189. 1276
      Chapter 1275 convinced him 1 years ago
    1190. 1277
      Chapter 1276 was incomprehensible 1 years ago
    1191. 1278
      Chapter 1277: an unusual video 1 years ago
    1192. 1279
      Chapter 1278 what if the fermentation time is not enough 1 years ago
    1193. 1280
      Chapter 1279 was a little stressful 1 years ago
    1194. 1281
      Chapter 1280 was peerless 1 years ago
    1195. 1282
      Chapter 1281 did not match 1 years ago
    1196. 1283
      Chapter 1282, do you dare to go first? 1 years ago
    1197. 1284
      Chapter 1283 was terrible 1 years ago
    1198. 1285
      Chapter 1284, thank you 1 years ago
    1199. 1286
      Chapter 1285 Death’s door 1 years ago
    1200. 1287
      Chapter 1286 guts 1 years ago
    1201. 1288
      Chapter 1287 1 years ago
    1202. 1289
      Chapter 1288 Are You Crazy 1 years ago
    1203. 1290
      Chapter 1289 1 years ago
    1204. 1291
      Chapter 1290 was sold for a good price 1 years ago
    1205. 1292
      Chapter 1291: Tremors 1 years ago
    1206. 1293
      Chapter 1292, the long road 1 years ago
    1207. 1294
      Chapter 1293 cracked the problem 1 years ago
    1208. 1295
      Chapter 1294 became bigger 1 years ago
    1209. 1296
      Was chapter 1295 going to Cleveland 1 years ago
    1210. 1297
      Chapter 1296: expansion 1 years ago
    1211. 1298
      Chapter 1297: Our Time 1 years ago
    1212. 1299
      Chapter 1296, use force 1 years ago
    1213. 1300
      Chapter 1297 arouses interest 1 years ago
    1214. 1301
      Chapter 1230 showed a different expression 1 years ago
    1215. 1302
      Chapter 1231: Ling’s rhythm 1 years ago
    1216. 1303
      Chapter 1302 was the best 1 years ago
    1217. 1304
      Chapter 1303 was too strong 1 years ago
    1218. 1305
      CHAPTER 1304 raised the requirements 1 years ago
    1219. 1306
      Chapter 1305 radiation 1 years ago
    1220. 1307
      Chapter 1306 1 years ago
    1221. 1308
      Chapter 1307 1 years ago
    1222. 1309
      Chapter 1308 was fine! 1 years ago
    1223. 1310
      Chapter 1309 farewell 1 years ago
    1224. 1311
      Chapter 1310 manor 1 years ago
    1225. 1312
      Chapter 1311: Return 1 years ago
    1226. 1313
      Chapter 1312: I have everyone 1 years ago
    1227. 1314
      Chapter 1313 mitral valvuloplasty 1 years ago
    1228. 1315
      Chapter 1314 acceptance 1 years ago
    1229. 1316
      Chapter 1315: You’re MAD at me? 1 years ago
    1230. 1317
      Chapter 1316, valves 1 years ago
    1231. 1318
      Chapter 1317, reversal 1 years ago
    1232. 1319
      Chapter 1318 was simple and powerful 1 years ago
    1233. 1320
      Chapter 1319 adjustment 1 years ago
    1234. 1321
      Chapter 1320 Scarecrow 1 years ago
    1235. 1322
      Chapter 1321 work-related injuries 1 years ago
    1236. 1323
      Chapter 1322, the test 1 years ago
    1237. 1324
      Chapter 1323 if he did not pick up anything when he went out, he would be considered to have lost it 1 years ago
    1238. 1325
      Chapter 1324: I Visit Myself 1 years ago
    1239. 1326
      Chapter 1325 was interesting 1 years ago
    1240. 1327
      Chapter 1326. Everyone was satisfied 1 years ago
    1241. 1328
      Chapter 1327 1 years ago
    1242. 1329
      Chapter 1328 -- unstable shoulder 1 years ago
    1243. 1330
      Chapter 1329 Manchu-han banquet 1 years ago
    1244. 1331
      Chapter 1330: One Nail, one Mao 1 years ago
    1245. 1332
      Chapter 1331 achievement 1 years ago
    1246. 1333
      Chapter 1332, showing off 1 years ago
    1247. 1334
      Chapter 1333: A Real Dog (Happy Chinese New Year) 1 years ago
    1248. 1335
      Chapter 1334 anesthetized dogs 1 years ago
    1249. 1336
      Chapter 1335 I speak of the dog 1 years ago
    1250. 1337
      Chapter 1336, I can do it 1 years ago
    1251. 1338
      Chapter 1337, left Prime Minister 1 years ago
    1252. 1339
      Chapter 1338 relapsed 1 years ago
    1253. 1340
      Chapter 1339 1 years ago
    1254. 1341
      Chapter 1340 1 years ago
    1255. 1342
      What about Chapter 1341? 1 years ago
    1256. 1343
      Chapter 1342 showing off in front of the public security office 1 years ago
    1257. 1344
      Chapter 1343 was very aggressive 1 years ago
    1258. 1345
      Chapter 1344 was too flashy 1 years ago
    1259. 1346
      Chapter 1345 was filled with bitterness 1 years ago
    1260. 1347
      Chapter 1346, Seam 1 years ago
    1261. 1348
      Chapter 1347 is for me 1 years ago
    1262. 1349
      Chapter 1348, inspection team 1 years ago
    1263. 1350
      Chapter 1349 who did it well 1 years ago
    1264. 1351
      Chapter 1350: repairing the old as usual 1 years ago
    1265. 1352
      Chapter 1351 was truly a feast for all 1 years ago
    1266. 1353
      Chapter 1352: Deep Cuts 1 years ago
    1267. 1354
      Chapter 1353 was just for fun 1 years ago
    1268. 1355
      Chapter 1354 temporary hospital 1 years ago
    1269. 1356
      Chapter 1355 understood me the most 1 years ago
    1270. 1357
      How Old was chapter 1356 1 years ago
    1271. 1358
      Chapter 1357, Huh 1 years ago
    1272. 1359
      Chapter 1358 spouting nonsense 1 years ago
    1273. 1360
      Chapter 1359, Anesthesiology 1 years ago
    1274. 1361
      Chapter 1360 1 years ago
    1275. 1362
      Chapter 1361 1 years ago
    1276. 1363
      Chapter 1362: Historical Mission 1 years ago
    1277. 1364
      Chapter 1363. Doctor Ling had the final say 1 years ago
    1278. 1365
      Chapter 1364, medical decision 1 years ago
    1279. 1366
      Chapter 1365, “I’ll do it.” 1 years ago
    1280. 1367
      Chapter 1366 was beautiful 1 years ago
    1281. 1368
      Chapter 1367 was fun 1 years ago
    1282. 1369
      I’ll show you chapter 1368 1 years ago
    1283. 1370
      Chapter 1369 certification completed 1 years ago
    1284. 1371
      Chapter 1370: the demeanor of a master 1 years ago
    1285. 1372
      Chapter 1371: Bow Down to evil forces 1 years ago
    1286. 1373
      Chapter 1372 I’ll wait for you to ask 1 years ago
    1287. 1374
      Chapter 1373 was highlighted 1 years ago
    1288. 1375
      Chapter 1374 gave too much 1 years ago
    1289. 1376
      Chapter 1375: have a cup of tea 1 years ago
    1290. 1377
      Chapter 1376 was unhappy 1 years ago
    1291. 1378
      In chapter 1377, a flock of birds flew across the sky 1 years ago
    1292. 1379
      Chapter 1378 was time to change careers 1 years ago
    1293. 1380
      Chapter 1379 the Moon was bright and the stars were sparse 1 years ago
    1294. 1381
      Chapter 1380 Appendix 1 years ago
    1295. 1382
      Chapter 1381: Brotherly Appendix 1 years ago
    1296. 1383
      Chapter 1382 1 years ago
    1297. 1384
      Chapter 1383: A Good Doctor 1 years ago
    1298. 1385
      Chapter 1384, procedures 1 years ago
    1299. 1386
      Chapter 1385 Fighting Spirit 1 years ago
    1300. 1387
      Chapter 1386, two types 1 years ago
    1301. 1388
      Why did chapter 1387 still need to be considered? 1 years ago
    1302. 1389
      Chapter 1388, the follow-up development 1 years ago
    1303. 1390
      Chapter 1389: Sketch Restoration 1 years ago
    1304. 1391
      Chapter 1390 if his superior was incited to betray him 1 years ago
    1305. 1392
      Chapter 1391: wake up early tomorrow 1 years ago
    1306. 1393
      Chapter 1392: Where to learn from 1 years ago
    1307. 1394
      Chapter 1393: Steady as a rock.. 1 years ago
    1308. 1395
      Chapter 1394 a general is like a beauty since ancient times 1 years ago
    1309. 1396
      Chapter 1395 -- better to steal than to be a penguin 1 years ago
    1310. 1397
      Chapter 1396, the liver 1 years ago
    1311. 1398
      Chapter 1397 was the same 1 years ago
    1312. 1399
      Chapter 1398 1 years ago
    1313. 1400
      Chapter 1399, showing off 1 years ago
    1314. 1401
      Chapter 1400, what was a surprise 1 years ago
    1315. 1402
      Chapter 1401 was reasonable 1 years ago
    1316. 1403
      Chapter 1402 arrived 1 years ago
    1317. 1404
      The baton in chapter 1403 was swung 1 years ago
    1318. 1405
      Chapter 1404: Dissociation 1 years ago
    1319. 1406
      Symphony Orchestra, Chapter 1405 1 years ago
    1320. 1407
      [ chapter 1406 can’t be. ] 1 years ago
    1321. 1408
      Chapter 1407 comfort 1 years ago
    1322. 1409
      Chapter 1408 was faintly gentle 1 years ago
    1323. 1410
      Chapter 1409 the TIDY Emergency Center 1 years ago
    1324. 1411
      Chapter 1410 integrated emergency department 1 years ago
    1325. 1412
      Chapter 1411: Why Did you bite people? 1 years ago
    1326. 1413
      Chapter 1412 medical luck 1 years ago
    1327. 1414
      Chapter 1413 arrived 1 years ago
    1328. 1415
      Chapter 1414 the real world 1 years ago
    1329. 1416
      Chapter 1415 was a good thing 1 years ago
    1330. 1417
      Chapter 1416 was done once 1 years ago
    1331. 1418
      Chapter 1417: Everlasting Peace 1 years ago
    1332. 1419
      Chapter 1418 was unanimous 1 years ago
    1333. 1420
      Chapter 1419, national treasure level 1 years ago
    1334. 1421
      Chapter 1420 should be passed on 1 years ago
    1335. 1422
      Chapter 1421 was too expensive 1 years ago
    1336. 1423
      Chapter 1422 quickly returned 1 years ago
    1337. 1424
      Chapter 1423: Serious 1 years ago
    1338. 1425
      Chapter 1424 did not move at all 1 years ago
    1339. 1426
      Chapter 1425: Understanding 1 years ago
    1340. 1427
      Chapter 1426 was not at a disadvantage 1 years ago
    1341. 1428
      Chapter 1427 was not professional 1 years ago
    1342. 1429
      Chapter 1428 was too much 1 years ago
    1343. 1430
      Chapter 1429 was not needed 1 years ago
    1344. 1431
      Chapter 1430 scruples 1 years ago
    1345. 1432
      Chapter 1431 1 years ago
    1346. 1433
      Chapter 1432 Yun Hua Hospital 1 years ago
    1347. 1434
      Chapter 1433 1 years ago
    1348. 1435
      There was a portrait in chapter 1434 1 years ago
    1349. 1436
      Chapter 1435: see Mom and Dad 1 years ago
    1350. 1437
      Chapter 1436 -- chief surgeon 1 years ago
    1351. 1438
      Chapter 1437, high-level treasure chest 1 years ago
    1352. 1439
      Chapter 1438, one hundred percent 1 years ago
    1353. 1440
      Chapter 1439, Young 1 years ago
    1354. 1441
      Chapter 1440 meeting the son-in-law 1 years ago
    1355. 1442
      Chapter 1441,’I am in a very good condition.’ 1 years ago
    1356. 1443
      The end of chapter 1442 1 years ago
    1357. 1444
      Chapter 1443 warmth and anger 1 years ago
    1358. 1445
      Chapter 1444(the end of the book) 1 years ago

    Penulis Village of Ambitious Birds