After getting Rufina situated, Vahn parted ways with the group and reunited with Fenrir, who had been patiently waiting outside keeping guard. She immediately jumped up the moment he came out of the room, trotting over to Vahn who began stroking her head as he said, "Okay, looks like everything here has been taken care of, at least for the time being. Let's enjoy some fresh air and make our way back to the Manor..." Fenrir had her eyes squinted, enjoying her Master's caress as she nodded with an 'Nn' sound. Vahn noticed she had been very quiet for the last few days and began wondering what was on her mind. Knowing she would tell him if something was actually bothering her, Vahn picked Fenrir up and let her ride piggyback as they made their way out into the fading light of the late afternoon...
Though it wasn't really that fast, Vahn could maintain a slow and steady flight through the sky by combining his ability to levitate with some basic air manipulation. He could keep the wind at bay with his own domain while beating away the cold air with his [Heart of the Eternal Flame]. Fenrir was actually more fond of the cold but she enjoyed the warmth of her Master's body and aura, something she had professed to him. Ever since she came back from the orb, she had been a little more clingy than normal while simultaneously being a lot more reserved. She rarely had any outbursts and spent more time observing what was going on around her than doing anything in particular.
While lazily making their way through the sky, Vahn asked, "So, anything you want to do now that we're back on the surface, Fenrir? You've already gotten very strong so it might be a good idea to take a break and enjoy surface life for a while..." Fenrir had been nuzzled into his collar, quietly sniffing his hair but she still answered, saying, "Fenrir will keep training to become even stronger. Eva said there is no limit to growth and assuming you are the strongest leads to stagnation. Until there are no more threats, Fenrir will keep getting stronger and stronger. Master should focus on his children for now...Fenrir will wait..."
Vahn slowed down until they had come to a stop, hovering a few hundred meters above the City below. He realized that Fenrir seemed to be trying to spend as much time with him as possible since he will become very busy after the children are born, especially the Vanir. There were several other things he needed deal with so he wouldn't have nearly as much time to spend with her in the future. Vahn hadn't thought about it previously but Fenrir seemed to have picked up on that fact through her observation. She was surprisingly considerate, but Vahn felt a little lonely thinking they couldn't be together as much...
After thinking it over for a bit, Vahn raised his head and said, "Fenrir, it's okay to be a little selfish at times, even after the children are born. If you ever feel lonely, I can always make time for you...after all, you're one of my most important companions and I can't really imagine life without you anymore. Perhaps that is my own selfishness...but I'm pretty reliant on you, now that I think about it." Fenrir released a rare chuckle, tightening her grip around his neck as she said, "Fenrir likes when Master relies on makes Fenrir feel 'full' inside..." At the end of her words, Fenrir lightly licked his shoulder, causing Vahn to make a small smile before continuing towards the Hearth Manor...
It took close to half an hour, as they were going at a pretty leisurely pace, but Vahn landed atop the Hearth Manor with more than enough time before dinner. He could sense that everyone had already gathered, even Terra and Risna. Thomas and Aina had already moved into a small live-in shop next to the Hostess of Fertility, but Risna had ended up staying at the Manor even after her parents moved out. Vahn hadn't really seen her much since she initially moved in but her aura was the only one that was seemingly out of place.
Vahn was a little surprised by the number of goddesses present, who took up nearly half the large table they used for dining. There was Hephaestus, Loki, Hestia, Anubis, Epona, and Juno, all sitting in the area surrounding where he would be sitting for the meal. The only 'break' in their ranks was Eina, who was going to be sitting to his left while Hephaestus sat on his right. Eina must have been waiting to break the news to him personally, even though she knew he was already aware. Even at a distance, Vahn could sense the budding life form inside her belly and it made him smile widely as he set Fenrir down and said, "Let's go, everyone is waiting for us..."
Arriving in the dining room immediately caused a shift in the tensions as the mood immediately become joyous. Tina and Lili, unable to resist the urge, tackled Vahn almost instantly, the former sending a chill down his spine as she tripped on Lili and almost faceplanted into his lower body. Vahn scooped her up in his arms with a cold sweat running down his back as Tina sheepishly laughed. Vahn carried the two girls forward, noticing that Tina had grown a little more while he was away while Lili hadn't changed much at all. She felt a little heavier, likely a result of her increased muscle density, but Vahn didn't think she would be happy if he commented on it...
Vahn spent the better part of ten minutes just greeting everyone, sharing hugs, kisses, and a few affectionate words. It started off with the 'youth' troupe, consisting of Tina, Lili, and Shizune before moving on to Milan, who greeting him with a gentle smile, and Chloe, play biting his ear and saying a few words that made his heart itch. Arnya, looked decidedly plumper than in the past, followed soon after while supporting her round stomach with an affectionate look on her face. Aki was close behind, in much the same state as Arnya, but with her hair down in loose curls compared to the straight hair she had in the past. She was looking very motherly whereas Arnya looked like she might bounce back the moment she gave birth...
Lunoire's hair had increased in length slightly but she had put it up in a loose ponytail and was wearing a comfortable green dress. She rested her head in the nook of his neck, embracing him tightly as she said, "Welcome home, Vahn..." in a low voice. Ryuu was right behind Lunoire, wearing loose creme-colored clothing that had green and pink flower motifs sewn into it. She was looking far more radiant than in the past and had a slight bulge in her stomach with a loving smile on her face. Syr, as if to complete the set, came after Lunoire, initiating a rather bold kiss that caused the auras of several girls to flare up. When she pulled away, there was a light blush on her face as she began to laugh in a mischevious manner.
Vahn shook his head with a wry smile on his face, following Syr's retreat with his eyes before turning to Preasia, who had a very startling appearance. She was wearing a sweater-dress that matched the color of her hair while every visible part of her skin, excluding her face, hands, and feet, were covered in a platinum blond fur with a slightly golden hue to it. It was much denser than in the past and had caught Vahn off guard for a moment before he smiled and gave her a tight hug, marveling at her softness as she giggled in his arms and kissed his cheek. She had apparently fully embraced her transformation and seemed comfortable with the changes her body had experienced...
After Preasia trotted off to share a hug with Fenrir, Risna surprisingly stepped forward with a bashful expression on her face as she extended her hand, saying, "W-welcome b-back, Vahn..." Vahn smiled, ruffling her instead of shaking her hand, causing her to blush and bite her bottom lip before retreating away with a 'hmph' sound. Naaza was right behind her, already showing a light blush on her face as her tail wagged back and forth slowly. Vahn smiled, pulling the reserved Chienthrope girl into his embrace and gently stroking her long brown hair. Naaza's tail waggled a bit more forcibly as she smiled and said, "Welcome home..." while absentmindedly sniffing his neck.
Right after Naaza stepped off to the side, Vahn's eyes widened because a 'glowing' Tsubaki appeared in front of him, wearing a black colored yukata with red accents very loosely around her body. Her hair was pinned up with two red needles with golden tassels hanging off the end and she had the most motherly look Vahn had ever seen on a woman up until now. Around the same time that his eyes wandered to her rather round belly, Tsubaki stepped forward and pulled him into her embrace, nestling him tightly against her plump breasts as she said, "You did well to come back, Vahn. Welcome home..." Tsubaki kissed the top of his head, cradling him for several long seconds while rocking from side-to-side very gently.
Vahn was in a daze by the time Tsubaki released him, feeling slightly drunk off her scent before immediately calming down when Riveria walked up. She wasn't very far into her pregnancy but Vahn could see a slight bulge on her belly that was adorned with the [Sage Aldrnari's Blessing]. There was a blush touching her cheeks as Riveria hesitantly hugged him, trembling for a few seconds before finally calming down. She took a deep breath, releasing a hot sigh against his neck as she muttered, "We have a lot to talk about later...fuuu..." Vahn nodded his head, understanding there must be a lot on Riveria's mind after Terra returned a few weeks ago. There was also the data about the [Sage Aldrnari's Blessing], which seemed to still be affecting her body and causing her 'discomfort'...
Before he was able to let his mind wander, Emiru and Maemi both stepped forward, kissing each of his cheeks while pressing their soft bodies against his. Vahn grabbed both of their waists, pulling them close to him with enough force to pick the girls up off the ground. They giggled in response, nuzzling against his neck and collar as if trying to mark their scent on him. When he let them go, Vahn was a little surprised with Haruhime walked up, laughing in an elegant manner before giving him a gentle embrace. Shirohime was on top of her head and took the opportunity to lean forward, affectionately licking Vahn's face as she muttered, "You can't neglect us later..." in a tiny voice.
Vahn laughed at Shiro's antics before casting a curious glance at Mikoto, who immediately averted her eyes with a blush. She wasn't really good at showing public displays of affection and wasn't as 'shameless' as Haruhime to jump on the bandwagon with everyone else. This left a window for Hestia to step forward, leaping into Vahn's arms with enough force to make him step back to support her. She unashamedly initiated a kiss that was considerately more passionate than Syr's 'playful' gesture earlier. By the time Hestia let him go, Vahn's mouth was practically covered in saliva as Hestia laughed with a vibrant smile on her face and said, "Welcome home~."
Anubis stepped forward, giggling as she used a handkerchief to wipe away the excess saliva before giving Vahn a kiss of her own, decidedly more tame than Hestia's but still full of emotion. Like Naaza, her tail was waggling from side-to-side and she made no attempts to hide the fact that she was taking in his scent. When Anubis parted from him, she whispered, "I'm looking forward to resuming our walks, Master...I know Nanu is looking forward to it as well." Giving him one last kiss, Anubis slowly turned away, allowing her bushy tail to brush up against him as she languidly walked away with a willowy swaying of the waist.
With Anubis' departure, that left Loki and Hephaestus, flanking a blushing Eina who had a lovely smile on her face. She walked forward, laughing slightly as she said, "Well, it was supposed to be a surprise for you but it looked like I was the one to get a small surprise..." Eina sent a playful look to Hestia, causing the diminutive goddess to laugh in an awkward manner with a deep blush on her face. When everyone started laughing at her, Hestia released a 'gnuuuuu' sound with moisture building up in her eyes as she bit her bottom lip. Even Vahn produced a small smile but directed his gaze towards Eina as he pulled her into a gentle embrace, stroking her back as he said, "Eina, thank you..." in a voice filled with deep emotions.
Eina brought her hand up, caressing the side of Vahn's face with tears beginning to build up in her own eyes. Her smile continued to grow until she nearly laughed out, barely stifling it as she said, "You silly boy...I'm supposed to be the one thanking you..." Following her words, Eina gave Vahn a rare kiss without minding the fact they were surrounded by people, including her own younger sister. She was full of hard to describe emotions and didn't know whether to laugh or cry so she settled for a mix between the two as pearl-like tears fell from the corners of her eyes. Eina truly felt blessed with her current lifestyle because children had been a hope she could hardly imagine in the past, at least having any of her own...
Risna watched as her big sister was embraced by Vahn, feeling somewhat bitter in her heart at their intimate display. She had been very excited for her sister after it became known she was pregnant but, seeing her like this with Vahn, made Risna feel lonely. Outside of her books, she had never really cared about matters of love but there was just something about watching her own kin experience happiness that made her feel like she had been missing out on something. Just a bit, Risna wished she could be the one being embraced by Vahn's powerful arms, enjoying the warmth coming from his body and the scent wafting from his chest, which seemed to be popular with many of the other girls...
When he finally parted with Eina, several minutes had passed and it wasn't until Juno, who was watching everything happen, made a comment about young love. Eina had a blush on her face, giggling as she moved a few strands of hair behind her pointed ears and gave Vahn one last look before standing to the side. Hephaestus followed soon after, looking like she was due to give birth any day if her appearance was any indicator. Vahn affectionately rubbed her stomach, surprised to feel a 'kick' against his palm soon after. Hephaestus laughed, giving him a quick peck on the lips as she lovingly mused, "It seems our daughters are lively and eager to meet you...Vahn, thank you for coming back early. I didn't realize how much it bothered me that you weren't here until I heard you returned..." Hephaestus continued to give him more kisses in between her words as her aura started to cling to him, almost possessively.
Loki, perhaps growing impatient, pinched Hephaestus' butt and said, "Don't get too carried away. This has already been going on for nearly half an hour and my legs are starting to hurt~." Hephaestus sent Loki a look filled with blame before laughing it away and commenting, "Loki has missed you too~." With one final kiss, Hephaestus took a deep breath and sighed before standing off to the side. Loki followed her with eyes slightly parted before walking up to Vahn and burying her face into his chest, almost like she was headbutting him. Vahn loosely embraced her body as Loki murmured, "It's good that you're here, makes me feel very relieved knowing you're here instead of wandering around in the Dungeon..."
Vahn slowly nodded his head, stroking Loki's back as he said, "This is where I need to be...I wouldn't trade these moments for anything..." Loki smiled, tracing her hands around his sides in a playful manner before biting his bottom lip with a sensual smile that didn't suit a pregnant woman. When she saw his reaction, Loki laughed mischievously before whispering, "There is a lot to talk about but let's enjoy the rest of the evening..." Loki then moved away, accepting Juno's assistance as she took her spot on the thick cushion next to where Eina had been sitting. The only person he hadn't hugged, with the exceptions of Juno and Epona, was Terra, who stayed seated and just smiled marginally wider when Vahn looked over at her.
With the reunion greetings taken care of, Vahn took his place between Eina and Hephaestus as the celebratory banquet began. For what felt like the first time in months, Vahn's lap remained free throughout the course of the meal and he spent the majority of his time just asking what everyone had been up to while helping Hephaestus and Eina with everything. The two girls laughed at his concern but still accepted it nonetheless, earning a few playful gripes and complaints from Loki. Fenrir seemed to be catching up with Preasia, hugging the sheep girl from behind while the latter blushed and ate her meal mostly in silence. Lili and Naaza made conversation with Riveria and Terra while Chloe teased Shizune with a pair of chopsticks, snatching the food from the smaller girl's pair, calling it training. Overall, it was a very lively meal and, though he had heard it from most of the girls already, Vahn couldn't help but comment, ("I'm home...") in the back of his mind...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Fenrir is a good girl (TT,...,TT)','Reunion, Embrace, Affection','Home is where the heart is...') <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite:
The party last for several hours, reaching deep into the night without bothering anyone present whatsoever. It wasn't until Juno started 'urging' the pregnant women to head off to bed that things started to settle down. As a goddess that had a Divinity related to pregnancy itself, she was the defacto expert and had been managing the batch of expectant beauties for the last few weeks. Vahn helped escort the girls to their rooms, sharing his own bed with both Hephaestus and Eina that night. The mood had been very pleasant during dinner and Vahn already felt very satisfied so he spent the remainder of the evening just sharing affectionate words his two first wives while stroking their pregnant bellies...
When Vahn awoke early the next morning, the pleasant feelings hadn't faded at all so he spent nearly two hours just watching the sleeping faces of Hephaestus and Eina until the latter eventually woke up. Eina, seeing Vahn staring at her, giggled softly before saying, "Good morning, Vahn..." in a soft, still tired, voice. Vahn reached out his hand, stroking her face with an affectionate look in his eyes as he mused, "Good morning, beautiful~." in a playful tone. Eina covered his hand with her's smiling more vibrantly at the compliment as Hephaestus stirred awake as a result of the noise. Vahn matched her red-crimson gaze, leaning down to share a kiss before commenting, "Waking up with two beauties by my side...I'm very fortunate."
This comment earned him a laugh from Hephaestus, who reached up to pinch his nose as she playfully said, "For a boy that could wake up surrounded by ten beauties, that is a bit of an understatement." Vahn laughed as if all the inhibitions he had in life had dispersed into the void. Even without Hephaestus saying it, Vahn knew he had been incredibly fortunate in this life, even more so when compared to his previous one. It was this reason that made him work so hard for everyone's sake, and also why he promised in his heart to return to this world no matter how long it took. Though he had been born on Earth, Danmachi was his first 'home', filled to the brim with people that cared for and loved him. Now, he just needed to make it a better place for everyone else to live, so that his children wouldn't grow up in a world filled with hate and impending danger...
Vahn escorted Eina downstairs, greeting Emiru and Maemi, both carrying a bed trays full of food to both Hephaestus and Loki. They spent a lot of time resting these days so took most of their meals in their own quarters or, in Hephaestus' case, his. Loki was residing in the West Wing, near where Risna and Riveria stayed, while Juno and Epona had taken up residence near the medical ward. They had already prepared everything for the coming births and were now just standing by for the inevitable moment to come. Hephaestus was supposed to be staying on the first floor, as going up and down three flights of stairs while pregnant was ill-advised, but had ignored the recommendation on the grounds of it being good exercise.
The only people that had shown up for breakfast by the time he had arrived were Preasia and Fenrir, both having happy smiles on their faces that become decidedly more vibrant when he came into the room. Eina, seeing the two girls' reactions, released a peal of bell-like laughter before sitting down on the cushion next to Vahn's seat. Both girls came around to their side of the table, Fenrir surprisingly letting Preasia sit in Vahn's lap as they all enjoyed a peaceful breakfast together.
Vahn, after once again remarking at Preasia's softness, began asking about what she had been up to while he was away. She admitted to spending the majority of her waking time studying with Naaza, Lili, and Chloe, while the rest of her time had been invested almost solely on the development of her rare skill. It wasn't uncommon for her to sleep for up to fourteen hours a day, which she fit into a carefully planned schedule, and she often invited the other girls to take naps with her. At this point, she had gotten very good at controlling things within the dreamscape and could pull in anyone within a 10m radius as long as they didn't resist it.
As for the uses of the Dreamscape, it had been documented by Riveria to greatly increase mana regeneration while even accelerating natural healing. Of course, there were other uses for it, but most of those hadn't been researched in detail since it was only applicable to enemies. Preasia could create a 'nightmare' of sorts, trapping the person in her dreamscape and causing them a great deal of mental anguish. As someone who had been nearly overwhelmed by her in the past, Vahn was very aware of the dangers presented by the skill. If Preasia actually managed to pull in an enemy, she would probably break them unless they had some means of protecting their mind...
While they were eating, most of the other residents of the Manor began showing up, either returning from their morning training or simply waking up naturally. As for those that actually went out to train, even though they had celebrated late into the evening, they were Haruhime, Mikoto, Lili, Milan, Chloe, Shizune, and Tina. Unless they had a 'proper' excuse, the girls practiced almost every morning, with Shizune and Tina being 'required' by their respective mentors. They were in their growth phase and had just started out as Adventurer's a few months ago, making it exceptionally important that they don't slack off. Tina lamented this fact, as she wasn't a morning person, but got into the swing of things the moment she began wearing her equipment.
When the youth troupe arrived, Tina immediately became somewhat high tension as she asked, "Ah, Vahnya! Will you take us into the Dungeon soon~nya!?" Milan began to laugh at her daughter's antics, stroking the small cat girls hair as she said, "Now, Tina, you know Vahn just got back. Give him some time to relax..." Tina's ears became flat against her head, causing Vahn to issue a small smile before he said, "I actually wanted to help the two of you jumpstart your magic training instead of focusing on the Dungeon. Both you and Shizune are at the correct age to build your foundation and I'll begin training you in a method that will make you become much stronger than if you simply entered the Dungeon."
Tina's ears immediately perked back up while Shizune's amethyst eyes focused on him with unveiled intrigue contained within. Most of the girls had, in fact, focused their attention on him so Vahn explained, "I'm sure you've all seen, or at least heard about, how strong Terra has become...well, I'm not quite at her level, but I've managed to memorize all of the texts that Eva created and can transcribe them for everyone. It will take a lot of studying, but I can help you build a foundation that will allow you to create your own magic. Anything you can think of, as long as you understand the principles behind it, is possible. You can even get to the point where flying through the sky or teleporting great distances would become second nature..."
Vahn had never seen a tail become ramrod straight, but Tina managed to pull it off as she leaned against the table with an expectant gaze. Milan pulled her back, reprimanding her to sit still with a slightly incredulous look on her face. Tina hadn't had any major 'incidents' while Vahn was away and had calmed down a great deal. Now that he was back, however, it seemed like a 'switch' had been flipped in her daughter that made her act 'peculiar', to say the least. Tina's behavior earned her a small amount of laughter from those gathered at the table, causing a rosy pink tinge to touch her cheeks as she lowered her head in embarrassment.
Though he would undoubtedly have to explain it in much greater detail, later on, Vahn started talking about his own experiences with Magic. Even Risna, after deciding to take up permanant residence within the Manor, had taken vows of secrecy. This meant the only people Vahn needed to worry about were if Misha, Rose, Mona, Senna, or Pram. Since they usually ate breakfast in the small kitchenette in their own residence, with the exception of Misha, Vahn could speak freely for the time being. As for Misha herself, she had been working the shift between 8 pm to 4 am and was likely to sleep until the early afternoon.
Chloe listened very closely to the explanation, waiting for an appropriate timing before asking, "So, it's impossible for people to become powerful Mages unless they start their training early~?" Vahn, understanding Chloe's concerns, smiled as he shook his head and explained, "Actually, anyone can become a powerful Mage as long as their understanding of the phenomenon they're trying to make is sound. The majority of spells rely on using external mana and shaping it using your willpower, not your internal mana reserves. Having a large internal reserve just makes it easier to fill in the gaps for spells you don't yet have complete mastery over. Also, though it varies depending on the race, the development period for mana is around ages 8-25. As long as your body has reached full maturity, you can still increase your internal mana reserves through constant practice. Also, there are ways to supplement for the lack of your own reserves, such as the mana batteries I've been developing..."
Hearing that they could also increase their own power, most of the older girls present released sighs of relief. As for Milan, she never cared that much about power and, as long as her daughter could become strong enough to avoid danger, that was enough for her. Vahn, however, didn't seem to give her an easy out as he then began explaining the [Pactio] system. When they heard he had contract magic that could greatly increase their own potential, that actually worked in conjunction with the Falna, everyone experienced various levels of shock and excitement. Even Preasia, who had been lamenting entering the Dungeon, began to writhe around in his lap as a result of how giddy she felt about the prospect of becoming strong without having to fight terrifying monsters...
Vahn had Haruhime and Mikoto demonstrate their own [Pactio]s for the girls after his explanation had finished, stunning the breakfast goers when they saw the transformation of the two. Even those without high perception could tell that Haruhime and Mikoto became much stronger the moment they activated their cards, even though it only required them to say a single word. When Vahn demonstrated the 'active' component of the [Pactio], causing the two girls to become covering in a pale golden aura, Tina's eyes were practically shining along with them. Haruhime laughed in an elegant manner, accented by the fact she currently looked like an Empress, while Mikoto stood stoic with the smallest sign of a smile reaching the edge of her lips.
Tina, having apparently missed part of the explanation earlier, was very eager to form a [Pactio], even though her small face flushed at the thought of sharing a kiss with Vahn. When he reminded her that the [Pactio] was only permanant if she was recognized as an 'adult', she dropped to her butt with a look of disbelief that could cause cracks in the heart of a war-hardened veteran. Vahn assuaged her heartache by explaining, "Don't worry, Tina, as you can always form a [Pactio] later. It's actually better that you don't become accustomed to relying on it so early since it might interfere with your own development. Focus on studying and polishing your own skills further so that your future [Pactio] will become even stronger. After all, the artifact you obtain is based on your personality and capabilities. You're still young, so there is plenty of time for you to develop before you need to worry about creating a permanant contract..."
Vahn hadn't explained about temporary contracts since he didn't really see the purpose in propagating the existence of magic that could make minors more powerful. Though it was unlikely for most people to be able to learn [Pactio], without being able to circumvent the world's laws to an extent, Vahn didn't want to seed the idea in their minds. He intended to let the majority of people believe that [Pactio] was just the result of a complex magic item, which wouldn't be difficult to spin since he could purchase all kinds of items from the system that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Just having Tiona demonstrate her use of the [Mirukurun Magic Wand] would be enough to convince the masses that such items existed.
Though Tina was momentarily deterred, along with a dejected Lili, there was one person who seemed curious about something and asked, "Can I get a [Pactio] now? Though I'll still study Magic with everyone else, I'm more interested in getting accustomed to using whatever tools are available to me. I don't want to have to change my entire fighting style later on just because I got a new transformation..." The source of the voice was none other than Shizune, perhaps the singular exception to the age requirement. As Eva claimed it was possible for her to perform [Pactio]s in her real body, even though she was stuck at a physical age that should have made it impractical, it was highly likely that Shizune was 'qualified' to enter a permanant [Pactio]. After all, though she had the body of a young girl, she was actually still seventeen years old, coming upon her 18th birthday in less than a month...
Vahn was also somewhat curious, but he wasn't trying to start up a queue of kissing everyone when they were still in the process of eating breakfast. He intended to enter a [Pactio] with every girl present at some point, including Eina, but that could wait until later. Though, after thinking about it for a short while, this didn't seem like the best idea. If something happened that could have been overcome if they had access to [Pactio], Vahn wouldn't easily be able to forgive himself. There was also the simple fact that having access to telepathy was a major boon for keeping in contact. It might not penetrate through the Dungeon that much, but it still allowed him to react to the situation if there were an emergency on the surface...
After sorting his thoughts, Vahn changed his tune and said, "Okay, we'll do it like this then. I'll enter a [Pactio] with everyone that meets the requirements so that you have plenty of time to familiarize yourselves with their use. Also, I'll be giving you a journal, so please document everything that you discover about your artifact and raiment so Riveria and I can compile everything. Understanding how some artifacts works can lead to major discoveries and the creation of newer spells that emulate the effects, after all..." Vahn was, admittedly, very curious about some of the artifacts that came into existence, especially Lefiya's and Ais'. Having an artifact that can produce healing water or creating wings that allowed a person to freely fly around with a negligible cost was simply incredible...
It was decided that Vahn would clear out space in his salon to perform all the [Pactio]s this afternoon. Everyone needed to be informed of the details and he still needed to discuss several things with Riveria and Loki before starting a long kissing and study session with the girls. The main reason, however, was just to give everyone a bit of privacy since some of the transformations could be rather embarrassing. Some of the girls may even want to keep their artifacts a secret, which was understandable since the form each artifact took was a reflection of their character. Though everyone in the Manor was typically very understanding, it didn't mean the girls wanted to disclose everything to each other.
Breakfast ended on a lively note, with everyone in high spirits as they talked about what they imagined their own artifacts to be. Vahn parted ways with the girls, heading off to where Loki's room was since he wanted to learn exactly what 'hiccups' had occurred while he was gone. Given how everyone was behaving, it didn't seem to be anything too bad and was likely just something that needed to be dealt with before it became a problem. Vahn imagined it related to the Elven Kingdom, as Riveria's behavior seemed to suggest that was the case. Now that he had [Magia Erebea], Vahn wasn't even afraid of walking directly into the palace without an escort, as there wasn't much anyone could do to stop him right now. The only thing that kept him from doing so was Eva's constant reminders not to 'assume' he was unstoppable as there were 'always' ways around any form of immortality. There was also the fact that he simply didn't want to leave the Manor right now, as Hephaestus and Loki were due any day...
Knocking on the door to Loki's room, Vahn waited for permission to enter before making his way into the room where, unsurprisingly, Juno and Riveria were also present. This almost immediately confirmed his suspicions as Loki laughed mischievously and said, "I actually didn't think you would take so long to come by. It's good that you're remaining focused instead of getting caught up in the tempo of the others~." Vahn rubbed his head as he walked over to the side of the bed, explaining, "Actually, we were talking about everyone's magic training and the existence of contract magic called [Pactio]. I'll go into more details about it later, so for now, let's just discuss the important matters that you alluded to previously..."
Vahn had seen the glimmer in Riveria's eyes when he mentioned magic, giving her a small smile before sitting down on the bed. Loki grunted as she moved over to his side, causing Vahn to sweat a bit while Juno reprimanded her with a helpless look adorning her youthful face. Loki waved her away with a 'Bah!' before snuggly sitting in Vahn's lap with a contented sigh escaping her lips. She began to laugh in a 'kukuku-like' manner before saying, "Every time I sit on your lap, it feels like I'm the Queen of the world~." As she had referred to his lap as the 'seat of power' previously, Vahn wasn't that surprised by Loki's words and just kissed the top of her head in response while cradling her stomach with his palms.
Loki laughed a bit more before saying, "Well, as you undoubtedly expected, there have been a few issues that have popped up from the side of the Elven Kingdom. The blockade has been going as planned, though there are intermittent attacks on occasion and a large flux of smuggled goods than we anticipated. One of the more troubling things is the fact that slavers have been going through the routes to the north, exchanging goods for Half-Elves and some of the lower born Elven households. It's really been pretty chaotic..." As Loki explained, Riveria gripped her hands with a frustrated expression on her face. She never expected that the response from some of the noble families would be to literally sell some of their own people. It was like all their talk of 'pride' and 'Elven supremacy' had no substance at all...
Vahn gave Riveria a look filled with concern as a cool sensation started to spread through his mind as a result of his own anger. Loki, leaning into his chest and watching the changes in his expression, continued by explaining, "We tried to reach an agreement with the Dwarven outposts south of the Iron Hills, but their terms were simply ridiculous so we had to turn them down. Since there was a chance that the Elves being sold into slavery were intended to be seeded into Orario as spies, we managed to convince the Nobles within the City to bar entrance to any slavers found 'smuggling' Elves in their stock. However, there has still been an increase in the number of Elves within the City, likely using back channels and secret passages to bypass the gates..."
Hearing all of this made Vahn feel a powerful headache coming on that was only kept at by his [Will of the Emperor] and the concern he felt for Riveria. He could hardly believe a culture could degrade to the point where it justified selling its own people rather than compromise on an issue that could actually benefit everyone. It seemed that the Elven Kingdom had become rotten at its core and this was likely a way for the High Elves to try and shift the blame on them somehow, likely by claiming they are being 'forced' to trade away their people for the goods that are needed. This would prevent the Elves from blaming the High Elves for their struggles while directing the hatred of their people towards Orario. Though not everyone would believe that, especially those impacted by the malignant practices of some of the High Elven families, they only needed a bit of momentum to make the Elven loyalist deal with most internal issues for them...
Riveria, gripping her fists until the point where her fingers were solid white, stated in a cold tone, "My father isn't the type of man that should have let things get to this point. It's almost like he is trying to lead the Kingdom to a collapse. He isn't listening to any of my advice and even the High Priestess seems to be in favor of these self-destructive actions. Everyone is just using this as an opportunity to increase the strength of their own faction while our people are the ones suffering!" There were tears of indignation in Riveria's eyes, filled with the resentment of someone that had dedicated their everything to trying to create a better life for her people...
Loki nodded, slightly parting her eyes to look at Riveria with the same concern found in Vahn's before saying in a plain voice, "It's likely that your father is actually trying to destroy the noble factions entirely. The Sage Council is taking a hard stance on the matter and holding all of their elites in reserve while many people that want to escape the troubles plaguing the rest of society have sought shelter in the High Priestess faction. Though internal strife will be the inevitable result, the people that end up on the losing end with undoubtedly be the Elven supremacist faction and the High Elven households. It's even possible that he is clearing away the competition so that your own child can step in and reunite everyone later on..."
Hearing Loki's words, Riveria's eyes opened wide in realization, causing her mouth to open and close slightly like a fish out of water. Now that she thought about it, that seemed to be the exact reasoning given how events were transpiring. The only problem with this was the fact that a large portion of her people were being 'sacrificed' for that purpose. War was something Riveria considered to be inevitable, but she didn't want to see the situation devolve to the point where her people started killing themselves only for her to step in and reap all the benefits. However, the more she thought about it, the more this seemed like the 'best' outcome. Realizing this made Riveria feel very bitter and, for one of the first times since she discovered that she was 'unsuited' to rule, Riveria hated being born as a High Elf...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn Mason, Luck Incarnate','The Power of Love...?','Elven Kingdom be Trippin...')
(A/N: This may be the only chapter for today since I'm going to stay with my family this afternoon so they can take me to the airport in the morning. I'll take my laptop with me and try to write another chapter or two, but there is no guarantee. I'll be in Arizona from the 8th to the 15th for work but I will still be releasing at least one chapter per day. This is also the time when I'll be opening up some discussion about the direction of the novel for the future and plotting things out for the next few worlds. Though I can't explain how it will happen yet, as that would be a spoiler, Vahn will be going to Nasuverse next. Negimaverse will be the third world but, unless people actually want to see a negimaverse fanfiction, Vahn won't spend more than 200 chapters in each world. If you have any good ideas for worlds that can be visited, go ahead and put them in the comments section. Upvote comments you agree with and I'll be making a list of the most popular results so people can vote on them later (UwU)~!) <-(p.atreon link)
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