When Vahn arrived at the Manor, he was greeted at the door by Fenrir in a light blue one-piece dress with pale pink bows tied in her hair right underneath her very large ears. Fenrir quickly moved forward and hugged Vahn around the waist as she said, "Welcome home, Vahn~! Come play with Fenrir!" Vahn briefly passed his perception over the Manor before saying, "Sure, that sounds like fun." Even though he wanted to ease his tensions with Tiona and Ais, Vahn could tell they were with several others and it would probably be awkward to try and 'invite' them away from the group. It was much easier to relax with Fenrir anyways, assuming she wasn't in a strange state like the previous incident.
Following the happy Fenrir, Vahn ended up in a room with Milan, Tina, Shizune, Preasia, Haruhime, and the twins, Emiru and Maemi. He could tell they had been studying previously, as there were several books spread out on the low tables they had set up as a mock classroom. Seeing Vahn's arrival, though they had expected he had returned due to Fenrir's behavior, all of the girls were pleasantly surprised and welcomed him to join their study session. It turned out that Fenrir had just wanted to 'show off' a bit and display how much progress she had made in her studies. Vahn knew she was trying to mature faster and it was a little sad because he knew Fenrir wouldn't always be the somewhat innocent little wolf girl that usually brought him comfort.
After seeing Fenrir's progress, Vahn heavily complimented her but also turned his attention to the previously illiterate Maemi and Emiru who had also made commendable progress. Toward the end of things, Vahn ended up surrounded by the cluster of girls while Fenrir sat in his lap and he read for the entire group. Milan was at his right, with Tina and Shizune clinging to her, while Haruhime and Preasia sat at his left. As for the twins, they were looming over Vahn's head somewhat since they were leaning over his shoulders from behind the sofa. Vahn was a little distracted by the situation, but he quickly regained his calm and spent nearly two hours reading a heroic tale to the group before Fenrir released a yawn and fell asleep leaning against his chest.
It wasn't really that late in the day, so it was somewhat uncharacteristic for Fenrir to sleep so early, especially considering she didn't actually require sleep at all. Usually, she only slept during the evenings when other people were sleeping, or when she was relaxing with Vahn and trying to keep him calm. This keyed Vahn in on the idea that Fenrir was trying to keep him for herself at the moment, or at least wanted to spend time with him. As he had been spending a lot of time with the other girls lately, especially during the evenings, Vahn had only been brushing her hair on occasion and helping wash her body in the bath. This typically ate up less than an hour of his day, so she was probably feeling lonely.
Deciding to pamper Fenrir a bit, Vahn closed the book and explained, "I think I'll take a short nap as well...I don't want to wake her if she is tired." This was Vahn's way of passively letting the girls know he was going to spend time with Fenrir, but it ended up turning into a situation where he napped with all the girls cuddled up with him instead. Even Milan, who had a playful smile on her face before she closed her eyes, had leaned her head against Vahn's shoulder as she hugged Shizune and Tina to her body. The only exceptions were Maemi and Emiru, as they had been standing behind the group, but it didn't stop them from placing cushions near Vahn's feet and cuddling up with each other as he did his best to 'pretend' this was normal.
Things continued in this comfortable, yet decidedly awkward, manner until Anubis arrived at the Manor around 5 PM. Emiru and Maemi needed to head to the kitchen to help prepare dinner, and Vahn wanted to stretch his legs after having sat down for so long. When Fenrir awoke, she released another yawn before nuzzling against Vahn one last time and saying, "Vahn is the best to Fenrir~." After scratching behind her ears for a bit, Vahn had Fenrir hop out of his lap and they all transitioned to the dining room where people generally congregated in the evenings.
When Vahn arrived, he saw something rather surprising as Ais had her hair styled up in a ponytail while Tiona and Tione had also changed their hairstyles and had obvious signs of makeup on their faces. He found out that they had been learning from Tsubaki and Syr how to apply makeup, even though Vahn never recalled either girl ever wearing any. Tiona had medium length hair with somewhat longer sideburns that came to an end in two golden ornaments. Now, however, her hair had two small tufts at the top like pigtails and she looked decidedly more youthful than previously. As for Tione, her sideburns were usually braided but now her entire hair was styled in a loose ponytail that came over her shoulder instead of hanging at the back of her head. It was a somewhat mature hairstyle that was accented by the fact he was curled slightly.
Vahn gave the girls ample compliments, even though he was very tempted to tease Tiona for how childish she looked currently. Though she had the obvious signs of maturity, especially around her legs and hips, her chest was very small and her hair, when it was styled up in short pigtails, made her look much younger than normal. Accented by the fact they were also wearing somewhat casual clothing, instead of their Amazon attire, she almost looked like a completely different person. If not for the fact she had clung to him, as was her 'normal' behavior, Vahn would have doubted they were the same person as the makeup also altered her facial features very slightly.
Unfortunately, their new styles didn't last long after Vahn brought up the idea of giving out massages so he could practice his skills further. Since he hadn't been able to spend time with Tiona and Ais earlier, Vahn started with them and helped restore their default appearances in the process as the sweat from their bodies had marred their makeup a bit after the fact...
Ais had always enjoyed Vahn's [Hands of Nirvana], but he noticed that she was now a lot more vocal about it and even released somewhat tantalizing moans during the process. Her previous responses were always stifled, or outright non-existent, even though her aura would always flare up and there would be a glimmer in her eyes. Now, however, she had taken the initiative to lay on her back and guided Vahn's hands across her body as she stared at him with passionate eyes and released labored breaths and sensuous moans that caused his brain to buzz. When the fifteen minutes had finished, Ais rose from the table and clung to his neck as she gave Vahn a passionate kiss before saying, "Thank you...it was very pleasant, Vahn."
If not for the fact there were other girls waiting, Vahn would have likely pushed Ais down on the spot because of the rising emotions in his body. Fortunately, Ais didn't take things much further and just wore the bathrobe that Vahn had given all the participants before leaving the room with a flushed face and a light smile on her lips. Tiona burst into the room shortly thereafter, accompanied by Tsubaki who was supposed to reign her in if she lost control. Vahn, seeing the beautiful brown-skinned girls realized that his self-control had been slipping greatly lately as he had a powerful urge rising up inside of him that he had to ease with his [Will of the Emperor].
Whenever he massaged Tiona, she always started off by laughing for a long period of time before her laughter ceased entirely and turned to soft moans that were generally very long and drawn out. Vahn couldn't 'forcibly' relax her body, as it would only make things stressful for her, so he had to give her a relatively normal massage while using his energy to stimulate her nerves in a gentle fashion that caused her body to vibrate slightly. Because of his [Petting] ability, she enjoyed it a lot more than in the past, however, and made sure Vahn was very aware of it since she started narrating half-way through about what parts of her body felt the best.
Following Tiona, Vahn gave a massage to Tione with Tsubaki watching curiously from the side once again, also with the intention of reigning in the Amazon if she lost control. When she stripped off her robe, Vahn noticed something that startled him somewhat and he couldn't help but swallow a bit of saliva as she climbed onto the table with her back facing upwards. It wasn't uncommon for the girls he gave a massage to, especially lately, to be completely nude during the process, however, Tione had done something Vahn hadn't expected at all and was wearing a very small pair of black panties that looked closer to a string than actual underwear. When she laid down on the table, Vahn could see the fabric arranged into a T-shape that disappeared into the crack between her two cheeks as if guiding the eye to follow.
After collecting himself, Vahn ignored the undergarments, at least on the outside, but he kept thinking about how he could improve upon his own designs in the future as he massaged Tione's back. Because she was still a 'maiden', Tione was able to relax greatly during the massage without releasing any 'sensual' moans. Of course, this didn't stop her from gasping out and giving subtle moans of pleasure as the procedure was incredibly relaxing. She had a lot of pent up stress, especially over the last few months, so Vahn's massage was very therapeutic for her. Once he was finished, she gave him a bashful look and said in a somewhat low voice, "Thanks..." before leaving the room relatively quickly.
Vahn followed her back with his eyes as Tsubaki walked over and stripped out of her own bathrobe and said, "Remember, Vahn, she is still being punished for her previous actions. If you feel bad for her, just get stronger even faster, okay? Now, lets hurry up and get started, I don't want to lose any of my own time because you're lost in thought!" Tsubaki smacked Vahn hard on the shoulder before climbing onto the massage table with her belly facing upwards. Vahn was distracted by the sight for a brief moment before asking, "You don't want me to massage your back?" Tsubaki gave him a cheeky look and said, "If I'm on my stomach, you'll probably just rub my butt until I can't even walk properly. This way, I can keep an eye on you and make sure you don't do anything strange when I'm not paying attention..."
Shaking his head, Vahn smiled and walked over to Tsubaki before rubbing his hand along her abdomen and making her take in a sharp breath of air. He now knew that the imprint above her womb completely protected the fetus that was continuing to develop inside of her body and, unless she completely ran out of mana to support the formation, there was no danger to it at all. This allowed Vahn to tease her a great deal because his own energy resonated with both her body, as well as the seal at the same time and greatly enhanced the amount of stimulation she felt. She might have made a comment about keeping an eye on him, but her actions also allowed Vahn to see her reactions because her face was clearly visible to him.
Tsubaki also seemed to realize this immediately after he started, but she didn't back down at all and just gnashed her teeth and released husky moans periodically when she ran out of breath. Vahn might not be able to rub her butt, but now he had to option of stimulating her breasts, abdomen, thighs, and calves. He avoided the 'danger zone' located between her inner thighs because he didn't want to get her scent covering his hands. Tsubaki was releasing a large volume of 'love nectar', and Vahn could smell its somewhat powerful aroma which made his brain buzz as a giddy feeling spread in his abdomen. He knew that tonight was going to be a 'rough' night and added Tsubaki to the list of girls he wanted to invite to stay with him. Just imagining her beautiful brown skin overlapped with the olive-brown skin of Anubis made his heart itch a great deal...
After Tsubaki left, Vahn ended up wiping down his hands with to mask the scent of her body since she had sweat a great deal during the procedure. Luckily, or perhaps not, the next 'group' that entered the room consisted of Milan, Tina, Shizune, and Fenrir. Because Vahn helped to wash their bodies in the afternoons, combined with the fact that he proclaimed his massage to not be sexual, he had agreed to let the youth troupe participate for the first time. Fenrir had received his massage before, back when it was just her, Hestia, and himself living in the Manor, but it was a first time for Tina and Shizune.
Even though he saw them naked often, Vahn had the girls wear thin clothing to cover their bodies during the massage since he wasn't going to do anything to stimulate their bodies like he did for the 'adult' women. He actually did his best to not use his palms at all and just gently pressed into their nerves to help ease the tensions in their bodies. Because they were young, they actually didn't have any real knots or sores in their bodies, except for some sequelae from training so hard in the mornings.
Tina had been the first up and she had been very flustered as she peeled off her bathrobe and revealed her vanilla colored blouse and a pair of black spats. When she was ready, she bowed to Vahn and squeaked, "T-t-t-thank you f-for letting me participate, Vahnya~!" Vahn felt his tensions calm down a lot because of Tina's behavior and showed a small smile before helping her climb onto the table since she was too small to be able to do so herself. Though she had entered her growth phase, Tina was only around 118cm tall and the height of the table came to her chest.
Just like when he had given a massage to Lili in the past, Vahn couldn't help but be surprised with how small Tina's body was when she was laying on her stomach. Her chestnut tail was twitching about furiously every time he touched her body until it eventually lost strength and drooped down 'pitifully' as she released quiet mewling sounds that were characteristic of all the Cat Persons Vahn had ever given massages to in the past. Tina's, however, were decidedly more adorable because of how innocent each of her reactions were. Throughout the entire process, she tightly gripped the sides of the table with her eyes closed and she did her best to stay quiet as the blush from her face slowly crept down her back as even her shoulders began to turn red.
Even though he had gone very easy on her, Tina was completely powerless by the end of the fifteen minutes and had completely fallen asleep soon after the procedure ended. Milan carried her body and giggled playfully at Vahn before saying, "I'll put off my on session until a later date; make sure to treat me well when the time comes, fufufu~." Because Milan was going to take Tina to their room to rest, Vahn ended up refusing to give a massage to the 'mischevious' Shizune because, even though he had told them to wear appropriate clothing, she had stripped down into a pair of pure white panties without a top at all so Vahn 'booted' her out and sent both her and Fenrir back to Milan. Fenrir knew she could get Vahn to give her a massage in the future, just like Milan, so she 'escorted' the troublemaking Shizune to their room like a prison warden as the Kitsune girl's ears hung low on her head and her tail fluffy tail drooped sadly in between the slit at the back of her robe.
Coincidentally, the time he had spent with the youth troupe made Vahn calm down a lot and he now had a desire to sleep 'peacefully' instead of spending the night with the other girls. Since he had already asked Anubis to come over and had even invited Tsubaki, however, Vahn would allow things to progress naturally. Of course, if possible, he would see if they could all just cuddle up together without doing anything strenuous at all. He hadn't invited the 'key' player yet, which was Syr, so there was a chance he could just spend the night sandwiched by the two very mature women and simply relax the night away in a blissful state.
The youth troupe had been the last bunch for the evening, as Vahn had divided the group into two, so he spent the extra time he had been awarded relaxing in the bath with the other girls. Anubis had washed his back as he made casual conversation with Syr and Ryuu while washing Hestia's long black hair with an expert-level of care. Afterward, deciding it was better to spend some of his evenings relaxing, Vahn retired to his room with Anubis, Tsubaki, and Hestia. Syr seemed to have suspected something, but she didn't say anything at all and Vahn was able to easily convince the three busty women, which consisted of two goddesses, to simply cuddle in peace.
Anubis's ears drooped for a very brief moment, but she quickly recovered with a smile when Vahn promised to escort her back to her residence early in the morning. Hestia and Tsubaki hadn't had any problems at all with the arrangement so Vahn ended up being sandwiched by two beautiful brown-skinned women while the petite and inexplicably beautiful Hestia slept on his stomach. Since all three girls had relatively large breasts, Vahn felt like he was being surrounded by plush marshmallows as he enjoyed the varying body temperatures of the three loveable women after he kissed them all good night...
(A/N: Happy Holidays~! I hope everyone is having a great time ^_^)
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Interception~!','Vahn's inspiration','Plush Embrace')
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(A/N: Somewhat NSFW~? Sorry for my absence over the last 16 hours or so, I was fishing with my 70-year-old father yesterday evening~)
On the edge of consciousness, Vahn could feel a powerful aura enveloping his body and a strong pressure combined with an inordinately fierce suction enveloping his penis. The moment he came into awareness, Vahn felt a pleasurable sensation run up his back as, for what felt like the first time in his life, he was brought to ejaculate unaware of the situation. Opening his eyes, Vahn's widened because he was no longer in his own bed and there was a girl he had never seen before with her lips against his pelvis after somehow fitting the entirety of his length into her throat. She had pale blue hair and was staring up at him with a pair of golden eyes that shone with a playful glint as she pulled her head away from his crotch.
Vahn could see her throat 'deflate' as the incredulous sight of his own member being revealed from her lips occurred before his very eyes. It wasn't the first time someone had put his penis in their mouth, as Hestia, Chloe, and Loki had all done so in the past, but it was the first time he had seen anyone take his full length. Vahn had no idea how she was able to do so without choking, but his question was brought to silence when she stuck out or tongue before swallowing the remnants still contained within her mouth and said, "Thanks for the meal~!" Then, before Vahn was able to make sense of what was going on, the girl tried to climb up into his lap and he was able to see her clearly for the first time.
The moment Vahn saw her actual body, he felt a terrifying feeling well up inside him since she looked closer to a young girl than a woman. The strange pale-blue haired girl was only around 130cm tall and looked very petite with her slim figure, breasts small enough to fit in the cusp of a person's hand, and a completely smooth slit that was somewhat puffy with a dangerous sheen of liquid tracing its way slowly down her thighs. When he reached out his hands to her shoulders, the girl gave him a pouty look while Vahn suddenly became distracted by his own body for a brief moment. He could tell that his hands were much larger than normal and he was wearing intricately designed red bracers that were more complex than anything he had ever seen before.
Then, as if refusing to give him any time to comprehend the situation, a massive set of doors slowly began to open in the distance, nearly 500m away, and the small girl in his hands showed a startled expression before inexplicably disappearing into a puff of blue dust and light. Vahn's hands drooped now that he wasn't pressing against something and he saw the 20m tall ornate doors opening slightly as a familiar face appeared which eased his heart somewhat. Though her disposition had changed, Vahn could tell it was the same goddess he had come to love in the past, Hephaestus. She was attired in a beautiful red dress that Vahn could tell was a greater masterpiece than anything he would be able to forge. On her wrists, and around her neck, there were beautiful golden accessories that radiated with magical power and Vahn felt like her current appearance was reminiscent of a queen as she walked toward him with confident steps and an awe-inspiring aura.
Because the distance was precisely 500m, it would take her a short while to reach him and Vahn used the time to get his bearings and look around at the unknown room he found himself in. He hadn't noticed it earlier, but he was in a massive circular chamber sitting on a large ornate throne that served as the heart of the gigantic formation that flowed throughout the entire room. Using his [Eyes of Truth], Vahn could see that the formation extended far beyond the confines of the room and noticed this was something he shouldn't be able to confirm at all. His maximum range of the skill should be around 475m, but he was easily able to see beyond the 500m confines of the room and far beyond...
The biggest change, however, had been in his own body and this made Vahn even more confused since his figure should never change unless he wills it to. He was currently 180cm tall and his muscles were far more developed than they had been in the past. Other than an intricately designed robe, and various accessories, the only thing he was wearing was a pair of red protectors that covered the backs of his forearms. Because of this, Vahn could tell that his skin was somewhat fair compared to the healthy brown of the past so he rose from his throne and set out a large mirror to see the rest of his figure.
Other than his glowing aquamarine eyes, Vahn felt like he was looking at a stranger, even though a part of his mind told him this was indeed him. He had ashen-black hair that extended near his shoulders and was swept back like a black lions mane. Vahn thought it looked kind of cool, but he was too distracted by the long ears growing out of his head to mind his hairstyle too much. Checking his status, Vahn felt a bit of dread, confusion, and relief, because he could easily access The Path and confirm that his race was currently 'Progenitus'. The fact that he could access The Path allowed Vahn to know this wasn't a dream, a terrifying thing to be sure, but it also brought him relief knowing he wasn't completely out of his element. To ease his mind ever further, Vahn called out within his own mind, ("Sis, what is going on here?")
Several seconds passed in silence and Vahn felt a powerful sense of dread pass over him before the sound of Hephaestus' voice stirred him awake, "Vahn, is everything okay? You're behaving strangely..." Turning her head down, Hephaestus saw Vahn's standing member and a scowl appeared on her face as she asked, "Was it that little brat again? Oh, when I get my hands on her later!" Vahn had so many questions right now, but the first thing he asked was, "Who...?" Hephaestus heard his words and cocked her head to the side in confusion as she asked, "Was Lenneth not here...or are you trying to cover for her?" Releasing a long sigh, Hephaestus gave Vahn a blaming look and said, "If you continue spoiling her so much she will just keep getting worse, Vahn. You need to discipline her more..."
Without explaining anything else, Hephaestus pressed against two emeralds on her dress and the entire thing turned into wisps of flame as the garment receded back into the necklace around her neck. Vahn saw Hephaestus' nude figure as she walked forward and placed her hands against his bare chest and looked up at him with enamored eyes and said, "Instead of worrying about little girls, why not play with this small Empress every now and then...?" Vahn had habitually put his hands around Hephaestus' back and was staring down at her as he tried to make sense of the situation.
The fact that she called herself a 'small empress' was a clue and, combined with the fact that he seemed to be in a throne room, he somewhat assumed he was her 'Emperor'. Though he desperately wanted to confirm what was going on, Hephaestus had expertly lifted her leg against his body while using his shoulders as support before deftly lowering her hips and releasing a hot sigh against his chest. In what sounded like teasing, intermixed with a bit of blame, Hephaestus kissed the base of his neck and said, "Fuuuu, it feels like it's been so long...you're always so busy these days...let me keep you to myself for a short while, okay~?"
Though he didn't mind carrying her body, Vahn backstepped before sitting in what he presumed was his throne so that Hephaestus could move more freely. She gave him a grateful look and began to move her hips in a skilled manner, unlike anything Vahn had ever experienced from her before. Vahn felt her insides were very familiar, but her techniques had increased greatly and she also skillfully attacked her own weak spots without him having made any efforts. Unwilling to be 'left out', however, Vahn began tracing his hands around Hephaestus' back and started kissing her. For a brief moment, she showed a shocked expression before a few tears streamed from the corner of her eyes.
Vahn felt a bit of grief in his heart when he saw her tears as, even though he could tell she was happy, it felt like Hephaestus was blaming him somehow. It was almost like he hadn't shown her any affection in a very long time and she was both happy and sad at the same time. Another thing that Vahn noticed was that his [Hands of Nirvana] was behaving differently and Hephaestus squirmed about at just the briefest touch. Her earlier efforts turned into an eagerness that made Vahn feel somewhat terrified as she spun her hips quickly and grasped both sides of his face as she kissed him with a skill that dwarfed his own. Not too long after they began, Vahn felt the urge to release once again and placed his hands firmly against Hephaestus' hips before lowering her down and doing so deep within her.
Hephaestus' eyes opened widely and, the moment he ejaculated inside of her, she arched back and shouted so loudly that it echoed around the chamber for several seconds after, "Thank yoooooooou, Vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn~!" Hephaestus gripped his arms tightly as powerful reverberations wracked her body and she gasped loudly before leaning forward and tucking her face into his chest. She placed her arms loosely around his hips and began to cry as she kept muttering, "Thank you...thank you...thank you..." Vahn had no idea why she was behaving this way, but it made his heart twist painfully in his chest so he embraced her tightly against him and asked, "Why are you thanking me, Hephaestus...?"
As Vahn spoke, he noticed something that made his heart tremble as he had looked into her body with his [Eyes of Truth] for a brief moment and noticed that she was no longer pregnant. Before he could ask what had happened, Hephaestus lifted her tear-stained face and kissed him passionately once again before giggling and pulling away nearly a full minute later. She gently passed her fingers through his hair and muttered, "Maybe I'll need to thank Lenneth later...she seems to have confused you a bit...? It's been more than three years since you decided to release inside of me, so I was very grateful...if you don't want another child, I'll go visit Eos and get it removed..." Vahn blinked in confusion when Hephaestus mentioned 'three years' and he knew things had changed far more than he expected. To hide his expression from her, Vahn pulled Hephaestus close and muttered, "Let's have another child..." as he looked into his system and inspected his status in detail for the first time.
Name: [Vahn Mason]
Age: 37
Race: Progenitor, *sealed*
Parameter: [Danmachi: 1-4]
-Power: 7709+(B888)
-Endurance: 8318+(B807)
-Dexterity: 7516+(C753)
-Agility: 7906+(C766)
-Magic: 16104+(SSS1112)
Soul Tier: 4 (Divine Soul)
[Karma]: 9,713,802
[OP]: 9,617,446,007
[Valis]: 12,229,557,479,885,940
Skills: [Will of the Emperor:SSS], [Rakshasa Body:B], [Keeper of the Akashic Tome:A], [Eyes of Truth:B],[Bow Mastery:S], [Stealth:S], [Chainbreaker:SS], [Heart of the Eternal Flame:SS], [Prometheus:S], [Call of the Reaper:SSS],[Yggdrasil's Favor:S], [Veil of the Traveler: S], [Featherfoot:SS], [Hands of Nirvana:SS], [Metallurgy:B], [Fist Strike:B], [Friend of Spirits:S], [Sower of Life:S]
Magic: [Thria*Mimos:S], [Shundo:SS], [Void Movement:SSS], [Magia Erebea:SSS], [Heaven's Fall:SSS], [Throne:SSS], [Spear of Heaven:SS], [Abyss of Despair:SS]
Development Skills: [Wound Transfer:SS], [Well of Spirit:A], [Master Swordsman:A], [Master Smith:A], [Alchemist:A], [Sage:B], [Godhand:B], [Master Aesthetician:C], [Arch Mage:A]
Vahn couldn't form any thoughts for a very long time as he continued to stroke Hephaestus' hair as she sobbed happily against his chest. When Hephaestus had mentioned three years passing, Vahn wasn't too worried, as he had slowly been trying to prepare his mind to live forever, but the fact that twenty-two years had passed made him blank for a long while. He had initially dreaded that Hephaestus might have somehow lost their child, but it now seemed like his children had probably grown up already. This entire situation was outside of his expectation so he just sat stroking Hephaestus while continually calling out to Sis, who still seemed to be missing from his mind.
As she could feel his body shaking, Hephaestus eventually looked up and saw Vahn's expression before showing a face of profound confusion of her own. The Vahn she knew was a stoic man who was unshakeable in his resolve as he conquered his enemies without a moment's hesitation. Now, however, the man she had loved for decades seemed to have vanished entirely, almost like he had been replaced by a different person. He was a lot like when she had first met him in the past, almost like he had no idea how the world worked and needed someone to help guide him forward so he wouldn't be lost against the flow of time. Reaching her hand up and stroking his mortified face, Hephaestus asked in a gentle tone, "Vahn...tell me what's wrong, please. I will always do my best to help you..."
Placing his hand overtop Hephaestus', Vahn felt slightly at ease as he saw the love and compassion contained within her red-crimson eyes. Just as he had done in the past, Vahn decided to speak the truth to her so he explained, "I'm not sure what happened, Hephaestus...it seems like I've lost all my memories for the last twenty-two years...the last thing I remember is falling asleep surrounded by Tsubaki, Anubis, and Hestia...everything after that is a completely blank." Hephaestus blinked several times in confusion before placing her hand over Vahn's heart and confirming he was indeed the same Vahn she knew. If what he said was true, which she could somewhat infer by his 'honest' expression, it meant that he didn't remember anything since before their wedding night...
With a bit of worry and trepidation, Hephaestus asked, "So you forgot everything...even our children?" Vahn blinked in confusion and was about to say something but Hephaestus released a long sigh and answered his unasked question, "We have three children...two daughters, and one son. They are named Ina, Vana, and Egan...you also have several children with your other wives..." Hephaestus released a long sigh before affectionately stroking Vahn's confused face and climbing off of his lap. She felt a little lonely having separated from him, but she knew this matter was very serious and she couldn't handle it on her own.
Pressing the emerald around her neck, flames wreathed Hephaestus' body and her beautiful dress reappeared once again. Seeing Vahn's intrigue, Hephaestus showed a teasing smile and said, "You made this dress, you know~?" Vahn's eyes widened and he asked in a disbelieving voice, "I...made that dress...?" Hephaestus laughed at his very innocent reaction and a profound warmth spread throughout her chest. Vahn's reactions were a lot 'fresher' than his typically serious personality and she felt like she had stepped back in time more than twenty years all of a sudden. She now understood why he showed her so much affection when they were having sex and even willingly allowed her to get pregnant once again. With a glimmer in her eyes, Hephaestus said, "Everything around us is something you either designed or constructed yourself...I'm sure you'll be very surprised~. I'll make sure to show you around later...for now, I'll summon someone that can help make sense of this situation and potentially help recover your memories..."
Seeing Hephaestus begin to walk away, Vahn felt uneasy so he reached out and her body was actually pulled to him in an instant. Though she was confused for a moment, Hephaestus smiled lovingly before kissing Vahn once again and saying, "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere Vahn. Even though things haven't always been easy, I've never truly left your side for even a moment..." As if realizing something, Hephaestus showed a conflicted expression before her smile reappeared and she said, "I'll arrange an audience with everyone that can help...and I'll show you something that will hopefully stir your memories later. For now..." Hephaestus reached out at the side of Vahn's throne and pressed a midnight blue gemstone that made a loud mechanical sound pass through the floor.
Vahn hadn't noticed it earlier, but there was a massive motif of a wolf in front of his throne that was nearly 20m in diameter. When Hephaestus pressed the gemstone, the floor began to open in a spiral as a large platform lifted up from the darkness. Vahn could feel an incredible amount of pressure spreading through the atmosphere before his own [Will of the Emperor] shattered it completely. After several seconds of silence, excluding the loud mechanical sounds, the platform reached the same level as Vahn's throne room and he saw something that both terrified him and made him feel relieved at the same time.
Fenrir was wrapped up in resplendent silver chains and was crouched down on the floor staring towards them with her fiercely glowing scarlet eyes. When the platform came to a stop, she pawed something on the floor that loosened the bindings on her body, but didn't remove them, and she rose to her feet wearing a strange skin-tight outfit Vahn had never seen before. He could sense a ridiculous amount of power radiating from her body as she tilted her head to the side and asked in an eager and clear voice, "Master, why have you awakened me? Do you require my assistance?"
Vahn was completely caught off guard by how eloquently Fenrir spoke and how 'majestic' her demeanor was even though she was wrapped in silver chains. Unable to answer for himself, Hephaestus released a chuckle and explained, "Fenrir, your Master has amnesia and has lost his memories for the last twenty-two years. Can you protect him for me while I gather the council?" Fenrir cocked her head to the other side and asked, "Amnesia...? That is troublesome...very well, I will do my best and protect Master. After all, it is my duty, no, my honor..." Fenrir had a fervent look in her eyes and kneeled down towards Vahn as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Vahn felt saddened by her actions and she seemed to immediately realize it as she lifted her head with clear concern on her face.
Hephaestus, realizing her misunderstanding, said in a gentle tone towards the incredibly loyal wolf girl, "Vahn doesn't remember all of the vows you have taken, Fenrir, he just remembers the time when you used to behave very spoiled back at the Manor. For now, so that Vahn's heart and mind can be at ease, why don't you get him to spoil you for a little while~?" Fenrir's eyes opened wide and the scarlet glow increased in intensity as the chains coiling around her body sparkled with a magical light. After several seconds of silence, she tilted her head and asked in an adorable manner, "Master will spoil Fenrir~?" Vahn, awakened by her words, nodded his head with a gentle smile on his face and said, "Fenrir is a good girl...I'll spoil you as much as you want."
For a brief moment, when Vahn said Fenrir was a 'good girl', she flinched slightly but didn't break character as she quickly drew a complex pattern of runes on the platform 'sealing' her away. Hephaestus ruffled Vahn's hair before kissing him on the forehead and saying, "I'll be back shortly, Vahn. Play with Fenrir for a bit...she has been pretty lonely in the last couple of years..." Vahn really wanted to know exactly what had happened in the past, but he decided to trust Hephaestus' judgment and allow her to summon the so-called 'council'. She seemed to believe they would be able to help and Vahn knew she had a better grasp of the situation than he did. For now, he just focused on the runes Fenrir was carving as Hephaestus quickly walked toward the same doors she had entered through previously.
Nearly three minutes later, Fenrir finished drawing a giant magic circle that covered her entire platform and caused the chains to loosen once again, this time releasing her completely. She released a long sigh before turning her attention back to Vahn and smiling in a natural manner. Because he had never seen her manage a real smile, Vahn was very surprised and even more so when she started laughing playfully before bounding over to him happily. As he was sitting down, Fenrir immediately tried to hop up into his lap and Vahn remembered that he wasn't wearing pants at all so he quickly equipped a random pair from his inventory. Fenrir sat down in his lap before showing a curious expression and rubbing her butt against his member and saying, "Ah, you forgot that as well..."
Though he didn't want to believe it, Vahn asked hesitantly, "Did we...?" Fenrir nodded her head in a complacent manner before hugging Vahn and saying, "Vahn is the best to Fenrir...even when she was a bad girl..." As she was hugging him, Fenrir began to smell around his body before a scowl appeared on her face and she said, "Lenneth...Master needs to be careful...no, Fenrir will protect you until you remember things clearly." Hearing the same name once again, Vahn began to form his question as a powerful fear welled up inside of him, "Who is...Lenneth?" Fenrir blinked in confusion for a moment before a flustered expression appeared on her face and she said in a hesitant manner mirroring his own, "She is...Freya's daughter...?"
(A/N: Once again, sorry for posting this somewhat late. There will be a few more chapters today to help clear up the confusion that was caused by this chapter (UwU)~!)
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Story just got deep...kappa','What the fuck? Twenty-two years!?','Freya's Daughter...')
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