Synopsis: In the bustling world of heroes and monsters, a tale unfolds that delves into the life of Kazuki Tatsumaki, the younger brother of the formidable hero, Tatsumaki. Despite being born into a family of extraordinary powers, Kazuki leads an ordinary life, navigating the challenges of a world filled with superhuman beings. As Kazuki witnesses the awe-inspiring feats of his sister, Tatsumaki, he longs to find his own place in the Hero Association. Determined to contribute to society, he harnesses his intelligence and resourcefulness, becoming a strategic thinker and a vital asset behind the scenes. While Tatsumaki battles against powerful adversaries, Kazuki supports her from the shadows, analyzing situations and providing critical insights. Though Is he truly powerless as they said? Watch his journey as he destroys his adversaries and supporting her sisters behind the scenes.
Reincarnated into the world of Naruto, equipped with an OPM System, and ascending to boundless strength! Hinata: "Tenku-kun, bad guys are coming." Boom! A dark hole showed up outside Konoha! Tenku: "Okay, go back and clean my clothes!" "Whoa!" ... During the Fourth Ninja War, Uchiha Madara thwarted the ninja alliance single-handedly. Sporting a grin, he unleashed the might of a god, summoning a meteor. In a sudden blur, a silhouette dashed past, shattering the meteor, causing Uchiha Madara's grin to freeze! [Disclaimer] This is an edited version not the original. Credits to the OG Author: 火影世界的一拳超人
The only man to ever truly explore, to embrace the spirit of The Explorer Institute, found out about the monsters running it behind the scenes with his mastery of Zing-Zang and Uri he craved for change in the authority of the institute but as he planned his strike against the organisation he was cast from the planet roaming around the vast cosmos. Before he left he had instilled hope in his child, Phineas Thobert. This is his Story. In a world, neverending, the possibilities are endless.
Join Saitama and the other side characters of OPM as they go on a spontaneous journey through the randomness of their world. This is OPM Oneshots, an ongoing collection of unique flash fiction stories that revolve around the characters and world of OPM. I will be constantly uploading new and funny oneshots to this collections. I repeat, this story will stay on "Ongoing". So feel free to come back every week or so to read a new OPM oneshot!
You can never be too overpowered. Read on as Hazuki experiences life in Naruto with Saitama's powerset. This is an mtl novel I picked up and am converting to something readable. Sorry if it comes across as a little clunky at times but I'm trying my best Any support you offer is appreciated.
Hello there! Imagine if you are reincarnated in marvel multiverse as a beyonder,what will you do? Wanna follow scrip or be whinny ass chic who follow trashy young master trop! behold!!! Also"Mc has accompanied with a classic OP system" OP MC,MASSIVE HAREM,WORLD TRAVEL,VILLAIN