This book follows the story of a kpop idol and an actor who through unexpected twists and turns are thrust together. They both develop an unexpected bond that later turns into something more, love. This story will delve into how they handle themselves and those around them as they navigate through the treacherous world of the cut throat entertainment industry. *** THIS IS NOT MEANT TO DEPICT ANYONE OR INSPIRED BY ANY PERSON IT IS PURELY MY IMAGINATION. THERE MAY BE DISTURBING SCENES I WILL PLACE A TRIGGER WARNING AT THE TOP OF THE CHAPTER AND BEFORE THE SCENE. **** IF YOU LIKE THE BOOK PLEASE SHARE AND LIKE I DID WRITE SOME BOOKS BUT THIS IS THE FIRST ONE I AM ACTUALLY UPLOADING SO COMMENTS ON HOW TO IMPROVE ON ANYTHING WOULD BE HIGHLY APPRECIATED. *I apologise in advance for any mistakes I might have missed ♡ THANK YOUShun, a young man of privilege and remarkable talent, resides in a world of affluence. Despite being surrounded by friends and material possessions, he experiences a profound emptiness. In his quest to find fulfillment, he tries various methods, but nothing proves effective until he uncovers his true sense of self. This revelation transforms everything for him and uncovers a few secrets.
Camilla Parker never stutters when she hits strangers, but not when he's a 6" 2 hot new devil wanting directions to the Principal's office. Three weeks is all it takes for Jake Greene ; hot, smart and handsome to mark his stand at Hamilton High but not enough to send the apple of his eye falling his direction. What happens when the two are thrust into a bunch of team building exercises and numerous study sessions? Sparks are doomed to fly and hearts bound to flutter. But when feelings are shoved aside and friendships pushed in things start spiralling out of control, and that's all it takes for Camilla to fall Jay's way without caring where she'd land. Who knows,the sweetest couples tell the wackiest stories.
Melissa left an abusive marriage and found Zach, the love she never even believed could exist. All was going well until one fateful day when their lives were changed forever. That one day set them on a destructive path that included drugs, sex, crime, betrayal, homelessness, and hitting rock bottom- While mental illness directed the show. Melissa and Zach were a mess, and they were under the control of a mechanic shop owner, Bo, who was part of the Hells Angels. Bo kept the unwitting couple doped up; it made them complacent and willing to do his dirty deeds. Melissa and Zach reached a turning point when their withdrawals caused them to become physical with each other. Things had to change, but change was hard, and nobody around them wanted them to change. Is this a story of a couple spiraling into the pit of addiction and never returning, or is it a story of redemption and Karma? It could go either way; I know it is a story of adventure, betrayal, deception, and lies. Everywhere you look, people are smiling and reaching out their hands. Be careful, though. That hand could be filled with poison.