This mf...
"No, no..." Fudge replied, his voice trembling slightly. "The Dark Lord died eleven years ago at Godric's Hollow. He was defeated—killed—by Harry Potter. This is just an ordinary Dark wizard. Quirinus Quirrell, the Dark wizard you accuse, should be... well..."
Book&Literature · Dragonel23
Yup, a person said about it not making sense and that it was just there for the wordcount lol. He got likes too
What Kasen meant:- The Dog has 3 Heads. It can easily eat 3 people. It will then split the 4th person so that each head has its share.
Book&Literature · Dragonel23
"In any way that falls within your moral boundaries."
Book&Literature · Dragonel23
The first note read: "Hermione~ the cutest and most beautiful Hermione."
Book&Literature · Dragonel23
Ha! And she is so stupid in your thoughts that she couldn't understand that he's talking about muggle technology and does 2+2 and tells him about the only think she knows about mughle tech.. or do you not have any grandparents?
Professor McGonagall didn't know much about TVs, refrigerators, or computers, but she was familiar with telephones.
Book&Literature · HornyFBI
He sees other kids with their loving and carryng parents, he misses that
I miss you, Mom and Dad.
Succubus System At Hogwarts
Book&Literature · Dragonel23