Webnovel Author: Sycore_w - Fanfic Collection



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Writer of novels. My contact email is - sycore.w@gmail.com

2024-04-16 Joint Ukraine

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Moments 278


...With Lord Hokage, Master Jiraiya, Lady Tsunade and young master Fujin... Am I the only one who read it that way?

"That's right! With Lord Hokage, Master Jiraiya, Lady Tsunade and young Fujin, we can fight all four enemy Kage at the same time! And, don't forget that we still have the Copy Ninja Kakashi!"

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

Replied to Neo_Night

Other abilities will 'unlock' later on in the story. The whole story is not about the time-control powers I'm afraid, at least not on this early stage of the story.

Did she really come here to warn me about Danzo? Why would she do that? She wants me to be careful? Is that what it is? It's not like me being careful can save us, at least not in her opinion as she doesn't know my true capabilities of course. No, she is probably up to something, maybe she has a plan on how deal with Danzo? That is just a wishful thinking, besides she was correct, I can't really trust her, but with my time-travel cheat it not really matters, as the trust can be substituted with emergency time-travel anyway, right?'

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to Swone56

The idea is interesting but I don't think that possible. It's specifically mentioned in the original story that balance between this three energies must be achieved for creating senjutsu chakra. I also believe that this is the entire reason Orochimaru was unable to obtain it, as when he started to switch bodies, his Yang/Physical energy becomes much weaker than Yin/Spiritual one and he was unable to establish said balance.

[AN: What Hikari is up to? Will Danzo really stop targeting the team-two? When Shisui will finally come to the picture? Could the Uchiha clan actually be saved? Is Hikari from the Root or is she also a reincarnator or something completely different? Will Yuta be able to learn Sage Mode with his disbalance of Physical and Spiritual energies? Will Yuta find a way to acquire bloodlines and finally gets the famous red eyes, or would it be white eyes, maybe both? Will Yuta be able to travel 1k years into the past and meet Hagoromo?

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to MkGod

Well, I think it's because nothing like that ever mentioned in the original story hence sound foreign in the Naruto world background. I will just replace it by mentioning things like "That Jonin is strong..." or "...despite they have a Chunin level chakra, they are quite weak...". I think that would be more fitting in the Naruto fanfiction after all, I'm not removing the mentions of the power level, just changing it. I hope that make sense.

[AN: I previously used terms like low- mid- high-Chunin level and so on, but some people mentioned in comments that they didn't like that. I have an idea to just use the canon terms like Chunin/Jonin and just mention the strength differences between shinobi in the same rank instead, I will be keeping the low-mid-high stuff in my mind and in my power ranks calculations, but in the text, I will only mention the general rank, like Chunin, Jonin etc. from now on. I would like to hear more opinions on this matter.

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to Kamikaze_Eagle

Well, he isn't sure if he noticed it or not, that happens. If this thing used often in other stories then it only means that this is the commonly used tool for the authors to convey something to the reader without making the MC to look like a robot that is 100% sharp, smart and didn't make any mistakes ever.

Hikari noticed that Yuta was looking at her and she looked back, some dangerous glint flashed in her eyes, but the next moment she appeared as her usual self as if nothing happened and Yuta started to think if that was just his imagination or something.

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to SkyDevil

Why do you think so? I'm not saying if it false or true, just asking...

[AN: Thank goodness this mission is over, I'm quite exhausted writing those fights to be honest, and it took more chapters than I thought it would, but I hope you enjoyed it. I think it is time to speed up things a little and fast forward a year or two and finally deal with Danzo. Will Yuta be able to murder that bastard for good? Will see soon enough…

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to Mohd_Naved_6143

And learning and mastering new jutsus is not an experience? I'd say this type of experience is on the second place right after the actual combat.

'A way to increase the spiritual energy is to practicing ninjutsu and getting experience, something like that should work if I remember things correctly. But that is for the future, I can't practice ninjutsu before the academy.' 

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to Gord_2625

He still cant, the new things will unlock later on, it's only time-travel back in time with a soul for the time being

But If you really upset that much by Yuta's insufficient power level and even calling him 'trash', then I only can recommend for you to read some other naruto fanfics where the tag 'weaktostrong' are replaced by 'wishfulfilment' or 'overpowered' or something like that, sorry that my fanfic are not to your taste. Thanks for reading this far though.

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to Vastoking

The Iwa dude using a some sort of stone-skin jutsu there

'Damned, what a freaking tank, is he still considered a shinobi at this point? All my tricks are meaningless in front of this amount of raw power and defense…' Yuta thought while taking a position beside the chakra suppression seal trap to be ready to activate it and reinforce it with his chakra, his last hidden shadow clone doing the same on the other side of the trap.

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to MkGod

Why not? Besides obvious moral reasons there is also a good opportunity to gain many jutsu through Itachi in the future

'But I can't just tell Itachi about the future events to convince him just like that, can I? Or maybe I can… Will Itachi believe me if I tell him about the future? If I tell him about something that only he can know then maybe he will…'

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

Replied to KILLER_Pineapple

Good point, but since when do people actually become logical? He want's to live as long as he wants, being not limited by lifespan or some hostile strong person that might kill him, at the same time he is not ready to part with his humanity. That overall thing might look not logical but what about it? It's not like logic can stop everyone from doing stuff

[AN: It's not that MC is too restricted by his morals, he is just afraid that he would lose his humanity and starts treating everyone else as NPC's. It's too easy for someone with that ability to slip and become evil, killing people left and right with excuse that he would time travel and make everything like it's never happened.

Naruto: Time Traveler

Naruto: Time Traveler

Anime & Comics · Sycore_w

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