Lol Nah it was just one of those moments my brain stopped working for a second, Imma fix it.
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Anime & Comics · ReyKale
Ye, OPM despite the comical take has a pretty cool power system to work with. And if you want to look in a way, Yukari here is her own 'Limiter', which is something that she is slowly learning more and more about as a result expanding her own 'Limiter'. Obviously it doesn't work like that, but it's a fun way to think of this version we have. ^^
Obviously, Yukari knew very well the man besides herself should be kept as an ally and never ever be led to step in the territory of enemies. She wasn't stupid enough to just die because of a rookie mistake as provoking a God Class being. - ' Screw the God class… He is blessed with the ability to easily overcome those too…'
Anime & Comics · ReyKale
I blame that one on auto corrector.
" We still don't have any information where Dr. Genius' whereabouts may be… This situation may scale to a bigger degree than we first anticipated, so perhaps it's time to ask Section 6 for that favor they owe us… Haaah…."
Anime & Comics · ReyKale
[AN: Give props to Rey for drawing this SICK art of Yin's Dragon form. Also lemme know if you 'spot' anything interesting in the art. ;)]
Anime & Comics · Saeko_Kaburagi
●●● Mumei's Momentary Drip ●●●
Anime & Comics · ReyKale
Needed a hero 'desguise' that wasn't a disguise, and since she 'borrowed' road construction materials, why not just give her a cone.
●●● 'Hero's Pic in here ●●●
Anime & Comics · ReyKale
●●● 'Hero's Pic in here ●●●
Anime & Comics · ReyKale
Ey~ Not my Art, btw.
●●● 'Hero's Pic in here ●●●
Anime & Comics · ReyKale
Dang, a whole clip dump.
Died as a robber in a failed attempt of assault, with nine shots fired at his body.
Gap Demon
Anime & Comics · ReyKale