Low EQ interpretation: She's got quite the filthy mouth.
Anime & Comics · GodDragcell
alt interpretstion: she could demolish an e sports team with her words alone.
High EQ interpretation: This kid could try her luck in the verbal battlegrounds of a competitive online game.
Anime & Comics · GodDragcell
mincinno a certified xbox live player in their past life. GAMER.
For a Pokémon with such a cute appearance, who would've guessed she had… such "vocabulary."
Anime & Comics · GodDragcell
"we gone get diabolical"
To this, Buneary seemed to reply, When a girl sees what she wants, she strikes first! Come on, join me—you wouldn't want to lose sight of me, would you?
Anime & Comics · GodDragcell
could be a lotad
What did "walks on two legs like you but has a green head" even mean?
Anime & Comics · GodDragcell
Chapter 1: Starting My Life as a Farmer
Anime & Comics · GodDragcell
makes sense now. tftc
Under the terrified gazes of Jack and the others, Guy roared the name of his attack:
Anime & Comics · INeedRest
Night Guy, new technique or something? or is it mispelling of Might Guy
Chapter 396: Night Guy
Anime & Comics · INeedRest
i like it but under the context of what happened before/at the start of the first chapter makes it hard unless i go back on my decision or....i have an idea. watch and wait
Its brain: "...Program not responding."
Pokemon: Farm Story
Anime & Comics · GodDragcell