solo hatsune
I have a quick question: I've noticed several requests for me to add Toga as Souta's other potential partner alongside Hatsume. While this would go against the one-partner agreement I made with everyone, I wanted to see how everyone feels about this now that I have more readers than when I first conducted my original poll.
Anime & Comics · GAF_00_TW
only hatsune
I'm only willing to do one other partner, and with how I have written the story so far, Toga may be the only other love interest I'm willing to add, considering that these two characters are most likely the only ones I can see accepting a polyamorous relationship.
Anime & Comics · GAF_00_TW
no haku es la reina ( en agedrez la reina es la pieza más poderosa por lo tanto recomiendo, al dragón de 3 estrellas de dragón ball gt pero del juego que obtiene una transformación)
1. Should mikoto fall for mc ?
Anime & Comics · gacha927
no Mikoto gacha
yin es frío y sinónimo de muerte, permanente yang es vida y calor, fugaz rayo es desorden un rayo que maldice haciendo que vuelva a elecotrucar cada tanto ying yang+rayo con mucha más fuerza, pero cambierte la materia en energía del rayo
Naruto : Dragon Jinchuriki
Anime & Comics · Rikud0u